Dr Simon Scofield
Senior Lecturer
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Research in my lab focuses on the transcriptional regulation of pluripotency and differentiation in plant stem cells, primarily using the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. We use inducible gene expression and RNA interference systems, together with CRISPR-CAS9 mediated genome editing, to study transcription factor function in plant development. Transcriptomic analysis and gene networking approaches are used to identify transcription factor targets and integrate their function within the wider framework of developmental regulators.
Other areas of research include the biosynthesis of fatty acids and essential oils in Mentha ssp. (mint) and in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.
- Professional Training Year Coordinator – Biochemistry
- Academic lead - Plant Growth Technology Hub
Interested in joining my lab as a self-funded post-graduate student or a postdoc/fellow? Please contact me by email.
- Lechon, T., Kent, N. A., Murray, J. A. H. and Scofield, S. 2025. Regulation of meristem and hormone function revealed through analysis of directly-regulated SHOOT MERISTEMLESS target genes. Scientific Reports 15(1), article number: 240. (10.1038/s41598-024-83985-1)
- Weselake, R. J., Fell, D. A., Wang, X., Scofield, S., Chen, G. and Harwood, J. L. 2024. Increasing oil content in Brassica oilseed species. Progress in Lipid Research 96, article number: 101306. (10.1016/j.plipres.2024.101306)
- Coates, R. J., Scofield, S. and Young, M. T. 2024. Incorporation of regulatory DNA elements within a viral vector improves recombinant protein expression in plants. Scientific Reports 14(1), article number: 28865. (10.1038/s41598-024-80444-9)
- Batume, C. et al. 2024. Evaluating repellence properties of catnip essential oil against the mosquito species Aedes aegypti using a Y-tube olfactometer. Scientific Reports 14, article number: 2269. (10.1038/s41598-024-52715-y)
- Baldwin, A. et al. 2024. The H3K27me3 histone mark correlates with repression of colour and aroma development post-harvest in strawberry fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany (10.1093/jxb/erae464)
- Coates, R. J., Young, M. T. and Scofield, S. 2022. Optimising expression and extraction of recombinant proteins in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, article number: 1074531. (10.3389/fpls.2022.1074531)
- Fuchs, L. K. et al. 2022. Genetic manipulation of biosynthetic pathways in mint. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, article number: 928178. (10.3389/fpls.2022.928178)
- Liao, P. et al. 2022. Transgenic manipulation of triacylglycerol biosynthetic enzymes in B. napus alters lipid-associated gene expression and lipid metabolism. Scientific Reports 12(1), article number: 3352. (10.1038/s41598-022-07387-x)
- Liao, P., Woodfield, H. K., Harwood, J. L., Chye, M. and Scofield, S. 2019. Comparative transcriptomics analysis of Brassica napus L. during seed maturation reveals dynamic changes in gene expression between embryos and seed coats and distinct expression profiles of Acyl-CoA-binding proteins for lipid accumulation. Plant and Cell Physiology 60(12), pp. 2812-2825. (10.1093/pcp/pcz169)
- Scofield, S. et al. 2018. Coordination of meristem and boundary functions by transcription factors in the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS regulatory network. Development 145(9), article number: dev157081. (10.1242/dev.157081)
- Perry, I. et al. 2017. Production of 3D printed scale models from microscope volume datasets for use in STEM education. EMS Engineering Science Journal 1(1), article number: 2.
- Galletti, R., Johnson, K. L., Scofield, S., San-Bento, R., Watt, A. M., Murray, J. A. H. and Ingram, G. C. 2015. DEFECTIVE KERNEL 1 promotes and maintains plant epidermal differentiation. Development 142(11), pp. 1978-1983. (10.1242/dev.122325)
- Scofield, S., Jones, A. and Murray, J. A. H. 2014. The plant cell cycle in context. Journal of Experimental Botany 65(10), pp. 2557-2562. (10.1093/jxb/eru188)
- Scofield, S., Dewitte, W. and Murray, J. A. H. 2014. STM sustains stem cell function in the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem and controls KNOX gene expression independently of the transcriptional repressor AS1. Plant Signaling and Behavior 9(6), article number: e28934. (10.4161/psb.28934)
- Scofield, S., Dewitte, W., Nieuwland, J. and Murray, J. A. H. 2013. The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity. The Plant Journal 75(1), pp. 53-66. (10.1111/tpj.12198)
- Nieuwland, J., Maughan, S., Dewitte, W., Scofield, S., Sanz, L. and Murray, J. A. H. 2009. The D-type cyclin CYCD4;1 modulates lateral root density in Arabidopsis by affecting the basal meristem region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106(52), pp. 22528-22533. (10.1073/pnas.0906354106)
- De Jager, S. M., Scofield, S., Huntley, R. P., Robinson, A. S., Den Boerr, B. G. W. and Murray, J. A. H. 2009. Dissecting regulatory pathways of G1/S control in Arabidopsis: common and distinct targets of CYCD3;1 E2Fa and E2Fc. Plant Molecular Biology 71(4-5), pp. 345-365. (10.1007/s11103-009-9527-5)
- Nieuwland, J., Scofield, S. and Murray, J. A. H. 2009. Control of division and differentiation of plant stem cells and their derivatives. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 20(9), pp. 1134-1142. (10.1016/j.semcdb.2009.09.011)
- Scofield, S., Dewitte, W. and Murray, J. A. H. 2008. A model for Arabidopsis class-1 KNOX gene function. Plant Signaling and Behavior 3(4), pp. 257-259. (10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03095.x)
- Scofield, S., Dewitte, W. and Murray, J. A. H. 2007. The KNOX gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS is required for the development of reproductive meristematic tissues in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 50(5), pp. 767-781. (10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03095.x)
- Dewitte, W. et al. 2007. Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(36), pp. 14537-14542. (10.1073/pnas.0704166104)
- Scofield, S. and Murray, J. A. H. 2006. The evolving concept of the Meristem. Plant Molecular Biology 60(6), pp. V-VII. (10.1007/s11103-006-0061-4)
- Scofield, S. and Murray, J. A. H. 2006. KNOX gene function in plant stem cell niches. Plant Molecular Biology 60(6), pp. 929-946. (10.1007/s11103-005-4478-y)
- Jager, S., Maughan, S., Dewitte, W., Scofield, S. and Murray, J. A. H. 2005. The developmental context of cell-cycle control in plants. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 16(3), pp. 385-396. (10.1016/j.semcdb.2005.02.004)
- Masubelele, N. H. et al. 2005. D-type cyclins activate division in the root apex to promote seed germination in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102(43), pp. 15694-15699. (10.1073/pnas.0507581102)
- Dewitte, W., Riou-Khamlichi, C., Scofield, S., Healy, J. M. S., Jacqmard, A., Kilby, N. J. and Murray, J. A. H. 2002. Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3. The Plant Cell 15(1), pp. 79-92. (10.1105/tpc.004838)
- Lechon, T., Kent, N. A., Murray, J. A. H. and Scofield, S. 2025. Regulation of meristem and hormone function revealed through analysis of directly-regulated SHOOT MERISTEMLESS target genes. Scientific Reports 15(1), article number: 240. (10.1038/s41598-024-83985-1)
- Weselake, R. J., Fell, D. A., Wang, X., Scofield, S., Chen, G. and Harwood, J. L. 2024. Increasing oil content in Brassica oilseed species. Progress in Lipid Research 96, article number: 101306. (10.1016/j.plipres.2024.101306)
- Coates, R. J., Scofield, S. and Young, M. T. 2024. Incorporation of regulatory DNA elements within a viral vector improves recombinant protein expression in plants. Scientific Reports 14(1), article number: 28865. (10.1038/s41598-024-80444-9)
- Batume, C. et al. 2024. Evaluating repellence properties of catnip essential oil against the mosquito species Aedes aegypti using a Y-tube olfactometer. Scientific Reports 14, article number: 2269. (10.1038/s41598-024-52715-y)
- Baldwin, A. et al. 2024. The H3K27me3 histone mark correlates with repression of colour and aroma development post-harvest in strawberry fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany (10.1093/jxb/erae464)
- Coates, R. J., Young, M. T. and Scofield, S. 2022. Optimising expression and extraction of recombinant proteins in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, article number: 1074531. (10.3389/fpls.2022.1074531)
- Fuchs, L. K. et al. 2022. Genetic manipulation of biosynthetic pathways in mint. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, article number: 928178. (10.3389/fpls.2022.928178)
- Liao, P. et al. 2022. Transgenic manipulation of triacylglycerol biosynthetic enzymes in B. napus alters lipid-associated gene expression and lipid metabolism. Scientific Reports 12(1), article number: 3352. (10.1038/s41598-022-07387-x)
- Liao, P., Woodfield, H. K., Harwood, J. L., Chye, M. and Scofield, S. 2019. Comparative transcriptomics analysis of Brassica napus L. during seed maturation reveals dynamic changes in gene expression between embryos and seed coats and distinct expression profiles of Acyl-CoA-binding proteins for lipid accumulation. Plant and Cell Physiology 60(12), pp. 2812-2825. (10.1093/pcp/pcz169)
- Scofield, S. et al. 2018. Coordination of meristem and boundary functions by transcription factors in the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS regulatory network. Development 145(9), article number: dev157081. (10.1242/dev.157081)
- Perry, I. et al. 2017. Production of 3D printed scale models from microscope volume datasets for use in STEM education. EMS Engineering Science Journal 1(1), article number: 2.
- Galletti, R., Johnson, K. L., Scofield, S., San-Bento, R., Watt, A. M., Murray, J. A. H. and Ingram, G. C. 2015. DEFECTIVE KERNEL 1 promotes and maintains plant epidermal differentiation. Development 142(11), pp. 1978-1983. (10.1242/dev.122325)
- Scofield, S., Jones, A. and Murray, J. A. H. 2014. The plant cell cycle in context. Journal of Experimental Botany 65(10), pp. 2557-2562. (10.1093/jxb/eru188)
- Scofield, S., Dewitte, W. and Murray, J. A. H. 2014. STM sustains stem cell function in the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem and controls KNOX gene expression independently of the transcriptional repressor AS1. Plant Signaling and Behavior 9(6), article number: e28934. (10.4161/psb.28934)
- Scofield, S., Dewitte, W., Nieuwland, J. and Murray, J. A. H. 2013. The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity. The Plant Journal 75(1), pp. 53-66. (10.1111/tpj.12198)
- Nieuwland, J., Maughan, S., Dewitte, W., Scofield, S., Sanz, L. and Murray, J. A. H. 2009. The D-type cyclin CYCD4;1 modulates lateral root density in Arabidopsis by affecting the basal meristem region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106(52), pp. 22528-22533. (10.1073/pnas.0906354106)
- De Jager, S. M., Scofield, S., Huntley, R. P., Robinson, A. S., Den Boerr, B. G. W. and Murray, J. A. H. 2009. Dissecting regulatory pathways of G1/S control in Arabidopsis: common and distinct targets of CYCD3;1 E2Fa and E2Fc. Plant Molecular Biology 71(4-5), pp. 345-365. (10.1007/s11103-009-9527-5)
- Nieuwland, J., Scofield, S. and Murray, J. A. H. 2009. Control of division and differentiation of plant stem cells and their derivatives. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 20(9), pp. 1134-1142. (10.1016/j.semcdb.2009.09.011)
- Scofield, S., Dewitte, W. and Murray, J. A. H. 2008. A model for Arabidopsis class-1 KNOX gene function. Plant Signaling and Behavior 3(4), pp. 257-259. (10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03095.x)
- Scofield, S., Dewitte, W. and Murray, J. A. H. 2007. The KNOX gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS is required for the development of reproductive meristematic tissues in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 50(5), pp. 767-781. (10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03095.x)
- Dewitte, W. et al. 2007. Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(36), pp. 14537-14542. (10.1073/pnas.0704166104)
- Scofield, S. and Murray, J. A. H. 2006. The evolving concept of the Meristem. Plant Molecular Biology 60(6), pp. V-VII. (10.1007/s11103-006-0061-4)
- Scofield, S. and Murray, J. A. H. 2006. KNOX gene function in plant stem cell niches. Plant Molecular Biology 60(6), pp. 929-946. (10.1007/s11103-005-4478-y)
- Jager, S., Maughan, S., Dewitte, W., Scofield, S. and Murray, J. A. H. 2005. The developmental context of cell-cycle control in plants. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 16(3), pp. 385-396. (10.1016/j.semcdb.2005.02.004)
- Masubelele, N. H. et al. 2005. D-type cyclins activate division in the root apex to promote seed germination in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102(43), pp. 15694-15699. (10.1073/pnas.0507581102)
- Dewitte, W., Riou-Khamlichi, C., Scofield, S., Healy, J. M. S., Jacqmard, A., Kilby, N. J. and Murray, J. A. H. 2002. Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3. The Plant Cell 15(1), pp. 79-92. (10.1105/tpc.004838)