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Neil Roche

Neil Roche

Research Associate, Welsh Economy Research Unit


I am a Research Associate in the Welsh Economy Research Unit (WERU) of Cardiff Business School.

With WERU members I have been involved in a wide range of externally funded research projects which have been undertaken for private and public organisations, including most recently:

  • A £1.2m programme of EU research in Wales examining small firm impacts of access to superfast broadband services.

I have published in a wide range of leading journals including Marine Policy, European Sport Management Quarterly, and the International Journal of Tourism Research.

My roles include being an Assistant Editor of the Welsh Economic Review, which is published online by Cardiff University Press.

I have played football in the Italian Torneo dei Borghi at portiere (goalkeeper), rowed on a replica Viking longship in Denmark, and have been the cause of much hilarity to the locals with my Chinese line-dancing in Heilongjiang.












  • Bryan, J. and Roche, N. 2012. The economy: a statistical review of Wales in 2011. In: Chaney, P. and Royles, E. eds. Contemporary Wales - An Annual Review of Economic, Political and Social Research: Volume 25., Vol. 25. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press, pp. 115-146.



  • Bryan, J. and Roche, N. 2009. The Welsh economy: 2008 under review. In: Chaney, P. ed. Contemporary Wales: An Annual Review of Economic Political and Social Research., Vol. 22. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press, pp. 62-94.





Book sections

  • Bryan, J. and Roche, N. 2012. The economy: a statistical review of Wales in 2011. In: Chaney, P. and Royles, E. eds. Contemporary Wales - An Annual Review of Economic, Political and Social Research: Volume 25., Vol. 25. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press, pp. 115-146.
  • Bryan, J. and Roche, N. 2010. Wales in 2010: recession or recovery?. In: Chaney, P., Royles, E. and Thompson, A. eds. Contemporary Wales: an annual review of economic political and social research., Vol. 23. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 161-191.
  • Bryan, J. and Roche, N. 2009. The Welsh economy: 2008 under review. In: Chaney, P. ed. Contemporary Wales: An Annual Review of Economic Political and Social Research., Vol. 22. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press, pp. 62-94.
  • Bryan, J. and Roche, N. 2008. The Welsh economy: state of the nation in 2007. In: Chaney, P., Royles, E. and Thompson, A. eds. Contemporary Wales: An Annual Review of Economic Political and Social Research., Vol. 21. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press, pp. 218-248.




Primary research interests:

  • Broadband and digital adoption
  • Regional economics and policy
  • Tourism economics
  • Sustainable development
  • The economics of sport

Recent funded research includes:

2016-2020: ERDF Superfast Broadband Exploitation project, Digital Maturity Survey for Wales, £1.2m with WERU team. Annual Digital Maturity Survey report, and Annual Economic Impact Report SFBBE. Major programme of EU research in Wales examining small firm impacts of access to superfast broadband services.

2015: Community Energy Wales. Research to provide a detailed audit of community energy in Wales in 2015, and to describe the evolution of community energy projects in Wales.

2014: Welsh European Funding Office. ESF Combined Analysis. Longitudinal analysis of three ESF Leavers Surveys in Wales. With Rhys Davies (WISERD), Max Munday (WERU) and Gerry Makepeace (CARBS).

2014: Cardiff City Council. Employer Engagement – Linking Job Growth, Employment Support and the NEET Agenda in Cardiff. Research on NEETS in Cardiff.

2014: Welsh European Funding Office (IFF Research, London) European Social Fund Leavers Survey 2013. Analysis of the findings from the survey undertaken by IFF in London.

2013-2014: Cardiff events research analysis. Sponsored by Cardiff Harbour Authority. I led the project, with contributions from Professor Calvin Jones and Professor Max Munday.

2012-2013: Welsh Government. Energy Sector Employment Multipliers study, £46,400, with WERU team and Regeneris Consulting.

2012-2013: Renewable UK. Economic impact of inshore wind in Wales,  with Regeneris Consulting and WERU.

2012-2014: Cadw, Visit Wales, Capital Regional Tourism. “Monitoring and evaluation framework for Environment for Growth (ERDF) projects”.  Second phase of research to monitor and evaluate E4G projects across Wales. Includes development of web resources to support project managers in undertaking surveys to support evaluation, and analysis to examine environmental effects of tourism in Wales.

2012-2014: Countryside Council for Wales “Monitoring and evaluation framework for Environment for Growth (ERDF) projects”, Evaluation of CCW E4G Coastal Path projects and monitoring of outcomes.

2012-2013: “Linking the Welsh Economy to the Environment” research programme with Environment Agency Wales examining water valuation, metal mine remediation, policy evaluation and specific programme analysis.

2012-2013: “Research assistance with Economic Model of COMAH sites”, research for Health and Safety Laboratories.

2008-2015: "The Housing Associations of Wales: Measuring the Impact of the Welsh Housing and Community Mutual Sector" research for Community Housing Cymru.



  • BScEcon (Hons), Economics, University of Wales, Swansea.
  • MSc, Computing, Cardiff University, Cardiff.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76648
Campuses Aberconway Building, Room T01c, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU