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Stephanie Sivell   BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD

Stephanie Sivell

BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD

Research Fellow

Available for postgraduate supervision



I am an experienced researcher in both quantitative and qualitative methods, and analysis in health-related research.  My research interests include: health psychology; health communication; decision-making; design, development and evaluation of theory-based complex interventions; healthcare improvement; mixed methods evaluation; palliative and supportive care; cancer and chronic conditions.
























Book sections




Grant Funding

Evaluation of the Implementation of the RCGP & Marie Curie Daffodil Standards. Marie Curie, £69,616 (RDAFFO), 2022-2024 (Co-Chief Investigator)

Value in Health: A Palliative Care Perspective. Welsh Value in Health Care, £50,000, 2022-2023 (Co-Chief Investigator)

The long-term grief experiences and support needs of people bereaved during the Covid-19 pandemic: cohort survey 4th timepoint. Marie Curie Small Grants, £15,000, (MCSGS-21-701), 2022-2023 (Co-Investigator)

Patient Reported Core Outcomes in Brain Tumour Trials: the COBra study. The Brain Tumour Charity, £152,949 2020-2022 (Co-Investigator)

Exploring cancer patients' expectations and experiences of Proton Bean Therapy in the UK. Tenovus Cancer Care iGrant, £29,999, 2020-2021 (Chief Investigator) (Funding redacted due to COVID-19)

An action research project to develop and evaluate a new model of therapy led MDT meetings and integrated care pathways for patients at a specialist cancer treatment centre. Tenovus Cancer Care iGrant, £30,000, 2020-2021 (Co-Investigator) (Funding redacted due to COVID-19)

Improving access to end of life care for Diverse Communities of Cardiff. Marie Curie Hospice, Cardiff and the Vale, Penarth, £6,000. 2018 (Co-Investigator)

Supporting people bereaved through advanced illness: a systematic review of the evidence and development of a core outcome set for bereaved research in palliative care. Marie Curie Cancer Care, £82K, 2016-2018 (Co-Investigator)

PACT: Development of an intervention to support lung cancer Patients and their clinicians when considering systematic Anti-Cancer Therapy. Velindre NHS Trust Charitable Funds, £200K, 2014-2015 (Co-Investigator)


Group Discussion facilitator, Exam question and marking design for Cardiff University School of Medicine BSc Intercalated Route (Population Medicine) 2020 to present (Systematic Reviews)

Exam question and marking design for School of Medicine BSc Intercalated Route (Population Medicine) 2020 to present for Systematic Review question.

Assessor for the Cardiff University School of Medicine BSc Intercalated Route (Clinical Epidemiology), 2014 to present

Small group teaching in SSC Year 1 School of Medicine (Professionalism and Ethics) and C21 Epidemiology / Evidence Based Medicine in Year 3, 2017 to present

Tutor for Practical Research Experience in SSC Year 1, Year 2 & Year 3; School of Medicine, 2017 to present.

Teaching modules and small group teaching on MSc Palliative Medicine, Cardiff University School of Medicine, 2012 to 2018.


Education & Qualifications

2014: Ph.D by Published Works: "Supporting decision-making using a theory based intervention: application of an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Common Sense Model of Illness Representations to support women choosing surgery for early breast cancer", Cardiff University

2005: M.Phil (Occupational & Health Psychology): “Combined Effects of Occupational Health Hazards”, University of Wales, Cardiff

1999: BA (Hons) Psychology (2:1), University of Wales, Cardiff

Training & Development

2008: Internet-Based Health Psychology Interventions: Maximising their Potential; Synergy 2008 Workshop: European Heath Psychology Society

2007: Dartmouth Summer Institute for Informed Patient Choice; Dartmouth College, NH, U.S.A

2007: Psychology of Decision Making; Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, Canada

2007: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods; Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

Career Overview

2024 - Present: Research Fellow; Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre, Division of Population Medicine, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

Professional memberships

External Memberships
  • British Psychological Society
  • Internal Shared Decision Making Society (Young Scientific Associate)
  • Fellow of the Dartmouth Summer Institute for Informed Patient Choice
Internal Memberships
  • Patient Centred Care group, Division of Population Medicine, Cardiff University School of Medicine

Academic positions

2024 - Present: Research Fellow; Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre, Division of Population Medicine, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2022 - 2024: Research Fellow (Serenity Project); Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre, Division of Population Medicine, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2011 - 2024: Marie Curie Research Associate; Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre, Division of Population Medicine, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2006 - 2011: Research Associate; Department of Primary Care and Public Health, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2006: Project Officer (Secondment); Department of General Practice, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2004 - 2006: Research Assistant; Cancer Genetics Services for Wales, Institute of Medical Genetics, Cardiff University

2001 - 2003: Research Assistant; Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine

2001: Research Assistant; Academic Unit of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Leeds

2000-2001: MPhil Studentship; Centre for Occupational and Health Psychology, University of Wales, Cardiff

1999-2000: Research Assistant; Centre for Occupational and Health Psychology, University of Wales, Cardiff

Committees and reviewing

Breast Cancer Now, Grant Commitee Member (2021 - present)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity, Division of Population Medicine Committee: Division of Population, School of Medicine (Deputy Lead)

School of Medicine Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Commitee: Cardiff University School of Medicine (Member)

Journal Reviewer: Social Science and Medicine, Patient Education and Counseling, Health Expectations

Grant Reviewer: Marie Curie, Breast Cancer Now


Past projects

Francesca MazzaschiDeveloping a screening tool for the late effects of treatment for brain cancer.  2018-2022