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Honor Young

Dr Honor Young


Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Honor Young


I am a Senior Lecturer in Cardiff University's School of Social Sciences and the Centre for the Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer). I serve on DECIPHer's Executive Management team and I co-lead the Healthy Settings and Organisations Programme of work within the Centre. I am the International Director for the Welsh Government funded School Health Research Network (SHRN). I am also co-investigator on large grants including the Wolfson Centre for Young People's Mental Health and The Wales Applied Virology Unit (WAVU) in Cardiff University.

I am a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) with a Stage 2 Qualification in Health Psychology (British Psychological Society) and a Registered Practitioner Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). My academic background is in Psychology and my main research interests are in the area of health psychology and public health. I am interested in the social determinants of young people's health, wellbeing and health behaviours and the development and evaluation of interventions to improve public health. In particular, my research interests include intervention in educational settings (e.g., schools and further education settings) especially relating to young people's sexual health, sexual risk-taking behaviour, relationships and sexuality education, dating and relationship violence and gender based violence (especially among sexual and gender minority youth). I am also interested in youth participation in all aspects of conducting research. 















Book sections




Research funding

2025-2030. Wales Applied Virology Unit (WAVU). Parker, A., Stanton, R. & Gilespie D. … Young, H. et al. Health & Care Research Wales. Funded £3m.

2025-2030. DECIPHer Centre Sustainability Funding. Moore, G. Evans, R., Hawkins, J., Young, H. et al.   Health and Care Research Wales. Funded £2.8m.

2025.  Staff mobility job shadowing incoming mobility from University of Namibia. Young, H. Taith. Funded £1195.

2024-2025. Exploring Pathways to Children and Young People’s Mental Health - GW4 Mental Health Workshop. Allan, J., Morgan, K., Garay, S., Ouerghi S., Young, H., Hines L., Wilder, R. & Caramaschi, D. GW4 Building Communities Programme Development Award. Funded £4,987.

2024-2025. School Health Research Network 2024-28 Infrastructure funding. Murphy, S., Young, H., Morgan, K., Page, N. & Boffey, M. Welsh Government. Funded £1.4m

2024. Widening Participation and Outreach Team. School Governors Small Funding Grant. Young, H. Cardiff University. Funded £500.

2024-2025. Piloting the Namibian School Health Research Network (NSHRN). Young, H. & Evans, R. Higher Education Funding Council for Wales Official Development Assistance (HEFCW ODA). Funded £28,500.

2024. Developing and piloting a School Health Research Network in Namibia. Young, H. & Evans, R. Civic Insights Bursary. Funded £50.

2024. Enhancing digital engagement in the School Health Research Network. Young, H. & Boffey, M. Civic Insights Bursary. Funded £50.

2024. Research Mobility visit to Namibia to support the development of the Namibian School Health Research Network. Young, H. Taith. Funded £1650.

2024-2025. A feasibility study to address the key uncertainties of conducting an efficacy trial of a School-based intervention TO Prevent (STOP) Dating and Relationship Violence and Gender-Based Violence in UK secondary schools. Melendez-Torres, G.J., Berry, V., Hayes, R., Young, H., Bonell, C., Emmerson, L. & Rigby, L. Ending Youth Violence Lab and Bridges Impact Foundation. Funded £352,457.

2022. Staff exchange Dr Honor Young to University of Namibia/ Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture. Staff Mobility. Young, H. Taith. Funded £1425.

2022-2023. Perceptions and experiences of peer-on-peer violence in further education colleges across Wales. Young, H. & Long, S. Welsh Government. Funded £200,000.

2023. Peer-on-peer violence in further education settings. Young, H. CUROP student placement. Funded £2800.

2022. Maximising the impact and reach of evidence from Wales's Student Health and Wellbeing Survey by improving accessibility and interpretability among schools and students. Page N, Murphy S, Young H.  Cardiff University Innovation for All. Funded £12,264.

2022. Sexuality Education+: An exploratory research project into how young people are living, and learning about, relationships and sexuality. Renold E, Ringrose J, Bragg S, Timperley V, Young H, McGeeney E. NSPCC. Funded £85,000.

2022. Optimising co-production, collaboration and engagement strategies with external research partners. Young, H. & Hawkins, J. Cardiff Innovation Development Scheme (CIDS). Funded £2600.

2021-2025. The Positive Choices trial: Phase-III RCT trial of a whole-school social marketing intervention to promote sexual health and reduce health inequalities. Bonell C, Ponsford R, Meiksin R, Allen E, Melendez-Torres GJ, Morris S, Mercer C, Campbell R, Young H, Lohan M, Coyle K. NIHR PHR. Funded £1.6m

2022-2026. Exploring the uptake and provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) among ‘vulnerable’ groups: a mixed-methods study. Thomas G & Young H.  ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership. Funded £60,300.

2022-2024. Next stage funding 2022-2024; Secondary School Health Research Network 2022-2024. Murphy S, Young H, Page N, Roberts J, Angel L. Welsh Government. Funded £670,228.

2021-2023. Secondary School Health Research Network Student Health and Wellbeing Survey 2021 – 2023. Murphy S, Young H, Page N, Roberts J. Welsh Government. Funded £300,131.

2021. Senior leadership development in higher education commonwealth professional fellowships: The Phoenix Project. Hall J, Young H, Evans R, Renold E, Robinson A, Shenderovich Y. Commonwealth Fellowships. 

2021-2025. Theorising inter-generational violence between children and parents: A qualitative study in Wales. R Evans & H Young. ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership. Funded £65,000.

2020-2025 Wolfson Centre for Young People's Mental Health. Co-investigator (Principal investigators S Collishaw, F Rice, co-applicants A Thapar, A John, J Hall, M Owen, S Murphy, G Moore, J Hawkins & H Young). Wolfson Foundation, funded £10M

2020-2025 Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer). Co-investigator (Principal investigator S Murphy, co-investigators J Bishop, R Evans, J Hawkins, G Moore, J Roberts, A Robinson, M Robling, J Segrott, J White & H Young). Health and Care Research Wales, funded £2.5M

2020-2022 School-based interventions TO Prevent dating and relationship and gender-based violence (STOP-DRV-GBV): systematic review to understand characteristics, mechanisms, implementation and effectiveness. Co-investigator (Principal investigator G.J. Melendez-Torres, co-applicants V Berry, C Bonell, H Young, N Shaw, C Farmer, N Orr & E Rigby). NIHR, funded £236k

2019-2020 Health Pathfinder Evaluation Specification. Co-investigator. (Principal investigator GJ Melendez-Torres, co-applicants A Robinson, R Evans, H Young, K Buckley, H Trickey, B Pell). SafeLives, funded £195k.

2021-2023 (revised timeline due to COVID-19) Optimisation feasibility testing and a pilot randomised trial of SaFE: A sexual health and healthy relationships intervention for Further Education. Principal Investigator. (Co-investigators R Lewis, G Morgan, C Bonell, J White, GJ Melendez-Torres, F Lugg-Widger, J Townson, P Pallmann, J Madan.) NIHR PHR funded £511k

2018-2019 Understanding outcomes for Welsh children who are placed in secure accommodation. Co-investigator (Principal Investigator A Williams, co-investigators S Long, M Elliot, J Lyttleton-Smith, R Evans, J Scourfield, D Forrester A Crowley J Statham). Social Care Wales, funded 100k.

2017-2020 “The JACK Trial”: A multi-site cluster randomised trial of an interactive film-based intervention to reduce teenage pregnancy and promote positive sexual health. Cardiff Principal Investigator (Chief Investigator, M Lohan, co-investigators: A Aventin, L McDaid, C Bonell, R French, R Hunter, J Bailey, A Fletcher, M Clarke, L Dunlop, C Spence, C McDowell, L O’Hare, J White, M Traynor), National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), funded £1.7m

2017-2018 Co-productive and feasibility study of Project Respect: a school based intervention to prevent dating and relationship violence and address health inequalities among young people. Coinvestigator (Principal Investigator C. Bonell, co-applicants R Campbell, C Barter, E Allen, D Elbourne, A Fletcher, F Jamal, J Hillier, H McNaughton Reyes, B Taylor), National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), funded £439k

2016-2018 Optimisation, feasibility testing and pilot randomised trial of Positive Choices: a school based social marketing intervention to promote sexual health, prevent unintended teenage pregnancies and address health inequalities in England. Co-investigator (Principal Investigator C. Bonell, co-investigators E Allen, D Elbourne, C Mercer, R Campbell, A Fletcher, S Morris, M Lohan, G Hastings, A Hadley, J Hillier, M Carrera, K Coyle, C Wells):National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), funded £393k

2016 An evaluation of the “Creating Connections” Self-Management Program – CUROP student placement. Principal investigator (co-investigator J Segrott) funded £1600

2016 An evaluation of the development and early implementation of the “Creating Connections” self-management programme for young parents. Principal Investigator (co-investigator J Segrott). Public Health Wales, funded £5,000.

2015-2017 Safe sex and relationships in FE (SaFE): mixed method, multi-case study to develop a comprehensive sexual health intervention for FE settings. Co-investigator (Principal Investigator A Fletcher, co-investigators C Bonell, R Lewis), Medical Research Council PHIND Scheme, funded 131k

2015 The development of a comprehensive safe sex and relationships intervention in Further Education colleges – CUROP student placement. Principal investigator H Young (co-investigator A Fletcher) funded £1440

2014-2015 GIRLS, SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND PLACE: Mapping the online and offline sexual harassment of young teen girls living in diverse communities. Co-investigator (Principal Investigator E. Renold), Cardiff University Seedcorn Funding (College fund to develop research applications), funded £4,872.

2014 GIRLS, SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND PLACE: Mapping the online and offline sexual harassment of young teen girls living in marginalised communities. Co-investigator (Principal Investigator E. Renold), WISERD Research Development Funding Application, funded £2,781


Current Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching/supervision

  • Personal tutor to undergraudate students in Years 1, 2 and 3.
  • Year 1: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics (Module convenor)
  • Year 1: Social Science and Social Issues (Module convenor)
  • Year 2: Social Research Methods 
  • Year 3: Dissertation supervision
  • Professional Doctorate: Evaluation: Developing and evaluating interventions in complex social 
  • MSc Social Policy: Evaluation: Developing and evaluating interventions in complex social 
  • MSc superivison
  • PhD supervision

Previous teaching / supervision

  • Year 1: Introduction to Social Science Research
  • Year 2: Migration, 'Race' and Ethnic Relations
  • Year 2: Identity and Individual Differences
  • Year 3: Experiments in Knowing (module convenor)
  • Masters in Social Work dissertation supervision
  • Social Science Research Methods dissertation supervision
  • Staff training and development monitor
  • Academic misconduct co-ordinator


Education and qualifications:

  • 2024 - Health Care Professions Council Registration (HCPC) Practitioner Psychologist.
  • 2024 - Stage 2 Health Psychology.
  • 2014 - PhD Health Psychology and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University.
  • 2013 - PgCERT Teaching in Higher Education, Cardiff Metropolitan University.
  • 2009 - MSc Health Psychology, University of Wales.
  • 2008 - BSc Psychology, Cardiff University.

Honours and awards

  • 2018 - Nominated for the Celebrating Excellence for Exceptional Enhancement of the Student Experience Awards.

Professional memberships

  • Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) Practitioner Psychologist
  • British Psychological Society (BPS)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Academic positions

  • 2019 - present - Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University (Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement).
  • 2014-2019 - Lecturer, Cardiff University (Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation inPublic Health Improvement).
  • 2013-2014 - Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, National Unviersity of Ireland, Galway (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey).
  • 2012-2013 - Associate Health Psychology Tutor, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Committees and reviewing


  • 2023 - Oral Evidence, The Senedd Equality and Social Justice Committee on the public health approach to preventing gender-based violence. Social Justice Committee. April 2023. 
  • 2022 - Specialist advisor, Development of the School Health Research Network, Namibia. University of Namibia / Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture
  • 2022 - Using Nurse-Led digital technologies to increase the uptake of sexual health services among 16-18 year olds. Burdett Nursing Grant: Cardiff University
  • 2021 - COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities Study (COSMO): UCL IOE
  • 2021 - Manchester #BeeWell study Questionnaire Advisory Group: University of Manchester
  • 2017 - Children and young people's subgroup of the Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Advisory Group
  • 2017 - Expert Advisory Group on Sex and Relationships Education (Welsh Government)


I currently supervise PhD and Professional Doctorate students, and have supervised a number of undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations in the Schools of Medicine and Social Sciences.

I am interested in supervising research projects in areas including:

  • school-based health improvement intervention;
  • interventions to promote sexual health, prevent dating or gender based violence (epsecially among gender or sexual minority youth), or relating to relationships and sexuality education;
  • intervention development/evaluation methods

Current supervision