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Dean Whybrow  BSc (Hons) PGCE PGDip MSc PhD FHEA RNMH TCH

Dr Dean Whybrow



Lecturer: Mental Health Nursing (Teaching & Research)

Available for postgraduate supervision


Hello, my name is Dr Dean Whybrow. I am a mental health nurse, BABCP accredited cognitive behavioural therapist, EMDR Europe accredited practitioner and university lecturer. I have a PhD in Organisational Health and Wellbeing. My research is focused on workforce, well-being and mental health practice. Before becoming a university lecturer, I served a full career in the Royal Navy, where I performed a wide range of roles in an occupationally focused mental health service. I incorporate my nursing background and research into my teaching.







  • Crole-Rees, C., Whybrow, D. and Kitchiner, N. 2019. Working with military veterans. In: Evans, N. ed. Family work in mental health: a skills approach., Vol. 1st. M&K Update






Book sections




My research area is organizational health and wellbeing. I am a subject matter expert in psychological wellbeing and occupationally focused mental health care. This area includes developing resources to cope with job demands such as high workload, ethical dilemmas, or exposure to potentially traumatic events. I am focused on the interplay between job demands and job resources, the impact of this interplay and strategies for promoting employee resilience.   On the flip side is employee burnout, disengagement, and workforce attrition. These factors are especially relevant to healthcare workforces where staff recruitment, education, and retention can impact service delivery. Therefore, I am also focused on promoting recovery and wellbeing, understanding the decision to leave a job, the experience of career change and identifying opportunities to promote employee engagement and retention.

Key Grants and Projects: 

OMHNE (Royal Navy) 2013 - 2016: Psychological wellbeing of deployed maritime personnel

Dr Dean Whybrow was a member of the research team

3MDR 2016 - 2019: Novel trauma-focused therapy

Dr Dean Whybrow was a 3MDR therapist in this clinical trial.

ASSISTANCE Plus Study 2021-2022: Moral distress

Dr Dean Whybrow was a member of the research team.

Award: £17,000

ASSISTANCE Study 2021 - 2023: Moral distress

Dr Dean Whybrow is a member of the research team.

Award: £80,000

MASI SUMIT 2021-2023: Nurses' experiences of resilience, challenge and change

Dr Dean Whybrow led the grant application and is a member of the research team.

Award: £30,000

GW4 Crucible Seed Funding 2022-2023: Inter-professional methodologies

Dr Dean Whybrow is a member of the research team.

Award: £3,500

University of Waikato Collaboration Seed Funding 2022-2023: Mental health care in nursing practice

Dr Dean Whybrow is Co-Chief Investigator

Award: £10,000

University of Waikato Collaboration Seed Funding 2023-2024: Kava as a novel intervention for veterans with PTSD

Dr Dean Whybrow is Co-applicant

Award: £10,000

Mental health services safe staffing: A commissioned rapid scoping review for NHS England  

Dr Dean Whybrow is Co-Principal Investigator

Award: £20,000

Other research commitments:

Wales Centre for Evidence-Based Care:  Committee member

RAND Europe/King's Centre for Military Health Research - FIMT Research Centre: Expert Advisory Board member

Trinity Military Health Research Group: TMHRG Team


I work full-time as a lecturer in mental health nursing, which includes research, teaching, academic supervision, and marking commitments across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. I have worked as the module leader for a large research methods module with ~250 students. As part of the wider nursing programme, I have worked as the mental health field manager. My focus was on improving student engagement and satisfaction, supporting students with complex needs, and line management. I have worked as a personal tutor for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Module Leader: 

HC3314 - The mental health nurses' role in co-ordinating interprofessional care 


I teach, mark, and provide supervision across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules.


I am a registered mental health nurse, nurse specialist in psychological therapies, military veteran, researcher and lecturer in mental health nursing.


2004 BSc Nursing (Mental Health)

2007 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Level 3

2009 PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (IAPT)

2011 Clinical Supervisor's Course

2011 MSc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

2018 Post Graduate Certificate in Education

2020 PhD Organisational Health and Wellbeing

2020 Expert Witness Training Course; Inspire MediLaw

Honours and awards

1997 Commodore's Prize for military bearing

2010 Ruth Carter prize for innovative practice

2012 Ruth Carter prize for service development

2012 Portsmouth City News: Mental Health Worker of the Year

2019 Enriching Student Life Award: Nominee

2019 Academic Excellence in Leadership, Cardiff University: Nominee

2020 Enriching Student Life Award (Most Uplifting Member of Staff): Nominee

2023 Enriching Student Life Award (Most Uplifting Member of Staff): Nominee

Professional memberships

NMC Registered Mental Health Nurse

BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist

EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Academic positions


Cardiff University: Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing (Teaching & Research)


Swansea University: Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing (Enhanced Teaching & Scholarship)

Cardiff University: Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing (Teaching & Scholarship)

King's College, London: Visiting Researcher

Speaking engagements

  • 2022: RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2022
  • 2019: 27th International MHNR Conference 2019

Committees and reviewing

2023-Present: Cardiff University Governance: Health, Safety and Wellbeing Sub-Committee member
2023-Present: Trinity Military Health Research Group: TMHRG Team

2022-Present: BABCP South West Wales Regional Committee Secretary 

2022-Present: Forces in Mind Trust Research Centre (FIMT Research Centre): Expert Advisory Board 

2021-Present: Wales Centre for Evidence-Based Care, Cardiff University: Committee member

2018-2021: EMDR Association UK: South Wales Regional Committee Secretary 
2018-2019:  EMDR Association UK: Wales Portfolio & Scientific Committee 

2015-2020: BABCP South East Wales Regional Committee Secretary 


PhD student projects:

2023-Current: The Effect of Using Mental Health Simulation using Standardized Patients on Nursing Students’ Fear of Psychiatric Patients in Saudi Arabia

2022-Current: Radiographers working shifts Out of Hours, and the effects on fatigue & wellbeing

2021-Current: Nurses' experiences of caring for patients with Covid19

2017-Current: Nurses experience of the factors influencing nurses' adherence to the five moments for hand washing hygiene


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Organisational health and wellbeing
  • Mental health
  • Nursing
  • Psychological therapies
  • Healthcare
  • Military
  • Veterans

I also have expertise in the following methodologies:

  • Qualitative research
  • Insider research
  • Autoethnography
  • Heuristic Inquiry

Current supervision

Jason Elliott

Jason Elliott

Lecturer: Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 11656
Campuses Heath Park West (formerly Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)), Room 1.06 Ty'r Garth, St Agnes Rd, Cardiff, CF14 4US


  • Workforce
  • mental health
  • qualitative research methods
  • Military & Veterans
  • Nursing