Professor Agustin Valera Medina
BEng(Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA IMechE FLSW
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Agustin Valera Medina
Co-Director of the Net Zero Innovation Institute
Professor - Teaching and Research
2006-09 PhD Mechanical Engineering. Thesis Title: Coherent structures and their effects on processes occurring in swirl combustors for turbines. Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom. Studies in flashback, flame stability, structural analysis of swirl burners and combustion of alternative fuels in gas turbines for emissions reduction. Reg. No. 576982 (CEng).
2005-06 MSc in Geoenvironmental Engineering. Modules included: Geochemistry, advanced management, environmental laws, renewable energy, NOx mitigation using swirl burners. Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom. Distinction, First Class Student.
1998-02 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering in Thermo-energy and Environmental Improvement. Modules included: Applied thermodynamics (10/10), selected themes on energy production (10/10), material mechanics (9/10), Structural design (10/10), fluid dynamics (9/10). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico. Distinction, First Class Student. Reg. No. 3832876.
2012-Curr. Professor at Cardiff University. Combustion Dynamics and Thermofluids. 2009-2012 Project Leader and Research Associate (level 7). CIATEQ A.C., National Council of Science and Technology. 2007-09 Research Assistant, Gas Turbine Research Centre (GTRC) and the Centre for Research in Energy, Waste and Environment (CREWE) at Cardiff University. 2006-09 Lecturer Assistant and Invigilator, Cardiff University. 2003-05 Project Leader and Project Engineer. Assa Abloy, Locks Manufacturing Industry. 2002-03 Research Assistant. Materials Science Institute, UNAM.
Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering
Energy and Environment
* Awarded by Dr. Barnés de Castro (UNAM University Rector) for obtaining the best grades of the generation 1994-1997. * Member of the High Academic Achievement Program, UNAM (1998 to 2002). * Member of the TELMEX Foundation (1998 to 2002). Recipient of scholarship. * Awarded a scholarship by the Materials Science Institute (2001 to 2002) to participate in a materials-related research project. * Awarded a scholarship by CONACYT (2002) to participate in a thermoelectric materials-related research project. *First Prize in the Young Researchers Forum, Energy Institute, Cardiff University (2006). * First Prize in the Conference on Heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics in swirling flows, Moscow, Russia, 2008. * Second Prize in the Young Researcher in Combustion Forum, Institute of Physics, U.K., 2009. *Recipient of the Award for the AIAA Best Terrestrial Energy System Paper, 2010 and 2013. * Award for best paper in the SEE SDEWES 2018 conference.* Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI-1), Mexico, 2010. *Recipient of Award for International Engagement with Mexico through the Seedcorn Fund, Cardiff University (2015). *Recipient of Award for Research on Fundamental Fluid Mechanics with KU Leuven, Cardiff University (2016). *Recipient of the Innovation Award and Sustainable Awards, Southwales Energy Institute, Cardiff University (2017 and 2019).*Visiting Professor, Jiangsu University (2021). *Recipient of the Award for the Best ASME paper in the session “Combustion, Fuel and Emissions” (2024).
MEMBERSHIPS (Career Oriented) * Combustion Institute, British Section. * Energy Institute, London. * American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA. * Chartered Engineer, IMechE (Corporate Member, CEng). Memb. Num. 80096373 * National System of Researchers, SNI * Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineers, SOMIM, active member.* Committee Member Combustion Institute British Section (2018 - 2022). *Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). *Institute of Physics, Affiliate Member. *EPSRC College Member, 2016. *Member of the European Turbine Network, Ammonia Gas Turbine subgroup. *Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.
*National Council of Science and Technology, Mexico (PROINNOVA, INNOVATEC, International Scholarships, National Young Awards); *EPSRC, UK: Research projects, Energy topics; *Flanders Research Foundations (FWO): External reviewer, 8combustion and energy; *Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre, Lithuania: Energy and Sustainability; *The Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, USA; *Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); *National Centre of Science and Technology evaluation Kazakhstan (NCSTE); *Academy of Finland; Fund for Scientific Research-FNRS (Belgium); Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Programme (Scandinavia); Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies (France); Deanship of Research Oversight and Coordination (Saudi Arabia); CNRS, Europe of Research and International Cooperation Office (France); European Commission (ERC program); TTW Perspectives (the Netherlands); COST Action (European Union).
Journals: Energy Conversion and Management; Journal of SAGE, Advances in Mechanical Engineering; Energies; Ingenieria, Investigacion y Tecnologia; Int Journal of Energy Research; Energy and Fuels; Applied Thermal Engineering; J Natural Gas Science and Engineering; ITECKNE; Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineers; Int J Heat Transfer; Int J Hydrogen Energy; Energy (Elsevier); ASME Turbo Expo; J of Combustion; Numerical Combustion Science; Combustion Symposium; Combustion Symposium; IONICS (Springer); Polish Maritime Research; Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (T&F); International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
Session Chair: International Conference of Applied Energy (2016-2018); SDEWES (2018, 2019); NH3 Conference (2018); Ammonia Workshop, KAUST (2022); Symposium of the Combustion Institute, Low Carbon Session (2024).
Guest Editor: J of Cleaner Production; Ammonia as an Energy Vector (MDPI).
Editorial Board: Journal of Thermal Sciences (Springer); Royal Society, Ammonia Perspectives in the UK (Ammonia to Power); Energies (MDPI); Low Carbon Technology and Management (Springer).
Scientific Committee Member: Int Conference on Energy, Ecology and Environment, Australia, 2018; Electrofuels, TBMCE Slovenia, 2018; SDEWES 2019, 2020; Latinamerican SDEWES, Argentina, 2020; Joint British-French Combustion Meeting 2020; Ammonia Workshop ASPACC 2021; 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 2022; STFC Horizons Programme Reviewing Panel member; Ammonia Combustion Workshop ASPPC.
Keynote Speaker: Latin-American Congress of Turbomachinery, Queretaro, Mexico. 2014; Energy Institute, University of Leicester, England, UK. 2015; Research Excellence Conference, Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico, 2015; Gas Turbine Combustion Seminar Series (10 Institutes), Mexico, 2015; UK-Mexico Year Seminar, Mexican Academy of Engineering, Mexico, 2015; Decarbonising the Yucatan Peninsula, Newton Fund, Mexico, 2017; New Energies Forum, Synnergy, London, 2017; COST-ACTION SMARTCATS (Smart Carriers and Technologies), Naples, 2019; 14th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Madeira, 2019; 3rd International Summer School, Combustion Institute, Shanghai, China, 2020; 7th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, 2020; 2nd CIDER Conference, Orizaba, Mexico, 2021; 21st Century Alternative Fuels, IMechE, London, UK, 2021; Clean Combustion Symposium, KAUST, Saudi Arabia, 2021; 2021 Mexican Hydrogen Society Conference, Merida, Yucatan; Propulsion Futures, Nottingham, 2021; Mario Molina Centre, Ammonia/Hydrogen collaboration BEIS-PACT, 2022; British-French Joint Meeting, Low Carbon Fuels, 2022; Hydrogen and Ammonia Workshop, INEEL, Mexico, 2022; International Workshop on Explosions and Reactive Flows, Beijing Inst Tech, 2022; Invited Lecture, IMechE Welsh Brand, Cardiff, UK, 2022; 19th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics, Tohoku, Japan, 2022; European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, France, 2023; Mediterranean Combustion Meeting, Luxor, Egypt, 2023; 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, Orleans, France, 2023; 1st Joint China/UK Ammonia Combustion Workshop, Cardiff, 2023; IGTC 2023, 50th Anniversary Keynote Speech, Kyoto, Japan, 2023; 14th World Conference on Hydrogen Energy, Tulum, Mexico, 2024; 3rd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, Shanghai, China, 2024.
- Davies, J., Mashruk, S., Sato, D., Mazzotta, L., Pugh, D. and Valera Medina, A. 2025. Emissions analyses of humidified cracked ammonia swirling flames. Combustion and Flame 274, article number: 113984. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2025.113984)
- Meloni, R., Valera Medina, A., Babazzi, G., Pucci, E., Castellani, S. and Andreini, A. 2025. Numerical investigation of the NOX emissions of a perfectly premixed NH3-H2 flame at moderate pressure levels. Fuel: The Science and Technology of Fuel and Energy 385, article number: 134128. (10.1016/j.fuel.2024.134128)
- Al-Moftah, A. M. S. H. et al. 2025. Economic feasibility of using municipal solid waste and date palm waste for clean energy production in Qatar. Energies 18(4), article number: 988. (10.3390/en18040988)
- Mazzotta, L., Lamioni, R., Agati, G., Evangelisti, A., Rispoli, F., Valera-Medina, A. and Borello, D. 2025. On the impact of CFD turbulence models for premixed NH3/H2 combustion on emissions and flame characteristics in a swirl-stabilized burner. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (10.1007/s10494-025-00638-7)
- Shahsavari, M., Chakraborty, N., Zhong, S., Valera Medina, A. and Jangi, M. 2025. Comparative effects of plasma and preheating in assisting premixed ammonia/air flames: A DNS study. Fuel: The Science and Technology of Fuel and Energy 381(Part D), article number: 133645. (10.1016/j.fuel.2024.133645)
- Valera Medina, A. et al. eds. 2025. Ammonia combustion applications for energy systems. IET. (10.1049/PBPO224E)
- Davies, J., Mazzotta, L., Sato, D., Mashruk, S., Pugh, D., Borello, D. and Valera Medina, A. 2025. Experimental and numerical investigation of NH3/H2/N2 combustion in a premixed/stratified swirl burner. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 147(1), article number: 11006. (10.1115/1.4066207)
- Alnasif, A., Szanthoffer, A., Papp, M., Turanyi, T., Mashruk, S., Valera Medina, A. and Nagy, T. 2025. A compact kinetic reaction mechanism for the oxidation of NH3/H2 mixtures. Presented at: 3rd Symposium on Ammonia Energy (SoAE), Shanghai, China, 23-26 September 2024. Cardiff University Press
- Shi, H., Boulet, E., Dong, D., Alnajideen, M., Mashruk, S., Zhang, Z. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Ammonia-fueled internal combustion engines. In: Valera Medina, A. et al. eds. Ammonia Combustion Applications for Energy Systems. IET, (10.1049/PBPO224E_ch5)
- Shi, H., Mashruk, S., Alnajideen, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Combustion systems for ammonia-fuelled gas turbines and other propulsion devices. In: Valera Medina, A. et al. eds. Ammonia Combustion Applications for Energy Systems. IET, (10.1049/PBPO224E_ch6)
- Rowenhorst, K., Guati-Rojo, A. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. H&S implications, regulations and international scenarios. In: Valera Medina, A. et al. eds. Ammonia Combustion Applications for Energy Systems. The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 313-347., (10.1049/pbpo224e_ch8)
- Wang, S., Chong, C. T., Sheykhbaglou, S., Ng, J., Tian, B. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Revealing the NO formation kinetics for NH3/CH4 blends under dual-flame and premixed swirl flame configurations. 17(23), article number: 6090. (10.3390/en17236090)
- Zhao, X. et al. 2024. Thermochemical analysis of premixed ammonia/biogas flames in a model gas turbine swirl combustion system. Renewable Energy 236, article number: 121478. (10.1016/j.renene.2024.121478)
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Tejeda del Cueto, M. E., Davies, J., Mashruk, S. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Analysis of excited species formation across the flame of various ammonia-hydrogen fired combustor geometries. Energy Technology, article number: 2401404. (10.1002/ente.202401404)
- Giles, A. P., Hao, S., Harper, J., Goktepe, B., Bowen, P. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Ammonia sprays for combustion: a review. Johnson Matthey Technology Review 68(4), pp. 530-548. (10.1595/205651324X17073140270956)
- Mashruk, S. et al. 2024. Perspectives on NOX emissions and impacts from ammonia combustion processes. Energy and Fuels (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c03381)
- Mazzotta, L. et al. 2024. Modeling ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion and emission characteristics of a generic swirl burner. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146(9), article number: 91022. (10.1115/1.4064807)
- Alnasif, A., Jójka, J., Mashruk, S., Nagy, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Analysis of the performance of kinetic reaction mechanisms in estimating N2O mole fractions in 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 premixed flames. Fuel 371(Part A), article number: 131897. (10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131897)
- Fatla, O. M. H., Hill, A. S., Robinson, F. C. J., Jweeg, M. J., Alasadi, S. N. K., Valera-Medina, A. and Abdullah, O. I. 2024. A comprehensive analysis of radial thermal conductivity of grain-oriented electrical steel based on the interactive approach. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 37(4), pp. 401-416. (10.17654/0973576324028)
- Davies, J., Mazzotta, L., Sato, D., Mashruk, S., Pugh, D., Borello, D. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Experimental and numerical investigation of NH3/H2/N2 combustion in a premixed/stratified swirl burner. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, UK, 24-28 June 2024Ceramics and Ceramic Composites; Coal, Biomass, Hydrogen, and Alternative Fuels, Vol. 2., (10.1115/GT2024-127419)
- Meloni, R. et al. 2024. Large Eddy Simulations for the prediction of fuel-bound NOx emissions: Application to NH3 and NH3-CH4 blends at different operating conditions. Presented at: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, UK, 24-28 June 2024Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Dea, and Air, Vol. 3A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2024-123875)
- Sato, D., Davies, J., Mazzotta, L., Mashruk, S., Valera Medina, A. and Kurose, R. 2024. Effects of Reynolds number and ammonia fraction on combustion characteristics of premixed ammonia-hydrogen-air swirling flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40(1-4), article number: 105283. (10.1016/j.proci.2024.105283)
- Fatla, O. M. H. et al. 2024. Technologies for high-temperature batch annealing of grain-oriented electrical steel: An overview. Open Engineering 14(1), article number: 20240053. (10.1515/eng-2024-0053)
- Valera Medina, A. 2024. Editorial. Journal of Ammonia Energy 2(1) (10.18573/jae.36)
- Jano Ito, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Techno-economics of ammonia as an energy carrier. Exporting wind from the North Atlantic Ocean/North Sea to Wales. Journal of Ammonia Energy 2(1), pp. 1-24. (10.18573/jae.26)
- Arcentales, D., Pele, R., Boero, A., Rousselle, C., Valera Medina, A. and Ramirez, A. 2024. Environmental life cycle analysis of an ammonia-ethanol fueled internal combustion engine (ICE) for power generation. Journal of Ammonia Energy 2(1), pp. 25-41. (10.18573/jae.25)
- Gant, S., Stavrakakis, P., Slater, D., Mounaim-Rousselle, C. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Health and Safety Workshop Report version 2, 2023. Journal of Ammonia Energy 2(1) (10.18573/jae.30)
- Castellani, S. et al. 2024. Numerical modelling of swirl stabilised lean-premixed H2-CH4 flames with the artificially thickened flame model. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146(6), article number: 61019. (10.1115/1.4063829)
- Pugh, D. et al. 2024. Influence of variable swirl on emissions in a non-premixed fuel-flexible burner at elevated ambient conditions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146(6), article number: 61006. (10.1115/1.4063786)
- Czyzewski, P., Slefarski, R., Golebiewski, M., Alnajideen, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Experimental study of CO2/H2/NH3 influence on CH4 flameless combustion process in semi-industrial furnace. Energy 296, article number: 131014. (10.1016/
- Alnajideen, M. et al. 2024. Ammonia combustion and emissions in practical applications: a review. Carbon Neutrality 3(1), article number: 13. (10.1007/s43979-024-00088-6)
- Escudero Ornelas, A., Davey, E., Valera Medina, A., Bigot, S. and Bhaduri, D. 2024. A study on the surface chemistry of laser textured parts. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 128-132., (10.18573/
- Jiang, H., Alnajideen, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Exploring the potential of ammonia/hydrogen trigeneration cycle. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 181-184., (10.18573/
- David, W. I. F. et al. 2024. 2023 Roadmap on ammonia as a carbon-free fuel. JPhys Energy 6, article number: 21501. (10.1088/2515-7655/ad0a3a)
- Mashruk, S., Shi, H., Zitouni, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Nitrogen oxide emissions in ammonia combustion. In: Kumar, S. et al. eds. Ammonia and Hydrogen for Green Energy Transition. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability ((ENENSU)) Singapore: Springer, pp. 289-328., (10.1007/978-981-97-0507-8_13)
- Chen, Z., Wan, Y., Liu, Y. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. A knowledge graph-supported information fusion approach for multi-faceted conceptual modelling. Information Fusion 101, article number: 101985. (10.1016/j.inffus.2023.101985)
- Valera-Medina, A. et al. 2024. Ammonia combustion in furnaces: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 49(Part B), pp. 1597-1618. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.10.241)
- Alnasif, A., Jójka, J., Mashruk, S. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Insight into NH3 formation characteristics at rich conditions in 70/30 VOL% NH3/H2 flames. Presented at: The 19th Edition of the International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Kyoto, Japan, 7-10 May 2024.
- Jójka, J., Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Modelling of turbulent premixed swirl flames for 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 fuel-air mixtures. Presented at: The 19th edition of the International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Kyoto, Japan, 7-10 May 2024.
- Alnasif, A., Szanthoffer, A. G., Papp, M., Turanyi, T., Mashruk, S., Valera-Medina, A. and Nagy, T. 2024. A novel kinetic reaction mechanism for predicting laminar flame speeds of NH3/H2 fuel mixtures. Presented at: International Workshop On Science And Technology Supporting Energy Conversion Towards Carbon Neutrality, Université d'Orléans, France, 3 - 4 July 2024.
- Alnasif, A., Szanthoffer, A. G., Papp, M., Turányi, T., Mashruk, S., Valera-Medina, A. and Nagy, T. 2024. An optimised reaction mechanism for predicting laminar flame speed in NH3 and NH3/H2 flames. Presented at: MariNH3 Conference 2024, Nottingham, UK, 26 June 2024.
- Nagy, T., Alnasif, A., Szanthoffer, A. G., Papp, M., Turanyi, T. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Compact kinetic model for the combustion of NH3/H2 mixtures. Presented at: 7th International Flame Chemistry Workshop, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 20- 21 July 2024.
- Ansari, N., Orsino, S., Meloni, R., Pucci, E., Castellani, S., Andreini, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Large-eddy simulation of a non-premixed ammonia-hydrogen flame: NOx emission and flame characteristics validation. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, UK, 24-28 June 2024Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 3B. ASME pp. GT2024-129248., (10.1115/GT2024-129248)
- Ansari, N., Orsino, S., Meloni, R., Pucci, E., Castellani, S., Andreini, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Large-Eddy simulation of a non-premixed ammonia-hydrogen flame: NOx emission and flame characteristics validation. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, UK, 24-28 June 2024Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 3B: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions.. ASME, (10.1115/GT2024-129248)
- Chaturvedi, S., Santhosh, R., Mashruk, S., Yadav, R. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Prediction of NOx emissions and pathways in premixed ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion using CFD-CRN methodology. Journal of the Energy Institute 111, article number: 101406. (10.1016/j.joei.2023.101406)
- Wu, Y. et al. 2023. Emission reduction and cost-benefit analysis of the use of ammonia and green hydrogen as fuel for marine applications. Green Energy and Resources 1(4), article number: 100046. (10.1016/j.gerr.2023.100046)
- Faghih, M., Valera-Medina, A., Chen, Z. and Paykani, A. 2023. Effect of radiation on laminar flame speed determination in spherically propagating NH3-air, NH3/CH4-air and NH3/H2-air flames at normal temperature and pressure. Combustion and Flame 257(Part2), article number: 113030. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.113030)
- Yu, C., Cai, L., Chi, C., Mashruk, S., Valera-Medina, A. and Maas, U. 2023. Numerical investigation on the head-on quenching (HoQ) of laminar premixed lean to stoichiometric ammonia-hydrogen-air flames. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 111, pp. 1301-1322. (10.1007/s10494-023-00489-0)
- Schoina, L., Jones, R., Burgess, S., Vaughan, D., Andrews, L., Foley, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Numerical and techno-economic analysis of batch annealing performance improvements in tinplate manufacturing. Energies 16(20), article number: 7040. (10.3390/en16207040)
- Alnaeli, M. et al. 2023. High-temperature materials for complex components in Ammonia/Hydrogen gas turbines: A critical review. Energies 16(19), article number: 6973. (10.3390/en16196973)
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Shi, H., Alnajideen, M., Wang, P., Pugh, D. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Evolution of ammonia reaction mechanisms and modeling parameters: A review. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 15, article number: 100175. (10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100175)
- Mazzotta, L. et al. 2023. Modelling ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion and emission characteristics of a generic swirl burner. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 26-30 June 2023Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 2. ASME, (10.1115/GT2023-102803)
- Castellani, S. et al. 2023. Numerical modelling of swirl stabilised lean-premixed H2-CH4 flames with the artificially thickened flame model. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 26-30 June 2023Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 3A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2023-101994)
- Pugh, D. et al. 2023. Influence of variable swirl on emissions in a non-premixed fuel-flexible burner at elevated ambient conditions. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 26-30 June 2023ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions, Vol. 3A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2023-102457)
- Shahsavari, M., Konnov, A. A., Bai, X., Valera Medina, A., Li, T. and Jangi, M. 2023. Synergistic effects of nanosecond plasma discharge and hydrogen on ammonia combustion. Fuel 348, article number: 128475. (10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128475)
- Yu, C. et al. 2023. Investigation of spark ignition processes of laminar strained premixed stoichiometric NH3-H2-air flames. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 83, article number: 105043. (10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105043)
- Ustun, C. E., Herfatmanesh, M. R., Valera-Medina, A. and Paykani, A. 2023. Applying machine learning techniques to predict laminar burning velocity for ammonia/hydrogen/air mixtures. Energy and AI 13, article number: 100270. (10.1016/j.egyai.2023.100270)
- Mashruk, S. et al. 2023. Combustion characteristics of a novel ammonia combustor equipped with stratified injection for low emissions. Journal of Ammonia Energy 1(1), pp. 21-32. (10.18573/jae.10)
- Valera Medina, A. 2023. Editorial. Journal of Ammonia Energy 1(1) (10.18573/jae.22)
- Alnasif, A., Zitouni, S., Mashruk, S., Brequigny, P., Kovaleva, M., Mounaim-Rousselle, C. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Experimental and numerical comparison of currently available reaction mechanisms for laminar flame speed in 70/30 (%vol.) NH3/H2 flames. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 14, article number: 100139. (10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100139)
- Hayakawa, A. et al. 2023. Experimental and numerical study of product gas and N2O emission characteristics of ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed laminar flames stabilized in a stagnation flow. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39(2), pp. 1625-1633. (10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.124)
- Mashruk, S., Zhu, X., Roberts, W. L., Guiberti, T. F. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Chemiluminescent footprint of premixed ammonia-methane-air swirling flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39(1), pp. 1415-1423. (10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.073)
- Agwu, O., Runyon, J., Goktepe, B., Chong Tung, C., Ng, J., Giles, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Dual phase renewable fuel combustion in an atmospheric gas turbine burner. Journal of Thermal Science 32, pp. 1278-1291. (10.1007/s11630-023-1719-9)
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Hayashi, M., Jójka, J., Shi, H., Hayakawa, A. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Performance Investigation of Currently Available Reaction Mechanisms in the Estimation of NO Measurements: A Comparative Study. Energies 16(9), article number: 3847. (10.3390/en16093847)
- Mashruk, S. et al. 2023. Numerical analysis on the evolution of NH2 in ammonia/hydrogen swirling flames and detailed sensitivity analysis under elevated conditions. Combustion Science and Technology 195(6), pp. 1251-1278. (10.1080/00102202.2021.1990897)
- Slater, D., Stravrakakis, P., Gant, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Health and safety workshop report (2022). Journal of Ammonia Energy 1(1) (10.18573/jae.17)
- Yang, Z., Castaneda, V., Ogus, G., Holemans, T., Vanierschot, M. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Identification and dynamics of coherent structures in a coanda swirling jet flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 142, article number: 110817. (10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2022.110817)
- Boero, A., Mercier, A., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Valera-Medina, A. and Ramirez, A. D. 2023. Environmental assessment of road transport fueled by ammonia from a life cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 390, article number: 136150. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136150)
- Xiao, H. et al. 2023. Performance Analysis of Gas Turbine Using Hydrogen-Added Natural Gas. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES), 23-25 December 20222022 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES). IEEE, (10.1109/ICPES56491.2022.10072868)
- Yu, C., Böhlke, T., Valera-Medina, A., Yang, B. and Maas, U. 2023. Flame-solid interaction: thermomechanical analysis for a steady laminar stagnation flow stoichiometric Nh3-H2 flame at a plane wall. Energy and Fuels 37(4), pp. 3294-3306. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c03804)
- Mong, G. R. et al. 2023. Fuel-lean ammonia/biogas combustion characteristics under the reacting swirl flow conditions. Fuel 331(2), article number: 125983. (10.1016/j.fuel.2022.125983)
- Alnasif, A., Jójka, J., Mashruk, S., Nagy, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Analysis of the performance of kinetic reaction mechanisms in estimating N2O mole fractions in 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 premixed flames. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment, 25-29 June 2023.
- Mashruk, S., Davies, J., Taufiq, M., Rudman, J., Alnasif, A., Docherty, R. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Effects of temperature and humidification in 20(vol.%) cracked ammonia swirling flames. Presented at: 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 11-13 July 2023.
- Alnasif, A., Jójka, J., Mashruk, S., Davies, J., Nagy, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. A kinetic modelling study for estimating residual NH3 speciation at the combustion outlet in 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 flames. Presented at: 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 11-13 July 2023.
- Shi, H., Mashruk, S., Alnajideen, M. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Modelling and performance analysis of a dual heat source ammonia-based heat pump system. Presented at: 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 11-13 July, 2023.
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Jójka, J., Nagy, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Comprehensive investigation of available reaction mechanisms in their performance of estimation of NO2 concentration IN 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 Premixed Flames. Presented at: Cardiff Engineering Research Conference, 12-14 July 2023.
- Kovaleva, M., Hayakawa, A., Ekenechukwu C, O., Yamashita, H., Alnasif, A., Valera Medina, A. and Crayford, A. 2023. The role of cyanides and isocyanides in emissions formation of laminar premixed ammonia/methane flames. Presented at: 61st Symposium (Japanese) on Combustion, Tokyo, 15 - 17 November 2023.
- Mashruk, S., Zitouni, S., Brequigny, P., Mounaim-Rousselle, C. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Combustion performances of premixed ammonia/hydrogen/air laminar and swirling flames for a wide range of equivalence ratios. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(97), pp. 41170-41182. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.09.165)
- Valera Medina, A., Mashruk, S., Pugh, D. and Bowen, P. 2022. Ammonia. In: O'Connor, J., Noble, B. and Lieuwen, T. eds. Renewable Fuels: Sources, Conversion, and Utilization. Cambridge University Press, pp. 245-274., (10.1017/9781009072366.011)
- Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Alnasif, A., Chong, C. T., Hayakawa, A., Okafor, E. C. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Nitrogen oxide emissions analyses in ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed swirling flames. Energy 260, article number: 125183. (10.1016/
- Shahsavari, M., Konnov, A. A., Valera Medina, A. and Jangi, M. 2022. On nanosecond plasma-assisted ammonia combustion: Effects of pulse and mixture properties. Combustion and Flame 245, article number: 112368. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112368)
- Mashruk, S., Okafor, E., Kovaleva, M., Alnasif, A., Pugh, D., Hayakawa, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Evolution of N2O production at lean combustion condition in NH3/H2/air premixed swirling flames. Combustion and Flame 244, article number: 112299. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112299)
- Kovaleva, M., Dziedzic, D., Mashruk, S., Evans, S., Valera Medina, A. and Galindo-Nava, E. 2022. The evaluation of ammonia/hydrogen combustion on the H permeation and embrittlement of nickel-base superalloys. Presented at: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 13 - 17 June 2022Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022. ASME pp. 82239., (10.1115/GT2022-82239)
- Mashruk, S., Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Tejeda-del-Cueto, M., Xiao, H., Yu, C., Maas, U. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Combustion features of CH4/NH3/H2 ternary blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(70), pp. 30315-30327. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.03.254)
- Vishnoi, N., Valera-Medina, A., Saurabh, A. and Kabiraj, L. 2022. Flow dynamics in a triple swirl burner. Presented at: National Aerospace Propulsion Conference, Online, 2020 Presented at Sivaramakrishna, G., Kumar, S. K. and Raghunandan, B. N. eds.Proceedings of the National Aerospace Propulsion Conference. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Singapore: pp. 583–599., (10.1007/978-981-19-2378-4_34)
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Wang, P. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Experimental and numerical analyses of nitrogen oxides formation in a high ammonia-low hydrogen blend using a tangential swirl burner. Carbon Neutrality 1, article number: 24. (10.1007/s43979-022-00021-9)
- Kovaleva, M., Hayakawa, A., Colson, S., Okafor, E. C., Kudo, T., Valera Medina, A. and Kobayashi, H. 2022. Numerical and experimental study of product gas characteristics in premixed ammonia/methane/air laminar flames stabilised in a stagnation flow. Fuel Communications 10, article number: 100054. (10.1016/j.jfueco.2022.100054)
- Alrebei, O. F. et al. 2022. State of the art in separation processes for alternative working fluids in clean and efficient power generation. Separations 9(1), article number: 14. (10.3390/separations9010014)
- Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Bréquigny, P., Valera Medina, A., Boulet, E., Emberson, D. and Løvås, T. 2022. Ammonia as fuel for transportation to mitigate zero carbon impact. In: Kalghatgi, G. et al. eds. Engines and Fuels for Future Transport. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Springer, pp. 257-279., (10.1007/978-981-16-8717-4_11)
- Fawwaz Alrebei, O., I. Amhamed, A., Mashruk, S., Bowen, P. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Planar laser-induced fluorescence and chemiluminescence analyses of CO2-argon-steam oxyfuel (CARSOXY) combustion. Energies 15(1), article number: 263. (10.3390/en15010263)
- Schoina, L., Jones, R., Burgess, S., Vaughan, D., Andrews, L., Foley, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Impact of annealing cycle parameters on Batch Annealing process performance in tinplate manufacturing. Presented at: 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2022), Algarve, Portugal, 19-22 April 2022.
- Chaturvedi, S., Rudrasetty, S., Mashruk, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. CFD-CRN modelling for prediction of pollutants in NH3/H2/air combustion. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Applied Energy, 8 - 11 August 2022.
- Xiao, H. et al. 2022. Effects of carbon dioxide on combustion of methane/hydrogen in a swirl combustor. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Applied Energy, 8 - 11 August 2022.
- Escudero Ornelas, A., Bhaduri, D., Martinez Zavala, H., Valera Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2022. On the performance evaluation of microtextured surfaces using computational fluid dynamics: a comparative study. Presented at: World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing - WCMNM 2022, Leuven, Belgium, 19-22 September 2022.
- Alnasif, A., Zitouni, S., Mashruk, S., Brequigny, P., Kovaleva, M., Mounaim-Rousselle, C. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Experimental and numerical comparison of currently available reaction mechanisms for laminar flame speed in hydrogen/ammonia flames. Presented at: SET2022: International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Technologies, 16-18 August 202219th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies – SET 2022.
- Vishnoi, N., Verma, S., Mashruk, S., Valera-Medina, A., Saurabh, A. and Kabiraj, L. 2022. Effect of Swirler configurations on combustion of humidified lean premixed methane-hydrogen mixtures. Presented at: 2023 AIAA SciTech, 23 - 27 January 2023. , (10.2514/6.2023-1060.vid)
- Guteša Božo, M., Mashruk, S., Alnajideen, M. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. A novel trigeneration gas turbine cycle powered by humidified ammonia/hydrogen with ammonia refrigeration. Presented at: 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 1 - 2 September 2022.
- Mashruk, S., Alnasif, A., Thatcher, J., Rudman, J., Peronski, L., Okafor, E. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Stability limits of propane/ammonia/hydrogen ternary blends for an industrial scale swirl burner. Presented at: 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 1 - 2 September 2022.
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Hayashi, M., Hayakawa, A. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Performance investigation of currently available reaction mechanisms in the estimation of NO measurements: a comparative study. Presented at: 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 1 - 2 September 2022.
- Mashruk, S., Alnasif, A., Navaratne, R., Guiberti, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Effects of stratified H2 injection in premixed ammonia/hydrogen/air swirling flames. Presented at: 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 1 - 2 September 2022.
- Okon, A., Vigueras-Zuniga, M., Agwu, O., Chong, C. T. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Stable combustion under carbon dioxide enriched methane blends for exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). Journal of Thermal Science 30, pp. 2186-2195. (10.1007/s11630-021-1442-3)
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Robinson, F. 2021. Multi-sourced modelling for strip breakage using knowledge graph embeddings. Presented at: 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS 2021), Virtual, 22-24 September 202154th CIRP CMS 2021 - Towards Digitalized Manufacturing 4.0, Vol. 104. Elsevier pp. 1884-1889., (10.1016/j.procir.2021.11.318)
- Hayakawa, A. et al. 2021. Study on N2O production mechanisms of lean ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed laminar flames. Presented at: The 59th Japanese Symposium on Combustion, Virtual, 22nd - 24 November 2021.
- Guati-Rojo, A., Demski, C., Poortinga, W. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Public attitudes and concerns about ammonia as an energy vector. Energies 14(21), article number: 7296. (10.3390/en14217296)
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Tejeda-del-Cueto, M. E., Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Ordonez-Romero, C. L. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Methane/ammonia radical formation during high temperature reactions in swirl burners. Energies 14(20), article number: 6624. (10.3390/en14206624)
- Boero, A. J. et al. 2021. Environmental life cycle assessment of ammonia‐based electricity. Energies 14(20), article number: 6721. (10.3390/en14206721)
- Vishnoi, N., Valera Medina, A., Saurabh, A. and Kabiraj, L. 2021. Combustion of hydrogen-methane-air mixtures in a generic triple swirl burner: numerical studies. Presented at: Turbo Expo 2021 Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, Virtual, 7-11 June 2021ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 3B. Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air ASME, (10.1115/GT2021-59744)
- Chiong, M. et al. 2021. Advancements of combustion technologies in the ammonia-fuelled engines. Energy Conversion and Management 244, article number: 114460. (10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114460)
- Zitouni, S. et al. 2021. Ammonia blended fuels - energy solutions for a green future. Presented at: European Turbine Network (ETN) International Gas Turbine Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 11-15 October 2021.
- Portapas, V., Zaidi, Y., Bakunowicz, J., Paddeu, D., Valera Medina, A. and Didey, A. 2021. Targeting global environmental challenges by the means of novel multimodal transport: concept of operations. Presented at: 2021 World S4 Conference, London, England, 29-30 July 20212021 Fifth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). IEEE, (10.1109/WorldS451998.2021.9514048)
- Hayakawa, A. et al. 2021. N2O production characteristics of strain stabilized premixed laminar ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed flames in lean conditions. Presented at: 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion 2021, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 05-09 December 2021.
- Hayakawa, A. et al. 2021. Product gas characteristics of ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed laminar flames stabilized in stagnation flows for various equivalence ratios. Presented at: 18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD 2021), Virtual, 27-29 October 2021.
- Guteša Božo, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Comparative analysis of gasification and adiabatic digestion of corn for practical implementation in conventional gas turbines. Gases 1(2), pp. 92-105. (10.3390/gases1020008)
- Hatem, F., Al-Fahham, M., Alsaegh, A. S., Al-dulaimi, Z. M. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Experimental Investigation on effects of bluff-body size and axial air injection on blowoff limits in swirl burners. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 16(3), pp. 2202-2214.
- Pugh, D. et al. 2021. Emissions performance of staged premixed and diffusion combustor concepts for an NH3/air flame with and without reactant humidification. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143(5), article number: 51012. (10.1115/1.4049451)
- Valera-Medina, A. et al. 2021. Review on ammonia as a potential fuel: from synthesis to economics. Energy and Fuels 35(9), pp. 6964-7029. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c03685)
- Kovaleva, M., Mashruk, S., Agwu, O. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. The development and testing of a CH4/NH3/H2 combustion system for a 50kW micro gas turbine. Presented at: ASME Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo Expo 2021), Virtual, 7-11 June 2021.
- Agwu, O., Valera Medina, A., Tomaz, K. and Tine, S. 2021. Flame characteristics of glycerol/methanol blends in a swirl-stabilised gas turbine burner. Fuel 290, article number: 119968. (10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119968)
- Razon, L. F. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. A comparative environmental life cycle assessment of the combustion of ammonia/methane fuels in a tangential swirl burner. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 3, article number: 631397. (10.3389/fceng.2021.631397)
- Mashruk, S., Xiao, H. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Rich-Quench-Lean model comparison for the clean use of humidified ammonia/hydrogen combustion systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46(5), pp. 4472-4484. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.10.204)
- Pugh, D. et al. 2021. Emissions performance of staged premixed and diffusion combustor concepts for an NH3/air flame with and without reactant humidification. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, Virtual, 21-25 September 2020ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2020-14953)
- Hewlett, S. G., Pugh, D. G., Valera-Medina, A., Giles, A., Runyon, J., Goktepe, B. and Bowen, P. 2021. Industrial wastewater as an enabler of green ammonia to power via gas turbine technology. Presented at: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition (TURBO EXPO 2020), Virtual, 21-25 September 2020Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2020 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. ASME pp. GT2020-14581., (10.1115/GT2020-14581)
- Guteša, B., Mashruk, S., Zitouni, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Humidified ammonia/hydrogen RQL combustion in a trigeneration gas turbine cycle. Energy Conversion and Management 27, article number: 113625. (10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113625)
- Pugh, D. et al. 2021. An investigation of ammonia primary flame combustor concepts for emissions reduction with OH*, NH2* and NH* chemiluminescence at elevated conditions. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38(4), pp. 6451-6459. (10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.310)
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera-Medina, A., Robinson, F. and Packianather, M. 2021. Multi-faceted modelling for strip breakage in cold rolling using machine learning. International Journal of Production Research 59(21), pp. 6347-6360. (10.1080/00207543.2020.1812753)
- Kovaleva, M., Mashruk, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Experimental study of ammonia addition in premixed methane flames. Presented at: 38th International Symposium on Combustion, Adelaide, Australia, 24-29 January 2021.
- Kovaleva, M., Mashruk, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Empirical and numerical investigation of turbulent flows in a novel design burner for ammonia/hydrogen combustion. Presented at: European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2021), Virtual, 14-15 April 2021.
- Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Tung Chong, C., Hayakawa, A., Okafor, E. C. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Nitrogen Oxides as a by-product of Ammonia/Hydrogen combustion regimes. Chemical Engineering Transactions 89, pp. 613-618. (10.3303/CET2189103)
- Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Zitouni, S. E., Brequigny, P., Rousselle, C. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Ammonia/hydrogen/methane characteristic profiles for atmospheric combustion applications. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2021), Bangkok, Thailand, 29 November - 02 December 2021.
- Mao, C., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Cheng, K. 2021. Effects of equivalence ratio, inlet temperature and pressure on NO emissions for two stage combustion of NH3/H2 fuel mixture. Presented at: 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2021), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 05-09 December 2021.
- Bozo, M. G. and Valera-Medina, A. 2020. Prediction of novel humified gas turbine cycle parameters for ammonia/hydrogen fuels. Energies 13(21), article number: 5749. (10.3390/en13215749)
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Robinson, F. 2020. A multi-source feature-level fusion approach for predicting strip breakage in cold rolling. Presented at: 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Virtual, 20-24 August 20202020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE pp. 482-487., (10.1109/CASE48305.2020.9216854)
- Agwu, O., Runyon, J., Goktepe, B., Chong, C. T., Ng, J., Giles, A. and Valera-Medina, A. 2020. Visualisation and performance evaluation of biodiesel/methane co-combustion in a swirl-stabilised gas turbine combustor. Fuel 277, article number: 118172. (10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118172)
- Chiong, M., Valera-Medina, A., Chong, W. W. F., Chong, C. T., Mong, G. R. and Mohd Jaafar, M. N. 2020. Effects of swirler vane angle on palm biodiesel/natural gas combustion in swirl-stabilised gas turbine combustor. Fuel 277, article number: 118213. (10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118213)
- Slejak, T., Buffi, M., Valera-Medina, A., Chong, C. T., Chiaramonti, D. and Katrasnik, T. 2020. Bioliquids and their use in power generation - a technology review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 129, article number: 109930. (10.1016/j.rser.2020.109930)
- Valera Medina, A. and Banares-Alcantara, R. 2020. Techno-economic challenges of green ammonia as an energy vector. Academic Press.
- Alrebei, O. F., Bowen, P. and Valera Medina, A. 2020. Parametric study of various thermodynamic cycles for the use of unconventional blends. Energies 13(18), article number: 4656. (10.3390/en13184656)
- Chong, C. T. et al. 2020. Pool fire burning characteristics of biodiesel. Fire Technology 56, pp. 1703-1724. (10.1007/s10694-020-00949-3)
- Xiao, H., Lai, S., Valera-Medina, A., Li, J., Liu, J. and Fu, H. 2020. Experimental and modeling study on ignition delay of ammonia/methane fuels. International Journal of Energy Research 44(8), pp. 6939-6949. (10.1002/er.5460)
- Elishav, O. et al. 2020. Progress and prospective of nitrogen-based alternative fuels. Chemical Reviews 120(12), pp. 5352-5436. (10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00538)
- Agwu, O. and Valera-Medina, A. 2020. Diesel/syngas co-combustion in a swirl-stabilised gas turbine combustor. Journal of Thermofluids 3-4, article number: 100026. (10.1016/j.ijft.2020.100026)
- Xiao, H., Lai, S., Valera Medina, A., Li, J., Liu, J. and Fu, H. 2020. Study on counterflow premixed flames using high concentration ammonia mixed with methane. Fuel 275, article number: 117902. (10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117902)
- Valera Medina, A. and Roldan, A. 2020. Ammonia from steelworks. In: Inamuddin, ., Boddula, R. and Asiri, A. eds. Sustainable Ammonia Production. Green Energy and Technology Springer, pp. 69-80., (10.1007/978-3-030-35106-9_4)
- Vigueras Zuniga, M., Tejeda del Cueto, M., Vasquez Santacruz, J., Herrera May, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2020. Numerical predictions of a swirl combustor using complex chemistry fueled with ammonia/hydrogen blends. Energies 13(2), article number: 288. (10.3390/en13020288)
- Chong, C. T., Chiong, M., Ng, J., Tran, M., Valera-Medina, A., Józsa, V. and Tian, B. 2020. Dual-fuel operation of biodiesel and natural gas in a model gas turbine combustor. Energy and Fuels 34(3), pp. 3788-3796. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b04371)
- Martinez-Zavala, H., Bhaduri, D., Petkov, P., Valera-Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2020. Effects of laser microtextured surfaces in condensation heat transfer. Procedia CIRP 95, pp. 927-932. (10.1016/j.procir.2020.01.184)
- Xiao, H., He, W., Lai, S., Valera-Medina, A. and Mashruk, S. 2020. Auto-ignition study on methane and ammonia fuel blends. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2020), Virtual, 1-10 December 2020.
- Warwick-Brown, D., Berge-Karevoll, H., Al Abdullatif, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2020. Assessing the techno-economic feasibility of a wind-tidal lagoon hybrid system for green ammonia storage in Wales, UK. Presented at: Congreso Internacional de Desarrollo Sustentable y Energías Renovables (CIDSER 2020), Virtual, 4-6 November 2020.
- Pugh, D., Bowen, P., Valera-Medina, A., Giles, A., Runyon, J. and Marsh, R. 2019. Influence of steam addition and elevated ambient conditions on NOx reduction in a staged premixed swirling NH3/H2 flame. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37(4), pp. 5401-5409. (10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.091)
- Hewlett, S., Valera Medina, A., Pugh, D. and Bowen, P. 2019. Gas turbine co-firing of steelworks ammonia with coke oven gas or methane: A fundamental and cycle Analysis. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 17-21 June 2019ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition: Volume 3: Coal, Biomass, Hydrogen, and Alternative Fuels; Cycle Innovations; Electric Power; Industrial and Cogeneration; Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems. ASME pp. GT2019-91404., (10.1115/GT2019-91404)
- Honzawa, T., Kai, R., Okada, A., Valera-Medina, A., Bowen, P. J. and Kurose, R. 2019. Predictions of NO and CO emissions in ammonia/methane/air combustion by LES using a non-adiabatic flamelet generated manifold. Energy 186, article number: 115771. (10.1016/
- Guteša Božo, M., Vigueras-Zuniga, M., Buffi, M., Seljak, T. and Valera Medina, A. 2019. Fuel rich ammonia-hydrogen injection for humidified gas turbines. Applied Energy 251, article number: 113334. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113334)
- Alrebei, O. F., Al-Doboon, A., Bowen, P. and Valera Medina, A. 2019. CO2-Argon-Steam Oxy-Fuel production for (CARSOXY) gas turbines. Energies 12(18), article number: 3580. (10.3390/en12183580)
- Samiran, N. A. et al. 2019. Experimental and numerical studies on the premixed syngas swirl flames in a model combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(44), pp. 24126-24139. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.07.158)
- Chong, C. T., Chiong, M., Ng, J., Lim, M., Tran, M., Valera Medina, A. and Chong, W. W. F. 2019. Oxygenated sunflower biodiesel: Spectroscopic and emissions quantification under reacting swirl spray conditions. Energy 178, pp. 804-813. (10.1016/
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Robinson, F. 2019. Characterizing strip snap in cold rolling process using advanced data analytics. Procedia CIRP 81, pp. 453-458. (10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.078)
- Al-Farraji, A., Marsh, R., Steer, J. and Valera Medina, A. 2019. Kinetics and performance of raw and torrefied biomass in a continuous bubbling fluidized bed gasifier.. Waste and Biomass Valorization 10(5), pp. 1365-1381. (10.1007/s12649-017-0167-8)
- Valera Medina, A., Li, R., He, G., Qin, F. and Konnov, A. A. 2019. Reduced chemical kinetics for CDF studies of ammonia-hydrogen blends in gas turbine swirl combustors. Presented at: Ammonia for Fueling Future Energy Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14 April 2019.
- Valera Medina, A. et al. 2019. Premixed ammonia/hydrogen swirl combustion under rich fuel conditions for gas turbines operation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(16), pp. 8615-8626. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.02.041)
- Gutesa Bozo, M., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Bowen, P. J. 2019. Fuel quality impact analysis for practical implementation of corn COB gasification gas in conventional gas turbine power plants. Biomass and Bioenergy 122, pp. 221-230. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.01.012)
- Alboshmina, N. A., Valera Medina, A. and Alsaegh, A. S. 2019. Ammonia-hydrogen combustion in a swirl burner with reduction of NOx emissions. Energy Procedia 158, pp. 2305-2310. (10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.265)
- Alsaegh, A. S., Valera Medina, A., Hussein, N. A., Al-Fahham, M., Hatem, F. A. and Chong, C. T. 2019. Effects of different nozzle configurations on swirl flow topology in tangential swirl burners. Energy Procedia 158, pp. 2317-2322. (10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.269)
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Robinson, F. 2019. Strip snap analytics in cold rolling process using machine learning. Presented at: 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 22-26 August 2019. pp. -.
- Martinez Zavala, H., Bhaduri, D., Valera Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2019. Experimental study on heat transfer enhancement during condensation using microstructured surfaces. Presented at: International Conference on Applied Energy 2019, Västerås, Sweden, 12-15 Aug 2019.
- Buffi, M., Seljak, T., Cappelletti, A., Bettucci, L., Valera Medina, A., Katrasnik, T. and Chiaramonti, D. 2018. Performance and emissions of liquefied wood as fuel for a small scale gas turbine. Applied Energy 230, pp. 1193-1204. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.08.126)
- Hatem, F., Alsaegh, A., Al-Faham, M., Valera Medina, A., Chong, C. and Hassoni, S. 2018. Enhancing flame flashback resistance against Combustion Induced Vortex Breakdown and Boundary Layer Flashback in swirl burners. Applied Energy 230, pp. 946-959. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.09.055)
- Valera Medina, A., Xiao, H., Owen-Jones, M., David, W. and Bowen, P. 2018. Ammonia for power. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 69, pp. 63. (10.1016/j.pecs.2018.07.001)
- Seljak, T., Pavalec, K., Buffi, M., Valera Medina, A., Chiaramonti, D. and Katrasnik, T. 2018. Challenges and solutions for utilization of bioliquids in microturbines. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141(3), article number: 31401. (10.1115/1.4041312)
- Chiong, M. C., Chong, C. T., Ng, J., Tran, M., Lam, S. S., Valera Medina, A. and Mohd Jaafar, M. N. 2018. Combustion and emission performances of coconut, palm and soybean methyl esters under reacting spray flame conditions. Journal of the Energy Institute 22(45), pp. 123-155. (10.1016/j.joei.2018.07.003)
- Chiong, M. C. et al. 2018. Liquid biofuels production and emissions performance in gas turbines: A review. Energy Conversion and Management 173, pp. 640-658. (10.1016/j.enconman.2018.07.082)
- Xiao, H., Wang, Z., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2018. Study on characteristics of co-firing ammonia/methane fuels under oxygen enriched combustion conditions. Journal of Thermal Science 27(3), pp. 270-276. (10.1007/s11630-018-1008-1)
- Samiran, N. A., Jaafar, M. N. M., Chong, C. T., Valera Medina, A. and Ng, J. H. 2018. Downdraft gasification or raw and torrefied palm kernel shell. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies PGSRET, UTM, Malaysia, 4-6 April 20172017 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET). IEEE Xplore pp. 38-43.
- Samiran, N. A., Jaafar, M. N. M., Chong, C. T., Valera Medina, A. and Ng, J. 2018. Experimental and numerical studies of swirl combustion characteristics of syngas. Presented at: 3rd International Conference On Power Generation Systems And Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 4-6 April 20172017 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET). IEEE pp. 191-196., (10.1109/PGSRET.2017.8251826)
- Samiran, N. A., Jaafar, M. N. M., Chong, C. T., Valera Medina, A. and Ng, J. 2018. Downdraft gasification of raw and torrefied palm kernel shell. Presented at: 3rd International Conference On Power Generation Systems And Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 4-6 April 2017Proceedings of the 2017 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET). IEEE, (10.1109/PGSRET.2017.8251798)
- Fatla, O. M. H., Valera Medina, A., Robinson, F., Cichuta, M. and Beynon, N. 2018. Development of convection in high temperature coil annealing furnaces using rotating cylinder technique. Applied Thermal Engineering 129, pp. 1392-1402. (10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.10.136)
- Valera Medina, A., Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Baej, H., Syred, N., Chong, C. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Outlet geometrical impacts on blowoff effects when using various syngas mixtures in swirling flows. Applied Energy 207, pp. 195-207. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.119)
- Xiao, H., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Study on premixed combustion characteristics of co-firing ammonia/methane fuels. Energy 140(1), pp. 125-135. (10.1016/
- Al-Akaishi, A., Valera Medina, A., Chong, C. T. and Marsh, R. 2017. CFD analysis of the fluidised bed hydrodynamic behaviour inside an isothermal gasifier with different perforated plate distributors. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 835-840. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.134)
- Kurji, H., Valera Medina, A., Okon, A. and Chong, C. 2017. Combustion and emission performance of CO2/CH4/biodiesel and CO2/CH4/diesel blends in a Swirl Burner Generator. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 154-159. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.025)
- Buffi, M., Cappelletti, A., Seljak, T., Katrasnik, T., Valera Medina, A. and Chiaramonti, D. 2017. Emissions and combustion performance of a micro gas turbine powered with liquefied wood and its blends. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 297-302. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.047)
- Hatem, F. A., Alsaegh, A. S., Al-Faham, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Enhancement flame flashback resistance against CIVB and BLF in swirl burners. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1071-1076. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.358)
- Xiao, H., Valera Medina, A., Bowen, P. and Dooley, S. 2017. 3D simulation of ammonia combustion in a lean premixed swirl burner. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1294-1299. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.504)
- Al-Fahham, M., Hatem, F. A., Al-Dulami, Z., Valera Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2017. Experimental study to enhance swirl burner against boundary layer flashback. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1534-1538. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.604)
- Alsaegh, A. S., Hatem, F. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Visualisation of turbulent flows in a swirl burner under the effects of axial air jets. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1680-1685. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.549)
- Okon, A., Valera Medina, A., Kurji, H. and Xue, Y. 2017. Acoustic dynamics of a swirl premixed combustor with different operating conditions. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1674-1679. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.548)
- Samiran, N. A., Ng, J., Mohd Jaafar, M. N., Valera Medina, A. and Chong, C. T. 2017. Swirl stability and emission characteristics of CO-enriched syngas/air flame in a premixed swirl burner. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 112(Part B), pp. 315-326. (10.1016/j.psep.2017.07.011)
- Valera Medina, A., Pugh, D., Marsh, P., Bulat, G. and Bowen, P. 2017. Preliminary study on lean premixed combustion of ammonia-hydrogen for swirling gas turbine combustors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42(38), pp. 24495-24503. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.08.028)
- Escamilla‑Ruíz, I., Sierra‑Espinosa, F. Z., García, J. C., Valera Medina, A. and Carillo, F. 2017. Experimental data and numerical predictions of a single-phase flow in a batch square stirred tank reactor with a rotating cylinder agitator. Heat and Mass Transfer 53(9), pp. 2933-2949. (10.1007/s00231-017-2030-7)
- Buffi, M., Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R., Pugh, D., Giles, A., Runyon, J. and Chiaramonti, D. 2017. Emissions characterization tests for hydrotreated renewable jet fuel from used cooking oil and its blends. Applied Energy 201, pp. 84-93. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.104)
- Xiao, H., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Modeling combustion of ammonia/hydrogen fuel blends under gas turbine conditions. Energy and Fuels 31(8), pp. 8631-8642. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b00709)
- Chong, C. T., Tan, W. H., Lee, S. L., Chong, W. W. F., Lam, S. S. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Morphology and growth of carbon nanotubes catalytically synthesised by premixed hydrocarbon-rich flames. Materials Chemistry and Physics 197, pp. 246-255. (10.1016/j.matchemphys.2017.05.036)
- Al-Doboon, A., Gutesa, M., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Ng, J. and Chong, C. T. 2017. CO 2 -argon-steam oxy-fuel (CARSOXY) combustion for CCS inert gas atmospheres in gas turbines. Applied Thermal Engineering 122, pp. 350-358. (10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.05.032)
- Xiao, H., Howard, M., Valera Medina, A., Dooley, S. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Reduced chemical mechanisms for ammonia/methane co-firing for gas turbine applications. Energy Procedia 105, pp. 1483-1488. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.441)
- Xiao, H., Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Numerical study assessing various ammonia/methane reaction models for use under gas turbine conditions. Fuel 196, pp. 344-351. (10.1016/j.fuel.2017.01.095)
- Buffi, M., Chiaramonti, D. and Valera-Medina, A. 2017. Strategies toward experimental assessments of new aviation renewable fuels and blends: The BIOREFLY Project. Energy Procedia 105, pp. 433-438. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.337)
- Valera Medina, A., Baej, H., Syred, N., Chong, C. T. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Coherent structure impacts on blowoff using various syngases. Energy Procedia 105, pp. 1356-1362. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.500)
- Hatem, F., Alsaegh, A., Valera Medina, A. and Marsh, R. 2017. Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of diffusive air injection on turbulence generation and flashback propensity in swirl combustors. Presented at: European Combustion Meeting ECM 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
- Xiao, H. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Chemical kinetic mechanism study on premixed combustion of ammonia/hydrogen fuels for gas turbine use. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 139(8), pp. -. (10.1115/1.4035911)
- Hatem, F. A., Alsaegh, A. S., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Marsh, R. 2017. Experimental investigation of the Effect of Air Diffusive injection on premixing swirl flames. Presented at: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, Texas, USA, 9 - 13 January 201755th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-0778). Reston, Va: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics pp. 1-10., (10.2514/6.2017-0778)
- Okon, A., Valera Medina, A., Kurji, H. and Marsh, R. 2017. Effects of flame temperature on combustion instabilities of a premixed burner. Presented at: 8th European Combustion Meeting 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
- Al-Fahham, M., Hatem, F., Valera Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2017. Investigation of boundary layer flashback enhancement in swirl burner using woven wire mesh. Presented at: 8th European Combustion Meeting 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
- Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R., Runyon, J., Pugh, D., Beasley, P., Hughes, T. and Bowen, P. 2017. Ammonia-methane combustion in tangential swirl burners for gas turbine power generation. Applied Energy 185(2), pp. 1362-1371. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.073)
- Alsaegh, A., Hatem, F., Valera Medina, A. and Marsh, R. 2017. CFD simulation and validation of hydrodynamic instabilities onset in swirl combustors. Presented at: 8th European Combustion Meeting 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
- Syred, N., Gutesha, M. V., Al-Doboon, A., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. CARSOXY (CO2-Argon-Steam-OxyFuel) combustion in gas turbines for CCS systems. Presented at: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, TX, USA, 9-13 January 201755th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-1608). Sci Tech, (10.2514/6.2017-1608)
- Al-Fahham, M., Hatem, F. A., Alsaegh, A. S., Valera Medina, A., Bigot, S. and Marsh, R. 2017. Experimental study to enhance resistance for boundary layer flashback in swirl burners using microsurfaces. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, North Carolina, USA, 26-30 June 2017ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2017-63367)
- Runyon, J., Marsh, R., Pugh, D., Bowen, P., Giles, A., Morris, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Experimental analysis of confinement and swirl effects on premixed ch4-h-2 flame behavior in a pressurized generic swirl burner. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, North Carolina, USA, 26-30 June 2017ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4B. ASME, (10.1115/GT2017-64794)
- Afzanizam Samiran, N., Samiran, J., Nazri Mohd Jafar, M., Valera Medina, A. and Chong, C. T. 2016. H2-rich syngas strategy to reduce NOx and CO emissions and improve stability limits under premixed swirl combustion mode. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41(42), pp. 19243-19255. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.08.095)
- Xiao, H., Howard, M., Valera Medina, A., Dooley, S. and Bowen, P. J. 2016. A study on reduced chemical mechanisms of ammonia/methane combustion under gas turbine conditions. Energy & Fuels 30(10), pp. 8701-8710. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01556)
- Valera Medina, A. and Baej, H. 2016. Hydrodynamics during the transient evolution of open jet flows from/to wall attached jets. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 97(3), pp. 743-760. (10.1007/s10494-016-9718-5)
- Okon, A., Kurji, H., Valera Medina, A. and Xue, Y. 2016. Heat release rate and pressure fluctuations of a lean premixed flame at different forcing levels. Presented at: The International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 20-21 October 2016 Presented at Al-Shibaany, Z. Y. A. and Hameed, A. F. eds.2016 International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE) Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 232-236., (10.1109/ICSAE.2016.7810194)
- Al-Fahham, M., Bigot, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2016. A study of fluid flow characteristics using microstructured surfaces produced by WEDM. Presented at: 4M/IWMF2016 Conference, Lyngby, Denmark, 13-15 September 2016.
- Aldoboon, A., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Ng, J. 2016. CO2 -Argon-steam oxy-fuel (CARSOXY) combustion for CCS inert gas atmospheres in gas turbines. Presented at: PRES 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2016.
- Fatla, O., Valera Medina, A., Robinson, F., Cichuta, M. and Beynon, N. 2016. Rotating cylinders for enhanced heat transfer in annealing processes.. Presented at: PRES 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2016.
- Kurji, H. et al. 2016. Combustion characteristics of biodiesel saturated with pyrolysis oil for power generation in gas turbines. Renewable Energy 99, pp. 443-451. (10.1016/j.renene.2016.07.036)
- Kurji, H., Okon, A., Valera Medina, A. and Tung Chong, C. 2016. Reduction of emissions by using various syngases with different injection strategies under premixed combustion mode. Presented at: The International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 20-21 October 2016.
- Valera Medina, A. and Vanierschot, M. 2016. Onset/annihilation of the precessing vortex core. Experimental study.. Presented at: 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Seville, Spain, 12-16 Sept 2016.
- Smaisim, G., Fatla, O., Valera Medina, A., Rageb, A. M. and Syred, N. 2016. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the effect of rotating circular cylinder speed on the lift and drag forces. International Journal of Energy and Environment 7(1), pp. 23-36.
- Smaisim, G. F., Fatla, O., Valera Medina, A., Rageb, A. M. and Syred, N. 2016. Investigation of heat transfer and fluid mechanics across a heated rotating circular cylinder in crossflow. Presented at: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 2016, San Diego, CA, USA, 4-8 January 2016.
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2016. Combustion blowoff effects on the central recirculation zone using various syngas mixtures in a tangential swirl burner. Presented at: AIAA Science and Technology Forum, 2016, San Diego, CA, USA, 4-8 January 2016.
- Buffi, M., Valera Medina, A., Runyon, J., Pugh, D., Giles, A., Marsh, R. and Chiaramonti, D. 2016. Evaluation of combustion behavior of renewable jet fuel in a combustor rig: influence of HEFA and its blends on flame stability and emissions compared to aviation kerosene. Presented at: 24th European Biomass Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-9 June 2016.
- Kurji, H., Okon, A., Valera Medina, A. and Cheng-Tung, C. 2016. Reduction of emissions by using various syngases with different injection strategies under premixed combustion mode. Presented at: ICSAE: International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, 20-21 October 2016Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE), International Conference for. IEEE pp. 407., (10.1109/ICSAE.2016.7810226)
- Valera Medina, A., Morris, S., Runyon, J., Pugh, D. G., Marsh, R., Beasley, P. and Hughes, T. 2015. Ammonia, methane and hydrogen for gas turbines. Energy Procedia 75, pp. 118-123. (10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.205)
- Hatem, F., Valera-Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. 2015. Experimental investigation of the effects of fuel diffusive injectors on premixed swirling flames. Presented at: 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 5-9 January 201553rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2015-2076). American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (10.2514/6.2015-2076)
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2015. CFD predictions of swirl burner aerodynamics with variable outlet configurations. Presented at: Global Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development (GCESD2015), Coventry University Technology Park, 24-26 February 2015. pp. 2307-2312.
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2015. Blowoff propensity, CRZs and flow turbulent nature using various syngases for gas turbines. Presented at: The 3rd Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SUSTEM 2015), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 7-8 July 2015. pp. 2307-2312.
- Casbis, L. M., Garcia, J. C., Sierra, F. and Valera Medina, A. 2015. Analisis Numerico del Campo de Fluidos en Camara de Combustion para Aplicaciones en Microturbinas de Gas. Presented at: Encuentro Nacional AMIDIQ, Cancun, Mexico, 5-8th May 2015.
- Hatem, F., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2015. Experimental investigation of the effects of central fuel injectors on premixed swirling flames. Presented at: 53rd Aerospace sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 5-9 January 2015.
- Runyon, J., Marsh, R., Valera Medina, A., Giles, A., Pugh, D., Sevcenco, Y. A. and Bowen, P. J. 2015. Methane-oxygen flame stability in a generic premixed gas turbine swirl combustor at varying thermal power and pressure. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 15–19 June 2015Conference Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4B. Combustion, Fuels and Emissions New York: ASME, (10.1115/GT2015-43588)
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and De La Rosa Urbalejo, D. 2014. Flashback avoidance in swirling flow burners. Ingenieria, Investigacion y Tecnoloigia 15(4), pp. 603-614. (10.1016/S1405-7743(14)70658-4)
- Lewis, J., Morris, S., Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R., Bowen, P. and Baej, H. 2014. The use of CO2 to improve stability and emissions of IGCC combustors. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany, 16-19 June 2014Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4A. ASME - The American Society of Mechanical Engineers pp. GT2014-25446., (10.1115/GT2014-25446)
- Miranda Gonzalez, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2014. Shale gas exploitation in Mexico: some technical challenges. Presented at: Latin American Congress of Turbomachinery, Queretaro, Mexico, 1-4 September 2014.
- Syred, N. et al. 2014. Effect of inlet and outlet configurations on blow-off and flashback with premixed combustion for methane and a high hydrogen content fuel in a generic swirl burner. Applied Energy 116, pp. 288-296. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.11.071)
- Vigueras Zuniga, M. O., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Bowen, P. J. 2014. High momentum flow region and central recirculation zone interaction in swirling flows. Ingnieria Mecanica Tecnologia y Desarollo 4(6), pp. 195-204.
- Syred, N., Lewis, J., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2014. Acoustic streaming effects in high intensity swirl burners. Presented at: 52nd AIAA Science and Tecnology Forum, National Harbour, MD, USA, 13-17 January 2014. , (10.2514/6.2014-1387)
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Bowen, P., Syred, N., O'Doherty, T. and Marsh, R. 2014. Impacts on blowoff by a variety of CRZs using various gases for gas turbines. Presented at: ICAE 2014 (International Conference on Applied Energy), Taipei, Taiwan, 30-2 June 2014.
- Lewis, J., Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R. and Morris, S. 2014. Augmenting the structures in a swirling flame via diffusive injection. Journal of Combustion 2014, article number: 280501. (10.1155/2014/280501)
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Bowen, P., Syred, N., O'Doherty, T. and Marsh, R. 2014. Impacts on blowoff by a Variety of CRZs using various gases for gas turbines. Energy Procedia 61, pp. 1606-1609. (10.1016/j.egypro.2014.12.301)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Bowen, P. J. and Marsh, R. 2014. Shear flow and central recirculation zone interaction in reactive swirling flows. Presented at: 52nd Aerospace Sciences meeting, National harbor, Maryland, Maryland, USA, 13-17 January 2014.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Bowen, P. J. 2013. Central Recirculation Zone Visualization in Confined Swirl Combustors for Terrestrial Energy. Journal of Propulsion and Power (AIAA) 29(1), pp. 195-204. (10.2514/1.B34600)
- Syred, N., Giles, A., Lewis, J., Valera Medina, A., Bowen, P. J. and Griffiths, A. J. 2013. Tangential Velocity Effects and Correlations for Blowoff and Flashback in a Generic Swirl Burner and the Effect of a Hydrogen Containing Fuel. Presented at: 51st AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Texas, USA, 7-10 January 2013. , (10.2514/6.2013-736)
- Syred, N., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2013. Improving swirl flow generation. Presented at: 51st AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Texas, USA, 7-10 January 2013. , (10.2514/6.2013-596)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Giles, A., Bowen, P. and Griffiths, A. J. 2013. Influence of the central recirculation zone strength in the blow off mechanism using different fuels. Presented at: European Combustion Meeting (ECM2013), Lund, Sweden, 25-28 June 2013.
- Syred, N. et al. 2013. Effect of inlet and outlet configurations on blow-off and flashback with premixed combustion for high hydrogen content fuels in a generic swirl burner. Presented at: ICAE 2013, Pretoria, South Africa, 12-15 November 2013.
- Vigueras, O. M., Valera Medina, A. and Syred, N. 2012. Combustion bank for studies of alternative energies for terrestrial power generation. Journal of Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics 12(2), pp. 81-99.
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Valera Medina, A. and Syred, N. 2012. Studies of the precessing vortex core in swirling flows. Journal of Applied Research and Technology 10(5), pp. 755-765.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2012. Análisis de impacto causado por estructuras coherentes en sistemas de combustión de flujo giratorio. Ingenieria, Investigacion y Tecnologia 13(2), pp. 199-213.
- Valera Medina, A., Martinez-VIdal, I. M., Jimenez-Alcazar, R. E., Valle-Melendez, G. E. and Aboites-Davila, F. 2012. Design and Operation of a Combustion Laboratory for Gas Turbine Analyses. Presented at: XIII Congres y Exposicion Latinoamericana de Turbomaquinaria, Queretaro, Mexico, 12-15 March 2012.
- De La Rosa Urbalejo, D., Crayford, A. P., Bowen, P. J. and Valera Medina, A. 2012. Influence of ambient conditions on laminar burning velocity, ignition and flame extinction for ethanol air mixtures. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11–15, 2012, Vol. 2. New York, N.Y.: ASME pp. 273-283., (10.1115/GT2012-68399)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Bowen, P. J. and Crayford, A. P. 2011. Studies of swirl burner characteristics, flame lengths and relative pressure amplitudes. Journal of Fluids Engineering 133(10), article number: 101302. (10.1115/1.4004908)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Kay, P. J. and Griffiths, A. J. 2011. Central Recirculation Zone Analysis in an Unconfined Tangential Swirl Burner with Varying Degrees of Premixing. Experiments in Fluids 50(6), pp. 1611-1623. (10.1007/s00348-010-1017-7)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Abdulsada, M. H. 2011. Análisis de reflujo de flama en combustores tangenciales de flujo giratorio. Ingenieria, Investigacion y Tecnologia 12(4), pp. 487-497.
- Martinez-Torres, C., Valera Medina, A. and Aboites-Davila, F. 2011. Identificacion parametrica de un modelo acustico para implementacion en carams de combustion. Presented at: XII Congreso y Exposicion Latinoamericana de Turbomaquinaria, Queretaro, Mexico, 21-25 February 2011.
- Valera Medina, A., Aboites-Davila, F. and Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O. 2011. Implementacion de biocombustibles e inyeccion de agua en camaras de combustion. Presented at: XVII SOMIM (Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieria Mecanica), San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 21-23 September 2011.
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M., Valera Medina, A., Vidal-Santo, A. and Fernandez-Rodriguez, E. 2011. Causas y consecuencias de acumulacion de particulas en compresores de turbinas de gas. Presented at: IX CIINDET (Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico), Cuernavaca, Mexico, 23-25 November 2011.
- Valera Medina, A., Abdulsada, M. H., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2010. Studies of large coherent structures and their effects on swirl combustion. Presented at: 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 4-7 January 201048th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. AIAA Vol. 2. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Valera Medina, A., Aboites-Dávila, F., Jauregui-Correa, J. C., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2010. Flashback Analysis in Swirlers using different geometries [Analisis del reflujo de flama en arremolinadores usando dIferentes geometrias]. Presented at: SOMIM XIV, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 22-24 September 2010Memorias del XVI Congreso Internacional Anual de la SOMIM. Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieria Mecanica
- Jimenez-Alcazar, R., Quijada-Escamilla, F., Valera Medina, A., Aboites-Davila, F., Rico-Espino, J. G., Rosello-Perez, M. and Feregrino-Vega, P. 2010. Cause analysis of the Fire caught in the Thermal Isolation Zone of a Steam Turbine, Case Study [Analisis de causas del incendio en la zona de aislamiento termico de una turbina de vapor, caso de estudi]. Presented at: SOMIM XVI, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 22-24 September 2010Memorias del XVI Congreso Internacional Anual de la SOMIM. Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieria Mecanica
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2009. Visualisation of isothermal large coherent structures in a swirl burner. Combustion and Flame 156(9), pp. 1723-1734. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2009.06.014)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2009. Characterization of large coherent structures in a swirl burner under combustion conditions. Presented at: 47th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 5-8 January 200947th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. AIAA Vol. 2. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Valera Medina, A. 2009. Coherent structures and their effects on processes occurring in swirl combustors. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Valera Medina, A., Abdulsada, M. H., Griffiths, A. J. and Syred, N. 2009. Flashback avoidance analysis using geometrical constrictions in a tangential swirl burner. Presented at: British-French Flame Days 2009, Lille, France, 9-10 March 2009.
- Valera Medina, A., Abdulsada, M. H., Shelil, N., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2009. Flashback analysis in swirl burners using passive nozzle constrictions and different fuels. Presented at: 16th International IFRF Members' Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 8-10 June 2009.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2008. Large coherent structures visualization in a swirl burner. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Technology to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 July 200814th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 09/02/.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2008. Characterisation of large coherent structures in a swirl burner. Presented at: 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, 7-10 January 200846th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. AIAA Vol. 2. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2008. Recognition of large coherent structures in a tangential swirl burner. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer and Hydrodynamics in Swirling Flows, Moscow, Russia, 21-23 October 2008.
- Davies, J., Mashruk, S., Sato, D., Mazzotta, L., Pugh, D. and Valera Medina, A. 2025. Emissions analyses of humidified cracked ammonia swirling flames. Combustion and Flame 274, article number: 113984. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2025.113984)
- Meloni, R., Valera Medina, A., Babazzi, G., Pucci, E., Castellani, S. and Andreini, A. 2025. Numerical investigation of the NOX emissions of a perfectly premixed NH3-H2 flame at moderate pressure levels. Fuel: The Science and Technology of Fuel and Energy 385, article number: 134128. (10.1016/j.fuel.2024.134128)
- Al-Moftah, A. M. S. H. et al. 2025. Economic feasibility of using municipal solid waste and date palm waste for clean energy production in Qatar. Energies 18(4), article number: 988. (10.3390/en18040988)
- Mazzotta, L., Lamioni, R., Agati, G., Evangelisti, A., Rispoli, F., Valera-Medina, A. and Borello, D. 2025. On the impact of CFD turbulence models for premixed NH3/H2 combustion on emissions and flame characteristics in a swirl-stabilized burner. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (10.1007/s10494-025-00638-7)
- Shahsavari, M., Chakraborty, N., Zhong, S., Valera Medina, A. and Jangi, M. 2025. Comparative effects of plasma and preheating in assisting premixed ammonia/air flames: A DNS study. Fuel: The Science and Technology of Fuel and Energy 381(Part D), article number: 133645. (10.1016/j.fuel.2024.133645)
- Davies, J., Mazzotta, L., Sato, D., Mashruk, S., Pugh, D., Borello, D. and Valera Medina, A. 2025. Experimental and numerical investigation of NH3/H2/N2 combustion in a premixed/stratified swirl burner. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 147(1), article number: 11006. (10.1115/1.4066207)
- Wang, S., Chong, C. T., Sheykhbaglou, S., Ng, J., Tian, B. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Revealing the NO formation kinetics for NH3/CH4 blends under dual-flame and premixed swirl flame configurations. 17(23), article number: 6090. (10.3390/en17236090)
- Zhao, X. et al. 2024. Thermochemical analysis of premixed ammonia/biogas flames in a model gas turbine swirl combustion system. Renewable Energy 236, article number: 121478. (10.1016/j.renene.2024.121478)
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Tejeda del Cueto, M. E., Davies, J., Mashruk, S. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Analysis of excited species formation across the flame of various ammonia-hydrogen fired combustor geometries. Energy Technology, article number: 2401404. (10.1002/ente.202401404)
- Giles, A. P., Hao, S., Harper, J., Goktepe, B., Bowen, P. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Ammonia sprays for combustion: a review. Johnson Matthey Technology Review 68(4), pp. 530-548. (10.1595/205651324X17073140270956)
- Mashruk, S. et al. 2024. Perspectives on NOX emissions and impacts from ammonia combustion processes. Energy and Fuels (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c03381)
- Mazzotta, L. et al. 2024. Modeling ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion and emission characteristics of a generic swirl burner. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146(9), article number: 91022. (10.1115/1.4064807)
- Alnasif, A., Jójka, J., Mashruk, S., Nagy, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Analysis of the performance of kinetic reaction mechanisms in estimating N2O mole fractions in 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 premixed flames. Fuel 371(Part A), article number: 131897. (10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131897)
- Fatla, O. M. H., Hill, A. S., Robinson, F. C. J., Jweeg, M. J., Alasadi, S. N. K., Valera-Medina, A. and Abdullah, O. I. 2024. A comprehensive analysis of radial thermal conductivity of grain-oriented electrical steel based on the interactive approach. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 37(4), pp. 401-416. (10.17654/0973576324028)
- Sato, D., Davies, J., Mazzotta, L., Mashruk, S., Valera Medina, A. and Kurose, R. 2024. Effects of Reynolds number and ammonia fraction on combustion characteristics of premixed ammonia-hydrogen-air swirling flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40(1-4), article number: 105283. (10.1016/j.proci.2024.105283)
- Fatla, O. M. H. et al. 2024. Technologies for high-temperature batch annealing of grain-oriented electrical steel: An overview. Open Engineering 14(1), article number: 20240053. (10.1515/eng-2024-0053)
- Valera Medina, A. 2024. Editorial. Journal of Ammonia Energy 2(1) (10.18573/jae.36)
- Jano Ito, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Techno-economics of ammonia as an energy carrier. Exporting wind from the North Atlantic Ocean/North Sea to Wales. Journal of Ammonia Energy 2(1), pp. 1-24. (10.18573/jae.26)
- Arcentales, D., Pele, R., Boero, A., Rousselle, C., Valera Medina, A. and Ramirez, A. 2024. Environmental life cycle analysis of an ammonia-ethanol fueled internal combustion engine (ICE) for power generation. Journal of Ammonia Energy 2(1), pp. 25-41. (10.18573/jae.25)
- Gant, S., Stavrakakis, P., Slater, D., Mounaim-Rousselle, C. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Health and Safety Workshop Report version 2, 2023. Journal of Ammonia Energy 2(1) (10.18573/jae.30)
- Castellani, S. et al. 2024. Numerical modelling of swirl stabilised lean-premixed H2-CH4 flames with the artificially thickened flame model. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146(6), article number: 61019. (10.1115/1.4063829)
- Pugh, D. et al. 2024. Influence of variable swirl on emissions in a non-premixed fuel-flexible burner at elevated ambient conditions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146(6), article number: 61006. (10.1115/1.4063786)
- Czyzewski, P., Slefarski, R., Golebiewski, M., Alnajideen, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Experimental study of CO2/H2/NH3 influence on CH4 flameless combustion process in semi-industrial furnace. Energy 296, article number: 131014. (10.1016/
- Alnajideen, M. et al. 2024. Ammonia combustion and emissions in practical applications: a review. Carbon Neutrality 3(1), article number: 13. (10.1007/s43979-024-00088-6)
- David, W. I. F. et al. 2024. 2023 Roadmap on ammonia as a carbon-free fuel. JPhys Energy 6, article number: 21501. (10.1088/2515-7655/ad0a3a)
- Chen, Z., Wan, Y., Liu, Y. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. A knowledge graph-supported information fusion approach for multi-faceted conceptual modelling. Information Fusion 101, article number: 101985. (10.1016/j.inffus.2023.101985)
- Valera-Medina, A. et al. 2024. Ammonia combustion in furnaces: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 49(Part B), pp. 1597-1618. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.10.241)
- Chaturvedi, S., Santhosh, R., Mashruk, S., Yadav, R. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Prediction of NOx emissions and pathways in premixed ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion using CFD-CRN methodology. Journal of the Energy Institute 111, article number: 101406. (10.1016/j.joei.2023.101406)
- Wu, Y. et al. 2023. Emission reduction and cost-benefit analysis of the use of ammonia and green hydrogen as fuel for marine applications. Green Energy and Resources 1(4), article number: 100046. (10.1016/j.gerr.2023.100046)
- Faghih, M., Valera-Medina, A., Chen, Z. and Paykani, A. 2023. Effect of radiation on laminar flame speed determination in spherically propagating NH3-air, NH3/CH4-air and NH3/H2-air flames at normal temperature and pressure. Combustion and Flame 257(Part2), article number: 113030. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.113030)
- Yu, C., Cai, L., Chi, C., Mashruk, S., Valera-Medina, A. and Maas, U. 2023. Numerical investigation on the head-on quenching (HoQ) of laminar premixed lean to stoichiometric ammonia-hydrogen-air flames. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 111, pp. 1301-1322. (10.1007/s10494-023-00489-0)
- Schoina, L., Jones, R., Burgess, S., Vaughan, D., Andrews, L., Foley, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Numerical and techno-economic analysis of batch annealing performance improvements in tinplate manufacturing. Energies 16(20), article number: 7040. (10.3390/en16207040)
- Alnaeli, M. et al. 2023. High-temperature materials for complex components in Ammonia/Hydrogen gas turbines: A critical review. Energies 16(19), article number: 6973. (10.3390/en16196973)
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Shi, H., Alnajideen, M., Wang, P., Pugh, D. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Evolution of ammonia reaction mechanisms and modeling parameters: A review. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 15, article number: 100175. (10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100175)
- Shahsavari, M., Konnov, A. A., Bai, X., Valera Medina, A., Li, T. and Jangi, M. 2023. Synergistic effects of nanosecond plasma discharge and hydrogen on ammonia combustion. Fuel 348, article number: 128475. (10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128475)
- Yu, C. et al. 2023. Investigation of spark ignition processes of laminar strained premixed stoichiometric NH3-H2-air flames. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 83, article number: 105043. (10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105043)
- Ustun, C. E., Herfatmanesh, M. R., Valera-Medina, A. and Paykani, A. 2023. Applying machine learning techniques to predict laminar burning velocity for ammonia/hydrogen/air mixtures. Energy and AI 13, article number: 100270. (10.1016/j.egyai.2023.100270)
- Mashruk, S. et al. 2023. Combustion characteristics of a novel ammonia combustor equipped with stratified injection for low emissions. Journal of Ammonia Energy 1(1), pp. 21-32. (10.18573/jae.10)
- Valera Medina, A. 2023. Editorial. Journal of Ammonia Energy 1(1) (10.18573/jae.22)
- Alnasif, A., Zitouni, S., Mashruk, S., Brequigny, P., Kovaleva, M., Mounaim-Rousselle, C. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Experimental and numerical comparison of currently available reaction mechanisms for laminar flame speed in 70/30 (%vol.) NH3/H2 flames. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 14, article number: 100139. (10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100139)
- Hayakawa, A. et al. 2023. Experimental and numerical study of product gas and N2O emission characteristics of ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed laminar flames stabilized in a stagnation flow. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39(2), pp. 1625-1633. (10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.124)
- Mashruk, S., Zhu, X., Roberts, W. L., Guiberti, T. F. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Chemiluminescent footprint of premixed ammonia-methane-air swirling flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39(1), pp. 1415-1423. (10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.073)
- Agwu, O., Runyon, J., Goktepe, B., Chong Tung, C., Ng, J., Giles, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Dual phase renewable fuel combustion in an atmospheric gas turbine burner. Journal of Thermal Science 32, pp. 1278-1291. (10.1007/s11630-023-1719-9)
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Hayashi, M., Jójka, J., Shi, H., Hayakawa, A. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Performance Investigation of Currently Available Reaction Mechanisms in the Estimation of NO Measurements: A Comparative Study. Energies 16(9), article number: 3847. (10.3390/en16093847)
- Mashruk, S. et al. 2023. Numerical analysis on the evolution of NH2 in ammonia/hydrogen swirling flames and detailed sensitivity analysis under elevated conditions. Combustion Science and Technology 195(6), pp. 1251-1278. (10.1080/00102202.2021.1990897)
- Slater, D., Stravrakakis, P., Gant, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2023. Health and safety workshop report (2022). Journal of Ammonia Energy 1(1) (10.18573/jae.17)
- Yang, Z., Castaneda, V., Ogus, G., Holemans, T., Vanierschot, M. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Identification and dynamics of coherent structures in a coanda swirling jet flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 142, article number: 110817. (10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2022.110817)
- Boero, A., Mercier, A., Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Valera-Medina, A. and Ramirez, A. D. 2023. Environmental assessment of road transport fueled by ammonia from a life cycle perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 390, article number: 136150. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136150)
- Yu, C., Böhlke, T., Valera-Medina, A., Yang, B. and Maas, U. 2023. Flame-solid interaction: thermomechanical analysis for a steady laminar stagnation flow stoichiometric Nh3-H2 flame at a plane wall. Energy and Fuels 37(4), pp. 3294-3306. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c03804)
- Mong, G. R. et al. 2023. Fuel-lean ammonia/biogas combustion characteristics under the reacting swirl flow conditions. Fuel 331(2), article number: 125983. (10.1016/j.fuel.2022.125983)
- Mashruk, S., Zitouni, S., Brequigny, P., Mounaim-Rousselle, C. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Combustion performances of premixed ammonia/hydrogen/air laminar and swirling flames for a wide range of equivalence ratios. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(97), pp. 41170-41182. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.09.165)
- Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Alnasif, A., Chong, C. T., Hayakawa, A., Okafor, E. C. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Nitrogen oxide emissions analyses in ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed swirling flames. Energy 260, article number: 125183. (10.1016/
- Shahsavari, M., Konnov, A. A., Valera Medina, A. and Jangi, M. 2022. On nanosecond plasma-assisted ammonia combustion: Effects of pulse and mixture properties. Combustion and Flame 245, article number: 112368. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112368)
- Mashruk, S., Okafor, E., Kovaleva, M., Alnasif, A., Pugh, D., Hayakawa, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Evolution of N2O production at lean combustion condition in NH3/H2/air premixed swirling flames. Combustion and Flame 244, article number: 112299. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112299)
- Mashruk, S., Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Tejeda-del-Cueto, M., Xiao, H., Yu, C., Maas, U. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Combustion features of CH4/NH3/H2 ternary blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(70), pp. 30315-30327. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.03.254)
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Wang, P. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Experimental and numerical analyses of nitrogen oxides formation in a high ammonia-low hydrogen blend using a tangential swirl burner. Carbon Neutrality 1, article number: 24. (10.1007/s43979-022-00021-9)
- Kovaleva, M., Hayakawa, A., Colson, S., Okafor, E. C., Kudo, T., Valera Medina, A. and Kobayashi, H. 2022. Numerical and experimental study of product gas characteristics in premixed ammonia/methane/air laminar flames stabilised in a stagnation flow. Fuel Communications 10, article number: 100054. (10.1016/j.jfueco.2022.100054)
- Alrebei, O. F. et al. 2022. State of the art in separation processes for alternative working fluids in clean and efficient power generation. Separations 9(1), article number: 14. (10.3390/separations9010014)
- Fawwaz Alrebei, O., I. Amhamed, A., Mashruk, S., Bowen, P. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Planar laser-induced fluorescence and chemiluminescence analyses of CO2-argon-steam oxyfuel (CARSOXY) combustion. Energies 15(1), article number: 263. (10.3390/en15010263)
- Okon, A., Vigueras-Zuniga, M., Agwu, O., Chong, C. T. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Stable combustion under carbon dioxide enriched methane blends for exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). Journal of Thermal Science 30, pp. 2186-2195. (10.1007/s11630-021-1442-3)
- Guati-Rojo, A., Demski, C., Poortinga, W. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Public attitudes and concerns about ammonia as an energy vector. Energies 14(21), article number: 7296. (10.3390/en14217296)
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Tejeda-del-Cueto, M. E., Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Ordonez-Romero, C. L. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Methane/ammonia radical formation during high temperature reactions in swirl burners. Energies 14(20), article number: 6624. (10.3390/en14206624)
- Boero, A. J. et al. 2021. Environmental life cycle assessment of ammonia‐based electricity. Energies 14(20), article number: 6721. (10.3390/en14206721)
- Chiong, M. et al. 2021. Advancements of combustion technologies in the ammonia-fuelled engines. Energy Conversion and Management 244, article number: 114460. (10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114460)
- Guteša Božo, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Comparative analysis of gasification and adiabatic digestion of corn for practical implementation in conventional gas turbines. Gases 1(2), pp. 92-105. (10.3390/gases1020008)
- Hatem, F., Al-Fahham, M., Alsaegh, A. S., Al-dulaimi, Z. M. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Experimental Investigation on effects of bluff-body size and axial air injection on blowoff limits in swirl burners. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 16(3), pp. 2202-2214.
- Pugh, D. et al. 2021. Emissions performance of staged premixed and diffusion combustor concepts for an NH3/air flame with and without reactant humidification. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143(5), article number: 51012. (10.1115/1.4049451)
- Valera-Medina, A. et al. 2021. Review on ammonia as a potential fuel: from synthesis to economics. Energy and Fuels 35(9), pp. 6964-7029. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c03685)
- Agwu, O., Valera Medina, A., Tomaz, K. and Tine, S. 2021. Flame characteristics of glycerol/methanol blends in a swirl-stabilised gas turbine burner. Fuel 290, article number: 119968. (10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119968)
- Razon, L. F. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. A comparative environmental life cycle assessment of the combustion of ammonia/methane fuels in a tangential swirl burner. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 3, article number: 631397. (10.3389/fceng.2021.631397)
- Mashruk, S., Xiao, H. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Rich-Quench-Lean model comparison for the clean use of humidified ammonia/hydrogen combustion systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46(5), pp. 4472-4484. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.10.204)
- Guteša, B., Mashruk, S., Zitouni, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Humidified ammonia/hydrogen RQL combustion in a trigeneration gas turbine cycle. Energy Conversion and Management 27, article number: 113625. (10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113625)
- Pugh, D. et al. 2021. An investigation of ammonia primary flame combustor concepts for emissions reduction with OH*, NH2* and NH* chemiluminescence at elevated conditions. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38(4), pp. 6451-6459. (10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.310)
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera-Medina, A., Robinson, F. and Packianather, M. 2021. Multi-faceted modelling for strip breakage in cold rolling using machine learning. International Journal of Production Research 59(21), pp. 6347-6360. (10.1080/00207543.2020.1812753)
- Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Tung Chong, C., Hayakawa, A., Okafor, E. C. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Nitrogen Oxides as a by-product of Ammonia/Hydrogen combustion regimes. Chemical Engineering Transactions 89, pp. 613-618. (10.3303/CET2189103)
- Bozo, M. G. and Valera-Medina, A. 2020. Prediction of novel humified gas turbine cycle parameters for ammonia/hydrogen fuels. Energies 13(21), article number: 5749. (10.3390/en13215749)
- Agwu, O., Runyon, J., Goktepe, B., Chong, C. T., Ng, J., Giles, A. and Valera-Medina, A. 2020. Visualisation and performance evaluation of biodiesel/methane co-combustion in a swirl-stabilised gas turbine combustor. Fuel 277, article number: 118172. (10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118172)
- Chiong, M., Valera-Medina, A., Chong, W. W. F., Chong, C. T., Mong, G. R. and Mohd Jaafar, M. N. 2020. Effects of swirler vane angle on palm biodiesel/natural gas combustion in swirl-stabilised gas turbine combustor. Fuel 277, article number: 118213. (10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118213)
- Slejak, T., Buffi, M., Valera-Medina, A., Chong, C. T., Chiaramonti, D. and Katrasnik, T. 2020. Bioliquids and their use in power generation - a technology review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 129, article number: 109930. (10.1016/j.rser.2020.109930)
- Alrebei, O. F., Bowen, P. and Valera Medina, A. 2020. Parametric study of various thermodynamic cycles for the use of unconventional blends. Energies 13(18), article number: 4656. (10.3390/en13184656)
- Chong, C. T. et al. 2020. Pool fire burning characteristics of biodiesel. Fire Technology 56, pp. 1703-1724. (10.1007/s10694-020-00949-3)
- Xiao, H., Lai, S., Valera-Medina, A., Li, J., Liu, J. and Fu, H. 2020. Experimental and modeling study on ignition delay of ammonia/methane fuels. International Journal of Energy Research 44(8), pp. 6939-6949. (10.1002/er.5460)
- Elishav, O. et al. 2020. Progress and prospective of nitrogen-based alternative fuels. Chemical Reviews 120(12), pp. 5352-5436. (10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00538)
- Agwu, O. and Valera-Medina, A. 2020. Diesel/syngas co-combustion in a swirl-stabilised gas turbine combustor. Journal of Thermofluids 3-4, article number: 100026. (10.1016/j.ijft.2020.100026)
- Xiao, H., Lai, S., Valera Medina, A., Li, J., Liu, J. and Fu, H. 2020. Study on counterflow premixed flames using high concentration ammonia mixed with methane. Fuel 275, article number: 117902. (10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117902)
- Vigueras Zuniga, M., Tejeda del Cueto, M., Vasquez Santacruz, J., Herrera May, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2020. Numerical predictions of a swirl combustor using complex chemistry fueled with ammonia/hydrogen blends. Energies 13(2), article number: 288. (10.3390/en13020288)
- Chong, C. T., Chiong, M., Ng, J., Tran, M., Valera-Medina, A., Józsa, V. and Tian, B. 2020. Dual-fuel operation of biodiesel and natural gas in a model gas turbine combustor. Energy and Fuels 34(3), pp. 3788-3796. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b04371)
- Martinez-Zavala, H., Bhaduri, D., Petkov, P., Valera-Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2020. Effects of laser microtextured surfaces in condensation heat transfer. Procedia CIRP 95, pp. 927-932. (10.1016/j.procir.2020.01.184)
- Pugh, D., Bowen, P., Valera-Medina, A., Giles, A., Runyon, J. and Marsh, R. 2019. Influence of steam addition and elevated ambient conditions on NOx reduction in a staged premixed swirling NH3/H2 flame. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37(4), pp. 5401-5409. (10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.091)
- Honzawa, T., Kai, R., Okada, A., Valera-Medina, A., Bowen, P. J. and Kurose, R. 2019. Predictions of NO and CO emissions in ammonia/methane/air combustion by LES using a non-adiabatic flamelet generated manifold. Energy 186, article number: 115771. (10.1016/
- Guteša Božo, M., Vigueras-Zuniga, M., Buffi, M., Seljak, T. and Valera Medina, A. 2019. Fuel rich ammonia-hydrogen injection for humidified gas turbines. Applied Energy 251, article number: 113334. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113334)
- Alrebei, O. F., Al-Doboon, A., Bowen, P. and Valera Medina, A. 2019. CO2-Argon-Steam Oxy-Fuel production for (CARSOXY) gas turbines. Energies 12(18), article number: 3580. (10.3390/en12183580)
- Samiran, N. A. et al. 2019. Experimental and numerical studies on the premixed syngas swirl flames in a model combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(44), pp. 24126-24139. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.07.158)
- Chong, C. T., Chiong, M., Ng, J., Lim, M., Tran, M., Valera Medina, A. and Chong, W. W. F. 2019. Oxygenated sunflower biodiesel: Spectroscopic and emissions quantification under reacting swirl spray conditions. Energy 178, pp. 804-813. (10.1016/
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Robinson, F. 2019. Characterizing strip snap in cold rolling process using advanced data analytics. Procedia CIRP 81, pp. 453-458. (10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.078)
- Al-Farraji, A., Marsh, R., Steer, J. and Valera Medina, A. 2019. Kinetics and performance of raw and torrefied biomass in a continuous bubbling fluidized bed gasifier.. Waste and Biomass Valorization 10(5), pp. 1365-1381. (10.1007/s12649-017-0167-8)
- Valera Medina, A. et al. 2019. Premixed ammonia/hydrogen swirl combustion under rich fuel conditions for gas turbines operation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(16), pp. 8615-8626. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.02.041)
- Gutesa Bozo, M., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Bowen, P. J. 2019. Fuel quality impact analysis for practical implementation of corn COB gasification gas in conventional gas turbine power plants. Biomass and Bioenergy 122, pp. 221-230. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.01.012)
- Alboshmina, N. A., Valera Medina, A. and Alsaegh, A. S. 2019. Ammonia-hydrogen combustion in a swirl burner with reduction of NOx emissions. Energy Procedia 158, pp. 2305-2310. (10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.265)
- Alsaegh, A. S., Valera Medina, A., Hussein, N. A., Al-Fahham, M., Hatem, F. A. and Chong, C. T. 2019. Effects of different nozzle configurations on swirl flow topology in tangential swirl burners. Energy Procedia 158, pp. 2317-2322. (10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.269)
- Buffi, M., Seljak, T., Cappelletti, A., Bettucci, L., Valera Medina, A., Katrasnik, T. and Chiaramonti, D. 2018. Performance and emissions of liquefied wood as fuel for a small scale gas turbine. Applied Energy 230, pp. 1193-1204. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.08.126)
- Hatem, F., Alsaegh, A., Al-Faham, M., Valera Medina, A., Chong, C. and Hassoni, S. 2018. Enhancing flame flashback resistance against Combustion Induced Vortex Breakdown and Boundary Layer Flashback in swirl burners. Applied Energy 230, pp. 946-959. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.09.055)
- Valera Medina, A., Xiao, H., Owen-Jones, M., David, W. and Bowen, P. 2018. Ammonia for power. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 69, pp. 63. (10.1016/j.pecs.2018.07.001)
- Seljak, T., Pavalec, K., Buffi, M., Valera Medina, A., Chiaramonti, D. and Katrasnik, T. 2018. Challenges and solutions for utilization of bioliquids in microturbines. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141(3), article number: 31401. (10.1115/1.4041312)
- Chiong, M. C., Chong, C. T., Ng, J., Tran, M., Lam, S. S., Valera Medina, A. and Mohd Jaafar, M. N. 2018. Combustion and emission performances of coconut, palm and soybean methyl esters under reacting spray flame conditions. Journal of the Energy Institute 22(45), pp. 123-155. (10.1016/j.joei.2018.07.003)
- Chiong, M. C. et al. 2018. Liquid biofuels production and emissions performance in gas turbines: A review. Energy Conversion and Management 173, pp. 640-658. (10.1016/j.enconman.2018.07.082)
- Xiao, H., Wang, Z., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2018. Study on characteristics of co-firing ammonia/methane fuels under oxygen enriched combustion conditions. Journal of Thermal Science 27(3), pp. 270-276. (10.1007/s11630-018-1008-1)
- Fatla, O. M. H., Valera Medina, A., Robinson, F., Cichuta, M. and Beynon, N. 2018. Development of convection in high temperature coil annealing furnaces using rotating cylinder technique. Applied Thermal Engineering 129, pp. 1392-1402. (10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.10.136)
- Valera Medina, A., Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Baej, H., Syred, N., Chong, C. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Outlet geometrical impacts on blowoff effects when using various syngas mixtures in swirling flows. Applied Energy 207, pp. 195-207. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.119)
- Xiao, H., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Study on premixed combustion characteristics of co-firing ammonia/methane fuels. Energy 140(1), pp. 125-135. (10.1016/
- Al-Akaishi, A., Valera Medina, A., Chong, C. T. and Marsh, R. 2017. CFD analysis of the fluidised bed hydrodynamic behaviour inside an isothermal gasifier with different perforated plate distributors. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 835-840. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.134)
- Kurji, H., Valera Medina, A., Okon, A. and Chong, C. 2017. Combustion and emission performance of CO2/CH4/biodiesel and CO2/CH4/diesel blends in a Swirl Burner Generator. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 154-159. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.025)
- Buffi, M., Cappelletti, A., Seljak, T., Katrasnik, T., Valera Medina, A. and Chiaramonti, D. 2017. Emissions and combustion performance of a micro gas turbine powered with liquefied wood and its blends. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 297-302. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.047)
- Hatem, F. A., Alsaegh, A. S., Al-Faham, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Enhancement flame flashback resistance against CIVB and BLF in swirl burners. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1071-1076. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.358)
- Xiao, H., Valera Medina, A., Bowen, P. and Dooley, S. 2017. 3D simulation of ammonia combustion in a lean premixed swirl burner. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1294-1299. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.504)
- Al-Fahham, M., Hatem, F. A., Al-Dulami, Z., Valera Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2017. Experimental study to enhance swirl burner against boundary layer flashback. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1534-1538. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.604)
- Alsaegh, A. S., Hatem, F. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Visualisation of turbulent flows in a swirl burner under the effects of axial air jets. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1680-1685. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.549)
- Okon, A., Valera Medina, A., Kurji, H. and Xue, Y. 2017. Acoustic dynamics of a swirl premixed combustor with different operating conditions. Energy Procedia 142, pp. 1674-1679. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.548)
- Samiran, N. A., Ng, J., Mohd Jaafar, M. N., Valera Medina, A. and Chong, C. T. 2017. Swirl stability and emission characteristics of CO-enriched syngas/air flame in a premixed swirl burner. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 112(Part B), pp. 315-326. (10.1016/j.psep.2017.07.011)
- Valera Medina, A., Pugh, D., Marsh, P., Bulat, G. and Bowen, P. 2017. Preliminary study on lean premixed combustion of ammonia-hydrogen for swirling gas turbine combustors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42(38), pp. 24495-24503. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.08.028)
- Escamilla‑Ruíz, I., Sierra‑Espinosa, F. Z., García, J. C., Valera Medina, A. and Carillo, F. 2017. Experimental data and numerical predictions of a single-phase flow in a batch square stirred tank reactor with a rotating cylinder agitator. Heat and Mass Transfer 53(9), pp. 2933-2949. (10.1007/s00231-017-2030-7)
- Buffi, M., Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R., Pugh, D., Giles, A., Runyon, J. and Chiaramonti, D. 2017. Emissions characterization tests for hydrotreated renewable jet fuel from used cooking oil and its blends. Applied Energy 201, pp. 84-93. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.104)
- Xiao, H., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Modeling combustion of ammonia/hydrogen fuel blends under gas turbine conditions. Energy and Fuels 31(8), pp. 8631-8642. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b00709)
- Chong, C. T., Tan, W. H., Lee, S. L., Chong, W. W. F., Lam, S. S. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Morphology and growth of carbon nanotubes catalytically synthesised by premixed hydrocarbon-rich flames. Materials Chemistry and Physics 197, pp. 246-255. (10.1016/j.matchemphys.2017.05.036)
- Al-Doboon, A., Gutesa, M., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Ng, J. and Chong, C. T. 2017. CO 2 -argon-steam oxy-fuel (CARSOXY) combustion for CCS inert gas atmospheres in gas turbines. Applied Thermal Engineering 122, pp. 350-358. (10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.05.032)
- Xiao, H., Howard, M., Valera Medina, A., Dooley, S. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Reduced chemical mechanisms for ammonia/methane co-firing for gas turbine applications. Energy Procedia 105, pp. 1483-1488. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.441)
- Xiao, H., Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Numerical study assessing various ammonia/methane reaction models for use under gas turbine conditions. Fuel 196, pp. 344-351. (10.1016/j.fuel.2017.01.095)
- Buffi, M., Chiaramonti, D. and Valera-Medina, A. 2017. Strategies toward experimental assessments of new aviation renewable fuels and blends: The BIOREFLY Project. Energy Procedia 105, pp. 433-438. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.337)
- Valera Medina, A., Baej, H., Syred, N., Chong, C. T. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. Coherent structure impacts on blowoff using various syngases. Energy Procedia 105, pp. 1356-1362. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.500)
- Xiao, H. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Chemical kinetic mechanism study on premixed combustion of ammonia/hydrogen fuels for gas turbine use. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 139(8), pp. -. (10.1115/1.4035911)
- Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R., Runyon, J., Pugh, D., Beasley, P., Hughes, T. and Bowen, P. 2017. Ammonia-methane combustion in tangential swirl burners for gas turbine power generation. Applied Energy 185(2), pp. 1362-1371. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.073)
- Afzanizam Samiran, N., Samiran, J., Nazri Mohd Jafar, M., Valera Medina, A. and Chong, C. T. 2016. H2-rich syngas strategy to reduce NOx and CO emissions and improve stability limits under premixed swirl combustion mode. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41(42), pp. 19243-19255. (10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.08.095)
- Xiao, H., Howard, M., Valera Medina, A., Dooley, S. and Bowen, P. J. 2016. A study on reduced chemical mechanisms of ammonia/methane combustion under gas turbine conditions. Energy & Fuels 30(10), pp. 8701-8710. (10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01556)
- Valera Medina, A. and Baej, H. 2016. Hydrodynamics during the transient evolution of open jet flows from/to wall attached jets. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 97(3), pp. 743-760. (10.1007/s10494-016-9718-5)
- Kurji, H. et al. 2016. Combustion characteristics of biodiesel saturated with pyrolysis oil for power generation in gas turbines. Renewable Energy 99, pp. 443-451. (10.1016/j.renene.2016.07.036)
- Smaisim, G., Fatla, O., Valera Medina, A., Rageb, A. M. and Syred, N. 2016. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the effect of rotating circular cylinder speed on the lift and drag forces. International Journal of Energy and Environment 7(1), pp. 23-36.
- Valera Medina, A., Morris, S., Runyon, J., Pugh, D. G., Marsh, R., Beasley, P. and Hughes, T. 2015. Ammonia, methane and hydrogen for gas turbines. Energy Procedia 75, pp. 118-123. (10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.205)
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and De La Rosa Urbalejo, D. 2014. Flashback avoidance in swirling flow burners. Ingenieria, Investigacion y Tecnoloigia 15(4), pp. 603-614. (10.1016/S1405-7743(14)70658-4)
- Syred, N. et al. 2014. Effect of inlet and outlet configurations on blow-off and flashback with premixed combustion for methane and a high hydrogen content fuel in a generic swirl burner. Applied Energy 116, pp. 288-296. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.11.071)
- Vigueras Zuniga, M. O., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Bowen, P. J. 2014. High momentum flow region and central recirculation zone interaction in swirling flows. Ingnieria Mecanica Tecnologia y Desarollo 4(6), pp. 195-204.
- Lewis, J., Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R. and Morris, S. 2014. Augmenting the structures in a swirling flame via diffusive injection. Journal of Combustion 2014, article number: 280501. (10.1155/2014/280501)
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Bowen, P., Syred, N., O'Doherty, T. and Marsh, R. 2014. Impacts on blowoff by a Variety of CRZs using various gases for gas turbines. Energy Procedia 61, pp. 1606-1609. (10.1016/j.egypro.2014.12.301)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Bowen, P. J. 2013. Central Recirculation Zone Visualization in Confined Swirl Combustors for Terrestrial Energy. Journal of Propulsion and Power (AIAA) 29(1), pp. 195-204. (10.2514/1.B34600)
- Vigueras, O. M., Valera Medina, A. and Syred, N. 2012. Combustion bank for studies of alternative energies for terrestrial power generation. Journal of Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics 12(2), pp. 81-99.
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O., Valera Medina, A. and Syred, N. 2012. Studies of the precessing vortex core in swirling flows. Journal of Applied Research and Technology 10(5), pp. 755-765.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2012. Análisis de impacto causado por estructuras coherentes en sistemas de combustión de flujo giratorio. Ingenieria, Investigacion y Tecnologia 13(2), pp. 199-213.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Bowen, P. J. and Crayford, A. P. 2011. Studies of swirl burner characteristics, flame lengths and relative pressure amplitudes. Journal of Fluids Engineering 133(10), article number: 101302. (10.1115/1.4004908)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Kay, P. J. and Griffiths, A. J. 2011. Central Recirculation Zone Analysis in an Unconfined Tangential Swirl Burner with Varying Degrees of Premixing. Experiments in Fluids 50(6), pp. 1611-1623. (10.1007/s00348-010-1017-7)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Abdulsada, M. H. 2011. Análisis de reflujo de flama en combustores tangenciales de flujo giratorio. Ingenieria, Investigacion y Tecnologia 12(4), pp. 487-497.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2009. Visualisation of isothermal large coherent structures in a swirl burner. Combustion and Flame 156(9), pp. 1723-1734. (10.1016/j.combustflame.2009.06.014)
Book sections
- Shi, H., Boulet, E., Dong, D., Alnajideen, M., Mashruk, S., Zhang, Z. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Ammonia-fueled internal combustion engines. In: Valera Medina, A. et al. eds. Ammonia Combustion Applications for Energy Systems. IET, (10.1049/PBPO224E_ch5)
- Shi, H., Mashruk, S., Alnajideen, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Combustion systems for ammonia-fuelled gas turbines and other propulsion devices. In: Valera Medina, A. et al. eds. Ammonia Combustion Applications for Energy Systems. IET, (10.1049/PBPO224E_ch6)
- Rowenhorst, K., Guati-Rojo, A. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. H&S implications, regulations and international scenarios. In: Valera Medina, A. et al. eds. Ammonia Combustion Applications for Energy Systems. The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 313-347., (10.1049/pbpo224e_ch8)
- Mashruk, S., Shi, H., Zitouni, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Nitrogen oxide emissions in ammonia combustion. In: Kumar, S. et al. eds. Ammonia and Hydrogen for Green Energy Transition. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability ((ENENSU)) Singapore: Springer, pp. 289-328., (10.1007/978-981-97-0507-8_13)
- Valera Medina, A., Mashruk, S., Pugh, D. and Bowen, P. 2022. Ammonia. In: O'Connor, J., Noble, B. and Lieuwen, T. eds. Renewable Fuels: Sources, Conversion, and Utilization. Cambridge University Press, pp. 245-274., (10.1017/9781009072366.011)
- Mounaïm-Rousselle, C., Bréquigny, P., Valera Medina, A., Boulet, E., Emberson, D. and Løvås, T. 2022. Ammonia as fuel for transportation to mitigate zero carbon impact. In: Kalghatgi, G. et al. eds. Engines and Fuels for Future Transport. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Springer, pp. 257-279., (10.1007/978-981-16-8717-4_11)
- Valera Medina, A. and Roldan, A. 2020. Ammonia from steelworks. In: Inamuddin, ., Boddula, R. and Asiri, A. eds. Sustainable Ammonia Production. Green Energy and Technology Springer, pp. 69-80., (10.1007/978-3-030-35106-9_4)
- Valera Medina, A. et al. eds. 2025. Ammonia combustion applications for energy systems. IET. (10.1049/PBPO224E)
- Valera Medina, A. and Banares-Alcantara, R. 2020. Techno-economic challenges of green ammonia as an energy vector. Academic Press.
- Alnasif, A., Szanthoffer, A., Papp, M., Turanyi, T., Mashruk, S., Valera Medina, A. and Nagy, T. 2025. A compact kinetic reaction mechanism for the oxidation of NH3/H2 mixtures. Presented at: 3rd Symposium on Ammonia Energy (SoAE), Shanghai, China, 23-26 September 2024. Cardiff University Press
- Davies, J., Mazzotta, L., Sato, D., Mashruk, S., Pugh, D., Borello, D. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Experimental and numerical investigation of NH3/H2/N2 combustion in a premixed/stratified swirl burner. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, UK, 24-28 June 2024Ceramics and Ceramic Composites; Coal, Biomass, Hydrogen, and Alternative Fuels, Vol. 2., (10.1115/GT2024-127419)
- Meloni, R. et al. 2024. Large Eddy Simulations for the prediction of fuel-bound NOx emissions: Application to NH3 and NH3-CH4 blends at different operating conditions. Presented at: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, UK, 24-28 June 2024Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Dea, and Air, Vol. 3A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2024-123875)
- Escudero Ornelas, A., Davey, E., Valera Medina, A., Bigot, S. and Bhaduri, D. 2024. A study on the surface chemistry of laser textured parts. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 128-132., (10.18573/
- Jiang, H., Alnajideen, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Exploring the potential of ammonia/hydrogen trigeneration cycle. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 181-184., (10.18573/
- Alnasif, A., Jójka, J., Mashruk, S. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Insight into NH3 formation characteristics at rich conditions in 70/30 VOL% NH3/H2 flames. Presented at: The 19th Edition of the International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Kyoto, Japan, 7-10 May 2024.
- Jójka, J., Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S. and Valera-Medina, A. 2024. Modelling of turbulent premixed swirl flames for 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 fuel-air mixtures. Presented at: The 19th edition of the International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Kyoto, Japan, 7-10 May 2024.
- Alnasif, A., Szanthoffer, A. G., Papp, M., Turanyi, T., Mashruk, S., Valera-Medina, A. and Nagy, T. 2024. A novel kinetic reaction mechanism for predicting laminar flame speeds of NH3/H2 fuel mixtures. Presented at: International Workshop On Science And Technology Supporting Energy Conversion Towards Carbon Neutrality, Université d'Orléans, France, 3 - 4 July 2024.
- Alnasif, A., Szanthoffer, A. G., Papp, M., Turányi, T., Mashruk, S., Valera-Medina, A. and Nagy, T. 2024. An optimised reaction mechanism for predicting laminar flame speed in NH3 and NH3/H2 flames. Presented at: MariNH3 Conference 2024, Nottingham, UK, 26 June 2024.
- Nagy, T., Alnasif, A., Szanthoffer, A. G., Papp, M., Turanyi, T. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Compact kinetic model for the combustion of NH3/H2 mixtures. Presented at: 7th International Flame Chemistry Workshop, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 20- 21 July 2024.
- Ansari, N., Orsino, S., Meloni, R., Pucci, E., Castellani, S., Andreini, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Large-eddy simulation of a non-premixed ammonia-hydrogen flame: NOx emission and flame characteristics validation. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, UK, 24-28 June 2024Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 3B. ASME pp. GT2024-129248., (10.1115/GT2024-129248)
- Ansari, N., Orsino, S., Meloni, R., Pucci, E., Castellani, S., Andreini, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2024. Large-Eddy simulation of a non-premixed ammonia-hydrogen flame: NOx emission and flame characteristics validation. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, UK, 24-28 June 2024Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 3B: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions.. ASME, (10.1115/GT2024-129248)
- Mazzotta, L. et al. 2023. Modelling ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion and emission characteristics of a generic swirl burner. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 26-30 June 2023Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 2. ASME, (10.1115/GT2023-102803)
- Castellani, S. et al. 2023. Numerical modelling of swirl stabilised lean-premixed H2-CH4 flames with the artificially thickened flame model. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 26-30 June 2023Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 3A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2023-101994)
- Pugh, D. et al. 2023. Influence of variable swirl on emissions in a non-premixed fuel-flexible burner at elevated ambient conditions. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 26-30 June 2023ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions, Vol. 3A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2023-102457)
- Xiao, H. et al. 2023. Performance Analysis of Gas Turbine Using Hydrogen-Added Natural Gas. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES), 23-25 December 20222022 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES). IEEE, (10.1109/ICPES56491.2022.10072868)
- Alnasif, A., Jójka, J., Mashruk, S., Nagy, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Analysis of the performance of kinetic reaction mechanisms in estimating N2O mole fractions in 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 premixed flames. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment, 25-29 June 2023.
- Mashruk, S., Davies, J., Taufiq, M., Rudman, J., Alnasif, A., Docherty, R. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Effects of temperature and humidification in 20(vol.%) cracked ammonia swirling flames. Presented at: 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 11-13 July 2023.
- Alnasif, A., Jójka, J., Mashruk, S., Davies, J., Nagy, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. A kinetic modelling study for estimating residual NH3 speciation at the combustion outlet in 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 flames. Presented at: 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 11-13 July 2023.
- Shi, H., Mashruk, S., Alnajideen, M. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Modelling and performance analysis of a dual heat source ammonia-based heat pump system. Presented at: 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 11-13 July, 2023.
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Jójka, J., Nagy, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2023. Comprehensive investigation of available reaction mechanisms in their performance of estimation of NO2 concentration IN 70/30 vol% NH3/H2 Premixed Flames. Presented at: Cardiff Engineering Research Conference, 12-14 July 2023.
- Kovaleva, M., Hayakawa, A., Ekenechukwu C, O., Yamashita, H., Alnasif, A., Valera Medina, A. and Crayford, A. 2023. The role of cyanides and isocyanides in emissions formation of laminar premixed ammonia/methane flames. Presented at: 61st Symposium (Japanese) on Combustion, Tokyo, 15 - 17 November 2023.
- Kovaleva, M., Dziedzic, D., Mashruk, S., Evans, S., Valera Medina, A. and Galindo-Nava, E. 2022. The evaluation of ammonia/hydrogen combustion on the H permeation and embrittlement of nickel-base superalloys. Presented at: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 13 - 17 June 2022Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022. ASME pp. 82239., (10.1115/GT2022-82239)
- Vishnoi, N., Valera-Medina, A., Saurabh, A. and Kabiraj, L. 2022. Flow dynamics in a triple swirl burner. Presented at: National Aerospace Propulsion Conference, Online, 2020 Presented at Sivaramakrishna, G., Kumar, S. K. and Raghunandan, B. N. eds.Proceedings of the National Aerospace Propulsion Conference. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Singapore: pp. 583–599., (10.1007/978-981-19-2378-4_34)
- Schoina, L., Jones, R., Burgess, S., Vaughan, D., Andrews, L., Foley, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. Impact of annealing cycle parameters on Batch Annealing process performance in tinplate manufacturing. Presented at: 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2022), Algarve, Portugal, 19-22 April 2022.
- Chaturvedi, S., Rudrasetty, S., Mashruk, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2022. CFD-CRN modelling for prediction of pollutants in NH3/H2/air combustion. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Applied Energy, 8 - 11 August 2022.
- Xiao, H. et al. 2022. Effects of carbon dioxide on combustion of methane/hydrogen in a swirl combustor. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Applied Energy, 8 - 11 August 2022.
- Escudero Ornelas, A., Bhaduri, D., Martinez Zavala, H., Valera Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2022. On the performance evaluation of microtextured surfaces using computational fluid dynamics: a comparative study. Presented at: World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing - WCMNM 2022, Leuven, Belgium, 19-22 September 2022.
- Alnasif, A., Zitouni, S., Mashruk, S., Brequigny, P., Kovaleva, M., Mounaim-Rousselle, C. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Experimental and numerical comparison of currently available reaction mechanisms for laminar flame speed in hydrogen/ammonia flames. Presented at: SET2022: International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Technologies, 16-18 August 202219th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies – SET 2022.
- Vishnoi, N., Verma, S., Mashruk, S., Valera-Medina, A., Saurabh, A. and Kabiraj, L. 2022. Effect of Swirler configurations on combustion of humidified lean premixed methane-hydrogen mixtures. Presented at: 2023 AIAA SciTech, 23 - 27 January 2023. , (10.2514/6.2023-1060.vid)
- Guteša Božo, M., Mashruk, S., Alnajideen, M. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. A novel trigeneration gas turbine cycle powered by humidified ammonia/hydrogen with ammonia refrigeration. Presented at: 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 1 - 2 September 2022.
- Mashruk, S., Alnasif, A., Thatcher, J., Rudman, J., Peronski, L., Okafor, E. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Stability limits of propane/ammonia/hydrogen ternary blends for an industrial scale swirl burner. Presented at: 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 1 - 2 September 2022.
- Alnasif, A., Mashruk, S., Hayashi, M., Hayakawa, A. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Performance investigation of currently available reaction mechanisms in the estimation of NO measurements: a comparative study. Presented at: 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 1 - 2 September 2022.
- Mashruk, S., Alnasif, A., Navaratne, R., Guiberti, T. and Valera-Medina, A. 2022. Effects of stratified H2 injection in premixed ammonia/hydrogen/air swirling flames. Presented at: 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 1 - 2 September 2022.
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Robinson, F. 2021. Multi-sourced modelling for strip breakage using knowledge graph embeddings. Presented at: 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS 2021), Virtual, 22-24 September 202154th CIRP CMS 2021 - Towards Digitalized Manufacturing 4.0, Vol. 104. Elsevier pp. 1884-1889., (10.1016/j.procir.2021.11.318)
- Hayakawa, A. et al. 2021. Study on N2O production mechanisms of lean ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed laminar flames. Presented at: The 59th Japanese Symposium on Combustion, Virtual, 22nd - 24 November 2021.
- Vishnoi, N., Valera Medina, A., Saurabh, A. and Kabiraj, L. 2021. Combustion of hydrogen-methane-air mixtures in a generic triple swirl burner: numerical studies. Presented at: Turbo Expo 2021 Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, Virtual, 7-11 June 2021ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 3B. Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air ASME, (10.1115/GT2021-59744)
- Zitouni, S. et al. 2021. Ammonia blended fuels - energy solutions for a green future. Presented at: European Turbine Network (ETN) International Gas Turbine Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 11-15 October 2021.
- Portapas, V., Zaidi, Y., Bakunowicz, J., Paddeu, D., Valera Medina, A. and Didey, A. 2021. Targeting global environmental challenges by the means of novel multimodal transport: concept of operations. Presented at: 2021 World S4 Conference, London, England, 29-30 July 20212021 Fifth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). IEEE, (10.1109/WorldS451998.2021.9514048)
- Hayakawa, A. et al. 2021. N2O production characteristics of strain stabilized premixed laminar ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed flames in lean conditions. Presented at: 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion 2021, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 05-09 December 2021.
- Hayakawa, A. et al. 2021. Product gas characteristics of ammonia/hydrogen/air premixed laminar flames stabilized in stagnation flows for various equivalence ratios. Presented at: 18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD 2021), Virtual, 27-29 October 2021.
- Kovaleva, M., Mashruk, S., Agwu, O. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. The development and testing of a CH4/NH3/H2 combustion system for a 50kW micro gas turbine. Presented at: ASME Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo Expo 2021), Virtual, 7-11 June 2021.
- Pugh, D. et al. 2021. Emissions performance of staged premixed and diffusion combustor concepts for an NH3/air flame with and without reactant humidification. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, Virtual, 21-25 September 2020ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2020-14953)
- Hewlett, S. G., Pugh, D. G., Valera-Medina, A., Giles, A., Runyon, J., Goktepe, B. and Bowen, P. 2021. Industrial wastewater as an enabler of green ammonia to power via gas turbine technology. Presented at: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition (TURBO EXPO 2020), Virtual, 21-25 September 2020Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2020 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. ASME pp. GT2020-14581., (10.1115/GT2020-14581)
- Kovaleva, M., Mashruk, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Experimental study of ammonia addition in premixed methane flames. Presented at: 38th International Symposium on Combustion, Adelaide, Australia, 24-29 January 2021.
- Kovaleva, M., Mashruk, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2021. Empirical and numerical investigation of turbulent flows in a novel design burner for ammonia/hydrogen combustion. Presented at: European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2021), Virtual, 14-15 April 2021.
- Mashruk, S., Kovaleva, M., Zitouni, S. E., Brequigny, P., Rousselle, C. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Ammonia/hydrogen/methane characteristic profiles for atmospheric combustion applications. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2021), Bangkok, Thailand, 29 November - 02 December 2021.
- Mao, C., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Cheng, K. 2021. Effects of equivalence ratio, inlet temperature and pressure on NO emissions for two stage combustion of NH3/H2 fuel mixture. Presented at: 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2021), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 05-09 December 2021.
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Robinson, F. 2020. A multi-source feature-level fusion approach for predicting strip breakage in cold rolling. Presented at: 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Virtual, 20-24 August 20202020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE pp. 482-487., (10.1109/CASE48305.2020.9216854)
- Xiao, H., He, W., Lai, S., Valera-Medina, A. and Mashruk, S. 2020. Auto-ignition study on methane and ammonia fuel blends. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2020), Virtual, 1-10 December 2020.
- Warwick-Brown, D., Berge-Karevoll, H., Al Abdullatif, M. and Valera Medina, A. 2020. Assessing the techno-economic feasibility of a wind-tidal lagoon hybrid system for green ammonia storage in Wales, UK. Presented at: Congreso Internacional de Desarrollo Sustentable y Energías Renovables (CIDSER 2020), Virtual, 4-6 November 2020.
- Hewlett, S., Valera Medina, A., Pugh, D. and Bowen, P. 2019. Gas turbine co-firing of steelworks ammonia with coke oven gas or methane: A fundamental and cycle Analysis. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 17-21 June 2019ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition: Volume 3: Coal, Biomass, Hydrogen, and Alternative Fuels; Cycle Innovations; Electric Power; Industrial and Cogeneration; Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems. ASME pp. GT2019-91404., (10.1115/GT2019-91404)
- Valera Medina, A., Li, R., He, G., Qin, F. and Konnov, A. A. 2019. Reduced chemical kinetics for CDF studies of ammonia-hydrogen blends in gas turbine swirl combustors. Presented at: Ammonia for Fueling Future Energy Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14 April 2019.
- Chen, Z., Liu, Y., Valera Medina, A. and Robinson, F. 2019. Strip snap analytics in cold rolling process using machine learning. Presented at: 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 22-26 August 2019. pp. -.
- Martinez Zavala, H., Bhaduri, D., Valera Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2019. Experimental study on heat transfer enhancement during condensation using microstructured surfaces. Presented at: International Conference on Applied Energy 2019, Västerås, Sweden, 12-15 Aug 2019.
- Samiran, N. A., Jaafar, M. N. M., Chong, C. T., Valera Medina, A. and Ng, J. H. 2018. Downdraft gasification or raw and torrefied palm kernel shell. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies PGSRET, UTM, Malaysia, 4-6 April 20172017 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET). IEEE Xplore pp. 38-43.
- Samiran, N. A., Jaafar, M. N. M., Chong, C. T., Valera Medina, A. and Ng, J. 2018. Experimental and numerical studies of swirl combustion characteristics of syngas. Presented at: 3rd International Conference On Power Generation Systems And Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 4-6 April 20172017 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET). IEEE pp. 191-196., (10.1109/PGSRET.2017.8251826)
- Samiran, N. A., Jaafar, M. N. M., Chong, C. T., Valera Medina, A. and Ng, J. 2018. Downdraft gasification of raw and torrefied palm kernel shell. Presented at: 3rd International Conference On Power Generation Systems And Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 4-6 April 2017Proceedings of the 2017 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET). IEEE, (10.1109/PGSRET.2017.8251798)
- Hatem, F., Alsaegh, A., Valera Medina, A. and Marsh, R. 2017. Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of diffusive air injection on turbulence generation and flashback propensity in swirl combustors. Presented at: European Combustion Meeting ECM 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
- Hatem, F. A., Alsaegh, A. S., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Marsh, R. 2017. Experimental investigation of the Effect of Air Diffusive injection on premixing swirl flames. Presented at: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, Texas, USA, 9 - 13 January 201755th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-0778). Reston, Va: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics pp. 1-10., (10.2514/6.2017-0778)
- Okon, A., Valera Medina, A., Kurji, H. and Marsh, R. 2017. Effects of flame temperature on combustion instabilities of a premixed burner. Presented at: 8th European Combustion Meeting 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
- Al-Fahham, M., Hatem, F., Valera Medina, A. and Bigot, S. 2017. Investigation of boundary layer flashback enhancement in swirl burner using woven wire mesh. Presented at: 8th European Combustion Meeting 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
- Alsaegh, A., Hatem, F., Valera Medina, A. and Marsh, R. 2017. CFD simulation and validation of hydrodynamic instabilities onset in swirl combustors. Presented at: 8th European Combustion Meeting 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18-21 April 2017.
- Syred, N., Gutesha, M. V., Al-Doboon, A., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2017. CARSOXY (CO2-Argon-Steam-OxyFuel) combustion in gas turbines for CCS systems. Presented at: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, TX, USA, 9-13 January 201755th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-1608). Sci Tech, (10.2514/6.2017-1608)
- Al-Fahham, M., Hatem, F. A., Alsaegh, A. S., Valera Medina, A., Bigot, S. and Marsh, R. 2017. Experimental study to enhance resistance for boundary layer flashback in swirl burners using microsurfaces. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, North Carolina, USA, 26-30 June 2017ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4A. ASME, (10.1115/GT2017-63367)
- Runyon, J., Marsh, R., Pugh, D., Bowen, P., Giles, A., Morris, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2017. Experimental analysis of confinement and swirl effects on premixed ch4-h-2 flame behavior in a pressurized generic swirl burner. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, North Carolina, USA, 26-30 June 2017ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4B. ASME, (10.1115/GT2017-64794)
- Okon, A., Kurji, H., Valera Medina, A. and Xue, Y. 2016. Heat release rate and pressure fluctuations of a lean premixed flame at different forcing levels. Presented at: The International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 20-21 October 2016 Presented at Al-Shibaany, Z. Y. A. and Hameed, A. F. eds.2016 International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE) Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 232-236., (10.1109/ICSAE.2016.7810194)
- Al-Fahham, M., Bigot, S. and Valera Medina, A. 2016. A study of fluid flow characteristics using microstructured surfaces produced by WEDM. Presented at: 4M/IWMF2016 Conference, Lyngby, Denmark, 13-15 September 2016.
- Aldoboon, A., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Ng, J. 2016. CO2 -Argon-steam oxy-fuel (CARSOXY) combustion for CCS inert gas atmospheres in gas turbines. Presented at: PRES 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2016.
- Fatla, O., Valera Medina, A., Robinson, F., Cichuta, M. and Beynon, N. 2016. Rotating cylinders for enhanced heat transfer in annealing processes.. Presented at: PRES 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2016.
- Kurji, H., Okon, A., Valera Medina, A. and Tung Chong, C. 2016. Reduction of emissions by using various syngases with different injection strategies under premixed combustion mode. Presented at: The International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 20-21 October 2016.
- Valera Medina, A. and Vanierschot, M. 2016. Onset/annihilation of the precessing vortex core. Experimental study.. Presented at: 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Seville, Spain, 12-16 Sept 2016.
- Smaisim, G. F., Fatla, O., Valera Medina, A., Rageb, A. M. and Syred, N. 2016. Investigation of heat transfer and fluid mechanics across a heated rotating circular cylinder in crossflow. Presented at: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 2016, San Diego, CA, USA, 4-8 January 2016.
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2016. Combustion blowoff effects on the central recirculation zone using various syngas mixtures in a tangential swirl burner. Presented at: AIAA Science and Technology Forum, 2016, San Diego, CA, USA, 4-8 January 2016.
- Buffi, M., Valera Medina, A., Runyon, J., Pugh, D., Giles, A., Marsh, R. and Chiaramonti, D. 2016. Evaluation of combustion behavior of renewable jet fuel in a combustor rig: influence of HEFA and its blends on flame stability and emissions compared to aviation kerosene. Presented at: 24th European Biomass Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-9 June 2016.
- Kurji, H., Okon, A., Valera Medina, A. and Cheng-Tung, C. 2016. Reduction of emissions by using various syngases with different injection strategies under premixed combustion mode. Presented at: ICSAE: International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, 20-21 October 2016Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE), International Conference for. IEEE pp. 407., (10.1109/ICSAE.2016.7810226)
- Hatem, F., Valera-Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. 2015. Experimental investigation of the effects of fuel diffusive injectors on premixed swirling flames. Presented at: 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, Florida, USA, 5-9 January 201553rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2015-2076). American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (10.2514/6.2015-2076)
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2015. CFD predictions of swirl burner aerodynamics with variable outlet configurations. Presented at: Global Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development (GCESD2015), Coventry University Technology Park, 24-26 February 2015. pp. 2307-2312.
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2015. Blowoff propensity, CRZs and flow turbulent nature using various syngases for gas turbines. Presented at: The 3rd Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SUSTEM 2015), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 7-8 July 2015. pp. 2307-2312.
- Casbis, L. M., Garcia, J. C., Sierra, F. and Valera Medina, A. 2015. Analisis Numerico del Campo de Fluidos en Camara de Combustion para Aplicaciones en Microturbinas de Gas. Presented at: Encuentro Nacional AMIDIQ, Cancun, Mexico, 5-8th May 2015.
- Hatem, F., Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Marsh, R. and Bowen, P. J. 2015. Experimental investigation of the effects of central fuel injectors on premixed swirling flames. Presented at: 53rd Aerospace sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 5-9 January 2015.
- Runyon, J., Marsh, R., Valera Medina, A., Giles, A., Pugh, D., Sevcenco, Y. A. and Bowen, P. J. 2015. Methane-oxygen flame stability in a generic premixed gas turbine swirl combustor at varying thermal power and pressure. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 15–19 June 2015Conference Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4B. Combustion, Fuels and Emissions New York: ASME, (10.1115/GT2015-43588)
- Lewis, J., Morris, S., Valera Medina, A., Marsh, R., Bowen, P. and Baej, H. 2014. The use of CO2 to improve stability and emissions of IGCC combustors. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany, 16-19 June 2014Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Vol. 4A. ASME - The American Society of Mechanical Engineers pp. GT2014-25446., (10.1115/GT2014-25446)
- Miranda Gonzalez, A. and Valera Medina, A. 2014. Shale gas exploitation in Mexico: some technical challenges. Presented at: Latin American Congress of Turbomachinery, Queretaro, Mexico, 1-4 September 2014.
- Syred, N., Lewis, J., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2014. Acoustic streaming effects in high intensity swirl burners. Presented at: 52nd AIAA Science and Tecnology Forum, National Harbour, MD, USA, 13-17 January 2014. , (10.2514/6.2014-1387)
- Baej, H., Valera Medina, A., Bowen, P., Syred, N., O'Doherty, T. and Marsh, R. 2014. Impacts on blowoff by a variety of CRZs using various gases for gas turbines. Presented at: ICAE 2014 (International Conference on Applied Energy), Taipei, Taiwan, 30-2 June 2014.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Bowen, P. J. and Marsh, R. 2014. Shear flow and central recirculation zone interaction in reactive swirling flows. Presented at: 52nd Aerospace Sciences meeting, National harbor, Maryland, Maryland, USA, 13-17 January 2014.
- Syred, N., Giles, A., Lewis, J., Valera Medina, A., Bowen, P. J. and Griffiths, A. J. 2013. Tangential Velocity Effects and Correlations for Blowoff and Flashback in a Generic Swirl Burner and the Effect of a Hydrogen Containing Fuel. Presented at: 51st AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Texas, USA, 7-10 January 2013. , (10.2514/6.2013-736)
- Syred, N., Valera Medina, A. and Bowen, P. J. 2013. Improving swirl flow generation. Presented at: 51st AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Texas, USA, 7-10 January 2013. , (10.2514/6.2013-596)
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N., Giles, A., Bowen, P. and Griffiths, A. J. 2013. Influence of the central recirculation zone strength in the blow off mechanism using different fuels. Presented at: European Combustion Meeting (ECM2013), Lund, Sweden, 25-28 June 2013.
- Syred, N. et al. 2013. Effect of inlet and outlet configurations on blow-off and flashback with premixed combustion for high hydrogen content fuels in a generic swirl burner. Presented at: ICAE 2013, Pretoria, South Africa, 12-15 November 2013.
- Valera Medina, A., Martinez-VIdal, I. M., Jimenez-Alcazar, R. E., Valle-Melendez, G. E. and Aboites-Davila, F. 2012. Design and Operation of a Combustion Laboratory for Gas Turbine Analyses. Presented at: XIII Congres y Exposicion Latinoamericana de Turbomaquinaria, Queretaro, Mexico, 12-15 March 2012.
- De La Rosa Urbalejo, D., Crayford, A. P., Bowen, P. J. and Valera Medina, A. 2012. Influence of ambient conditions on laminar burning velocity, ignition and flame extinction for ethanol air mixtures. Presented at: ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11–15, 2012, Vol. 2. New York, N.Y.: ASME pp. 273-283., (10.1115/GT2012-68399)
- Martinez-Torres, C., Valera Medina, A. and Aboites-Davila, F. 2011. Identificacion parametrica de un modelo acustico para implementacion en carams de combustion. Presented at: XII Congreso y Exposicion Latinoamericana de Turbomaquinaria, Queretaro, Mexico, 21-25 February 2011.
- Valera Medina, A., Aboites-Davila, F. and Vigueras-Zuniga, M. O. 2011. Implementacion de biocombustibles e inyeccion de agua en camaras de combustion. Presented at: XVII SOMIM (Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieria Mecanica), San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 21-23 September 2011.
- Vigueras-Zuniga, M., Valera Medina, A., Vidal-Santo, A. and Fernandez-Rodriguez, E. 2011. Causas y consecuencias de acumulacion de particulas en compresores de turbinas de gas. Presented at: IX CIINDET (Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico), Cuernavaca, Mexico, 23-25 November 2011.
- Valera Medina, A., Abdulsada, M. H., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2010. Studies of large coherent structures and their effects on swirl combustion. Presented at: 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 4-7 January 201048th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. AIAA Vol. 2. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Valera Medina, A., Aboites-Dávila, F., Jauregui-Correa, J. C., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2010. Flashback Analysis in Swirlers using different geometries [Analisis del reflujo de flama en arremolinadores usando dIferentes geometrias]. Presented at: SOMIM XIV, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 22-24 September 2010Memorias del XVI Congreso Internacional Anual de la SOMIM. Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieria Mecanica
- Jimenez-Alcazar, R., Quijada-Escamilla, F., Valera Medina, A., Aboites-Davila, F., Rico-Espino, J. G., Rosello-Perez, M. and Feregrino-Vega, P. 2010. Cause analysis of the Fire caught in the Thermal Isolation Zone of a Steam Turbine, Case Study [Analisis de causas del incendio en la zona de aislamiento termico de una turbina de vapor, caso de estudi]. Presented at: SOMIM XVI, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 22-24 September 2010Memorias del XVI Congreso Internacional Anual de la SOMIM. Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenieria Mecanica
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2009. Characterization of large coherent structures in a swirl burner under combustion conditions. Presented at: 47th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 5-8 January 200947th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. AIAA Vol. 2. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Valera Medina, A., Abdulsada, M. H., Griffiths, A. J. and Syred, N. 2009. Flashback avoidance analysis using geometrical constrictions in a tangential swirl burner. Presented at: British-French Flame Days 2009, Lille, France, 9-10 March 2009.
- Valera Medina, A., Abdulsada, M. H., Shelil, N., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2009. Flashback analysis in swirl burners using passive nozzle constrictions and different fuels. Presented at: 16th International IFRF Members' Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 8-10 June 2009.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2008. Large coherent structures visualization in a swirl burner. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Technology to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 July 200814th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 09/02/.
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2008. Characterisation of large coherent structures in a swirl burner. Presented at: 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, 7-10 January 200846th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. AIAA Vol. 2. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Valera Medina, A., Syred, N. and Griffiths, A. J. 2008. Recognition of large coherent structures in a tangential swirl burner. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer and Hydrodynamics in Swirling Flows, Moscow, Russia, 21-23 October 2008.
- Valera Medina, A. 2009. Coherent structures and their effects on processes occurring in swirl combustors. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Title |
People |
Sponsor |
Value |
Duration |
Selective exhaust gas recirculation for carbon capture with gas turbines |
Marsh R, Bowen P, Valera-Medina A |
£1,099,891 |
01/10/2014 - 30/09/2017 |
BRISK- The European Research Infrastructure for Thermochemical Biomass Conversion |
Bowen P J, Valera-Medina A |
EC (FP7) |
£264,930 |
01/10/2011 - 30/09/2015 |
Advanced gas turbine cycles for high efficiency and sustainable future conventional generation |
Bowen P, Marsh R, Crayford A, Valera-Medina A |
EPSRC via Imperial College London |
£443,494 |
01/04/2015 - 31/03/2018 |
Flexible and Efficient Power Plant: Flex-E-Plant |
Bowen P, Marsh R, Morris S, Valera-Medena A |
EPSRC via Loughborough |
£350,597 |
01/03/2013 - 30/09/2017 |
Injection mass measurement |
Valera Medina A, Giles A, Morris S |
Ricardo UK Ltd |
£16,000 |
06/01/2014 - 28/02/2014 |
Visualisation of Honda 125 125cc Carburettor |
Valera Medina A, Giles A, Morris S |
Ricardo |
£12,500 |
08/05/2013 - 07/07/2013 |
Decoupled Green Energy Supply |
Valera-Media A, Bowen PJ, Marsh R, Crayford A |
TSB (Innovate UK) |
£285,000 |
01/01/2015 - 30/06/2018 |
Combustion characteristics of ammomia-based mixtures for power-generation applications |
Valera-Medina A, Crayford A, Bowen P, Marsh R |
Siemens AG |
£161,000 |
01/04/2014 - 30/09/2014 |
COGENT – Development of flat burners |
Valera-Medina A |
£10,000 |
01/09/2015 – 30/09/2018 |
FLEXIS - Flexible Integrated Energy Systems |
Thomas H, Bowen P, Marsh R…, Valera-Medina A |
£1,747,115 |
02/02/2017-30/01/2020 |
Decoupled Green Energy Supply |
Valera-Medina A, Bowen P, Marsh R |
InnovateUK |
£350,000 |
01/01/2015-30/06/2018 |
Design of Novel Combustors H2/NH3 |
Bigot S, Valera-Medina A |
EPSRC/Renishaw |
£37,208 |
01/09/2018-30/03/2019 |
Ammonia for Propulsion, Phase 1 |
Valera-Medina A (PI) |
Endeavr |
£50,000 |
01/10/2019-30/05/2020 |
SAFE-PILOT (GT) | Valera-Medina A (PI), Bowen P, Marsh R | EPSRC | £1,951,982 | 03/02/2020-31/01/2024 |
Flex&Confu |
Valera-Medina A (PI WP2), Bowen P, Marsh R | H2020 | £347,250 | 01/04/2020-31/03/2024 |
Optimal Fuel Blends (U. Hertfordshire - Lead) |
Valera-Medina A (Co-I) | EPSRC | £20,773 | 01/08/2020--31/07/2022 |
Green Ammonia Demonstrator (STFC - Lead) | Valera-Medina A (Co-I) | EPSRC | £249,900 | 01/01/2021-31/12/2023 |
Dock-2-Dock (Neoptera - Lead) | Valera-Medina A (Co-I) | InnovateUK | £16,594 | 01/11/2020-31/04/2022 |
LeStudium Collaboration Program |
Rousselle C (PI), Valera-Medina A (Co-I) Epinondas M (Co-I), Mauss F (Co-I), DeJoannon M (Co-I) |
Loire Valley, France | £18,550 | 31/08/2021-01/09/2023 |
Alternative zero-carbon vectors for aerospace |
Valera-Medina A (PI) |
Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) | £12,805 | 01/08/2021 - 01/10/2021 |
OcearREFuel |
Brennan F (PI), Valera-Medina A (Co-I), et al. |
EPSRC | £1,294,201 | 01/12/2021-30/11/2025 |
IDRIC - Ammonia/hydrogen use in the power sector |
Bowen P (PI), Valera-Medina A (Co-I), Taylor A (Co-I), Hardalupas (Y) |
EPSRC/IDRIC | £167,000 | 01/10/2021-31/09/2023 |
Policy, Opportunities and Challenge with H2 Vectors |
Bowen P (PI), Valera-Medina A, Pugh D |
Advanced Propulsion Centre UK | £20,000 | 01/01/2021-31/03/2022 |
AMBURN Phase 1 |
Valera-Medina A (PI), Mashruk S |
BEIS | £39,980 | 01/02/2022-01/10/2022 |
Collaborative Research IFS J21I02 |
Hayakawa A (PI), Valera-Medina A |
Institute of Fluid Science, Japan | £15,000 | 01/02/2021-01/02/2023 |
AMBURN Phase 2 |
Valera-Medina A (PI), Mashruk S, Marsh R |
DESNZ | £1,500,000 | 01/03/2023-01/10/2025 |
Mays T (PI), Li X (PI), Valera-Medina A (co-I), Courtney J, Rowlandson J, Graves D, Lee YC, Maddy J |
EPSRC | £2,500,000 | 01/10/2023-01/10/2026 |
Kourtzanidis K (PI), Valera-Medina A (co-I), et al. |
HORIZON | £455,000 | 01/12/2024-01/12/2028 |
Supervised Students
Title | Student | Status | Degree |
Chemical Engineering and Reactor Design of a fluidised bed gasifier | AL FARRAJI Abbas Abdulkareem Mahmood | Graduate | PhD |
Heat transfer studies on gasification with nanoparticles for the production of Steam for power incrase in gas turbines. | ALAKAISHI Ahmed Salih Shaker | Graduate | PhD |
Design of a condensate recovery system for humidified advanced turbine cycles. | AL DOBOON Ali Ibraheem Mohammed | Graduate | PhD |
Flame stability limits with different fuels for gas turbine combustors. (Mechanical Engineering/thermal power). | ALSAEGH Ali Safa Nouri | Graduate | PhD |
Computer control of a combustion process on suppressing fluctuation | OKON Aniekan Akpan | Current | PhD |
Simulation and validation of use of alternative fuels in gas turbines. | HATEM Fares A Hatem | Graduate | PhD |
Fuel flexibility and plant efficiency for future gas turbine engines. | KURJI Hayder Jabbar | Graduate | PhD |
Effects Of Geometry and Gas Composition on Swirling Flows | BAEJ Hesham | Graduate | PhD |
Thermosacoustic studies on alternative fuels for aeroderivative engines. | XIAO Hua | Graduate | PhD |
An experimental and modelling study of gas turbine fuel injection optimisation. | ALFAHHAM Mohammed Abdulridha Hussein | Graduate | PhD |
Heat transfer analysis towards the boundary layer and its impacts on flashback for highly enriched hydrogen blends. (Mechanical Engineering/thermal power). | ALBOSHMINA Najlaa Ali Hussein | Graduate | PhD |
Convective Heat Transfer using Nano-Particles (Specialisation - Mechanical Engineering/ Thermal Power Mechanics) | FATLA Oula Muhammed Hadawi | Graduate | PhD |
Development of Rapid Annealing Without Induction. | CASTANEDA GUTIERREZ OTERO Victor Eduardo | Graduate | PhD |
Alternative and Micro Propulsion Systems | DULAIMI Zaid Maan Hasan | Graduate | PhD |
Fundamental studies of the Central Recirculation Zone on blowoff propagation | BAEJ Hesham | Graduate | PhD |
High Peak, Perishable Energy recovery via microsurfaces | HERNANDEZ Haydee | Graduate | PhD |
Ammonia use for co-firing application in steelmaking process | HEWLETT Sally | Graduate | PhD |
Multiphase injection of biodiesel/syngas for cleaner combustion | AWG Ogbonnaya | Graduate | PhD |
Use of hydrogen waste stream for improvement of heat distribution in steelworks | SCHONIA Lydia | Graduate | PhD |
Public Perception of Ammonia as Energy Vector | MERCADO Andrea | Gradaute | PhD |
Data Mining in Steel-Making Process Under Industry 4.0 | CHEN Zheyuan | Graduate | PhD |
Development of ammonia/hydrogen low NOx combustors | KOVALEVA Marina | Graduate | PhD |
Design of advanced modelling techniques for ammonia/hydrogen combustion systems | ALNASI, Ali | Current | PhD |
Instabilities in NH3/H2 Gas Turbine Combustors | DAVIES, Jordan | Current | PhD |
Hydrogen vectors for power applications | VIVOLI, Robin | Current | PhD |
Machine Learning for the manufacture of microstructures for fluid control | ESCUDERO, Aland | Current | PhD |
Development of ammonia gas turbine | ALNAELI, Mustafa | Current | PhD |
CFD Modeling for ammonia in boiler applications | AGWU, Nwode | Current | PhD |
Improvement of combustion features using ammonia blends | SATO, Daisuke | Current | PhD |
Material impacts using ammonia blends | FLOOD, Bronagh | Current | PhD |
Plasmas assisted ammonia combustion | WANG, Ziyu | Current | PhD |
Supervised MSc Dissertations
Name |
Title |
Year completion |
Martin Salas |
Annealing Improvement Line for Mabe Forges |
2012 |
Alonso Jabalquinto |
Manufacturing of Gas Turbine Combustors |
2013 |
Jacob Davies |
Shale Gas Analysis for the UK |
2013 |
Steffan Davies |
Shale Gas Risk Assessment in the UK |
2014 |
Taylor Volpe |
Analysis of Biodiesel in Energy |
2014 |
Yao Sun |
Risk Assessment Modelling at the GTRC |
2014 |
Alfredo Miranda |
Shale Gas in Mexico |
2014 |
Philemon Ng’asike |
Ammonia Pipeline Distribution in the UK |
2015 |
Praveen Cardoso |
Magnetic Steel Annealing Line Improvement |
2015 |
Edith Rojo |
Tidal Lagoons in the Golf of California, Mexico |
2016 |
Rija Rakatoson |
Characterisation of Burners, TATA COGENT |
2016 |
Andrea Mercado |
Ammonia for Decarbonising Yucatan, Mexico |
2017 |
Karla Alvarez |
Energy study for new burners in Steel process. |
2017 |
David Warwick-Brown |
Sustainable Business Model for Production of NH3 from renewable sources |
2017 |
Bean Smeaton |
Energy Improvement in Liquified Gas Facilities |
2017 |
Hilde Berge |
Suistainable production of ammonia using Tidal-Wind energy. |
2018 |
Ianos Psomoglu |
Design of new ammonia/methane injector |
2018 |
Jorge Garzon |
Sankey Diagram of HTCA line for COGENT |
2018 |
Maryam Al-Abdullatif |
Green Ammonia via hybrid systems and frequency int. |
2019 |
Hamid Reza Sha |
Green Ammonia via Wind and Tidal in Scotland |
2019 |
Mohamed Zabanot |
Transport of Alternative Gases using existing Pipelines |
2019 |
Juan Payan |
Use of novel designs for solar energy integration |
2019 |
Susana Martinez |
Biofuels using multiphase injection |
2019 |
Elena Boulet |
Ammonia for Propulsion |
2020 |
Yetunde Fadeyi |
Sustainable Ammonia for Developing Communities |
2020 |
Ilayda Nemlioglu |
Replacement of LPG by Ammonia in Power systems |
2020 |
Olivia Ellson |
Study of novel materials for ammonia recovery in wastewater |
2021 |
Rayan Humaid |
Ammonia for propulsion systems at Bristol Airport |
2021 |
Paul Wider |
Ammonia and Hydrogen capacities for Wales |
2022 |
Haozhe Jiang |
Ammonia cycle for trigeneration systems |
2022 |
Thomas Heath |
Ammonia cycles for advanced power |
2023 |
Zishi Fu |
Recognition of fluid dynamics in novel boiler technologies |
2023 |
Aleem Mohammed |
Techno-economics of ammonia as a maritime fuel |
2024 |
Module | Number | Level | Students (average) | Lecturing Hours/Year |
Thermofluids 1 (Module Leader) | EN1103 | 1st Year | 200-230 | 18 |
Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics | EN2041 | 2nd Year | 160-180 | 18 |
Fluid Mechanics | EN3034 | 3rd Year | 80-95 | 12 |
Last Year Project | EN3100 | 3rd Year | 5 | Supervision |
Integrated Building Design | EN4102 | MEng | 35-43 | 12 |
Fuels and Energy Systems | ENT765 | MSc | 10-14 | 9 |
Energy Studies | ENT763 | MSc | 120-145 | 18 |
Case Study (Autumn) | ENT766 | MSc | 10-26 | 12 |
Case Study (Spring) and Dissertation (Year Tutor) | ENT766/ ENT676 | MSc | 2-3/45 | Supervision/ Module Leader |
Combustion Science | --- | CPD | 10-15 | 24 |
Professor Agustin Valera-Medina has participated as PI/Co-I on 33 industrial projects with multi-nationals including PEMEX, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, Ricardo, Airbus and FloGas (>£35M). He has published 229 papers (h-index 42), 95 of these specifically concerning ammonia power. Prof. Valera-Medina led Cardiff’s contribution to the Innovate-UK ‘Decoupled Green Energy’ Project (2015-2018) led by Siemens and in partnership with STFC and the University of Oxford, which aims to demonstrate the use of green ammonia produced from wind energy. He is currently PI of various projects (SAFE-AGT, FLEXnCONFU, OceanREFuel, MariNH3, CaipiriNH3a, etc.) to demonstrate ammonia power in turbine engines, Internal Combustion Engines and furnaces. He has been part of various scientific boards, chairing sessions in international conferences and moderating large industrial panels on the topic of “Ammonia for Direct Use”. He has supported two Royal Society Policy Briefings related to the use of ammonia as energy vector, and he is the principal author of the books “Techno-economic challenges of ammonia as energy vector” and "Ammonia Combustion Applications". He is Co-Director of the Institute of Net Zero Innovation and Director of the Centre of Excellence on Ammonia Technologies (CEAT), Cardiff University. He is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales (2024).
Honours and awards
Awarded “Best Grade of the Generation 1994-1997 in Mexico” (amongst other 400 students in the country) by Dr. Barnés de Castro (UNAM Rector, 1998).
Member of the High Academic Achievement Program, UNAM (1998 to 2002).
Member of the TELMEX Foundation (1998 to 2002). Recipient of scholarship.
Awarded a scholarship by the Materials Science Institute (2001 to 2002), Mexico.
Awarded a scholarship by CONACYT (2005-2009) to do an MSc and PhD in the topics of Geo-environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, respectively.
First Prize, Young Researchers Forum, Energy Institute, Cardiff Uni. (2006).
First Prize, Conference on Heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics in swirling flows, Moscow, Russia (2008).
Second Prize, Young Researcher Combustion Forum, Institute of Physics, UK. (2009).
Recipient of the Award for the Best AIAA Terrestrial Energy System Paper (2010).
Recipient of the Award for the Best AIAA Terrestrial Energy System Paper (2013).
Recipient of Award for International Engagement with Mexico through the SeedCorn Fund, Cardiff University (2015).
Recipient of Award for Research on Fundamental Fluid Mechanics with KU Leuven, Cardiff University (2016).
Recipient of Innovation Award, Southwales Energy Institute, Cardiff University (2017 and 2019).
Outstanding Performance Award, Cardiff University (2017, 2018)
Recipient of the Award for the Best Paper Award, SDEWES SEE (2018).
Supervisor of Best Heat Transfer PhD Thesis, Heat Transfer Society UK (2020).
Visiting Professor, Jiangsu University (2021).
Recipient of the Award for the Best ASME paper in the session “Combustion, Fuel and Emissions” (2024).
Professional memberships
Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers of London (CEng, Corporate Member, no. 80096373).
Member of the Combustion Institute Committee, British Section.
Secretary of the British Section 2025-2026
Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Member of the Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineers, SOMIM.
Ex-Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), Mexico, 2010.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
Institute of Physics, Affiliate Member.
EPSRC College Member, 2016.
Member of the European Turbine Network, Ammonia Gas Turbine subgroup.
Ammonia Energy Association, Standards Committee.
Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, 2024.
Group Leader "Ammonia Firing" of the British Standards Institute, 2025.
- Swirling flows and hydrodynamics, Experimental and CFD
- Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Gas Turbines
- Biomimetic Engineering for Boundary Layer Control
- Multi-phase Injection with Alternative Fuels (Bios/H2/NH3)
- Flashback Stabilization Studies for Highly Hydrogenated Blends
- Hydrogen and Ammonia for Energy Storage and Power Production
- Heat Transfer Improvement for Steelmaking, glass and cement Processes
- Biomass Gasification Enhancement using Microwaves
- Development of NH3 Cracking Techniques through Cooling Devices
- Advanced Humidified Cycles using inert atmospheres
Current supervision
Marina Kovaleva
Contact Details
+44 29208 75948
Queen's Buildings - Central Building, Room C4.05, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA
Research themes
- Ammonia
- Hydrogen
- Alternative Fuels
- Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer