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Kasongo Shutsha

Mr Kasongo Shutsha

Teams and roles for Kasongo Shutsha



  • Ph.D. - Effects of Land Cover Changes on Climate and the Surface Energy Budget - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cardiff University (2020 - Present)
  • MSc - Climate Change Sciences and Policy - School of Geographical Sciences, Bristol University (2017 - 2019)
  • BSc - Geographical Sciences - School of Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles (2013 - 2016)


  • Climate modeling
  • Land surface processes
  • Evapotranspiration estimates
  • Remote sensing


My current research focuses on assessing the influence of land cover changes such as deforestation on the surface energy budget and climate. I also investigate how this land alteration affects evapotranspiration. Land cover changes cause substantial variation in physical properties of the surface such as evapotranspiration and surface albedo.

Therefore, I seek to assess the bio-geophysical changes caused by land cover alteration and the subsequent effects on the climate system. I use earth system models to model these land-climate dynamics and collect ground-based data from meteorological stations such as FLUXNET towers to evaluate my climate modelling.


  • I took part in the demonstration of the EA2308 - Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis in 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024, and 2024-2025. This course focuses on the analysis of changes in environmental processes. This analysis is made through Geographical Information Systems such as the Google Earth Engine. I supported the second-year students in developing their coding skills in the Google Earth Engine and their understanding of environmental dynamics.
  • I took part in the demonstration of the EA3322 - Global Climate Change in 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024, and 2024-2025. This module focuses on the analysis of current and future climate changes and their link to past geological periods. I supported the third-year students in understanding past and current research on paleo-analogs.
  • I contributed to the demonstration of the EA1309 - Practical Field Session in 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. This course helps first-year students better understand the Urban Ecosystem Services and land cover type in Cardiff city center.
  • I helped in the demonstration of the EA2317 - Field Exercise in North Cardiff in 2021-2022. This field trip focuses on the analysis of the land cover types and land uses in North Cardiff. I helped guide first-year students across different sites.
  • I also demonstrated for the EA2315 - The Ocean and Atmosphere System in 2022-2023, 2023-2024, and 2024-2025, and the EA2330 - Grand Challenge Land Degradation in 2023-2024 and 2024-2025.
  • I have also helped since 2021-2022 in the residential fieldwork programs: EA1305, EA1300, EA2307, EA2312, EA3321, EAT410, and EA4311.


Professional memberships

  • FLUXNET Education Working Group (October 2024 to Present): FLUXNET is a grassroots network comprising academic, government, and private sector stakeholders. The educational mission can be advanced through formal and informal educational activities.

  • SPROUT PGR Sustainability Collective (May 2024 to Present): Helping postgraduate researchers, those pursuing a Master’s degree, and early career researchers integrate sustainability into their research for greater impact.

  • GW4 Connect (May 2023 to Present): Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) programs from GW4 universities to connect postgraduate researchers from diverse backgrounds. 

Contact Details


  • Climate change
  • Climate change processes
  • Climatology
  • Environmental geography
  • GIS