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James White

Professor James White


Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for James White



I am a Professor and Deputy Director of Population Health Trials in the Centre for Trials Research, DECIPHer (Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement) and WAVU (Wales Applied Virology Unit) in Cardiff University. I sit on research funding panels for the National Institue of Health Research (NIHR), Wellcome Trust and Health and Care Research Wales. I also mentor mid-career researchers for the NIHR Academy. The focus of my research is to understand how social, psychological, biological, behavioural and genetic factors from across the life course, influence behaviours which effect health and chronic diseases of major public health importance: cardiovascular disease and mental illness. The ultimate aim of this body of research is disease prevention.

I have secured over £38M (£3.5 as chief investigator) in competitive grant funding. 

Current projects

Selected past projects



















Book sections





Current research interests

  • Epidemiology of risk behaviours
  • Aetiology and prevention of drug use
  • Design and evaluation of school-based public health prevention interventions
  • The rigorous evaluation of complex interventions, in particular the use of natural experiments and cluster randomised trials
  • Sexual health promotion
  • Homelessness
  • Mental health as a risk factor for somatic disease
  • Neighbourhood effects on mental health
  • Development of cardiovascular risk factors in childhood and adolescence
  • Socioeconomic differentials in health
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis



  • BSc Intercalated Population Medicine
  • BSc Intercalated Exam Board Member
  • MB BCh (Medical undergraduate) curriculum: Evidence based Medicine
  • Academic mentor and personal tutor (MB BCh students)


  • I am Post-Graduate Research Lead within the Centre for Trials Research.
  • Master’s in Public Health (MPH): Assessor on Epidemiology and Statistical Methodology modules;
  • Master’s in Public Health (MPH): Dissertation supervision

External courses

  • DECIPHer short course - Evaluating Complex Public Health Interventions.
  • Canadian Institute for Collaborative Learning Institute in Evaluation.
  • Welsh Government training for Assembly Ministers on natural experiments.


Education and qualifications

  • Member of the NIHR Academy
  • Higher Education Academy Fellow, Postgraduate Certificate of Teaching and Learning, Cardiff University
  • Leadership and Management Development Programme for Research Team Leaders, Cardiff University.
  • PhD in "Development of Negative Body Image and Disordered Eating during Adolescence"
  • MSc in Social Science Research Methods
  • BSc in Psychology (Hons)

Current internal management

  • Centre for Trials Research (CTR) Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity lead for gender reassignment
  • Member of CTR Executive Management Committee
  • CTR lead for postgraduate research
  • College of Biomedical and Lifesciences College of Experts
  • Member of School of Medicine Research Degrees Committee
  • DECIPHer strategic board member
  • Unit of Assessment 3 REF coordinating group member

Honours and awards


  • Outstanding Contribution Award. Cardiff University.
  • The Seymour Fisher Outstanding Body Image Dissertation Award

External Activities

  • Scientific advisor for Evidence to Impact
  • External examiner: National University of Ireland (NUI):  Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarship and Prize in Public Health

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Member of the Cochrane Collaboration
  • Member of the United Kingdom Society for Behavioural Medicine
  • Member of the International Society for Behavioural Medicine

Academic positions

2022-date Professor / Deputy Director of Population Health Trials, Centre for Trials Research (CTR), Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement, Cardiff University.

2019-2022 Reader/ Deputy Director of Population Health Trials, Centre for Trials Research (CTR), Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement, Cardiff University.

2016-2019  Senior Lecturer in Public Health/ Deputy Director of Population Health Trials, Centre for Trials Research (CTR), Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health ImpRovement, Cardiff University.

2014-2016  Lecturer in Public Health, Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health ImpRovement, South East Wales Trials Unit, School of Medicine, Cardiff University.

2010-2014 Research Fellow, Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health ImpRovement, School of Medicine, Cardiff University.

2008-2010 Research Associate in Social Epidemiology, Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Cardiff University.

Speaking engagements

  1. Griffiths, D., Dobbie, F., Weir, C., Miller, M., Stoddard, A., Wardle, H., Purves, R., Maxwell., C., White, J. Peer diffusion of a gambling harm prevention intervention in Scottish schools: Evaluating PRoGRAM-A. International network for social network analysis. June 24th, 2024.


  1. White, J. [invited talk]. Cannabis, cannabis potency, cannabidiol, synthetic cannabinoid use and mental health in UK adolescents. Online event. University College Dublin Academic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Seminar Series. January 19th 2024.


  1. Bennett, V., Smith, P., Meindl, M., Schroeder, E., Petrou, S., Forrester, D., Lugg-Widger, F., Pallmann, P., White, J., Westlake, D. Student perspectives on social workers in schools: a Q-method study. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. August 18th 2024.


  1. Schroeder, E., Petrou, S., Westlake, D., Forrester, D., Lugg-Widger, F., Pallmann, P., White, J. The Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Consequences of a School-Based Social Worker Intervention: a Within-Trial Economic Evaluation. 15th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association. July 8-12, 2023.


  1. Rodgers, S. E., Geary, R., Wheeler, B., Garret, J., Thompson, D., Rowney, F., Mizen, A., White, M., Lovell, R., Fry, R., Watkins, A., Akbari, A., Stratton, G., Lyons, R., White, J., Tsimpida, D., Nieuwenhuijsen, M. The impact of exposure and access to green/blue spaces on mental health inequalities: a population-wide dynamic longitudinal panel study with linked survey data. Urban Transitions. Barcelona, Spain. 8-10th November 2022.


  1. White, J. [invited talk]. Mortality among people sleeping rough, squatting, residents of homeless shelters or hotels and people sofa-surfing: a pooled analysis of UK birth cohorts. Centre for Homelessness Impact Research Network. Online event. 5th May 2022.


  1. White, J. [invited talk]. Innovation and evaluation in homelessness practice: The Moving On Study. Policy that Works conference. UK Government Cabinet Office. 3rd March 2022.


  1. Daly, M., Sanders, J., White, J., Kipping., R. What do women know and think about preconception health? A cross-sectional survey in Bristol and North Somerset. South West Public Health Scientific Conference. 22nd March 2022. Online event.


  1. Geary, R., Wheeler, B., Garret, J., Thompson, D., Rowney, F., Mizen, A., White, M., Lovell, R., Fry, R., Watkins, A., Akbari, A., Stratton, G., Lyons, R., White, J., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., and Rodgers, S. E. Greater exposure and access to green/blue spaces are associated with preventing subsequent Common Mental health Disorders. International Medical Geography Symposium. 19th-24th June 2022. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.


  1. Wheeler, B., Garret, J., Thompson, D., Rowney, F., Mizen, A., White, M., Lovell, R., Fry, R., Watkins, A., Akbari, A., Stratton, G., Lyons, R., White, J., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Geary, R. and Rodgers, S. E. Visits to green/blue space and subjective wellbeing associations are modified by socio-economic deprivation. International Medical Geography Symposium. 19th-24th June 2022. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.


  1. Garret, J., Thompson, D., Rowney, F., Mizen, A., White, M., Lovell, R., Fry, R., Watkins, A., Wheeler, B., Akbari, A., Stratton, G., Lyons, R., White, J., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Geary, R. and Rodgers, S. E. Association between green space and time spent in nature with subjective wellbeing: cross-sectional data linkage study. UK Public Health Science Conference. November 2021.


  1. Thompson, D., Garret, J., Rowney, F., Mizen, A., White, M., Lovell, R., Fry, R., Watkins, A., Wheeler, B., Akbari, A., Stratton, G., Lyons, R., White, J., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Geary, R. and Rodgers, S. E. Exposure to green-blue spaces and mental health: a retrospective e-cohort study in Wales. UK Public Health Science Conference. November 2021.


  1. White, J. [invited talk]. Mortality among rough sleepers, squatters, residents of homeless shelters, hotels, and sofa surfers: a pooled analysis of UK birth cohorts. Royal Statistical Society: Challenging Statistics in Public Health. 23 November 2021. Online event.


  1. Rowney, F., Thompson, D., Mizen, A., White, M., Lovell, R., Fry, R., Watkins, A., Wheeler, B., Akbari, A., Stratton, G., Lyons, R., White, J., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Geary, R. and Rodgers, S. E.  “Is Wellbeing Associated with Time Spent in Nature?”, International Journal of Population Data Science, 5(5). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v5i5.1619. International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) Conference. November 2020.


  1. Thompson, D. A., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., White, J., Lovell, R., White, M., Lyons, R. A., Stratton, G., Akbari, A., Geary, R., Wheeler, B., Watkins, A., Fry, R., Rowney, F., Mizen, A. and Rodgers, S. E. (2020) “Green-Blue Spaces and Mental Health: A Longitudinal Data Linkage Study”, International Journal of Population Data Science, 5(5). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v5i5.1616. International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) Conference. November 2020.


  1. Rowney, F., Wheeler, B., White, M., Thompson, D., Fry, R., Mizen, A., White, J., Rodgers, S. et al. Green-blue space and mental health. 2nd March 2020.The Multiple Values of Nature. British Ecological Society. Bristol, United Kingdom.


  1. White, J. [invited talk]. Example of a natural experiment of an area-wide regeneration programme. What next for natural experimental studies? 25th November 2019. Medical Research Council & Chief Scientists Office, Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow. Glasgow, United Kingdom.


  1. White, J. [key note]. Coproducing and prototyping interventions. European Society for Prevention Research. 25th October 2018. Lisbon, Portugal.


19.  Cannings-John, R., Lugg-Widger, F., Robling, M., Paranjothy, S., White, J., Pell, J., Sanders, J. (2018). Evaluating the Family Nurse Partnership Programme in Scotland: a natural experiment approach. International Journal of Population Data Science. Sep 10;3(4).


20.  Song, J., Fry, R., Mizen, A., Akbari, A., Wheeler, B., White, J., White, M., Lovell, R., Lyons, R., Rodgers, S. (2018) Association between blue and green space availability with mental health and wellbeing. International Journal of Population Data Science. 2018 Sep 6;3(4).


  1. White, J. [invited talk]. Use of propensity score to improve causal inference. MQ Data Science Meeting. 20th September 2018. London, United Kingdom.


  1. Song, J., Fry, R, Mizen, A., Rodgers, S., White, J. et al.  Association between blue and green space availability with mental health and wellbeing. International Conference for Administrative Data Research. June 21-22, 2018. Belfast, United Kingdom.


  1. Dobbie F., Purves R., McKell J., White J., Campbell R., Amos A. et al. A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial (ASSIST) a decade on: insights from a mixed method process evaluation. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 7-9th March 2018; 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health. Cape Town, South Africa.


  1. MacArthur, G.J., Caldwell, D. M., Redmore, J., Watkins, S., Er, V., Langford, R., White, J., Chittleborough, C., Pasch, K., Lingam, R., Kipping, R.R., Gunnell, D.J., Hickman, M., Campbell, R.M. Individual-, family- and school-level interventions to prevent multiple risk behaviours in young people aged 8-25 years: a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. South West Public Health Scientific Conference 2018; Bristol. United Kingdom.


  1. Er, V., Dias, K., Papadaki, A., White, J. et al. Are diet and physical activity associated with zBMI in 2-4-year olds in North Somerset and Gloucestershire: a cross-sectional study. Oral presentation. South West Public Health Scientific Conference 2018: 2018; Bristol. United Kingdom.


  1. Tinner, L., Kipping, R., White, J. et al. Are quality of life and family expenditure on physical activity associated with physical activity in 2-4-year-olds in North Somerset and Gloucestershire? Oral presentation. South West Public Health Scientific Conference 2018: 2018; Bristol. United Kingdom.


  1. Kipping, R., Langford, R., White, J. et al. NAP SACC UK: feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial and process evaluation of an environmental intervention in nurseries and a web-based home intervention to increase physical activity, oral health and healthy eating in children aged 2–4 years. Oral presentation. ISBNPA conference 2017: 2017; Victoria. Canada.


  1. Purves, R., Dobbie, F., McKell, J., Moore, L., Campbell, R., White, J., Amos, A., Dougall, D. Bauld, L. Young peoples' experience of a peer-led smoking prevention programme. Society for the Study of Addiction annual conference 2017. 9-10 November. Newcastle upon Tyne. United Kingdom.


  1. MacArthur, G.J., Caldwell, D. M., Redmore, J., Watkins, S., Er, V., Langford, R., White, J., Chittleborough, C., Pasch, K., Lingam, R., Kipping, R.R., Gunnell, D.J., Hickman, M., Campbell, R.M. Individual-, family- and school-level interventions to prevent multiple risk behaviours in young people aged 8-25 years: a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. 6th– 8th September. Society of Social Medicine conference 2017: 2017; Manchester, United Kingdom.


  1. Kipping R, Langford R, White J et al. NAP SACC UK: feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial and process evaluation of an environmental intervention in nurseries and a web-based home intervention to increase physical activity, oral health and healthy eating in children aged 2–4 years. 6th– 8th September. Society of Social Medicine conference 2017: 2017; Manchester, United Kingdom.


  1. Kipping R, Langford R, White J et al. Feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial and process evaluation of an environmental intervention in nurseries and a web-based home intervention to increase physical activity, oral health and healthy eating in children aged 2–4 years: NAP SACC UK. Oral presentation. South West Public Health Scientific Conference 2017: Bristol, United Kingdom.


  1. White, J., Hawkins, J., Madden, K., Grant, A., Er, V., Angel, L., Pickles, T., Kelson, M., Fletcher, A., Murphy, S. et al. Adapting the ASSIST model of informal peer-led intervention delivery to the Talk to FRANK drug prevention programme in UK secondary schools (ASSIST+ FRANK): intervention development, refinement and a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. UK Public Health Science. 24th November 2017. London, United Kingdom.


  1. White, J., Greene, G., Rodgers, S.E., Dunstan, F., Lyons, R., Humphreys, I., Farewell, D., John, A., Webster, C., Phillips, C.  & Fone, D. [invited talk]. Improving mental health through the regeneration of deprived neighbourhoods. Oxford University. Department of Social Policy and Intervention. 24th November 2017. Oxford, United Kingdom.


  1. White, J., Hawkins, J., Madden, K., Grant, A., Er, V., Angel, L., Pickles, T., Kelson, M., Fletcher, A., Murphy, S. et al. (2017). Adapting the ASSIST model of informal peer-led intervention delivery to the Talk to FRANK drug prevention programme in UK secondary schools (ASSIST+ FRANK): intervention development, refinement and a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. Addictions 2017. 24th October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.


  1. Kipping, R., Langford, R., White, J., Metcalfe, C., Papadaki, A., Hollingworth, W., Moore, L., Campbell, R., Ward, D., Jago, R., Brockman, R., Wells, S., Nicholson, A., Collingwood, J. Feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial and process evaluation of an environmental intervention in nurseries and a web-based home intervention to increase physical activity, oral health and healthy eating in children aged 2–4 years: NAPSACC UK. Society for Social Medicine. September 6-8, 2017. Manchester, United Kingdom.


  1. Young H, Turney C, White J, Bonell C, Lewis R, Fletcher A. Dating and Relationship Violence and Non-Volitional Sex Among 16–19 Year-Olds in England and Wales: A Cross-Sectional Study of Types of Victimisation. 23rd Congress of the World Association for sexual health. May 28 – 31, 2017. Prague, Czech Republic.


  1. Quinn-Scoggins, H.D., White, J. and Kemp, A.  Learn About Burns: A school based burns prevention and first-aid program. Qualitative results for a feasibility study. The 50th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Burns Association. 3rd - 5th May, 2017. London, United Kingdom.      


  1. Quinn-Scoggins, H.D., White, J. and Kemp, A. A feasibility study of a school based burns prevention program: Learn About Burns. The 8th World Congress on Paediatric Burns. 21st - 23rd June, 2017. Birmingham, United Kingdom.      


  1. White, J., Greene, G., Rodgers, S.E., Dunstan, F., Lyons, R., Humphreys, I., Farewell, D., John, A., Webster, C., Phillips, C.  & Fone, D. [invited talk]. Improving mental health through the regeneration of deprived neighborhoods. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 23rd March 2016. London, United Kingdom.


  1. Brockman R, Jago R, White J, Campbell R, Hollingworth W, Metcalfe C, Papadaki A, Wells S, Ward D, Moore L, Kipping R. Parents' and staff's views of adapting the Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care Childcare in UK nurseries to improve physical activity and healthy eating [abstract]. The Lancet 2016: 388, S22. London. United Kingdom.


  1. Brockman R, Jago R, White J, Campbell R, Hollingworth W, Metcalfe C, Papadaki A, Wells S, Ward D, Moore L, Kipping R. NAP SACC UK: adapting a US environmental intervention in UK nurseries to increase physical activity and healthy eating in 2-4 year olds. Oral presentation. UKCRC 2016 Conference; 2016; Norwich. United Kingdom.


  1. Brockman R, Jago R, White J, Campbell R, Hollingworth W, Metcalfe C, Papadaki A, Wells S, Ward D, Moore L, Kipping R. NAP SACC UK: adapting a US environmental intervention in UK nurseries to increase physical activity and healthy eating in 2-4 year olds. Oral presentation. South West Public Health Scientific Conference 2016: 2016; Bristol.


  1. MacArthur, GJ, Caldwell, DM, Redmore, J, Watkins, S, Er, V, Langford, R, White, J, Chittleborough, C, Pasch, K, Lingam, R, Kipping, RR, Gunnell, DJ, Hickman, M Campbell, RM. 2017 Individual-, family- and school-level interventions to prevent multiple risk behaviours in young people aged 8-25 years: a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. Society of Social Medicine conference, Manchester, United Kingdom. September 2016.


  1. Brockman, al. 2016. Parents' and staff's views of adapting the Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Childcare in UK nurseries to improve physical activity and healthy eating. The Lancet 388, article number: S27. (10.1016/S0140-6736(16)32263-2). Lancet Public Health Science Conference. 25th November 2016. Cardiff, United Kingdom.


  1. White, J., Greene, G., Rodgers, S.E., Dunstan, F., Lyons, R., Humphreys, I., Farewell, D., John, A., Webster, C., Phillips, C.  & Fone, D. Improving mental health through the regeneration of deprived neighborhoods: A prospective controlled quasi-experimental study. Lancet Public Health Science Conference. 25th November 2016. Cardiff, United Kingdom.


  1. Rodgers, S.E., Fry, R., Morgan, J., Orford, S., Dunstan, F., Lyons, R., White, J.,  & Fone, D. Alcohol outlet density and hospital admissions for alcohol-related injury: an electronic record-linked cohort study. 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. 18–21 September, 2016. Tampere, Finland.


  1. White, J., Rehkopf, D., Mortensen, L. Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in Body Mass Index, Underweight and Obesity Among English Children, 2007-2008 to 2011-2012. UK CRC Public Health Conference, Edinburgh, 19 – 20 November 2015.


  1. Hawkins, J., Madden, K., White, J., et al. Collaboration and co-production: A framework for the developing, piloting and refining of public health interventions from the ASSIST+Frank study. Public Health Wales, Cardiff, 2 - 3rd,November 2015.


  1. Evans, R., White, J. et al. 2015. Systematic review of self-harm and suicide in children and young people in the care of the state. Presented at: 28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 16-20 June 2015.


  1. Fone, D. L., Dunstan, F., White, J., Webster, C., Rodgers, S., Lee, S., Shiode, N. Orford, S., Weightman, A., Brennan, I., Sivarajasingam, V., Morgan, J, Fry., R & Lyons, R. Change in alcohol outlet density and the risk of violent crime. (2015). 41st Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society. June 1-5, Munich.


Committees and reviewing

Board memberships

  • National Institute of Health Research Public Health Research. Systematic Review Team Board.
  • Wellcome Trust, Mental Health Committee Board.
  • Health and Care Research Wales. Integrated Funding Scheme.
  • Health and Care Research Wales. PhD Health Studentship Committee.
  • GENIUS Network five-priming assessment panel. UK Prevention Research Partnership.


  • Academy of Medical Sciences
  • NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme
  • NIHR Public Health Research Programme
  • MRC Joint Global Health Trials scheme
  • MRC Population Health Scientist Fellowship scheme
  • MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship
  • MRC Skills Development Fellowship scheme
  • ESRC standard grants scheme
  • Cancer Research UK: Tobacco Advisory Group; Population Research Committee;
  • Wellcome Trust: Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship

Study steering committe member

  • UKs Department of Levelling Up and Communities. Test & Learn and System Evaluation.
  • Child poverty pathfinders evaluation. Scottish Government.
  • PReventing Gambling Related Harm in Adolescents (PROGRAM-A). Medical Research Council Public Health Intervention Development Scheme.
  • Developing and feasibility testing an intervention to improve the management of BZD dependence and high risk use which is associated with the escalating drug related deaths in Scotland. Chief Scientists Office, Scottish Government.
  • SAFE 2: Optimisation, feasibility testing and a pilot randomised trial of SaFE: a sexual health and healthy relationships intervention for Further Education. National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research.


Journal reviewer

  • British Medical Journal
  • International Journal of Epidemiology
  • Lancet Public Health
  • JAMA Pediatrics
  • British Journal of Psychiatry



PhD students

I currently have one PhD student:

  • Sophie Borgia, "The perspectives, experiences and perceived impacts of social policies in relation to the inclusion or marginalisation of gender minority students: a mixed methods case study in Wales" (ESRC DTC)



I am a mentor for the NIHR to mid-career researchers and for Health and Care Research Wales.

Past projects

Previous PhD students:

Michael Day, "Preconception Health Improvement: Intervention development to target multiple modifiable risk factors for adverse perinatal outcomes", Medical Research Council (MRC) GW4 BioMed DTP. (Awarded 2023).

Kaiseree Dias, “Increasing physical activity in pre-school aged children: systematic review, individual participant meta-analysis and intervention pilot.” Medical Research Council (MRC) GW4 BioMed DTP (Awarded 2022). 

Rhiannon Yapp, “Peer moderating and mediating effects upon parent-child relationships, school connectedness and adolescent substance use”. Medical Research Council funded (Awarded 2019).

Luke Midgely, "Developing and implementing substance misuse prevention policies in schools: A mixed methods socio ecological case study in Wales". ESRC Doctoral Training Centre funding (Awarded 2019).

Harriet Quinn Scoggins, "Development and feasibility testing of a school-based programme to prevent childhood burns". Health Foundation funded (Awarded 2018).



I am the Centre for Trials Research EDI lead for gender reassignment.