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Xuan Wang  Senior Fellow (Advanced HE)

Dr Xuan Wang

Senior Fellow (Advanced HE)

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Xuan Wang


I am Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies in MLANG and Dean of BNU-Cardiff Joint College.

Currently I serve as the Chair and Trustee of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society. I am also a Council Member of and the Representative of the UK to the European Association of Chinese Teaching.   














  • Dong, J., Du, C., Juffermans, K., Li, J., Varis, P. and Wang, X. 2012. Chinese in a superdiverse world. Presented at: Anéla 2012 Applied Linguistics Conference, Lunteren, Netherlands, 9-11 May 2011 Presented at de Jong, N. et al. eds.Papers of the Anela 2012 Applied Linguistics Conference. Eburon pp. 349-366.



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  • Dong, J., Du, C., Juffermans, K., Li, J., Varis, P. and Wang, X. 2012. Chinese in a superdiverse world. Presented at: Anéla 2012 Applied Linguistics Conference, Lunteren, Netherlands, 9-11 May 2011 Presented at de Jong, N. et al. eds.Papers of the Anela 2012 Applied Linguistics Conference. Eburon pp. 349-366.





My research interests are interdisciplinary, broadly informed by critical sociolinguistics and applied linguistics, linguistic anthroplogy, cultural studies, media studies and Chinese studies. I am particularly interested in the sociolinguistics of globalization, and my work since 2014 has focused on the understanding of language use, identity making, digital communication and social changes in globalizing China. I also conduct research in language learning and education with a focus on Mandarin Chinese. I welcome doctoral applications in these areas. 



I have served as the Programme Director of Chinese and teach on a range of modules on BA Modern Chinese and BA Modern Languages. I have also contributed to the teaching and supervision on MA Translation Studies and MA Global Cultures. 


I hold a BA in English (Hubei, China), an MA in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (UCL, UK) with distinction, and a PhD in Sociolinguistics (Tilburg, The Netherlands). In addition, I have a PGCE in language (UCL, UK) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Chinese as A Foreign Language (SOAS, UK). Prior to joining Cardiff, I held teaching and research positions in University of London (UK), KU Leuven (Belgium), Tilburg University and Maastricht University (The Netherlands). 

Honours and awards

2024: Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
2023-2024: Cardiff Enriching Student Life Awards (multiple nominations)
2022-2023: Cardiff Enriching Student Life Awards (nomination)
2019-2021: Cardiff Futures
2018-2019: Cardiff Outstanding Contribution Award 
2017-2018: Cardiff Most Inspiring Teacher Award (nomination) 

Professional memberships

  • British Chinese Language Teaching Society (Former Chair)
  • British Association of Chinese Studies 
  • International Pragmatics Association 
  • European Association of Chinese Teaching 
  • International Society for Chinese Language Teaching 


I am interested in hearing about postgraduate applications for research in the areas of critical sociolinguistics and applied linguistics, particularly topics that engage with the Sinophone and transnational Chinese, and address any aspects of language, discourse, culture, identity or teaching and learning in relation to social changes, digital communication and inequalities. 


2018-2021: Abigail Gasgoyne (ESRC Collaborative DTP Scholarship) Evaluating Welsh Cultural Policy With Reference To Sino-Welsh Exchanges.

2022-2026: Shanshan Xie (CSC Scholarship) Chronotopes, Signs and Changes: An Ethnographic Linguistic Landscape Study of Peri-Urban China. 

Current supervision

Contact Details


  • Studies of Asian society
  • Chinese popular culture
  • Applied linguistics and educational linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Digital Cultures