Professor Clair Rowden
PhD MA BMus (Hons) FHEA
Professor of Musicology
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a graduate of Goldsmith's College, University of London, and gained my PhD at City University, London in 2002.
My research deals mainly with musical theatre and nineteenth-century France, and I have published widely on the critical reception and cultural history of opera, stage production, dance, iconography and press caricature.
I am co-director of CIRO (Cardiff Interdisciplinary Research in Opera and Drama) which works in close collaboration with Welsh National Opera and other performing and professional institutions, and I regularly write programme notes and give pre-performance talks for major opera houses and festivals in Europe.
I have held visiting fellowships in France, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico and Finland.
- Rowden, C. 2023. Ohé! les p’tits agneaux! A Parisian revue de fin d’année for 185, ed. Richard Sherr [Book Review]. Notes: the Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 79(4), pp. 651-654.
- Rowden, C. and San Martín Arbide, L. 2023. #JeSuisCarmen [Programme Note]. Paris: Opéra-Comique.
- Rowden, C. 2023. ‘¿Por qué eres Romeo?’ [Programme Note].Gago, L. Bilbao: Bilbao Opera.
- Rowden, C. 2023. ‘Operatic gems: Adelina Patti, prerogative and paste’. In: Talasniemi, J., Broman-Kananen, U. and Koivisto-Kaasik, N. eds. “Her creative process”: pathways to music history and performance. Festschrift for Anne Kauppala. DocMus Research Publications Helsinki: Univeristy of the Arts Helsinki, pp. 79-98.
- Rowden, C. 2023. ‘Anne Charton-Demeur: a “classical” diva’. Berlioz Society Bulletin 219, pp. 18-35.
- Rowden, C. 2022. Hugh Macdonald, Saint-Saëns and the stage: Operas, plays, pageants, a ballet and a film [Book Review]. Fontes Artis Musicae 69(1), pp. 59-63. (10.1353/fam.2022.0002)
- Rowden, C. 2022. Hérodias et les Salomé des scènes parisiennes. In: Reynaud, C. and Séginger, G. eds. Berlioz, Flaubert et l’Orient. Paris: Le Passage, pp. 226-237.
- Rowden, C. 2022. Stéphane Leteuré, Croquer Saint-Saëns: Une histoire de la représentation du musicien par la caricature [Book Review]. La Revue de Musicologie 108(2), pp. 505-507.
- Rowden, C. 2021. Catholicism and moral philosophy in nineteenth-century France. In: Dufetel, N. ed. Religious Music in Ninteenth-Century France. Turnhout: Brepols
- Smith, R. L. and Rowden, C. 2020. 'Carmen' at home and abroad. In: Carmen Abroad: Bizet's Opera on the Global Stage. Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-25.
- Rowden, C. and Arbide, L. S. M. 2020. Final féministe: les défis de la mise en scène au XXIème siècle. #JeSuisCarmen. In: Lozier, C. and Marc, I. eds. Carmen Revisitée / Revisiter Carmen: Nouveaux Visages d'Un Mythe Transversal. Comparatisme Et Société / Comparatism and Society Peter Lang, pp. 159-174.
- Rowden, C. 2020. Opera and parody in Paris, 1860-1900. Music and Visual Cultures. Brepols.
- Rowden, C. 2020. Charles Gounod, Cantates et musique sacrée - Flemish Radio Choir and the Brussels Philharmonic, Hervé Niquet cond - Includes book of essays in French and English edited by Alexandre Dratwicki - Collection Prix de Rome, vol. 6 - Ediciones Singulares 1030, 2017 (2 CDs: 127 minutes). Nineteenth-Century Music Review 17(2), pp. 297-300. (10.1017/S1479409818000605)
- Smith, R. L. and Rowden, C. eds. 2020. Carmen abroad: Bizet's opera on the global stage. Cambridge University Press.
- Rowden, C. 2020. 'Carmen' faces Paris and the provinces. In: Langham Smith, R. and Rowden, C. eds. Carmen Abroad: Bizet's Opera on the Global Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-63.
- Rowden, C. 2020. The sopranos, Parisian style, 1869. In: Opera as Institution: Networks and Professions (1730-1917). LIT Verlag, pp. 119-134.
- Rowden, C. 2019. “Le Tétraque se perdait dans un rêve”: concordance between Flaubert’s Hérodias and Hérodiade by Milliet, Grémont and Massenet. Flaubert: Revue Critique et Génétique 21
- Rowden, C. 2019. Carmen: Life and death on stage in the 21st century. Cardiff: Welsh National Opera.
- Rowden, C. 2018. Deferent daisies: Caroline Miolan Carvalho, Christine Nilsson and Marguerite, 1869. Cambridge Opera Journal 30(2-3), pp. 237-258. (10.1017/S0954586719000089)
- Rowden, C. 2018. Reinventing 'Carmen'. Opera 69(2), pp. 139-144.
- Rowden, C. and Langham Smith, R. 2018. Carmen abroad: The when and where of Carmen performances, 1875-1945. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Rowden, C. 2017. 'Du grand au petit': Faust on Parisian stages in 1869. In: Niccolai, M. and Rowden, C. eds. Musical Theatre in Europe 1830-1945. Speculum Musicae Turnhout: Brepols
- Rowden, C. 2017. Parodying opera in Paris: Tannhäuser on the popular stage, 1861. In: Kauppala, A., Broman-Kananen, U. and Hesselager, J. eds. Tracing Operatic and Theatrical Performances in the Long 19th Century: Practices, Performers, Peripheries. DocMus Research Publications Helsinki: Sibelius Academy, pp. 43-82.
- Niccolai, M. and Rowden, C. eds. 2017. Musical theatre in Europe 1830-1945. Turnhout: Brepols.
- Rowden, C. and Niccolai, M. 2017. Introduction. In: Rowden, C. and Niccolai, M. eds. Musical Theatre in Europe 1830-1945. Brepols
- Rowden, C. 2016. Bizet. By Hugh Macdonald. The Bizet Catalogue. By Hugh Macdonald [Review]. Music and Letters 97(2), pp. 355-356. (10.1093/ml/gcw024)
- Rowden, C. 2016. In the power of Venus, yet in union with Christ: Jules Massenet’s ‘comédie lyrique’ Thaïs’, Salzburger Festspiele programme (Austria) [Programme note]. Salzburger Festspiele programme.
- Rowden, C. S. 2015. Loie Fuller and Salome: The unveiling of a myth. In: Lee, H. and Segal, N. eds. Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture. Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts Vol. 34. Peter Lang, pp. 93-110.
- Rowden, C. 2015. ‘From the fairground to the heights of French art : Opéra comiqueand Le Pré aux clercs’, 64th Wexford Festival Opera 2015 Season programme [Programme notes]. 64th Wexford Festival Opera 2015 Season programme.
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. 'Thais': adaptation, degeneration and intermediality. Dix-Neuf 18(2), pp. 134-149. (10.1179/1478731814Z.00000000049)
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. La Dramaturgie de Gustave Charpentier. By Michela Niccolai. Music and Letters 95(2), pp. 299-302. (10.1093/ml/gcu025)
- Bizet, G. 2014. Carmen. {Musical Score: Vocal Score}.
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. The other 'Salome'. Opera, pp. 1234-1241.
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. Memorialisation, commemoration et commercialisation: Massenet et la caricature. In: Branger, J. and Giroud, V. eds. Massenet aujourd’hui : Héritage et postérité. Publications de l'Universite de Saint-Etienne, pp. 39-64.
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. Wilde's 'Salome': a very modern French affair. Wexford Festival Opera.
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Whose/who's Salome? Natalia Trouhanowa, a dancing diva. In: Rowden, C. S. ed. Performing Salome, Revealing Stories. Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 71-98.
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Introduction. In: Rowden, C. S. ed. Performing Salome, Revealing Stories. Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-14.
- Rowden, C. S. ed. 2013. Performing Salome, revealing stories. Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Memorialisation, commemoration and commodification: Massenet and caricature. Cambridge Opera Journal 25(2), pp. 139-163. (10.1017/S0954586713000049)
- 2013. Salome. [Online]. Francophone Music Criticism 1789-1914. Available at:
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Jann Pasler, ed., Camille Saint-Saëns and his world. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2012. [Book Review]. H-France Review 13(40), pp. 1-7.
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Choral music and music making in France. In: Di Grazia, D. M. ed. Nineteenth-Century Choral Music. Routledge Studies in Musical Genres Abingdon. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 205-212.
- Bizet, G. 2013. Carmen. {Musical Score}.
- Rowden, C. S. 2012. The Choral Music of Félicien David, Charles Gounod, and Jules Massenet. In: Di Grazia, D. M. ed. Nineteenth-Century Choral Music. Routledge Studies in Musical Genres London: Routledge
- Rowden, C. S. 2012. La Reception des Pecheurs de Perles [Programme note]. Opera Comique, Paris, pp. 71-76.
- Rowden, C. S. 2011. The End of the Fairytale [Programme note]. In: Cendrillon. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 12-19.
- 2011. Massenet, La Navarraise. Paris premiere. Dossier de presse. [Online]. Francophone Music Criticism, 1789-1914: Institute of Musical Research. Available at:
- 2011. Mascagni, Cavalleria rusticana, Paris premiere. Dossier de presse. [Online]. Francophone Music Criticism, 1789-1914: Institute of Musical Research. Available at:
- Rowden, C. S. 2011. Salome and modern opera: a Parisian perspective. In: Brosche, G. et al. eds. Richard Strauss-Jahrbuch 2011: Richard Strauss im Europäischen Kontext. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, pp. 163-176.
- Moore, R., Hamer, L. and Branger, A. 2011. Complete criticism of Joseph d’Ortigues. [Online]. Francophone Music Criticism 1789-1914: Institute of Musical Research. Available at:
- Rowden, C. S. 2011. Annegret Fauser & Mark Everist (eds.), Music, Theater, and Cultural Transfer: Paris 1830-1914 (University of Chicago Press, 2009), 439 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-226-23926-2. [Book Review]. H: France 11(99)
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. 'Les Pêcheurs' and the Parisian Press [Programme note]. In: Les Pêcheurs de Perles. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 27-34.
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. A Source of Lyricism [Programme note]. In: Roméo et Juliette. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 32-36.
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. Sentiment and Reminiscence [Programme note]. In: Manon. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 25-31.
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. Andreas Giger, Verdi and the French Aesthetic: Verse, Stanza, and Melody in Nineteenth-Century Opera (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). x + 294pp. £52.00 [Book Review]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 7(2), pp. 129-132. (10.1017/S1479409800003657)
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. An Introduction to the Dramatic Works of Giacomo Meyerbeer: Operas, Ballets, Cantatas, Plays. By Robert Ignatius Letellier. [Book Review]. Music and Letters 91(3), pp. 441-444. (10.1093/ml/gcq031)
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. Loïe Fuller et Salomé: Les drames mimés de Gabriel Pierné et de Florent Schmitt. In: Branger, J. ed. Musique et Chorégraphie en France de Léo Delibes à Florent Schmitt. Musicologie - Cahiers de l'Esplanade Vol. 6. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, pp. 215-259.
- Rowden, C. S. 2009. Alexandra Wilson, The Puccini Problem: Opera, Nationalism and Modernity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), ISBN 978-0-521-85688-1 (hb) [Book Review]. twentieth-century music 6(1), pp. 115-118. (10.1017/S1478572210000083)
- Rowden, C. S. 2009. Opera, caricature and the unconscious: Massenet’s 'Thaïs', a case study. Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography XXXIV(1-2), pp. 274-289.
- Rowden, C. S. 2008. Massenet and the 'Manon' score [Programme note]. In: Manon. London: Royal Opera House presents The Royal Ballet, pp. 19-24.
- Rowden, C. S. 2008. Decentralisation and regeneration at the Théâtre des Arts, Rouen, 1889-1891. Revue de Musicologie 94(1), pp. 139-180.
- Rowden, C. S. 2008. Berlioz and Debussy: Sources, Contexts and Legacies: Essays in Honour of François Lesure [Book Review]. Musicology Australia 30(1), pp. 141-143. (10.1080/08145857.2008.10416750)
- Rowden, C. S. 2008. French Music Since Berlioz [Book Review]. Musicology Australia 30(1), pp. 135-140. (10.1080/08145857.2008.10416749)
- Rowden, C. S. 2007. Cinderella takes a Roman holiday [programme note]. In: La Cenerentola. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 9-12.
- Rowden, C. S. 2007. Werther, La Navarraise and Verismo: A Matter of Taste. Franco - British Studies: journal of the British Institute in Paris 37, pp. 3 -34.
- Rowden, C. S. 2007. Massenet and 'Thaïs': the religious context [programme note]. In: Thaïs. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 29-33.
- Rowden, C. S. 2006. David Charlton (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Grand Opera (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003). 496 pp. $29.99 [Book Review]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 3(1), pp. 122-125. (10.1017/S1479409800000380)
- Rowden, C. S. 2006. L'amour sacré et le sacre de l'amour: l'homme saint chez Massenet. In: Ramaut, A. and Branger, J. eds. Opéra et Religion sous la IIIe République. Travaux Vol. 129. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, pp. 257-284.
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. 'The island’s full of noises, sounds and voices': l’écriture vocale de Thomas Adès [Programme note]. In: Avant-Scène Opéra: Thomas Adès 'The Tempest'. Vol. 222. Paris: Avant-Scène Opéra, pp. 80-83.
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. 'Werther' at home and abroad [programme note]. In: Werther. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 43-48.
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. Meyerbeer [Book Review]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 1(2), pp. 139-141. (10.1017/S1479409800001506)
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. Julian Rushton, The Music of Berlioz (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001). xv + 363pp. £50 (hb) £21.99 (pb) [Book Review]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 1(2), pp. 112-115. (10.1017/S1479409800001415)
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. Republican morality and Catholic tradition in opera: Massenet's Hérodïade and Thaïs. Etudes sur l'opéra français du XIXème siècle Vol. 6. Weinsberg: Musik-Edition Lucie Galland.
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. Paris – Londres : 'La Navarraise' face à la presse. In: Branger, J. and Ramaut, A. eds. Le Naturalisme sur la scène lyrique. Musicologie - Cahiers de L'Esplanade Vol. 3. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, pp. 106-128.
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Explosive Opera: 'La Navarraise' face à la critique londonienne [Programme note]. In: Avant-Scène Opéra: Massenet 'Sapho', 'La Navarraise'. Paris: Avant-Scène Opéra, pp. 80-81.
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Hérodiade [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Thais [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Cendrillon [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Grisélidis [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. La Navarraise [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame [Dictionary article]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Chérubin [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Review: Reading Critics Reading: Opera and Ballet Criticism in France from the Revolution to 1848 [Book Review]. Music and Letters 84(2), pp. 300-302. (10.1093/ml/84.2.300)
- Rowden, C. S. 2002. 'Hérodiade': Church, State and the Feminist Movement. Presented at: Tenth International Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music, Bristol, UK, July 1998 Presented at Samson, J. and Zon, B. eds.Nineteenth-Century Music: Selected Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference. London: Ashgate pp. 250-278.
- Rowden, C. S. ed. 2000. Jules Massenet, Thaïs: dossier de presse parisienne (1894). Critiques de l'opéra français du XIXe siècle. Heilbronn: Musik-Edition Lucie Galland.
- Rowden, C. S. 1998. 'Hérodiade': anticlerical, imperial or republican opera?. British Postgraduate Musicology 2, pp. 2-15.
- Rowden, C. 2023. Ohé! les p’tits agneaux! A Parisian revue de fin d’année for 185, ed. Richard Sherr [Book Review]. Notes: the Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 79(4), pp. 651-654.
- Rowden, C. 2023. ‘Anne Charton-Demeur: a “classical” diva’. Berlioz Society Bulletin 219, pp. 18-35.
- Rowden, C. 2022. Hugh Macdonald, Saint-Saëns and the stage: Operas, plays, pageants, a ballet and a film [Book Review]. Fontes Artis Musicae 69(1), pp. 59-63. (10.1353/fam.2022.0002)
- Rowden, C. 2022. Stéphane Leteuré, Croquer Saint-Saëns: Une histoire de la représentation du musicien par la caricature [Book Review]. La Revue de Musicologie 108(2), pp. 505-507.
- Rowden, C. 2020. Charles Gounod, Cantates et musique sacrée - Flemish Radio Choir and the Brussels Philharmonic, Hervé Niquet cond - Includes book of essays in French and English edited by Alexandre Dratwicki - Collection Prix de Rome, vol. 6 - Ediciones Singulares 1030, 2017 (2 CDs: 127 minutes). Nineteenth-Century Music Review 17(2), pp. 297-300. (10.1017/S1479409818000605)
- Rowden, C. 2019. “Le Tétraque se perdait dans un rêve”: concordance between Flaubert’s Hérodias and Hérodiade by Milliet, Grémont and Massenet. Flaubert: Revue Critique et Génétique 21
- Rowden, C. 2018. Deferent daisies: Caroline Miolan Carvalho, Christine Nilsson and Marguerite, 1869. Cambridge Opera Journal 30(2-3), pp. 237-258. (10.1017/S0954586719000089)
- Rowden, C. 2018. Reinventing 'Carmen'. Opera 69(2), pp. 139-144.
- Rowden, C. 2016. Bizet. By Hugh Macdonald. The Bizet Catalogue. By Hugh Macdonald [Review]. Music and Letters 97(2), pp. 355-356. (10.1093/ml/gcw024)
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. 'Thais': adaptation, degeneration and intermediality. Dix-Neuf 18(2), pp. 134-149. (10.1179/1478731814Z.00000000049)
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. La Dramaturgie de Gustave Charpentier. By Michela Niccolai. Music and Letters 95(2), pp. 299-302. (10.1093/ml/gcu025)
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. The other 'Salome'. Opera, pp. 1234-1241.
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Memorialisation, commemoration and commodification: Massenet and caricature. Cambridge Opera Journal 25(2), pp. 139-163. (10.1017/S0954586713000049)
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Jann Pasler, ed., Camille Saint-Saëns and his world. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2012. [Book Review]. H-France Review 13(40), pp. 1-7.
- Rowden, C. S. 2012. La Reception des Pecheurs de Perles [Programme note]. Opera Comique, Paris, pp. 71-76.
- Rowden, C. S. 2011. Annegret Fauser & Mark Everist (eds.), Music, Theater, and Cultural Transfer: Paris 1830-1914 (University of Chicago Press, 2009), 439 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-226-23926-2. [Book Review]. H: France 11(99)
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. Andreas Giger, Verdi and the French Aesthetic: Verse, Stanza, and Melody in Nineteenth-Century Opera (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). x + 294pp. £52.00 [Book Review]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 7(2), pp. 129-132. (10.1017/S1479409800003657)
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. An Introduction to the Dramatic Works of Giacomo Meyerbeer: Operas, Ballets, Cantatas, Plays. By Robert Ignatius Letellier. [Book Review]. Music and Letters 91(3), pp. 441-444. (10.1093/ml/gcq031)
- Rowden, C. S. 2009. Alexandra Wilson, The Puccini Problem: Opera, Nationalism and Modernity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), ISBN 978-0-521-85688-1 (hb) [Book Review]. twentieth-century music 6(1), pp. 115-118. (10.1017/S1478572210000083)
- Rowden, C. S. 2009. Opera, caricature and the unconscious: Massenet’s 'Thaïs', a case study. Music in Art: International Journal for Music Iconography XXXIV(1-2), pp. 274-289.
- Rowden, C. S. 2008. Decentralisation and regeneration at the Théâtre des Arts, Rouen, 1889-1891. Revue de Musicologie 94(1), pp. 139-180.
- Rowden, C. S. 2008. Berlioz and Debussy: Sources, Contexts and Legacies: Essays in Honour of François Lesure [Book Review]. Musicology Australia 30(1), pp. 141-143. (10.1080/08145857.2008.10416750)
- Rowden, C. S. 2008. French Music Since Berlioz [Book Review]. Musicology Australia 30(1), pp. 135-140. (10.1080/08145857.2008.10416749)
- Rowden, C. S. 2007. Werther, La Navarraise and Verismo: A Matter of Taste. Franco - British Studies: journal of the British Institute in Paris 37, pp. 3 -34.
- Rowden, C. S. 2006. David Charlton (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Grand Opera (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003). 496 pp. $29.99 [Book Review]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 3(1), pp. 122-125. (10.1017/S1479409800000380)
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. Meyerbeer [Book Review]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 1(2), pp. 139-141. (10.1017/S1479409800001506)
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. Julian Rushton, The Music of Berlioz (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001). xv + 363pp. £50 (hb) £21.99 (pb) [Book Review]. Nineteenth-Century Music Review 1(2), pp. 112-115. (10.1017/S1479409800001415)
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Review: Reading Critics Reading: Opera and Ballet Criticism in France from the Revolution to 1848 [Book Review]. Music and Letters 84(2), pp. 300-302. (10.1093/ml/84.2.300)
- Rowden, C. S. 1998. 'Hérodiade': anticlerical, imperial or republican opera?. British Postgraduate Musicology 2, pp. 2-15.
Book sections
- Rowden, C. 2023. ‘Operatic gems: Adelina Patti, prerogative and paste’. In: Talasniemi, J., Broman-Kananen, U. and Koivisto-Kaasik, N. eds. “Her creative process”: pathways to music history and performance. Festschrift for Anne Kauppala. DocMus Research Publications Helsinki: Univeristy of the Arts Helsinki, pp. 79-98.
- Rowden, C. 2022. Hérodias et les Salomé des scènes parisiennes. In: Reynaud, C. and Séginger, G. eds. Berlioz, Flaubert et l’Orient. Paris: Le Passage, pp. 226-237.
- Rowden, C. 2021. Catholicism and moral philosophy in nineteenth-century France. In: Dufetel, N. ed. Religious Music in Ninteenth-Century France. Turnhout: Brepols
- Smith, R. L. and Rowden, C. 2020. 'Carmen' at home and abroad. In: Carmen Abroad: Bizet's Opera on the Global Stage. Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-25.
- Rowden, C. and Arbide, L. S. M. 2020. Final féministe: les défis de la mise en scène au XXIème siècle. #JeSuisCarmen. In: Lozier, C. and Marc, I. eds. Carmen Revisitée / Revisiter Carmen: Nouveaux Visages d'Un Mythe Transversal. Comparatisme Et Société / Comparatism and Society Peter Lang, pp. 159-174.
- Rowden, C. 2020. 'Carmen' faces Paris and the provinces. In: Langham Smith, R. and Rowden, C. eds. Carmen Abroad: Bizet's Opera on the Global Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-63.
- Rowden, C. 2020. The sopranos, Parisian style, 1869. In: Opera as Institution: Networks and Professions (1730-1917). LIT Verlag, pp. 119-134.
- Rowden, C. 2017. 'Du grand au petit': Faust on Parisian stages in 1869. In: Niccolai, M. and Rowden, C. eds. Musical Theatre in Europe 1830-1945. Speculum Musicae Turnhout: Brepols
- Rowden, C. 2017. Parodying opera in Paris: Tannhäuser on the popular stage, 1861. In: Kauppala, A., Broman-Kananen, U. and Hesselager, J. eds. Tracing Operatic and Theatrical Performances in the Long 19th Century: Practices, Performers, Peripheries. DocMus Research Publications Helsinki: Sibelius Academy, pp. 43-82.
- Rowden, C. and Niccolai, M. 2017. Introduction. In: Rowden, C. and Niccolai, M. eds. Musical Theatre in Europe 1830-1945. Brepols
- Rowden, C. S. 2015. Loie Fuller and Salome: The unveiling of a myth. In: Lee, H. and Segal, N. eds. Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture. Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts Vol. 34. Peter Lang, pp. 93-110.
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. Memorialisation, commemoration et commercialisation: Massenet et la caricature. In: Branger, J. and Giroud, V. eds. Massenet aujourd’hui : Héritage et postérité. Publications de l'Universite de Saint-Etienne, pp. 39-64.
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Whose/who's Salome? Natalia Trouhanowa, a dancing diva. In: Rowden, C. S. ed. Performing Salome, Revealing Stories. Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 71-98.
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Introduction. In: Rowden, C. S. ed. Performing Salome, Revealing Stories. Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-14.
- Rowden, C. S. 2013. Choral music and music making in France. In: Di Grazia, D. M. ed. Nineteenth-Century Choral Music. Routledge Studies in Musical Genres Abingdon. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 205-212.
- Rowden, C. S. 2012. The Choral Music of Félicien David, Charles Gounod, and Jules Massenet. In: Di Grazia, D. M. ed. Nineteenth-Century Choral Music. Routledge Studies in Musical Genres London: Routledge
- Rowden, C. S. 2011. The End of the Fairytale [Programme note]. In: Cendrillon. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 12-19.
- Rowden, C. S. 2011. Salome and modern opera: a Parisian perspective. In: Brosche, G. et al. eds. Richard Strauss-Jahrbuch 2011: Richard Strauss im Europäischen Kontext. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, pp. 163-176.
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. 'Les Pêcheurs' and the Parisian Press [Programme note]. In: Les Pêcheurs de Perles. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 27-34.
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. A Source of Lyricism [Programme note]. In: Roméo et Juliette. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 32-36.
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. Sentiment and Reminiscence [Programme note]. In: Manon. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 25-31.
- Rowden, C. S. 2010. Loïe Fuller et Salomé: Les drames mimés de Gabriel Pierné et de Florent Schmitt. In: Branger, J. ed. Musique et Chorégraphie en France de Léo Delibes à Florent Schmitt. Musicologie - Cahiers de l'Esplanade Vol. 6. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, pp. 215-259.
- Rowden, C. S. 2008. Massenet and the 'Manon' score [Programme note]. In: Manon. London: Royal Opera House presents The Royal Ballet, pp. 19-24.
- Rowden, C. S. 2007. Cinderella takes a Roman holiday [programme note]. In: La Cenerentola. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 9-12.
- Rowden, C. S. 2007. Massenet and 'Thaïs': the religious context [programme note]. In: Thaïs. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 29-33.
- Rowden, C. S. 2006. L'amour sacré et le sacre de l'amour: l'homme saint chez Massenet. In: Ramaut, A. and Branger, J. eds. Opéra et Religion sous la IIIe République. Travaux Vol. 129. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, pp. 257-284.
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. 'The island’s full of noises, sounds and voices': l’écriture vocale de Thomas Adès [Programme note]. In: Avant-Scène Opéra: Thomas Adès 'The Tempest'. Vol. 222. Paris: Avant-Scène Opéra, pp. 80-83.
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. 'Werther' at home and abroad [programme note]. In: Werther. London: Royal Opera House, pp. 43-48.
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. Paris – Londres : 'La Navarraise' face à la presse. In: Branger, J. and Ramaut, A. eds. Le Naturalisme sur la scène lyrique. Musicologie - Cahiers de L'Esplanade Vol. 3. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne, pp. 106-128.
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Explosive Opera: 'La Navarraise' face à la critique londonienne [Programme note]. In: Avant-Scène Opéra: Massenet 'Sapho', 'La Navarraise'. Paris: Avant-Scène Opéra, pp. 80-81.
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Hérodiade [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Thais [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Cendrillon [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Grisélidis [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. La Navarraise [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame [Dictionary article]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. S. 2003. Chérubin [Dictionary entry]. In: Fauquet, J. ed. Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Fayard
- Rowden, C. 2020. Opera and parody in Paris, 1860-1900. Music and Visual Cultures. Brepols.
- Smith, R. L. and Rowden, C. eds. 2020. Carmen abroad: Bizet's opera on the global stage. Cambridge University Press.
- Niccolai, M. and Rowden, C. eds. 2017. Musical theatre in Europe 1830-1945. Turnhout: Brepols.
- Rowden, C. S. ed. 2013. Performing Salome, revealing stories. Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Rowden, C. S. 2004. Republican morality and Catholic tradition in opera: Massenet's Hérodïade and Thaïs. Etudes sur l'opéra français du XIXème siècle Vol. 6. Weinsberg: Musik-Edition Lucie Galland.
- Rowden, C. S. ed. 2000. Jules Massenet, Thaïs: dossier de presse parisienne (1894). Critiques de l'opéra français du XIXe siècle. Heilbronn: Musik-Edition Lucie Galland.
- Rowden, C. S. 2002. 'Hérodiade': Church, State and the Feminist Movement. Presented at: Tenth International Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music, Bristol, UK, July 1998 Presented at Samson, J. and Zon, B. eds.Nineteenth-Century Music: Selected Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference. London: Ashgate pp. 250-278.
- Rowden, C. and San Martín Arbide, L. 2023. #JeSuisCarmen [Programme Note]. Paris: Opéra-Comique.
- Rowden, C. 2023. ‘¿Por qué eres Romeo?’ [Programme Note].Gago, L. Bilbao: Bilbao Opera.
- Rowden, C. 2019. Carmen: Life and death on stage in the 21st century. Cardiff: Welsh National Opera.
- Rowden, C. 2016. In the power of Venus, yet in union with Christ: Jules Massenet’s ‘comédie lyrique’ Thaïs’, Salzburger Festspiele programme (Austria) [Programme note]. Salzburger Festspiele programme.
- Rowden, C. 2015. ‘From the fairground to the heights of French art : Opéra comiqueand Le Pré aux clercs’, 64th Wexford Festival Opera 2015 Season programme [Programme notes]. 64th Wexford Festival Opera 2015 Season programme.
- Rowden, C. S. 2014. Wilde's 'Salome': a very modern French affair. Wexford Festival Opera.
- Rowden, C. and Langham Smith, R. 2018. Carmen abroad: The when and where of Carmen performances, 1875-1945. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- 2013. Salome. [Online]. Francophone Music Criticism 1789-1914. Available at:
- 2011. Massenet, La Navarraise. Paris premiere. Dossier de presse. [Online]. Francophone Music Criticism, 1789-1914: Institute of Musical Research. Available at:
- 2011. Mascagni, Cavalleria rusticana, Paris premiere. Dossier de presse. [Online]. Francophone Music Criticism, 1789-1914: Institute of Musical Research. Available at:
- Moore, R., Hamer, L. and Branger, A. 2011. Complete criticism of Joseph d’Ortigues. [Online]. Francophone Music Criticism 1789-1914: Institute of Musical Research. Available at:
- Rowden, C. 2018. Deferent daisies: Caroline Miolan Carvalho, Christine Nilsson and Marguerite, 1869. Cambridge Opera Journal 30(2-3), pp. 237-258. (10.1017/S0954586719000089)
My research focuses on nineteenth-century opera and France, from music editing and archival study to microhistory and reception studies, and including operatic staging and dance, iconography and gender.
Current research projects are on Saint-Saëns in Britain (to coincide with the Centenary Conference 'Saint-Saëns beyond Borders', which I am co-organising with Prof Barbara Kelly at the RNCM, February 2022) and on singers' jewellery in the long nineteenth-century.
Recent publications include Opera and Parody in France, 1860-1900 (Brepols, 2020) and Carmen Abroad, co-edited with Richard Langham Smith (Cambridge University Press, 2020). This collection is supplemented by the continually evolving website and online publication platform, supported by an BA/Leverhulme grant, which richly documents - via a global map, timeline, images and individual information pages - performances of Carmen across the world before 1945.
I am co-director of CIRO (Cardiff Interdisciplinary Research in Opera and Drama) with Dr Monika Hennemann and work closely with Welsh National Opera and its Friends association to provide a range of knowledge transfer events around the operatic seasons and on more broader issues relating to opera. I have organised (or co-organised) a number of events and symposia:
- Forthcoming September 2021, Caruso Centenary public event, in collaboration with Cardiff University Leverhulme Fellow Dr Barbara Gentili, Welsh National Opera
- February 2020, Discover Verdi's Les Vêpres siciliennes, Public event, Cardiff University
- September 2019, Carmen: Performance, Performers and Productions, Public event, Cardiff University
- March 2019, Understanding Opera: Adventures in Surtitling, Public study day, Welsh National Opera
- June 2017, Carmen Singer of the World, international conference in collaboration with BBC Cardiff Singer of the World
- February 2017, Opera creation, translation and surtitling, Public study day, Welsh National Opera
- November 2016, International Artistic Creation during WWI, National Museum Cardiff
- May 2016, Mametz Wood, poetry and song, Public study day in collaboration with Welsh National Opera, Wales Millennium Centre
- May 2014, International Interdisciplinary Symposium: Translation in Music, Cardiff University
The Commemorating WWI: Conflict and Creativity project (2016) was supported by an AHRC Cultural Encounters Fellowship.
I am an international steering group member of the research network 'France: Musiques, Cultures 1789-1918', and have been responsible for the preparation of on-line editions of various corpora of nineteenth-century French music criticism made available as part of the FMC's creation of a valuable web resource for researchers.
At undergraduate level, I teach modules on French and Italian opera in the nineteenth century, the business of opera, musical theatre, and music in Paris 1850-1900.
I supervise undergraduate dissertations on a wide range of topics from comparative literary studies of opera (e.g. Alexandre Dumas fils' La Dame aux camélias and Verdi's La traviata), through Russian nineteenth-century ballet, via the mega-musical in London's West End during the Thatcherite era, to Beyoncé and modern feminism.
At Masters level, I contribute to a number of team taught modules on gender, reception history, press critcisim, micro-history, archives, intertextuality and intermediality, programme note writing, academic writing, etc.
Education and Qualifications
2009: FHEA, Cardiff University
2002: PhD City University, London
1996: MA (Performance), City University, London
1994: DALF, Institut français, London
1992: BMus (Hons), Goldsmiths' College, University of London
Professional memberships
- Member of the Royal Musical Association (Council member, 2011-2013)
- Member of the American Musicological Society
Academic positions
- Visiting lecturer at City University
- Visiting lecturer at Université de Rouen
- Visiting lecturer at Royal Holloway, University of London
Committees and reviewing
- Peer reviewer, Cambridge Opera Journal, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Journal of the American Musicological Society, Nineteenth-Century Music Review, Music and Letters, Open Theology, Diplomatica: A journal of diplomacy and society
- Peer reviewer, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Ashgate (Routledge)
- Grant reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK)
- Editorial board, Studies in Music, Dance and Theatre Iconography, Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, Vienna
I'm happy to supervise PhDs on all areas of opera studies, both musicological and practice-based research, as well as French music and music in France during the long nineteenth century, and gender studies.