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Jeremy Segrott

Dr Jeremy Segrott



Welsh speaking
Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Reader in the Centre for Trials Research and the DECIPHer Centre at Cardiff University.  My research aims to improve public health through developing and evaluating health improvement interventions, focusing on schools and families.  I am also a methodological specialist in process evaluations - which assess intervention implementation and interpret outcomes within randomised controlled trials and other studies.  

I have worked in the field of public health research at Cardiff University since 2007, leading and contributing to interdisciplinary research teams.  My original research training (and PhD) was in the field of human geography.  An interest in social relationships - particularly within family and school systems has been a common thread in my work since then.  I am an experienced qualitative researcher, particularly the design and conduct of semi-structured interviews.

I am the chair of the Centre for Trials Research's Learning and Development Group, and lead implementation of its L&D strategy.  I am also the Centre's lead for undergraduate teaching.  My work has a strong commitment to public involvement and engagement.  In DECIPHer I am academic lead for Public Involvement, and am currently supporting the development of the Centre's Parent Advisory Group.

I am passionate about inspiring students to explore the value of research to improve public health, and my teaching work aims to create meaningful opportunities for them to develop their skills.  This includes my leadership of a research methods module within the School of Medicine's intercalated degree course, and offering undergraduate students within the school to chance to gain experience of working with research teams through their student selected components projects (SSCs).

Current projects

Recent projects



























Book sections




I am a Reader in the Centre for Trials Research and the DECIPHer Centre,

My research focuses on three main areas:

  • development and evaluation of parenting and family based health promotion interventions
  • strengthening connections between schools and parents/families
  • implementation of complex interventions, including process evaluations within RCTs and other evaluation

Current work includes a Wellcom-funded project which is developing a data dashboard to promote research data by schools across Wales. 

You can find more about the project and see the dashboard  here or on the image below to find out more!

I have a longstanding interest in public involvement and engagement.  In DECIPHer I am the academic lead for public involvement.





My teaching focuses mainly on research methods, including desiging literature reviews, evaluating complex interventions, and supervision of student projects which use qualitative methods.

In the Centre for Trials Research I am the chair of the Learning and Development Group, and am lead for undergraduate teaching.

I offer teaching and assessment through the medium of English and Welsh.


  • BSc Intercalated Population Medicine - module lead for (Research Methods 2)
  • MB BCh (Medical undergraduate) curriculum: tutor on Student Selected Components (SSC)
  • Personal tutor (MB BCh students) (currently Year 1 and 4)


  • Master’s in Public Health (MPH)
  • MSc in Genetic (and Genomic) Counselling (Dissertation supervisor)

Other teaching

  • DECIPHer short courses - Evaluating Complex Public Health Interventions; Intervention Adaptation, Process Evaluations
  • Clinical Research for Health Care Professionals course (run by Cardiff University/health board Joint Research Office) 


I joined Cardiff University in 2007 - working as a research fellow in Public Health in the CISHE and DECIPHer Centres.  In 2016 I was appointed as a lecturer - based in the Centre for Trials Research (School of Medicine), and the DECIPHer Centre.  I was promoted to senior lecturer in 2019, and to Reader in 2024.

Honours and awards

Wellcome Mental Health Data Prize (2023).  The team at Cardiff University which I led was one of three winning projects.

You can find out more about our project and the data dashboard we built here.

Professional memberships

Chair, Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) Research Group (2024-2029).

President, European Society for Prevention Research (2017-2019); Past President (2019-2022)

Academic positions

Previous roles

  • 2019-2024 Senior Lecturer, Centre for Trials Research, DECIPHer Centre, Cardiff University
  • 2016-2019 Lecturer, Centre for Trials Research, DECIPHer Centre, Cardiff University
  • 2009-2016 Research Fellow, DECIPHer Centre, Cardiff University
  • 2007-2009 Research Fellow, Cardiff Institute for Society and Health, Cardiff University
  • 2004-2007 Research Officer, School of Health Science, Swansea University
  • 2000-2004 Senior Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Swansea University


  • 2002 PhD in Human Geography, Swansea University
  • 1997 MA in Landscape and Culture, University of Nottingham (Distinction)
  • 1996 BA Hons, Human Geography and Welsh Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter (2:1) 

Speaking engagements

  • 'Developing a digital dashboard for student health and wellbeing data in schools:
     Understanding the practical needs of school and education communities'.  European Society for Prevention Research, Cremona, Italy, 12th September 2024.
  • 'Where are the Public in Prevention Science? A review of public involvement in family
    based prevention intervention studies'.  European Society for Prevention Research, Cremona, Italy, 11th September 2024.
  • 'The acceptability of conducting a randomised controlled trial of a parenting program in
     community sites: Reflections from the 3P Study'.  European Society for Prevention Research, Cremona, Italy, 11th September 2024.
  • ‘Research at and with schools’.  Keynote presentation at Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) Academy, 3rd June 2024.
  • ‘Feasibility studies of public health interventions: which questions can they answer and how do we design and conduct them?’  Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions, Behavioural Science & Evaluation Community of Practice(s) Online Event organised by Public Health Wales.
  • ‘Undertaking process evaluations of complex interventions – the what, the why and the how’.  Delivered as part of Public Health Wales Evaluation Community of Practice event ‘What is Process Evaluation?’, 19th September 2023.

Committees and reviewing

Academic journals

Funding Committees


Current PhD students:

  • Amanda Holland - How is the Health Visitor Observation and Assessment of the Infant (HOAI) implemented and integrated into every day health visitor practice? 
  • Sophie Wood - Factors influencing rates of children in out-of-home care: An ecological systems theory perspective.

Current EdD students:

  • Victoria Pugh - Whole school approaches to equality, diversity and inclusion 

I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • parent and family-based approaches to promoting population health
  • school-based interventions
  • strengthening connections between schools and families
  • implementation of complex interventions
  • qualitative research in population health

Past projects

Jacqui Lee - whole-family approach 

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70216
Campuses Neuadd Meirionnydd, Floor 6th, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS
sbarc|spark, Floor 2nd, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

Research themes


  • Public health
  • Parenting
  • Secondary Schools