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Heather Strange

Dr Heather Strange

Research Associate

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a qualitative research associate at the Centre for Trials Research (CTR). I work primarily within the fields of medical sociology, science and technology studies, and bio/medical ethics. I am experienced in the use of a wide range of qualitative and ethnographic research methods, and have an interest in implementation and improvement science work. My PhD (2015) was an empirical study of the emergence and translation of the novel prenatal testing technology NIPD/NIPT (non-invasive prenatal diagnosis/testing), for which I recruited a wide range of patient, clinician and expert participants. Drawing on these accounts, the final thesis explored the shifting of the established boundary between practices of prenatal screening and prenatal diagnosis, the moral, social and political problematisation of NIPT/D, the centrality of termination/abortion experiences and debates, and the containment and defusion of bioethical debate. I am currently principle investigator for NEPTUNE, a follow-up study of NIPT's implementation within routine prenatal screening in Wales, and co-convenor of the CTR's qualitative research network. 

Previous to undertaking this research, I contributed to a wide range of qualitative and bioethical research projects at Cesagen, the ESRC-funded Centre for the Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics. I also spent time working for the Specialist Unit for Research Evidence (SURE), and contributed to a number of projects coordinated by Cardiff University's School of Social Sciences. As such, I contributed to a broad range of debates and discussions, including; the ethics of sex selection, the application of new biometric technologies, the standardisation of ethics in biobanking and population health, the dignified care of older people, the care of persons with dementia, and the community-based use of online social media.

Current and recent projects:

Principle investigator for:

The HCRW-funded NIPT (Non-InvasivE Prenatal Testing) Wales: UNdErstanding and Improving the New Landscape of Prenatal Screening (NEPTUNE) project

Qualitative lead for:

The ORION (the ORganIsing work Of Nurses) impact accelerator workstream, which comprises: public engagement/website development work (links below), the development and evaluation of TRACT (an evidence-based tool designed to capture the organisational components of nursing work) and the development an educational platform using the latest digital technologies to integrate into nurse education formal preparation for the organisational components of the nursing role. 

The NIHR-funded Plan-it study (The feasibility and acceptability of a planned pre-pregnancy weight loss intervention)

The MRC-funded TTTS study (Developing a non-invasive treatment for twin-twin transfusion syndrome)

Qualitative research associate for:

The RCN-funded ProJudge study (examining the use of professional judgement in nurse staffing decisions)

The NIHR-funded PUMA study (Paediatric early warning system - Utilisation and Mortality Avoidance): prospective mixed-methods before and after study of the development, implementation and evaluation of a programme to improve paediatric early warning systems:

The HCRW-funded PLACEMENT (perineural local anaesthetic catheter after major lower limb amputation) trial: 

















Book sections





Current and recent projects:

Principle investigator for:

The HCRW-funded NIPT (Non-InvasivE Prenatal Testing) Wales: UNdErstanding and Improving the New Landscape of Prenatal Screening (NEPTUNE) project. (website forthcoming)

Qualitative workpackage lead for:

The ORION (the ORganIsing work Of Nurses) impact accelerator workstream, which comprises: public engagement/website development work (links below), the development and evaluation of TRACT (an evidence-based tool designed to capture the organisational components of nursing work) and the development an educational platform using the latest digital technologies to integrate into nurse education formal preparation for the organisational components of the nursing role. 

The NIHR-funded Plan-it study (The feasibility and acceptability of a planned pre-pregnancy weight loss intervention)

The MRC-funded TTTS study (Developing a non-invasive treatment for twin-twin transfusion syndrome)

Qualitative research associate for:

The RCN-funded ProJudge study (examining the use of professional judgement in nurse staffing decisions)

The NIHR-funded PUMA study (Paediatric early warning system - Utilisation and Mortality Avoidance): prospective mixed-methods before and after study of the development, implementation and evaluation of a programme to improve paediatric early warning systems:

The HCRW-funded PLACEMENT (perineural local anaesthetic catheter after major lower limb amputation) trial: 

Key areas of interest:

Medical sociology, science and technology studies/STS, bioethics, biopolitics, the sociology of reproduction, prenatal testing, genetics and genomics.

Reviewer for:

Bioethics, Health Care Analysis, The Journal of Bioethical Enquiry, Science Technology and Human Values, The Journal of Community Genetics, Sociology of Health and Illness, New Genetics and Society, Social Science and Medicine, Nature reviews Genetics, European Journal of Human Genetics.


MSc Medical Education. Guest lecturer (research skills), 2017 - present.

MSc Genetic Counselling (Cardiff University). Guest lecturer (teaching on bioethics, ethics and infertility,
ethics and new technologies), 2009 to present.

MSc Tissue Engineering (CITER). Guest lecturer (teaching on bioethics) from 2013 - 2015.


Education and qualifications

PhD (Social Sciences/STS), Cardiff University, 2016

MA (Ethics and Social Philosophy), Cardiff University, 2007

BA Hons, first class (Philosophy), Cardiff University, 2004

Career overview

2016 - present: Research Associate, Centre for Trials Research (CTR) Cardiff University

2014 - 2016: Research Support, Specialist Unit for Research Evidence (Sure), Cardiff University

2011 - 2015: Doctoral reearcher, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

2008 - 2011: Research Assistant, ESRC Centre for the Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (Cesagen), Cardiff University

Honours and awards

  • National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR), Health Studentship Award (2011), Welsh Government.
  • DM Phillips Tylerstown Philosophy Prize (2006-07), Cardiff School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Philosophy Board of Studies

Smaller grant funders (for travel and research dissemination) include: the British Sociological Association, Cesagen, the KISS DTC, the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness, the Health Technology and Society Research Group, the European Society for Human Genetics, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany) and the Economic and Social Research Council.

Professional memberships

The British Sociological Association (BSA), date of registration 23/05/2012.

Academic positions

  • 2014 - 2016: Research Support, Specialist Unit for Research Evidence (Sure), Cardiff University
  • 2012 - 2014: Qualitative field researcher, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (Forgotten Abergavenny and Care Home Organisations Implementing Cultures of Excellence/CHOICE, projects)
  • 2011 - 2015: PhD student, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
  • 2008 - 2011: Research Assistant, ESRC Centre for the Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (Cesagen), Cardiff University

Committees and reviewing

  • Cesagene seminar series organising committee, 2014-15
  • Socsi Postgrad Café organising committee, 2011-12
  • Postgrad Forum on Genetics and Society, regional events (Wales) committee, 2012-13


Current students

Judith Cutter, PhD candidate School of Healthcare Sciences, Exploration of the Barriers and Facilitators to the Uptake of Early Postnatal Contraception

Past projects

  • Lisa Jones, MSc Genetic and Genomic Counselling dissertation. Approaches parents take to talking to their children living with Usher syndrome about the condition: a qualitative study (2022)
  • Kerry Metters, MPH dissertation. How BAME Women Experience Perinatal Care in South Wales (2021).
  • ShiHui Zhu, MSc Genetic Counselling dissertation. ‘Patient experiences of Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in the
    private sector’ (2017)
  • Erin Anderson, MSc Genetic counselling dissertation. ‘Experiences of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in Wales’
  • Claire Giffney, MSc Genetic counselling dissertation. ‘Exploring Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis in Ireland’ (2011)
  • Amy Bamber, MSc Genetic counselling dissertation. ‘Attitudes towards non invasive prenatal diagnosis in the Down
    syndrome community’ (2012)

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 10474
Campuses Neuadd Meirionnydd, Room 4th floor, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS


  • Reproductive medicine
  • Research, science and technology policy
  • Qualitative research methods
  • ethnography