Dr Lizzy Willmington
Teams and roles for Lizzy Willmington
Lecturer in Law
Lizzy is an interdisciplinary and critical legal scholar who works at the intersections of law and humanities, with a focus on immigration and creative resistance.
Her doctoral research, 'Productions of Ignorance and Co-Productions of Resistance: Britain's Hostile Environment', was funded by Cardiff Law School Scholarship. This research focuses on contemporary UK immigration laws, the colonial histories of these laws and creative resistances to them. Approaches to this research include a legal history with critical legal, critical property and critical race analysis to scrutinise immigration laws as technologies of mobility, categorisation and segregation of people. Grassroots and co-productions of resistance to these processes were detailed through the case study of The Hostile Environment Walking Tour (2018), a participatory art project produced by Lizzy as part of the Who Are We? Project, a three-year project at the Tate Exchange, Tate Modern.
- Morani, M. and Willmington, L. 2024. Rwanda deal: why the media should focus more on the policy and less on the politics of immigration. [Online]. The Conversation: The Conversation Trust UK. Available at: https://theconversation.com/rwanda-deal-why-the-media-should-focus-more-on-the-policy-and-less-on-the-politics-of-immigration-218565
- Morgan, J. and Willmington, L. 2023. The duty to remove asylum seekers under the Illegal Migration Act 2023: Is the government's plan to ‘Stop the Boats’ now doomed to failure?. Common Law World Review 52(4), pp. 103-109. (10.1177/14737795231206156)
- Willmington, E. 2022. Production of ignorance and co-production of resistance: Britain’s Hostile Environment. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M. and Willmington, L. 2022. Representing diversity during COVID-19: Minority and migrant communities in UK television news. In: Trandafoiu, R. ed. Border Crossings and Mobilities on Screen. London: Routledge, pp. 49-60.
- Morgan, J. and Willmington, L. 2023. The duty to remove asylum seekers under the Illegal Migration Act 2023: Is the government's plan to ‘Stop the Boats’ now doomed to failure?. Common Law World Review 52(4), pp. 103-109. (10.1177/14737795231206156)
Book sections
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M. and Willmington, L. 2022. Representing diversity during COVID-19: Minority and migrant communities in UK television news. In: Trandafoiu, R. ed. Border Crossings and Mobilities on Screen. London: Routledge, pp. 49-60.
- Willmington, E. 2022. Production of ignorance and co-production of resistance: Britain’s Hostile Environment. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Morani, M. and Willmington, L. 2024. Rwanda deal: why the media should focus more on the policy and less on the politics of immigration. [Online]. The Conversation: The Conversation Trust UK. Available at: https://theconversation.com/rwanda-deal-why-the-media-should-focus-more-on-the-policy-and-less-on-the-politics-of-immigration-218565
Lizzy is the DIrector of the Cardiff Law and Global Justice Research Centre and is on the Art/Law Network Coordination Group.
Lizzy is involved in a number of research projects, including:
Anti-Racist Judgment Project, co-leading with Bharat Malkani
The project involves contributors (re)writing key judgments in cases involving racial injustices, from an antiracist perspective. It considers how judges and their judgments have contributed to racial injustices, but also explores how they might better promote racial justice by adopting principles of antiracism in their decision-making process. It brings together scholars, lawyers, grassroots campaigners, and people with lived experience to imagine what judgments might say if the judiciary better understood what antiracism entails, and how antiracism is coterminous with professional judicial commitments to neutrality.
Radical Reading Rooms
Funded by the Innovation for All, supported by Research Wales Innovation Funding (RWIF) from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) 2022-23.
The project cultivats community-based dialogue and civic engagement, empowerment and advocacy with community focused young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds. The project develops members' skills to critically discuss and evaluate books with Pluto authors through the lens of issues local to South Cardiff.
Lizzy currently teaches on the following modules
- Land Law (LLB Year Two)
- Dissertation (LLB Year Three)
- Law and Literature (LLB Year Three)
- Themes in Socio-Legal Studies (LLM)
Lizzy joined the school as a Lecturer in 2021. Lizzy also conducted her PhD research at Cardiff Law School. Prior to this Lizzy completed her MA in International and Comparative Legal Studies at SOAS, University of London after working in community engagement and education, the education sector and civil service.
Contact Details
Research themes
- Race, ethnicity and law
- Migration, asylum and refugee law
- Law and humanities
- Law in context
- Law and society and socio-legal research