I am a Co-investigator on the Administrative Data Research Wales grant, leading on a programme of data-linkage based research related to homelessness and housing. I am also data linkage lead and Co-Investigator for the PHaCT study—a pilot Randomised Control Trial of an intervention with prison leavers at risk of experiencing homelessness. I have extensive experience of working with third sector and government bodies, largely in improving data collections and research into the topic of homelessness.
- Thomas, I. 2024. Quantifying the association between family homelessness and school absence in Wales, UK. International Journal on Homelessness 4(1), pp. 39-55. (10.5206/ijoh.2023.3.15382)
- England, E., Thomas, I., Mackie, P. and Browne Gott, H. 2024. A typology of multiple exclusion homelessness. Housing Studies 39(3), pp. 695-719. (10.1080/02673037.2022.2077917)
- Thomas, I. and Mackie, P. 2023. Using administrative data linkage to drive homelessness policy: Experiences from Wales, UK. Cityscape 26(1), pp. 117-125.
- Thomas, I. and Mackie, P. 2023. Assessing the coverage and timeliness of coronavirus vaccination among people experiencing homelessness in Wales, UK: a population-level data-linkage study. BMC Public Health 23(1), article number: 1494. (10.1186/s12889-023-16432-x)
- Weightman, A. L. et al. 2023. Exploring the effect of case management in homelessness per components: A systematic review of effectiveness and implementation, with meta‐analysis and thematic synthesis. Campbell Systematic Reviews 19(2), article number: e1329. (10.1002/cl2.1329)
- Trubey, R., Thomas, I., Cannings-John, R. and Mackie, P. 2022. Linkage of people experiencing homeless using two consent models. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3) (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1865)
- Weightman, A. L. et al. 2022. PROTOCOL: Exploring the effect of case management in homelessness per components: A systematic review of effectiveness and implementation, with meta-analysis and thematic synthesis. Campbell Systematic Reviews 18(1), article number: e1220. (10.1002/cl2.1220)
- Thomas, I. and Tweed, E. 2021. The promises and pitfalls of administrative data linkage for tackling homelessness. European Journal of Homelessness 15(3), pp. 177-188.
- Thomas, I. and MacKie, P. 2021. A population level study of SARS-CoV-2 prevalence amongst people experiencing homelessness in Wales, UK. International Journal of Population Data Science 5(4), article number: 1695. (10.23889/ijpds.v5i4.1695)
- Thomas, I. and Mackie, P. 2021. Using data linkage to improve estimates of homelessness. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/news-publications/publications-reports/data-insights-using-data-linkage-to-improve-estimates-of-homelessness-february-2021-341/
- Mackie, P. and Thomas, I. 2020. Exploratory analysis of education outcomes of children and young people living in homeless households. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at: https://gov.wales/exploratory-analysis-education-outcomes-children-and-young-people-living-homeless-households-html
- Mackie, P. and Thomas, I. 2020. Ageing and homelessness: Is there an ageing crisis for statutory homelessness services in the UK?. Project Report. [Online]. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/fileadmin/uploads/adruk/Documents/Data_Insights_Ageing_and_Homelessness_July_2002.pdf
- Mackie, P. and Thomas, I. 2020. Measuring repeat homelessness. Project Report. [Online]. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/fileadmin/uploads/adruk/Documents/Data-Insights-Measuring-Repeat-Homelessness.pdf
- Thomas, I. and MacKie, P. 2020. The principles of an ideal homelessness administrative data system: lessons from global practice. European Journal of Homelessness 14(3), pp. 63-85.
- MacKie, P. K., Thomas, I. and Bibbings, J. 2017. Homelessness prevention: Reflecting on a year of pioneering Welsh legislation in practice. European Journal of Homelessness 11(1), pp. 81-107.
- Thomas, I. R. 2016. Network-assemblages of mediated sex: a post human study of the digital sexual practices of men who have sex with men. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Clapham, D., Mackie, P., Orford, S., Thomas, I. and Buckley, K. 2014. The housing pathways of young people in the UK. Environment and Planning A 46(8), pp. 2016-2031. (10.1068/a46273)
- MacKie, P. and Thomas, I. 2014. Nations apart? Experiences of single homeless people across Great Britain. Project Report. [Online]. London: Crisis. Available at: http://www.crisis.org.uk/data/files/publications/NationsApart.pdf
- MacKie, P. K., Thomas, I., Fitzpatrick, S., Stirling, T., Johnsen, S. and Hoffman, S. 2012. Assessing the impacts of proposed changes to homelessness legislation in Wales: a report to inform the review of homelessness legislation in Wales. Technical Report.
- MacKie, P. K., Thomas, I. and Hodgson, K. 2012. Impact analysis of homelessness legislation in Wales: A report to inform the review of homelessness legislation in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government. Available at: http://www.senedd.assemblywales.org/documents/s7352/Impact%20analysis%20of%20existing%20homelessness%20legislation%20in%20Wales.pdf
- Clapham, D. F., Buckley, K., MacKie, P. K., Orford, S. and Thomas, I. 2012. Housing options and solutions for young people in 2020. Project Report. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Clapham, D. F., Buckley, K., MacKie, P. K., Orford, S. and Thomas, I. 2010. Young people and housing in 2020: identifying key drivers for change. Project Report. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Thomas, I. 2024. Quantifying the association between family homelessness and school absence in Wales, UK. International Journal on Homelessness 4(1), pp. 39-55. (10.5206/ijoh.2023.3.15382)
- England, E., Thomas, I., Mackie, P. and Browne Gott, H. 2024. A typology of multiple exclusion homelessness. Housing Studies 39(3), pp. 695-719. (10.1080/02673037.2022.2077917)
- Thomas, I. and Mackie, P. 2023. Using administrative data linkage to drive homelessness policy: Experiences from Wales, UK. Cityscape 26(1), pp. 117-125.
- Thomas, I. and Mackie, P. 2023. Assessing the coverage and timeliness of coronavirus vaccination among people experiencing homelessness in Wales, UK: a population-level data-linkage study. BMC Public Health 23(1), article number: 1494. (10.1186/s12889-023-16432-x)
- Weightman, A. L. et al. 2023. Exploring the effect of case management in homelessness per components: A systematic review of effectiveness and implementation, with meta‐analysis and thematic synthesis. Campbell Systematic Reviews 19(2), article number: e1329. (10.1002/cl2.1329)
- Trubey, R., Thomas, I., Cannings-John, R. and Mackie, P. 2022. Linkage of people experiencing homeless using two consent models. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3) (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1865)
- Weightman, A. L. et al. 2022. PROTOCOL: Exploring the effect of case management in homelessness per components: A systematic review of effectiveness and implementation, with meta-analysis and thematic synthesis. Campbell Systematic Reviews 18(1), article number: e1220. (10.1002/cl2.1220)
- Thomas, I. and Tweed, E. 2021. The promises and pitfalls of administrative data linkage for tackling homelessness. European Journal of Homelessness 15(3), pp. 177-188.
- Thomas, I. and MacKie, P. 2021. A population level study of SARS-CoV-2 prevalence amongst people experiencing homelessness in Wales, UK. International Journal of Population Data Science 5(4), article number: 1695. (10.23889/ijpds.v5i4.1695)
- Thomas, I. and MacKie, P. 2020. The principles of an ideal homelessness administrative data system: lessons from global practice. European Journal of Homelessness 14(3), pp. 63-85.
- MacKie, P. K., Thomas, I. and Bibbings, J. 2017. Homelessness prevention: Reflecting on a year of pioneering Welsh legislation in practice. European Journal of Homelessness 11(1), pp. 81-107.
- Clapham, D., Mackie, P., Orford, S., Thomas, I. and Buckley, K. 2014. The housing pathways of young people in the UK. Environment and Planning A 46(8), pp. 2016-2031. (10.1068/a46273)
- Thomas, I. R. 2016. Network-assemblages of mediated sex: a post human study of the digital sexual practices of men who have sex with men. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Thomas, I. and Mackie, P. 2021. Using data linkage to improve estimates of homelessness. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/news-publications/publications-reports/data-insights-using-data-linkage-to-improve-estimates-of-homelessness-february-2021-341/
- Mackie, P. and Thomas, I. 2020. Exploratory analysis of education outcomes of children and young people living in homeless households. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at: https://gov.wales/exploratory-analysis-education-outcomes-children-and-young-people-living-homeless-households-html
- Mackie, P. and Thomas, I. 2020. Ageing and homelessness: Is there an ageing crisis for statutory homelessness services in the UK?. Project Report. [Online]. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/fileadmin/uploads/adruk/Documents/Data_Insights_Ageing_and_Homelessness_July_2002.pdf
- Mackie, P. and Thomas, I. 2020. Measuring repeat homelessness. Project Report. [Online]. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/fileadmin/uploads/adruk/Documents/Data-Insights-Measuring-Repeat-Homelessness.pdf
- MacKie, P. and Thomas, I. 2014. Nations apart? Experiences of single homeless people across Great Britain. Project Report. [Online]. London: Crisis. Available at: http://www.crisis.org.uk/data/files/publications/NationsApart.pdf
- MacKie, P. K., Thomas, I., Fitzpatrick, S., Stirling, T., Johnsen, S. and Hoffman, S. 2012. Assessing the impacts of proposed changes to homelessness legislation in Wales: a report to inform the review of homelessness legislation in Wales. Technical Report.
- MacKie, P. K., Thomas, I. and Hodgson, K. 2012. Impact analysis of homelessness legislation in Wales: A report to inform the review of homelessness legislation in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government. Available at: http://www.senedd.assemblywales.org/documents/s7352/Impact%20analysis%20of%20existing%20homelessness%20legislation%20in%20Wales.pdf
- Clapham, D. F., Buckley, K., MacKie, P. K., Orford, S. and Thomas, I. 2012. Housing options and solutions for young people in 2020. Project Report. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Clapham, D. F., Buckley, K., MacKie, P. K., Orford, S. and Thomas, I. 2010. Young people and housing in 2020: identifying key drivers for change. Project Report. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
My areas of research interest include homelessness, housing, administrative data collections, and data-linkage. My current research activities utilise routinely collected (‘administrative’) data, such as healthcare records and information collected by Local Authority housing services in Wales. However, I also have extensive experience of using other quantitative data sources, including surveys to conduct cross sectional and longitudinal analysis. Some of the more interesting quantitative methods I have experience in using include sequence analysis, network analysis (including visualisation using specialised software such as Gephi), text analysis of unstructured data, cluster analysis, Latent Class Analysis, and longitudinal panel regression analysis.