Dr Ulrich Von Hecker
Diploma Hamburg, PhD Habilitation Berlin
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Research summary
I am interested in how we represent the social world around us. This involves the way our cognitive system uses spatial processes to subserve abstract reasoning. This addresses the representation of orders and categories. In social contexts, how do we create a comprehensive picture of our social group or network, how do we perceive ourselves in the context of other people? How do we use analog dimensions, such as the up vs. down dimension, or spatial distance, to represent differences in social status, or friendship and affiliation relationships? I am also interested in cognitive fluency phenomena and implicit verb causality.
Teaching summary
I am currently teaching undergraduate modules in Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, and decision making, alongside supervising postgraduate projects. I have also taught undergraduate statistics, social psychological theory, emotion, and selected topics in Social Cognition.
- Newton, J. and Von Hecker, U. 2025. Pressure of the past: How Recalling Ostracism influences risk and benefit perception. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences 2025(19), pp. 1-22.
- Zarzeczna, N., Bertlich, T., Rutjens, B. T., Gerstner, I. and von Hecker, U. 2024. Space as a mental toolbox in the representation of meaning. Royal Society Open Science 11(11), article number: 240985. (10.1098/rsos.240985)
- Jin, Z., von Hecker, U., Symeonidou, N., Yi, L. and Klauer, K. C. 2024. The “good is up” metaphoric effects on recognition: True for source guessing but false for item memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (10.1177/17470218241269272)
- von Hecker, U., Muller, E., Dill, S. K. and Klauer, K. C. 2023. Mental representation of equivalence and order. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76(12), pp. 2779-2793. (10.1177/17470218231153974)
- Sankaran, S., Kossowska, M. and Von Hecker, U. 2023. When do they push the right buttons? Need for closure and the role of perceived control in situations of uncertainty. Personality and Individual Differences 213, article number: 112316. (10.1016/j.paid.2023.112316)
- von Hecker, U., Hanel, P. H. P., Jin, Z. and Winkielman, P. 2023. Self-generated cognitive fluency: Consequences on evaluative judgments. Cognition & Emotion 37(2), pp. 254-270. (10.1080/02699931.2022.2161482)
- Von Hecker, U., Lari, Z. A., Fazilat-Pour, M. and Krumpholtz, L. 2022. Attribution of feature magnitudes is influenced by trained reading-writing direction. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 34(2), pp. 194-207. (10.1080/20445911.2021.1978472)
- von Hecker, U. and Klauer, K. C. 2021. Do spatial arrays mentally represent rank orders?. Frontiers in Psychology 12, article number: 613186. (10.3389/fpsyg.2021.613186)
- von Hecker, U. and Klauer, K. C. 2021. Spatial processes in category assignment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150(3), pp. 446-465. (10.1037/xge0000907)
- Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T. and Haddock, G. 2020. Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46(1), pp. 36-65. (10.1037/xhp0000699)
- von Hecker, U., Klauer, K. C. and Asfalg, A. 2019. A robust anchoring effect in linear ordering. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(11), pp. 2680-2689. (10.1177/1747021819855234)
- Wolf, L. J., von Hecker, U. and Maio, G. R. 2017. Affective and cognitive orientations in intergroup perception. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43(6), pp. 828-844. (10.1177/0146167217699582)
- Sankaran, S., Sekerdej, M. and Von Hecker, U. 2017. The role of Indian caste identity and caste inconsistent norms on status representation. Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology 8, article number: 487. (10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00487)
- von Hecker, U., Klauer, K. C., Wolf, L. and Fazilat-Pour, M. 2016. Spatial processes in linear ordering. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42(7), pp. 1003-1033. (10.1037/xlm0000220)
- von Hecker, U., Hahn, U. and Rollings, J. 2016. Spatial representation of coherence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145(7), pp. 853-871. (10.1037/xge0000176)
- Hinton, E. C., Wise, R. G., Singh, K. D. and Von Hecker, U. 2015. Reasoning with linear orders: Differential parietal cortex activation in sub-clinical depression. An fMRI investigation in sub-clinical depression and controls. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, article number: 1061. (10.3389/fnhum.2014.01061)
- Von Hecker, U., Sedek, G. and McIntosh, D. 2015. Commentary on Lane, R. D., Ryan, L., Nadel, L., & Greenberg, L. The importance of processes of mental models construction for better conceptualization of cognitive aspects of change in psychotherapy. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 38, pp. 45. (10.1017/S0140525X14000326)
- Gebauer, J. E., Haddock, G., Broemer, P. and Von Hecker, U. 2013. The role of semantic self-perceptions in temporal distance perceptions toward autobiographical events: The semantic congruence model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105(5), pp. 852-872. (10.1037/a0033482)
- Von Hecker, U., Sedek, G. and Brzezicka, A. 2013. Impairments in mental model construction and benefits of defocused attention: distinctive facets of subclinical depression.. European Psychologist 18(1), pp. 35-46. (10.1027/1016-9040/a000133)
- Bukowski, M., Von Hecker, U. and Kossowska, M. 2013. Motivational determinants of reasoning about social relations: the role of need for cognitive closure. Thinking & Reasoning 19(2), pp. 150-177. (10.1080/13546783.2012.752407)
- Von Hecker, U., Klauer, C. K. and Sankaran, S. 2013. Embodiment of social status: verticality effects in multi-level rank-orders. Social Cognition 31(3), pp. 374-389. (10.1521/soco.2013.31.3.374)
- Brzezicka, A., Krejtz, I., Von Hecker, U. and Laubrock, J. 2012. Eye movement evidence for defocused attention in dysphoria - a perceptual span analysis. International Journal of Psychophysiology 85(1), pp. 129-133. (10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2011.09.022)
- Dutke, S. and Von Hecker, U. 2011. Comprehending ambiguous texts: A high reading span helps to constrain the situation model. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 23(2), pp. 227-242. (10.1080/20445911.2011.485127)
- Sedek, G., Piber-Dabrowska, K., Maio, G. R. and Von Hecker, U. 2011. Individual differences in prejudice and associative versus rule-based forms of transitive reasoning. European Journal of Social Psychology 41(7), pp. 853-865. (10.1002/ejsp.830)
- Sedek, G., Brzezicka, A. and Von Hecker, U. 2010. The unique cognitive limitation in subclinical depression: the impairment of mental model construction. In: Gruszka, A., Matthews, G. and Szymura, B. eds. Handbook of individual differences in cognition: Attention, memory and cognitive control. The Springer Series on Human Exceptionality New York: Springer, pp. 335-352., (10.1007/978-1-4419-1210-7_20)
- Dutke, S., Baadte, C., Hähnel, A., Von Hecker, U. and Rinck, M. 2010. Using Diagnostic Text Information to Constrain Situation Models. Discourse Processes 47(6), pp. 510-544. (10.1080/01638530903416257)
- Hinton, E., Dymond, S., Von Hecker, U. and Evans, C. J. 2010. Neural correlates of relational reasoning and the symbolic distance effect: involvement of parietal cortex. Neuroscience 168(1), pp. 138-148. (10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.03.052)
- Von Hecker, U. and Conway, M. 2010. Magnitude of negative priming varies with conceptual task difficulty: Attentional resources are involved in episodic retrieval processes. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63(4), pp. 666-678. (10.1080/17470210903080711)
- Klauer, K. C. and Von Hecker, U. 2009. Gedächtnis und emotion [Memory and emotion]. In: Brandstätter, V. and Otto, J. H. eds. Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie: Motivation und Emotion. Handbuch der Psychologie Vol. 11. Göttingen: Hogrefe, pp. 661-667.
- Gebauer, J. E., Broemer, P., Haddock, G. and Von Hecker, U. 2008. Inclusion-exclusion of positive and negative past selves: Mood congruence as information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95(2), pp. 470-487. (10.1037/a0012543)
- Hewstone, M. et al. 2008. Stepping stones to reconciliation in Northern Ireland: Intergroup contact, forgiveness, and trust. In: Nadler, A., Malloy, T. and Fisher, J. D. eds. The Social Psychology of Intergroup Reconciliation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 119-227., (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195300314.003.0010)
- Von Hecker, U. 2008. Specific cognitive deficits in subclinical depression. International Journal of Psychology 43(3-4), pp. 366-366.
- Sedek, G. and von Hecker, U. 2008. Cognitive functions in aging, psychopathology and social stereotyping. International Journal of Psychology 43(3-4), pp. 366-366.
- Pour, M. F. and Von Hecker, U. 2008. Defocused mode of attention: Further evidences from perceptual eccentricity and memory. International Journal of Psychology 43(3-4), pp. 60-61.
- Meiser, T., Sattler, C. and Von Hecker, U. 2007. Metacognitive inferences in source memory decisions: The role of perceived differences in item recognition. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60(7), pp. 1015-1040. (10.1080/17470210600875215)
- Rudolph, U. and Von Hecker, U. 2006. Three principles of explanation: verb schemas, balance, and imbalance repair. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 25(4), pp. 377-405. (10.1177/0261927X06292766)
- Von Hecker, U. and Meiser, T. 2005. Defocused attention in depressed mood: Evidence from source monitoring. Emotion 5(4), pp. 456-463. (10.1037/1528-3542.5.4.456)
- Von Hecker, U., Sedek, G., Piber-Dabrowska, K. and Bedynska, S. 2005. Generative reasoning as influenced by depression, aging, stereotype threat, and prejudice. In: Engle, R. W. et al. eds. Cognitive Limitations in Aging and Psychopathology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 377-401., (10.1017/CBO9780511720413.015)
- Engle, R. W., Sedek, G., Von Hecker, U. and McIntosh, D. N. 2005. Cognitive limitations in aging and psychopathology: an introduction and a brief tutorial to research methods. In: Engle, R. W. et al. eds. Cognitive Limitations in Aging and Psychopathology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-16., (10.1017/CBO9780511720413.002)
- Engle, R. W. et al. eds. 2005. Cognitive limitations in aging and psychopathology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10.1017/CBO9780511720413)
- Von Hecker, U. and Dutke, S. 2004. Integrative Social Perception: Individuals Low in Working Memory Benefit More From External Representations. Social Cognition 22(3), pp. 336-365. (10.1521/soco.22.3.336.35969)
- Sedek, G. and Von Hecker, U. 2004. Effects of Subclinical Depression and Aging on Generative Reasoning about Linear Orders: Same or Different Processing Limitations?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 133(2), pp. 237-260. (10.1037/0096-3445.133.2.237)
- Von Hecker, U. 2004. Disambiguating a mental model: Influence of social context. The Psychological Record 54(1), pp. 27-43., article number: 3.
- Von Hecker, U. 2002. Nomothetische und idiographische Konzepte. [Nomothetic and idiographic concepts.]. Erwägen Wissen Ethik 13(4), pp. 540-542.
- Von Hecker, U. 2001. Deriving prediction rules from co-occurrence data: A method based on Boolean algebra. Psychologische Beiträge 43(2), pp. 293-311.
- Von Hecker, U. and Feger, H. 2001. Einübung in Sozialpsychologie: Band II: Die interindividuelle Perspektive [Introduction to social psychology, Volume II]. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Von Hecker, U., Dutke, S. and Sedek, G. eds. 2000. Generative mental processes and cognitive resources: integrative research on adaptation and control. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
- Von Hecker, U. and Sedek, G. 2000. Constructive thinking and depression: The case of linear orders. In: Borisov, I. I. ed. Man, Cognition, and Culture: Collected Works of Lecturers and Collaborators of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology of Voronezh State University., Vol. 1. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Press, pp. 226-236.
- Von Hecker, U., Sedek, G. and McIntosh, D. N. 2000. Impaired systematic, higher order strategies in depression and helplessness: Testing implications of the cognitive exhaustion model. In: Von Hecker, U., Dutke, S. and Sedek, G. eds. Generative Mental Processes and Cognitive Resources: Integrative Research on Adaptation and Control. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 245-275., (10.1007/978-94-011-4373-8_10)
- Von Hecker, U. and Sedek, G. 1999. Uncontrollability, depression, and the construction of mental models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 77(4), pp. 833-850. (10.1037/0022-3514.77.4.833)
- Feger, H. and Von Hecker, U. 1999. Einübung in Sozialpsychologie: Band I: Die intraindividuelle Perspektive [Introduction to social psychology, Volume I]. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Von Hecker, U. 1998. Mikro- und Makrostrukturen bei E. Johnsen: Eine Anwendung in der sozialen Kognition.. In: Klauer, K. C. and Westmeyer, H. eds. Psychologische Methoden und soziale Prozesse: Festschrift für Hubert Feger. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, pp. 268-298.
- Feger, H. and Von Hecker, U. 1998. Reciprocity as an interaction principle. In: Dowling, C. E., Roberts, F. S. and Theuns, P. eds. Recent Progress in Mathematical Psychology. Scientific Psychology Series Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 297-315.
- Von Hecker, U. 1997. How do logical inference rules help construct social mental models?. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 33(4), pp. 367-400. (10.1006/jesp.1997.1325)
- Von Hecker, U. 1997. Die Kognition von Sympathie und Affiliation: Von Strukturregeln zu mentalen Modellen. [The cognition of sentiment and affiliation. From structural rules to mental models.]. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie 44(3), pp. 447-477.
- Rudolph, U. and Von Hecker, U. 1997. Die Erklärung interpersonaler Ereignisse: Zur Bedeutung von Balanciertheit und Kausalität. [The explanation of interpersonal events: The role of cognitive balance and causality.]. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie 44(2), pp. 246-265.
- Von Hecker, U., Crockett, W. H., Hummert, M. L. and Kemper, S. 1996. Social cliques as mental models. European Journal of Social Psychology 26(5), pp. 741-749. (10.1002/(SICI)1099-0992(199609)26:5<741::AID-EJSP787>3.0.CO;2-8)
- Von Hecker, U. 1995. Werden Balanceeffekte im Gedächtnis durch Selbstreferenz moderiert? [Are balance effects in memory moderated by self reference?]. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie 42(1), pp. 25-42.
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- Sedek, G., Brzezicka, A. and Von Hecker, U. 2010. The unique cognitive limitation in subclinical depression: the impairment of mental model construction. In: Gruszka, A., Matthews, G. and Szymura, B. eds. Handbook of individual differences in cognition: Attention, memory and cognitive control. The Springer Series on Human Exceptionality New York: Springer, pp. 335-352., (10.1007/978-1-4419-1210-7_20)
- Klauer, K. C. and Von Hecker, U. 2009. Gedächtnis und emotion [Memory and emotion]. In: Brandstätter, V. and Otto, J. H. eds. Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie: Motivation und Emotion. Handbuch der Psychologie Vol. 11. Göttingen: Hogrefe, pp. 661-667.
- Hewstone, M. et al. 2008. Stepping stones to reconciliation in Northern Ireland: Intergroup contact, forgiveness, and trust. In: Nadler, A., Malloy, T. and Fisher, J. D. eds. The Social Psychology of Intergroup Reconciliation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 119-227., (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195300314.003.0010)
- Von Hecker, U., Sedek, G., Piber-Dabrowska, K. and Bedynska, S. 2005. Generative reasoning as influenced by depression, aging, stereotype threat, and prejudice. In: Engle, R. W. et al. eds. Cognitive Limitations in Aging and Psychopathology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 377-401., (10.1017/CBO9780511720413.015)
- Engle, R. W., Sedek, G., Von Hecker, U. and McIntosh, D. N. 2005. Cognitive limitations in aging and psychopathology: an introduction and a brief tutorial to research methods. In: Engle, R. W. et al. eds. Cognitive Limitations in Aging and Psychopathology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-16., (10.1017/CBO9780511720413.002)
- Von Hecker, U. and Sedek, G. 2000. Constructive thinking and depression: The case of linear orders. In: Borisov, I. I. ed. Man, Cognition, and Culture: Collected Works of Lecturers and Collaborators of the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology of Voronezh State University., Vol. 1. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Press, pp. 226-236.
- Von Hecker, U., Sedek, G. and McIntosh, D. N. 2000. Impaired systematic, higher order strategies in depression and helplessness: Testing implications of the cognitive exhaustion model. In: Von Hecker, U., Dutke, S. and Sedek, G. eds. Generative Mental Processes and Cognitive Resources: Integrative Research on Adaptation and Control. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 245-275., (10.1007/978-94-011-4373-8_10)
- Von Hecker, U. 1998. Mikro- und Makrostrukturen bei E. Johnsen: Eine Anwendung in der sozialen Kognition.. In: Klauer, K. C. and Westmeyer, H. eds. Psychologische Methoden und soziale Prozesse: Festschrift für Hubert Feger. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, pp. 268-298.
- Feger, H. and Von Hecker, U. 1998. Reciprocity as an interaction principle. In: Dowling, C. E., Roberts, F. S. and Theuns, P. eds. Recent Progress in Mathematical Psychology. Scientific Psychology Series Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 297-315.
- Newton, J. and Von Hecker, U. 2025. Pressure of the past: How Recalling Ostracism influences risk and benefit perception. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences 2025(19), pp. 1-22.
- Zarzeczna, N., Bertlich, T., Rutjens, B. T., Gerstner, I. and von Hecker, U. 2024. Space as a mental toolbox in the representation of meaning. Royal Society Open Science 11(11), article number: 240985. (10.1098/rsos.240985)
- Jin, Z., von Hecker, U., Symeonidou, N., Yi, L. and Klauer, K. C. 2024. The “good is up” metaphoric effects on recognition: True for source guessing but false for item memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (10.1177/17470218241269272)
- von Hecker, U., Muller, E., Dill, S. K. and Klauer, K. C. 2023. Mental representation of equivalence and order. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76(12), pp. 2779-2793. (10.1177/17470218231153974)
- Sankaran, S., Kossowska, M. and Von Hecker, U. 2023. When do they push the right buttons? Need for closure and the role of perceived control in situations of uncertainty. Personality and Individual Differences 213, article number: 112316. (10.1016/j.paid.2023.112316)
- von Hecker, U., Hanel, P. H. P., Jin, Z. and Winkielman, P. 2023. Self-generated cognitive fluency: Consequences on evaluative judgments. Cognition & Emotion 37(2), pp. 254-270. (10.1080/02699931.2022.2161482)
- Von Hecker, U., Lari, Z. A., Fazilat-Pour, M. and Krumpholtz, L. 2022. Attribution of feature magnitudes is influenced by trained reading-writing direction. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 34(2), pp. 194-207. (10.1080/20445911.2021.1978472)
- von Hecker, U. and Klauer, K. C. 2021. Do spatial arrays mentally represent rank orders?. Frontiers in Psychology 12, article number: 613186. (10.3389/fpsyg.2021.613186)
- von Hecker, U. and Klauer, K. C. 2021. Spatial processes in category assignment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150(3), pp. 446-465. (10.1037/xge0000907)
- Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T. and Haddock, G. 2020. Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46(1), pp. 36-65. (10.1037/xhp0000699)
- von Hecker, U., Klauer, K. C. and Asfalg, A. 2019. A robust anchoring effect in linear ordering. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(11), pp. 2680-2689. (10.1177/1747021819855234)
- Wolf, L. J., von Hecker, U. and Maio, G. R. 2017. Affective and cognitive orientations in intergroup perception. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43(6), pp. 828-844. (10.1177/0146167217699582)
- Sankaran, S., Sekerdej, M. and Von Hecker, U. 2017. The role of Indian caste identity and caste inconsistent norms on status representation. Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology 8, article number: 487. (10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00487)
- von Hecker, U., Klauer, K. C., Wolf, L. and Fazilat-Pour, M. 2016. Spatial processes in linear ordering. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42(7), pp. 1003-1033. (10.1037/xlm0000220)
- von Hecker, U., Hahn, U. and Rollings, J. 2016. Spatial representation of coherence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145(7), pp. 853-871. (10.1037/xge0000176)
- Hinton, E. C., Wise, R. G., Singh, K. D. and Von Hecker, U. 2015. Reasoning with linear orders: Differential parietal cortex activation in sub-clinical depression. An fMRI investigation in sub-clinical depression and controls. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, article number: 1061. (10.3389/fnhum.2014.01061)
- Von Hecker, U., Sedek, G. and McIntosh, D. 2015. Commentary on Lane, R. D., Ryan, L., Nadel, L., & Greenberg, L. The importance of processes of mental models construction for better conceptualization of cognitive aspects of change in psychotherapy. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 38, pp. 45. (10.1017/S0140525X14000326)
- Gebauer, J. E., Haddock, G., Broemer, P. and Von Hecker, U. 2013. The role of semantic self-perceptions in temporal distance perceptions toward autobiographical events: The semantic congruence model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105(5), pp. 852-872. (10.1037/a0033482)
- Von Hecker, U., Sedek, G. and Brzezicka, A. 2013. Impairments in mental model construction and benefits of defocused attention: distinctive facets of subclinical depression.. European Psychologist 18(1), pp. 35-46. (10.1027/1016-9040/a000133)
- Bukowski, M., Von Hecker, U. and Kossowska, M. 2013. Motivational determinants of reasoning about social relations: the role of need for cognitive closure. Thinking & Reasoning 19(2), pp. 150-177. (10.1080/13546783.2012.752407)
- Von Hecker, U., Klauer, C. K. and Sankaran, S. 2013. Embodiment of social status: verticality effects in multi-level rank-orders. Social Cognition 31(3), pp. 374-389. (10.1521/soco.2013.31.3.374)
- Brzezicka, A., Krejtz, I., Von Hecker, U. and Laubrock, J. 2012. Eye movement evidence for defocused attention in dysphoria - a perceptual span analysis. International Journal of Psychophysiology 85(1), pp. 129-133. (10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2011.09.022)
- Dutke, S. and Von Hecker, U. 2011. Comprehending ambiguous texts: A high reading span helps to constrain the situation model. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 23(2), pp. 227-242. (10.1080/20445911.2011.485127)
- Sedek, G., Piber-Dabrowska, K., Maio, G. R. and Von Hecker, U. 2011. Individual differences in prejudice and associative versus rule-based forms of transitive reasoning. European Journal of Social Psychology 41(7), pp. 853-865. (10.1002/ejsp.830)
- Dutke, S., Baadte, C., Hähnel, A., Von Hecker, U. and Rinck, M. 2010. Using Diagnostic Text Information to Constrain Situation Models. Discourse Processes 47(6), pp. 510-544. (10.1080/01638530903416257)
- Hinton, E., Dymond, S., Von Hecker, U. and Evans, C. J. 2010. Neural correlates of relational reasoning and the symbolic distance effect: involvement of parietal cortex. Neuroscience 168(1), pp. 138-148. (10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.03.052)
- Von Hecker, U. and Conway, M. 2010. Magnitude of negative priming varies with conceptual task difficulty: Attentional resources are involved in episodic retrieval processes. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63(4), pp. 666-678. (10.1080/17470210903080711)
- Gebauer, J. E., Broemer, P., Haddock, G. and Von Hecker, U. 2008. Inclusion-exclusion of positive and negative past selves: Mood congruence as information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95(2), pp. 470-487. (10.1037/a0012543)
- Von Hecker, U. 2008. Specific cognitive deficits in subclinical depression. International Journal of Psychology 43(3-4), pp. 366-366.
- Sedek, G. and von Hecker, U. 2008. Cognitive functions in aging, psychopathology and social stereotyping. International Journal of Psychology 43(3-4), pp. 366-366.
- Pour, M. F. and Von Hecker, U. 2008. Defocused mode of attention: Further evidences from perceptual eccentricity and memory. International Journal of Psychology 43(3-4), pp. 60-61.
- Meiser, T., Sattler, C. and Von Hecker, U. 2007. Metacognitive inferences in source memory decisions: The role of perceived differences in item recognition. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60(7), pp. 1015-1040. (10.1080/17470210600875215)
- Rudolph, U. and Von Hecker, U. 2006. Three principles of explanation: verb schemas, balance, and imbalance repair. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 25(4), pp. 377-405. (10.1177/0261927X06292766)
- Von Hecker, U. and Meiser, T. 2005. Defocused attention in depressed mood: Evidence from source monitoring. Emotion 5(4), pp. 456-463. (10.1037/1528-3542.5.4.456)
- Von Hecker, U. and Dutke, S. 2004. Integrative Social Perception: Individuals Low in Working Memory Benefit More From External Representations. Social Cognition 22(3), pp. 336-365. (10.1521/soco.22.3.336.35969)
- Sedek, G. and Von Hecker, U. 2004. Effects of Subclinical Depression and Aging on Generative Reasoning about Linear Orders: Same or Different Processing Limitations?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 133(2), pp. 237-260. (10.1037/0096-3445.133.2.237)
- Von Hecker, U. 2004. Disambiguating a mental model: Influence of social context. The Psychological Record 54(1), pp. 27-43., article number: 3.
- Von Hecker, U. 2002. Nomothetische und idiographische Konzepte. [Nomothetic and idiographic concepts.]. Erwägen Wissen Ethik 13(4), pp. 540-542.
- Von Hecker, U. 2001. Deriving prediction rules from co-occurrence data: A method based on Boolean algebra. Psychologische Beiträge 43(2), pp. 293-311.
- Von Hecker, U. and Sedek, G. 1999. Uncontrollability, depression, and the construction of mental models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 77(4), pp. 833-850. (10.1037/0022-3514.77.4.833)
- Von Hecker, U. 1997. How do logical inference rules help construct social mental models?. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 33(4), pp. 367-400. (10.1006/jesp.1997.1325)
- Von Hecker, U. 1997. Die Kognition von Sympathie und Affiliation: Von Strukturregeln zu mentalen Modellen. [The cognition of sentiment and affiliation. From structural rules to mental models.]. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie 44(3), pp. 447-477.
- Rudolph, U. and Von Hecker, U. 1997. Die Erklärung interpersonaler Ereignisse: Zur Bedeutung von Balanciertheit und Kausalität. [The explanation of interpersonal events: The role of cognitive balance and causality.]. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie 44(2), pp. 246-265.
- Von Hecker, U., Crockett, W. H., Hummert, M. L. and Kemper, S. 1996. Social cliques as mental models. European Journal of Social Psychology 26(5), pp. 741-749. (10.1002/(SICI)1099-0992(199609)26:5<741::AID-EJSP787>3.0.CO;2-8)
- Von Hecker, U. 1995. Werden Balanceeffekte im Gedächtnis durch Selbstreferenz moderiert? [Are balance effects in memory moderated by self reference?]. Zeitschrift für experimentelle Psychologie 42(1), pp. 25-42.
- Engle, R. W. et al. eds. 2005. Cognitive limitations in aging and psychopathology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10.1017/CBO9780511720413)
- Von Hecker, U. and Feger, H. 2001. Einübung in Sozialpsychologie: Band II: Die interindividuelle Perspektive [Introduction to social psychology, Volume II]. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Von Hecker, U., Dutke, S. and Sedek, G. eds. 2000. Generative mental processes and cognitive resources: integrative research on adaptation and control. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
- Feger, H. and Von Hecker, U. 1999. Einübung in Sozialpsychologie: Band I: Die intraindividuelle Perspektive [Introduction to social psychology, Volume I]. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Research topics and related papers
Spatial processes and abstract reasoning.
In this project, we are interested in the way spatial representations may underpin abstract reasoning. We test the hypothesis that, for example, order hierarchies are represented by a spatially extended dimension. We further assume that the construction of such a representation follows the guidance of the learned reading/writing direction (RWD). This means, we would represent the maximum of the dimension on the left for Westerners, but on the right when trained on a right-to-left RWD background, e.g., in the Middle East or Iran. This follows extant results demonstrating the horizontal number line, time-line, and related phenomena. We also extend this research to the understanding of category representations.
In social contexts, we are interested in understanding how social hierarchies, including the Indian Caste system, might be underpinned by spatial representations, in this case using the vertical dimension as related to status and power.
von Hecker, Klauer, Wolf, & Fazilat-Pour (2016), von Hecker, Klauer, & Aßfalg (2019), von Hecker & Klauer (2020), von Hecker, Klauer, & Sankaran (2013), Sankaran, Sekerdej, & von Hecker (2017).
Also, we are interested in the way spatial processes can support the representation of coherence, von Hecker, Hahn, & Rollings (2016).
Constructive mental processes: Social mental models. When we move into a new environment, start a new job, join a leisure group, or, in general, meet new people in new social contexts, we must try to get oriented within the new context. This involves forming an impression about what kind of group it might be, how homogeneous it seems to be, e.g., whether there are any subgroups or hierarchies in it. It is of equal importance, of course, to find an appropriate position in that group for ourselves. This is the basic psychological situation studied in this project. The general idea is that, in the process of doing all of the above, one attempts to construct a so-called mental model of the new social environment. Such a model represents the group as a whole and, at the same time, contains information about pairwise relationships between members in an integrated, highly connected fashion. We are interested in finding out how the constructive process unfolds, and, specifically, to what extent it is based on logical inference rules. Assuming that such rules work on the basis of specified antecedent knowledge, we ask what specific information is selected and seen as diagnostic when a rule is applied to establish a common, global representation of subgroups and factions. Are there perception biases which lead to overemphasize or to neglect observed boundaries or polarizations within a group? Under what conditions does one assume reciprocity for sympathy relations, i.e., assume to be liked by someone whom one finds likeable? What is the role of the context, e.g., social background information, or stereotypes, in which the group is placed? In this project, these and similar questions are examined experimentally.
Research on topics within this area has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), and the Russell Sage Foundation, USA (Sectarian Conflict and Cross-Community Trust in Northern Ireland).
See von Hecker (1997), von Hecker & Sedek (1999), Hewstone et al. (2008), Dutke et al. (in press), Dutke & von Hecker (in press).
Cognitive symptoms in depression. Besides their well-known affective disturbances, depressed persons show a number of cognitive symptoms as well. Depressed individuals are often very diligent and accurate in their attempts to work on intellectual tasks. They are meticulous in processing information at the detail level and perform very well in simple tasks requiring effort or vigilance. On the other hand, depressed mood is associated with impairments in generating a clear picture of an overall situation, in gaining an overview about a problem at a large scale, or in constructing a clear representation of a decision or a social situation. Depressed individuals sometimes "don't see the wood for the trees". The basic assumption in this research is that one of the main cognitive deficits in reactive depression can be seen as a specific impairment in generating mental models. In order to examine this idea, we are developing experimental settings that permit (1) to trace different cognitive operations that occur during the learning and memorizing of different sorts of materials, social and non-social; (2) to distinguish between genuinely cognitive and genuinely motivational/emotional components of the observable deficits. The aim is to better understand how processes of thought and memory might be altered in depression. Recently, processes of active deployment and control of attention tend to be in the focus of interest. Scientific knowledge of this kind is of central importance for successful approaches to treatment as well as therapeutic intervention.
Research on topics within this area has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and the Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN).
See von Hecker & Sedek (1999), Sedek & von Hecker (2004), von Hecker & Meiser (2005), von Hecker, Sedek & McIntosh (2015)
Mental control and inhibition. Highly overlearned, deeply entrenched knowledge may exert an automatic influence on responses, and such influence is hard to overcome. Research on thought suppression has identified attentional processes that help to concentrate on desired contents while keeping unintended contents out of concern. This research project examines the ability of experimental participants to give random "yes" / "no" – answers to trivia questions. According to earlier findings, this is a very difficult task to do, since automatized knowledge drives a tendency to respond in the correct direction. We are interested in developing an experimental setting to study this type of task, and we explore potential ways how to improve participants' ability to inhibit unwanted associations in their thought, and to direct their responses towards the generation of "true randomness". Research on mental control and inhibition is relevant to a number of applications, including commitment in social relationships and the treatment of reactive depression. In this context, we are also interested in phenomena of "negative priming", that is, situations in which a previously presented stimulus can lead to a delay (instead of acceleration) in response when this stimulus is shown again Soon afterwards.
Research on topics within this area has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). See von Hecker & Conway (2010).
Research group
Jin Zixi (PhD student), Maohua Nie (incoming MSc student)
Research collaborators
Geoffrey Haddock (Psychology, Cardiff University)
Simon Dymond (Psychology, Swansea University)
Ana Guinote (Psychology, University College London)
Elanor Hinton (Psychology, University of Bristol)
Michael Conway (Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada)
Stephan Dutke (Psychology, University of Muenster, Germany)
Karl Christoph Klauer (Psychology, University of Freiburg, Germany)
Marcin Bukowski (Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
Izabela Kreijtz (Psychology, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland)
Grzegorz Sedek (Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Cognitive Studies, ICACS, Warsaw, Poland)
Caterina Suitner (University of Padova, Italy)
Piotr Winkielman (University of California at San Diego, USA)
Paul Hanel (University of Bath, UK)
Sindhuja Sankaran (University of Krakow, Poland)
Malgosia Kossowska (University of Krakow, Poland)
André Aßfalg (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Caterina Suitner (University of Padova, Italy)
Piotr Winkielman (University of California at San Diego, USA)
Paul Hanel (University of Bath, UK)
Sindhuja Sankaran (University of Krakow, Poland)
Malgosia Kossowska (University of Krakow, Poland)
André Aβfalg (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Meena Dhanda (University of Wolverhampton)
Undergraduate education
1986: Diploma in Psychology, University of Hamburg
Postgraduate education
1992: Ph.D., Psychology, Free University Berlin
1999: Habilitation, Free University Berlin
2010-present: Senior Lecturer at the School of Psychology, Cardiff University.
2000 (September) to 2009: Lecturer at the School of Psychology, Cardiff University.
1996 (August) – 2000 (August): Lecturer at the Institute of Psychology, University of Potsdam, Department of Social Psychology
1994 (February) - 1996 (July): Lecturer at the Institute of Psychology, Free University Berlin
1993 (August) -1994 (January): Scholarship at the University of Kansas, USA
1988 - 1993: Lecturer at the Institute of Psychology, Free University Berlin, Department of Social Psychology
1986 - 1988: Lecturership, funded by Research Project Attitudes and Behavior, Department of Social Psychology, University of Hamburg
Honours and awards
Awards/external committees
2010-2012: Nomination and empanelment for ESRC Peer Review College.
2009-2011: Empanelment as Research Guide at the Centre for Research of Christ University, Bangalore, India.
Postgraduate research interests
My current interests are in social psychology, in particular social cognition and the link between cognition and emotion. I study how social schemata shape the way we perceive groups and social relations around us and involving us, and how social perception is affected by states of dysphoria and depression. For example, I have found that sad mood influences cognition in highly specific ways, impairing us in situations when we have to process and integrate novel stimuli into mental models and global representations. My recent research focuses on attentional control and embodiment, that is, to what extent physical dimensions and bodily experiences shape the formation of abstract ideas and concepts.
If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details available on the 'Overview' page), or submit a formal application.
Current students
Lukas Wolf (2nd year), Embodiment of social values.