Professor Julia Thomas
BA (Wales), MA and PhD (Wales)
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Professor of English Literature at Cardiff University, with specific interests and expertise in Victorian visual and material culture, word and image studies, and digital humanities. These areas have come together in my work to develop the growing field of Illustration Studies.
I have published widely, including several monographs, I sit on editorial boards for journals, am a member of several academic networks, and I have acted as an advisor for illustration and digital initiatives. I have been involved in numerous externally-funded projects as Principal Investigator and Co-investigator and am Director of the AHRC-funded Database of Mid-Victorian Illustration and The Illustration Archive.
I am currently the Director of Impact and Engagement for the School of English Communication and Philosophy.
- Thomas, J. 2025. Aphantasia: education's blind spot in teaching reading. Tes Magazine
- Thomas, J. 2025. The Victorian mind's eye: Reading literature in an age of illustration. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780198914600.001.0001)
- Thomas, J. 2024. Illustration. In: John, J. and Wood, C. eds. The Edinburgh Companion to Charles Dickens and the Arts. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 221-238.
- Thomas, J. and Testini, I. 2024. Capturing captions: Using AI to identify and analyse image captions in a large dataset of historical book illustrations. Digital Humanities Quarterly 18(3)
- Thomas, J. 2020. Seeing a difference: spectacles of otherness in eighteenth-century illustrated travel books. In: Di Bella, M. P. and Yothers, B. eds. The Long Journey: Exploring Travel and Travel Writing. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 53-69.
- Thomas, J. 2017. Nineteenth-century illustration and the digital: studies in word and image. The Digital Nineteenth Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-319-58148-4)
- Thomas, J. 2016. Illustrations and the Victorian Novel. In: John, J. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Literary Culture. Oxford Handbooks Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 617-636., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199593736.013.012)
- Thomas, J. 2015. The Illustration Archive. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Calè, L., Goodman, M., Thomas, J., Parejo Vadillo, A. and Wolf, A. 2015. Lost visions: an interview with Julia Thomas. 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century. 21 (10.16995/ntn.752)
- Thomas, J. 2012. Happy endings: Death and domesticity in Victorian illustration. In: Goldman, P. and Cooke, S. eds. Reading Victorian Illustration, 1855-1875: Spoils of the Lumber Room. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 79-96.
- Thomas, J. 2012. Shakespeare and commercialism. In: Marshall, G. ed. Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 251-268.
- Thomas, J. 2012. Shakespeare's shrine: The Bard's birthplace and the invention of Stratford-Upon-Avon. Haney Foundation Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Thomas, J. 2011. Database of Mid-Victorian Illustration [online database]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Thomas, J. 2010. Illustrations by Belsey. Textual Practice 24(6), pp. 1073-1090. (10.1080/0950236X.2010.521674)
- Thomas, J. 2009. Bringing down the house: restoring the birthplace. In: Watson, N. J. ed. Literary Tourism and Nineteenth-Century Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 73-83.
- Thomas, J. 2009. Always another poem: Victorian illustrations of Tennyson. In: Cheshire, J. ed. Tennyson Transformed: Alfred Lord Tennyson and Visual Culture. Aldershot: Lund Humphries, pp. 20-31.
- Thomas, J. 2008. Digital Transformations. Journal of Victorian Culture 13(1), pp. 101-07. (10.3366/E1355550208000131)
- Thomas, J. 2008. Bidding for the bard: Shakespeare, the Victorians, and the auction of the birthplace. Nineteenth-Century Contexts 30(3), pp. 215-228. (10.1080/08905490802347239)
- Badmington, N. and Thomas, J. eds. 2008. The Routledge critical and cultural theory reader. London: Routledge.
- Thomas, J. 2007. Reflections on illustrations: The Database of Mid-Victorian Wood-Engraved Illustration (DMVI). Journal of Illustration Studies, article number: 37.
- Thomas, J. 2007. Getting the Picture: Word and Image in the Digital Archive. European Journal of English Studies 11(2), pp. 193-206. (10.1080/13825570701452946)
- Thomas, J., Mandal, A., Killick, P. T. and Skilton, D. 2007. Database of Mid-Victorian wood-engraved illustration. [Internet database]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Thomas, J. 2004. Ophelia. In: Murray, C. J. ed. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850., Vol. 2. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 828-830.
- Thomas, J. 2004. Book illustration. In: Murray, C. J. ed. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850., Vol. 1. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 104.
- Thomas, J. 2004. David Wilkie. In: Murray, C. J. ed. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era 1760-1850., Vol. 2. New York: Fitzroy-Dearborn, pp. 1222-1223.
- Thomas, J. 2004. Pre-Raphaelite illustration: text, image, and ideology. Presented at Harwick, P. and Hewitt, M. eds.The Pre-Raphaelite Ideal. Leeds Centre Working Papers in Victorian Studies Leeds: Trinity and All Saints, Leeds University
- Thomas, J. 2004. Pictorial Victorians: the inscription of values in word and image. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
- Thomas, J. 2003. Seeing a difference: Spectacles of otherness in eighteenth-century illustrated travel books. Journeys: the International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 4(2), pp. 20-39.
- Thomas, J. 2003. Picturing slavery: Uncle Tom's Cabin and its early British illustrations. Visual Culture in Britain 4(2), pp. 73-92.
- Thomas, J. 2002. "The hand-glass of a nation": Victorian illustration in its cultural context. Presented at: Victorian Book Illustration, London, UK, 27 April 2002Victorian Book Illustration: Proceedings of an IBIS Full Day Seminar at The Artworkers' Guild, Saturday 27th April 2002. London: Imaginative Book Illustration Society pp. 20-30.
- Thomas, J. 2001. Victorian narrative painting. London: Tate Publishing.
- Thomas, J. 2000. Julia Kristeva. In: Pearson, R. E. and Simpson, P. eds. Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 254.
- Thomas, J. ed. 2000. Reading images. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Thomas, J. 1999. The adulteress's egg: infidelity and maternity in past and present. Nineteenth-Century Contexts 21(3), pp. 371-394. (10.1080/08905499908583483)
- Thomas, J. 2025. Aphantasia: education's blind spot in teaching reading. Tes Magazine
- Thomas, J. and Testini, I. 2024. Capturing captions: Using AI to identify and analyse image captions in a large dataset of historical book illustrations. Digital Humanities Quarterly 18(3)
- Calè, L., Goodman, M., Thomas, J., Parejo Vadillo, A. and Wolf, A. 2015. Lost visions: an interview with Julia Thomas. 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century. 21 (10.16995/ntn.752)
- Thomas, J. 2010. Illustrations by Belsey. Textual Practice 24(6), pp. 1073-1090. (10.1080/0950236X.2010.521674)
- Thomas, J. 2008. Digital Transformations. Journal of Victorian Culture 13(1), pp. 101-07. (10.3366/E1355550208000131)
- Thomas, J. 2008. Bidding for the bard: Shakespeare, the Victorians, and the auction of the birthplace. Nineteenth-Century Contexts 30(3), pp. 215-228. (10.1080/08905490802347239)
- Thomas, J. 2007. Reflections on illustrations: The Database of Mid-Victorian Wood-Engraved Illustration (DMVI). Journal of Illustration Studies, article number: 37.
- Thomas, J. 2007. Getting the Picture: Word and Image in the Digital Archive. European Journal of English Studies 11(2), pp. 193-206. (10.1080/13825570701452946)
- Thomas, J. 2003. Seeing a difference: Spectacles of otherness in eighteenth-century illustrated travel books. Journeys: the International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 4(2), pp. 20-39.
- Thomas, J. 2003. Picturing slavery: Uncle Tom's Cabin and its early British illustrations. Visual Culture in Britain 4(2), pp. 73-92.
- Thomas, J. 1999. The adulteress's egg: infidelity and maternity in past and present. Nineteenth-Century Contexts 21(3), pp. 371-394. (10.1080/08905499908583483)
Book sections
- Thomas, J. 2024. Illustration. In: John, J. and Wood, C. eds. The Edinburgh Companion to Charles Dickens and the Arts. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 221-238.
- Thomas, J. 2020. Seeing a difference: spectacles of otherness in eighteenth-century illustrated travel books. In: Di Bella, M. P. and Yothers, B. eds. The Long Journey: Exploring Travel and Travel Writing. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 53-69.
- Thomas, J. 2016. Illustrations and the Victorian Novel. In: John, J. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Literary Culture. Oxford Handbooks Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 617-636., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199593736.013.012)
- Thomas, J. 2012. Happy endings: Death and domesticity in Victorian illustration. In: Goldman, P. and Cooke, S. eds. Reading Victorian Illustration, 1855-1875: Spoils of the Lumber Room. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 79-96.
- Thomas, J. 2012. Shakespeare and commercialism. In: Marshall, G. ed. Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 251-268.
- Thomas, J. 2009. Bringing down the house: restoring the birthplace. In: Watson, N. J. ed. Literary Tourism and Nineteenth-Century Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 73-83.
- Thomas, J. 2009. Always another poem: Victorian illustrations of Tennyson. In: Cheshire, J. ed. Tennyson Transformed: Alfred Lord Tennyson and Visual Culture. Aldershot: Lund Humphries, pp. 20-31.
- Thomas, J. 2004. Ophelia. In: Murray, C. J. ed. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850., Vol. 2. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 828-830.
- Thomas, J. 2004. Book illustration. In: Murray, C. J. ed. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850., Vol. 1. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 104.
- Thomas, J. 2004. David Wilkie. In: Murray, C. J. ed. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era 1760-1850., Vol. 2. New York: Fitzroy-Dearborn, pp. 1222-1223.
- Thomas, J. 2000. Julia Kristeva. In: Pearson, R. E. and Simpson, P. eds. Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 254.
- Thomas, J. 2025. The Victorian mind's eye: Reading literature in an age of illustration. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780198914600.001.0001)
- Thomas, J. 2017. Nineteenth-century illustration and the digital: studies in word and image. The Digital Nineteenth Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-319-58148-4)
- Thomas, J. 2012. Shakespeare's shrine: The Bard's birthplace and the invention of Stratford-Upon-Avon. Haney Foundation Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Badmington, N. and Thomas, J. eds. 2008. The Routledge critical and cultural theory reader. London: Routledge.
- Thomas, J. 2004. Pictorial Victorians: the inscription of values in word and image. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
- Thomas, J. 2001. Victorian narrative painting. London: Tate Publishing.
- Thomas, J. ed. 2000. Reading images. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Thomas, J. 2004. Pre-Raphaelite illustration: text, image, and ideology. Presented at Harwick, P. and Hewitt, M. eds.The Pre-Raphaelite Ideal. Leeds Centre Working Papers in Victorian Studies Leeds: Trinity and All Saints, Leeds University
- Thomas, J. 2002. "The hand-glass of a nation": Victorian illustration in its cultural context. Presented at: Victorian Book Illustration, London, UK, 27 April 2002Victorian Book Illustration: Proceedings of an IBIS Full Day Seminar at The Artworkers' Guild, Saturday 27th April 2002. London: Imaginative Book Illustration Society pp. 20-30.
- Thomas, J. 2011. Database of Mid-Victorian Illustration [online database]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Thomas, J., Mandal, A., Killick, P. T. and Skilton, D. 2007. Database of Mid-Victorian wood-engraved illustration. [Internet database]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Thomas, J. 2015. The Illustration Archive. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
I specialise in Victorian visual and material culture, word and image, and digital humanities, and am a leading figure in the field of Illustration Studies.
Much of my research has involved raising academic and public awareness of historical illustrations, which are often marginalised in conventional narratives and modern print editions. With this aim in mind, I created the AHRC-funded Database of Mid-Victorian Illustration (2007; updated 2011), a pioneering digital project, the methodologies of which have since been adopted on other digital archives. Images from this database have been used by publishers, graphic designers, television and film producers, and the heritage sector. The database was submitted as an impact case study for REF 2014. For more information about the impact of DMVI, click here.
My research on the intersection between historical illustrations and the digital continued on the AHRC-funded 'Lost Visions' project, a big data initiative that led to the creation of The Illustration Archive. With over a million images from books of literature, history, geography and philosophy in the British Library's Collection, this is the world's largest searchable online resource dedicated to book illustration. Quentin Blake has called it ‘amazing’. For more information about the significance of The Illustration Archive, click here.
Most recently, I have been Principal Investigator on an international and multi-partner project funded by the AHRC and NEH that uses AI tools to search for and interrogate historical images of places and people. For more on this project, including a short film, see
My published monographs focus on Victorian visual and material culture in various contexts and guises:
- The Victorian Mind's Eye: Reading Literature in an Age of Illustration (Oxford University Press, 2025) examines the cognitive mechanisms at work in the Victorian reading of illustrated literature, from the impact of images on mental visualisation to their affect on memory
- Nineteenth-Century Illustration and the Digital: Studies in Word and Image (Palgrave, 2017) offers a conceptual and critical model for understanding the interaction between historical illustrations and the digital. Individual chapters focus on digital visibility, making the content of images searchable online, and the politics of crowdsourcing
- Shakespeare’s Shrine: The Bard’s Birthplace and the Invention of Stratford-upon-Avon (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012) discusses the construction of the myth of Shakespeare's birthplace in the Victorian period, focusing on visual and textual representations
- Pictorial Victorians: The Inscription of Values in Word and Image (Ohio University Press, 2004) analyses the relation between text and image in illustrations and narrative paintings as one that is bound up in cultural values about gender, race and class
- Victorian Narrative Painting (Tate, 2000) offers an introduction to pictures that tell stories and their often ambiguous meanings.
I am currently engaged on a multi-volume editorial project to bring together historical documents relating to nineteenth-century illustration (Routledge)
I have taught a wide range of modules at all university levels (BA, MA, PhD) and have been nominated several times for the Enriching Student Life Award. Much of my teaching involves innovative learning and assessment methods. As well as working hands-on with scholarly materials, I regularly integrate digital resources and methods into my teaching.
On the BA programme, I currently teach a module on The Illustrated Book
On the MA programme, I currently co-teach on the core module
On the PhD programme, I am supervising or have supervised the following PhD subject areas:
- The illustrated afterlives of John Milton's Paradise Lost
- Illustrated editions of Matthew Arnold's poetry
- Victorian illustrated song
- Domestic Iconography: a Cultural Study of Photography, 1840-1880
- Illustrating Shakespeare: Practice, Theory, and the Digital Humanities
- The Representation of the Workhouse in Nineteenth-Century Culture
- A Lost Legacy: a critical assessment and catalogue of the illustrated work of Alfred Ernest Walter George Aris
- “Graceful Expression and Useful Purpose”: mid-Victorian fashionable femininity
- “Tell me what you eat”: representations of food in nineteenth-century culture
- Childhood and Visuality in Victorian Culture
I studied at Cardiff University, gaining a BA in English Literature, an MA in Critical and Cultural Theory and a PhD in English Literature (under the supervision of Catherine Belsey) in which I focused on visual and textual representations of adultery in the nineteenth century. My interest in the interaction between word and image developed primarily during my time as a Leverhulme Special Research Fellow when I wrote my first book, Victorian Narrative Painting (Tate, 2000). Since then, I have worked to establish Illustration Studies as an academic field in its own right.
As the developer of two pioneering digital illustration archives, the AHRC-funded Database of Mid-Victorian Illustration (2007, 2011) and The Illustration Archive (2015), I am drawn towards the dynamic between illustration and the digital. I have shaped ideas of how illustrated material is remediated in digital contexts. My monograph, Nineteenth-Century Illustration and the Digital (Palgrave, 2017), offers a conceptual model for understanding the relation between historical illustrations and the digital.
I have written a range of books that engage with different aspects of Victorian visual and material culture, including The Victorian Mind's Eye: Reading Literature in an Age of Illustration (Oxford University Press, 2025), Nineteenth-Century Illustration and the Digital (Palgrave, 2017), Pictorial Victorians: The Inscription of Values in Word and Image (Ohio University Press, 2004) and Shakespeare’s Shrine: The Bard’s Birthplace and the Invention of Stratford-upon-Avon (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012). I am the editor of Reading Images (Palgrave, 2000) and co-editor of The Routledge Critical and Cultural Theory Reader (Routledge, 2008). I am currently working on a multi-volume editorial project with Routledge to bring together historical materials relating to nineteenth-century illustrations.
I regularly speak and give keynote addresses at conferences and events, and have acted as Principal and Co-Investigator on numerous projects. I have also had the privilege of supervising some brilliant postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers and always welcome queries from prospective students.
Honours and awards
- Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
- Elected Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales (FLSW)
- 2022-2024: Finding a Place: advancing digital methods to unlock the use of digitized book illustrations in cultural institutions, AHRC/NEH New Directions for Digital Scholarship in Cultural Institutions (Principal Investigator, with University of Wyoming) (£250,000 plus $150,000)
- 2017: 'The World in Illustrations', Data Innovation Research Institute Fund, Cardiff University (Principal Investigator) (£8,297)
- 2015-17: Cardiff University AHSS Network: Digital Humanities Initiator Bid (co-applicant) (£10,000)
- 2015-16: Cardiff University Research Leave Fellowship (£15,000)
- 2014-15: ‘Lost Visions: retrieving the visual element of printed books from the nineteenth century’, AHRC (Principal Investigator) (£439,975)
- 2011: ‘Crowd Sourcing for the Humanities: a DMVI Case Study’, Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (co-applicant) (£1,530)
- 2010-11: ‘Enhancing the Database of Mid-Victorian Wood-Engraved Illustration’, Digital Equipment and Database Enhancement for Impact award, AHRC (Principal Investigator) (£121,171)
- 2008: ‘Verbal context to images in an illustration database’, Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (co-applicant) (£1,546)
- 2007-2008: 'Literary Illustration: Conservation, Access, Use', workshops run in partnership by Cardiff University and the Victoria and Albert Museum, AHRC (co-applicant) (£16,000)
- 2007: AHRC ICT Methods Network (co-applicant) (£5,000)
- 2006: ‘Undergraduates as researchers: using original archival and historical sources’, Interdisciplinary/Interprofessional Collaboration in Teaching and Learning Scheme, Cardiff University (co-applicant) (£7,700)
- 2004-7: ‘A Web-Mounted Database of Mid-Victorian Wood-Engraved Illustration’, AHRC Resource Enhancement Award (Principal Investigator) (£198,132)
- 2003: Young Researcher Travel Scholarship, Cardiff University. To study in the Yale Center for British Art, New Haven (£3,427)
- 1997-1999: Leverhulme Special Research Fellowship
- 1993-1997: British Academy Studentship, PhD
- 1993: British Academy Studentship, MA
Academic positions
2009-2012 Reader, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University
2005-2009 Senior Lecturer, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University
1999-2005 Lecturer, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University
1997-1999 Leverhulme Special Research Fellow, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University
Please get in touch if you would like to work with me. I supervise PhD students in a number of areas:
- Victorian visual and material culture
- Word and image
- Digital Humanities
- Illustration Studies
Contact Details
+44 29208 76491
John Percival Building, Room 2.15, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU