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Yizhi Wang

Dr Yizhi Wang

Lecturer in Finance

Available for postgraduate supervision


Dr. Yizhi Wang, FHEA, is a Lecturer (assistant professor) in Finance at Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School, UK. He also serves as the Deputy Director of Cardiff Fintech Research Group. Moreover, he is the Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’sFinance Research Letters.

Yizhi Wang has been immersed in the field of Finance for many years. He has accumulated excellent teaching and research experience. He widely published in leading academic journals and independently designed an R-based tutorial book related to financial econometrics (500+ pages). Moreover, he has taken part in numerous academic activities.

His research interests include Financialization and Econometrics. As a single author, first author or corresponding author, Yizhi's research is widely published in ABS-ranked journals, such as, amongst others, Risk Analysis, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, The European Journal of Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Economics Letters, Energy, Energy Economics, Journal of Commodity Markets, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, International Review of Financial Analysis. He was awarded the Shanghai Institute of International Finance and Economics Best Paper Award.

Furthermore, Yizhi Wang is an Associate Editor for the International Review of Financial Analysis (ABS 3), and the Research in International Business and Finance (ABS 2). At the same time, Yizhi Wang is also a Guest Editor in International Review of Economics & Finance, and Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. His research works can be found in his Google Scholar profile (

Yizhi Wang has his own indices database, including Cryptocurrency Policy Uncertainty Index (UCRY Policy), Cryptocurrency Price Uncertainty Index (UCRY Price), Cryptocurrency Environmental Attention Index (ICEA), CBDC Attention Index (CBDCAI), CBDC Uncertainty Index (CBDCUI), and Non-Fungible Tokens Attention Index (NFTsAI), Aggregate Climate Change Concern Index (ACCC) and Financial Technology (FinTech) Index. All the indices will be updated quarterly and can be downloaded from (









Research interests

Financialization, Econometrics

Google Scholar profile:


  • Editor-in-Chief of Finance Research Letters (ABS 2)
  • Associate Editor in International Review of Financial Analysis (ABS 3)
  • Associate Editor in Research in International Business and Finance (ABS 2)
  • Guest Editor in International Review of Economics & Finance (VSI: Net Zero); Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (VSI: Digital Tokens)



Yizhi Wang is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Yizhi is wholeheartedly committed to education, dedicated to teaching, and consistently improving his teaching abilities by adhering to the frameworks of AACSB and EQUIS. He focuses on enhancing both personal and professional skills, remains aware of and strives to follow the examples set by more experienced educators, and is keen on setting a good example for students through his ethics. Yizhi diligently applies himself to the long-term development of his teaching career.

The students supervised by Yizhi are highly sought after in the job market, securing positions at top academic institutions and financial companies such as the University of Oxford, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase & Co, among others.

He currently serves as the module leader for the undergraduate module BS2514: Financial Markets and Institutions (Teaching evaluation: 4.7/5 in 22/23; 4.9/5 in 23/24), and the postgraduate level module BST158: Big Data Analytics for Finance. During his time as a PhD student, he also contributed to the postgraduate modules BU7510: Financial Econometrics & Data Science, BU7508: Derivatives, and BU7505: Investment Theory.




Professional memberships

American Finance Association

Committees and reviewing


Cardiff Business School Research Committee


Research Groups:

Cardiff Fintech Research Group

Cardiff Sustainable Finance Research Group

The Environmental, Ecological, Extinction Accounting, Governance and Economics Research Group


I am currently available to supervise postgraduate research students in the Financialization. 

Current supervision

Yueyang Wang

Yueyang Wang

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 13227
Campuses Aberconway Building, Room Q09A, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU