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Rebecca Scott

Dr Rebecca Scott

Senior Lecturer in Marketing

Available for postgraduate supervision


Dr. Rebecca O. Scott studies the sociocultural aspects of marketing and qualitative research methods. Rebecca earned her Ph.D. from the UNSW Business School at the University of New South Wales in 2015. Prior to her appointment at Cardiff University, she was an Assistant Visiting Professor at the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona. She also spent 8 years working in industry, including Google in London and Ogilvy in Sydney.

Rebecca’s research has appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research and the European Journal of Marketing, two top academic journals in the field of marketing. She received the 2018 Sidney J. Levy award for best dissertation-based paper in the field of consumer culture. In addition, her work on the consumption of pain has appeared in thirty-two global news outlets including The Atlantic and The Guardian.

Rebecca is fascinated by the profound impact that humour has on human behaviour and believes that when deployed properly in the workplace could be one of the greatest competitive advantages in business. She cares so deeply about the importance of humour for leadership, trust, communication and relationship building in business that she is now teaching ‘Humor at Work’ on the Executive Education Program at Cardiff Business School. Follow the link to learn more:









Book sections



Primary Research Interests

  • Qualitative Methods
  • Experiential Consumption
  • Embodied Consumption
  • Consumer Research

Academic Research Projects

  • Where “the rules don’t apply”: Organizational isolation and misbehaviour in elite kitchens
  • Never sick, never tired”: Corporeal endurance as identity work in elite kitchens
  • Researching Multisensory Experiences through an Artist’s Eye
  • Bodies as gardens: charitable giving as coping
  • Killer wave? An exploration into the WiFi refugees

Selected Invited Research Presentations

  • Walton College of Business, The University of Arkansas, USA                                2014
  • Kedge Business School, Marseille University, France                                              2014
  • Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, USA                                       2015
  • Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University, UK                      2016
  • Royal Holloway University of London, UK                                                                2017
  • Paul Merage School of Business, University of California Irvine, USA                     2020

Selected Conference Presentations

Scott, R and Bradford, T. (July 2019). Coping with trauma: the case of organ donation, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Montreal, Canada

Scott, R. and Uncles, M. (July 2017). Bringing Sensory Anthropology to Consumer Research, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Anaheim, USA

Scott, R and Warren, S. (April 2017). Commodifying bodies: the case of deceased donor families, Interpretive Consumer Research Conference, Stockholm, Sweden

Scott, R., Cayla. J., Cova, B., Canniford, R., Hill, T., Firat, F., and Valtonen, A. (July 2014). Reclaiming the body in consumer research. Special Session, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Helsinki, Finland

Scott, R. (July 2013). Studying sensory stimulation in the field. Paper, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Tucson, USA

Scott, R. and Uncles, M. (2013), The Making of Masochistic Myths, ANZMAC, Auckland, New Zealand

Scott, R. (July 2012). Showing they’ve got life: An investigation into the masochistic consumer, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Oxford, UK

Scott, R. (December 2010). The Good Life, ANZMAC, Perth, Australia

Funding Successes

  • Academy of Marketing 2019
  • International Development Grant 2019
  • CUROP 2020
  • CUROP 2018
  • Seed corn Grant 2018
  • Seed corn Grant 2016


Teaching commitments 

  • Marketing (UG year 1)
  • Buyer Behaviour( UG year 2)
  • Cultural Marketing (UG year 3)
  • Conducting Research in Marketing and Strategy (MPhil/PhD)

Student Feedback

I am so grateful that I was able to participate in Cultural Marketing as it has been my favourite module in my entire three years at university. I felt engaged at all of your lectures and it was so refreshing to have a lecturer that genuinely cares about what they teach. If you don't already (apologies for my ignorance) you should release podcasts on this material as what you have to say is engaging and thought-provoking, and you have a nice voice to suit (Cultural Marketing Undergraduate Student, Feb 2019)

The podcasts were really interesting, I haven't had a lecturer seriously promote them before and they're a much more convenient way of learning (Cultural Marketing Undergraduate Student, Feb 2019)

It's so encouraging to know how much you care about your students (Cultural Marketing Undergraduate Student, Oct 2020)

I would also really like to thank you for the amazing learning experience throughout this module. I absolutely loved the structure of the course and the way you made it the most interesting and insightful module in terms of real life application - especially through the vlogs. I really did enjoy the subject a lot and would definitely consider further academic enrolment in this subject area (Cultural Marketing Undergraduate Student, Jan 2021)

I just wanted to say thank you for today's contact hour. I'm finding these super engaging and helpful ... so I really appreciate the efforts (Cultural Marketing Undergraduate Student, Jan 2021)

I’ve found this term particularly challenging albeit all online, as I’m sure many other students have, but have really appreciated your engaging content and encouragement (Cultural Marketing Undergraduate Student, Jan 2021)

Thank you for the effort that you put into leading the module. I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of it and I am glad that this has been reflected in my exam grade! (Cultural Marketing Undergraduate Student, Jan 2021)

We just wanted to thank you very much for the helpful, informative and inspiring session today! The value of ethnographic research is tremendous, and it even allows the researcher and participants to enjoy the research endeavour far more than when utilizing other methods. Furthermore, the rich insights attained are quite diverse and valuable, as playing with lipstick showed us today, we really appreciate your effort and guidance! (Research in Marketing and Strategy Postgraduate Students, Mar 2021)





Dr Rebecca O. Scott earned her Ph.D. from the UNSW Business School at the University of New South Wales in 2015. Prior to her appointment at Cardiff University, she was an Assistant Visiting Professor at the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona.

In 2009 Rebecca completed her BSc in Business Administration with First Class Hons at the University of Bath.

Rebecca has taught at all undergraduate and postgraduate levels, her more recent teaching activities include: Cultural Marketing, Services Marketing, Consumer Behavior and Qualitative Research Methods.

Rebecca also spent 8 years working in private firms including: Industry Analyst for Google (London), Ethnographic Researcher for Ogilvy and Kimberly-Clark (Sydney), Sales and Marketing for Toyota (Bath) and Junior Publicist of luxury consumer goods for Mission Media (London).

Rebecca’s research focuses on the social and cultural aspects of marketing. Using ethnographic approaches she studies experiential consumption, multisensory consumption and ‘the body.’ Her research blends discrete and overlapping bodies of work from consumer behaviour, marketing, sociology and anthropology, which facilitate an understanding of embodied experience.


  • PhD (Marketing), University of New South Wales, Australian School of Business, February 2015
  • BSc Business Administration, University of Bath, School of Management, 1st class Honours, May 2009

Selected Media contributions


The Guardian - Why do we run until it hurts?

World Economic Forum - How millennials’ relationship with their phones is changing the economy

Quartz - Millennials’ complex relationship with their cell phones is driving the experience economy

The Atlantic - Escaping Office Ennui Through Painful Exercise

The BBC - UK news website

The Sun - The pain of extreme workouts and tough challenges can help staff ‘cope with inactive work days’ and the office

The Daily Mail - Why office workers are drawn to extreme challenges: 'Pay for pain' adventures help people cope with a sedentary lifestyle

Men’s Fitness - Considering an Adventure Race? You Could Be ‘suffering’ From a Boring Office Life

La Stampa - Ultramaratone e corse nel fango: ecco perché paghiamo per soffrire

The Independent -15.3.17.

The Metro - 15.3.17.

The Arizona Republic, Marketing Sense - How Retailers Use 5 Senses to Appeal to Customers, 16. 4.15


Outside - Why Do Rich People Love Endurance Sports?

Futurity homepage - Is pain the best antidote for your desk job?

Yorkshire Post homepage - Taking pain sitting down why office workers love to put themselves through the mill

Home BT - Painful endurance events 'help office workers deal with sedentary lifestyles'

Express & Star - Painful endurance events help office workers deal with sedentary lifestyles'

Belfast Telegraph - Painful endurance events 'help office workers deal with sedentary lifestyles'

Shropshire Star - Painful endurance events help office workers deal with sedentary lifestyles'

NY Mag - Bored Office Drones Pursue the Pain of Tough Mudders Just to Feel Something

La Stampa - Ultramaratone e corse nel fango: ecco perché paghiamo per soffrire

Times Live - Why weekend warriors are paying for pain


WAMC Northeast Public Radio in Albany, New York, a two and a half minute segment called The Academic Minute - Rebecca Scott, Cardiff University - Paying for Pain

SiriusXM Satellite Radio's Business Radio Powered by the Wharton School, 20 minute interview - Rebecca Scott on Marketing Matters

Talk Radio Europe, The Lifestyles Show - 24th August 2017 - Rebecca Scott

CBC Canada - Alberta at noon


Channel News Asia (Future Forward)

Leisure In The Future | | Channel NewsAsia

Honours and awards

  • UNSW Tuition Fee Scholarship (2011)
  • UNSW Postgraduate Research Student Support Scheme (2012)
  • UNSW Postgraduate Research Student Support Scheme (2013)

Professional memberships

  • Association of Consumer Research
  • Consumer Culture Theory
  • Anthrodesign

Academic positions

  • 2011 - 2014 Postdoctural Research Candidate, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales
  • 2014 - 2015 Assistant Visiting Professor of Marketing, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
  • 2015 - Present: Marketing Lecturer, Cardiff Univerity

Committees and reviewing

Journal Reviewer:

  • Journal of Consumer Research
  • Consumption Markets & Culture
  • Academy of Marketing Science
  • European Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Marketing Management
  • Journal of Brand Management


Boradly speaking, I am interested in suprvising projects based on the socio-cultural aspects of consumer behavior using qualitative research methods. Specifically, I am interested in supervising projects relating to the following areas:

  • Socio-cultural shaping of consumers' use of space
  • Atmosheres of consumption
  • Consumption experiences / extraordinary experiences 
  • The consumer body
  • Humour in consumption


Current supervision

Wahura Kabutha

Wahura Kabutha

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76950
Campuses Aberconway Building, Room Q28, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU

External profiles