Yr Athro Juliet Davis
MA DipArch (Cantab) R.I.B.A. PhD
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Juliet Davis
Pennaeth Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru
Rwy'n Athro Pensaernïaeth a Threfoliaeth ac yn Bennaeth Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru. Mae fy addysgu ac ymchwil yn rhychwantu meysydd Pensaernïaeth, Dylunio Trefol a Hanes/theori Cynllunio Dinas. Rwy'n awdur dau lyfr a nifer o gyhoeddiadau eraill ar draws y meysydd hyn gan adlewyrchu diddordebau mewn pynciau newid trefol ac adfywio ôl-ddiwydiannol, trawsnewidiad a arweinir gan megaevent, rôl treftadaeth a chof mewn dyfodol trefol, gofal, iechyd a lles. Bues i'n ymarfer pensaernïaeth a dylunio trefol yn Llundain am ddeng mlynedd cyn mynd i'r byd academaidd yn 2007, gan gyfrannu at adfywiad Penseiri Eric Parry o St Martin in the Fields a Banc Hadau Mileniwm Stanton William ymhlith prosiectau eraill. Gyda chefnogaeth dyfarniad doethurol AHRC, ymgymerodd â PhD yn Rhaglen Dinasoedd Ysgol Economeg Llundain rhwng 2007 a 2011 a oedd yn canolbwyntio ar archwilio'n feirniadol rôl dylunio trefol wrth siartio llwybrau adfywio tymor hir yn Nwyrain Llundain sy'n gysylltiedig â Gemau Olympaidd 2012. Astudiais Bensaernïaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt yn y 1990au, gan raddio gyda gradd dosbarth cyntaf yn y BA mewn Pensaernïaeth ym 1995 a Gwobr Edward S. Prior am ragoriaeth dylunio, a chyda Chlod am y Diploma mewn Pensaernïaeth (Rhan II) ym 1999. Mae fy ymchwil wedi cael ei ariannu gan UKRI, Grosvenor, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Canolfan Astudiaethau Paul Mellon mewn Celf Brydeinig ac eraill.
- Pennaeth yr Ysgol
- Goruchwyliwr PhD
- Cyfrannwr at ddysgu Hanes, Theori a Dylunio Trefol
Gweithgareddau allanol
- Golygydd Adolygiadau Llyfrau Prydain ar gyfer Safbwyntiau Cynllunio (cylchgrawn Taylor and Francis) (o 2019-2022)
- Aelod o'r Bwrdd Golygyddol Planning Perspectives (Taylor and Francis journal) (o 2019-ymlaen)
- Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer UCL Bartlett Ysgol Pensaernïaeth MSci (2022-parhaus)
- Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer Ysgol Gelf Met Llundain, Pensaernïaeth a Dylunio MA Pensaernïaeth, Dinasoedd a Urbanism (2021-)
- Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Kent BA (Anrh) (2018-2021)
- Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Caerlŷr MArch (2014-2018)
- Arholwr gwaith gradd uwch (ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt (2012, 2015-2018) a Phrifysgol Bryste (2013))
- Clark, S. and Davis, J. 2024. A gradual design gaze on almshousing: An architectural research perspective. Presented at: Inaugural AlmshouseAssociation Research Conference, The Worshipful Company of Mercers, London, 11 January 2024.
- Clark, S. and Davis, J. 2024. The placing of older people in South London, using a case study charitable organisation and its almshousing to review age-friendly cities guidance. Presented at: 10th Nordic Geographers Meeting: Transitioning Geographies, Copenhagen, 24-27 June 2024NGM Book of Abstracts. pp. 303-303.
- Davis, J. and Tam, L. 2023. The making and remaking of a Welsh mining landscape and village: Onllwyn, Cwm Dulais, 1876‐2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Prizeman, O., Davis, J. and Tam, L. 2023. Digitisation of retreating industrial heritage; modelling the decommissioning of the coal washeries of Onllwyn. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVIII(M 2), pp. 1251-1260. (10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-M-2-2023-1251-2023)
- Davis, J. and Bernstock, P. 2023. From inclusive legacy promises to exclusive realities: Planning, design and displacement in post-Olympic East London. In: Kaminer, T., Ma, L. and Runting, H. eds. Urbanizing Suburbia: Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing and the Remaking of the Outer European City. Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH, pp. 212-235., (10.1515/9783868598735-015)
- Davis, J. 2023. Urban atmospheres of health. Presented at: Cities and Health Workshop, Fung Public Talks Program, Princeton University, USA, 21 May 2023.
- Davis, J. 2023. Book review: Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies. Urban Studies 60(2), pp. 398-400. (10.1177/00420980221144200)
- Davis, J. 2023. Urban atmospheres, health and design. Presented at: Hokkaido Summer Institute Side Event Seminar: Environmental Experience Design to Improve Residents’ Health and Wellbeing, Hokkaido University School of Medicine Centennial Hall, 11 July 2023.
- Davis, J. 2023. The caring city: a new book. Presented at: Skuor Research Ethics Seminar Series, Vienna, Austria, 3-4 May 2023.
- Davis, J. 2023. Shaping 'infrastructures of care' through design: a case study of the Appleby Blue Almshouse. Presented at: Caring Cities Seminar: Housing Knowledge Exchange Unit Workshops, UEL, University of East London, 13 November 2023.
- Tam, L., Davis, J. and Prizeman, O. 2023. The making and remaking of the Onllwyn industrial landscape - Change as an opportunity for resilience. Presented at: ICOMOS GA2023 - Historic Urban Contexts & Industrial Heritage: Case Studies in Resilience, Sydney, Australia, 31August - 9 September 2023.
- Davis, J. 2023. Unpacking the complex exclusivity of new workspaces in London’s Olympic Park. Presented at: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London, 29 August – 1 September 2023.
- Bernstock, P., Brownill, S., Davis, J., Melhuish, C., Minton, A. and Woodcraft, S. 2022. State of the legacy: a decade of Olympic 'regeneration'. London: UCL Urban Laboratory Publications. Available at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/urban-lab/publications/2022/dec/state-legacy-decade-olympic-regeneration
- Davis, J. 2022. Maintenance and repair as care with generosity. In: McVicar, M., Kite, S. and Drozynski, C. eds. Generosity and Architecture. London: Routledge, pp. 173-188.
- Butler, T., Cohen, P., Davis, J., Dorrington, D., Gardner, J. and Larkin, N. 2022. Groundbreakers - Immersive trail and guide. [Online]. London: LivingMaps Network, London. Available at: https://www.livingmaps.org/groundbreakers
- Davis, J. 2022. The caring city: ethics of urban design. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Davis, J. 2022. Research symposium: epidemics, planning and the city. Presented at: Epidemics, Planning and the City Symposium 2022, Virtual, 22 April 2022.
- Davis, J. 2022. Epidemics, planning and the city: a special issue of planning perspectives. Planning Perspectives 37(1), pp. 1-8. (10.1080/02665433.2022.2019982)
- Davis, J. 2022. The caring city: a new book. Presented at: Designing Cities for All: Creating Cultures of Care, Pakhui de Zuijger, 31 January 2022.
- Davis, J. 2022. Design as tending to the future. Presented at: Royal Society of Architects in Wales Annual Conference: Well-Being of the Nation, Cardiff, 10 November 2022.
- Bernstock, P. and Davis, J. 2022. A case study of employment and housing in London’s 2012 Olympic site, 2005-2022. Presented at: State of the Legacy Conference, London, 12-13 September 2022.
- Davis, J. 2020. Avoiding white elephants? The planning and design of London’s 2012 Olympic and Paralympic venues, 2002–2018. Planning Perspectives 35(5), pp. 827-848. (10.1080/02665433.2019.1633948)
- Davis, J. 2020. Education and global urbanisation. In: Taylor, H. and Wright, S. eds. Urban Schools: Designing for High Density. London: RIBA Publishing, pp. 11-21.
- Davis, J. and Bernstock, P. 2019. Mega-events, urban transformation and displacement: A case study of employment and housing in London's 2012 Olympic site, 2005-2019. Presented at: RC21@Delhi: In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures, New Delhi, India, 18-21 September 2019.
- Davis, J. 2019. Futurescapes of urban regeneration: ten years of design for the unfolding urban legacy of London’s Olympic Games, 2008–2018. Planning Perspectives 34(5), pp. 877-901. (10.1080/02665433.2018.1541757)
- Davis, J. and Groves, C. 2019. City/future in the making: masterplanning London’s Olympic legacy as anticipatory assemblage. Futures 109, pp. 13-23. (10.1016/j.futures.2019.04.002)
- Davis, J. 2019. Social housing maintenance and the ethics of care. Presented at: Festival of Maintenance, Liverpool, UK, 28 September 2019.
- Davis, J. 2018. London 2012 and the Post-Olympics City: A hollow legacy? [Book Review]. Planning Perspectives 33(3), pp. 462-463. (10.1080/02665433.2018.1453283)
- Davis, J. 2018. Ethics of care in housing estate maintenance and regeneration: the case of the Balfron Tower in London. Presented at: 2018 IAG Urban Study Group Urban Theory Symposium: 'Cities of Care', Melbourne, Australia, June 14-15, 2018.
- Davis, J. P. 2018. The resilience of a London Great Estate: urban development, adaptive capacity and the politics of stewardship. Journal of Urbanism 11(1), pp. 103-127. (10.1080/17549175.2017.1360378)
- Davis, J. 2018. Obsolescence and transformability in London’s 2012 Olympic site. Presented at: 18th International Planning History Society Conference, Yokahama, Japan, July 15-19, 2018.
- Davies, M., Davis, J. and Rapp, D. 2017. Dispersal: picturing urban change in east London. Swindon: Historic England Publishing.
- Davis, J. 2017. Cardiff's Coal Exchange: architecture and the social life of trade in 'black gold'. Presented at: Society of Architectural Historians, annual architectural conference, Glasgow, UK, 7-11 June 2017.
- Davis, J. 2017. Futurescapes of urban regeneration: ten years of planning the legacy of London’s 2012 Olympic Games. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Anticipation 2017, London, UK, 8-10 November 2017.
- Hall, S. and Davis, J. 2016. Worlding the studio: spatial experiments and the art of being social. In: Campkin, B. and Duijzings, G. eds. Engaged Urbanism: Cities and Methodologies. I.B. Tauris Architecture Archive 2006-2017 London: IB Tauris, pp. 53-56., (10.5040/9781350986251.ch-005)
- Davis, J. 2016. Where did they go and how did they fare after the CPO? Evaluating the legacies of relocation for small businesses. Presented at: Evluating the legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games four years on, Centre for East London Studies, University of East London (UEL), London, 20 September 2016.
- Davis, J. 2016. The making and remaking of Hackney Wick, 1870-2014: from urban edgeland to Olympic fringe. Planning Perspectives 31(3), pp. 425-457. (10.1080/02665433.2015.1127180)
- Davis, J. 2015. Urban designs on deprivation: exploring the role of Olympic legacy framework masterplanning in addressing spatial and social divides. In: Viehoff, V. and Poynter, G. eds. Mega-Event Cities: Urban Legacies of Global Sports Events. Design and the Built Environment Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 63-74.
- Davis, J. 2015. The making and remaking of an urban edgeland: the role of boundaries in the planning and development history of Hackney Wick, East London 1870- 2014. Presented at: Society for American City and Regional Planning History Conference, Los Angeles, 5-8 November 2015.
- Davis, J. 2014. Materialising the Olympic legacy: design and development narratives. Architectural Research Quarterly 18(4), pp. 299-301. (10.1017/S1359135515000032)
- Davis, J. 2014. A promised future and the open city: issues of anticipation in Olympic legacy designs. Architectural Research Quarterly 18(4), pp. 324-341. (10.1017/S1359135515000068)
- Adam, B. E. et al. 2014. Promise through the lens of time. Presented at: Futures in Question, Goldsmiths, University of London, 11-12 September 2014.
- Davis, J. 2014. Port City: urban and architectural designing for resilience. Cardiff University: Welsh School of Architecture. - teaching_resource
- Davis, J. 2014. Reflections on the deep structure of place: ruin and transformation, decay and construction. Architectural Research Quarterly 18(1), pp. 15-19. (10.1017/S1359135514000256)
- Davis, J., Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2014. Heritage, culture and regeneration: the role of coal in the future of Cardiff Bay. Presented at: Heritage 2014: 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Guimarães, Portugal, July 22-25, 2014Heritage 2014 – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1. Green Lines Institute pp. 521-529.
- Davis, J. 2013. Legacy by design: Exploring the potential role of masterplanning in sustainable regeneration in the wake of London’s Olympics. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society, London, UK, 28-30 August 2013.
- Davis, J. and Uffer, S. 2013. Governance of resilient urban form – cases from London and New York. Presented at: Resilient Planning: Concepts, Substance, Actions: Association of American Geographers Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 8-13 April 2013.
- Davis, J. 2013. The fabric of the Games: The role of governance in creating sustainable physical legacies. Presented at: An unlikely success story? Olympic cities and the London 2012 experience, Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 8-13 April 2013.
- Davis, J. and Uffer, S. 2013. Evolving Cities: exploring the relations between urban form ‘resilience’ and the governance of urban form. Project Report. [Online]. London School of Economics: London School of Economics. Available at: https://lsecities.net/publications/reports/evolving-cities/
- Davis, J. 2012. Planning for evolution and posterity: London’s Olympic legacy masterplan. Presented at: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Lecture Series, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 13 Novermber 2012.
- Davis, J. 2012. The impact of the Olympics: making or breaking communities in East London [Blog]. British Politics and Policy at LSE 2012(11 Jul)
- Davis, J. 2012. Through the blue fence to the emerald city: from the contested to the envisioned public realm. In: Powell, H. and Marrero-Guillamón, I. eds. The Art of Dissent: Adventures in London's Olympic State. London: Marshgate Press, pp. 188-295.
- Davis, J. 2012. Urbanising the event: How urban pasts, present politics and future plans shape London’s Olympic legacy. PhD Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science.
- Davis, J. and Hall, S. 2011. City street: a studio exploration of 'High Street 2012'. London School of Economics. - teaching_resource
- Tonkiss, F., Hall, S. and Davis, J. 2010. Olympic Fringe. The London School of Economics and Political Science. - teaching_resource
- Davis, J. and Thornley, A. 2010. Urban regeneration for the London 2012 Olympics: issues of land acquisition and legacy. City, Culture and Society 1(2), pp. 89-98. (10.1016/j.ccs.2010.08.002)
- Davis, J. 2010. Using the 2012 Olympic site's history to inform conceptualisations of 'interim use' in relation to legacy plans. Presented at: Legacy Now 5 + Legacy Plus: Interim Uses and East London's Olympic Legacy, London, UK, 2-4 March 2010.
- Davis, J. 2010. The (temporary) museum of Stratford. [Curated Exhibition]. Stratford Shopping Centre, London, UK, 26 June- 1 August 2010.
- Davis, J. 2010. Interim use - a designation or towards a way of life?. In: Wainwright, O. ed. Legacy Plus: Interim Uses and East London's Olympic Legacy. London: The Architecture Foundation, pp. 12-14.
- Davis, J. 2010. 'Towards Sustainable Community'? Community, consultation and the compulsory purchase of the site for the 2012 Olympic Games. In: Bolchover, J. and Solomon, J. D. eds. Sustain and Develop., Vol. 13. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, pp. 109-120.
- Davis, J. 2009. Urban catalysts in theory and practice. Architectural Research Quarterly 13(3-4), pp. 295-306. (10.1017/S135913551000014X)
- Davis, J. 2009. 'Sustainable communities'? Community, consultation and the compulsory purchase of the site for the 2012 Olympic Games. Presented at: Writing Cities, London School of Economics & Political Science, London, UK, 2-4 June 2009.
- Davis, J. 2009. ‘Sustainable communities’? Community, consultation and the compulsory purchase of the site for the 2012 Olympic Games. In: Solomon, J. and Bolchover, J. eds. Sustain and Develop., Vol. 13. New York: 306090 Books, pp. 109-120.
- Davis, J. 2009. For whose ‘benefit’? Exploring the role of consultation in the compulsory purchase of the site for the 2012 Olympic Games. In: Hall, S., Fernández Arrigoitía, M. and Dinardi, C. eds. Writing Cities: How do views shape words? How do words shape cities?., Vol. 1. Working Papers Volume 1 London School of Economics and Political Science, pp. 44-56.
- Davis, J. 2008. Re-imagining Bishopsgate goodsyard. Architectural Research Quarterly 12(1), pp. 12-25. (10.1017/S1359135508000894)
- Davis, J. 2007. Envisioning regulation. Presented at: Regulating Design: The Practices of Architecture, Governance and Control, London, UK, 11-12 Novermber 2007.
- Prizeman, O., Davis, J. and Tam, L. 2023. Digitisation of retreating industrial heritage; modelling the decommissioning of the coal washeries of Onllwyn. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVIII(M 2), pp. 1251-1260. (10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-M-2-2023-1251-2023)
- Davis, J. 2023. Book review: Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies. Urban Studies 60(2), pp. 398-400. (10.1177/00420980221144200)
- Davis, J. 2022. Epidemics, planning and the city: a special issue of planning perspectives. Planning Perspectives 37(1), pp. 1-8. (10.1080/02665433.2022.2019982)
- Davis, J. 2020. Avoiding white elephants? The planning and design of London’s 2012 Olympic and Paralympic venues, 2002–2018. Planning Perspectives 35(5), pp. 827-848. (10.1080/02665433.2019.1633948)
- Davis, J. 2019. Futurescapes of urban regeneration: ten years of design for the unfolding urban legacy of London’s Olympic Games, 2008–2018. Planning Perspectives 34(5), pp. 877-901. (10.1080/02665433.2018.1541757)
- Davis, J. and Groves, C. 2019. City/future in the making: masterplanning London’s Olympic legacy as anticipatory assemblage. Futures 109, pp. 13-23. (10.1016/j.futures.2019.04.002)
- Davis, J. 2018. London 2012 and the Post-Olympics City: A hollow legacy? [Book Review]. Planning Perspectives 33(3), pp. 462-463. (10.1080/02665433.2018.1453283)
- Davis, J. P. 2018. The resilience of a London Great Estate: urban development, adaptive capacity and the politics of stewardship. Journal of Urbanism 11(1), pp. 103-127. (10.1080/17549175.2017.1360378)
- Davis, J. 2016. The making and remaking of Hackney Wick, 1870-2014: from urban edgeland to Olympic fringe. Planning Perspectives 31(3), pp. 425-457. (10.1080/02665433.2015.1127180)
- Davis, J. 2014. Materialising the Olympic legacy: design and development narratives. Architectural Research Quarterly 18(4), pp. 299-301. (10.1017/S1359135515000032)
- Davis, J. 2014. A promised future and the open city: issues of anticipation in Olympic legacy designs. Architectural Research Quarterly 18(4), pp. 324-341. (10.1017/S1359135515000068)
- Davis, J. 2014. Reflections on the deep structure of place: ruin and transformation, decay and construction. Architectural Research Quarterly 18(1), pp. 15-19. (10.1017/S1359135514000256)
- Davis, J. 2012. The impact of the Olympics: making or breaking communities in East London [Blog]. British Politics and Policy at LSE 2012(11 Jul)
- Davis, J. and Thornley, A. 2010. Urban regeneration for the London 2012 Olympics: issues of land acquisition and legacy. City, Culture and Society 1(2), pp. 89-98. (10.1016/j.ccs.2010.08.002)
- Davis, J. 2009. Urban catalysts in theory and practice. Architectural Research Quarterly 13(3-4), pp. 295-306. (10.1017/S135913551000014X)
- Davis, J. 2008. Re-imagining Bishopsgate goodsyard. Architectural Research Quarterly 12(1), pp. 12-25. (10.1017/S1359135508000894)
Book sections
- Davis, J. and Bernstock, P. 2023. From inclusive legacy promises to exclusive realities: Planning, design and displacement in post-Olympic East London. In: Kaminer, T., Ma, L. and Runting, H. eds. Urbanizing Suburbia: Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing and the Remaking of the Outer European City. Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH, pp. 212-235., (10.1515/9783868598735-015)
- Davis, J. 2022. Maintenance and repair as care with generosity. In: McVicar, M., Kite, S. and Drozynski, C. eds. Generosity and Architecture. London: Routledge, pp. 173-188.
- Davis, J. 2020. Education and global urbanisation. In: Taylor, H. and Wright, S. eds. Urban Schools: Designing for High Density. London: RIBA Publishing, pp. 11-21.
- Hall, S. and Davis, J. 2016. Worlding the studio: spatial experiments and the art of being social. In: Campkin, B. and Duijzings, G. eds. Engaged Urbanism: Cities and Methodologies. I.B. Tauris Architecture Archive 2006-2017 London: IB Tauris, pp. 53-56., (10.5040/9781350986251.ch-005)
- Davis, J. 2015. Urban designs on deprivation: exploring the role of Olympic legacy framework masterplanning in addressing spatial and social divides. In: Viehoff, V. and Poynter, G. eds. Mega-Event Cities: Urban Legacies of Global Sports Events. Design and the Built Environment Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 63-74.
- Davis, J. 2012. Through the blue fence to the emerald city: from the contested to the envisioned public realm. In: Powell, H. and Marrero-Guillamón, I. eds. The Art of Dissent: Adventures in London's Olympic State. London: Marshgate Press, pp. 188-295.
- Davis, J. 2010. Interim use - a designation or towards a way of life?. In: Wainwright, O. ed. Legacy Plus: Interim Uses and East London's Olympic Legacy. London: The Architecture Foundation, pp. 12-14.
- Davis, J. 2010. 'Towards Sustainable Community'? Community, consultation and the compulsory purchase of the site for the 2012 Olympic Games. In: Bolchover, J. and Solomon, J. D. eds. Sustain and Develop., Vol. 13. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, pp. 109-120.
- Davis, J. 2009. ‘Sustainable communities’? Community, consultation and the compulsory purchase of the site for the 2012 Olympic Games. In: Solomon, J. and Bolchover, J. eds. Sustain and Develop., Vol. 13. New York: 306090 Books, pp. 109-120.
- Davis, J. 2009. For whose ‘benefit’? Exploring the role of consultation in the compulsory purchase of the site for the 2012 Olympic Games. In: Hall, S., Fernández Arrigoitía, M. and Dinardi, C. eds. Writing Cities: How do views shape words? How do words shape cities?., Vol. 1. Working Papers Volume 1 London School of Economics and Political Science, pp. 44-56.
- Davis, J. 2022. The caring city: ethics of urban design. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Davies, M., Davis, J. and Rapp, D. 2017. Dispersal: picturing urban change in east London. Swindon: Historic England Publishing.
- Clark, S. and Davis, J. 2024. A gradual design gaze on almshousing: An architectural research perspective. Presented at: Inaugural AlmshouseAssociation Research Conference, The Worshipful Company of Mercers, London, 11 January 2024.
- Clark, S. and Davis, J. 2024. The placing of older people in South London, using a case study charitable organisation and its almshousing to review age-friendly cities guidance. Presented at: 10th Nordic Geographers Meeting: Transitioning Geographies, Copenhagen, 24-27 June 2024NGM Book of Abstracts. pp. 303-303.
- Davis, J. 2023. Urban atmospheres of health. Presented at: Cities and Health Workshop, Fung Public Talks Program, Princeton University, USA, 21 May 2023.
- Davis, J. 2023. Urban atmospheres, health and design. Presented at: Hokkaido Summer Institute Side Event Seminar: Environmental Experience Design to Improve Residents’ Health and Wellbeing, Hokkaido University School of Medicine Centennial Hall, 11 July 2023.
- Davis, J. 2023. The caring city: a new book. Presented at: Skuor Research Ethics Seminar Series, Vienna, Austria, 3-4 May 2023.
- Davis, J. 2023. Shaping 'infrastructures of care' through design: a case study of the Appleby Blue Almshouse. Presented at: Caring Cities Seminar: Housing Knowledge Exchange Unit Workshops, UEL, University of East London, 13 November 2023.
- Tam, L., Davis, J. and Prizeman, O. 2023. The making and remaking of the Onllwyn industrial landscape - Change as an opportunity for resilience. Presented at: ICOMOS GA2023 - Historic Urban Contexts & Industrial Heritage: Case Studies in Resilience, Sydney, Australia, 31August - 9 September 2023.
- Davis, J. 2023. Unpacking the complex exclusivity of new workspaces in London’s Olympic Park. Presented at: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London, 29 August – 1 September 2023.
- Davis, J. 2022. Research symposium: epidemics, planning and the city. Presented at: Epidemics, Planning and the City Symposium 2022, Virtual, 22 April 2022.
- Davis, J. 2022. The caring city: a new book. Presented at: Designing Cities for All: Creating Cultures of Care, Pakhui de Zuijger, 31 January 2022.
- Davis, J. 2022. Design as tending to the future. Presented at: Royal Society of Architects in Wales Annual Conference: Well-Being of the Nation, Cardiff, 10 November 2022.
- Bernstock, P. and Davis, J. 2022. A case study of employment and housing in London’s 2012 Olympic site, 2005-2022. Presented at: State of the Legacy Conference, London, 12-13 September 2022.
- Davis, J. and Bernstock, P. 2019. Mega-events, urban transformation and displacement: A case study of employment and housing in London's 2012 Olympic site, 2005-2019. Presented at: RC21@Delhi: In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures, New Delhi, India, 18-21 September 2019.
- Davis, J. 2019. Social housing maintenance and the ethics of care. Presented at: Festival of Maintenance, Liverpool, UK, 28 September 2019.
- Davis, J. 2018. Ethics of care in housing estate maintenance and regeneration: the case of the Balfron Tower in London. Presented at: 2018 IAG Urban Study Group Urban Theory Symposium: 'Cities of Care', Melbourne, Australia, June 14-15, 2018.
- Davis, J. 2018. Obsolescence and transformability in London’s 2012 Olympic site. Presented at: 18th International Planning History Society Conference, Yokahama, Japan, July 15-19, 2018.
- Davis, J. 2017. Cardiff's Coal Exchange: architecture and the social life of trade in 'black gold'. Presented at: Society of Architectural Historians, annual architectural conference, Glasgow, UK, 7-11 June 2017.
- Davis, J. 2017. Futurescapes of urban regeneration: ten years of planning the legacy of London’s 2012 Olympic Games. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Anticipation 2017, London, UK, 8-10 November 2017.
- Davis, J. 2016. Where did they go and how did they fare after the CPO? Evaluating the legacies of relocation for small businesses. Presented at: Evluating the legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games four years on, Centre for East London Studies, University of East London (UEL), London, 20 September 2016.
- Davis, J. 2015. The making and remaking of an urban edgeland: the role of boundaries in the planning and development history of Hackney Wick, East London 1870- 2014. Presented at: Society for American City and Regional Planning History Conference, Los Angeles, 5-8 November 2015.
- Adam, B. E. et al. 2014. Promise through the lens of time. Presented at: Futures in Question, Goldsmiths, University of London, 11-12 September 2014.
- Davis, J., Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2014. Heritage, culture and regeneration: the role of coal in the future of Cardiff Bay. Presented at: Heritage 2014: 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Guimarães, Portugal, July 22-25, 2014Heritage 2014 – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1. Green Lines Institute pp. 521-529.
- Davis, J. 2013. Legacy by design: Exploring the potential role of masterplanning in sustainable regeneration in the wake of London’s Olympics. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society, London, UK, 28-30 August 2013.
- Davis, J. and Uffer, S. 2013. Governance of resilient urban form – cases from London and New York. Presented at: Resilient Planning: Concepts, Substance, Actions: Association of American Geographers Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 8-13 April 2013.
- Davis, J. 2013. The fabric of the Games: The role of governance in creating sustainable physical legacies. Presented at: An unlikely success story? Olympic cities and the London 2012 experience, Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 8-13 April 2013.
- Davis, J. 2012. Planning for evolution and posterity: London’s Olympic legacy masterplan. Presented at: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Lecture Series, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 13 Novermber 2012.
- Davis, J. 2010. Using the 2012 Olympic site's history to inform conceptualisations of 'interim use' in relation to legacy plans. Presented at: Legacy Now 5 + Legacy Plus: Interim Uses and East London's Olympic Legacy, London, UK, 2-4 March 2010.
- Davis, J. 2009. 'Sustainable communities'? Community, consultation and the compulsory purchase of the site for the 2012 Olympic Games. Presented at: Writing Cities, London School of Economics & Political Science, London, UK, 2-4 June 2009.
- Davis, J. 2007. Envisioning regulation. Presented at: Regulating Design: The Practices of Architecture, Governance and Control, London, UK, 11-12 Novermber 2007.
- Davis, J. 2010. The (temporary) museum of Stratford. [Curated Exhibition]. Stratford Shopping Centre, London, UK, 26 June- 1 August 2010.
- Davis, J. and Tam, L. 2023. The making and remaking of a Welsh mining landscape and village: Onllwyn, Cwm Dulais, 1876‐2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Bernstock, P., Brownill, S., Davis, J., Melhuish, C., Minton, A. and Woodcraft, S. 2022. State of the legacy: a decade of Olympic 'regeneration'. London: UCL Urban Laboratory Publications. Available at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/urban-lab/publications/2022/dec/state-legacy-decade-olympic-regeneration
- Davis, J. and Uffer, S. 2013. Evolving Cities: exploring the relations between urban form ‘resilience’ and the governance of urban form. Project Report. [Online]. London School of Economics: London School of Economics. Available at: https://lsecities.net/publications/reports/evolving-cities/
- Davis, J. 2012. Urbanising the event: How urban pasts, present politics and future plans shape London’s Olympic legacy. PhD Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science.
- Butler, T., Cohen, P., Davis, J., Dorrington, D., Gardner, J. and Larkin, N. 2022. Groundbreakers - Immersive trail and guide. [Online]. London: LivingMaps Network, London. Available at: https://www.livingmaps.org/groundbreakers
- Davis, J. 2014. Port City: urban and architectural designing for resilience. Cardiff University: Welsh School of Architecture. - teaching_resource
- Davis, J. and Hall, S. 2011. City street: a studio exploration of 'High Street 2012'. London School of Economics. - teaching_resource
- Tonkiss, F., Hall, S. and Davis, J. 2010. Olympic Fringe. The London School of Economics and Political Science. - teaching_resource
- Davis, J. 2012. Through the blue fence to the emerald city: from the contested to the envisioned public realm. In: Powell, H. and Marrero-Guillamón, I. eds. The Art of Dissent: Adventures in London's Olympic State. London: Marshgate Press, pp. 188-295.
Ers fy nyddiau cynharaf o ymarfer fel pensaer yn Llundain ar droad y mileniwm, mae gen i ddiddordeb yn rôl dylunio trefol/pensaernïol mewn adfywio, ac yn effeithiau newid trefol ar leoedd a chymunedau presennol. Mae'r themâu allweddol yr wyf wedi'u harchwilio yn cynnwys: adeiladu naratifau sy'n gysylltiedig â gorffennol a dyfodol safleoedd adnewyddu, arwyddocâd propopals adfywio sy'n cynnwys ailddatblygiad cynhwysfawr ar gyfer cymunedau/trigolion presennol, effeithiau datblygiad defnydd cymysg ar gymunedau busnesau bach, defnyddio adeiladau 'eiconig' neu adeiladau nodedig i 'catalysu' newid, gallu i addasu stadia a strwythurau eraill a ddefnyddir i gynnal megaddigwyddiadau, Rôl pobl leol wrth ragweld newid, y gwahanol brosesau a'r trefniadau llywodraethu sydd eu hangen i ddarparu tameidiog yn hytrach nag ailddatblygiad cynhwysfawr, gwerthoedd cymhleth adeiladau hanesyddol wrth drawsnewid, a'r berthynas rhwng newid / creu lleoedd a gynlluniwyd ac effeithiau cymdeithasol megis dadleoli a boneddigeiddio. Canolbwyntiodd fy PhD ar adfywio yn Nwyrain Llundain a'r thema eang hon yw ffocws nifer o gyhoeddiadau mewn llyfrau a chyfnodolion a gynhyrchwyd ers ei gwblhau.
Ers 2017, rwyf hefyd wedi datblygu diddordeb cyfochrog yn y syniad a'r potensial o 'ddinasoedd gofalgar' ac yn rôl dylunio mewn perthynas ag arferion gofal a chysylltiadau sydd wrth wraidd bywyd trefol bob dydd. Arweiniodd ymchwil a ariannwyd ynghylch y thema hon at y llyfr 'The Caring City' yn 2022 sy'n ystyried sut y gall dylunio trefol flaenoriaethu iechyd a lles dinasyddion trefol ar wahanol gyfnodau mewn bywyd, ymarfer empathi i gefnogi'r rhai sy'n gofalu amdanynt ac yn derbyn gofal mewn gwahanol ffyrdd, a helpu pobl a lleoedd i ffynnu. Mae'r llyfr yn cysylltu amrywiaeth o strategaethau dylunio trefol gyda gofal gan gynnwys lleoli isadeileddau cymdeithasol a thai ar gyfer gwahanol grwpiau oedran mewn dinasoedd, hygyrchedd, tyfu atmosfferau trefol iach, a chadw lleoedd sy'n gysylltiedig ag ymlyniad lle.
Mae ymchwil gyfredol yn adeiladu ar y sylfeini a sefydlwyd trwy 'The Caring City' mewn amrywiaeth o ffyrdd gan gynnwys gwerthusiad ôl-deiliadaeth o elusendy newydd yn Llundain ac ymchwil gydweithredol ar rôl dylunio trefol wrth lunio ansawdd aer a hyrwyddo dyfodol iach. Rwyf hefyd yn parhau i archwilio themâu sy'n gysylltiedig ag adfywio gan gynnwys boneddigeiddio masnachol sy'n gysylltiedig â chynllunio ar gyfer datblygu defnydd cymysg yn Nwyrain Llundain ac arwyddocâd cof a hanes mewn trawsnewidiad ôl-ddiwydiannol yn Ne Cymru.
Rwy'n hapus i dderbyn ymholiadau a cheisiadau gan ddarpar fyfyrwyr PhD sydd â diddordeb yn unrhyw un o'r themâu uchod.
Rwyf hefyd yn agored i gydweithrediadau ymchwil posibl sy'n cynnwys partneriaid academaidd a/neu ddiwydiant. Mae gen i sgiliau mewn darllen a dehongli hanes cynllunio, wrth gynnal a dadansoddi cyfweliadau arbenigol, wrth gynnal grwpiau ffocws, mewn dadansoddi gofodol (gan gynnwys mapio, darlunio a ffotograffiaeth) ac mewn theori ac ymarfer dylunio trefol / pensaernïol. Rwy'n brofiadol o ran gweithio gyda gwahanol ffynonellau/blaenoriaethau ariannu a sgiliau amlddisgyblaethol.
Rwyf wedi bod yn dysgu ar wahanol lefelau o'r ysgol ac mewn amryw o gyrsiau ers 2012. Rwyf wedi rhoi darlithoedd ar: hanes a theori cynllunio dinas/tref, gan gynnwys Mudiad Dinas yr Ardd a Urbanism Newydd, ar syniadau meddylwyr trefol fel Ebenezer Howard, Le Corbusier, Jane Jacobs a Richard Sennett, ar ddulliau ymchwil sy'n gysylltiedig â phrosiectau a thraethodau hir yn seiliedig ar ddylunio, ac ar faterion theori a pratice dylunio trefol cyfoes (gofal, cynwysoldeb cymdeithasol, adfywio, gwydnwch, cymuned, cynhwysfawr yn erbyn newid cynyddrannol, a dadleoli/boneddigeiddio).
Rwyf wedi arwain stiwdios yn y rhaglenni MArch ac MA Dylunio Trefol. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys: stiwdio sy'n canolbwyntio ar un o'r cymunedau arfaethedig sy'n ffurfio rhan o etifeddiaeth Olympaidd 2012 yn Nwyrain Llundain, ac astudio sy'n canolbwyntio ar bosibiliadau ar gyfer adnewyddu'r Gyfnewidfa Lo yng Nghaerdydd.
Rwyf wedi cael nifer o fyfyrwyr PhD yn gweithio ar bynciau sy'n gysylltiedig yn fras â'm diddordebau ymchwil, gan gynnwys treftadaeth sy'n cystadlu yn Barcelona a gwleidyddiaeth adfywio yn Valencia.
Derbyniais fy addysg bensaernïol ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt, gan raddio ym 1995 gyda gradd dosbarth cyntaf (a Gwobr Edward S. Prior am ddylunio) ac, ym 1999, gyda Chlod am y Diploma mewn Pensaernïaeth (RIBA Rhan II). Deuthum yn bensaer cofrestredig yn 2001 ac yn Aelod Siartredig o'r RIBA yn 2005. Gweithiais ym Mhenseiri Stanton Williams yn Llundain rhwng 1995 a 1997, gan ganolbwyntio ar ymestyn a moderneiddio'r Theatr Genedlaethol Frenhinol ac ar Fanc Hadau Mileniwm Gerddi Kew.
Yn Eric Parry Architects rhwng 1999 a 2006, gweithiais ar nifer o brosiectau gan gynnwys gwelliannau cyhoeddus ym Mwrdeistref Lambeth yn Llundain, estyniad i Ysgol Gelf Wimbledon ac adfywio St Martin-in-the-Fields yn Sgwâr Trafalgar. Dechreuais ddysgu dylunio'n rhan-amser yn 2004, gan redeg blwyddyn gyntaf y rhaglen ddylunio israddedig ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt (2004-2005) ac, o ganlyniad, rhedeg stiwdios yn Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Caergaint ac Ysgol Economeg Llundain (LSE) (2008-2011).
Roeddwn yn Gymrawd LSE rhwng 2008 a 2011, yn cyd-arwain y stiwdio MSc Dylunio Dinas a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol yn y Rhaglen Dinasoedd. Cwblheais fy PhD a ariennir gan Gyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau (AHRC) yn yr LSE yn 2011. Roedd hyn yn canolbwyntio ar gamau cynnar adfywio sy'n gysylltiedig â Gemau Olympaidd 2012, yn enwedig archwilio sut y cafodd dyfodol trefol hir ei adeiladu trwy gynllunio a dylunio a sut roedd cymunedau lleol yn ymgysylltu ac yn cael eu heffeithio.
Cymerais Uwch Ddarlithyddiaeth mewn Pensaernïaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ddiwedd 2012 a chefais fy nyrchafu yn Ddarllenydd yn 2017. Ers 2012, rwyf wedi dysgu ar draws rhaglenni israddedig yr ysgol ac yn yr MA Dylunio Trefol. Mae stiwdios dylunio wedi canolbwyntio ar ardaloedd adfywio gan gynnwys Dwyrain Llundain a Bae Caerdydd. Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu dau lyfr a nifer o gyhoeddiadau eraill sy'n adlewyrchu diddordebau mewn materion a photensial dylunio sy'n gysylltiedig â newid ac adfywio trefol, trawsnewid a arweinir gan megaevent, rôl y gorffennol mewn dyfodol trefol ôl-ddiwydiannol, gofal, iechyd a lles. Mae fy ymchwil wedi cael ei ariannu gan UKRI, Grosvenor, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Canolfan Astudiaethau Paul Mellon mewn Celf Brydeinig ac eraill.
Ers ymuno â'r ysgol, rwyf wedi dal nifer o rolau arwain gan gynnwys Cyfarwyddwr Addysgu Ôl-raddedig (2017-2021) a Chyd-Gyfarwyddwr yr MA Dylunio Trefol (2020-2021). Penodwyd yn Bennaeth yr Ysgol ym mis Awst 2021.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Aelod Siartredig o Sefydliad Brenhinol Penseiri Prydain
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
- Siaradwr gwadd mewn panel ar 'gymuned, diwylliant a gofal' yn y gynhadledd 'Creu Lleoedd mewn Ymarfer' (Cyngor Prydain-Gwyddelig a Chomisiwn Dylunio Cymru' (Medi 2023)
- Panelydd gwadd yn sesiwn 'The Power of Care' sy'n ffurfio rhan o Uwchgynhadledd Drefol Brwsel / Metropolis, Cymdeithas y Byd Cyngres Metropolises Fawr (Mehefin 2023)
- Siaradwr gwadd yn y seminar 'Urban Atmospheres of Health and Domestic Environmental Experience Design' ym Mhrifysgol Princeton (Mai 2023)
- Siaradwr gwadd yng nghyfres seminarau 'Gwaith Maes a Moeseg Ymchwil mewn Astudiaethau Trefol' yn y Ganolfan Ryngddisgyblaethol ar gyfer Diwylliant Trefol a Man Cyhoeddus, TU Wien (Mai 2023)
- Panelydd gwadd yn y digwyddiad 'Pensaernïaeth Gofal' yn yr Ysgol Gelf, Pensaernïaeth a Dylunio, Prifysgol Metropolitan Llundain (Mai 2023)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Bwrdd y Coleg ABCh
Grŵp Ymchwil ac Ysgolheictod Trefoliaeth
Bwrdd WSA
Bwrdd Gweithredol Ysgol WSA
Bwrdd Astudiaethau WSA
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Prif arbenigedd
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Aurchitectural/ Cynllunio Hanes
- Urbanism
- Dylunio Trefol: Hanes a Theori
Profiad Goruchwylio PhD
Pedwar PhD cyfredol (dau fel goruchwyliwr cyntaf; dau fel ail oruchwyliwr)
Cwblhaodd pedwar PhD (tri fel goruchwyliwr cyntaf; un fel ail oruchwyliwr)
Diddordebau goruchwylio ychwanegol
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn pynciau o:
- Cynllunio a dylunio ar gyfer newid trefol (arferion, materion, dewisiadau amgen)
- Adfywio (tirweddau a thai)
- Pontio Ôl-ddiwydiannol gan gynnwys ailddefnyddio / dirywiad treftadaeth / trawsnewid
- dinasoedd digwyddiadau Mega a chymynroddion trefol trawsnewidiol
- Gwella trefol: cysyniadau a chymwysiadau
- Gwneud Dyfodol Trefol
- Moeseg o ymarfer dylunio
- Dinasoedd gofalgar
- Dylunio ar gyfer iechyd a lles
- Dylunio cynhwysol
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 75497
Adeilad Bute, Ystafell 2.56, Rhodfa'r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3NB
Themâu ymchwil
- Dylunio trefol
- Hanes cynllunio
- Adfywio trefol
- Moeseg gofal ar gyfer pensaernïaeth a dylunio
- Dinasoedd gofalgar