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Victoria Timperley

Dr Victoria Timperley


Lecturer, Education

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Childhood and Youth researcher, my interests include neurodiversity, disabilities and digital gaming, gender and sexualities, relationships and sexualities education. I am interested in psycho-social approaches and projects that consider the affective dimensions of participants’ lives.
My expertise is in qualitative, creative and visual methods, and co-producing research with children and young people. I am committed to working ethically and ensuring that participants understand the research process and are happy to be involved in research projects;  I developed The Case of Ethics as a tool to support ethical practice. 
I am co-convener of the Childhood and Youth Research Group and the Mature Student's Coffee Club and I teach on modules in Education, Human and Social Sciences and Sociology.












Book sections







I convene the Msc Education module, Psychological approaches to Teaching and Learning.

On the undergraduate Education programme I deliver lectures on Disability, Children and Gaming and Children and the politics of place.

For the Human and Social Science undergraduate programme I teach on the module Issues in Social and Cultural Psychology.

For the Sociology undergraduate programme I teach on the Live theory module (Sophie Lewis and family abolition) and the Monsters Myths and Legends module (Witches and feminism).

I have delivered guest lectures and workshops on research ethics (The Case of Ethics) at the University of the West of England (UWE) and Oulu University in Finland.


I returned to higher education as a mature student studying first with the Open University. My undergraduate degree in Social Science (BPS), Msc in Social Science Research Methods and PhD in neurodiverse teen's gendered gaming experiences were all at Cardiff.

My previous employment experience includes:

Civil Service, Senior Research Officer for the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

The Open University (teaching on Childhood and Social Science modules)

Welsh Government, consultant informing the development of new curriculum for Wales

Community outreach drug and alcohol harm reduction for people involved in the criminal justice system

Prison drug and alcohol counsellor

Prison and probation service

Professional memberships

I am a graduate member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Speaking engagements

Timperley, V. (2024) The Case of Ethics. International Creative Research Methods conference. 

Committees and reviewing

I am a member of the school's ethics committee (SREC)




I am interested in supervising students who use creative and participatory methods in co-produced research.

Current supervision

Huw Berry-Downs

Huw Berry-Downs

Janak Howard

Janak Howard

Andy Williams

Andy Williams

Contact Details


  • creative methods
  • Gender
  • Sexualities
  • Special education and disability
  • Neurodiversity