Dr Waraf Al-Yaseen
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Waraf Al-Yaseen
Lectuer Clinigol mewn Deintyddiaeth Bediatreg, Cyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Ymchwil Ôl-grauate
Mae fy ymchwil yn ymwneud â gwella gofal deintyddol, gyda phwyslais penodol ar wella iechyd y geg plant. Rwy'n ymroddedig i gyflawni hyn trwy ddefnyddio'r canfyddiadau ymchwil diweddaraf i ddarparu triniaethau deintyddol lleiaf ymledol.
Rwyf hefyd wedi ymrwymo i drosoli technoleg i ddarparu addysg a hyrwyddo iechyd y geg, gan ei gwneud yn fwy hygyrch i'r cyhoedd. Er enghraifft, rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o ddatblygu prototeip gyda'r nod o ddarparu gwybodaeth hylendid y geg i blant a'u teuluoedd. Rwyf hefyd wrthi'n archwilio integreiddio deallusrwydd artiffisial mewn gofal deintyddol, gyda'r nod o chwyldroi ein hymagwedd at iechyd deintyddol. Rwy'n angerddol am ymchwilio i ochr ddynol deintyddiaeth, deall yr heriau sy'n wynebu cleifion ac ymarferwyr a thaflu goleuni ar eu profiadau unigryw. Mae'r angerdd hwn wedi fy ysgogi i fod â diddordeb arbennig mewn defnyddio dylunio ymchwil ansoddol, gan ganiatáu ar gyfer archwilio a deall y cymhlethdodau hyn yn fanwl.
- Marshmann, Z. et al. 2024. Behaviour change intervention (education and text) to prevent dental caries in secondary school pupils: BRIGHT RCT, process and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment 28(52) (10.3310/JQTA2103)
- Maldupa, I., Al-Yaseen, W., Giese, J., Elagami, R. and Raggio, D. P. 2024. Recommended procedures for managing carious lesions in primary teeth with pulp involvement—a scoping review. BDJ Open 10(1), article number: 74. (10.1038/s41405-024-00259-8)
- Innes, N. et al. 2024. Behaviour change intervention for toothbrushing (lesson and text messages) to prevent dental caries in secondary school pupils: The BRIGHT randomized control trial. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 52(4), pp. 469-478. (10.1111/cdoe.12940)
- Tedesco, T. K. et al. 2024. Success rate of Hall Technique for restoring carious primary molars - Systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Dentistry (10.1038/s41432-024-01044-0)
- Al-Yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D. and Innes, N. 2024. A longitudinal qualitative multi-methods study of new dental graduates’ transition journey from undergraduate studies to professional practice. European Journal of Dental Education 28(1), pp. 41-55. (10.1111/eje.12913)
- Al-Yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D. and Innes, N. 2024. New dental graduates transition into UK professional practice; a longitudinal study of changes in perceptions and behaviours through the lens of evidence-based dentistry. BMC Medical Education 24(1), article number: 195. (10.1186/s12909-024-05182-y)
- Al-Yaseen, W., Raggio, D. P., Araujo, M. and Innes, N. 2024. "I just wanted a dentist in my phone"-designing evidence-based mHealth prototype to improve preschool children's oral and dental health: multimethod study of the codevelopment of an app for children's teeth. JMIR Formative Research 8, article number: e49561. (10.2196/49561)
- Al-yaseen, W. et al. 2022. Aerosol and splatter generation with rotary handpieces used in restorative and orthodontic dentistry: a systematic review. BDJ Open 8(1), article number: 26. (10.1038/s41405-022-00118-4)
- Reeve-Brook, L., Bhatia, S., Al-yaseen, W., Innes, N. and Monaghan, N. 2022. A questionnaire-based study of Paediatric Dentists’ knowledge of teething signs, symptoms and management. BDJ Open 8, article number: 7. (10.1038/s41405-022-00099-4)
- Al-yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D. and Innes, N. 2022. A longitudinal study of changes in new dental graduates’ engagement with evidence-based practice during their transition to professional practice. British Dental Journal (10.1038/s41415-022-3931-5)
- Al-yaseen, W., Seifo, N., Bhatia, S. and Innes, N. 2021. When less is more: minimally invasive, evidence-based treatments for dentine caries in primary teeth – the Hall Technique and silver diamine fluoride. Primary Dental Journal 10(4), pp. 33-42. (10.1177/20501684211067354)
- Schwendicke, F. et al. 2021. Interventions for treating cavitated or dentine carious lesions (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 7, article number: CD013039. (10.1002/14651858.CD013039.pub2)
- Johnson, I. G. et al. 2021. Dental periodontal procedures: a systematic review of contamination (splatter, droplets and aerosol) in relation to COVID-19. BDJ Open 7, article number: 15. (10.1038/s41405-021-00070-9)
- Araujo, M. P., Al-Yaseen, W. and Innes, N. P. 2020. A road map for designing and reporting clinical trials in paediatric dentistry. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 31(S1), pp. 14-22. (10.1111/ipd.12746)
- Gallagher, J. E. et al. 2020. A systematic review of contamination (aerosol, splatter and droplet generation) associated with oral surgery and its relevance to COVID-19. BDJ Open 6, article number: 25. (10.1038/s41405-020-00053-2)
- Innes, N. et al. 2020. A systematic review of droplet and aerosol generation in dentistry. Journal of Dentistry 105, pp. 103556. (10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103556)
- Marshmann, Z. et al. 2024. Behaviour change intervention (education and text) to prevent dental caries in secondary school pupils: BRIGHT RCT, process and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment 28(52) (10.3310/JQTA2103)
- Maldupa, I., Al-Yaseen, W., Giese, J., Elagami, R. and Raggio, D. P. 2024. Recommended procedures for managing carious lesions in primary teeth with pulp involvement—a scoping review. BDJ Open 10(1), article number: 74. (10.1038/s41405-024-00259-8)
- Innes, N. et al. 2024. Behaviour change intervention for toothbrushing (lesson and text messages) to prevent dental caries in secondary school pupils: The BRIGHT randomized control trial. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 52(4), pp. 469-478. (10.1111/cdoe.12940)
- Tedesco, T. K. et al. 2024. Success rate of Hall Technique for restoring carious primary molars - Systematic review and meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Dentistry (10.1038/s41432-024-01044-0)
- Al-Yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D. and Innes, N. 2024. A longitudinal qualitative multi-methods study of new dental graduates’ transition journey from undergraduate studies to professional practice. European Journal of Dental Education 28(1), pp. 41-55. (10.1111/eje.12913)
- Al-Yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D. and Innes, N. 2024. New dental graduates transition into UK professional practice; a longitudinal study of changes in perceptions and behaviours through the lens of evidence-based dentistry. BMC Medical Education 24(1), article number: 195. (10.1186/s12909-024-05182-y)
- Al-Yaseen, W., Raggio, D. P., Araujo, M. and Innes, N. 2024. "I just wanted a dentist in my phone"-designing evidence-based mHealth prototype to improve preschool children's oral and dental health: multimethod study of the codevelopment of an app for children's teeth. JMIR Formative Research 8, article number: e49561. (10.2196/49561)
- Al-yaseen, W. et al. 2022. Aerosol and splatter generation with rotary handpieces used in restorative and orthodontic dentistry: a systematic review. BDJ Open 8(1), article number: 26. (10.1038/s41405-022-00118-4)
- Reeve-Brook, L., Bhatia, S., Al-yaseen, W., Innes, N. and Monaghan, N. 2022. A questionnaire-based study of Paediatric Dentists’ knowledge of teething signs, symptoms and management. BDJ Open 8, article number: 7. (10.1038/s41405-022-00099-4)
- Al-yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D. and Innes, N. 2022. A longitudinal study of changes in new dental graduates’ engagement with evidence-based practice during their transition to professional practice. British Dental Journal (10.1038/s41415-022-3931-5)
- Al-yaseen, W., Seifo, N., Bhatia, S. and Innes, N. 2021. When less is more: minimally invasive, evidence-based treatments for dentine caries in primary teeth – the Hall Technique and silver diamine fluoride. Primary Dental Journal 10(4), pp. 33-42. (10.1177/20501684211067354)
- Schwendicke, F. et al. 2021. Interventions for treating cavitated or dentine carious lesions (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 7, article number: CD013039. (10.1002/14651858.CD013039.pub2)
- Johnson, I. G. et al. 2021. Dental periodontal procedures: a systematic review of contamination (splatter, droplets and aerosol) in relation to COVID-19. BDJ Open 7, article number: 15. (10.1038/s41405-021-00070-9)
- Araujo, M. P., Al-Yaseen, W. and Innes, N. P. 2020. A road map for designing and reporting clinical trials in paediatric dentistry. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 31(S1), pp. 14-22. (10.1111/ipd.12746)
- Gallagher, J. E. et al. 2020. A systematic review of contamination (aerosol, splatter and droplet generation) associated with oral surgery and its relevance to COVID-19. BDJ Open 6, article number: 25. (10.1038/s41405-020-00053-2)
- Innes, N. et al. 2020. A systematic review of droplet and aerosol generation in dentistry. Journal of Dentistry 105, pp. 103556. (10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103556)
- Al-Yaseen, W., Raggio, D., Araujo, M. ac Innes, N. "Roeddwn i eisiau deintydd yn fy ffôn:" Dylunio prototeip iechyd sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth i wella iechyd y geg a deintyddol plant cyn-ysgol: Cyd-ddatblygu'r ACT "App for Children's Teeth." Journal of Medical Internet Research Health Yn y wasg. Protocol Astudio ar gael ynt https://doi.org/10.17605/osf.io/9brs3
Al-Yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D. ac Innes, N. Graddedigion deintyddol newydd yn trosglwyddo i ymarfer proffesiynol yn y DU; Astudiaeth hydredol o newidiadau mewn canfyddiadau ac ymddygiadau trwy lens deintyddiaeth sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth. BMC Medical Education Yn y wasg.
Al-Yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D., Innes, N. Astudiaeth aml-ddulliau ansoddol hydredol o daith bontio graddedigion deintyddol newydd o astudiaethau israddedig i ymarfer proffesiynol. Eur J Dent Educ. 2023; 00: 1- 15. https://doi.org/10.1111/eje.12913
- Al-Yaseen, W., Jones, R., McGregor, S., C., S., Gallagher, J., Wade, W., Harris, R., Johnson, I. ac Innes, N. Aerosol a chynhyrchu splatter gyda llawddrylliau cylchdro a ddefnyddir mewn deintyddiaeth adferol ac orthodonteg: adolygiad systematig. BDJ Agored 8, 26 (2022). https://doi-org.abc.cardiff.ac.uk/10.1038/s41405-022-00118-43.
- Reeve-Brook, L., Bhatia, S., Al-Yaseen, W., Innes, N. a Monaghan, N. 2022. Astudiaeth ar sail holiadur o wybodaeth Deintyddion Pediatrig o arwyddion, symptomau a rheolaeth cychwynnol. BDJ Agored 8, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41405-022-00099-4
Al-yaseen, W., Nanjappa, S., Jindal-Snape, D. ac Innes, N. 2022. Astudiaeth hydredol o newidiadau mewn ymgysylltiad graddedigion deintyddol newydd ag arfer sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth yn ystod eu cyfnod pontio i ymarfer proffesiynol. British Dental Journal https://doi.org/10.1038/s41415-022-3931-5
Al-Yaseen, W., Seifo, N., Bhatia, S. ac Innes, N. 2021. Pan fydd llai yn fwy: triniaethau minimally ymledol, seiliedig ar dystiolaeth ar gyfer caries dentine mewn dannedd cynradd – techneg y Neuadd a fflworid diamin arian. Primary Dental Journal 10 (4), t. 33-42. https://doi.org/10.1177/20501684211067354
Johnson, I G., Jones, Rhiannon J., Gallagher, J., Wade, W., Al- Yaseen, W., Robertson, M., McGregor, S., C, Sukriti K., Innes, N. a Harris, R. 2021. Gweithdrefnau cyfnodol deintyddol: adolygiad systematig o halogiad (splatter, defnynnau ac aerosol) am COVID-19. BDJ Agored 7, 15. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41405-021-00070-9
Schwendicke, F., Walsh, T., Lamont, T., Al-yaseen, W ., Bjørndal, L., Clarkson, JE, Fontana, M., Gomez Rossi, J., Göstemeyer, G., Levey, C., Müller, A., Ricketts, D., Robertson, M., Santamaria, R. ac Innes, N. 2021. Ymyriadau ar gyfer trin briwiau ceudod neu dentine carious (Adolygiad). Cochrane Cronfa Ddata o Adolygiadau Systematig 7, CD013039. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD013039.pub
Araujo, M., Al-Yaseen, W . ac Innes, N. 2020. Map ffordd ar gyfer dylunio ac adrodd treialon clinigol mewn deintyddiaeth bediatreg. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 31 (S1), tt. 14-22. https://doi.org/10.1111/ipd.12746
Gallagher, J., K., S., Johnson, I., Al-Yaseen, W., Jones, R., McGregor, S., Robertson, M., Harris, R., Innes, N. a Wade, W. 2020. Adolygiad systematig o halogiad (cynhyrchu aerosol, splatter a defnynnau) sy'n gysylltiedig â llawfeddygaeth y geg a'i berthnasedd i COVID-19. BDJ Agored 6, 25. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41405-020-00053-2
Innes, N., Johnson, I., Al-Yaseen, W., Harris, R., Jones, R., KC, S., McGregor, S., Robertson, M., Wade, W. a Gallagher, J. 2020. Adolygiad systematig o gynhyrchu defnynnau ac aerosol ym maes deintyddiaeth. Journal of Dentistry 105, 103556 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103556
Seifo, N., Al-Yaseen, W., & Innes, N. (2018) . Effeithlonrwydd fflworid diamin arian wrth arestio caries mewn plant. Deintyddiaeth ar sail tystiolaeth, 19(2), 42–43. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ebd.6401301
Gweithgareddau ymchwil cyfredol (Protocolau Cofrestredig):
Al-Yaseen, W., Raggio, D., Bhatia, S. ac Innes, Rhieni/rhoddwyr gofal a phrofiad eu plant o anesthesia cyffredinol deintyddol (2023, Mawrth). Wedi ei gasglu o'https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN1298945
Raggio, D., Innes, N., Al-Yaseen, W.Turton, B. Arolwg trawsdoriadol i brofi Facebook fel llwyfan i gasglu gwybodaeth am fynediad defnyddwyr at ofal iechyd y geg. (2023, Chwefror 20) https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/XMS76
Gweithgareddau ymchwil eraill a gafodd eu dosbarthu fel comics:
Jindal-Snape D, Gordon L, Innes N, Corlett J, Morris J, Nanjappa S, Tooman T, Al-Yaseen W, Ding C, Corrales M, Lewen JT. 2022. Mae Roller Coaster COVID yn pontio sawl dimensiwn ac aml-ddimensiwn o raddedigion gofal iechyd oherwydd COVID-19. DOI: 10.15132/10000185
Jindal-Snape D., Murray C., Innes N., Tooman T., Al-Yaseen W., Herd, D., Ding, C., Corrales M., Lewen JT. 2022. Rollercoaster COVID. DOI: 10.20933/100001247
- Addysgu myfyrwyr deintyddol israddedig yn yr Adran Deintyddiaeth Bediatreg, gan ddarparu sesiynau grŵp bach a dysgu ochr cadeirydd i ddatblygu sgiliau clinigol a hyder.
- Arwain addysgu Deintyddiaeth Bediatreg Blwyddyn 3 ar gyfer rhaglen BDS, gan ddylunio a chyflwyno gweithgareddau addysgu craidd i fodloni safonau'r cwricwlwm.
- Goruchwylio prosiectau ymchwil israddedig, arwain myfyrwyr mewn dewis pwnc, dylunio ymchwil, moeseg, a lledaenu canfyddiadau.
- Trefnwch y clwb cyfnodolion adrannol i annog arfarniad beirniadol rheolaidd o lenyddiaeth gyfredol ymhlith staff a myfyrwyr.
- Cyfrannu at y rhaglen ôl-raddedig a addysgir drwy gyflwyno gweithgareddau arfarnu beirniadol, a hyrwyddo sgiliau ymchwil a gwerthuso cadarn.
Hyfforddiant Academaidd:
Ph.D |
Ysgol Ddeintyddol, Prifysgol Dundee, UK |
06/2020 |
Diploma (Addysg Feddygol) |
Ysgol Ddeintyddol, Prifysgol Dundee, UK |
05/2019 |
Meistr (Iechyd Cyhoeddus Deintyddol) |
Ysgol Ddeintyddol, Prifysgol Dundee, UK |
09/2016 |
MSc. (Deintyddiaeth Bediatreg) |
Ysgol Ddeintyddol Baghdad, Baghdad, Irac |
09/2014 |
Ysgol Ddeintyddol Baghdad, Baghdad, Irac |
07/2010 |
Penodiadau academaidd:
Darlithydd Clinigol mewn Deintyddiaeth Pediatrig |
Ysgol Ddeintyddol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, y DU |
11/2020 i gyflwyno |
Darlithydd Clinigol |
Ysgol Ddeintyddol Dundee, Dundee, UK |
03/2020 i 11/2020 |
Goruchwyliwr Clinigol |
Ysgol Ddeintyddol Penrhyn, UK |
09/2018 i 3/2020 |
Deintydd/Darlithydd Cynorthwyol |
Baghdad Dental College, Irac |
07/2012 i 09/2015 |
Goruchwyliwr deintyddol clinigol |
Prifysgol Al-Yarmouk, Irac |
09/2014 i 09/2015 |
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Deintyddiaeth Pediatrig - Dulliau sy'n Dda i Blant
Deintyddiaeth Ymledol Lleiaf
e-Llafar, teledeintyddiaeth, gweithredu AI i wella hygyrchedd gofal
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Idris Busaily Busaily
Contact Details
Ysbyty Deintyddol y Brifysgol, Llawr 1af , Ystafell 103, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4XY
Themâu ymchwil
- deintyddiaeth pediatrig
- E-Deintyddol Iechyd a Teledeintyddiaeth
- Deintyddiaeth fewnwthiol lleiaf
- Cyd-ddylunio a chyd-gynhyrchu
- Gwella mynediad gofal