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Anna Sydor   SFHEA RN (Adult) RM  PhD

Dr Anna Sydor


Lecturer: Adult Nursing

Available for postgraduate supervision


Teaching and scholarship Adult nurse: Senior Lecturer. I am involved in teaching throughout the school of healthcare sciences at undergraduate and postgraduate level. 

I am a registered nurse and midwife and a qualified contraception and sexual health nurse.

I supervise a range of Doctoral students from professions represented within the school, predominantly those undertaking research using qualitative or mixed methods studies.  I am particularly interested in women's health throughout life including post menopausal health, childbirth and coercive control and domestic abuse and its impact on health.  I am also partiuclarly interesed in subjects that may be difficult to discuss (sensitive subjects).

PhD completed (2010): The lived experiences of young men addressing their sexual health and negotiating their masculinities.
















I am available to supervise qualitative projects. My interests are in women's health and sexual health. I am interested in supervising students interested in  undertakling research about Domestic abuse and Coercive control; particularly focused on the way that this intersects with healthcare.

Sydor, A., 2013. Conducting research into hidden or hard-to-reach populations. Nurse researcher20(3).

Sydor, A.M., 2010. The lived experiences of young men addressing their sexual health and negotiating their masculinities. University of South Wales (United Kingdom).

Sydor, A. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of young men's experiences of addressing their sexual health and the importance of researcher reflexivity Journal of Research in Nursing 24 (1-2), 36-46 10.1177/1744987118818865

Waters, J., Anstey, S., Clouston, T. and Sydor, A., 2021. Exploring teachers' lived experiences of child-on-child harmful sexual behaviour at school: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Sexual Aggression, pp.1-14.

Temeng, E., Hewitt, R., Pattinson, R., Sydor, A., Whybrow, D., Watts, T. and Bundy, C., 2023. Nurses' coping strategies caring for patients during severe viral pandemics: A mixed‐methods systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing.

Watts, T., Jones, B., Anstey, S., Hewitt, R., Pattinson, R., Temeng, E., Sydor, A., Whybrow, D., Gillen, E., Kyle, R. and Grey, B., 2022. Addressing moral distress during COVID-19 recovery: a mixed methods systematic review and narrative synthesis of moral distress in nurses and supportive moral distress interventions.

Watts, T., Sydor, A., Temeng, E., Hewitt, R., Pattinson, R., Whybrow, D., Kyle, R., Bundy, E., Morley, G. and Jones, B., 2022. Symposium of four papers: Identifying and mitigating moral distress in the nursing workforce: insights from the UK and the United States.

Watts, T., Bundy, E., Kyle, R., Whybrow, D., Sydor, A., Pattinson, R., Hewitt, R., Temeng, E. and Jones, B., 2022. Perceived helpfulness of a tiered mental health support intervention for moral distress: a qualitative, exploratory study.

Watts, T., Bundy, E., Temeng, E., Hewitt, R., Pattinson, R., Whybrow, D., Sydor, A., Kyle, R. and Jones, B., 2022. Contributing factors and impacts of moral distress among nurses: a systematic review.




I teach research in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. I also teach midwifery, women's health and contraception to undergraduate student nurses. 

I lead two modules:

Research and Data analysis (post-graduate)

Systematic Review Dissertation (Master's dissertation)

I am the programme manager for all standalone students - these students undertake one or two modules to enhance their professional knowledge and practice and often to use as part of their Master's study.  


I am currently an adult nurse senior lecturer; I am also a registered midwife. I have worked in a variety of adult nursing settings including contraception and sexual health services, accident and emergency and surgical wards. I qualified as a midwife in 2012 and worked in Oxford as a midwife caring for antenatal, intrapartum and post-natal women and their babies.   

I joined Cardiff university in 2015 and since then have held a number of roles within the school of healthcare sciences including Academic misconduct lead and Programme manager for Standalone postgraduate taught students.


  • qualitative projects
  • Interpretative phenomenological analysis
  • Systematic reviews
  • women's health
  • midwifery
  • sexual health

Current supervision

Richard Hellyar

Richard Hellyar

Senior Lecturer: Adult Nursing

Contact Details

Research themes


  • Women’s studies
  • Sexualities