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Agustin Valera Medina  BEng(Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA IMechE FLSW

Professor Agustin Valera Medina

BEng(Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA IMechE FLSW

Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Agustin Valera Medina


2006-09 PhD Mechanical Engineering. Thesis Title: Coherent structures and their effects on processes occurring in swirl combustors for turbines. Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom. Studies in flashback, flame stability, structural analysis of swirl burners and combustion of alternative fuels in gas turbines for emissions reduction.  Reg. No. 576982 (CEng).

2005-06 MSc in Geoenvironmental Engineering. Modules included: Geochemistry, advanced management, environmental laws, renewable energy, NOx mitigation using swirl burners. Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom. Distinction, First Class Student.

1998-02 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering in Thermo-energy and Environmental Improvement. Modules included: Applied thermodynamics (10/10), selected themes on energy production (10/10), material mechanics (9/10), Structural design (10/10), fluid dynamics (9/10). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico. Distinction, First Class Student. Reg. No. 3832876.


2012-Curr. Professor at Cardiff University. Combustion Dynamics and Thermofluids. 2009-2012 Project Leader and Research Associate (level 7). CIATEQ A.C., National Council of Science and Technology. 2007-09 Research Assistant, Gas Turbine Research Centre (GTRC) and the Centre for Research in Energy, Waste and Environment (CREWE) at Cardiff University. 2006-09 Lecturer Assistant and Invigilator, Cardiff University. 2003-05 Project Leader and Project Engineer. Assa Abloy, Locks Manufacturing Industry. 2002-03 Research Assistant. Materials Science Institute, UNAM.

Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering
Energy and Environment


* Awarded by Dr. Barnés de Castro (UNAM University Rector) for obtaining the best grades of the generation 1994-1997. * Member of the High Academic Achievement Program, UNAM (1998 to 2002). * Member of the TELMEX Foundation (1998 to 2002). Recipient of scholarship. * Awarded a scholarship by the Materials Science Institute (2001 to 2002) to participate in a materials-related research project. * Awarded a scholarship by CONACYT (2002) to participate in a thermoelectric materials-related research project. *First Prize in the Young Researchers Forum, Energy Institute, Cardiff University (2006). * First Prize in the Conference on Heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics in swirling flows, Moscow, Russia, 2008. * Second Prize in the Young Researcher in Combustion Forum, Institute of Physics, U.K., 2009. *Recipient of the Award for the AIAA Best Terrestrial Energy System Paper, 2010 and 2013. * Award for best paper in the SEE SDEWES 2018 conference.* Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI-1), Mexico, 2010. *Recipient of Award for International Engagement with Mexico through the Seedcorn Fund, Cardiff University (2015). *Recipient of Award for Research on Fundamental Fluid Mechanics with KU Leuven, Cardiff University (2016). *Recipient of the Innovation Award and Sustainable Awards, Southwales Energy Institute, Cardiff University (2017 and 2019).*Visiting Professor, Jiangsu University (2021). *Recipient of the Award for the Best ASME paper in the session “Combustion, Fuel and Emissions” (2024).  

MEMBERSHIPS (Career Oriented) * Combustion Institute, British Section. * Energy Institute, London. * American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA. * Chartered Engineer, IMechE (Corporate Member, CEng). Memb. Num. 80096373 * National System of Researchers, SNI * Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineers, SOMIM, active member.* Committee Member Combustion Institute British Section (2018 - 2022). *Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). *Institute of Physics, Affiliate Member. *EPSRC College Member, 2016. *Member of the European Turbine Network, Ammonia Gas Turbine subgroup. *Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales. 


*National Council of Science and Technology, Mexico (PROINNOVA, INNOVATEC, International Scholarships, National Young Awards); *EPSRC, UK: Research projects, Energy topics; *Flanders Research Foundations (FWO): External reviewer, 8combustion and energy; *Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre, Lithuania: Energy and Sustainability; *The Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, USA; *Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); *National Centre of Science and Technology evaluation Kazakhstan (NCSTE); *Academy of Finland; Fund for Scientific Research-FNRS (Belgium); Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Programme (Scandinavia); Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies (France); Deanship of Research Oversight and Coordination (Saudi Arabia); CNRS, Europe of Research and International Cooperation Office (France); European Commission (ERC program); TTW Perspectives (the Netherlands); COST Action (European Union).

Journals: Energy Conversion and Management; Journal of SAGE, Advances in Mechanical Engineering; Energies; Ingenieria, Investigacion y Tecnologia; Int Journal of Energy Research; Energy and Fuels; Applied Thermal Engineering; J Natural Gas Science and Engineering; ITECKNE; Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineers; Int J Heat Transfer; Int J Hydrogen Energy; Energy (Elsevier); ASME Turbo Expo; J of Combustion; Numerical Combustion Science; Combustion Symposium; Combustion Symposium; IONICS (Springer); Polish Maritime Research; Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (T&F); International Journal of Multiphase Flow.

Session Chair: International Conference of Applied Energy (2016-2018); SDEWES (2018, 2019); NH3 Conference (2018); Ammonia Workshop, KAUST (2022); Symposium of the Combustion Institute, Low Carbon Session (2024). 

Guest Editor: J of Cleaner Production; Ammonia as an Energy Vector (MDPI).

Editorial Board: Journal of Thermal Sciences (Springer); Royal Society, Ammonia Perspectives in the UK (Ammonia to Power); Energies (MDPI); Low Carbon Technology and Management (Springer).

Scientific Committee Member: Int Conference on Energy, Ecology and Environment, Australia, 2018; Electrofuels, TBMCE Slovenia, 2018; SDEWES 2019, 2020; Latinamerican SDEWES, Argentina, 2020; Joint British-French Combustion Meeting 2020; Ammonia Workshop ASPACC 2021; 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, 2022; STFC Horizons Programme Reviewing Panel member; Ammonia Combustion Workshop ASPPC.

Keynote Speaker: Latin-American Congress of Turbomachinery, Queretaro, Mexico. 2014; Energy Institute, University of Leicester, England, UK. 2015; Research Excellence Conference, Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico, 2015; Gas Turbine Combustion Seminar Series (10 Institutes), Mexico, 2015; UK-Mexico Year Seminar, Mexican Academy of Engineering, Mexico, 2015; Decarbonising the Yucatan Peninsula, Newton Fund, Mexico, 2017; New Energies Forum, Synnergy, London, 2017; COST-ACTION SMARTCATS (Smart Carriers and Technologies), Naples, 2019; 14th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Madeira, 2019; 3rd International Summer School, Combustion Institute, Shanghai, China, 2020; 7th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, 2020; 2nd CIDER Conference, Orizaba, Mexico, 2021; 21st Century Alternative Fuels, IMechE, London, UK, 2021; Clean Combustion Symposium, KAUST, Saudi Arabia, 2021; 2021 Mexican Hydrogen Society Conference, Merida, Yucatan; Propulsion Futures, Nottingham, 2021; Mario Molina Centre, Ammonia/Hydrogen collaboration BEIS-PACT, 2022; British-French Joint Meeting, Low Carbon Fuels, 2022; Hydrogen and Ammonia Workshop, INEEL, Mexico, 2022; International Workshop on Explosions and Reactive Flows, Beijing Inst Tech, 2022; Invited Lecture, IMechE Welsh Brand, Cardiff, UK, 2022; 19th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics, Tohoku, Japan, 2022; European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, France, 2023; Mediterranean Combustion Meeting, Luxor, Egypt, 2023; 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, Orleans, France, 2023; 1st Joint China/UK Ammonia Combustion Workshop, Cardiff, 2023; IGTC 2023, 50th Anniversary Keynote Speech, Kyoto, Japan, 2023; 14th World Conference on Hydrogen Energy, Tulum, Mexico, 2024; 3rd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, Shanghai, China, 2024.   





















Book sections











Selective exhaust gas recirculation for carbon capture with gas turbines

Marsh R, Bowen P, Valera-Medina A



01/10/2014 - 30/09/2017

BRISK- The European Research Infrastructure for Thermochemical Biomass Conversion

Bowen P J, Valera-Medina A

EC (FP7)


01/10/2011 - 30/09/2015

Advanced gas turbine cycles for high efficiency and sustainable future conventional generation

Bowen P, Marsh R, Crayford A, Valera-Medina A

EPSRC via Imperial College London


01/04/2015 - 31/03/2018

Flexible and Efficient Power Plant: Flex-E-Plant

Bowen P, Marsh R, Morris S, Valera-Medena A

EPSRC via Loughborough


01/03/2013 - 30/09/2017

Injection mass measurement

Valera Medina A, Giles A, Morris S

Ricardo UK Ltd


06/01/2014 - 28/02/2014

Visualisation of Honda 125 125cc Carburettor

Valera Medina A, Giles A, Morris S



08/05/2013 - 07/07/2013

Decoupled Green Energy Supply

Valera-Media A, Bowen PJ, Marsh R, Crayford A

TSB (Innovate UK)


01/01/2015 - 30/06/2018

Combustion characteristics of ammomia-based mixtures for power-generation applications

Valera-Medina A, Crayford A, Bowen P, Marsh R

Siemens AG


01/04/2014 - 30/09/2014

COGENT – Development of flat burners

Valera-Medina A



01/09/2015 –


FLEXIS - Flexible Integrated Energy Systems

Thomas H, Bowen P, Marsh R…, Valera-Medina A




Decoupled Green Energy Supply

Valera-Medina A, Bowen P, Marsh R




Design of Novel Combustors H2/NH3

Bigot S, Valera-Medina A




Ammonia for Propulsion, Phase 1

Valera-Medina A (PI)




SAFE-PILOT (GT) Valera-Medina A (PI), Bowen P, Marsh R EPSRC £1,951,982 03/02/2020-31/01/2024


Valera-Medina A (PI WP2), Bowen P, Marsh R H2020 £347,250 01/04/2020-31/03/2024

Optimal Fuel Blends (U. Hertfordshire - Lead)

Valera-Medina A (Co-I) EPSRC £20,773 01/08/2020--31/07/2022
Green Ammonia Demonstrator (STFC - Lead) Valera-Medina A (Co-I) EPSRC £249,900 01/01/2021-31/12/2023
Dock-2-Dock (Neoptera - Lead) Valera-Medina A (Co-I) InnovateUK £16,594 01/11/2020-31/04/2022
LeStudium Collaboration Program

Rousselle C (PI), Valera-Medina A (Co-I) Epinondas M (Co-I), Mauss F (Co-I), DeJoannon M (Co-I)

Loire Valley, France £18,550 31/08/2021-01/09/2023
Alternative zero-carbon vectors for aerospace

Valera-Medina A (PI)

Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) £12,805 01/08/2021 - 01/10/2021

Brennan F (PI), Valera-Medina A (Co-I), et al.

EPSRC £1,294,201 01/12/2021-30/11/2025
IDRIC - Ammonia/hydrogen use in the power sector

Bowen P (PI), Valera-Medina A (Co-I), Taylor A (Co-I), Hardalupas (Y)

EPSRC/IDRIC £167,000 01/10/2021-31/09/2023
Policy, Opportunities and Challenge with H2 Vectors

Bowen P (PI), Valera-Medina A, Pugh D

Advanced Propulsion Centre UK £20,000 01/01/2021-31/03/2022
AMBURN Phase 1

Valera-Medina A (PI), Mashruk S

BEIS £39,980 01/02/2022-01/10/2022
Collaborative Research IFS J21I02

Hayakawa A (PI), Valera-Medina A

Institute of Fluid Science, Japan £15,000 01/02/2021-01/02/2023
AMBURN Phase 2

Valera-Medina A (PI), Mashruk S, Marsh R

DESNZ £1,500,000 01/03/2023-01/10/2025

Mays T (PI), Li X (PI), Valera-Medina A (co-I), Courtney J, Rowlandson J, Graves D, Lee YC, Maddy J 

EPSRC £2,500,000 01/10/2023-01/10/2026

Kourtzanidis K (PI), Valera-Medina A (co-I), et al. 

HORIZON £455,000 01/12/2024-01/12/2028

Supervised Students

Title Student Status Degree
Chemical Engineering and Reactor Design of a fluidised bed gasifier  AL FARRAJI Abbas Abdulkareem Mahmood Graduate PhD
Heat transfer studies on gasification with nanoparticles for the production of Steam for power incrase in gas turbines.  ALAKAISHI Ahmed Salih Shaker Graduate PhD
Design of a condensate recovery system for humidified advanced turbine cycles.  AL DOBOON Ali Ibraheem Mohammed Graduate PhD
Flame stability limits with different fuels for gas turbine combustors. (Mechanical Engineering/thermal power). ALSAEGH Ali Safa Nouri Graduate PhD
Computer control of a combustion process on suppressing fluctuation OKON Aniekan Akpan Current PhD
Simulation and validation of use of alternative fuels in gas turbines.  HATEM Fares A Hatem Graduate PhD
Fuel flexibility and plant efficiency for future gas turbine engines.  KURJI Hayder Jabbar Graduate PhD
Effects Of Geometry and Gas Composition on Swirling Flows BAEJ Hesham Graduate PhD
Thermosacoustic studies on alternative fuels for aeroderivative engines. XIAO Hua Graduate PhD
An experimental and modelling study of gas turbine fuel injection optimisation.  ALFAHHAM Mohammed Abdulridha Hussein Graduate PhD
Heat transfer analysis towards the boundary layer and its impacts on flashback for highly enriched hydrogen blends. (Mechanical Engineering/thermal power). ALBOSHMINA Najlaa Ali Hussein Graduate PhD
Convective Heat Transfer using Nano-Particles (Specialisation - Mechanical Engineering/ Thermal Power Mechanics) FATLA Oula Muhammed Hadawi Graduate PhD
Development of Rapid Annealing Without Induction. CASTANEDA GUTIERREZ OTERO Victor Eduardo Graduate PhD
Alternative and Micro Propulsion Systems  DULAIMI Zaid Maan Hasan Graduate PhD
Fundamental studies of the Central Recirculation Zone on blowoff propagation BAEJ Hesham Graduate  PhD
High Peak, Perishable Energy recovery via microsurfaces HERNANDEZ Haydee Graduate PhD
Ammonia use for co-firing application in steelmaking process HEWLETT Sally Graduate PhD
Multiphase injection of biodiesel/syngas for cleaner combustion AWG Ogbonnaya Graduate PhD
Use of hydrogen waste stream for improvement of heat distribution in steelworks  SCHONIA Lydia Graduate PhD
Public Perception of Ammonia as Energy Vector MERCADO Andrea Gradaute PhD
Data Mining in Steel-Making Process Under Industry 4.0 CHEN Zheyuan Graduate  PhD
Development of ammonia/hydrogen low NOx combustors KOVALEVA Marina Graduate PhD
Design of advanced modelling techniques for ammonia/hydrogen combustion systems ALNASI, Ali Current PhD
Instabilities in NH3/H2 Gas Turbine Combustors DAVIES, Jordan Current PhD
Hydrogen vectors for power applications VIVOLI, Robin Current PhD
Machine Learning for the manufacture of microstructures for fluid control ESCUDERO, Aland Current PhD
Development of ammonia gas turbine ALNAELI, Mustafa Current PhD
CFD Modeling for ammonia in boiler applications AGWU, Nwode Current  PhD
Improvement of combustion features using ammonia blends SATO, Daisuke Current PhD
Material impacts using ammonia blends FLOOD, Bronagh Current PhD
Plasmas assisted ammonia combustion WANG, Ziyu Current PhD

Supervised MSc Dissertations



Year completion

Martin Salas

Annealing Improvement Line for Mabe Forges


Alonso Jabalquinto

Manufacturing of Gas Turbine Combustors


Jacob Davies

Shale Gas Analysis for the UK


Steffan Davies

Shale Gas Risk Assessment in the UK


Taylor Volpe

Analysis of Biodiesel in Energy


Yao Sun

Risk Assessment Modelling at the GTRC


Alfredo Miranda

Shale Gas in Mexico


Philemon Ng’asike

Ammonia Pipeline Distribution in the UK


Praveen Cardoso

Magnetic Steel Annealing Line Improvement


Edith Rojo

Tidal Lagoons in the Golf of California, Mexico


Rija Rakatoson

Characterisation of Burners, TATA COGENT


Andrea Mercado

Ammonia for Decarbonising Yucatan, Mexico


Karla Alvarez

Energy study for new burners in Steel process.


David Warwick-Brown

Sustainable Business Model for Production of NH3 from renewable sources


Bean Smeaton

Energy Improvement in Liquified Gas Facilities


Hilde Berge

Suistainable production of ammonia using Tidal-Wind energy.


Ianos Psomoglu

Design of new ammonia/methane injector


Jorge Garzon

Sankey Diagram of HTCA line for COGENT


Maryam Al-Abdullatif

Green Ammonia via hybrid systems and frequency int.


Hamid Reza Sha

Green Ammonia via Wind and Tidal in Scotland


Mohamed Zabanot

Transport of Alternative Gases using existing Pipelines


Juan Payan

Use of novel designs for solar energy integration


Susana Martinez

Biofuels using multiphase injection


Elena Boulet

Ammonia for Propulsion


Yetunde Fadeyi

Sustainable Ammonia for Developing Communities


Ilayda Nemlioglu

Replacement of LPG by Ammonia in Power systems


Olivia Ellson

Study of novel materials for ammonia recovery in wastewater


Rayan Humaid

Ammonia for propulsion systems at Bristol Airport


Paul Wider

Ammonia and Hydrogen capacities for Wales


Haozhe Jiang

Ammonia cycle for trigeneration systems


Thomas Heath

Ammonia cycles for advanced power


Zishi Fu

Recognition of fluid dynamics in novel boiler technologies


Aleem Mohammed

Techno-economics of ammonia as a maritime fuel






Students (average)

Lecturing  Hours/Year

Thermofluids 1

(Module Leader)


1st Year



Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics


2nd Year



Fluid Mechanics


3rd Year



Last Year Project


3rd Year



Integrated Building Design





Fuels and Energy Systems





Energy Studies





Case Study (Autumn)





Case Study (Spring) and Dissertation

(Year Tutor)

ENT766/ ENT676



Supervision/ Module Leader

Combustion Science






Professor Agustin Valera-Medina has participated as PI/Co-I on 33 industrial projects with multi-nationals including PEMEX, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, Ricardo, Airbus and FloGas (>£35M). He has published 229 papers (h-index 42), 95 of these specifically concerning ammonia power. Prof. Valera-Medina led Cardiff’s contribution to the Innovate-UK ‘Decoupled Green Energy’ Project (2015-2018) led by Siemens and in partnership with STFC and the University of Oxford, which aims to demonstrate the use of green ammonia produced from wind energy. He is currently PI of various projects (SAFE-AGT, FLEXnCONFU, OceanREFuel, MariNH3, CaipiriNH3a, etc.) to demonstrate ammonia power in turbine engines, Internal Combustion Engines and furnaces. He has been part of various scientific boards, chairing sessions in international conferences and moderating large industrial panels on the topic of “Ammonia for Direct Use”. He has supported two Royal Society Policy Briefings related to the use of ammonia as energy vector, and he is the principal author of the books “Techno-economic challenges of ammonia as energy vector” and "Ammonia Combustion Applications". He is Co-Director of the Institute of Net Zero Innovation and Director of the Centre of Excellence on Ammonia Technologies (CEAT), Cardiff University. He is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales (2024).


Honours and awards

Awarded “Best Grade of the Generation 1994-1997 in Mexico” (amongst other 400 students in the country) by Dr. Barnés de Castro (UNAM Rector, 1998).

Member of the High Academic Achievement Program, UNAM (1998 to 2002).

Member of the TELMEX Foundation (1998 to 2002). Recipient of scholarship.

Awarded a scholarship by the Materials Science Institute (2001 to 2002), Mexico.

Awarded a scholarship by CONACYT (2005-2009) to do an MSc and PhD in the topics of Geo-environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, respectively.

First Prize, Young Researchers Forum, Energy Institute, Cardiff Uni. (2006).

First Prize, Conference on Heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics in swirling flows, Moscow, Russia (2008).

Second Prize, Young Researcher Combustion Forum, Institute of Physics, UK. (2009).

Recipient of the Award for the Best AIAA Terrestrial Energy System Paper (2010).

Recipient of the Award for the Best AIAA Terrestrial Energy System Paper (2013).

Recipient of Award for International Engagement with Mexico through the SeedCorn Fund, Cardiff University (2015).

Recipient of Award for Research on Fundamental Fluid Mechanics with KU Leuven, Cardiff University (2016).

Recipient of Innovation Award, Southwales Energy Institute, Cardiff University (2017 and 2019).

Outstanding Performance Award, Cardiff University (2017, 2018)

Recipient of the Award for the Best Paper Award, SDEWES SEE (2018).

Supervisor of Best Heat Transfer PhD Thesis, Heat Transfer Society UK (2020).

Visiting Professor, Jiangsu University (2021).

Recipient of the Award for the Best ASME paper in the session “Combustion, Fuel and Emissions” (2024).  



Professional memberships

Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers of London (CEng, Corporate Member, no. 80096373).

Member of the Combustion Institute Committee, British Section.

           Secretary of the British Section 2025-2026

Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.  

Member of the Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineers, SOMIM.

Ex-Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), Mexico, 2010.

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

Institute of Physics, Affiliate Member.

EPSRC College Member, 2016.

Member of the European Turbine Network, Ammonia Gas Turbine subgroup.

Ammonia Energy Association, Standards Committee.

Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, 2024.

Group Leader "Ammonia Firing" of the British Standards Institute, 2025. 


  • Swirling flows and hydrodynamics, Experimental and CFD
  • Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Gas Turbines
  • Biomimetic Engineering for Boundary Layer Control
  • Multi-phase Injection with Alternative Fuels (Bios/H2/NH3)
  • Flashback Stabilization Studies for Highly Hydrogenated Blends
  • Hydrogen and Ammonia for Energy Storage and Power Production
  • Heat Transfer Improvement for Steelmaking, glass and cement Processes
  • Biomass Gasification Enhancement using Microwaves
  • Development of NH3 Cracking Techniques through Cooling Devices
  • Advanced Humidified Cycles using inert atmospheres

Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75948
Campuses Queen's Buildings - Central Building, Room C4.05, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA

Research themes


  • Ammonia
  • Hydrogen
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer