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Thomas Vaughan-Johnston  PhD

Dr Thomas Vaughan-Johnston





My research tackles persuasion with a focus on vocal properties (emotions and confidence signals projected by how we speak), and integrating individual differences research (involving personality, the self, and lay scientific beliefs) to better understand how to maximize persuasion. I also have a line of research involving the self, particularly people's beliefs that self-esteem has causal effects on their outcomes (self-esteem importance).

I am currently investigating topics like:

  • Under what conditions does higher vocal confidence work against successful persuasion?
  • When does matching vocal affect (sounding sad) to message affect (a sad message) benefit or undermine persuasion?
  • How do individual differences in the motivation to acquire neutral (non-extreme) attitudes shape people's response to information, persuasive messages, and beyond?







Please view Google Scholar for the most updated list of my publications. I have researched a broad set of social-psychological phenomena, and the below summarizes only a few key research areas.

I have been investigating different aspects of the voice and their implications for attitude change. Specifically, different aspects of the voice such as vocal intonation (rising versus falling), speed (slow versus fast), and pitch (low versus high) have implications for attitude change, such as informing perceptions of the source's confidence.

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People may view some attitudes as beliefs that they believe they ought or or would ideally hold ("desired attitudes"). However, the antecedents of these desired attitudes are less well understood. I am examining how we might (de)activate desired attitudes, using paradigms inspired by self-discrepancy, cognitive dissonance, and self-persuasion theories.

Self-esteem Importance.

How might beliefs about self-esteem influence how powerful of a role self-esteem actually plays in individuals' mental lives? Along with Dr. Jill Jacobson, I have developed a scale of self-esteem importance that measures beliefs about self-esteem. Self-esteem importance (i) affects how people react emotionally to gaining/losing self-esteem, (ii) orients individuals towards self-enhancing and self-protective behaviours, and (iii) shapes adolescents' and young adults' peer defending behaviors in bullying episodes.

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Campuses Tower Building, Room 10.12, 70 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT

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