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Shou-Han Zhou  BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD

Dr Shou-Han Zhou


BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Shou-Han Zhou


I am a lecturer within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Cardiff University, teaching modules in the field of control and robotics. I have a strong interest in human health dynamics and optimal control design. My work spans disciplines across health and engineering, having worked in the fields of neuroscience, control and robotics. 















I am a robotics and control engineer specialising in health-focused autonomous systems. My research integrates expertise in mechanical engineering, control theory, and neuroscience to design advanced autonomous solutions for the medical field, such as diagnosis, monitoring and intervention. By exploring the mechanisms of human physiology and psychology, my work aims to develop intelligent systems that interact seamlessly with their human users. 

I lead the Health Monitoring and Control Group, which is dedicated to advancing autonomous monitoring and control technologies for diverse health-related populations.

Active  Projects

  • Academic-Industry Partnership with Frontier Therapeutics Ltd on Medtech Development


I have taught a wide range of subjects in engineering, including dynamcis and control. I am currently the leader for the second year moduel EN2037: Control and Instrumentation. I am also supervising third and fourth year student projects EN4110 Mechatronics and EN3100 Projects. 

Finally, I am the academic leader for the student international competition RobotX, in which students are required to develop an autonomous marine system for navigation: The competition for this year is sponsored by SWIEET and Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMs). 

The Cardiff University Team contribution this year can be found at



I obtained my PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Melbourne, before working as a Research Associate at the Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London. Afterwards, I worked for over five years as a postdoctorate at Monash University in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience before taking up a joint Engineering and Psychology Lecturer position at James Cook University. 

Professional memberships

IEEE Membership

Academic positions

Lecturer, Engineering and Psychology, James Cook University (2018-2024)

Lecturer Mechanical Engineering, Cardiff University (2024- present).


Potential PhD Projects can cover the following areas (subject to funding, including CSC scholarships):

  1. Control of Soft Robotic Mechanisms: Innovate control theory solutions to enhance/aid human limb functionality.
  2. Compliant Robot System Design: Develop advanced robotic systems for human rehabilitation.
  3. Trusted Autonomous Control Systems: Design systems which can be trusted by its human user
  4. Control Theory for Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis: Applying control theory to diagnose patients with serious cognitive impairment illnesses 
  5. Monitoring Human Motivation: Apply control theory to understand and optimise human motivation.

Why Join Us?

  • Collaborate with experts in control theory, robotics, medical engineering and neuroscience
  • Access to cutting-edge facilities for human-robot interface development.
  • Contribute to impactful research improving human health and well-being.

Applicants must demonstrate strong academic potential in one or more of the following areas and meet scholarship requirements (such as that of CSC):

  1. Mathematics
  2. Programming 
  3. Mechatronics Design

Past projects

Li Mimi, Design of a spring-loaded exoskeletonJames Cook University, 2023-present

Daniel Croul, Design and Control of autonomous cable-based UAV, James Cook University, 2022-present

Jaeger Wongtrakun, Underlying Mechanism of Perceptual Decision Making in Humans, Monash University, 2019-present (COVID affected)


Contact Details


Campuses Queen's Buildings - South Building, Room S/0.10, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA


  • Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics
  • Cognitive neuroscience
  • Computational neuroscience
  • Motor control
  • Control engineering