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Peter Taylor  BSC, MBChB, MSc, PhD, FRCP

Peter Taylor


Clinical Reader

School of Medicine

Available for postgraduate supervision


I undertake research in epidemiology and clinical trials in both thyroid disease and type-1 diabetes. 

Thyroid Disease

My research is focussed on the consequences of how modest variation in thyroid status influences key health outcomes. This work broadly encompasses 4 themes.

1) Thyroid hormone replacement, including alternatives to LT4 monotherapy such as long-acting LT3.

2) Pathogenesis of Graves' Orbitopathy (thyroid eye disease) and clinical trials to improve its outcome.  

3) Thyroid status in pregnancy and its relationship with key obstetric outcomes. My work includes how to optimise treatment and whether we should screen for thyroid disease in pregnancy.

4) Treatment thresholds in hypothyroidism and whether this should be individuliased.

My epidemiology research also extends to the impact of iodine status (which is intimately related to thyroid physiology) on health outcomes.

Type 1 Diabetes

This work is focussed on how best to utilise low-risk immunotherapy in individuals at risk of developing or with new onset type-1 diabetes. As well as being involved in clinical trials, I research which markers are best in determining beta cell function including utilising machine learning of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data. 



















I am a Clinical Reader and Consultant Physician specialising in epidemiology and diabetes and endocrinology at Cardiff University and the University Hospital of Wales. I received my undergraduate medical degrees from St. Andrews University and the University of Manchester and undertook my core medical training in South Manchester and then at the two teaching hospitals in Edinburgh (Western General Hospital and Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. I commenced specialist training in diabetes and endocrinology in Bristol and Bath before receiving a prestigious MRC scholarship to undertake a masters in epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

I then joined the Welsh Clinical Academic Training (WCAT) scheme. Here I completed my PhD in thyroid epidemiology under Professor Colin Dayan (Cardiff) and Professor Nicholas Timpson (Bristol). My PhD focused on the effects of common variation in thyroid status as well as thyroid hormone prescribing and thyroid screening in pregnancy. In my PhD I also undertook the first whole genome sequence based analysis of thyroid function in cohorts and the first Mendelian Randomization study in thyroidology. Following on from my PhD I have been heavily involved in the CATS (thyroid screening in pregnancy) and CIRTED (thyroid eye disease) trials. As well as continuing my research in thyroid disease I have extended my work into the immunology of type-1 diabetes and continuous glucose monitoring. I hope to utilise my research skills and expertise in clinical trials to develop platform trials to identify treatment regimes which preserve beta-cell function in individuals with and at risk of type-1 diabetes. I am also utilising continuous glucose monitoring to identify novel markers of beta cell function.

I have received awards at both national and international conferences for my work and have over 70 publications related to thyroid and diabetes including publications in the Lancet, JAMA, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, JAMA Internal Medicine, Nature Reviews Endocrinology and Nature Communications. 

Honours and awards

2022   Clinical Endocrinology Trust winner best clinical abstract  Society for Endocrinology conference

2020   Rising star in Endocrinology, Society for Endocrinology

2018   Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland - best oral presentation

2016   British Thyroid Association - best abstract

2014   Clinical Endocrinology Trust winner best clinical abstract  Society for Endocrinology conference

2014   British Thyroid Association - best oral presentation

2010   British Thyroid Association - best oral presentation

2010   ECTS new investigator award                                               

2009   IPSEN extraordinary award                                                   

Contact Details


Campuses Main Hospital Building, Floor C2 Link, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN

Research themes


  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid
  • Epidemiology