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Stephen Robson   MEng PhD

Stephen Robson

MEng PhD

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Stephen Robson


I am a senior lecturer and deputy group leader of the Advanced High Voltage Engineering Research Centre

My current research interests focus on 1) The application of machine learning and advanced techniques for fault location and detection on power networks, 2) Development of Power Line Communication, 3) Condition Monitoring of high voltage assets, 4) Earthing and lightning protection, 5) Optimisation techniques (discrete particle swarm optimisation) for smart asset management), 6) Simulation and modelling of travelling wave Phenomena using EMTP, 7) Use of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology for condition monitoring or edge computing.

My past and ongoing research activities:

  • Fundamental research into resilient alternatives for GNSS/GPS/Galileo Positioning, Timing and Navigation using eLoran and a novel Power Line Communication based approach.
  • Development of machine learning algorithms for fault detection in future power networks dominated by power electronics. This ongoing project is a collaborative EPSRC funded project (with Imperial College London, Tsinghua University and Hefei University).
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnership (academic supervisor) with Eriez, to digitalise an industrial metal detector.
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnership  (academic supervisor)  with Kingsmill Industries, to embed earthing and lightning protection expertise
  • Development of a novel Power Line Communication modulation scheme based on the LoRa physical layer, which is a more robust approach to PLC than conventional methods. I have developed advanced simulation methodologies for PLC modelling, e.g. Modelling and analysis of the Prime and G3-PLC modulation schemes.
  • Development of a novel condition monitoring system for contactless measurement of trapped charge on 275kV busbars.
  • Development of an Overhead Line Monitoring System (OHMS Ω) system, in collaboration with the Power Networks Research Academy (PNRA).
  • Investigation of the high frequency performance of earthing rods and insulated conductors, in collaboration with National Grid.

I am a member of BSI GEL/81 (protection against lightning) and Cardiff University's representative on the Power Academy scholarship scheme.



Get in touch: please do not hesitate to contact me via email for academic inquiries: Dr. Stephen Robson's email























Awarding body

Project title


Duration from/ to


Innovate UK

Feasibility Study into the use of Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Metal Detection (Extension)

Robson S, Hall J


Innovate UK Feasibility Study into the use of Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Metal Detection Robson S, Hall J 12/1/2023-4/30/2024 £24,990
EPSRC Technology Transformation to Support Flexible and Resilient Local Energy Systems Robson S, Haddad A 01/01/2020-01/09/2022 £175k via Imperial
Innovate UK Digitisation of Industrial Metal Detection (KTP) Hall J, Robson S, Anderson P, Melikhov Y 01/03/2020-01/03/2023 £262k
Innovate UK Embedding Earthing Systems Expertise Haddad A, Robson S 01/03/2020-01/03/2023 £175k
National Grid High Frequency Earthing and its impact on the transmission system Haddad A, Robson S 01/03/19-30/07/21 £292k
WEFO – European Regional Development Fund FLEXIS West – Flexible Energy Systems Haddad A, Robson S 01/07/15-28/02/21 £735k
WEFO – European Regional Development Fund FLEXIS East – Flexible Energy Systems Haddad A, Robson S 01/07/15-28/02/21 £126k
Power Networks Research Academy (PNRA) An Overhead Line Monitoring System for 11kV lines (OHMS-1) Robson S 01/07/15 – 01/01/16 £25K
Power Networks Research Academy (PNRA) An Overhead Line Monitoring System for 11kV lines (OHMS-2) Robson S 01/02/17- 01/09/17 £16.2K
National Grid Measurement of direct voltage decay on 275kV transmission cable lines  Robson S, Haddad A 01/03/19-30/07/21 £12.5k

Supervised Students





Placement of Remotely Operable Switches using Particle Swarm Optimisation  OMAR Saodah Binti Complete PhD
Novel Techniques for Metal Detection using Digital Signal Processing Christopher Dyer Current PhD
Fault Locaton on Distribution and Transmission Networks Fei Xie Current PhD
Assessment of Silicone Rubber Insulators Performance Abdulaziz Alshehri Current PhD


  • 1st Year Power Engineering - introduction to power engineering
  • 2nd Year Power Engineering and laboratories
  • 2nd Year FPGA digital design - introduction to Field Programmable Gate Arrays and applications
  • 2nd Year Group Design Project
  • 3rd Year FPGA digital design - more advanced course in FPGAs


Education and Qualifications

2006: Awarded a Power Academy scholarship with National Grid

2007: MEng (1st Class Honours) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Cardiff University

2007-2008 - National Grid Graduate Development scheme, with placements in Asset Management and demand forecasting.

2012: PhD in Electrical Engineering, Cardiff University (Power Networks Research Academy scholarship)

2016: Postgraduate Certificate of University Teaching and Learning (PCUTL)

Honours and awards

  • August 2007: Award for the best performing graduate student on the MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree scheme
  • September 2009: Award for the first prize presenter at the North American Power Symposium (NAPS) in Mississippi, USA
  • September 2020: Paper award (top 5%) at UPEC 2020.

Professional memberships

  • Member of the IEEE
  • Membership of BSI GEL/81 Protection against lightning standards committee.

Committees and reviewing

Member of the Power Academy Council.

Chair of the Universities High Voltage Network - UHVnet (2022-2023)

Journal Reviewer for IEEE Power Delivery and IET Transmission and Distribution.

I authored the Energy Systems chapter of the Welsh Government's Material and Advanced Engineering Knowledge Exchange Strategy (MAeKES) report


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Power Line Communication
  • Fault Location on electrical networks
  • Earthing and lightning protection
  • Optimisation studies
  • Application of machine learning to fault detection and smart asset management
  • Application of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology to edge computing 

Contact Details

Research themes


  • FPGA digital design
  • Earthing systems
  • Fault Location
  • Power Line Communication
  • Artificial intelligence