Yr Athro Nicholas Baker-Brian
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Nicholas Baker-Brian
Athro (Astudiaethau Hen Hwyr)
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Cristnogaeth gynnar
- Manichaeism (a 'Gnosticism')
- Catholigion Groeg a Lladin
- Brenhinllin Constantinian
- Llenyddiaethau Julian yr Apostol
Prosiectau ymchwil
- Diwylliant Caergystennin: Hanes y
Brenhinllin Caergystennin - Doethineb Ymerodrol: tuag at hanes newydd o'r drydedd ganrif OC
- Cyfieithiad a Sylwebaeth Newydd o Salmau Heracleides (Cyfres Efengylau Coptig a Thestunau Cysylltiedig)
Grŵp ymchwil
Bywgraffiad mewn Clwstwr Ymchwil Hynafiaeth Hwyr
Clwstwr Ymchwil Hynafol a Modern Dynasty
Canolfan Caerdydd ar gyfer Crefydd a Diwylliant Hen Ddiweddar
Effaith ac ymgysylltiad
**PODLEDIAD NEWYDD LANIO - History Behind News - Mani a Manicheism yn Sasanian Iran a'r Ymerodraeth Rufeinig https://tinyurl.com/2wk8cpeu
Erthygl newydd ar gyfer Engelsberg Ideas on Julian 'the Apostate ' - Julian 'the Apostate': hunan-gyhoeddwr mwyaf toreithiog hynafiaeth - syniadau Engelsberg
Podlediad Hanes Feganiaeth - 'Yr Opsiwn Fegan' - Pennod 5 http://theveganoption.org/2016/06/07/veghist-ep05-rome-plutarch-neoplatonism-manicheans-david-grummet-nicholas-baker-brian-michael-beer-copts-hermits/
- Baker-Brian, N. 2025. Restoration not revolution: Prophecy and diatribe in Constantine I's Oration to the Saints. In: Quiroga Puertas, A. and Fuentes Gonzalez, P. eds. Diatribe Reconsidered: Pedagogical Strategies in Greco-Roman Literature between Rhetoric and Philosophy. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 1-17.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2024. Writing truth and secrets: Authorship and the legitimising role of apocalyptic in Manichaeism. In: Bonar, C. and Lidenlaub, J. D. eds. Authorial Fictions and Attributions in the Ancient Mediterranean. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 105-125.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2022. The reign of Constantius II. Routledge.
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. 2021. Introduction. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. Studia Patristica CII. Papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference 5-7 September 2018. Studia Patristica Vol. 102. Peeters
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. 2021. Studia Patristica CII. Including papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference, Cardiff, 5-7 September 2018. Peeters.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2020. Revisiting Proba's Confession: The Proem of the Vergilian Cento and the Reign of Julian the Apostate. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. Studia Patristica CII. Papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference, Cardiff, 5-7 September 2018. Peeters
- Baker-Brian, N. 2020. ‘Very great are your words’. In: Flower, R. and Ludlow, M. eds. Rhetoric and Religious Identity in Late Antiquity. Oxford University Press, pp. 114-127., (10.1093/oso/9780198813194.003.0008)
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. 2020. Introduction: In the shadows of Constantine and Julian: The sons of Constantine, AD 337-361. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. eds. The Sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, (10.1007/978-3-030-39898-9)
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. eds. 2020. The sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: in the shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-39898-9)
- Baker-Brian, N. J. 2020. 'I have taken pains to get copies of them': Epistolary relations between the sons of Constantine and the Christian Church. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. eds. The Sons of Constantine, AD337-361. In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 347-388.
- Baker-Brian, N. J. 2018. A new religion? The emergence of Manichaeism in Late Antiquity. In: Lossl, J. and Baker-Brian, N. J. eds. A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World Chichester: Wiley, pp. 319-343., (10.1002/9781118968130.ch15)
- Lossl, J. and Baker-Brian, N. J. eds. 2018. A companion to religion in Late Antiquity. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Chichester: Wiley. (10.1002/9781118968130)
- Baker-Brian, N. 2018. Introduction. In: Lossl, J. and Baker-Brian, N. eds. A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1-8.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2017. Mass and elite in Late Antique religion: the case of Manichaeism. In: Evans, R. ed. Mass and Elite in the Greek and Roman Worlds: From Sparta to Late Antiquity. London: Routledge, pp. 165-184.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2017. Manicheism. In: Toom, T. ed. Augustine in Context. Cambridge University Press, pp. 137-144.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2016. “Putrid boils and sores, and burning wounds in the body”: the valorization of health and illness in late antique Manichaeism: Introduction: health and the Manichaean body. Harvard Theological Review 109(3), pp. 422-446. (10.1017/S001781601600016X)
- Baker-Brian, N. and Galynina, I. 2013. Contra Faustum. In: Pollmann, K. and Otten, W. eds. The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 46-53.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Manichaeism. In: Pollmann, K. and Otten, W. eds. The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 871-877.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Women in Augustine's anti-Manichaean writings: Rumour, rhetoric, and ritual. In: Vinzent, M. ed. Studia Patristica LXX: Papers presented at the sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011: Volume 18: St Augustine and his Opponents. Studia Patristica Vol. 70. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 499-520.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Between testimony and rumour: Strategies of invective in Augustine's 'De moribus manichaeorum'. In: Quiroga Puertas, A. J. ed. The Purpose of Rhetoric in Late Antiquity: From Performance to Exegesis. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 31-53.
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. 2012. Emperor and author: The writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Tougher, S. F. 2012. Reading between the lines: Julian's first panegyric on Constantius II. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian 'the Apostate'. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, pp. 19-34.
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. 2012. Introduction. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, pp. xiii-xxi.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2012. The politics of virtue in Julian's Misopogon. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 263-280.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2011. Manichaeism: An ancient faith rediscovered. London: T & T Clark International.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2009. Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire: A study of Augustine's 'Contra Adimantum'. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2007. Modern Augustinian biographies: Revisions and counter-memories. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 11(1), pp. 151-167. (10.1515/ZAC.2007.009)
- Baker-Brian, N. 2006. Biblical traditions and their transformation in fourth century Manichaeism. Augustiniana 56(1-2), pp. 63-80.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2003. '.. quaedam disputationes Adimanti' (Retr. I. xxii. 1): Reading the Manichaean Biblical Discordance in Augustine's Contra Adimantum. Augustinian Studies 34(2), pp. 175-196. (10.5840/augstudies200334211)
- Baker-Brian, N. 2016. “Putrid boils and sores, and burning wounds in the body”: the valorization of health and illness in late antique Manichaeism: Introduction: health and the Manichaean body. Harvard Theological Review 109(3), pp. 422-446. (10.1017/S001781601600016X)
- Baker-Brian, N. 2007. Modern Augustinian biographies: Revisions and counter-memories. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 11(1), pp. 151-167. (10.1515/ZAC.2007.009)
- Baker-Brian, N. 2006. Biblical traditions and their transformation in fourth century Manichaeism. Augustiniana 56(1-2), pp. 63-80.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2003. '.. quaedam disputationes Adimanti' (Retr. I. xxii. 1): Reading the Manichaean Biblical Discordance in Augustine's Contra Adimantum. Augustinian Studies 34(2), pp. 175-196. (10.5840/augstudies200334211)
Book sections
- Baker-Brian, N. 2025. Restoration not revolution: Prophecy and diatribe in Constantine I's Oration to the Saints. In: Quiroga Puertas, A. and Fuentes Gonzalez, P. eds. Diatribe Reconsidered: Pedagogical Strategies in Greco-Roman Literature between Rhetoric and Philosophy. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 1-17.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2024. Writing truth and secrets: Authorship and the legitimising role of apocalyptic in Manichaeism. In: Bonar, C. and Lidenlaub, J. D. eds. Authorial Fictions and Attributions in the Ancient Mediterranean. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 105-125.
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. 2021. Introduction. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. Studia Patristica CII. Papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference 5-7 September 2018. Studia Patristica Vol. 102. Peeters
- Baker-Brian, N. 2020. Revisiting Proba's Confession: The Proem of the Vergilian Cento and the Reign of Julian the Apostate. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. Studia Patristica CII. Papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference, Cardiff, 5-7 September 2018. Peeters
- Baker-Brian, N. 2020. ‘Very great are your words’. In: Flower, R. and Ludlow, M. eds. Rhetoric and Religious Identity in Late Antiquity. Oxford University Press, pp. 114-127., (10.1093/oso/9780198813194.003.0008)
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. 2020. Introduction: In the shadows of Constantine and Julian: The sons of Constantine, AD 337-361. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. eds. The Sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, (10.1007/978-3-030-39898-9)
- Baker-Brian, N. J. 2020. 'I have taken pains to get copies of them': Epistolary relations between the sons of Constantine and the Christian Church. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. eds. The Sons of Constantine, AD337-361. In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 347-388.
- Baker-Brian, N. J. 2018. A new religion? The emergence of Manichaeism in Late Antiquity. In: Lossl, J. and Baker-Brian, N. J. eds. A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World Chichester: Wiley, pp. 319-343., (10.1002/9781118968130.ch15)
- Baker-Brian, N. 2018. Introduction. In: Lossl, J. and Baker-Brian, N. eds. A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1-8.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2017. Mass and elite in Late Antique religion: the case of Manichaeism. In: Evans, R. ed. Mass and Elite in the Greek and Roman Worlds: From Sparta to Late Antiquity. London: Routledge, pp. 165-184.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2017. Manicheism. In: Toom, T. ed. Augustine in Context. Cambridge University Press, pp. 137-144.
- Baker-Brian, N. and Galynina, I. 2013. Contra Faustum. In: Pollmann, K. and Otten, W. eds. The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 46-53.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Manichaeism. In: Pollmann, K. and Otten, W. eds. The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 871-877.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Women in Augustine's anti-Manichaean writings: Rumour, rhetoric, and ritual. In: Vinzent, M. ed. Studia Patristica LXX: Papers presented at the sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011: Volume 18: St Augustine and his Opponents. Studia Patristica Vol. 70. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 499-520.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Between testimony and rumour: Strategies of invective in Augustine's 'De moribus manichaeorum'. In: Quiroga Puertas, A. J. ed. The Purpose of Rhetoric in Late Antiquity: From Performance to Exegesis. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 31-53.
- Tougher, S. F. 2012. Reading between the lines: Julian's first panegyric on Constantius II. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian 'the Apostate'. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, pp. 19-34.
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. 2012. Introduction. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, pp. xiii-xxi.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2012. The politics of virtue in Julian's Misopogon. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 263-280.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2022. The reign of Constantius II. Routledge.
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. 2021. Studia Patristica CII. Including papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference, Cardiff, 5-7 September 2018. Peeters.
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. eds. 2020. The sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: in the shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-39898-9)
- Lossl, J. and Baker-Brian, N. J. eds. 2018. A companion to religion in Late Antiquity. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Chichester: Wiley. (10.1002/9781118968130)
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. 2012. Emperor and author: The writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2011. Manichaeism: An ancient faith rediscovered. London: T & T Clark International.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2009. Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire: A study of Augustine's 'Contra Adimantum'. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Women in Augustine's anti-Manichaean writings: Rumour, rhetoric, and ritual. In: Vinzent, M. ed. Studia Patristica LXX: Papers presented at the sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011: Volume 18: St Augustine and his Opponents. Studia Patristica Vol. 70. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 499-520.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Between testimony and rumour: Strategies of invective in Augustine's 'De moribus manichaeorum'. In: Quiroga Puertas, A. J. ed. The Purpose of Rhetoric in Late Antiquity: From Performance to Exegesis. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 31-53.
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. 2012. Emperor and author: The writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. 2012. Introduction. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, pp. xiii-xxi.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2012. The politics of virtue in Julian's Misopogon. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. F. eds. Emperor and Author: The Writings of Julian the Apostate. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 263-280.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2011. Manichaeism: An ancient faith rediscovered. London: T & T Clark International.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2009. Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire: A study of Augustine's 'Contra Adimantum'. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2007. Modern Augustinian biographies: Revisions and counter-memories. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 11(1), pp. 151-167. (10.1515/ZAC.2007.009)
- Baker-Brian, N. 2006. Biblical traditions and their transformation in fourth century Manichaeism. Augustiniana 56(1-2), pp. 63-80.
Cyfres Golygydd a Sylfaenydd, Critical Debates in Global Late Antiquity mewn partneriaeth â Routledge
*Rydym yn recriwtio awduron newydd ar gyfer y gyfres hon mewn ystod o feysydd blaengar o Astudiaethau Hanesyddol Byd-eang, gan gynnwys
Hinsawdd a'r Amgylchedd mewn Astudiaethau Hen Heneiddio Diweddar
Iechyd, Clefyd a Marwolaeth mewn Astudiaethau Hen Hwyr;
Crefyddau mewn Astudiaethau Hen Hwyr;
Rhamantiaeth mewn Astudiaethau Hynafol Hwyr;
Trais rhywiol mewn astudiaethau hen bethau hwyr;
Golygydd yn Brif Weithredwr, Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture mewn partneriaeth â Gwasg Prifysgol Caerdydd
Yr UNIG Diamond Open Access Journal for Late Antiquity
*Rhifyn diweddaraf yma Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture
Mae'r prosiectau presennol yn cynnwys:
Diwylliant Cystennin: Hanes Brenhinllin Caergystennin
Doethineb Ymerodrol: tuag at hanes newydd o'r drydedd ganrif OC
Cyfieithiad a Sylwebaeth Newydd o Salmau Heracleides (Cyfres Efengylau Coptig a Thestunau Cysylltiedig)
Proffil addysgu
- RT0102 Themâu a Materion yn Astudio Crefydd
- HS0303 Croesi'r Ffiniau: Traethawd Hir Rhyngddisgyblaethol
- HS3110 Darganfod Ieithoedd Hynafol
- RT0201 Beth yw crefydd?
- RT0328 Ymerodraeth Ffydd: Crefydd, Gwleidyddiaeth a Chred yn Ymerodraeth Rhufain y Bedwaredd Ganrif OC
- RT0227 Astudiaeth Dywysedig mewn Crefydd a Diwinyddiaeth
- RT0202 Astudiaeth Annibynnol neu Gyfieithu Beirniadol
- RT0306 Archwilio Gnostigiaeth
Myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n hapus i drafod prosiectau MPhil/MRes/PhD posibl yn fy meysydd ymchwil penodedig, anfonwch e-bost ataf baker-briannj1@cardiff.ac.uk
Addysg a chymwysterau
- PhD Llenyddiaeth Ladin Hynafol Hwyr (Cymru 2002)
Trosolwg gyrfa
- 2024-presennol: Athro Astudiaethau Hen Hwyr, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2019-2024: Darllenydd mewn Crefyddau Hynafol, SHARE, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Deilydd Dyfarniad Doethurol yr Academi Brydeinig
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Member: Cymdeithas Pediatreg Gogledd America
- Aelod: International Association of Manichaean Studies
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Hynafiaeth Hwyr
Cristnogaeth gynnar
Ymerodraeth Rufeinig yn ddiweddarach
Manichaeism a Gnosticism
Astudiaethau Coptig
Llenyddiaeth Patristic Ladin a Groeg
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Mae PhD diweddar yn cynnwys:
William Lewis, Rhwydweithiau Gwleidyddol, Cysylltiadau Ymerodrol, a Rhaniad yr Ymerodraeth Rufeinig, 337 i 350 OC
Susanna Towers, Adeiladwaith Rhyw mewn Naratif Cosmolegol Manichaean Hynafol Diweddar
Ulriika Vihervalli, Gwyriad a Thrychineb: Rhesymoli moesoldeb rhywiol mewn trafodaethau Cristnogol Gorllewinol, AD 390 - AD 520
Victoria Leonard, Awdurdod Imperial a Chyflwyniad Undduwiaeth yn Historiae Adversus Paganos Orosius
Thomas Hunt, 'Sut y mae'r pethau hynny sy'n anweledig yn wybyddus o'r gweladwy' (Hier. Comm. Ad Effes Y cysylltiad rhwng gwybodus phsyical ac ysbrydol mewn tri gwaith Jerome o Stridon a gynhyrchwyd yn ystod ei dair blynedd gyntaf ym Methlehem (386-393)
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Cyfnod Hwyr - Yr Aifft Rhufeinig
- Brenhinllin
- Diwylliant Gwleidyddol, Ymerodraeth Rufeinig Diweddar