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Nicholas Baker-Brian

Professor Nicholas Baker-Brian

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Nicholas Baker-Brian


Research interests

  • Early Christianity
  • Manichaeism (and 'Gnosticism')
  • Greek and Latin Patristics
  • The Constantinian Dynasty
  • The Writings of Julian the Apostate

Research projects

  • Constantinian Culture: A History of the
     Constantinian Dynasty 
  • Imperial Wisdom: Towards a New History of the Third Century CE
  • New Translation and Commentary of Psalms of Heracleides (Coptic Gospels and Associated Texts series) 

Research group

Biography in Late Antiquty Research Cluster

Dynasty Ancient and Modern Research Cluster

Cardiff Centre for Late Antique Religion and Culture

Impact and engagement

**NEW PODCAST JUST LANDED - History Behind News - Mani and Manicheism in Sasanian Iran and the Roman Empire 

New article for Engelsberg Ideas on Julian 'the Apostate' - Julian ‘the Apostate’: antiquity’s most prolific self-publicist - Engelsberg ideas

History of Veganism Podcast - 'The Vegan Option' - Episode 5











  • Baker-Brian, N. and Galynina, I. 2013. Contra Faustum. In: Pollmann, K. and Otten, W. eds. The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 46-53.
  • Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Manichaeism. In: Pollmann, K. and Otten, W. eds. The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 871-877.
  • Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Women in Augustine's anti-Manichaean writings: Rumour, rhetoric, and ritual. In: Vinzent, M. ed. Studia Patristica LXX: Papers presented at the sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011: Volume 18: St Augustine and his Opponents. Studia Patristica Vol. 70. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 499-520.
  • Baker-Brian, N. 2013. Between testimony and rumour: Strategies of invective in Augustine's 'De moribus manichaeorum'. In: Quiroga Puertas, A. J. ed. The Purpose of Rhetoric in Late Antiquity: From Performance to Exegesis. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 31-53.








Book sections




Series Editor and Founder, Critical Debates in Global Late Antiquity in partnership with Routledge 

*We are recruiting new authors for this series in a range of cutting-edge areas of Global Historical Studies, including 

Climate and the Environment in Late Antique Studies
Health, Disease and Death in Late Antique Studies;
Religious Entanglements in Late Antique Studies;
Rulership in Late Antique Studies;
Sexual Violence in Late Antique Studies;

Editor in Chief, Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture in partnership with Cardiff University Press

The ONLY Diamond Open Access Journal for Late Antiquity

*Latest edition here Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture


Current projects include:

Constantinian Culture: A History of the Constantinian Dynasty 

Imperial Wisdom: Towards a New History of the Third Century CE

New Translation and Commentary of Psalms of Heracleides (Coptic Gospels and Associated Texts series) 


Teaching profile


  • RT0102 Themes and Issues in the Study of Religion
  • HS0303 Crossing Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Dissertation
  • HS3110 Discovering Ancient Languages
  • RT0201 What is Religion?
  • RT0328 Empire of Faith: Religion, Politics and Belief in the Rome Empire of the Fourth Century CE
  • RT0227 Guided Study in Religion and Theology 
  • RT0202 Independent Study or Critical Translation 
  • RT0306 Exploring Gnosticism 

Postgraduate students

I am happy to discuss possible MPhil/MRes/PhD projects in my specified research areas, please email me 


Education and qualifications

  • PhD Late Antique Latin literature (Wales 2002)

Career overview

  • 2024-Present: Professor of Late Antique Studies, Cardiff University 
  • 2019-2024: Reader in Ancient Religions, SHARE, Cardiff University 

Honours and awards

British Academy Doctoral Award-Holder

Professional memberships

  • Member: North American Patristics Society
  • Member: International Association of Manichaean Studies


Late Antiquity

Early Christianity

Later Roman Empire

Manichaeism and Gnosticism

Coptic Studies

Latin and Greek Patristic Literature

Current supervision

Past projects

Recent PhDs include:

William Lewis, Political Networks, Imperial Relations, and the Division of the Roman Empire, AD 337 to 350

Susanna Towers, Constructions of Gender in Late Antique Manichaean Cosmological Narrative

Ulriika Vihervalli,  Deviance and Disaster: Rationalising sexual morality in Western Christian discourses, AD 390 - AD 520

Victoria Leonard, Imperial Authority and the Providence of Monotheism in Orosius' Historiae Adversus Paganos

Thomas Hunt, 'How those things which are invisible are known from the visible' (Hier. Comm. Ad Ephes 1.1.19): The link between phsyical and spiritual knowing in three works of Jerome of Stridon produced during his first three years in Bethlehem (386-393)



  • Late Period - Roman Egypt
  • Dynasty
  • Political Culture, Late Roman Empire