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Sivachidambaram Sadasivam

Dr Sivachidambaram Sadasivam

Research Fellow


Energy and Environment

A visionary multidisciplinary researcher adeptly tackles complex energy and environmental challenges by harnessing the power of chemical sciences and engineering principles. My research philosophy, as an inspirational leader, centers on the strategic development of technology readiness levels, which I effectively demonstrate in real-world scenarios. My top priority is to cultivate tangible research ideas and harness experimental outcomes to showcase the technical prowess and commercial feasibility of integrated energy systems, carbon capture and storage, and unconventional energy operations to achieve net-zero goals. My current role at Cardiff University involves developing ammonia-based integrated energy systems at the demonstrator scale and crafting catalytic converters for efficient ammonia cracking at the laboratory scale (FLEXnCONFU Project).

Specific research interests:

    1. Demonstration of ammonia-based integrated energy systems: ammonia-based hybrid heat pump-hydrogen boilers.
    2. Developing catalyic converters for efficient ammonia cracking.
    3. Demonstrating carbon capture and geologic disposal of CO2 and enhanced methane recovery.




Supervised Students



I am an interdisciplinary researcher who expertly tackles complex energy, environmental, and decarbonisation challenges by combining chemical sciences and engineering principles. As an inspirational leader, my research philosophy revolves around the strategic development of technology readiness levels that can be effectively demonstrated in real-world scenarios. My utmost priority lies in cultivating tangible research ideas and harnessing experimental outcomes to showcase the technical prowess and commercial feasibility of unconventional energy operations to achieve net zero goals.

After a successful stint as the coordinator contact and Research Fellow for the ROCCS project, a

€2 M European Commission Research Fund for Coal Steel (EC/RFCS)-funded project to demonstrate pilot scale CO2 storage in coal seams, I now work as an External Consultant for Project Delivery and Management . Prior to joining the project, I contributed my knowledge and skills to the co-delivery of the following high-value European Commission-funded research, development, and innovation (RD&I) projects at Cardiff University:

1.                   MEGA+, EC/RFCS-funded €2.8 million project (2018–2019): I managed and delivered the experimental program of preliminary underground coal gasification tests for the MEGA+ project, as well as supported the large-scale ex-situ experimental program at Poland's Central Mining Institute.

2.                  SEREN is a £10.4 million EC/ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) research and development project focused on developing innovative engineering technologies for commercial applications in the geo-energy sector. My contribution was to quantify and assess the energy potential of mine water for district heating, and this work was recognised in the Welsh Assembly Research Briefing. This experience also included acquiring data sets for first-of-its-kind mine water heating demonstration projects in Wales (1. District heating scheme at Caerau, Upper Llynfi Valley, South Wales, UK, and 2. Pilot scale mine water-based heating a farmhouse at Crynant, Wales).

3.             FLEXIS is a £30 million European Commission/ERDF R&DI program aimed at developing flexible and integrated energy systems. My task was to investigate the South Wales coal field's geo- energy potential. My major achievement was to manage the drilling of three 500- to 600-metre-long bore holes in the South Wales Coalfield to collect baseline (geophysical-chemical) data for future unconventional energy operations. During my time at FLEXIS, I helped launch the Llynfi Vally mine water-based heating project.

Currently, I am working for FLEXnCONFU project to craft catalytic converters for efficient ammonia cracking. In collaboration with external partners, I am currently developing a demonstrator multidisciplinary fellowship proposal for a 16 MWh/year ammonia/hydrogen-based off-grid community energy system.

Cardiff University has awarded me the Outstanding Contribution Award for my research contributions to the aforementioned projects from 2018 to 2019. Prior to starting at Cardiff University, I worked on geological nuclear waste containment for my PhD. My PhD was funded by the Ministry of Human Resources of India, and it focused on developing clay materials to retain the fugitive radioactive element Iodine-129.