Dr Jeremy Segrott
- Welsh speaking
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Reader in the Centre for Trials Research and the DECIPHer Centre at Cardiff University. My research aims to improve public health through developing and evaluating health improvement interventions, focusing on schools and families. I am also a methodological specialist in process evaluations - which assess intervention implementation and interpret outcomes within randomised controlled trials and other studies.
I have worked in the field of public health research at Cardiff University since 2007, leading and contributing to interdisciplinary research teams. My original research training (and PhD) was in the field of human geography. An interest in social relationships - particularly within family and school systems has been a common thread in my work since then. I am an experienced qualitative researcher, particularly the design and conduct of semi-structured interviews.
I am the chair of the Centre for Trials Research's Learning and Development Group, and lead implementation of its L&D strategy. I am also the Centre's lead for undergraduate teaching. My work has a strong commitment to public involvement and engagement. In DECIPHer I am academic lead for Public Involvement, and am currently supporting the development of the Centre's Parent Advisory Group.
I am passionate about inspiring students to explore the value of research to improve public health, and my teaching work aims to create meaningful opportunities for them to develop their skills. This includes my leadership of a research methods module within the School of Medicine's intercalated degree course, and offering undergraduate students within the school to chance to gain experience of working with research teams through their student selected components projects (SSCs).
Current projects
- Optimisation and feasibility of Triple P parenting programme for remote delivery. Nuffield Foundation: £342,022. Chief Investigator.
- Understanding the role of secondary school environments and policies as drivers of school connectedness to prevent anxiety and depression. Wellcome - Chief Investigator. £273,134). https://wellcome.org/what-we-do/data-science-and-health-trustworthy-data-science/wellcome-data-prizes
- A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Early Positive Approaches to Support (E-PAtS) for families of young children with intellectual disability'. National Institute for Health Research, Public Health Research Programme: £1.8m.
- The Solutions Trial EOI: Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) in 10–17-year-olds presenting at police custody. Youth Endowment Foundation, £828, 414.
- Developing Peer Led Movement-based Intervention to Improve Physical and Psychological Outcomes for Survivors of Torture and Trauma in Wales and Beyond (Peer MIST). Health and Care Research Wales, £218,626.
- Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer). Health & Care Research Wales (£2,488,488).
- Centre for Trials Research. Health and Care Research Wales (£1,896,971).
Recent projects
- Watch me Play! A pilot feasibility study of a remotely-delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (age 0-8) across UK early years and children’s services. What Works for Children's Social Care, £291,536.
- A multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of KiVa to reduce bullying in primary schools: The UK KiVa Trial. National Institute for Health Research, Public Health Research Programme, £2,567,131.
- Stenfert Kroese, B. et al. 2024. Emotional literacy programme in special schools for children with a learning disability in England: the ZF-SEND feasibility RCT. Public Health Research 12(15) (10.3310/JTJY8001)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play! A pilot feasibility study of a remotely- delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (aged 0-8) across UK early years and children's services.. Project Report. Foundations.
- Bowes, L. et al. 2024. The effects and costs of an anti-bullying programme (KiVa) in UK primary schools: a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine (10.1017/S0033291724002666)
- Thompson, P. A. et al. 2024. Statistical analysis plan for the SOLUTIONS randomised controlled trial with internal pilot: Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) in 10–17-year-olds presenting at policy custody. Trials 25, article number: 633. (10.1186/s13063-024-08457-3)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2024. Integrating qualitative research within a clinical trials unit: developing strategies and understanding their implementation in contexts. Trials 25(1), article number: 323. (10.1186/s13063-024-08124-7)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play!: protocol for a feasibility study of a remotely delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (ages 0–8) across UK early years and children’s services. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 10(1), article number: 55. (10.1186/s40814-024-01491-7)
- Moody, G. et al. 2024. Solutions trial: Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) in 10–17-year-olds presenting at police custody: a randomised controlled trial. Trials 25(1), article number: 159. (10.1186/s13063-024-07904-5)
- Shepherd, V. et al. 2024. Improving the inclusion of an under-served group in trials: development and implementation of the INCLUDE Impaired Capacity to Consent Framework. Trials 25(1), article number: 83. (10.1186/s13063-024-07944-x)
- Segrott, J. and Koning, I. 2023. Intervenciones preventivas basadas en la familia: comprensión de la implementación y cuestiones clave en su evaluación. In: Orte, C., Marsiglia, F. F. and Amer, J. eds. Programas de familias para la comunidad: Buenas prácticas en implementación de intervenciones basadas en la evidencia. Octaedro, pp. 97-116.
- Williams, A., Reed, H., Segrott, J., Rees, A. and Kitchiner, N. 2023. How does a restorative approach work? Supporting military veteran families affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice
- Copeland, L. et al. 2022. Adapting population health interventions for new contexts: Qualitative interviews understanding the experiences, practices and challenges of researchers, funders and journal editors. BMJ Open 12, article number: e066451. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066451)
- Clarkson, S. et al. 2022. The UK stand together trial: protocol for a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of KiVa to reduce bullying in primary schools. BMC Public Health 22, article number: 608. (10.1186/s12889-022-12642-x)
- Robling, M. et al. 2022. A nurse-led home-visitation programme for first-time mothers in reducing maltreatment and improving child health and development (BB:2-6): longer-term outcomes from a randomised cohort using data-linkage. BMJ Open 12(2), article number: e049960. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049960)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2022. Effectiveness of the strengthening families programme in the UK at preventing substance misuse in 10-14 year-olds: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 12(2), article number: e049647. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049647)
- Williams, A., Reed, H., Segrott, J., Barnaby, B. and Rees, A. 2021. Developing a model of the restorative approaches veteran family service. CASCADE Research Centre. Available at: https://cascadewales.org/research/developing-an-innovative-restorative-support-service-for-the-families-of-veterans-with-post-traumatic-stress-disorder/
- Coulman, E. et al. 2021. Early positive approaches to support (E-PAtS) for families of young children with intellectual disability: a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, article number: 729129. (10.3389/fpsyt.2021.729129)
- Moore, G. et al. 2021. Adapting interventions to new context - the ADAPT guidance. The BMJ 374, article number: n1679. (10.1136/bmj.n1679)
- Copeland, L. et al. 2021. The what, why and when of adapting interventions for new contexts: A qualitative study of researchers, funders, journal editors and practitioners’ understandings. Plos One 16(7), article number: e0254020. (10.1371/journal.pone.0254020)
- Moody, G. et al. 2021. What are the challenges when recruiting to a trial in children’s social care? A qualitative evaluation of a trial of foster carer training. Trials 22, article number: 241. (10.1186/s13063-021-05186-9)
- Robling, M. et al. 2021. The Family Nurse Partnership to reduce maltreatment and improve child health and development in young children: the BB:2 6 routine data-linkage follow-up to earlier RCT. Public Health Research 9, article number: 2. (10.3310/phr09020)
- Movsisyan, A. et al. 2021. Adapting evidence-informed population health interventions for new contexts: a scoping review of current practice. Health Research Policy and Systems 19, article number: 13. (10.1186/s12961-020-00668-9)
- Channon, S. et al. 2020. Qualitative process evaluation of the Fostering Changes program for foster carers as part of the Confidence in Care randomized controlled trial. Child Abuse and Neglect 109, article number: 104768. (10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104768)
- Moody, G. et al. 2020. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the fostering changes programme. Child Abuse and Neglect 108, article number: 104646. (10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104646)
- Coulman, E. et al. 2020. The Early Positive Approaches to Support (E-PAtS) study: study protocol for a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a group programme (E-PAtS) for family caregivers of young children with intellectual disability. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 6(1), article number: 147. (10.1186/s40814-020-00689-9)
- Moore, G. F., Angel, L., Gray, L., Copeland, L., Van Godwin, J., Segrott, J. and Hallingberg, B. 2020. Associations of socioeconomic status, parental smoking and parental e-cigarette use with 10-11-year-old children's perceptions of tobacco cigarettes and e-cigarettes: Cross sectional analysis of the CHETS Wales 3 Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(3), article number: 683. (10.3390/ijerph17030683)
- Brown, R. et al. 2020. Ecological exploration of knowledge and attitudes towards tobacco and e-cigarettes among primary school children, teachers and parents in Wales: a qualitative study. Tobacco Use Insights 13, pp. 1-12. (10.1177/1179173X20938770)
- Movsisyan, A. et al. 2019. Adapting evidence-informed complex population health interventions for new contexts: a systematic review of guidance. Implementation Science : IS 14(1), article number: 105. (10.1186/s13012-019-0956-5)
- Segrott, J. and Roberts, J. 2019. Working with schools to develop complex interventions for public health improvement. In: Newbury-Burch, D. and Allan, K. eds. Co-creating and Co-Producing Research Evidence: A Guide for Practitioners and Academics in Health, Social Care and Education Settings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 28-41.
- Evans, R. et al. 2019. When and how do 'effective' interventions need to be adapted and/or re-evaluated in new contexts? The need for guidance. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 73(6), pp. -. (10.1136/jech-2018-210840)
- Segrott, J. 2019. Supporting prevention science and prevention research internationally. In: Sloboda, Z. et al. eds. Prevention of Substance Use. Advances in Prevention Science Springer, pp. 385-394.
- Reed, H., Williams, A., Segrott, J. and Rees, G. 2019. Improving relationship–based practice, practitioner confidence and family engagement skills through restorative approach training. Presented at: European Conference for Social Work Research 2019, Leuven, Belgium, 10-12 April 2019.
- Pettigrew, J., Segrott, J., Ray, C. D. and Littlecott, H. 2018. Social interface model: theorizing ecological post-delivery processes for intervention effects. Prevention Science 19(8), pp. 987-996. (10.1007/s11121-017-0857-2)
- Moore, L. et al. 2018. Exploratory studies to inform full-scale evaluations of complex public health interventions: the need for guidance. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 72(10), pp. 865-866.
- Williams, A., Reed, H., Rees, G. and Segrott, J. 2018. Improving relationship-based practice, practitioner confidence and family engagement skills through restorative approach training. Children and Youth Services Review 93, pp. 170-177. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.07.014)
- Lugg-Widger, F., Cannings-John, R., Angel, L., Moody, G., Segrott, J., Kenkre, J. and Robling, M. 2018. Assessing the impact of specialist home visiting upon maltreatment in England: a feasibility study of data linkage from a public health trial to routine health and social care data. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 4, article number: 98. (10.1186/s40814-018-0294-4)
- Mejia, A., Emsley, R., Fichera, E., Maalouf, W., Segrott, J. and Calam, R. 2018. Protecting adolescents in low- and middle-income countries from interpersonal violence (PRO YOUTH TRIAL): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial of the strengthening families programme 10-14 (“Familias Fuertes”) in Panama. Trials 19(1), article number: 320. (10.1186/s13063-018-2698-0)
- Hallingberg, B. et al. 2018. Exploratory studies to decide whether and how to proceed with full scale evaluations of public health interventions: A systematic review of guidance.. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 4, article number: 104. (10.1186/s40814-018-0290-8)
- Moody, G. et al. 2018. Evaluating the long-term impact of the Fostering Changes training programme for foster carers in Wales, the Confidence in Care trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 19, article number: 34. (10.1186/s13063-017-2424-3)
- Reed, H., Williams, A. and Segrott, J. 2018. South Wales practitioner workshop: restorative approach in family practice: improving practitioner confidence and family engagement. Presented at: South Wales Practitioner Workshop: Restorative Approach in Family Practice: Improving Practitioner Confidence and Family Engagement, Cardiff, 19 July 2018.
- Segrott, J. et al. 2017. An application of Extended Normalisation Process Theory in a randomised controlled trial of a complex social intervention: process evaluation of the Strengthening Families Programme (10-14) in Wales, UK. SSM - Population Health 3, pp. 255-265. (10.1016/j.ssmph.2017.01.002)
- Williams, A. and Segrott, J. 2017. Development of a conceptual model for restorative approach in family service provision. Social Policy and Society (10.1017/S1474746417000318)
- Lugg-Widger, F. et al. 2017. Assessing the medium-term impact of a home-visiting programme on child maltreatment in England: protocol for a routine data linkage study. BMJ Open 7, article number: e015728. (10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015728)
- Segrott, J., Holliday, J., Murphy, S., MacDonald, S., Roberts, J. and Moore, L. 2017. Implementation of a Cooking Bus intervention to support cooking in schools in Wales, UK. Health Education 117(3), pp. 234-251. (10.1108/HE-06-2014-0073)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2016. Exploratory trial of a school-based alcohol prevention intervention with a family component. Health Education 116(4), pp. 410-431. (10.1108/HE-01-2015-0005)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2015. Preventing alcohol misuse in young people: an exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial of the Kids, Adults Together (KAT) programme. Public Health Research 3(15), pp. 1-188. (10.3310/phr03150)
- Reed, H. 2014. Collaborating with young people on public health research through a research advisory group. Presented at: INVOLVE 2014: Changing Landscapes, Birmingham, England, 26-27 November 2014 Presented at Segrott, J. ed.
- Hunter, B. and Segrott, J. 2014. Renegotiating inter-professional boundaries in maternity care: implementing a clinical pathway for normal labour. Sociology of Health & Illness 36(5), pp. 719-737. (10.1111/1467-9566.12096)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2014. Cultural adaptation and intervention integrity: a response to Skarstrand, Sundell and Andreasson. The European Journal of Public Health 24(3), pp. 354-355. (10.1093/eurpub/cku039)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2014. Preventing substance misuse: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of the Strengthening Families Programme 10-14 UK (SFP 10-14 UK). BMC Public Health 14(1), article number: 49. (10.1186/1471-2458-14-49)
- Moore, L. A. R. et al. 2014. Strengthening Families Programme (10-14UK) substance misuse prevention programme: findings from NPRI randomised trial of a proportionate universalism adaptation of an intervention for families with children aged 10-14. Presented at: 10th UKSBM Annual Scientific Meeting, Nottingham, 3-4 December 2014. pp. 1642-1647.
- Segrott, J. et al. 2014. Fidelity of implementation of the Strengthening Families Programme 10-14 UK in Wales UK: a mixed-method process evaluation within a randomised controlled trial. Presented at: 7th European Public Health Conference, Glasgow, Scotland,, 19-22 November 2014.
- Segrott, J., Rothwell, H. A. and Thomas, M. 2013. Creating safe places: an exploratory evaluation of a school-based emotional support service. Pastoral Care in Education 31(3), pp. 211-228. (10.1080/02643944.2013.788062)
- Segrott, J. 2013. Recruitment and group composition strategies for family-based substance misuse prevention interventions: an exploratory evaluation. Journal of Children's Services 8(2), pp. 89-109. (10.1108/JCS-03-2013-0007)
- Andrews, G., Adams, J., Segrott, J. and Wai Lui, C. 2012. The profile of complementary and alternative medicine users and reasons for complementary and alternative medicine use. In: Adams, J. et al. eds. Traditional complementary and integrative medicine: an international reader. Bas: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 11-17.
- Rothwell, H. A. and Segrott, J. 2011. Preventing alcohol misuse in young people aged 9-11 years through promoting family communication: an exploratory evaluation of the Kids, Adults Together (KAT) Programme. BMC Public Health 11(1), article number: 810. (10.1186/1471-2458-11-810)
- Holliday, J. et al. 2011. Pragmatic trials of non-NHS interventions: experiences from a randomised controlled trial of the Strengthening Families 10-14 UK Programme (SFP10-14 UK). Trials 12(S 1), pp. A98. (10.1186/1745-6215-12-S1-A98)
- Andrews, G., Adams, J. and Segrott, J. 2011. Médicine complémentaires et alternatives: production, consommation et recherche. In: Fleuret, S. and Hoyez, A. eds. Santé et géographie - noveaux regards. Géographie Paris: Economica, pp. 215-236.
- Hunter, B. and Segrott, J. 2010. Using a clinical pathway to support normal birth: impact on practitioner roles and working practices. Birth 37(3), pp. 227-236. (10.1111/j.1523-536X.2010.00410.x)
- Moore, G., Rothwell, H. A. and Segrott, J. 2010. An exploratory study of the relationship between parental attitudes and behaviour and young people's consumption of alcohol. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 5(1), article number: 6. (10.1186/1747-597X-5-6)
- Segrott, J. 2010. Preventing substance misuse: a randomised controlled trial of the Strengthening Families 10-14 UK Programme. Presented at: Quality and Effectiveness in the Provision of Interventions: Substance Misuse Annual Conference, Newport, Wales, 12 February 2010.
- Andrews, G. J., Adams, J. and Segrott, J. 2009. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): production, consumption, research. In: Brown, T., McLafferty, S. and Moon, G. eds. A companion to health and medical geography. Blackwell Companions to Geography Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 587-603., (10.1002/9781444314762.ch30)
- Segrott, J. 2009. The strengthening families programme SFP10-14: ensuring that implementation is effective. Presented at: Preventing and reducing young people’s drinking – what works? seminar, Antrim, Ireland, 21 January 2009.
- Hunter, B. and Segrott, J. 2009. Are clinical pathways ‘a good thing’? Reviewing the evidence. Midirs Midwifery Digest 19(4), pp. 515-517.
- Green, B. F., Johansson, I., Rosser, M., Tengnah, C. and Segrott, J. 2008. Studying abroad: a multiple case study of nursing students' international experiences. Nurse Education Today 28(8), pp. 981-992. (10.1016/j.nedt.2008.06.003)
- Rolfe, G., Segrott, J. and Jordan, S. 2008. Tensions and contradictions in nurses' perspectives of evidence-based practice. Journal of Nursing Management 16(4), pp. 440-451. (10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00864.x)
- Jordan, S. and Segrott, J. 2008. Evidence-based practice: the debate. Journal of Nursing Management 16(4), pp. 385-387. (10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00881.x)
- Segrott, J. 2008. Assessing the potential of the Cardiff Strengthening Families Programme 10-14 (UK) as a national programme for Wales - final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Ethics. Available at: http://www.mystrongfamily.org/downloads/PDFs/SFP-CardiffEvaluation.pdf
- Hunter, B. and Segrott, J. 2008. Re-mapping client journeys and professional identities: a review of the literature on clinical pathways. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 45(4), pp. 608-625. (10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2007.04.001)
- Priest, H., Segrott, J., Green, B. and Rout, A. 2007. Harnessing collaboration to build nursing research capacity: A research team journey. Nurse Education Today 27(6), pp. 577-587. (10.1016/j.nedt.2006.08.019)
- Green, B. et al. 2007. Research capacity for everyone? A case study of two academic nursing schools' capacity building strategies. Journal of Research in Nursing 12(3), pp. 247-265. (10.1177/1744987107078405)
- Green, B., Segrott, J. and Hewitt, J. 2006. Developing nursing and midwifery research capacity in a university department: case study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 56(3), pp. 302-313. (10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.04022.x)
- Segrott, J., McIvor, M. and Green, B. 2006. Challenges and strategies in developing nursing research capacity: A review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 43(5), pp. 637-651. (10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2005.07.011)
- Segrott, J. 2006. Lessons in Nationality: constructing identities at Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain. Contemporary Wales 18(1), pp. 122-139.
- Clarke, D. B., Doel, M. A. and Segrott, J. 2004. No alternative? The regulation and professionalization of complementary and alternative medicine in the United Kingdom. Health & Place 10(4), pp. 329-338. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2004.08.001)
- Doel, M. A. and Segrott, J. 2004. Materializing complementary and alternative medicine: aromatherapy, chiropractic, and Chinese herbal medicine in the UK. Geoforum 35(6), pp. 727-738. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2004.02.004)
- Segrott, J. and Doel, M. A. 2004. Disturbing geography: obsessive-compulsive disorder as spatial practice. Social & Cultural Geography 5(4), pp. 597-614. (10.1080/1464936042000317721)
- Segrott, J. 2003. Constructing communities away from home: Welsh identities in London. In: Aull Davies, C. and Jones, S. eds. Welsh communities: new ethnographic perspectives. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 176-202.
- Doel, M. and Segrott, J. 2003. Self, health, and gender: complementary and alternative medicine in the British mass media. Gender, Place & Culture 10(2), pp. 131-144. (10.1080/0966369032000079523)
- Doel, M. A. and Segrott, J. 2003. Beyond belief? Consumer culture, complementary medicine, and the dis-ease of everyday life. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 21(6), pp. 739-759. (10.1068/d290t)
- Robinson, V. and Segrott, J. 2002. Understanding the decision-making of asylum seekers. Project Report. [Online]. London: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate. Available at: http://www.irr.org.uk/pdf/understand_asylum_decision.pdf
- Segrott, J. 2001. Language, geography and identity: the case of the Welsh in London. Social & Cultural Geography 2(3), pp. 281-296. (10.1080/14649360120073860)
- Segrott, J. 2001. Today and tomorrow. In: Jones, E. ed. The Welsh in London 1500-2000. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 184-192.
- Stenfert Kroese, B. et al. 2024. Emotional literacy programme in special schools for children with a learning disability in England: the ZF-SEND feasibility RCT. Public Health Research 12(15) (10.3310/JTJY8001)
- Bowes, L. et al. 2024. The effects and costs of an anti-bullying programme (KiVa) in UK primary schools: a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine (10.1017/S0033291724002666)
- Thompson, P. A. et al. 2024. Statistical analysis plan for the SOLUTIONS randomised controlled trial with internal pilot: Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) in 10–17-year-olds presenting at policy custody. Trials 25, article number: 633. (10.1186/s13063-024-08457-3)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2024. Integrating qualitative research within a clinical trials unit: developing strategies and understanding their implementation in contexts. Trials 25(1), article number: 323. (10.1186/s13063-024-08124-7)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play!: protocol for a feasibility study of a remotely delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (ages 0–8) across UK early years and children’s services. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 10(1), article number: 55. (10.1186/s40814-024-01491-7)
- Moody, G. et al. 2024. Solutions trial: Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) in 10–17-year-olds presenting at police custody: a randomised controlled trial. Trials 25(1), article number: 159. (10.1186/s13063-024-07904-5)
- Shepherd, V. et al. 2024. Improving the inclusion of an under-served group in trials: development and implementation of the INCLUDE Impaired Capacity to Consent Framework. Trials 25(1), article number: 83. (10.1186/s13063-024-07944-x)
- Williams, A., Reed, H., Segrott, J., Rees, A. and Kitchiner, N. 2023. How does a restorative approach work? Supporting military veteran families affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice
- Copeland, L. et al. 2022. Adapting population health interventions for new contexts: Qualitative interviews understanding the experiences, practices and challenges of researchers, funders and journal editors. BMJ Open 12, article number: e066451. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066451)
- Clarkson, S. et al. 2022. The UK stand together trial: protocol for a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of KiVa to reduce bullying in primary schools. BMC Public Health 22, article number: 608. (10.1186/s12889-022-12642-x)
- Robling, M. et al. 2022. A nurse-led home-visitation programme for first-time mothers in reducing maltreatment and improving child health and development (BB:2-6): longer-term outcomes from a randomised cohort using data-linkage. BMJ Open 12(2), article number: e049960. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049960)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2022. Effectiveness of the strengthening families programme in the UK at preventing substance misuse in 10-14 year-olds: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 12(2), article number: e049647. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049647)
- Coulman, E. et al. 2021. Early positive approaches to support (E-PAtS) for families of young children with intellectual disability: a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, article number: 729129. (10.3389/fpsyt.2021.729129)
- Moore, G. et al. 2021. Adapting interventions to new context - the ADAPT guidance. The BMJ 374, article number: n1679. (10.1136/bmj.n1679)
- Copeland, L. et al. 2021. The what, why and when of adapting interventions for new contexts: A qualitative study of researchers, funders, journal editors and practitioners’ understandings. Plos One 16(7), article number: e0254020. (10.1371/journal.pone.0254020)
- Moody, G. et al. 2021. What are the challenges when recruiting to a trial in children’s social care? A qualitative evaluation of a trial of foster carer training. Trials 22, article number: 241. (10.1186/s13063-021-05186-9)
- Robling, M. et al. 2021. The Family Nurse Partnership to reduce maltreatment and improve child health and development in young children: the BB:2 6 routine data-linkage follow-up to earlier RCT. Public Health Research 9, article number: 2. (10.3310/phr09020)
- Movsisyan, A. et al. 2021. Adapting evidence-informed population health interventions for new contexts: a scoping review of current practice. Health Research Policy and Systems 19, article number: 13. (10.1186/s12961-020-00668-9)
- Channon, S. et al. 2020. Qualitative process evaluation of the Fostering Changes program for foster carers as part of the Confidence in Care randomized controlled trial. Child Abuse and Neglect 109, article number: 104768. (10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104768)
- Moody, G. et al. 2020. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the fostering changes programme. Child Abuse and Neglect 108, article number: 104646. (10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104646)
- Coulman, E. et al. 2020. The Early Positive Approaches to Support (E-PAtS) study: study protocol for a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a group programme (E-PAtS) for family caregivers of young children with intellectual disability. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 6(1), article number: 147. (10.1186/s40814-020-00689-9)
- Moore, G. F., Angel, L., Gray, L., Copeland, L., Van Godwin, J., Segrott, J. and Hallingberg, B. 2020. Associations of socioeconomic status, parental smoking and parental e-cigarette use with 10-11-year-old children's perceptions of tobacco cigarettes and e-cigarettes: Cross sectional analysis of the CHETS Wales 3 Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(3), article number: 683. (10.3390/ijerph17030683)
- Brown, R. et al. 2020. Ecological exploration of knowledge and attitudes towards tobacco and e-cigarettes among primary school children, teachers and parents in Wales: a qualitative study. Tobacco Use Insights 13, pp. 1-12. (10.1177/1179173X20938770)
- Movsisyan, A. et al. 2019. Adapting evidence-informed complex population health interventions for new contexts: a systematic review of guidance. Implementation Science : IS 14(1), article number: 105. (10.1186/s13012-019-0956-5)
- Evans, R. et al. 2019. When and how do 'effective' interventions need to be adapted and/or re-evaluated in new contexts? The need for guidance. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 73(6), pp. -. (10.1136/jech-2018-210840)
- Pettigrew, J., Segrott, J., Ray, C. D. and Littlecott, H. 2018. Social interface model: theorizing ecological post-delivery processes for intervention effects. Prevention Science 19(8), pp. 987-996. (10.1007/s11121-017-0857-2)
- Moore, L. et al. 2018. Exploratory studies to inform full-scale evaluations of complex public health interventions: the need for guidance. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 72(10), pp. 865-866.
- Williams, A., Reed, H., Rees, G. and Segrott, J. 2018. Improving relationship-based practice, practitioner confidence and family engagement skills through restorative approach training. Children and Youth Services Review 93, pp. 170-177. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.07.014)
- Lugg-Widger, F., Cannings-John, R., Angel, L., Moody, G., Segrott, J., Kenkre, J. and Robling, M. 2018. Assessing the impact of specialist home visiting upon maltreatment in England: a feasibility study of data linkage from a public health trial to routine health and social care data. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 4, article number: 98. (10.1186/s40814-018-0294-4)
- Mejia, A., Emsley, R., Fichera, E., Maalouf, W., Segrott, J. and Calam, R. 2018. Protecting adolescents in low- and middle-income countries from interpersonal violence (PRO YOUTH TRIAL): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial of the strengthening families programme 10-14 (“Familias Fuertes”) in Panama. Trials 19(1), article number: 320. (10.1186/s13063-018-2698-0)
- Hallingberg, B. et al. 2018. Exploratory studies to decide whether and how to proceed with full scale evaluations of public health interventions: A systematic review of guidance.. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 4, article number: 104. (10.1186/s40814-018-0290-8)
- Moody, G. et al. 2018. Evaluating the long-term impact of the Fostering Changes training programme for foster carers in Wales, the Confidence in Care trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 19, article number: 34. (10.1186/s13063-017-2424-3)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2017. An application of Extended Normalisation Process Theory in a randomised controlled trial of a complex social intervention: process evaluation of the Strengthening Families Programme (10-14) in Wales, UK. SSM - Population Health 3, pp. 255-265. (10.1016/j.ssmph.2017.01.002)
- Williams, A. and Segrott, J. 2017. Development of a conceptual model for restorative approach in family service provision. Social Policy and Society (10.1017/S1474746417000318)
- Lugg-Widger, F. et al. 2017. Assessing the medium-term impact of a home-visiting programme on child maltreatment in England: protocol for a routine data linkage study. BMJ Open 7, article number: e015728. (10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015728)
- Segrott, J., Holliday, J., Murphy, S., MacDonald, S., Roberts, J. and Moore, L. 2017. Implementation of a Cooking Bus intervention to support cooking in schools in Wales, UK. Health Education 117(3), pp. 234-251. (10.1108/HE-06-2014-0073)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2016. Exploratory trial of a school-based alcohol prevention intervention with a family component. Health Education 116(4), pp. 410-431. (10.1108/HE-01-2015-0005)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2015. Preventing alcohol misuse in young people: an exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial of the Kids, Adults Together (KAT) programme. Public Health Research 3(15), pp. 1-188. (10.3310/phr03150)
- Hunter, B. and Segrott, J. 2014. Renegotiating inter-professional boundaries in maternity care: implementing a clinical pathway for normal labour. Sociology of Health & Illness 36(5), pp. 719-737. (10.1111/1467-9566.12096)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2014. Cultural adaptation and intervention integrity: a response to Skarstrand, Sundell and Andreasson. The European Journal of Public Health 24(3), pp. 354-355. (10.1093/eurpub/cku039)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2014. Preventing substance misuse: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of the Strengthening Families Programme 10-14 UK (SFP 10-14 UK). BMC Public Health 14(1), article number: 49. (10.1186/1471-2458-14-49)
- Segrott, J., Rothwell, H. A. and Thomas, M. 2013. Creating safe places: an exploratory evaluation of a school-based emotional support service. Pastoral Care in Education 31(3), pp. 211-228. (10.1080/02643944.2013.788062)
- Segrott, J. 2013. Recruitment and group composition strategies for family-based substance misuse prevention interventions: an exploratory evaluation. Journal of Children's Services 8(2), pp. 89-109. (10.1108/JCS-03-2013-0007)
- Rothwell, H. A. and Segrott, J. 2011. Preventing alcohol misuse in young people aged 9-11 years through promoting family communication: an exploratory evaluation of the Kids, Adults Together (KAT) Programme. BMC Public Health 11(1), article number: 810. (10.1186/1471-2458-11-810)
- Holliday, J. et al. 2011. Pragmatic trials of non-NHS interventions: experiences from a randomised controlled trial of the Strengthening Families 10-14 UK Programme (SFP10-14 UK). Trials 12(S 1), pp. A98. (10.1186/1745-6215-12-S1-A98)
- Hunter, B. and Segrott, J. 2010. Using a clinical pathway to support normal birth: impact on practitioner roles and working practices. Birth 37(3), pp. 227-236. (10.1111/j.1523-536X.2010.00410.x)
- Moore, G., Rothwell, H. A. and Segrott, J. 2010. An exploratory study of the relationship between parental attitudes and behaviour and young people's consumption of alcohol. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 5(1), article number: 6. (10.1186/1747-597X-5-6)
- Hunter, B. and Segrott, J. 2009. Are clinical pathways ‘a good thing’? Reviewing the evidence. Midirs Midwifery Digest 19(4), pp. 515-517.
- Green, B. F., Johansson, I., Rosser, M., Tengnah, C. and Segrott, J. 2008. Studying abroad: a multiple case study of nursing students' international experiences. Nurse Education Today 28(8), pp. 981-992. (10.1016/j.nedt.2008.06.003)
- Rolfe, G., Segrott, J. and Jordan, S. 2008. Tensions and contradictions in nurses' perspectives of evidence-based practice. Journal of Nursing Management 16(4), pp. 440-451. (10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00864.x)
- Jordan, S. and Segrott, J. 2008. Evidence-based practice: the debate. Journal of Nursing Management 16(4), pp. 385-387. (10.1111/j.1365-2834.2008.00881.x)
- Hunter, B. and Segrott, J. 2008. Re-mapping client journeys and professional identities: a review of the literature on clinical pathways. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 45(4), pp. 608-625. (10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2007.04.001)
- Priest, H., Segrott, J., Green, B. and Rout, A. 2007. Harnessing collaboration to build nursing research capacity: A research team journey. Nurse Education Today 27(6), pp. 577-587. (10.1016/j.nedt.2006.08.019)
- Green, B. et al. 2007. Research capacity for everyone? A case study of two academic nursing schools' capacity building strategies. Journal of Research in Nursing 12(3), pp. 247-265. (10.1177/1744987107078405)
- Green, B., Segrott, J. and Hewitt, J. 2006. Developing nursing and midwifery research capacity in a university department: case study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 56(3), pp. 302-313. (10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.04022.x)
- Segrott, J., McIvor, M. and Green, B. 2006. Challenges and strategies in developing nursing research capacity: A review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 43(5), pp. 637-651. (10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2005.07.011)
- Segrott, J. 2006. Lessons in Nationality: constructing identities at Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain. Contemporary Wales 18(1), pp. 122-139.
- Clarke, D. B., Doel, M. A. and Segrott, J. 2004. No alternative? The regulation and professionalization of complementary and alternative medicine in the United Kingdom. Health & Place 10(4), pp. 329-338. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2004.08.001)
- Doel, M. A. and Segrott, J. 2004. Materializing complementary and alternative medicine: aromatherapy, chiropractic, and Chinese herbal medicine in the UK. Geoforum 35(6), pp. 727-738. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2004.02.004)
- Segrott, J. and Doel, M. A. 2004. Disturbing geography: obsessive-compulsive disorder as spatial practice. Social & Cultural Geography 5(4), pp. 597-614. (10.1080/1464936042000317721)
- Doel, M. and Segrott, J. 2003. Self, health, and gender: complementary and alternative medicine in the British mass media. Gender, Place & Culture 10(2), pp. 131-144. (10.1080/0966369032000079523)
- Doel, M. A. and Segrott, J. 2003. Beyond belief? Consumer culture, complementary medicine, and the dis-ease of everyday life. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 21(6), pp. 739-759. (10.1068/d290t)
- Segrott, J. 2001. Language, geography and identity: the case of the Welsh in London. Social & Cultural Geography 2(3), pp. 281-296. (10.1080/14649360120073860)
Book sections
- Segrott, J. and Koning, I. 2023. Intervenciones preventivas basadas en la familia: comprensión de la implementación y cuestiones clave en su evaluación. In: Orte, C., Marsiglia, F. F. and Amer, J. eds. Programas de familias para la comunidad: Buenas prácticas en implementación de intervenciones basadas en la evidencia. Octaedro, pp. 97-116.
- Segrott, J. and Roberts, J. 2019. Working with schools to develop complex interventions for public health improvement. In: Newbury-Burch, D. and Allan, K. eds. Co-creating and Co-Producing Research Evidence: A Guide for Practitioners and Academics in Health, Social Care and Education Settings. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 28-41.
- Segrott, J. 2019. Supporting prevention science and prevention research internationally. In: Sloboda, Z. et al. eds. Prevention of Substance Use. Advances in Prevention Science Springer, pp. 385-394.
- Andrews, G., Adams, J., Segrott, J. and Wai Lui, C. 2012. The profile of complementary and alternative medicine users and reasons for complementary and alternative medicine use. In: Adams, J. et al. eds. Traditional complementary and integrative medicine: an international reader. Bas: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 11-17.
- Andrews, G., Adams, J. and Segrott, J. 2011. Médicine complémentaires et alternatives: production, consommation et recherche. In: Fleuret, S. and Hoyez, A. eds. Santé et géographie - noveaux regards. Géographie Paris: Economica, pp. 215-236.
- Andrews, G. J., Adams, J. and Segrott, J. 2009. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): production, consumption, research. In: Brown, T., McLafferty, S. and Moon, G. eds. A companion to health and medical geography. Blackwell Companions to Geography Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 587-603., (10.1002/9781444314762.ch30)
- Segrott, J. 2003. Constructing communities away from home: Welsh identities in London. In: Aull Davies, C. and Jones, S. eds. Welsh communities: new ethnographic perspectives. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 176-202.
- Segrott, J. 2001. Today and tomorrow. In: Jones, E. ed. The Welsh in London 1500-2000. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 184-192.
- Reed, H., Williams, A., Segrott, J. and Rees, G. 2019. Improving relationship–based practice, practitioner confidence and family engagement skills through restorative approach training. Presented at: European Conference for Social Work Research 2019, Leuven, Belgium, 10-12 April 2019.
- Reed, H., Williams, A. and Segrott, J. 2018. South Wales practitioner workshop: restorative approach in family practice: improving practitioner confidence and family engagement. Presented at: South Wales Practitioner Workshop: Restorative Approach in Family Practice: Improving Practitioner Confidence and Family Engagement, Cardiff, 19 July 2018.
- Reed, H. 2014. Collaborating with young people on public health research through a research advisory group. Presented at: INVOLVE 2014: Changing Landscapes, Birmingham, England, 26-27 November 2014 Presented at Segrott, J. ed.
- Moore, L. A. R. et al. 2014. Strengthening Families Programme (10-14UK) substance misuse prevention programme: findings from NPRI randomised trial of a proportionate universalism adaptation of an intervention for families with children aged 10-14. Presented at: 10th UKSBM Annual Scientific Meeting, Nottingham, 3-4 December 2014. pp. 1642-1647.
- Segrott, J. et al. 2014. Fidelity of implementation of the Strengthening Families Programme 10-14 UK in Wales UK: a mixed-method process evaluation within a randomised controlled trial. Presented at: 7th European Public Health Conference, Glasgow, Scotland,, 19-22 November 2014.
- Segrott, J. 2010. Preventing substance misuse: a randomised controlled trial of the Strengthening Families 10-14 UK Programme. Presented at: Quality and Effectiveness in the Provision of Interventions: Substance Misuse Annual Conference, Newport, Wales, 12 February 2010.
- Segrott, J. 2009. The strengthening families programme SFP10-14: ensuring that implementation is effective. Presented at: Preventing and reducing young people’s drinking – what works? seminar, Antrim, Ireland, 21 January 2009.
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play! A pilot feasibility study of a remotely- delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (aged 0-8) across UK early years and children's services.. Project Report. Foundations.
- Williams, A., Reed, H., Segrott, J., Barnaby, B. and Rees, A. 2021. Developing a model of the restorative approaches veteran family service. CASCADE Research Centre. Available at: https://cascadewales.org/research/developing-an-innovative-restorative-support-service-for-the-families-of-veterans-with-post-traumatic-stress-disorder/
- Segrott, J. 2008. Assessing the potential of the Cardiff Strengthening Families Programme 10-14 (UK) as a national programme for Wales - final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Ethics. Available at: http://www.mystrongfamily.org/downloads/PDFs/SFP-CardiffEvaluation.pdf
- Robinson, V. and Segrott, J. 2002. Understanding the decision-making of asylum seekers. Project Report. [Online]. London: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate. Available at: http://www.irr.org.uk/pdf/understand_asylum_decision.pdf
I am a Reader in the Centre for Trials Research and the DECIPHer Centre,
My research focuses on three main areas:
- development and evaluation of parenting and family based health promotion interventions
- strengthening connections between schools and parents/families
- implementation of complex interventions, including process evaluations within RCTs and other evaluation
Current work includes a Wellcom-funded project which is developing a data dashboard to promote research data by schools across Wales.
You can find more about the project and see the dashboard here or on the image below to find out more!
I have a longstanding interest in public involvement and engagement. In DECIPHer I am the academic lead for public involvement.
My teaching focuses mainly on research methods, including desiging literature reviews, evaluating complex interventions, and supervision of student projects which use qualitative methods.
In the Centre for Trials Research I am the chair of the Learning and Development Group, and am lead for undergraduate teaching.
I offer teaching and assessment through the medium of English and Welsh.
- BSc Intercalated Population Medicine - module lead for (Research Methods 2)
- MB BCh (Medical undergraduate) curriculum: tutor on Student Selected Components (SSC)
- Personal tutor (MB BCh students) (currently Year 1 and 4)
- Master’s in Public Health (MPH)
- MSc in Genetic (and Genomic) Counselling (Dissertation supervisor)
Other teaching
- DECIPHer short courses - Evaluating Complex Public Health Interventions; Intervention Adaptation, Process Evaluations
- Clinical Research for Health Care Professionals course (run by Cardiff University/health board Joint Research Office)
I joined Cardiff University in 2007 - working as a research fellow in Public Health in the CISHE and DECIPHer Centres. In 2016 I was appointed as a lecturer - based in the Centre for Trials Research (School of Medicine), and the DECIPHer Centre. I was promoted to senior lecturer in 2019, and to Reader in 2024.
Honours and awards
Wellcome Mental Health Data Prize (2023). The team at Cardiff University which I led was one of three winning projects.
You can find out more about our project and the data dashboard we built here.
Professional memberships
Chair, Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) Research Group (2024-2029).
President, European Society for Prevention Research (2017-2019); Past President (2019-2022)
Academic positions
Previous roles
- 2019-2024 Senior Lecturer, Centre for Trials Research, DECIPHer Centre, Cardiff University
- 2016-2019 Lecturer, Centre for Trials Research, DECIPHer Centre, Cardiff University
- 2009-2016 Research Fellow, DECIPHer Centre, Cardiff University
- 2007-2009 Research Fellow, Cardiff Institute for Society and Health, Cardiff University
- 2004-2007 Research Officer, School of Health Science, Swansea University
- 2000-2004 Senior Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Swansea University
- 2002 PhD in Human Geography, Swansea University
- 1997 MA in Landscape and Culture, University of Nottingham (Distinction)
- 1996 BA Hons, Human Geography and Welsh Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter (2:1)
Speaking engagements
- 'Developing a digital dashboard for student health and wellbeing data in schools:
Understanding the practical needs of school and education communities'. European Society for Prevention Research, Cremona, Italy, 12th September 2024. - 'Where are the Public in Prevention Science? A review of public involvement in family
based prevention intervention studies'. European Society for Prevention Research, Cremona, Italy, 11th September 2024. - 'The acceptability of conducting a randomised controlled trial of a parenting program in
community sites: Reflections from the 3P Study'. European Society for Prevention Research, Cremona, Italy, 11th September 2024. - ‘Research at and with schools’. Keynote presentation at Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) Academy, 3rd June 2024.
- ‘Feasibility studies of public health interventions: which questions can they answer and how do we design and conduct them?’ Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions, Behavioural Science & Evaluation Community of Practice(s) Online Event organised by Public Health Wales.
- ‘Undertaking process evaluations of complex interventions – the what, the why and the how’. Delivered as part of Public Health Wales Evaluation Community of Practice event ‘What is Process Evaluation?’, 19th September 2023.
Committees and reviewing
Academic journals
- Associate Editor, Journal of Prevention
- Associate Editor, Trials
Funding Committees
- NIHR Reducing Demand for Illicit Substances (RDIS) call Committee, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (2022-ongoing)
- UKRI Creating Opportunities Evaluation Development Fund (2024)
- Health and Care Research Wales Integrated Funding Scheme (2024-ongoing)
- Expert Advisory Panel, Alcohol Change UK
Current PhD students:
- Amanda Holland - How is the Health Visitor Observation and Assessment of the Infant (HOAI) implemented and integrated into every day health visitor practice?
- Sophie Wood - Factors influencing rates of children in out-of-home care: An ecological systems theory perspective.
Current EdD students:
- Victoria Pugh - Whole school approaches to equality, diversity and inclusion
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- parent and family-based approaches to promoting population health
- school-based interventions
- strengthening connections between schools and families
- implementation of complex interventions
- qualitative research in population health
Past projects
Jacqui Lee - whole-family approach
Contact Details
+44 29208 70216
Neuadd Meirionnydd, Floor 6th, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS
sbarc|spark, Floor 2nd, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ
Research themes
- Public health
- Parenting
- Secondary Schools