Dr Tania Sharmin
Senior Lecturer Sustainable Environmental Design
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dr Tania Sharmin, is a Senior Lecturer at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA), Cardiff University. Since completing her PhD at Cambridge University, funded by Schlumberger Foundation ‘Faculty for the Future’ Award, Tania has focused her research on the environmental performance of the built environment and the effects of climate change on urban microclimates and human thermal comfort. Her research expertise lies in examining the relationship between urban morphology and microclimate through microclimate measurements and satellite data analysis. Tania has conducted thorough investigations into the microclimate of outdoor urban spaces in high-density urban contexts in the tropics examining its effects on human thermal comfort and building energy performance.
With a background in climate-responsive urban planning and design and specialised knowledge in advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling, building energy, thermal comfort simulations, and remote sensing data analysis, Tania is keen to understand the urban warming process in high-density cities concerning the urban heat island (UHI) effect and its interplay with global climate change. She is particularly interested in understanding how extreme heat events in concurrence with UHI affect public health and thermal comfort of people in low-income communities. Tania has expertise in collecting subjective data through questionnaires and interviews on urban microclimates and human thermal comfort, essential for developing health-enhancing solutions in densely populated areas.
Tania is currently leading a HEFCW ODA-funded project 2024-25 in Cairo to enhance resilience against extreme heat vulnerabilities by examining heat exposure in the Greater Cairo Region (GCR) through satellite remote sensing and specific case studies. The project will also gather data on local heat perceptions and socio-cultural practices, while conducting microclimate measurements to support analysis and identify potential localised interventions. Previously, Tania has led as PI for Research England QR-funded project 2019 in Ahmedabad, India exploring the post-occupancy and participatory design processes within a marginalised low-income settlement for understanding the community's coping mechanisms during extreme heat and identifying their requirements for designing climate change-resilient dwellings through engaging them in the design and construction process.
Tania has recently completed a Fung Global Fellowship (2022-23) at Princeton University, USA, exploring urban warming and sustaining health in urban spaces of megacities.Tania is a Co-I in the 3.8m AHRC Green Transition Ecosystem (AH/Y003772/1) project for creating a Community Open Map Platform (COMP), for the rural, disconnected, and deprived communities on the Isle of Anglesey, Wales. Her contributions include establishing, operating, and analysing environmental monitoring and data collection through a citizen-science approach by engaging with the local community. Tania is a Co-I in the EPSRC-Research (EP/Y00177X/1) (165k): SMART-H: SMART-Health-care. Alongside Tania is Co-I in Cardiff University Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account (IAA, 50k) project on: Heat resilient Reading for vulnerable population. Previously, TS has successfully participated in the British Council and Newton Fund Researcher Links projects as Researcher Co-I focusing on Nature-based Solutions and UHI Modelling in Jordan and energy efficiency, thermal comfort and emission reduction in Cairo and as a Co-I for QR-Funded GCRF project at Cardiff University on climate-resilient and sustainable built environment in Malawi.
In recognition of her research and academic excellence Tania has received numerous prestigious awards and grants, including the highly competitive 2022-23 Fung Global Fellowship at Princeton University, awarded to five scholars worldwide for research on "Sustainable Futures"; Schlumberger Foundation ‘Faculty for the Future Award’ (awarded to “highly qualified and recognised role models based on academic ability, leadership qualities, and engagement in outreach activities”); Commonwealth Shared Scholarship 2009; Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) award 2009 (declined), VLIR-UOS award 2009 (declined), ADB-JSP Scholarship 2009 (declined) for her masters study; Best Student Presentation Award at SuDBE Conference, CISBAT Student Grant at CISBAT Conference, PLEA-Jeffrey Cook Scholarship at PLEA 2013, and many others. She was an invited speaker at Urban Thinkers Campus 2023 in Cairo, ICUC International Conference on Urban Climate 2020, SuDBE-2019 Conference at Reading University, UK and ISBS-2019 Conference at Texas Tech University, USA. At the De Montfort University, she was awarded ‘DMU Future Research Leader Award’ and ‘Vice Chancellor’s 2020’ Award for research excellence. She is a Journal Scientific reviewer for: Building and Environment, PLOS ONE, Sustainable Cities and Society, Climate, Frontiers in Built Environment, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy among others. TS is frequently invited to serve as an External PhD examiner at several internationally renowned universities, including Melbourne University, Australia, Bath University, UK, Kent University, UK, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, and Laval University, Canada.
- Al-Harasis, D., Jabi, W. and Sharmin, T. 2025. Developing a taxonomy for sensory-informed architectural design qualities in autism. Building Research & Information (10.1080/09613218.2025.2459737)
- Sharmin, T. and Chappell, A. 2025. Detecting the changing impact of urbanisation on urban heat islands in a tropical megacity using local climate zones. Energy and Built Environment (10.1016/j.enbenv.2025.02.002)
- Sharmin, T., Chappell, A. and Lannon, S. 2024. Spatio-temporal analysis of LST, NDVI and SUHI in a coastal temperate city using local climate zone. Energy and Built Environment (10.1016/j.enbenv.2024.06.002)
- Lemes de Oliveira, F. et al. 2024. Conceptualising nature-based solutions: addressing environmental challenges in the city of Amman, Jordan. Urban Research & Practice (10.1080/17535069.2024.2313211)
- Toren, B. I. and Sharmin, T. 2023. Comparison of building energy performance in three urban sites using field measurements and modelling in Kayseri, Turkiye. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600(3), article number: 32007. (10.1088/1742-6596/2600/3/032007)
- Sharmin, T. and Md Mizanur, R. 2023. Optimising indoor air temperatures and thermal comfort measures for a low-income residential building in Ahmedabad, India. Presented at: Comfort at the Extremes 2023, Ahmedabad, India, 13-15 December 2023.
- Sharmin, T., Meggers, F. and Merchant, C. B. 2023. Urban geometry and surface radiaton effects on microclimate: A Manhatan case-study. Presented at: Conference on micrometeorological measurements. Urban microclimate monitoring and agricultural meteorology for climate change, Rome, Italy, 19-21 September 2023.
- Sharmin, T., Luo, Z. and Lannon, S. 2023. Mean radiant temperature and outdoor thermal comfort in urban public spaces in Cardiff: A GIS-based approach. Presented at: ICUC 11: 11th International Conference on Urban Climate, Sydney, Australia, 28 August -1st September 2023.
- Sharmin, T. 2023. Urban microclimate in Dhaka: Findings from field measurements and remote sensing. Presented at: 3rd Gobeshona Global Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10-16 March, 2023.
- Sharmin, T. 2023. Local climate zones in Cardiff and their connections with urban heat island and outdoor human thermal comfort. Presented at: 2023 International Congress of Biometeorology, Arizona, USA, 14-17 May 2023.
- Sharmin, T. 2023. Spatio-temporal variability of land surface temperature and vegetation indices within local climate zone classes in Cardiff, Wales. Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 April 2023. , (10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8591)
- Lila, A. et al. 2023. Thermal comfort study in MSMEs in Cairo using onsite measurements and optimization algorithm. Presented at: 18th International IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, Shanghai, China, 4-6 September 2023, Vol. 18.
- Sharmin, T. and Rahaman, M. M. 2023. A new workflow of urban scale 3D modelling and simulations to test the implications of the latest area-based FAR regulations on microclimate in the megacity Dhaka. Presented at: The 18th International IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, Shanghai, China, 4-6 September 2023, Vol. 18.
- Toren, B. I. and Sharmin, T. 2022. Urban geometry and microclimate effects on building energy performance: The case of Mediterranean climate districts in Turkey. Presented at: PLEA STGO 2022 Will Cities Survive? The future of sustainable buildings and urbanism in the age of emergency., Santiago de Chile, Chile, 22-25 November 2022Will Cities Survive? The future of sustainable buildings and urbanism in the age of emergency, Vol. 1. PLEASTGO2022: pp. 415-420.
- Sharmin, T. and Khalid, R. 2022. Post occupancy and participatory design evaluation of a marginalized low-income settlement in Ahmedabad, India. Building Research and Information 50(5), pp. 574-594. (10.1080/09613218.2021.2018286)
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2020. Effects of microclimate and human parameters on outdoor thermal sensation in the high-density tropical context of Dhaka. International Journal of Biometeorology 64(2), pp. 187-203. (10.1007/s00484-018-1607-2)
- Sharmin, T. 2020. Understanding traditional comfort practices: case-study of a low-income community in Ahmedabad, India. Presented at: 35th PLEA Conference Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design: Planning Post Carbon Cities, A Coruña, Spain, 1-3 September 2020.
- Sharmin, T., Steemers, K. and Humphreys, M. 2019. Outdoor thermal comfort and summer PET range: A field study in tropical city Dhaka. Energy and Buildings 198, pp. 149-159. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.05.064)
- Sharmin, T., Bradbury, S., Montalvo, L. Z. and Taki, A. 2019. Post-occupancy evaluation of architecturally-designed low-income housing in Ahmadabad, India. Presented at: The 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Building and Environment (SuDBE2019), Reading, UK, 22-28 July 2019.
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2019. Impact of urban geometry on indoor air temperature and cooling energy consumption in traditional and formal urban environments. Presented at: CATE 2019 – Comfort at the Extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate, Dubai, UAE, 10-11 April 2019 Presented at Roaf, S. and Finlayson, W. eds.Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Comfort at the Extremes: energy, Economy and Climate. Dubai: CATE 2019 pp. 650-664.
- Sharmin, T., Steemers, K. and Matzarakis, A. 2017. Microclimatic modelling in assessing the impact of urban geometry on urban thermal environment. Sustainable Cities and Society 34, pp. 293-308. (10.1016/j.scs.2017.07.006)
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2017. Understanding ENVI-met (V4) model behaviour in relation to environmental variables. Presented at: PLEA 2017 Edinburgh: Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 July 2017PLEA 2017 Edinburgh: Design to Thrive. Edinburgh: PLEA 2017 pp. 2156-2164.
- Hashemi, A., Sunikka-Blank, M., Mohareb, E., Vakhitova, T., Dantsiou, D., Ben, H. and Sharmin, T. 2016. Performance gap? Energy, health and comfort needs in buildings. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Zero Energy Mass Customised Housing - ZEMCH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20-23 December 2016Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Zero Energy Mass Customised Housing - ZEMCH. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.:
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2016. Responsiveness of microclimate simulation tool in recognising diversity in urban geometry. Presented at: PLEA 2016 Los Angeles - 32th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 11-13 July 2016PLEA 2016 Los Angeles - 32th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments. Los Angeles: PLEA2016
- Sharmin, T., Steemers, K. and Matzarakis, A. 2015. Analysis of microclimatic diversity and outdoor thermal comfort perceptions in the tropical megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh. Building and Environment 94(P2), pp. 734-750. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.10.007)
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2015. Use of microclimate models for evaluating thermal comfort: identifying the gaps. Presented at: CISBAT International Conference Proceedings, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-11 Sept 2015CISBAT International Conference Proceedings. Lausanne, Switzerland: CISBAT
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2015. Exploring the effect of micro-climate data on building energy performance analysis. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment (SuDBE2015), Reading, UK, 27-29 July 2015.
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2014. Harmonious accordance of indoor-outdoor thermal comfort and building energy performance by ameliorating urban microclimate in different urban block types in tropical climate. Presented at: Third International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, Venice, Italy, 13-15 October 2014Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island. Venice: Proc. 3rd IC2UHI
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2013. Effect of canyon geometry on outdoor thermal comfort: A Case-study of high-density, warm-humid climate. Presented at: PLEA2013 - 29th Conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, Munich, Germany, 10-12 September 2013PLEA2013 - 29th Conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future. Munich, Germany: PLEA2013
- Sharmin, T. and Gichuyia, L. 2013. Impact of canyon geometry upon urban microclimate: a case-study of high-density, warm-humid climate. Presented at: CISBAT 2013 - Cleantech for Smart Cities & Buildings - From Nano to Urban Scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 Sept. 2013CISBAT 2013 Proceedings Vol. II - Cleantech for Smart Cities and Buildings. Lausanne,: CISBAT, (10.5075/epfl-infoscience-190601)
- Sharmin, T., Kabir, S. and Rahaman, M. 2012. A study of thermal comfort in outdoor urban spaces in respect to increasing building height in Dhaka. AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering 11(1)
- Al-Harasis, D., Jabi, W. and Sharmin, T. 2025. Developing a taxonomy for sensory-informed architectural design qualities in autism. Building Research & Information (10.1080/09613218.2025.2459737)
- Sharmin, T. and Chappell, A. 2025. Detecting the changing impact of urbanisation on urban heat islands in a tropical megacity using local climate zones. Energy and Built Environment (10.1016/j.enbenv.2025.02.002)
- Sharmin, T., Chappell, A. and Lannon, S. 2024. Spatio-temporal analysis of LST, NDVI and SUHI in a coastal temperate city using local climate zone. Energy and Built Environment (10.1016/j.enbenv.2024.06.002)
- Lemes de Oliveira, F. et al. 2024. Conceptualising nature-based solutions: addressing environmental challenges in the city of Amman, Jordan. Urban Research & Practice (10.1080/17535069.2024.2313211)
- Toren, B. I. and Sharmin, T. 2023. Comparison of building energy performance in three urban sites using field measurements and modelling in Kayseri, Turkiye. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600(3), article number: 32007. (10.1088/1742-6596/2600/3/032007)
- Sharmin, T. and Khalid, R. 2022. Post occupancy and participatory design evaluation of a marginalized low-income settlement in Ahmedabad, India. Building Research and Information 50(5), pp. 574-594. (10.1080/09613218.2021.2018286)
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2020. Effects of microclimate and human parameters on outdoor thermal sensation in the high-density tropical context of Dhaka. International Journal of Biometeorology 64(2), pp. 187-203. (10.1007/s00484-018-1607-2)
- Sharmin, T., Steemers, K. and Humphreys, M. 2019. Outdoor thermal comfort and summer PET range: A field study in tropical city Dhaka. Energy and Buildings 198, pp. 149-159. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.05.064)
- Sharmin, T., Steemers, K. and Matzarakis, A. 2017. Microclimatic modelling in assessing the impact of urban geometry on urban thermal environment. Sustainable Cities and Society 34, pp. 293-308. (10.1016/j.scs.2017.07.006)
- Sharmin, T., Steemers, K. and Matzarakis, A. 2015. Analysis of microclimatic diversity and outdoor thermal comfort perceptions in the tropical megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh. Building and Environment 94(P2), pp. 734-750. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.10.007)
- Sharmin, T., Kabir, S. and Rahaman, M. 2012. A study of thermal comfort in outdoor urban spaces in respect to increasing building height in Dhaka. AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering 11(1)
- Sharmin, T. and Md Mizanur, R. 2023. Optimising indoor air temperatures and thermal comfort measures for a low-income residential building in Ahmedabad, India. Presented at: Comfort at the Extremes 2023, Ahmedabad, India, 13-15 December 2023.
- Sharmin, T., Meggers, F. and Merchant, C. B. 2023. Urban geometry and surface radiaton effects on microclimate: A Manhatan case-study. Presented at: Conference on micrometeorological measurements. Urban microclimate monitoring and agricultural meteorology for climate change, Rome, Italy, 19-21 September 2023.
- Sharmin, T., Luo, Z. and Lannon, S. 2023. Mean radiant temperature and outdoor thermal comfort in urban public spaces in Cardiff: A GIS-based approach. Presented at: ICUC 11: 11th International Conference on Urban Climate, Sydney, Australia, 28 August -1st September 2023.
- Sharmin, T. 2023. Urban microclimate in Dhaka: Findings from field measurements and remote sensing. Presented at: 3rd Gobeshona Global Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10-16 March, 2023.
- Sharmin, T. 2023. Local climate zones in Cardiff and their connections with urban heat island and outdoor human thermal comfort. Presented at: 2023 International Congress of Biometeorology, Arizona, USA, 14-17 May 2023.
- Sharmin, T. 2023. Spatio-temporal variability of land surface temperature and vegetation indices within local climate zone classes in Cardiff, Wales. Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 April 2023. , (10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8591)
- Lila, A. et al. 2023. Thermal comfort study in MSMEs in Cairo using onsite measurements and optimization algorithm. Presented at: 18th International IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, Shanghai, China, 4-6 September 2023, Vol. 18.
- Sharmin, T. and Rahaman, M. M. 2023. A new workflow of urban scale 3D modelling and simulations to test the implications of the latest area-based FAR regulations on microclimate in the megacity Dhaka. Presented at: The 18th International IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, Shanghai, China, 4-6 September 2023, Vol. 18.
- Toren, B. I. and Sharmin, T. 2022. Urban geometry and microclimate effects on building energy performance: The case of Mediterranean climate districts in Turkey. Presented at: PLEA STGO 2022 Will Cities Survive? The future of sustainable buildings and urbanism in the age of emergency., Santiago de Chile, Chile, 22-25 November 2022Will Cities Survive? The future of sustainable buildings and urbanism in the age of emergency, Vol. 1. PLEASTGO2022: pp. 415-420.
- Sharmin, T. 2020. Understanding traditional comfort practices: case-study of a low-income community in Ahmedabad, India. Presented at: 35th PLEA Conference Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design: Planning Post Carbon Cities, A Coruña, Spain, 1-3 September 2020.
- Sharmin, T., Bradbury, S., Montalvo, L. Z. and Taki, A. 2019. Post-occupancy evaluation of architecturally-designed low-income housing in Ahmadabad, India. Presented at: The 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Building and Environment (SuDBE2019), Reading, UK, 22-28 July 2019.
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2019. Impact of urban geometry on indoor air temperature and cooling energy consumption in traditional and formal urban environments. Presented at: CATE 2019 – Comfort at the Extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate, Dubai, UAE, 10-11 April 2019 Presented at Roaf, S. and Finlayson, W. eds.Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Comfort at the Extremes: energy, Economy and Climate. Dubai: CATE 2019 pp. 650-664.
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2017. Understanding ENVI-met (V4) model behaviour in relation to environmental variables. Presented at: PLEA 2017 Edinburgh: Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 July 2017PLEA 2017 Edinburgh: Design to Thrive. Edinburgh: PLEA 2017 pp. 2156-2164.
- Hashemi, A., Sunikka-Blank, M., Mohareb, E., Vakhitova, T., Dantsiou, D., Ben, H. and Sharmin, T. 2016. Performance gap? Energy, health and comfort needs in buildings. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Zero Energy Mass Customised Housing - ZEMCH, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20-23 December 2016Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Zero Energy Mass Customised Housing - ZEMCH. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.:
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2016. Responsiveness of microclimate simulation tool in recognising diversity in urban geometry. Presented at: PLEA 2016 Los Angeles - 32th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 11-13 July 2016PLEA 2016 Los Angeles - 32th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments. Los Angeles: PLEA2016
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2015. Use of microclimate models for evaluating thermal comfort: identifying the gaps. Presented at: CISBAT International Conference Proceedings, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-11 Sept 2015CISBAT International Conference Proceedings. Lausanne, Switzerland: CISBAT
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2015. Exploring the effect of micro-climate data on building energy performance analysis. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment (SuDBE2015), Reading, UK, 27-29 July 2015.
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2014. Harmonious accordance of indoor-outdoor thermal comfort and building energy performance by ameliorating urban microclimate in different urban block types in tropical climate. Presented at: Third International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, Venice, Italy, 13-15 October 2014Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island. Venice: Proc. 3rd IC2UHI
- Sharmin, T. and Steemers, K. 2013. Effect of canyon geometry on outdoor thermal comfort: A Case-study of high-density, warm-humid climate. Presented at: PLEA2013 - 29th Conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, Munich, Germany, 10-12 September 2013PLEA2013 - 29th Conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future. Munich, Germany: PLEA2013
- Sharmin, T. and Gichuyia, L. 2013. Impact of canyon geometry upon urban microclimate: a case-study of high-density, warm-humid climate. Presented at: CISBAT 2013 - Cleantech for Smart Cities & Buildings - From Nano to Urban Scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 Sept. 2013CISBAT 2013 Proceedings Vol. II - Cleantech for Smart Cities and Buildings. Lausanne,: CISBAT, (10.5075/epfl-infoscience-190601)
Dr Tania Sharmin has developed an innovative, multilayered methodology that integrates urban microclimate and Urban Heat Island (UHI) research to assess their impact on health. Her investigations were the first to demonstrate the positive effects of diverse urban geometry and morphology on microclimate and Outdoor Thermal Comfort (OTC) in tropical regions, as highlighted in a study with 128 citations. She also identified limitations in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools for capturing air-temperature variations related to morphological diversity, a finding that has received 156 citations. Additionally, Tania developed the Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET) Thermal Comfort Index specifically for tropical cities, with 92 citations, and created predictive OTC models using meteorological, personal, and psychological parameters through advanced regression techniques, earning 30 citations.
Dr Sharmin’s current and previous research projects/grants include:
· Principal-Investigator in the (£40k) HEFCW ODA Awards 2024/2025 titled: Improving Resilience to Extreme Heat Vulnerabilities: a case study of the Greater Cairo Region (IR2EHV-GCR).
· Principal-Investigator in the (£21k) Research England QR-Funded GCRF 2019 titled: Sociocultural and environmental experiences in a low-income settlement in India.
· Co-Investigator in the £3.8m-AHRC-Green-Transition-Ecosystem (AH/Y003772/1): operate environmental monitoring, and data analysis using citizen-science approaches, engage with local communities.
· Co-Investigator in the IAA project (£50k): Heat-resilient Reading for vulnerable populations.
· Co-Investigator in the EPSRC-Research (EP/Y00177X/1) (£165k): SMART-H: SMART-Health-care
· Researcher Co-I in British-Council and Newton-Fund-Researcher-Links projects on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in Jordan (£15k), and energy-efficiency in Cairo (£10k).
· Co-I for the QR-Funded project (£8.5k): Climate-resilient Malawi.
Teaching roles
- Module Leader in Architectural Technology, BSc Architecture Year 2 (2020-2021)
- Supervisor in MArch Year 2 Dissertation (2020-2021)
- Tutor in MArch Year 1, Research Preparation (2020-2021)
- Co-chair in MArch Year 2 Dissertation Conference (2020-2021)
- Tutor in Architectural Technology, BSc Architecture Year 3 (2019-2020)
- Technology Tutor in MArch Design Studio Year 1 (2019-2020)
- Technology Tutor in MArch Design Studio Year 2 (2019-2020)
I am a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK.
Other Teaching Roles:
PhD External Examiner: Melbourne University, UK
PhD External Examiner: Bath University, UK
PhD External Examiner: Kent University, UK
PhD External Examiner: Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
PhD External Examiner: Laval University, Canada.
MPhil Examiner: University of Cambridge, UK.
Honours and awards
Academic Scholarship
- DMU Future Research Leader 2018 – Awarded to six lecturers across the whole university for research leadership roles.
- Faculty for the Future Award - by Schlumberger Foundation to study PhD in Architecture, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Commonwealth Shared Scholarship (CSS) - to study master's at University of Westminster
- Netherlands Fellowship Programme (declined) - fellowship from the Netherlands Government, 2009 to study Urban Management and Development-6 ( UMD-6 ) in the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Netherlands.
- VLIR-UOS, 2009 (declined) - a full scholarship to study Master of Human Settlements in K.U. Leuven, Belgium.
- ADB – JSP Scholarship, 2009 (declined) - a full scholarship from Asian Development Bank to study Master of Urban Design in the University of Hong Kong.
- Cambridge Philosophical Society Research Studentship, 2016 - by University of Cambridge
- Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Grant, 2016 - by University of Cambridge
- Doctoral Bursary, 2016 - by Charles Wallace Bangladesh Trust
- Faculty Fieldwork Fund, 2015, 2014 – by Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
- Best Student Presentation Award - by SuDBE – 7th International Conference, University of Reading, UK, July 27-29, 2015.
- SMUTS Memorial Research Grant, 2015 – by University of Cambridge
- Lundgren Award, 2015 – by University of Cambridge
- Kettle's Yard Travel Grant, 2015, 2014, 2013 – by University of Cambridge
- CISBAT Student Grant, 2015 – by EPFL to attend CISBAT International Conference.
- 2013 Jeffrey Cook PLEA Travel Scholarship - by SBSE
- College Tutorial Award, 2013, 2012 – by St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge
- BUET Merit Scholarship - Awarded to top 5 students for each undergraduate course each academic year at undergraduate level in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th year (1997-2003).
- Board Talent-pool Scholarship - in H.S.C. (Higher Secondary Certificate) From Comilla Board, Bangladesh in 1995, Distinctions in Mathematics Paper 1 and 2, Physics Paper 1 and 2, Chemistry Paper 1 and 2 and Statistics Paper 1 and 2
- Board Talent-pool Scholarship - in S.S.C. (Secondary School Certificate) From Comilla Board, Bangladesh in 1993, Distinctions in Higher Mathematics, General Mathematics, General Science Paper 1 and 2, Geography and Religious Studies
Professional memberships
- Associate Member: Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists,
Member since 06/12/2018
- Member: Institute of Architects Bangladesh, IAB
Full member, since 06/12/2006, Membership no. S-069, http://www.iab.com.bd/
- Member, SBSE: The Society of Building Science Educators
- Member ISB: (The International Society of Biometeorology)
- Member Cambridge Philosophical Society: University of Cambridge, since Jan 2015
Committees and reviewing
Esteem Indicators
Journal Scientific reviewer:
- Journal reviewer, Building and Environment
- Journal reviewer, Sustainable Cities and Society
- Journal reviewer, Frontiers in Built Environment, section Indoor Environment
- Journal reviewer, Climate
- Journal reviewer, PLOS ONE
- Journal reviewer, IJERPH (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)
- Journal reviewer, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
Guest editor for: Springer Nature (Applied Science) - ZEMCH Interdisciplinary Design for Sustainability: https://www.springer.com/journal/42452/updates/18881090?fbclid=IwAR2TkJ6fmLk80Hf2AEvIVZX4vGKWXiAbYxZH_uFjuDhoyR5CFUd4_UUGO0o
Chief Editor: 'Scroope: Cambridge Architecture Journal: Future Domestic'
Issue 24, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
President (Oct 2014 - Dec 2015) and Seminar Coordinator (Oct 2013 - Oct 2015), GreenBRIDGE - GreenBRIDGE is a society of graduate researchers at the University of Cambridge with an interest in the sustainability of the built environment.
Organiser and course leader, Joint Cambridge-Berkeley Urban Design Charrette 2017 and 2018
http://www.martincentre.arct.cam.ac.uk/seminars/joint-cambridge-berkeley-urban-design Charratte-2017 and https://www.martincentre.arct.cam.ac.uk/seminars/joint-cambridge-berkeley-urban-design-charette-2018/summary
Seminar Coordinator, Martin Centre Research Seminar Series (Jan 2013 – Jan 2014)
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Organiser, GreenBRIDGE Workshop: Performance Gap? Energy, Health and Comfort needs in Buildings, University of Cambridge, 20 July 2015.
Organiser, Workshop on Sustainable Design in collaboration with CHUK (Chinese University of Hong-Kong), University of Cambridge, 10 Dec 2014.
Organiser, Workshop on Urban Climate Mapping in collaboration with CHUK (Chinese University of Hong-Kong), University of Cambridge, 27 Nov 2013.
Member, SBSE: The Society of Building Science Educators
Member ISB: (The International Society of Biometeorology)
Member Cambridge Philosophical Society: University of Cambridge, since Jan 2015
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Climate-responsive building and urban design / Environmental design;
- Urban Microclimate;
- Urban Form;
- Thermal comfort;
- Building energy performance / Thermal modelling
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 70798
Bute Building, Room 1.32, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB