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Emma Tallantyre

Dr Emma Tallantyre

Reader, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences

Available for postgraduate supervision


I graduated from medical school at the University of Nottingham in 2002. I undertook my postgraduate medical and neurological training in Nottingham, Derby, Australia and South Wales. As an MRC research fellow, I completed a PhD investigating imaging (Sir Peter Mansfield MR centre) and neuropathology (Nottingham University) of multiple sclerosis (MS).

I have been involved in the clinical care of people with MS since 2006. I completed my clinical training in 2015 and became a Clinical Senior Lecturer in Neurology in 2018, and a Clinical Reader in 2022. I hold an honorary contract to work within the Helen Durham Neuroinflammatory Unit of the University Hospital of Wales. As part of this role I run weekly MS and general neurology clinics and contribute to service development.

My current research interests centre on the outcomes of neuroinflammatory disease. I am involved in clinical trials that investigate the optimum treatment approaches in multiple sclerosis. I have an interest in combining real world clinical data with associated biological and imaging data to strengthen predictions of outcome and improve trial design. I am also interested in the involvement of patients and the public in the development of clinical research studies.

















I have experience in using high field structural imaging to visualise white matter and grey matter pathology in the brains of people with MS. During my PhD I correlated in vivo MR imaging findings with the neurodegenerative pathology seen in the post mortem brains and spinal cords of those with longstanding MS.

My current research interests centre on the outcomes of neuroinflammatory disease. I am involved in clinical trials that investigate the optimum treatment approaches in multiple sclerosis. I contribute to a long running epidemiological project, prospectively collecting clinical data from a population-based cohort of people with neuroinflammatory diseases including MS. I have an interest in combining this real world clinical data with associated biological and imaging data to strengthen predictions of outcome and improve trial design. I am also interested in the involvement of patients and the public in the development of clinical research studies.

Grants and Awards

  • Ferblanc. (Co-applicant) Diagnostic and predictive biomarkers in Neurosarcoidosis and Multiple Sclerosis: A prospective study. £20,000. Jan 2023 - Dec 2023. 
  • Academy of Medical Sciences. (Co-applicant) INSIPRE Scheme. £80,000. Feb 2023 - Feb 2025.
  • Cardiff University, Research Infrastructure Award. (Lead applicant) Application for Simoa HD Analyser. £228,807. 2021 - 2022. 
  • Cardiff University, Research Infrastructure Award. (Co-applicant) Application for Array Coil for Sodium MR imaging. £157,600. 2021 - 2022.
  • British Medical Association. (Lead Applicant). Immune responses to vaccination in people with MS. £63,857. August 2021 - 2022. 
  • MRC Confidence in Concept award. (Lead applicant). Diagnostic and predictive biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis plasma: a comprehensive screening approach. £48,671 (100% to Cardiff). Dec 2019 – June 2021. 1h per week.
  • Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Funding Population award. (Lead applicant). Contemporary modelling of Multiple Sclerosis outcomes in a South Wales population. (Principal Applicant). £47,760 (100% received). Sept 2019 – Dec 2021. 0.5h per week.
  • National Multiple Sclerosis Society (US) and UK MS Society; Joint Application for additional funds. Biobanking in Treatment Approach Studies in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. (Lead Applicant at sub-contracted site). £29,134 (100% to Cardiff). April 2019 – Dec 2022. 0.5h per week.
  • National Institute for Health Research. DECISIve - DiagnosE using the Central veIn SIgn. A prospective diagnostic superiority study comparing T2* MRI and lumbar puncture in patients presenting with possible Multiple Sclerosis. (Co-applicant). £349,461 [£27,250 to Cardiff]. July 2019 – June 2022. 0.5h per week.
  • Dowager Eleanor Peel Trust (Principal applicant) Serum Neurofilaments in multiple sclerosis. £9,936 (100% received). September 2018 – September 2019.
  • Patient-Centred Outcome Research Institute (PCORI; co-applicant) 2017 - Determining the Effectiveness of Early Intensive versus Escalation Approaches for the Treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (DELIVER-MS) -£7.5m.
  • MS Society 2017 (co-applicant) - Life-style, Exercise and Activity Package for People living with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (LEAP-MS) - £293,000.
  • Health and Care Research Wales - Clinical Research Award 2016 - £67,927
  • Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund Award (co-applicant) 2015 - £34,000
  • Trainees Transforming Training 2015 - £5,000
  • Biogen Idec MS Global Registry Fellowship 2014 - £62,000
  • MRC Clinical Training Fellowship, 2007 - £100,000
  • Peele Medical Trust, Research grant, 2006 - £5,000


I contribute to the C21 Medical Undergraduate neurology teaching. I am clinical tutor to 4th year students rotating through Neurology placements and have also been undergraduate tutor to a group of 1st – 2nd year students since they entered the medical course.

I run a regular programme of 3rd and 4th year SSC projects as well as BSc intercalated projects for the undergraduate medical course. We receive consistently good feedback from our students and enjoy the interaction they bring to the department.

I organise teaching and training days for Neurology Specialty trainees across the region on subjects including Neuropathology, Neuroimaging and Neuro-oncology, with guest speakers and a range of formats.

I am examiner in undergraduate formative and summative pratical examinations (OSCE/ ISCE).


Academic and clinical positions

Clincial Reader

Cardiff University

August 2022 - present

Clinical Senior Lecturer

Cardiff University

March 2018 - August 2022

Consultant Neurologist

University Hospital of Wales

March 2017 – Feb 2018

Clinical Senior Lecturer

Cardiff University

March 2016 – Feb 2017

Post-CCT Research Fellow

Neurology SpR

University Hospital of Wales

Wales Deanery

July 2015 –Feb 2016

Aug 2012 – July 2015

Neurology SpR

East Midlands Deanery

August 2009 – August 2012

Professional memberships

  • Member of Royal College of Physicians
  • Association of British Neurology
  • General Medical Council licence to practice

Committees and reviewing

I regularly review manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication.

I am a reviewer and have interviewed for grant awards via the Association of British Neurology.

I have also reviewed grant awards to MRC and MS Society.


I am interested in supervising PhD students in

Neuroinflammatory disease

Neuroimaging in MS