I am a Professor of Marketing and Strategy at Cardiff Business School where I teach marketing with a focus on how marketing can contribute positively to society.
I am Cardiff Business Schools Academic Director of Estates, a position which to date has successfully implemented sustainability and circular economy into all of the Business Schools estates development and refurbishment projects. I am Head of Admissions for Cardiff MBA Programmes and a member of Cardiff Business Schools Management Board.
I have published in Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, European Journal of Marketing and Journal of Advertising, among others. I have published an edited collection of ethical and social marketing contributions; co-edited a collection of blockchain and cybercurrency research and published a book of small enterprise marketing case studies. I am the long standing Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Strategic Marketing.
My research interests focus on sustainability and the positive contributions marketing can make to society, in particular local communities, social enterprise and sustainable approaches to business.
- Martin, B. A. S., Chrysochou, P. and Strong, C. 2024. Effects of dispositional greed and need for cognition on consumer judgments of cryptocurrency and stocks. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 23(5), pp. 2650-2659. (10.1002/cb.2366)
- Strong, C. and Bowen, R. 2024. Let them see cake. In: Strong, C. ed. Small Enterprise Marketing: Eighteen Case Studies. De Gruyter, (10.1515/9783110756142-020)
- Strong, C. 2024. Small Business Enterprise Marketing. Eighteen Case Studies. Germany: DeGruyter. (10.1515/9783110756142)
- Hossain, M. A., Akter, S., Yanamandram, V. and Strong, C. 2024. Navigating the platform economy: Crafting a customer analytics capability instrument. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114260. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114260)
- Strong, C., Martin, B. and Chrysochou, P. eds. 2024. Advances in blockchain research and cryptocurrency behaviour. DeGruyter. (10.1515/9783110981551)
- Greenland, S. J., Nguyen, N. and Strong, C. 2023. Irresponsible marketing and the need to support pro-sustainable production and consumption. Journal of Strategic Marketing (10.1080/0965254X.2023.2230487)
- Manohar, S., Paul, J., Strong, C. and Mittal, A. 2023. INNOSERV: Generalized scale for perceived service innovation. Journal of Business Research 160, pp. 1-14., article number: 113723. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113723)
- Md. Abdullah Al, M., Strong, C., Jinnatul Raihan, M. and Md. Abul Kalam, A. 2022. Mapping the integrated marketing communications research: A bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media 10(18), pp. 4-27. (10.54663/2182-9306.2022.v10.n18.4-27)
- Martin, B. A., Chrysochou, P., Strong, C., Wang, D. and Yag, J. 2022. Dark personalities and Bitcoin® the influence of the dark tetrad on cryptocurrency attitude and buying intention. Personality and Individual Differences 188, article number: 111453. (10.1016/j.paid.2021.111453)
- Gulliver, B., Khashab, S., Ayoubi, R. and Strong, C. 2022. Analysing enterprise resources for developing CRM framework in higher education institution. Journal of Enterprise Information Management 35(6), pp. 1639-1657. (10.1108/JEIM-09-2021-0421)
- Strong, C., Baylis, R. and MacNiven, L. 2021. Communication apprehension in the university large lecture teaching environment: an information technology intervention. Presented at: 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Taormina, Italy, 1-3 October 2021. American Marketing Association
- Md. Abdullah Al, M., Strong, C. and Md. Abul Kalam, A. 2021. Islamic marketing: a literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies 45(5), pp. 964-984. (10.1111/ijcs.12625)
- Strong, C. ed. 2021. Ethical approaches to marketing: Positive contributions to society. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Ghordanian, M., Tarin, A. and Strong, C. 2021. The passing of time and consumption behavior of the elderly in three countries: Differences and similarities. In: Strong, C. ed. Ethical Approaches to Marketing: Positive Contributions to Society. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 190-210.
- Akter, S., Taufique Hossain, T. M. and Strong, C. 2021. What omnichannel really means?. Journal of Strategic Marketing 29(7), pp. 567-573. (10.1080/0965254X.2021.1937284)
- Strong, C. A., Martin, B. A. S., Jin, H. S. J., Greer, D. and O'Connor, P. 2021. Why do consumers research their ancestry? Do self-uncertainty and the need for closure influence consumer's involvement in ancestral products?. Journal of Business Research 99, pp. 332-337. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.065)
- MacNiven, L., Rosier, E., Strong, C. and Williams, R. 2021. Let's keep the lecture alive. Presented at: Centre for Education Support and Innovation (CESI) Learning and Teaching Conference 2021, Virtual, 01-02 July 2021.
- MacNiven, L., Rosier, E., Strong, C. and Williams, R. 2021. Covid-19 the saviour of the lecture. Presented at: British Academy of Management Teaching & Learning (MKE) Conference 2021, Virtual, 23 June 2021.
- Sreejesh, S., Paul, J., Strong, C. and Pius, J. 2020. Consumer response towards social media advertising: effect of media interactivity, its conditions and underlying mechanism. International Journal of Information Management 54, article number: 102155. (10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102155)
- Strong, C. 2019. Marketing and society – The story of public value teaching. Presented at: Centre for Education Support and Innovation (CESI) Learning and Teaching Conference 2019, Cardiff, UK, 11 September 2019.
- Strong, C. and Lavery, G. 2019. How the circular economy can help universities save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and avoid waste. Presented at: EAUC 23rd Annual Conference 2019, Manchester, England, 18-20 June 2019.
- Martin, B., Strong, C. and O'Connor, P. 2018. How psychologically entitled shoppers respond to service recovery apologies. European Journal of Marketing 52(9/10), pp. 2173-2190.
- Lindgreen, A. et al. eds. 2018. Engaging with stakeholders: A relational perspective on responsible business. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Martin, B. A. S. and Strong, C. 2016. The trustworthy brand: effects of conclusion explicitness and persuasion awareness on consumer judgments. Marketing Letters 27(3), pp. 473-485. (10.1007/s11002-014-9343-9)
- Exton, M. and Strong, C. 2016. Outdoors adventure experiential learning in postgraduate management education: developing managerial behaviours. Presented at: Chartered ABS Learning, Teaching and Student Experience 2016: 5th Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 26-27 May 2016.
- Strong, C. and Martin, B. A. S. 2014. Effects of perspective taking and entitlement on consumers. Journal of Business Research 67(9), pp. 1817-1823. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2013.12.008)
- Martin, B. A. S., Gnoth, J. and Strong, C. 2013. Temporal construal in advertising. Journal of Advertising 38(3), pp. 5-20. (10.2753/JOA0091-3367380301)
- Morgan, R. E. and Strong, C. A. 2003. Business performance and dimensions of strategic orientation. Journal of Business Research 56(3), pp. 163-176. (10.1016/S0148-2963(01)00218-1)
- Morgan, R. E., Strong, C. A. and McGuinness, T. 2003. Product-market positioning and prospector strategy: An analysis of strategic patterns from the resource-based perspective. European Journal of Marketing 37(10), pp. 1409-1439. (10.1108/03090560310487176)
- Martin, B. A. S., Chrysochou, P. and Strong, C. 2024. Effects of dispositional greed and need for cognition on consumer judgments of cryptocurrency and stocks. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 23(5), pp. 2650-2659. (10.1002/cb.2366)
- Hossain, M. A., Akter, S., Yanamandram, V. and Strong, C. 2024. Navigating the platform economy: Crafting a customer analytics capability instrument. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114260. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114260)
- Greenland, S. J., Nguyen, N. and Strong, C. 2023. Irresponsible marketing and the need to support pro-sustainable production and consumption. Journal of Strategic Marketing (10.1080/0965254X.2023.2230487)
- Manohar, S., Paul, J., Strong, C. and Mittal, A. 2023. INNOSERV: Generalized scale for perceived service innovation. Journal of Business Research 160, pp. 1-14., article number: 113723. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113723)
- Md. Abdullah Al, M., Strong, C., Jinnatul Raihan, M. and Md. Abul Kalam, A. 2022. Mapping the integrated marketing communications research: A bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media 10(18), pp. 4-27. (10.54663/2182-9306.2022.v10.n18.4-27)
- Martin, B. A., Chrysochou, P., Strong, C., Wang, D. and Yag, J. 2022. Dark personalities and Bitcoin® the influence of the dark tetrad on cryptocurrency attitude and buying intention. Personality and Individual Differences 188, article number: 111453. (10.1016/j.paid.2021.111453)
- Gulliver, B., Khashab, S., Ayoubi, R. and Strong, C. 2022. Analysing enterprise resources for developing CRM framework in higher education institution. Journal of Enterprise Information Management 35(6), pp. 1639-1657. (10.1108/JEIM-09-2021-0421)
- Md. Abdullah Al, M., Strong, C. and Md. Abul Kalam, A. 2021. Islamic marketing: a literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies 45(5), pp. 964-984. (10.1111/ijcs.12625)
- Akter, S., Taufique Hossain, T. M. and Strong, C. 2021. What omnichannel really means?. Journal of Strategic Marketing 29(7), pp. 567-573. (10.1080/0965254X.2021.1937284)
- Strong, C. A., Martin, B. A. S., Jin, H. S. J., Greer, D. and O'Connor, P. 2021. Why do consumers research their ancestry? Do self-uncertainty and the need for closure influence consumer's involvement in ancestral products?. Journal of Business Research 99, pp. 332-337. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.065)
- Sreejesh, S., Paul, J., Strong, C. and Pius, J. 2020. Consumer response towards social media advertising: effect of media interactivity, its conditions and underlying mechanism. International Journal of Information Management 54, article number: 102155. (10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102155)
- Martin, B., Strong, C. and O'Connor, P. 2018. How psychologically entitled shoppers respond to service recovery apologies. European Journal of Marketing 52(9/10), pp. 2173-2190.
- Martin, B. A. S. and Strong, C. 2016. The trustworthy brand: effects of conclusion explicitness and persuasion awareness on consumer judgments. Marketing Letters 27(3), pp. 473-485. (10.1007/s11002-014-9343-9)
- Strong, C. and Martin, B. A. S. 2014. Effects of perspective taking and entitlement on consumers. Journal of Business Research 67(9), pp. 1817-1823. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2013.12.008)
- Martin, B. A. S., Gnoth, J. and Strong, C. 2013. Temporal construal in advertising. Journal of Advertising 38(3), pp. 5-20. (10.2753/JOA0091-3367380301)
- Morgan, R. E. and Strong, C. A. 2003. Business performance and dimensions of strategic orientation. Journal of Business Research 56(3), pp. 163-176. (10.1016/S0148-2963(01)00218-1)
- Morgan, R. E., Strong, C. A. and McGuinness, T. 2003. Product-market positioning and prospector strategy: An analysis of strategic patterns from the resource-based perspective. European Journal of Marketing 37(10), pp. 1409-1439. (10.1108/03090560310487176)
Book sections
- Strong, C. and Bowen, R. 2024. Let them see cake. In: Strong, C. ed. Small Enterprise Marketing: Eighteen Case Studies. De Gruyter, (10.1515/9783110756142-020)
- Ghordanian, M., Tarin, A. and Strong, C. 2021. The passing of time and consumption behavior of the elderly in three countries: Differences and similarities. In: Strong, C. ed. Ethical Approaches to Marketing: Positive Contributions to Society. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 190-210.
- Strong, C. 2024. Small Business Enterprise Marketing. Eighteen Case Studies. Germany: DeGruyter. (10.1515/9783110756142)
- Strong, C., Martin, B. and Chrysochou, P. eds. 2024. Advances in blockchain research and cryptocurrency behaviour. DeGruyter. (10.1515/9783110981551)
- Strong, C. ed. 2021. Ethical approaches to marketing: Positive contributions to society. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Lindgreen, A. et al. eds. 2018. Engaging with stakeholders: A relational perspective on responsible business. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Strong, C., Baylis, R. and MacNiven, L. 2021. Communication apprehension in the university large lecture teaching environment: an information technology intervention. Presented at: 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Taormina, Italy, 1-3 October 2021. American Marketing Association
- MacNiven, L., Rosier, E., Strong, C. and Williams, R. 2021. Let's keep the lecture alive. Presented at: Centre for Education Support and Innovation (CESI) Learning and Teaching Conference 2021, Virtual, 01-02 July 2021.
- MacNiven, L., Rosier, E., Strong, C. and Williams, R. 2021. Covid-19 the saviour of the lecture. Presented at: British Academy of Management Teaching & Learning (MKE) Conference 2021, Virtual, 23 June 2021.
- Strong, C. 2019. Marketing and society – The story of public value teaching. Presented at: Centre for Education Support and Innovation (CESI) Learning and Teaching Conference 2019, Cardiff, UK, 11 September 2019.
- Strong, C. and Lavery, G. 2019. How the circular economy can help universities save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and avoid waste. Presented at: EAUC 23rd Annual Conference 2019, Manchester, England, 18-20 June 2019.
- Exton, M. and Strong, C. 2016. Outdoors adventure experiential learning in postgraduate management education: developing managerial behaviours. Presented at: Chartered ABS Learning, Teaching and Student Experience 2016: 5th Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 26-27 May 2016.
My current interests focus on the following topics
- Marketing’s contribution to society and the local community
- Small enterprise marketing
- Teaching case studies
I currently teach three modules:
- Under graduate Business Management - Entreprenurship and Business Start-ups.
Post graduate MSc - New Venture Creation
- Post graduate MSc - Fundamentals of Marketing
My qualifications include a PhD, an MBA, an MA and an undergraduate BA
Academic positions
Polytechnic of Wales / University of South Wales
University of Bath
Cardiff University
Recent Visiting fellowships
University of Porto, Portugal
American University of Sharjah, UAE
Contact Details
+44 29208 75286
Aberconway Building, Room R07, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Marketing