I am Professor of Adult Social Care, a registered social worker, and the inaugural Director of CARE - the Centre for Adult Social Care Research, based in the School of Social Sciences and located at sbarc/ spark. My research background is in social gerontology and my research focuses on issues of social inclusion and care in later life, particularly for older people belonging to minoritised groups with care and support needs. Areas of research interest and expertise: housing, ageing and social inclusion; unpaid carers and social isolation; loneliness, ageing and later life; older men's social connections; sexuality, gender identity and ageing; LGBTQ+ ageing; social work with older people; inclusive social care practices and services.
- Willis, P., Toze, M. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. 2025. Chapter 13: Concluding reflections: looking ahead for enabling trans inclusive and affirming practice.. In: Toze, M., Willis, P. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. eds. Trans and Gender Diverse Ageing in Care Contexts. Bristol University Press, pp. 221-225., (10.46692/9781447370048.019)
- Sumpter, L. et al. 2025. What influences the use of research by the adult social care workforce?. The British Journal of Social Work 55(1), pp. 453-471. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae152)
- Gray, K. et al. 2024. 'Shooting in the dark': implications of the research-practice gap for enhancing research use in adult social care. Evidence & Policy 20(4), pp. 440-459. (10.1332/17442648Y2024D000000024)
- Powell, J., Willis, P., Cameron, A., Vickery, A., Johnson, E. K., Beach, B. and Smith, R. C. 2024. The role of built environments and use of communal spaces in helping facilitate social connections of older people living in housing with care schemes. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 25(3), pp. 220-231. (10.1108/QAOA-11-2023-0083)
- Moriarty, Y. and Willis, P. 2024. Interventions addressing care staff views of older LGBTQ+ people in residential and homecare settings: a scoping review protocol.. BMJ Open 14(10), article number: e086497. (10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086497)
- Cameron, A. M. et al. 2024. “I never thought I’d see the day that I would be doing things on Zoom”: Reimagining day care for older people and unpaid carers in the context of COVID-19. Health and Social Care in the Community 2024, article number: 2394065. (10.1155/2024/2394065)
- Naughton-Doe, R., Barke, J., Manchester, H., Willis, P. and Wigfield, A. 2024. Ethical issues when interviewing older people about loneliness: reflections and recommendations for an effective methodological approach. Ageing & Society 44(7), pp. 1681-1699. (10.1017/S0144686X2200099X)
- Toze, M., Willis, P. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. eds. 2024. Trans and gender diverse ageing in care contexts: Research into practice. Policy Press.
- Willis, P., Pietilä, I. and Seppanen, M. eds. 2024. Ageing, men and social relations: New perspectives on masculinities and men's social connections in later life. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Willis, P. and Westwood, S. 2023. Mental health and sexual orientation across the life course. In: Semlyen, J. and Rohleder, P. eds. Sexual Minorities and Mental Health: Current Perspectives and New Directions. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 81-106., (10.1007/978-3-031-37438-8_5)
- Willis, P. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. 2023. Sexuality and rights in later life. In: Torres, S. and Donnelly, S. eds. Critical Gerontology for Social Workers. Policy Press, pp. 81-96.
- Papadaki, A., Wakeham, M., Ali, B., Armstrong, M., Willis, P. and Cameron, A. 2023. Accessing Meals on Wheels: A qualitative study exploring the experiences of service users and people who refer them to the service. [Online]. Preprints.org. (10.20944/preprints202309.0310.v1) Available at: https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202309.0310.v1
- Johnson, E. K., Cameron, A., Willis, P., Lloyd, L. and Smith, R. 2023. 'Extra hands' or the 'icing on the cake'? The boundaries of the volunteer role in formal care settings in England. International Journal of Care and Caring 7(3), pp. 425-440. (10.1332/239788221X16601489075317)
- Papadaki, A., Wakeham, M., Ali, B., Armstrong, M. E. G., Cameron, A. and Willis, P. 2023. “The service, I could not do without It…”: A qualitative study exploring the significance of meals on wheels among service users and people who refer them to the service. Health and Social Care in the Community 2023, article number: 6054895. (10.1155/2023/6054895)
- Willis, P., Beach, B., Powell, J., Vickery, A., Cameron, A. and Smith, R. 2023. “There isn't anybody else like me around here”: the insider-outsider status of LGBT residents in housing with care schemes for older people. Frontiers in Sociology 8, article number: 1128120. (10.3389/fsoc.2023.1128120)
- Willis, P., Vickery, A. and Symonds, J. 2023. Caring, old age and masculinities: Men’s experiences of caring and maintaining social connections in later life. In: Tarrant, A., Ladlow, L. and Way, L. eds. Men and Welfare. Routledge, pp. 242-254.
- Papadaki, A. et al. 2022. ‘It’s not just about the dinner; it’s about everything else that we do’: A qualitative study exploring how Meals on Wheels meet the needs of self‐isolating adults during COVID‐19. Health and Social Care in the Community 30(5), pp. e2012-e2021. (10.1111/hsc.13634)
- Beach, B., Willis, P., Powell, J., Vickery, A., Smith, R., Cameron, A. and Albert, S. M. 2022. The impact of living in housing with care and support on loneliness and social isolation: findings from a resident-based survey. Innovation in Aging 6(7), article number: igac061. (10.1093/geroni/igac061)
- Cameron, A., Johnson, E. K., Lloyd, L., Willis, P. and Smith, R. 2022. The contribution of volunteers in social care services for older people. Voluntary Sector Review 13(2), pp. 260–277. (10.1332/204080521X16244744548937)
- Willis, P., Vickery, A. and Jessiman, T. 2022. Loneliness, social dislocation and invisibility experienced by older men who are single or living alone: accounting for differences across sexual identity and social context. Ageing & Society 42(2), pp. 409-431. (10.1017/S0144686X20000914)
- Willis, P., Beach, B. and Hanson, L. 2022. Inclusive neighbourhoods: Promoting social inclusion in housing with care and support for older people. Project Report. [Online]. International Longevity Centre UK. Available at: https://ilcuk.org.uk/inclusive-neighbourhoods/
- Willis, P. and Vickery, A. 2022. Loneliness, coping practices and masculinities in later life: findings from a study of older men living alone in England. Health and Social Care in the Community 30(5), pp. e2874-e2883. (10.1111/hsc.13732)
- Willis, P., Raithby, M., Dobbs, C., Evans, E. and Bishop, J. 2021. ‘I'm going to live my life for me’: trans ageing, care, and older trans and gender non-conforming adults’ expectations of and concerns for later life. Ageing & Society 41(12), pp. 2792 - 2813. (10.1017/S0144686X20000604)
- Willis, P. et al. 2021. Casting light on the distinctive contribution of social work in multidisciplinary teams for older people. The British Journal of Social Work 52(1), pp. 480-497. (10.1093/bjsw/bcab004)
- Willis, P., Dobbs, C., Evans, E., Raithby, M. and Bishop, J. 2020. Reluctant educators and self‐advocates: older trans adults’ experiences of health‐care services and practitioners in seeking gender‐affirming services. Health Expectations 23(5), pp. 1231-1240. (10.1111/hex.13104)
- Pentaris, P., Willis, P., Ray, M., Deusdad, B., Lonbay, S., Niemi, M. and Donnelly, S. 2020. Older people in the context of COVID-19: a European perspective. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 63(8), pp. 736-742. (10.1080/01634372.2020.1821143)
- Cameron, A., Johnson, E. K., Willis, P. B., Lloyd, L. and Smith, R. 2020. Exploring the role of volunteers in social care for older adults. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 21(2), pp. 129-139. (10.1108/QAOA-02-2020-0005)
- Willis, P., Raithby, M. and Maegusuku-Hewett, T. 2020. Fabled and far-off places: The preferred futures of older lesbian and gay adults in long-term care environments. In: King, A. et al. eds. Older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people: Minding the knowledge gaps. Routledge
- Willis, P., Vickery, A. and Symonds, J. 2020. "You have got to get off your backside; otherwise, you'll never get out": older male carers' experiences of loneliness and social isolation. International Journal of Care and Caring 4(3), pp. 311–330. (10.1332/239788220X15912928956778)
- Yilmaz, V. and Willis, P. 2020. Challenges to a rights-based approach in sexual health policy: a comparative study of Turkey and England. Societies 10(2), article number: 33. (10.3390/soc10020033)
- Westwood, S. et al. 2020. Older LGBT+ health inequalities in the UK: setting a research agenda. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 74(5), pp. 408-411. (10.1136/jech-2019-213068)
- Smith, R. C., Lloyd, L., Cameron, A. M., Johnson, E. K. and Willis, P. B. 2019. What is (Adult) Social Care in England? Its origins and meaning. Research, Policy and Planning 33(2), pp. 45-56.
- Willis, P., Raithby, M. and Maegusuku-Hewett, T. 2018. “It's a nice country but it's not mine”: Exploring the meanings attached to home, rurality and place for older lesbian, gay and bisexual adults. Health and Social Care in the Community 26(6), pp. 908-916. (10.1111/hsc.12616)
- Willis, P., Almack, K., Hafford-Letchfield, T., Simpson, P., Billings, B. and Mall, N. 2018. Turning the co-production corner: methodological reflections from an action research project to promote LGBT inclusion in care homes for older people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(4), article number: 695. (10.3390/ijerph15040695)
- Hafford-Letchfield, T., Simpson, P., Willis, P. B. and Almack, K. 2018. Developing inclusive residential care for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans ( LGBT ) people: an evaluation of the care home challenge action research project. Health & Social Care in the Community 26(2), pp. e312-e320. (10.1111/hsc.12521)
- Raithby, M. and Willis, P. 2017. 'No sex, please..': applying a critical ethics of care perspective to social care provision for older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults. In: Pease, B., Vreugdenhil, A. and Stanford, S. eds. Critical ethics of care in social work: transforming the politics and practices of caring. Routledge Advances in Social Work Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 148-160.
- Willis, P. 2017. Queer, visible, present: the visibility of older LGB adults in long-term care environments. Housing, Care and Support 20(3), pp. 110-120. (10.1108/HCS-04-2017-0007)
- Willis, P., Raithby, M., Maegusuku-Hewett, T. and Miles, P. 2017. 'Everyday advocates' for inclusive care? Perspectives on enhancing the provision of long-term care services for older lesbian, gay and bisexual adults in Wales. The British Journal of Social Work 47(2), pp. 409–426. (10.1093/bjsw/bcv143)
- Schaub, J., Willis, P. and Dunk-West, P. 2017. Accounting for self, sex and sexuality in UK social workers? Knowledge base: findings from an exploratory study. The British Journal of Social Work 47(2), pp. 427–446. (10.1093/bjsw/bcw015)
- Mackenzie Jones, S. and Willis, P. 2016. Are you delivering trans positive care?. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 17(1), pp. 50-59. (10.1108/qaoa-05-2015-0025)
- Willis, P., Maegusuku-Hewett, T., Raithby, M. and Miles, P. 2016. Swimming upstream: the provision of inclusive care to older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults in residential and nursing environments in Wales. Ageing & Society 36(2), pp. 282-306. (10.1017/S0144686X14001147)
- Willis, P. Aggleton, P., Parker, R. and Thomas, F. eds. 2015. Constructions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer identities among young people in contemporary Australia. Routledge.
- Maegusuku-Hewett, T., Raithby, M. and Willis, P. 2015. Life in the pink dragon's den: Mental health services and social inclusion for LGBT people in Wales. In: Fish, J. and Karban, K. eds. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans health inequalities: International perspectives in social work. Policy Press, (10.1332/policypress/9781447309673.003.0004)
- Nash, P., Willis, P., Tales, A. and Cryer, T. 2015. Sexual health and sexual activity in later life. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 25(1), pp. 22-30. (10.1017/s0959259815000015)
- Willis, P. 2012. Witnesses on the periphery: young lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer employees witnessing homophobic exchanges in Australian workplaces. Human Relations 65(12), pp. 1589-1610. (10.1177/0018726712457795)
- Willis, P. 2012. Constructions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer identities among young people in contemporary Australia. Culture, Health & Sexuality 14(10), pp. 1213-1227. (10.1080/13691058.2012.724087)
- Willis, P. 2012. Talking sexuality online - technical, methodological and ethical considerations of online research with sexual minority youth. Qualitative Social Work 11(2), pp. 141-155. (10.1177/1473325011400488)
- Willis, P., Bland, R., Manka, L. and Craft, C. 2012. The ABC of peer mentoring - what secondary students have to say about cross-age peer mentoring in a regional Australian school. Educational Research and Evaluation 18(2), pp. 173-185. (10.1080/13803611.2011.650920)
- Willis, P., Ward, N. and Fish, J. 2011. Searching for LGBT carers: mapping a research agenda in social work and social care. British Journal of Social Work 41(7), pp. 1304-1320. (10.1093/bjsw/bcr114)
- Willis, P. 2011. Laboring in silence: young lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer-identifying workers' negotiations of the workplace closet in Australian organizations. Youth and Society 43(3), pp. 957-981. (10.1177/0044118x10377650)
- Willis, P. 2010. Connecting, supporting, colliding: the work-based interactions of young LGBQ-identifying workers and older queer colleagues. Journal of LGBT Youth 7(3), pp. 224-246. (10.1080/19361653.2010.487758)
- Atkinson, R. and Willis, P. 2009. Transparent cities: re-shaping the urban experience through interactive video game simulation. City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action 13(4), pp. 403-417. (10.1080/13604810903298458)
- Willis, P. 2009. From exclusion to inclusion: young queer workers’ negotiations of sexually exclusive and inclusive spaces in Australian workplaces. Journal of Youth Studies 12(6), pp. 629-651. (10.1080/13676260902902689)
- Atkinson, R. and Willis, P. 2007. Charting the ludodrome the mediation of urban and simulated space and rise of the flǎneur electronique. Information, Communication and Society 10(6), pp. 818-845. (10.1080/13691180701751007)
- Willis, P. 2007. "Queer eye" for social work: rethinking pedagogy and practice with same-sex attracted young people. Australian Social Work 60(2), pp. 181-196. (10.1080/03124070701323816)
- Sumpter, L. et al. 2025. What influences the use of research by the adult social care workforce?. The British Journal of Social Work 55(1), pp. 453-471. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae152)
- Gray, K. et al. 2024. 'Shooting in the dark': implications of the research-practice gap for enhancing research use in adult social care. Evidence & Policy 20(4), pp. 440-459. (10.1332/17442648Y2024D000000024)
- Powell, J., Willis, P., Cameron, A., Vickery, A., Johnson, E. K., Beach, B. and Smith, R. C. 2024. The role of built environments and use of communal spaces in helping facilitate social connections of older people living in housing with care schemes. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 25(3), pp. 220-231. (10.1108/QAOA-11-2023-0083)
- Moriarty, Y. and Willis, P. 2024. Interventions addressing care staff views of older LGBTQ+ people in residential and homecare settings: a scoping review protocol.. BMJ Open 14(10), article number: e086497. (10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086497)
- Cameron, A. M. et al. 2024. “I never thought I’d see the day that I would be doing things on Zoom”: Reimagining day care for older people and unpaid carers in the context of COVID-19. Health and Social Care in the Community 2024, article number: 2394065. (10.1155/2024/2394065)
- Naughton-Doe, R., Barke, J., Manchester, H., Willis, P. and Wigfield, A. 2024. Ethical issues when interviewing older people about loneliness: reflections and recommendations for an effective methodological approach. Ageing & Society 44(7), pp. 1681-1699. (10.1017/S0144686X2200099X)
- Johnson, E. K., Cameron, A., Willis, P., Lloyd, L. and Smith, R. 2023. 'Extra hands' or the 'icing on the cake'? The boundaries of the volunteer role in formal care settings in England. International Journal of Care and Caring 7(3), pp. 425-440. (10.1332/239788221X16601489075317)
- Papadaki, A., Wakeham, M., Ali, B., Armstrong, M. E. G., Cameron, A. and Willis, P. 2023. “The service, I could not do without It…”: A qualitative study exploring the significance of meals on wheels among service users and people who refer them to the service. Health and Social Care in the Community 2023, article number: 6054895. (10.1155/2023/6054895)
- Willis, P., Beach, B., Powell, J., Vickery, A., Cameron, A. and Smith, R. 2023. “There isn't anybody else like me around here”: the insider-outsider status of LGBT residents in housing with care schemes for older people. Frontiers in Sociology 8, article number: 1128120. (10.3389/fsoc.2023.1128120)
- Papadaki, A. et al. 2022. ‘It’s not just about the dinner; it’s about everything else that we do’: A qualitative study exploring how Meals on Wheels meet the needs of self‐isolating adults during COVID‐19. Health and Social Care in the Community 30(5), pp. e2012-e2021. (10.1111/hsc.13634)
- Beach, B., Willis, P., Powell, J., Vickery, A., Smith, R., Cameron, A. and Albert, S. M. 2022. The impact of living in housing with care and support on loneliness and social isolation: findings from a resident-based survey. Innovation in Aging 6(7), article number: igac061. (10.1093/geroni/igac061)
- Cameron, A., Johnson, E. K., Lloyd, L., Willis, P. and Smith, R. 2022. The contribution of volunteers in social care services for older people. Voluntary Sector Review 13(2), pp. 260–277. (10.1332/204080521X16244744548937)
- Willis, P., Vickery, A. and Jessiman, T. 2022. Loneliness, social dislocation and invisibility experienced by older men who are single or living alone: accounting for differences across sexual identity and social context. Ageing & Society 42(2), pp. 409-431. (10.1017/S0144686X20000914)
- Willis, P. and Vickery, A. 2022. Loneliness, coping practices and masculinities in later life: findings from a study of older men living alone in England. Health and Social Care in the Community 30(5), pp. e2874-e2883. (10.1111/hsc.13732)
- Willis, P., Raithby, M., Dobbs, C., Evans, E. and Bishop, J. 2021. ‘I'm going to live my life for me’: trans ageing, care, and older trans and gender non-conforming adults’ expectations of and concerns for later life. Ageing & Society 41(12), pp. 2792 - 2813. (10.1017/S0144686X20000604)
- Willis, P. et al. 2021. Casting light on the distinctive contribution of social work in multidisciplinary teams for older people. The British Journal of Social Work 52(1), pp. 480-497. (10.1093/bjsw/bcab004)
- Willis, P., Dobbs, C., Evans, E., Raithby, M. and Bishop, J. 2020. Reluctant educators and self‐advocates: older trans adults’ experiences of health‐care services and practitioners in seeking gender‐affirming services. Health Expectations 23(5), pp. 1231-1240. (10.1111/hex.13104)
- Pentaris, P., Willis, P., Ray, M., Deusdad, B., Lonbay, S., Niemi, M. and Donnelly, S. 2020. Older people in the context of COVID-19: a European perspective. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 63(8), pp. 736-742. (10.1080/01634372.2020.1821143)
- Cameron, A., Johnson, E. K., Willis, P. B., Lloyd, L. and Smith, R. 2020. Exploring the role of volunteers in social care for older adults. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 21(2), pp. 129-139. (10.1108/QAOA-02-2020-0005)
- Willis, P., Vickery, A. and Symonds, J. 2020. "You have got to get off your backside; otherwise, you'll never get out": older male carers' experiences of loneliness and social isolation. International Journal of Care and Caring 4(3), pp. 311–330. (10.1332/239788220X15912928956778)
- Yilmaz, V. and Willis, P. 2020. Challenges to a rights-based approach in sexual health policy: a comparative study of Turkey and England. Societies 10(2), article number: 33. (10.3390/soc10020033)
- Westwood, S. et al. 2020. Older LGBT+ health inequalities in the UK: setting a research agenda. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 74(5), pp. 408-411. (10.1136/jech-2019-213068)
- Smith, R. C., Lloyd, L., Cameron, A. M., Johnson, E. K. and Willis, P. B. 2019. What is (Adult) Social Care in England? Its origins and meaning. Research, Policy and Planning 33(2), pp. 45-56.
- Willis, P., Raithby, M. and Maegusuku-Hewett, T. 2018. “It's a nice country but it's not mine”: Exploring the meanings attached to home, rurality and place for older lesbian, gay and bisexual adults. Health and Social Care in the Community 26(6), pp. 908-916. (10.1111/hsc.12616)
- Willis, P., Almack, K., Hafford-Letchfield, T., Simpson, P., Billings, B. and Mall, N. 2018. Turning the co-production corner: methodological reflections from an action research project to promote LGBT inclusion in care homes for older people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(4), article number: 695. (10.3390/ijerph15040695)
- Hafford-Letchfield, T., Simpson, P., Willis, P. B. and Almack, K. 2018. Developing inclusive residential care for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans ( LGBT ) people: an evaluation of the care home challenge action research project. Health & Social Care in the Community 26(2), pp. e312-e320. (10.1111/hsc.12521)
- Willis, P. 2017. Queer, visible, present: the visibility of older LGB adults in long-term care environments. Housing, Care and Support 20(3), pp. 110-120. (10.1108/HCS-04-2017-0007)
- Willis, P., Raithby, M., Maegusuku-Hewett, T. and Miles, P. 2017. 'Everyday advocates' for inclusive care? Perspectives on enhancing the provision of long-term care services for older lesbian, gay and bisexual adults in Wales. The British Journal of Social Work 47(2), pp. 409–426. (10.1093/bjsw/bcv143)
- Schaub, J., Willis, P. and Dunk-West, P. 2017. Accounting for self, sex and sexuality in UK social workers? Knowledge base: findings from an exploratory study. The British Journal of Social Work 47(2), pp. 427–446. (10.1093/bjsw/bcw015)
- Mackenzie Jones, S. and Willis, P. 2016. Are you delivering trans positive care?. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 17(1), pp. 50-59. (10.1108/qaoa-05-2015-0025)
- Willis, P., Maegusuku-Hewett, T., Raithby, M. and Miles, P. 2016. Swimming upstream: the provision of inclusive care to older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults in residential and nursing environments in Wales. Ageing & Society 36(2), pp. 282-306. (10.1017/S0144686X14001147)
- Nash, P., Willis, P., Tales, A. and Cryer, T. 2015. Sexual health and sexual activity in later life. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 25(1), pp. 22-30. (10.1017/s0959259815000015)
- Willis, P. 2012. Witnesses on the periphery: young lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer employees witnessing homophobic exchanges in Australian workplaces. Human Relations 65(12), pp. 1589-1610. (10.1177/0018726712457795)
- Willis, P. 2012. Constructions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer identities among young people in contemporary Australia. Culture, Health & Sexuality 14(10), pp. 1213-1227. (10.1080/13691058.2012.724087)
- Willis, P. 2012. Talking sexuality online - technical, methodological and ethical considerations of online research with sexual minority youth. Qualitative Social Work 11(2), pp. 141-155. (10.1177/1473325011400488)
- Willis, P., Bland, R., Manka, L. and Craft, C. 2012. The ABC of peer mentoring - what secondary students have to say about cross-age peer mentoring in a regional Australian school. Educational Research and Evaluation 18(2), pp. 173-185. (10.1080/13803611.2011.650920)
- Willis, P., Ward, N. and Fish, J. 2011. Searching for LGBT carers: mapping a research agenda in social work and social care. British Journal of Social Work 41(7), pp. 1304-1320. (10.1093/bjsw/bcr114)
- Willis, P. 2011. Laboring in silence: young lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer-identifying workers' negotiations of the workplace closet in Australian organizations. Youth and Society 43(3), pp. 957-981. (10.1177/0044118x10377650)
- Willis, P. 2010. Connecting, supporting, colliding: the work-based interactions of young LGBQ-identifying workers and older queer colleagues. Journal of LGBT Youth 7(3), pp. 224-246. (10.1080/19361653.2010.487758)
- Atkinson, R. and Willis, P. 2009. Transparent cities: re-shaping the urban experience through interactive video game simulation. City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action 13(4), pp. 403-417. (10.1080/13604810903298458)
- Willis, P. 2009. From exclusion to inclusion: young queer workers’ negotiations of sexually exclusive and inclusive spaces in Australian workplaces. Journal of Youth Studies 12(6), pp. 629-651. (10.1080/13676260902902689)
- Atkinson, R. and Willis, P. 2007. Charting the ludodrome the mediation of urban and simulated space and rise of the flǎneur electronique. Information, Communication and Society 10(6), pp. 818-845. (10.1080/13691180701751007)
- Willis, P. 2007. "Queer eye" for social work: rethinking pedagogy and practice with same-sex attracted young people. Australian Social Work 60(2), pp. 181-196. (10.1080/03124070701323816)
Book sections
- Willis, P., Toze, M. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. 2025. Chapter 13: Concluding reflections: looking ahead for enabling trans inclusive and affirming practice.. In: Toze, M., Willis, P. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. eds. Trans and Gender Diverse Ageing in Care Contexts. Bristol University Press, pp. 221-225., (10.46692/9781447370048.019)
- Willis, P. and Westwood, S. 2023. Mental health and sexual orientation across the life course. In: Semlyen, J. and Rohleder, P. eds. Sexual Minorities and Mental Health: Current Perspectives and New Directions. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 81-106., (10.1007/978-3-031-37438-8_5)
- Willis, P. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. 2023. Sexuality and rights in later life. In: Torres, S. and Donnelly, S. eds. Critical Gerontology for Social Workers. Policy Press, pp. 81-96.
- Willis, P., Vickery, A. and Symonds, J. 2023. Caring, old age and masculinities: Men’s experiences of caring and maintaining social connections in later life. In: Tarrant, A., Ladlow, L. and Way, L. eds. Men and Welfare. Routledge, pp. 242-254.
- Willis, P., Raithby, M. and Maegusuku-Hewett, T. 2020. Fabled and far-off places: The preferred futures of older lesbian and gay adults in long-term care environments. In: King, A. et al. eds. Older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people: Minding the knowledge gaps. Routledge
- Raithby, M. and Willis, P. 2017. 'No sex, please..': applying a critical ethics of care perspective to social care provision for older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults. In: Pease, B., Vreugdenhil, A. and Stanford, S. eds. Critical ethics of care in social work: transforming the politics and practices of caring. Routledge Advances in Social Work Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 148-160.
- Maegusuku-Hewett, T., Raithby, M. and Willis, P. 2015. Life in the pink dragon's den: Mental health services and social inclusion for LGBT people in Wales. In: Fish, J. and Karban, K. eds. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans health inequalities: International perspectives in social work. Policy Press, (10.1332/policypress/9781447309673.003.0004)
- Toze, M., Willis, P. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. eds. 2024. Trans and gender diverse ageing in care contexts: Research into practice. Policy Press.
- Willis, P., Pietilä, I. and Seppanen, M. eds. 2024. Ageing, men and social relations: New perspectives on masculinities and men's social connections in later life. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Willis, P. Aggleton, P., Parker, R. and Thomas, F. eds. 2015. Constructions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer identities among young people in contemporary Australia. Routledge.
- Willis, P., Beach, B. and Hanson, L. 2022. Inclusive neighbourhoods: Promoting social inclusion in housing with care and support for older people. Project Report. [Online]. International Longevity Centre UK. Available at: https://ilcuk.org.uk/inclusive-neighbourhoods/
- Papadaki, A., Wakeham, M., Ali, B., Armstrong, M., Willis, P. and Cameron, A. 2023. Accessing Meals on Wheels: A qualitative study exploring the experiences of service users and people who refer them to the service. [Online]. Preprints.org. (10.20944/preprints202309.0310.v1) Available at: https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202309.0310.v1
I am a registered social worker and I qualified in social work at the University of Tasmania in Australia in 2002. In practice I worked as a school social worker with children and young people 5-16 years (statutory role) and as a counsellor and community educator for a Tasmanian charity supporting people coming out as LGBT. I also briefly worked as an after-hours hospital social worker in an A&E ward. I completed my PhD in Social Work in 2009 on the topic of workplace inclusion for young people identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexul and queer.
In 2009 I relocated to the UK and took up my first lectureship post in social work at Swansea University, Wales. In 2016 I relocated to the University of Bristol, England as a senior lecturer and then Associate Professor in social work and social gerontology. I commenced my current role as professor and director of CARE in late 2023.
Since 2011 I have led a number of funded research studies that are primarily qualitative or deploy mixed-method approaches. This includes studies funded by Health and Social Care Wales, NIHR School for Social Care Research, Dunhill Medical Trust, and the Economic and Social Research Council.
Honours and awards
- Senior Fellow of the NIHR School for Social Care Research (2017-2023)
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Registered Social Worker (Social Care Wales)
- Member of the British Society of Gerontology.
Academic positions
2023 to present: professor in the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.
2016-2023: senior lecturer and associate professor, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol.
2009-2015: lecturer and senior lecturer, College of Human and Health Sciences, Swansea University.
2008: lecturer in social work, School of Sociology and Social Work, University of Tasmania.
Committees and reviewing
- Member of the ESRC Peer Review College
- Panel member of the NIHR Research for Social Care Committee (2021-2023)
- Grant reviewer for the NIHR School for Social Care Research
- Grant reviewer for several other countries' research councils
- Editorial board member, Ageing and Society (2023 - )
- Editorial board member, European Social Work Research (2022 - )
- Associate editor, Policy and Politics (2016-2018)
- Chair and co-chair, UK Sexuality and Social Work Interest Group (2009-2014)
Contact Details
+44 29225 14639
sbarc|spark, Room 1.07, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ
Research themes
- Social work
- Gender and sexuality
- social care
- Inequality
- Ageing