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David Wilkins

Dr David Wilkins


Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Professor of Social Work in the School of Social Sciences, where I lead the MA Social Work programme. My practice background is in child and family social work, mostly in the areas of disability and child protection.

My research interests lie primarily in the fields of supervision for child and family social work and how to measure and improve the quality of social work judgements. I have published extensively on these themes, including peer-reviewed articles, books, book chapters, and practice guides.

Current positions:

  • Advisory Group member, Centre for Child, Youth and Family Welfare (Queen's University Belfast)
  • Assistant Director, Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE)
  • Board member, Health and Care Research Wales Integrated Funding Scheme
  • Editorial Board Member, The Clinical Supervisor, Child and Family Social Work
  • External Examiner, Advanced Child Protection MA (University of Kent), Policy Research MSc, Social Work Research MSc, Disability Studies MSc (Bristol University)
  • Founder member and member of the organising committee, Conversation Analysis and Social Work Special Interest Group (European Social Work Research Association)
  • Programme Director, MA Social Work

















Book sections

  • Wilkins, D. 2021. Supervision in child and family settings. In: O'Donoghue, K. and Engelbrecht, L. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Supervision. Routledge International Handbooks Routledge, pp. 153-164.





I am an active social work researcher with a particular focus on supervision, professional judgment and decision-making in child and family settings.

I have led or been involved in successful grant applications worth over £8 million in research funding from organisations including Health and Care Research Wales, Foundations, NIHR and Nuffield Foundation. Recent funded projects include evaluations of family group conferencing, studies of supervision models and their impact on practice, and investigations into the accuracy of social work judgements. These projects frequently involve collaboration with Welsh Government, local authorities, and international partners, ensuring a strong practice and policy focus. My research has also included many unfunded studies, such as piloting interventions to improve the quality of social work judgement and comparing the accuracy of judgements made by social workers with those made by ChatGPT. 

I am currently working as part of several projects, including a study of how young people, parents, and social workers assess the quality of social work practice in Wales, funded by HCRW, and an evaluation of a system-level intervention to improve support for children with emotional and behavioural problems. 

Key words: child protection, decision-making, disability, judgement, risk assessment, safeguarding, statutory social work, supervision



I am currently the Programme Director for the MA Social Work programme, where I also teach on topics including Motivational Interviewing, person-centred practice skills, professional values, child and family law, and judgment and decision-making in statutory settings. I co-convene the modules  Principles and Contexts of Statutory Social Work (Year 1), Introduction to Social Work Theory and Practice (Year 1), and Social Work Practice (Year 2).

I also regularly contribute to professional development and practitioner training, particularly in Motivational Interviewing and  supervision for social work practitioners and managers.

In addition to my work at Cardiff University, I regularly deliver guest lectures and workshops on supervision and good judgement for other universities and professional organisations.





Professor of Social Work, Cardiff School of Social Sciences (2024 – present)
Programme Director, MA Social Work (2023 – present)
Assistant Director, Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE) (2018 – present)

Reader in Social Work, Cardiff School of Social Sciences (2021 – 2024)
Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Cardiff School of Social Sciences (2018 – 2021)
Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Bedfordshire (2014 – 2018)
Social Worker, Deputy Team Manager and Principal Child and Family Social Worker (2007 – 2014)

2014 PhD Social Work (University of Kent)
2009 Specialist Diploma in Child and Family Social Work (Royal Holloway University)
2007 MA Social Work (Distinction, Middlesex University)
2003 BA (Hons.) New Media Production (Bournemouth University)

Honours and Awards

  • Principal or Co-Investigator for over £3 million in competitive research grants (2018 - present)

  • Award in Team Leading, Institute of Leadership and Management (2009)

Professional Memberships

  • Social Care Wales (Registered Social Worker)

  • Fellow of Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy)

Other Positions and Affiliations

  • Member of the Editorial Board, Child and Family Social Work

  • Member of the Editorial Board, The Clinical Supervisor

  • Advisory Group Member, Centre for Child, Youth and Family Welfare (Queen's University Belfast)

  • Board Member, Health and Care Research Wales Integrated Funding Scheme


PhD Supervision

I am interested in supervising doctoral projects in the following areas:

  • Social work supervision, particularly within child and family services

  • Professional judgment and decision-making

  • The use of Motivational Interviewing for social work practice

  • Conversation Analysis and social work

  • Observational methods in relation to social work practice


Current supervision

Louisa Roberts

Louisa Roberts

Charlie Whittaker

Charlie Whittaker

Kate Phillips

Kate Phillips

Zoe Bezeczky

Zoe Bezeczky

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 10935
Campuses Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA

Research themes


  • Social work