Yr Athro Melanie Jones
Athro Economeg
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Ymunodd Melanie ag Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd yn 2015 ar ôl dal swyddi ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield a Phrifysgol Abertawe yn flaenorol.
Mae ei hymchwil mewn economeg llafur empirig yn cynnwys dadansoddi meintiol data eilaidd ar raddfa fawr. Mae hi wedi gweithio ar amrywiaeth o faterion sy'n berthnasol i bolisi mewn cydweithrediad ag ystod o sefydliadau allanol gan gynnwys y Comisiwn Cyflogau Isel a'r Swyddfa Economeg Manpower ond mae ganddi ddiddordeb arbennig mewn cydraddoldeb rhywiol a'r rhyngweithio rhwng iechyd a'r farchnad lafur.
Mae ei hymchwil diweddar wedi ceisio ateb cwestiynau fel A yw'r bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau yn fwy yn y sector cyhoeddus neu'r sector preifat? Beth allwn ni ei ddysgu o'r bwlch cyflog cul rhwng y rhywiau yng Ngogledd Iwerddon? A oes gwahaniaethu ar sail enillion yn erbyn unigolion anabl? A yw gweithwyr hŷn yn cael mwy o ddamweiniau ac anafiadau yn y gwaith? A oes gan unigolion anabl ganfyddiad gwahanol o'u triniaeth yn y gwaith? Mae hi wedi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio'r dystiolaeth hon i lywio polisi ac ymarfer megis drwy gydweithio disability@work: www.disabilityatwork.co.uk
Cyhoeddwyd y gwaith hwn mewn cyfnodolion rhyngwladol o ansawdd uchel fel Oxford Economic Papers, Economica, Economics Letters, Cambridge Journal of Economics, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Social Science and Medicine, a Gwaith, Cyflogaeth a Chymdeithas.
Mae Melanie yn aelod o'r ganolfan ymchwil a ariennir gan ESRC, WISERD, Cymrawd Ymchwil IZA ac yn arweinydd Fforwm Cynhyrchiant ESRC Sefydliad Cynhyrchiant Cymru. Mae hi'n aelod etholedig o Gyngor y Gymdeithas Economaidd Frenhinol ac yn aelod o'r Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n olygydd yn y British Journal of Industrial Relations ac yn aelod o Banel Asesu Grant ESRC C a'r Corff Adolygu ar Dâl Meddygon a Deintyddion. Mae hi hefyd yn Gymrawd y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol, aelod o'u Gweithgor Arbenigwyr Economaidd ac arweinydd thema Deallusrwydd Economaidd ym Mhartneriaeth Strategol Prifysgol Caerdydd gyda'r ONS.
Yn 2024, mae Melanie wedi cymryd yr awenau gan Andrew Henley fel Arweinydd Fforwm Cymru ar gyfer The Productivity Insitute.
Cliciwch isod i ddod o hyd i rai o'r nodweddion diweddaraf ar gynhyrchiant y mae Melanie wedi'i ysgrifennu:
- Jones, M. and Scott, R. 2024. Does disability affect support for political parties?. Electoral Studies: An International Journal on Voting and Electoral Systems and Strategy 92, article number: 102881. (10.1016/j.electstud.2024.102881)
- Jones, M. 2024. The disability pay gap in the UK: What is the role of the public sector?. Labour Economics 91, article number: 102642. (10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102642)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2024. Is there a public sector earnings premium in UK healthcare?. Fiscal Studies: The Journal of Applied Public Economics 45(4), pp. 543-557. (10.1111/1475-5890.12380)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2024. Performance-related pay and the UK gender pay gap. Industrial Relations 63(4), pp. 512-529. (10.1111/irel.12352)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2024. The gender pay gap in medicine: Evidence from Britain. Oxford Economic Papers 76(4), pp. 1033-1051., article number: gpad050. (10.1093/oep/gpad050)
- Jones, M., Kaya, E. and Nan, J. 2024. Overeducation, earnings and job satisfaction among graduates in China. Discussion Paper. IZA Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://docs.iza.org/dp17161.pdf
- Clifton-Sprigg, J., Fichera, E., Kaya, E. and Jones, M. 2024. Fathers taking leave: Evaluating the impact of shared parental leave in the UK. Discussion Paper. Bonn, Germany: IZA Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/17076
- Jones, M. 2024. Disability and trade union membership in the UK. British Journal of Industrial Relations 62(1), pp. 28-49. (10.1111/bjir.12767)
- Brown, S. and Jones, M. 2023. Understanding the disability voting gap in the UK. Electoral Studies 85, article number: 102674. (10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102674)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2023. The UK gender pay gap: Does firm size matter?. Economica 90(359), pp. 937-952. (10.1111/ecca.12481)
- Sheveleva, L., Jones, M. and Harris, I. 2023. It does not matter how hard you work: The importance of task allocation for worker productivity. Economics Letters 227, article number: 111115. (10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111115)
- Jones, M. and Wass, V. 2023. Organisational disability measurement and reporting in the UK. In: Beatty, J. E., Hennekam, S. and Kulkarni, M. eds. De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and Management. De Gruyter, pp. 63-82., (10.1515/9783110743647)
- Jones, M., Kaya, E. and Papps, K. L. 2022. The ongoing impact of gender pay gap transparency legislation. Discussion Paper. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://docs.iza.org/dp15817
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2022. Performance-related pay and the UK gender pay gap. Discussion Paper. Global Labor Organization (GLO). Available at: https://ideas.repec.org/p/zbw/glodps/1211.html
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2022. The UK gender pay gap: does firm size matter?. Discussion Paper. Global Labor Organization. Available at: https://ideas.repec.org/p/zbw/glodps/1149.html
- Jones, M. and McVicar, D. 2022. The dynamics of disability and benefit receipt in Britain. Oxford Economic Papers 74(3), pp. 936-957. (10.1093/oep/gpab058)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2022. Organisational gender pay gaps in the UK: what happened post-transparency?. Discussion Paper. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/15342/organisational-gender-pay-gaps-in-the-uk-what-happened-post-transparency
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2022. The gender pay gap: what can we learn from Northern Ireland?. Oxford Economic Papers 74(1), pp. 94-114. (10.1093/oep/gpab017)
- Jones, M. 2022. COVID-19 and the labour market outcomes of disabled people in the UK. Social Science & Medicine 292, article number: 114637. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114637)
- Jones, M., Hoque, K., Wass, V. and Bacon, N. 2021. Inequality and the economic cycle: disabled employees' experience of work during the Great Recession in Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(3), pp. 788-815. (10.1111/bjir.12577)
- Jones, M. and Saloniki, E. 2021. Exploring the relationship between impairment and disability in Great Britain: evidence from the life opportunities survey. Journal of Disability Policy Studies 33(3), pp. 147-157. (10.1177/10442073211021532)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2021. The gender pay gap in UK medicine. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics.
- Jones, M. K. and McVicar, D. 2020. Estimating the impact of disability onset on employment. Social Science and Medicine 255, article number: 113001. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113001)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2020. The gender pay gap: what can we learn from Northern Ireland?. Discussion Paper. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: http://ftp.iza.org/dp13318.pdf
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2019. Understanding the gender pay gap within the UK public sector. London: Office of Manpower Economics. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/understanding-the-gender-pay-gap-within-the-uk-public-sector
- Jones, M., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. J. and Wei, Z. 2018. The dynamic effect of disability on work and subjective well-being. Oxford Economic Papers 70(3), pp. 635-657. (10.1093/oep/gpy006)
- Jones, M., Davies, R. and Drinkwater, S. 2018. The dynamics of disability and work in Britain. The Manchester School 86(3), pp. 279-307. (10.1111/manc.12177)
- Hoque, K., Wass, V., Bacon, N. and Jones, M. 2018. Are high‐performance work practices (HPWPs) enabling or disabling? Exploring the relationship between selected HPWPs and work‐related disability disadvantage. Human Resource Management 57(2), pp. 499-513. (10.1002/hrm.21881)
- Jones, M., Makepeace, G. and Wass, V. 2018. The UK gender pay gap 1997-2015: what is the role of the public sector?. Industrial Relations Journal 57(2), pp. 296-319. (10.1111/irel.12208)
- Jones, M. K., Latreille, P. L. and Sloane, P. J. 2016. Job anxiety, work-related psychological illness and workplace performance. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(4), pp. 742-767. (10.1111/bjir.12159)
- Fevre, R. W., Foster, D. J., Jones, M. and Wass, V. J. 2016. Closing disability gaps at work: deficits in evidence and variations in experience. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Jones, M. 2016. Disability and labor market outcomes. IZA World of Labour, article number: 253. (10.15185/izawol.253)
- Davies, R., Jones, M. and Lloyd-Williams, H. 2016. Age and work-related health: insights from the UK Labour Force Survey. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(1), pp. 136-159. (10.1111/bjir.12059)
- Baumberg, B., Jones, M. and Wass, V. 2015. Disability prevalence and disability-related employment gaps in the UK 1998–2012: Different trends in different surveys?. Social Science and Medicine 141, pp. 72-81. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.012)
- Blackaby, D., Felstead, A., Jones, M., Makepeace, G., Murphy, P. and Wass, V. J. 2015. Is the public sector pay advantage explained by differences in work quality?. In: Felstead, A., Gallie, D. and Green, F. eds. Unequal Britain at Work: The Evolution and Distribution of Intrinsic Job Quality. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Jones, M., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. 2014. Disability, job mismatch, earnings and job satisfaction in Australia. Cambridge Journal of Economics 38(5), pp. 1221-1246. (10.1093/cje/beu014)
- Jones, M. and Wass, V. J. 2013. Understanding changing disability-related employment gaps in Britain 1998-2011. Work Employment and Society 27(6), pp. 982-1003. (10.1177/0950017013475372)
- Jones, M. 2013. Disability and perceptions of work and management. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(1), pp. 83-113. (10.1111/bjir.12043)
- Jones, M., Latreille, P. L., Sloane, P. J. and Staneva, A. V. 2013. Work-related health risks in Europe: are older workers more vulnerable?. Social Science & Medicine 88, pp. 18-29. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.03.027)
- Jones, M., Jones, R. J., Latreille, P. L., Murphy, P. D. and Sloane, P. J. 2013. A regional analysis of flows into and out of the UK National Minimum Wage. Applied Economics 45(21), pp. 3074-3087. (10.1080/00036846.2012.695069)
- Jones, M. and Wass, V. 2012. Well-being and disability – new evidence of inequality. Presented at: 'Fairness at Work in Challenging Times' - FairWRC Conference, Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK, 6-7 September 2012.
- Jones, M. and Skilton, L. 2012. An analysis of labour market outcomes in the European Union Objective One funding area in Great Britain. Regional Studies 48(7), pp. 1194-1211. (10.1080/00343404.2012.697992)
- Jones, M. 2011. Disability, employment and earnings: an examination of heterogeneity. Applied Economics 43(8), pp. 1001-1017. (10.1080/00036840802600053)
- Jones, M. and Sloane, P. J. 2010. Disability and skill mismatch. Economic Record 86, pp. 101-114. (10.1111/j.1475-4932.2010.00659.x)
- Jones, M. and Latreille, P. L. 2010. Disability and earnings: Are employer characteristics important?. Economics Letters 106(3), pp. 191-194. (10.1016/j.econlet.2009.11.017)
- Murphy, P., Latreille, P. L., Jones, M. and Blackaby, D. 2008. Is there a public sector training advantage? Evidence from the Workplace Employment Relations Survey. British Journal of Industrial Relations 46(4), pp. 674-701. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2008.00699.x)
- Jones, M. and Jones, J. 2008. The labour market impact of the UK Disability Discrimination Act: evidence from the repeal of the small firm exemption. Bulletin of Economic Research 60(3), pp. 289-306. (10.1111/j.1467-8586.2008.00281.x)
- Jones, M., Latreille, P. L. and Sloane, P. J. 2008. Crossing the tracks? Trends in the training of male and female workers in Great Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 46(2), pp. 268-282. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2008.00677.x)
- Jones, M. 2008. Disability and the labour market: a review of the empirical evidence. Journal of Economic Studies 35(5), pp. 405-424. (10.1108/01443580810903554)
- Jones, M. 2007. Does part-time employment provide a way of accommodating a disability?. The Manchester School 75(6), pp. 695-716. (10.1111/j.1467-9957.2007.01042.x)
- Jones, M. 2006. Is there employment discrimination against the disabled?. Economics Letters 92(1), pp. 32-37. (10.1016/j.econlet.2006.01.008)
- Jones, M. 2006. Disability, gender, and the British labour market. Oxford Economic Papers 58(3), pp. 407-449. (10.1093/oep/gpl004)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Jones, M. and Wass, V. 2023. Organisational disability measurement and reporting in the UK. In: Beatty, J. E., Hennekam, S. and Kulkarni, M. eds. De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and Management. De Gruyter, pp. 63-82., (10.1515/9783110743647)
- Blackaby, D., Felstead, A., Jones, M., Makepeace, G., Murphy, P. and Wass, V. J. 2015. Is the public sector pay advantage explained by differences in work quality?. In: Felstead, A., Gallie, D. and Green, F. eds. Unequal Britain at Work: The Evolution and Distribution of Intrinsic Job Quality. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Jones, M. and Wass, V. 2012. Well-being and disability – new evidence of inequality. Presented at: 'Fairness at Work in Challenging Times' - FairWRC Conference, Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK, 6-7 September 2012.
- Jones, M. and Scott, R. 2024. Does disability affect support for political parties?. Electoral Studies: An International Journal on Voting and Electoral Systems and Strategy 92, article number: 102881. (10.1016/j.electstud.2024.102881)
- Jones, M. 2024. The disability pay gap in the UK: What is the role of the public sector?. Labour Economics 91, article number: 102642. (10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102642)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2024. Is there a public sector earnings premium in UK healthcare?. Fiscal Studies: The Journal of Applied Public Economics 45(4), pp. 543-557. (10.1111/1475-5890.12380)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2024. Performance-related pay and the UK gender pay gap. Industrial Relations 63(4), pp. 512-529. (10.1111/irel.12352)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2024. The gender pay gap in medicine: Evidence from Britain. Oxford Economic Papers 76(4), pp. 1033-1051., article number: gpad050. (10.1093/oep/gpad050)
- Jones, M. 2024. Disability and trade union membership in the UK. British Journal of Industrial Relations 62(1), pp. 28-49. (10.1111/bjir.12767)
- Brown, S. and Jones, M. 2023. Understanding the disability voting gap in the UK. Electoral Studies 85, article number: 102674. (10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102674)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2023. The UK gender pay gap: Does firm size matter?. Economica 90(359), pp. 937-952. (10.1111/ecca.12481)
- Sheveleva, L., Jones, M. and Harris, I. 2023. It does not matter how hard you work: The importance of task allocation for worker productivity. Economics Letters 227, article number: 111115. (10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111115)
- Jones, M. and McVicar, D. 2022. The dynamics of disability and benefit receipt in Britain. Oxford Economic Papers 74(3), pp. 936-957. (10.1093/oep/gpab058)
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2022. The gender pay gap: what can we learn from Northern Ireland?. Oxford Economic Papers 74(1), pp. 94-114. (10.1093/oep/gpab017)
- Jones, M. 2022. COVID-19 and the labour market outcomes of disabled people in the UK. Social Science & Medicine 292, article number: 114637. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114637)
- Jones, M., Hoque, K., Wass, V. and Bacon, N. 2021. Inequality and the economic cycle: disabled employees' experience of work during the Great Recession in Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(3), pp. 788-815. (10.1111/bjir.12577)
- Jones, M. and Saloniki, E. 2021. Exploring the relationship between impairment and disability in Great Britain: evidence from the life opportunities survey. Journal of Disability Policy Studies 33(3), pp. 147-157. (10.1177/10442073211021532)
- Jones, M. K. and McVicar, D. 2020. Estimating the impact of disability onset on employment. Social Science and Medicine 255, article number: 113001. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113001)
- Jones, M., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. J. and Wei, Z. 2018. The dynamic effect of disability on work and subjective well-being. Oxford Economic Papers 70(3), pp. 635-657. (10.1093/oep/gpy006)
- Jones, M., Davies, R. and Drinkwater, S. 2018. The dynamics of disability and work in Britain. The Manchester School 86(3), pp. 279-307. (10.1111/manc.12177)
- Hoque, K., Wass, V., Bacon, N. and Jones, M. 2018. Are high‐performance work practices (HPWPs) enabling or disabling? Exploring the relationship between selected HPWPs and work‐related disability disadvantage. Human Resource Management 57(2), pp. 499-513. (10.1002/hrm.21881)
- Jones, M., Makepeace, G. and Wass, V. 2018. The UK gender pay gap 1997-2015: what is the role of the public sector?. Industrial Relations Journal 57(2), pp. 296-319. (10.1111/irel.12208)
- Jones, M. K., Latreille, P. L. and Sloane, P. J. 2016. Job anxiety, work-related psychological illness and workplace performance. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(4), pp. 742-767. (10.1111/bjir.12159)
- Jones, M. 2016. Disability and labor market outcomes. IZA World of Labour, article number: 253. (10.15185/izawol.253)
- Davies, R., Jones, M. and Lloyd-Williams, H. 2016. Age and work-related health: insights from the UK Labour Force Survey. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(1), pp. 136-159. (10.1111/bjir.12059)
- Baumberg, B., Jones, M. and Wass, V. 2015. Disability prevalence and disability-related employment gaps in the UK 1998–2012: Different trends in different surveys?. Social Science and Medicine 141, pp. 72-81. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.012)
- Jones, M., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. 2014. Disability, job mismatch, earnings and job satisfaction in Australia. Cambridge Journal of Economics 38(5), pp. 1221-1246. (10.1093/cje/beu014)
- Jones, M. and Wass, V. J. 2013. Understanding changing disability-related employment gaps in Britain 1998-2011. Work Employment and Society 27(6), pp. 982-1003. (10.1177/0950017013475372)
- Jones, M. 2013. Disability and perceptions of work and management. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(1), pp. 83-113. (10.1111/bjir.12043)
- Jones, M., Latreille, P. L., Sloane, P. J. and Staneva, A. V. 2013. Work-related health risks in Europe: are older workers more vulnerable?. Social Science & Medicine 88, pp. 18-29. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.03.027)
- Jones, M., Jones, R. J., Latreille, P. L., Murphy, P. D. and Sloane, P. J. 2013. A regional analysis of flows into and out of the UK National Minimum Wage. Applied Economics 45(21), pp. 3074-3087. (10.1080/00036846.2012.695069)
- Jones, M. and Skilton, L. 2012. An analysis of labour market outcomes in the European Union Objective One funding area in Great Britain. Regional Studies 48(7), pp. 1194-1211. (10.1080/00343404.2012.697992)
- Jones, M. 2011. Disability, employment and earnings: an examination of heterogeneity. Applied Economics 43(8), pp. 1001-1017. (10.1080/00036840802600053)
- Jones, M. and Sloane, P. J. 2010. Disability and skill mismatch. Economic Record 86, pp. 101-114. (10.1111/j.1475-4932.2010.00659.x)
- Jones, M. and Latreille, P. L. 2010. Disability and earnings: Are employer characteristics important?. Economics Letters 106(3), pp. 191-194. (10.1016/j.econlet.2009.11.017)
- Murphy, P., Latreille, P. L., Jones, M. and Blackaby, D. 2008. Is there a public sector training advantage? Evidence from the Workplace Employment Relations Survey. British Journal of Industrial Relations 46(4), pp. 674-701. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2008.00699.x)
- Jones, M. and Jones, J. 2008. The labour market impact of the UK Disability Discrimination Act: evidence from the repeal of the small firm exemption. Bulletin of Economic Research 60(3), pp. 289-306. (10.1111/j.1467-8586.2008.00281.x)
- Jones, M., Latreille, P. L. and Sloane, P. J. 2008. Crossing the tracks? Trends in the training of male and female workers in Great Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 46(2), pp. 268-282. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2008.00677.x)
- Jones, M. 2008. Disability and the labour market: a review of the empirical evidence. Journal of Economic Studies 35(5), pp. 405-424. (10.1108/01443580810903554)
- Jones, M. 2007. Does part-time employment provide a way of accommodating a disability?. The Manchester School 75(6), pp. 695-716. (10.1111/j.1467-9957.2007.01042.x)
- Jones, M. 2006. Is there employment discrimination against the disabled?. Economics Letters 92(1), pp. 32-37. (10.1016/j.econlet.2006.01.008)
- Jones, M. 2006. Disability, gender, and the British labour market. Oxford Economic Papers 58(3), pp. 407-449. (10.1093/oep/gpl004)
- Jones, M., Kaya, E. and Nan, J. 2024. Overeducation, earnings and job satisfaction among graduates in China. Discussion Paper. IZA Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://docs.iza.org/dp17161.pdf
- Clifton-Sprigg, J., Fichera, E., Kaya, E. and Jones, M. 2024. Fathers taking leave: Evaluating the impact of shared parental leave in the UK. Discussion Paper. Bonn, Germany: IZA Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/17076
- Jones, M., Kaya, E. and Papps, K. L. 2022. The ongoing impact of gender pay gap transparency legislation. Discussion Paper. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://docs.iza.org/dp15817
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2022. Performance-related pay and the UK gender pay gap. Discussion Paper. Global Labor Organization (GLO). Available at: https://ideas.repec.org/p/zbw/glodps/1211.html
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2022. The UK gender pay gap: does firm size matter?. Discussion Paper. Global Labor Organization. Available at: https://ideas.repec.org/p/zbw/glodps/1149.html
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2022. Organisational gender pay gaps in the UK: what happened post-transparency?. Discussion Paper. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/15342/organisational-gender-pay-gaps-in-the-uk-what-happened-post-transparency
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2021. The gender pay gap in UK medicine. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics.
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2020. The gender pay gap: what can we learn from Northern Ireland?. Discussion Paper. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Available at: http://ftp.iza.org/dp13318.pdf
- Jones, M. and Kaya, E. 2019. Understanding the gender pay gap within the UK public sector. London: Office of Manpower Economics. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/understanding-the-gender-pay-gap-within-the-uk-public-sector
- Fevre, R. W., Foster, D. J., Jones, M. and Wass, V. J. 2016. Closing disability gaps at work: deficits in evidence and variations in experience. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Jones, M., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. J. and Wei, Z. 2018. The dynamic effect of disability on work and subjective well-being. Oxford Economic Papers 70(3), pp. 635-657. (10.1093/oep/gpy006)
- Jones, M., Davies, R. and Drinkwater, S. 2018. The dynamics of disability and work in Britain. The Manchester School 86(3), pp. 279-307. (10.1111/manc.12177)
- Jones, M., Makepeace, G. and Wass, V. 2018. The UK gender pay gap 1997-2015: what is the role of the public sector?. Industrial Relations Journal 57(2), pp. 296-319. (10.1111/irel.12208)
- Jones, M. K., Latreille, P. L. and Sloane, P. J. 2016. Job anxiety, work-related psychological illness and workplace performance. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(4), pp. 742-767. (10.1111/bjir.12159)
- Jones, M. 2016. Disability and labor market outcomes. IZA World of Labour, article number: 253. (10.15185/izawol.253)
- Davies, R., Jones, M. and Lloyd-Williams, H. 2016. Age and work-related health: insights from the UK Labour Force Survey. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(1), pp. 136-159. (10.1111/bjir.12059)
- Baumberg, B., Jones, M. and Wass, V. 2015. Disability prevalence and disability-related employment gaps in the UK 1998–2012: Different trends in different surveys?. Social Science and Medicine 141, pp. 72-81. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.012)
- Jones, M., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. 2014. Disability, job mismatch, earnings and job satisfaction in Australia. Cambridge Journal of Economics 38(5), pp. 1221-1246. (10.1093/cje/beu014)
- Jones, M. 2013. Disability and perceptions of work and management. British Journal of Industrial Relations 54(1), pp. 83-113. (10.1111/bjir.12043)
- Jones, M., Latreille, P. L., Sloane, P. J. and Staneva, A. V. 2013. Work-related health risks in Europe: are older workers more vulnerable?. Social Science & Medicine 88, pp. 18-29. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.03.027)
- Jones, M. and Latreille, P. L. 2010. Disability and earnings: Are employer characteristics important?. Economics Letters 106(3), pp. 191-194. (10.1016/j.econlet.2009.11.017)
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Prosiectau ymchwil
Prosiect Ymchwil Cyfredol: Canolfan Ymchwil a Ariennir gan ESRC WISERD https://wiserd.ac.uk/
Fforwm Cynhyrchiant ESRC Sefydliad Cynhyrchiant Cymru https://www.productivity.ac.uk/regions-nations/wales-regional-forum/
Teaching commitments
- BS2547 British Economy
- BS3574 Social Welfare
- PhD mewn Economeg Llafur, Prifysgol Abertawe
- MSc Economeg Busnes, Prifysgol Abertawe
- BSc Economeg, Prifysgol Abertawe
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising students in the area of labour economics.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 75079
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell B32a, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Economeg y Blaid Lafur