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Martina Svobodova

Miss Martina Svobodova


Trial Manager


I currently work as a Research Associate in the Centre for Trials Research. My main expertise lies in trial management with focus on setting up and managing phase II and phase III multicentre clinical trials. My research interests include promoting diversity and inclusion in research and public involvement as well as undertaking and improvement of the various clinical trial processes (particularly participant information sheet design) and exploring alternative ways of improving those via public involvement and art based approaches. 

I am a study lead on the Talking Trials public involvement project exploring clinical trial perceptions amongst minority ethnic backgrounds with a current award funded by the ‘Rethinking public Dialogue UK Research Innovation experimentation fund. This project received high commendation in the Health and Care Research Wales Awards of 2021 (Public Involvement Award) and was a runner up for the same award in 2023.

I am also currently working on the PrinciPIL study looking at developing and testing participant information leaflets that inform and do not cause harm.

I chair the Centre for Trials Reseach Equality and Diversity committee and am a member of the CTR Public Involvement and Engagement Hub.

I also have a previous clinical experience in running Bipolar Education Programme Cymru (BEPC) groups. The development of the BEPC Programme included a high level of mental health service user and carers involvement.















My main research interest is addressing the ethical and methodological challenges around the inclusion of people from minority ethnic backgrounds in research. I currently lead on the Talking Trials project exploring how people from diverse ethnic communities can influence health research. Please get in touch if you wish to collaborate.

Project Grants

Talking Trials: participatory approaches to creating community dialogue (lead applicant, £59,880 Rethinking public dialogue: a UKRI experimentation fund)

Talking Trials: exploration of clinical trial perceptions amongst BAME communities (lead applicant, £7491.5, Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund Public Engagement Proof of Concept Award)

I have managed several cancer trials:

ROCS (Radiotherapy after Oesophageal Cancer Stenting) Study - Palliative radiotherapy in addition to self-expanding metal stent for improving dysphagia and survival in advanced oesophageal cancer - 

CORINTH - Phase 1b/II trial of Checkpoint InhibitoR (Pembrolizumab an anti PD-1 antibody) plus standard IMRT in HPV induced stage III Squamous Cell carcinoma (SCC) of anus 

PEARL - PET based adaptive radiotherapy in locally advance HPV positive oropharyngeal cancer 



2003: Master of Arts (Social Anthropology), University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, The Czech Republic

2001: BA (Social Anthropology), University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, The Czech Republic

Career overview

2015 - present: Trial Manager/Research Associate, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University

2011 - 2015: Bipolar Education Programme Cymru Project Coordinator, Cardiff University

2010 - 2011: Beacon for Wales Programme Officer, Cardiff University

2009 - 2010: Reseach Assistant (Applied Clinical Research and Public Health), Cardiff University

2007 - 2009 Volunteering Project Manager, BAWSO Women's Aid, Cardiff

Honours and awards

The Talking Trials project was received High commendation in the Health and Care Research Wales Awards of 2021 (Public Involvement Award).

Innnovation in Health Care Award for the Bipolar Education Programme Cymru at the 6th Annual British Medical Journal Awards 2014 (as a member of the Bipolar Education Programme team)


Contact Details

Research themes


  • creative methods
  • clinical trials
  • equality
  • public involvement