Yr Athro Nicole Koenig-Lewis
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Nicole Koenig-Lewis
Athro Marchnata
Mae Dr Nicole Koenig-Lewis yn Athro Marchnata yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd ac yn aelod cyswllt i CAST (Canolfan Newid Hinsawdd a Thrawsnewidiadau Cymdeithasol).
Mae ei hymchwil yn esblygu o amgylch themâu profiadau cwsmeriaid, defnydd cynaliadwy a defnydd sy'n seiliedig ar fynediad gyda ffocws arbennig ar ymgysylltu â defnyddwyr, rôl emosiynau ac agweddau defnyddwyr. Mae ei phrosiectau presennol yn mynd i'r afael â'r ddadl ddamcaniaethol am yrwyr a rhwystrau i ymddygiad cynaliadwy defnyddwyr mewn cyd-destunau megis defnydd cynaliadwy, pecynnu sy'n gyfeillgar i'r amgylchedd, defnydd sy'n seiliedig ar fynediad, a gwyliau/digwyddiadau chwaraeon/conf fel asiantau newid ymddygiad cynaliadwy. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb yn y modd y mae agweddau defnyddwyr tuag at ddefnydd cynaliadwy yn cael eu llunio a sut y gallwn ddylanwadu ar ymddygiad gyda'r nod o ysbrydoli dulliau gwirioneddol gynaliadwy o ymdrin â busnes. Mae hi wedi cyhoeddi mewn cyfnodolion a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol, megis Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Tourism Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management ac Annals of Tourism Research.
Gan bontio'r bwlch rhwng y byd academaidd a'r gymuned fusnes, mae Nicole wedi cynnal sawl astudiaeth o ddigwyddiadau mawr (chwaraeon, diwylliannol a chynadleddau, megis yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, Yr Agored a Chymdeithas Rheoli Chwaraeon Ewrop). Ar hyn o bryd, mae'n cydweithio â phartneriaid allanol (The R&A, NTT DATA, EASM, Dragons RFC a Pledgeball) i asesu'r potensial i ddigwyddiadau fod yn 'asiantau' newidiadau ymddygiad cynaliadwy pwysig.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Collins, A. and McCullough, B. 2025. The game is on! - sports (events) as a driving force for sustainability. In: Peattie, K. et al. eds. The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Sustainability. Routledge Companions in Marketing, Advertising and Communication Routledge
- De Angelis, R., Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bosangit, C. 2025. Conceptualising circular tourism: taking a place-based eco-system perspective. Journal of Circular Economy 3(1), pp. 1-19. (10.55845/TVUZ5672)
- Yang, T., Peattie, K., Skeete, J. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2024. Navigating transitions: How electric vehicle sharing is shaping sustainable mobility in Chinese cities. Sustainability 16(19), article number: 8364. (10.3390/su16198364)
- Zhao, A. L., Dermody, J., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2024. Cultivating sustainable consumption: The role of harmonious cultural values and pro-environmental self-identity. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 23(2), pp. 1014-1031. (10.1002/cb.2261)
- Reynolds, L., Peattie, K., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2024. There’s a time and place: Navigating omni-temporality in the place branding process. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114308. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114308)
- Reynolds, L., Doering, H., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Peattie, K. 2023. Engagement and estrangement: A "tale of two cities" for Bristol’s green branding. European Journal of Marketing 57(9), pp. 2432-2458. (10.1108/EJM-08-2021-0602)
- Bosangit, C., Iyanna, S. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2023. Psst! Don't tell anyone it's second-hand: drivers and barriers of second-hand consumption in emerging markets. In: Carrigan, M., Wells, V. and Karolos, P. eds. Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 225-249., (10.4337/9781802202021.00021)
- Garrod, B., Zhao, A. L. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2023. A greener way to stay: The role of perceived sustainability in generating loyalty to Airbnb. International Journal of Hospitality Management 110, article number: 103432. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2023.103432)
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N., Doering, H. and Peattie, K. 2022. Competing for legitimacy in the place branding process: (re)negotiating the stakes. Tourism Management 91, article number: 104532. (10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104532)
- Alkaffary, B., Koenig-Lewis, N., Bosangit, C. and Mardon, R. 2022. Psychological ownership in access-based services: The role of the virtual closet. Presented at: 12th SERVSIG Conference, Glasgow, UK, 16-18 June 2022.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Grazzini, L. and Palmer, A. 2022. Cakes in plastic: a study of implicit associations of compostable bio-based versus plastic food packaging. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 178, article number: 105977. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105977)
- Dermody, J., Koenig-Lewis, N., Zhao, A. L. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2021. Critiquing a utopian idea of sustainable consumption: a post-capitalism perspective. Journal of Macromarketing 41(4), pp. 626-645. (10.1177/0276146720979148)
- Dermody, J., Zhao, A. L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2021. Evaluating the challenge of China's crossverging young “enviro-materialists”. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20(3), pp. 695-708. (10.1002/cb.1896)
- Reynolds, L. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2021. Making ‘sense’ of place branding: adopting a sensemaking, sensefiltering and sensegiving lens. In: Medway, D., Warnaby, G. and Byrom, J. eds. A Research Agenda for Place Branding. Elgar Research Agendas Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 233-246.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Bosangit, C. and De Angelis, R. 2021. Could renting be the 'new buying'? Perspectives on consumers' role in prolonging product lifetimes.. Presented at: 4th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE 2021), Virtual, 26-28 May 2021.
- Bosangit, C., De Angelis, R., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Carrigan, M. 2021. Reframing circular economy as a marketing priority: emphasising the role of consumers. Presented at: 2021 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Virtual, 5-7 July 2021.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Asaad, Y. 2021. Linking engagement at cultural festivals to legacy impacts. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29(11-12), pp. 1810-1831. (10.1080/09669582.2020.1855434)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Bosangit, C., Iyanna, S. and Carrigan, M. 2020. Psychological barriers to renting and buying second-hand consumer goods: a consumer’s perspective from UAE and UK. Presented at: 2020 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Taormina, Italy, 18-21 May 2020.
- Lindgreen, A. et al. eds. 2019. Public value: Deepening, enriching, and broadening the theory and practice of creating public value. London and New York: Routledge.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Hudson, K. and Bosangit, C. 2019. Family business brands and the ethical consumer: Leveraging category-based beliefs to enhance the credibility of cause-related claims. Presented at: 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference, Regent's University London, 2-4 July 2019. pp. -.
- Bosangit, C. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2019. The interplay between self-perception and self-signalling: Exploring motivations and barriers to using pre-owned and shared goods. Presented at: 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Utrecht, Netherlands, 27-29 June 2019.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bosangit, C. 2019. Pre-owned versus brand-new: why consumers (de)value shared goods? Examining the role of self-perception theory. Presented at: 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference, Regent's University, London, UK, 2-4 July 2019. pp. -.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bosangit, C. 2019. Reducing resource use through access-based consumption: A platform owners' perspective. Presented at: 7th International Symposium on Marketing Ethics and CSR, Karlstad Business School/ CTF - Service Research Centre, Karlstad University, Sweden, 7-9 April 2019. pp. -.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Grazzini, L. 2019. Plastic or non-plastic food packaging? An investigation of explicit and implicit attitudes to consumer adoption. Presented at: International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP) 2019, University of Plymouth, UK, 3-6 September 2019.
- Dermody, J., Zhao, A. L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Hamner-Lloyd, S. 2019. Critically examining the emergence of enviromaterialist consumers in industrialised China and India. Presented at: International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP) 2019, University of Plymouth, UK, 3-6 September 2019.
- Dermody, J., Koenig-Lewis, N., Lifen Zhao, A. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2018. Appraising the influence of pro-environmental self-identity on sustainable consumption buying and curtailment in emerging markets: evidence from China and Poland. Journal of Business Research 86, pp. 333-343. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.09.041)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Asaad, Y. and Palmer, A. 2018. Sports events and interaction among spectators: examining antecedents of spectators' value creation. European Sport Management Quarterly 18(2), pp. 193-215. (10.1080/16184742.2017.1361459)
- Zhao, A., Koenig-Lewis, N., Dermody, J. and Hamner-Lloyd, S. 2018. Promoting sustainable behaviours in China: The interplay of traditional cultural values and identity. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Marketing, Strategy and Policy, Newcastle University, London, UK, 10-11 April 2018. pp. -.
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. 2018. Investigating green materialism among younger and older generations in China and the US: Can sustainable marketing help?. Presented at: 5th Annual British Environmental Society (BrEPS) Conference, University of Surrey, UK, 13-14 September 2018. pp. -.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Bosangit, C. and Palmer, A. 2017. Exploring attitudes and motivations towards access-based consumption versus ownership-consumption. Presented at: Surrey Think Tank: Collaborative Economy, Surrey, 29 September 2017.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2017. Identifying customer behaviour segments based on a hierarchy of engagement - an exploratory study of a music festival. Presented at: 25th ICRM (International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing), Munich, Germany, 12-14 Sep 2017.
- Grazzini, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2017. Communicating sustainable benefits: effects of mental representation and psychological distance perceptions. Presented at: 2017 Summer AMA Conference,, San Francisco, California, 4-6 August 2017.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Grazzini, L. 2017. Nudging consumers towards sustainable consumption choices: effects of psychological distance perceptions. Presented at: EMAC 2017 (European Marketing Conference), University of Groningen, Netherlands, 23-26 May 2017.
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2017. Questioning the rhetoric of inclusivity in the co-creation of city brands through Bourdieu's field-capital lens. Presented at: Institute of Place Management 4th International Biennial Conference, Manchester, UK, 7-8 Sep 2017.
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Woodside, A. 2017. Advancing stakeholder co-creation and co-production of city brand meanings: melds, gaps, omissions, and distortions in “elegant” Bath versus “rebel” Bristol. Presented at: 2nd Conference of the International Place Branding Association, Swansea, Wales, 5-9 December 2017.
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2017. Struggling for legitimacy in the city branding process: an application of Bourdieu’s field-capital theory to the co-creation of the city brand identity. Presented at: 4th Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places 2017, Corfu, Greece, 24-27 April 2017.
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. L. 2016. Young British partisan attitudes to negative election campaign advertising: a Tri-Party perspective. Journal of Political Marketing 15(4), pp. 333-361. (10.1080/15377857.2014.959687)
- Palmer, A., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Asaad, Y. 2016. Brand identification in higher education: a conditional process analysis. Journal of Business Research 69(8), pp. 3033-3040. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.01.018)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Asaad, Y., Palmer, A. and Petersone, E. 2016. The effects of passage of time on alumni recall of 'student experience'. Higher Education Quarterly 70(1), pp. 59-80. (10.1111/hequ.12063)
- Reynolds, L. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2016. Developing an inclusive city brand identity: stakeholder engagement as tipping or balancing the scales of stakeholder input?. Presented at: Inaugural Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA 2016), London, England, 7-9 December 2016.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Grazzini, L. and Palmer, A. 2016. Exploring the attitude-behaviour gap in sustainable consumption - a study of implicit and explicit measures of attitudes. Presented at: BAM Marketing and Retail SIG Event: Sustainability and Ethical Consumption, University of Surrey, 28th April 2016.
- Organ, K., Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Probert, J. 2015. Festivals as agents for behaviour change: A study of food festival engagement and subsequent food choices. Tourism Management 48, pp. 84-99. (10.1016/j.tourman.2014.10.021)
- Asaad, Y., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2015. Anticipating the show or the social experience? - examining customer-to-customer interaction in the performing arts. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2015, Limerick, Ireland, 7-9 July 2015.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Marquet, M., Palmer, A. and Zhao, A. L. 2015. Enjoyment and social influence: predicting mobile payment adoption. The Service Industries Journal 35(10), pp. 537-554. (10.1080/02642069.2015.1043278)
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. L. 2015. Advancing sustainable consumption in the UK and China: the mediating effect of pro-environmental self-identity. Journal of Marketing Management 31(13-14), pp. 1472-1502. (10.1080/0267257X.2015.1061039)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Organ, K. and Palmer, A. 2015. The 'ladder of engagement' to building lasting customer relationships. Presented at: 15th ICRM (International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing), Hanken Business School, Finland, 15th to 17th Sep 2015.
- Organ, K., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2015. The 'ladder of engagement' - an empirical study of its link to loyalty. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2015, Limerick, Ireland, 7-9 July 2015.
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. L. 2014. Young British partisans' and non-voters' processing of attack election advertising and the implications for marketing politics. Journal of Marketing Management 30(9-10), pp. 974-1005. (10.1080/0267257X.2014.933866)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A., Dermody, J. and Urbye, A. 2014. Consumers' evaluations of ecological packaging - rational and emotional approaches. Journal of Environmental Psychology 37, pp. 94-105. (10.1016/j.jenvp.2013.11.009)
- Stacey, K., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2014. The effect of food festival engagement on food consumption choices. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference July 2014, University of Bournemouth, Bournemouth, UK, 7-10 July 2014.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2014. The effects of anticipatory emotions on service satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal of Services Marketing 28(6), pp. 437-451. (10.1108/JSM-09-2013-0244)
- Palmer, A., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Medi Jones, L. E. 2013. The effects of residents' social identity and involvement on their advocacy of incoming tourism. Tourism Management 38, pp. 142-151. (10.1016/j.tourman.2013.02.019)
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Lifen Zhao, A. 2013. Attack advertising as an agent of British youth political disempowerment? A review of empirical evidence from the 2010 British general election. In: Scullion, R. et al. eds. The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment. Routledge Research in Political Communicatio, pp. 39-57.
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2011. The effects of pre-enrolment emotions and peer group interaction on students' satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Management 27(11-12), pp. 1208-1231. (10.1080/0267257X.2011.614955)
- Zhao, A. L., Koenig-Lewis, N., Hanmer-Lloyd, S. and Ward, P. 2010. Adoption of internet banking services in China: is it all about trust?. International Journal of Bank Marketing 28(1), pp. 7-26. (10.1108/02652321011013562)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Moll, A. 2010. Predicting young consumers' take up of mobile banking services. International Journal of Bank Marketing 28(5), pp. 410-432. (10.1108/02652321011064917)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2010. Developing effective strategies for tackling seasonality in the tourism industry. Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development 7(4), pp. 395-413. (10.1080/1479053X.2010.520466)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2010. Primary and secondary effects of emotions on behavioural intention of theatre clients. Journal of Marketing Management 26(13-14), pp. 1201-1217. (10.1080/0267257X.2010.523008)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2009. An experiential, social network-based approach to direct marketing. Direct Marketing: An International Journal 3(3), pp. 162-176. (10.1108/17505930910985116)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2009. An entended, community focused, experiential framework for relationship marketing. Journal of Customer Behaviour 8(1), pp. 85-96. (10.1362/147539209X414407)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2008. Experiential bases for relationship development: a study of alumni relationships. Journal of Relationship Marketing 7(1), pp. 65-90. (10.1080/15332660802068013)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2008. Experiential values over time - a comparison of measures of satisfaction and emotion. Journal of Marketing Management 24(1-2), pp. 69-85. (10.1362/026725708X273920)
- Bischoff, E. E. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2007. VFR tourism: the importance of university students as hosts. International Journal of Tourism Research 9(6), pp. 465-484. (10.1002/jtr.618)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2005. Seasonality research: the state of the art. International Journal of Tourism Research 7(4-5), pp. 201-219. (10.1002/jtr.531)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2004. Analyzing seasonality in Welsh room occupancy data. Annals of Tourism Research 31(2), pp. 374-392. (10.1016/j.annals.2003.12.006)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2004. Tourism demand patterns in turbulent times: analysing Welsh accommodation occupancy data for 1998-2001. International Journal of Tourism Research 6(4), pp. 205-220. (10.1002/jtr.475)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2003. Seasonality of tourism in Wales: a comparative analysis. Tourism Economics 9(3), pp. 229-254. (10.5367/000000003101298376)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Collins, A. and McCullough, B. 2025. The game is on! - sports (events) as a driving force for sustainability. In: Peattie, K. et al. eds. The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Sustainability. Routledge Companions in Marketing, Advertising and Communication Routledge
- Bosangit, C., Iyanna, S. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2023. Psst! Don't tell anyone it's second-hand: drivers and barriers of second-hand consumption in emerging markets. In: Carrigan, M., Wells, V. and Karolos, P. eds. Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 225-249., (10.4337/9781802202021.00021)
- Reynolds, L. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2021. Making ‘sense’ of place branding: adopting a sensemaking, sensefiltering and sensegiving lens. In: Medway, D., Warnaby, G. and Byrom, J. eds. A Research Agenda for Place Branding. Elgar Research Agendas Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 233-246.
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Lifen Zhao, A. 2013. Attack advertising as an agent of British youth political disempowerment? A review of empirical evidence from the 2010 British general election. In: Scullion, R. et al. eds. The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment. Routledge Research in Political Communicatio, pp. 39-57.
- Alkaffary, B., Koenig-Lewis, N., Bosangit, C. and Mardon, R. 2022. Psychological ownership in access-based services: The role of the virtual closet. Presented at: 12th SERVSIG Conference, Glasgow, UK, 16-18 June 2022.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Bosangit, C. and De Angelis, R. 2021. Could renting be the 'new buying'? Perspectives on consumers' role in prolonging product lifetimes.. Presented at: 4th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE 2021), Virtual, 26-28 May 2021.
- Bosangit, C., De Angelis, R., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Carrigan, M. 2021. Reframing circular economy as a marketing priority: emphasising the role of consumers. Presented at: 2021 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Virtual, 5-7 July 2021.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Bosangit, C., Iyanna, S. and Carrigan, M. 2020. Psychological barriers to renting and buying second-hand consumer goods: a consumer’s perspective from UAE and UK. Presented at: 2020 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Taormina, Italy, 18-21 May 2020.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Hudson, K. and Bosangit, C. 2019. Family business brands and the ethical consumer: Leveraging category-based beliefs to enhance the credibility of cause-related claims. Presented at: 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference, Regent's University London, 2-4 July 2019. pp. -.
- Bosangit, C. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2019. The interplay between self-perception and self-signalling: Exploring motivations and barriers to using pre-owned and shared goods. Presented at: 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Utrecht, Netherlands, 27-29 June 2019.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bosangit, C. 2019. Pre-owned versus brand-new: why consumers (de)value shared goods? Examining the role of self-perception theory. Presented at: 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference, Regent's University, London, UK, 2-4 July 2019. pp. -.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bosangit, C. 2019. Reducing resource use through access-based consumption: A platform owners' perspective. Presented at: 7th International Symposium on Marketing Ethics and CSR, Karlstad Business School/ CTF - Service Research Centre, Karlstad University, Sweden, 7-9 April 2019. pp. -.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Grazzini, L. 2019. Plastic or non-plastic food packaging? An investigation of explicit and implicit attitudes to consumer adoption. Presented at: International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP) 2019, University of Plymouth, UK, 3-6 September 2019.
- Dermody, J., Zhao, A. L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Hamner-Lloyd, S. 2019. Critically examining the emergence of enviromaterialist consumers in industrialised China and India. Presented at: International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP) 2019, University of Plymouth, UK, 3-6 September 2019.
- Zhao, A., Koenig-Lewis, N., Dermody, J. and Hamner-Lloyd, S. 2018. Promoting sustainable behaviours in China: The interplay of traditional cultural values and identity. Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Marketing, Strategy and Policy, Newcastle University, London, UK, 10-11 April 2018. pp. -.
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. 2018. Investigating green materialism among younger and older generations in China and the US: Can sustainable marketing help?. Presented at: 5th Annual British Environmental Society (BrEPS) Conference, University of Surrey, UK, 13-14 September 2018. pp. -.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Bosangit, C. and Palmer, A. 2017. Exploring attitudes and motivations towards access-based consumption versus ownership-consumption. Presented at: Surrey Think Tank: Collaborative Economy, Surrey, 29 September 2017.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2017. Identifying customer behaviour segments based on a hierarchy of engagement - an exploratory study of a music festival. Presented at: 25th ICRM (International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing), Munich, Germany, 12-14 Sep 2017.
- Grazzini, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2017. Communicating sustainable benefits: effects of mental representation and psychological distance perceptions. Presented at: 2017 Summer AMA Conference,, San Francisco, California, 4-6 August 2017.
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Grazzini, L. 2017. Nudging consumers towards sustainable consumption choices: effects of psychological distance perceptions. Presented at: EMAC 2017 (European Marketing Conference), University of Groningen, Netherlands, 23-26 May 2017.
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2017. Questioning the rhetoric of inclusivity in the co-creation of city brands through Bourdieu's field-capital lens. Presented at: Institute of Place Management 4th International Biennial Conference, Manchester, UK, 7-8 Sep 2017.
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Woodside, A. 2017. Advancing stakeholder co-creation and co-production of city brand meanings: melds, gaps, omissions, and distortions in “elegant” Bath versus “rebel” Bristol. Presented at: 2nd Conference of the International Place Branding Association, Swansea, Wales, 5-9 December 2017.
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2017. Struggling for legitimacy in the city branding process: an application of Bourdieu’s field-capital theory to the co-creation of the city brand identity. Presented at: 4th Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places 2017, Corfu, Greece, 24-27 April 2017.
- Reynolds, L. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2016. Developing an inclusive city brand identity: stakeholder engagement as tipping or balancing the scales of stakeholder input?. Presented at: Inaugural Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA 2016), London, England, 7-9 December 2016.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Grazzini, L. and Palmer, A. 2016. Exploring the attitude-behaviour gap in sustainable consumption - a study of implicit and explicit measures of attitudes. Presented at: BAM Marketing and Retail SIG Event: Sustainability and Ethical Consumption, University of Surrey, 28th April 2016.
- Asaad, Y., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2015. Anticipating the show or the social experience? - examining customer-to-customer interaction in the performing arts. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2015, Limerick, Ireland, 7-9 July 2015.
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Organ, K. and Palmer, A. 2015. The 'ladder of engagement' to building lasting customer relationships. Presented at: 15th ICRM (International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing), Hanken Business School, Finland, 15th to 17th Sep 2015.
- Organ, K., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2015. The 'ladder of engagement' - an empirical study of its link to loyalty. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference 2015, Limerick, Ireland, 7-9 July 2015.
- Stacey, K., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2014. The effect of food festival engagement on food consumption choices. Presented at: Academy of Marketing Conference July 2014, University of Bournemouth, Bournemouth, UK, 7-10 July 2014.
- De Angelis, R., Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bosangit, C. 2025. Conceptualising circular tourism: taking a place-based eco-system perspective. Journal of Circular Economy 3(1), pp. 1-19. (10.55845/TVUZ5672)
- Yang, T., Peattie, K., Skeete, J. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2024. Navigating transitions: How electric vehicle sharing is shaping sustainable mobility in Chinese cities. Sustainability 16(19), article number: 8364. (10.3390/su16198364)
- Zhao, A. L., Dermody, J., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2024. Cultivating sustainable consumption: The role of harmonious cultural values and pro-environmental self-identity. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 23(2), pp. 1014-1031. (10.1002/cb.2261)
- Reynolds, L., Peattie, K., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2024. There’s a time and place: Navigating omni-temporality in the place branding process. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114308. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114308)
- Reynolds, L., Doering, H., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Peattie, K. 2023. Engagement and estrangement: A "tale of two cities" for Bristol’s green branding. European Journal of Marketing 57(9), pp. 2432-2458. (10.1108/EJM-08-2021-0602)
- Garrod, B., Zhao, A. L. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2023. A greener way to stay: The role of perceived sustainability in generating loyalty to Airbnb. International Journal of Hospitality Management 110, article number: 103432. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2023.103432)
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N., Doering, H. and Peattie, K. 2022. Competing for legitimacy in the place branding process: (re)negotiating the stakes. Tourism Management 91, article number: 104532. (10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104532)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Grazzini, L. and Palmer, A. 2022. Cakes in plastic: a study of implicit associations of compostable bio-based versus plastic food packaging. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 178, article number: 105977. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105977)
- Dermody, J., Koenig-Lewis, N., Zhao, A. L. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2021. Critiquing a utopian idea of sustainable consumption: a post-capitalism perspective. Journal of Macromarketing 41(4), pp. 626-645. (10.1177/0276146720979148)
- Dermody, J., Zhao, A. L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2021. Evaluating the challenge of China's crossverging young “enviro-materialists”. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20(3), pp. 695-708. (10.1002/cb.1896)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Asaad, Y. 2021. Linking engagement at cultural festivals to legacy impacts. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29(11-12), pp. 1810-1831. (10.1080/09669582.2020.1855434)
- Dermody, J., Koenig-Lewis, N., Lifen Zhao, A. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2018. Appraising the influence of pro-environmental self-identity on sustainable consumption buying and curtailment in emerging markets: evidence from China and Poland. Journal of Business Research 86, pp. 333-343. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.09.041)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Asaad, Y. and Palmer, A. 2018. Sports events and interaction among spectators: examining antecedents of spectators' value creation. European Sport Management Quarterly 18(2), pp. 193-215. (10.1080/16184742.2017.1361459)
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. L. 2016. Young British partisan attitudes to negative election campaign advertising: a Tri-Party perspective. Journal of Political Marketing 15(4), pp. 333-361. (10.1080/15377857.2014.959687)
- Palmer, A., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Asaad, Y. 2016. Brand identification in higher education: a conditional process analysis. Journal of Business Research 69(8), pp. 3033-3040. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.01.018)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Asaad, Y., Palmer, A. and Petersone, E. 2016. The effects of passage of time on alumni recall of 'student experience'. Higher Education Quarterly 70(1), pp. 59-80. (10.1111/hequ.12063)
- Organ, K., Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Probert, J. 2015. Festivals as agents for behaviour change: A study of food festival engagement and subsequent food choices. Tourism Management 48, pp. 84-99. (10.1016/j.tourman.2014.10.021)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Marquet, M., Palmer, A. and Zhao, A. L. 2015. Enjoyment and social influence: predicting mobile payment adoption. The Service Industries Journal 35(10), pp. 537-554. (10.1080/02642069.2015.1043278)
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. L. 2015. Advancing sustainable consumption in the UK and China: the mediating effect of pro-environmental self-identity. Journal of Marketing Management 31(13-14), pp. 1472-1502. (10.1080/0267257X.2015.1061039)
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. L. 2014. Young British partisans' and non-voters' processing of attack election advertising and the implications for marketing politics. Journal of Marketing Management 30(9-10), pp. 974-1005. (10.1080/0267257X.2014.933866)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A., Dermody, J. and Urbye, A. 2014. Consumers' evaluations of ecological packaging - rational and emotional approaches. Journal of Environmental Psychology 37, pp. 94-105. (10.1016/j.jenvp.2013.11.009)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2014. The effects of anticipatory emotions on service satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal of Services Marketing 28(6), pp. 437-451. (10.1108/JSM-09-2013-0244)
- Palmer, A., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Medi Jones, L. E. 2013. The effects of residents' social identity and involvement on their advocacy of incoming tourism. Tourism Management 38, pp. 142-151. (10.1016/j.tourman.2013.02.019)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2011. The effects of pre-enrolment emotions and peer group interaction on students' satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Management 27(11-12), pp. 1208-1231. (10.1080/0267257X.2011.614955)
- Zhao, A. L., Koenig-Lewis, N., Hanmer-Lloyd, S. and Ward, P. 2010. Adoption of internet banking services in China: is it all about trust?. International Journal of Bank Marketing 28(1), pp. 7-26. (10.1108/02652321011013562)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Moll, A. 2010. Predicting young consumers' take up of mobile banking services. International Journal of Bank Marketing 28(5), pp. 410-432. (10.1108/02652321011064917)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2010. Developing effective strategies for tackling seasonality in the tourism industry. Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development 7(4), pp. 395-413. (10.1080/1479053X.2010.520466)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2010. Primary and secondary effects of emotions on behavioural intention of theatre clients. Journal of Marketing Management 26(13-14), pp. 1201-1217. (10.1080/0267257X.2010.523008)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2009. An experiential, social network-based approach to direct marketing. Direct Marketing: An International Journal 3(3), pp. 162-176. (10.1108/17505930910985116)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2009. An entended, community focused, experiential framework for relationship marketing. Journal of Customer Behaviour 8(1), pp. 85-96. (10.1362/147539209X414407)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2008. Experiential bases for relationship development: a study of alumni relationships. Journal of Relationship Marketing 7(1), pp. 65-90. (10.1080/15332660802068013)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2008. Experiential values over time - a comparison of measures of satisfaction and emotion. Journal of Marketing Management 24(1-2), pp. 69-85. (10.1362/026725708X273920)
- Bischoff, E. E. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2007. VFR tourism: the importance of university students as hosts. International Journal of Tourism Research 9(6), pp. 465-484. (10.1002/jtr.618)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2005. Seasonality research: the state of the art. International Journal of Tourism Research 7(4-5), pp. 201-219. (10.1002/jtr.531)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2004. Analyzing seasonality in Welsh room occupancy data. Annals of Tourism Research 31(2), pp. 374-392. (10.1016/j.annals.2003.12.006)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2004. Tourism demand patterns in turbulent times: analysing Welsh accommodation occupancy data for 1998-2001. International Journal of Tourism Research 6(4), pp. 205-220. (10.1002/jtr.475)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2003. Seasonality of tourism in Wales: a comparative analysis. Tourism Economics 9(3), pp. 229-254. (10.5367/000000003101298376)
- Lindgreen, A. et al. eds. 2019. Public value: Deepening, enriching, and broadening the theory and practice of creating public value. London and New York: Routledge.
- Dermody, J., Koenig-Lewis, N., Lifen Zhao, A. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S. 2018. Appraising the influence of pro-environmental self-identity on sustainable consumption buying and curtailment in emerging markets: evidence from China and Poland. Journal of Business Research 86, pp. 333-343. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.09.041)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Asaad, Y. and Palmer, A. 2018. Sports events and interaction among spectators: examining antecedents of spectators' value creation. European Sport Management Quarterly 18(2), pp. 193-215. (10.1080/16184742.2017.1361459)
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. L. 2016. Young British partisan attitudes to negative election campaign advertising: a Tri-Party perspective. Journal of Political Marketing 15(4), pp. 333-361. (10.1080/15377857.2014.959687)
- Palmer, A., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Asaad, Y. 2016. Brand identification in higher education: a conditional process analysis. Journal of Business Research 69(8), pp. 3033-3040. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.01.018)
- Organ, K., Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Probert, J. 2015. Festivals as agents for behaviour change: A study of food festival engagement and subsequent food choices. Tourism Management 48, pp. 84-99. (10.1016/j.tourman.2014.10.021)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Marquet, M., Palmer, A. and Zhao, A. L. 2015. Enjoyment and social influence: predicting mobile payment adoption. The Service Industries Journal 35(10), pp. 537-554. (10.1080/02642069.2015.1043278)
- Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A. L. 2015. Advancing sustainable consumption in the UK and China: the mediating effect of pro-environmental self-identity. Journal of Marketing Management 31(13-14), pp. 1472-1502. (10.1080/0267257X.2015.1061039)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A., Dermody, J. and Urbye, A. 2014. Consumers' evaluations of ecological packaging - rational and emotional approaches. Journal of Environmental Psychology 37, pp. 94-105. (10.1016/j.jenvp.2013.11.009)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2014. The effects of anticipatory emotions on service satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal of Services Marketing 28(6), pp. 437-451. (10.1108/JSM-09-2013-0244)
- Palmer, A., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Medi Jones, L. E. 2013. The effects of residents' social identity and involvement on their advocacy of incoming tourism. Tourism Management 38, pp. 142-151. (10.1016/j.tourman.2013.02.019)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2011. The effects of pre-enrolment emotions and peer group interaction on students' satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Management 27(11-12), pp. 1208-1231. (10.1080/0267257X.2011.614955)
- Koenig-Lewis, N., Palmer, A. and Moll, A. 2010. Predicting young consumers' take up of mobile banking services. International Journal of Bank Marketing 28(5), pp. 410-432. (10.1108/02652321011064917)
- Palmer, A. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2010. Primary and secondary effects of emotions on behavioural intention of theatre clients. Journal of Marketing Management 26(13-14), pp. 1201-1217. (10.1080/0267257X.2010.523008)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Palmer, A. 2008. Experiential values over time - a comparison of measures of satisfaction and emotion. Journal of Marketing Management 24(1-2), pp. 69-85. (10.1362/026725708X273920)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2005. Seasonality research: the state of the art. International Journal of Tourism Research 7(4-5), pp. 201-219. (10.1002/jtr.531)
- Koenig-Lewis, N. and Bischoff, E. E. 2004. Analyzing seasonality in Welsh room occupancy data. Annals of Tourism Research 31(2), pp. 374-392. (10.1016/j.annals.2003.12.006)
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Defnydd cynaliadwy
- Defnydd sy'n seiliedig ar fynediad (e.e., defnydd o ddeunyddiau, rhentu)
- Economi gylchol (h.y. rôl defnyddwyr)
- Digwyddiadau/gwyliau chwaraeon a diwylliannol fel asiantau newid ymddygiad cynaliadwy
Ymchwil a Phrosiectau Cysylltiedig ag Effaith
Digwyddiadau a Gwyliau Cynaliadwy
2025-2026: Datblygu pecyn cymorth masnachol hyfyw ar gyfer gwerthuso ymgysylltiad amgylcheddol gwylwyr mewn digwyddiadau chwaraeon. ESRC IAA £9,797 (PI: D. Dineva, Co-I: A Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis).
2024-2025: Mireinio pecyn cymorth ar gyfer mesur ymgysylltiad mynychwyr a newidiadau ymddygiad cynaliadwy mewn digwyddiadau chwaraeon - ffocws ar gefnogwyr rygbi'r undeb. ESRC IAA £14,181 (Cyd-PI: A. Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis, Co-I: D. Dineva).
2023-2025: Gyrru Newidiadau Ymddygiad Cynaliadwy Ymlaen trwy Chwaraeon a Digwyddiadau Diwylliannol. ESRC IAA £23,787 (Cyd-PI: A. Collins a'r Athro N Koenig-Lewis, Co-I: D. Dineva & K Steentjes).
2023: Digwyddiadau fel asiantau newid ymddygiad cynaliadwy: Tystio effaith a chynllunio gweithgareddau effaith yn y dyfodol gyda phartneriaid. ESRC IAA £3,000 (Cyd-I: A. Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis a D. Dineva).
2022-2023: Lleihau ôl troed teithio cynadleddau academaidd mawr: ffocws ar Gynhadledd Cymdeithas Rheoli Chwaraeon Ewrop. ESRC IAA £4,594 (Cyd-PI: A. Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis).
2022-2023: Cyd-greu strategaethau i leihau effaith amgylcheddol teithio gwylwyr i ddigwyddiadau chwaraeon mawr – ffocws ar Bencampwriaeth Golff Agored 2023. Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru (CCAUC) £28,925 (Cyd-PI: A. Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis).
2022 CUROP (Rhaglen Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedig Caerdydd): "Cysylltu Gwyliau yng Nghymru – Barn ar Gynaliadwyedd".
2018 CUROP (Rhaglen Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedig Caerdydd): "Dylanwadu ar effaith ac etifeddiaeth gwyliau yng Nghymru: Goleuni ar Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Caerdydd 2018"
2017-2018: Effaith ac Etifeddiaeth Gwyliau yng Nghymru: Sbotolau ar yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Wedi'i ariannu gan Brifysgol Caerdydd.
2016 'Plotio Llinellau Gwerth mewn Gwyliau Cerddoriaeth – archwilio effaith gŵyl Sŵn ar y gynulleidfaoedd, y ddinas a'r sîn gerddoriaeth'. Grŵp Ymchwil Gŵyl Prifysgol Caerdydd. Wedi'i ariannu gan Fenter Ymchwil a Menter AHRC yn y Celfyddydau a Thechnoleg Greadigol.
Defnydd Cylchol
Cyllid Ymchwil Academi Marchnata (AMRC) 2022-2023: "A yw cynhyrchion ail-law yn ein gwneud ni (llai) hapus? Rôl gwerthoedd materolaidd ac adeiladu hunaniaeth ar farn lles defnyddwyr o gynhyrchion cylchol" (Co-I)
2018-2020 Yr Academi Brydeinig/Grant Ymchwil Bach Leverhulme, "Lleihau'r defnydd o adnoddau trwy fynediad a rennir at nwyddau defnyddwyr – nodi rhwystrau isymwybodol i wthio newid ymddygiad" (PI)
2018/2019 Prifysgol Abu Dhabi Grant Ymchwil ADU a Chyllid Seedcorn, CARBS, "Archwilio cymhellion defnyddwyr yn UEA i gymryd rhan yn yr economi rannu"
2020 Cyllid Ymchwil ac Arloesi ESRC/UK, Gŵyl Gymdeithasol Caerdydd, "Rhentu nwyddau defnyddwyr: defnydd cynaliadwy mewn byd ôl-covid?"
2019 ESRC/Cyllid Ymchwil ac Arloesi'r DU, Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Caerdydd 2019, "Rhentu nwyddau cyn-berchennog: Dyfodol defnydd?"
Cyllid Hwb Busnes IAA ESRC 2019 2019, "Gwerthusiad defnyddwyr o becynnu te – cyfathrebu'r manteision cywir i ddylanwadu ar fwyta cynaliadwy"
2018/2019 Llywodraeth Cymru (Rhwydwaith Clwstwr Bwyd a Diod Cymru), Rhaglen Partneriaeth Arloesi ar Waith, "Creu te sy'n hyrwyddo iechyd gan ddefnyddio mêl a phlanhigion meddyginiaethol Cymreig - Gweithio gyda phedwar cydweithiwr o'r beichiogi i'r llwybr i'r farchnad"
2017/2018 Cynllun Cymrodoriaeth Ymweld Newydd Prifysgol Caerdydd a Chydweithrediad Rhyngwladol Cronfa Hadau Corn, Prifysgol Caerdydd, "Cydweithrediad Gwerth Cyhoeddus gyda'r Athro Timo Meynhardt"
2016/2017 Cyllid Hadau ar gyfer Ymchwil, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, "A yw pecynnu cynaliadwy yn golygu iach? - Effeithiau pecynnu ar iachrwydd canfyddedig bwyd gan ddefnyddio mesurau ymhlyg ac eglur o agweddau"
2014 Cyllid Ymchwil AMRC, Grant Ymchwil yr Academi Marchnata "Mabwysiadu deunydd pecynnu ecolegol gyfeillgar – asesiad gan ddefnyddio Prawf Cymdeithas Ymhlyg" (PI)
Ymrwymiadau addysgu
Sylwch - yn ystod blwyddyn academaidd 2024/2025, rydw i ar wyliau ymchwil.
BSc Rheoli Busnes (Blwyddyn 1): BS1528 Marchnata (Arweinydd Cyd-Modiwl, 340 o fyfyrwyr),
MSc Marchnata: BST350 Hanfodion Marchnata (Arweinydd Modiwl, 110 o fyfyrwyr)
MSc Marchnata Strategol: BST146 Ymchwil mewn Marchnata Strategol
Goruchwyliaeth PhD
MSc Goruchwyliaeth
- Uwch Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (SFHEA), 2015
- PhD (Prifysgol Cymru): "Archwilio amrywiadau galw twristiaeth tymhorol yng Nghymru", Prifysgol Abertawe, 2004
- Rheoli Busnes Dipl-Kffr (Prifysgol Technoleg Dresden, yr Almaen), 1998
Gweithgareddau ychwanegol
- Cynullydd Llwybr DTP ESRC Cymru (Arweinydd ar gyfer Llwybr Rheoli a Busnes), 2016-2023
- Aelod sefydlu Grŵp Ymchwil Gŵyl Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Aelod sefydlu Rhwydwaith SFHEA Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Aelod o Fwrdd Rheoli Cysgodol Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, 2015-2018
- Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer Rhaglenni MBA Hyblyg a Gweithredol (modiwlau sy'n gysylltiedig â Marchnata), Ysgol Fusnes Henley, Prifysgol Reading, 2019-2023
- Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer rhaglen MSc Marchnata, Prifysgol Swydd Gaerloyw, 2011-2015
- Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer rhaglen BSc Rheoli Busnes (Marchnata), Prifysgol Brunel, 2013-2017
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Gwobrau Dathlu Rhagoriaeth (10 Tach 2022) – Enillydd, Tîm Ymchwil Rhyngddisgyblaethol o CARBS a GEOPL am 'Ragoriaeth mewn Cynaliadwyedd Amgylcheddol' (Collins, A., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Koenig-Lewis, N., Flynn, A., Cooper, C., Jones, C.), Prifysgol Caerdydd
- ESLA 2022 (Gwobrau Cyfoethogi Bywyd Myfyrwyr) – Enwebwyd ar gyfer 'Aelod Staff Mwyaf Dyrchafol y Flwyddyn'
- Papur Academaidd Gorau yng Nghynhadledd 4ydd IPM (Sefydliad Rheoli Lleoedd), Manceinion (Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. & Doering, H. (2017), 'Cwestiynu rhethreg cynwysoldeb wrth gyd-greu brandiau dinas trwy lens cyfalaf maes Bourdieu.'
- 2017. Gwobr Cyfraniad Eithriadol 2017, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Hydref 2017
- 2015. Gwobr Cyfraniad Eithriadol 2015, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Tachwedd 2015
- 2013. Cynhadledd yr Academi Farchnata Papur Gorau - Gwobr Trac Marchnata Gwleidyddol, Dermody, J, Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. a Zhao, A.L. (2013), "Agweddau Pleidiol a Phleidiol Prydeinig Ifanc i Ymosod ar Hysbysebu Etholiad – Tystiolaeth o Ymgyrch Etholiad 2010"
- 2011. Adolygydd Eithriadol yng Ngwobrau Emerald Literati Network for Excellence 2011, International Journal of Bank Marketing
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Uwch Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (SFHEA)
- Academi Marchnata (AM)
- Affiliate i CAST (Canolfan Newid Hinsawdd a Thrawsnewidiadau Cymdeithasol)
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Ryngwladol ar gyfer yr Economi Gylchol (IS4CE)
- Aelod Sefydlu Grŵp Ymchwil Gŵyl Prifysgol Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd (ers 2016)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2023-presennol: Athro Marchnata, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2018-2023: Darllenydd (Athro Cyswllt) mewn Marchnata, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2016-2018: Uwch Ddarlithydd (Athro Cyswllt) mewn Marchnata, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2015-2016: Darlithydd mewn Marchnata, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2012-2014: Uwch Ddarlithydd (Athro Cyswllt) mewn Marchnata, Prifysgol Abertawe, Ysgol Reolaeth
- 2005-2012: Darlithydd mewn Marchnata, Prifysgol Abertawe, Ysgol Reolaeth
- 2000-2004: Tiwtor Darpar Raddedigion, Prifysgol Abertawe, Ysgol Reolaeth
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
Siaradwr gwadd, Ysgol Fusnes Surrey, y DU, Pwnc: "Pontio i oes newydd o brynwriaeth – o fod yn berchen ar nwyddau defnyddwyr bob dydd", 20 Mawrth 2024
Siaradwr gwadd yn 7fedCynhadledd Effaith Gymdeithasol Ryngwladol AESIS y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, y Dyniaethau a'r Celfyddydau 2023, Caerdydd, cyflwyniad a thrafodaeth banel 'Good Practices of Impact'. 20 Hyd 2023
Siaradwr gwadd yng Nghynhadledd ISBE (Sefydliad Busnesau Bach ac Entrepreneuriaeth) 2021, Diwrnod Doethurol, "Gweithio ar y cyd â sefydliadau allanol", Tramshed, Caerdydd, 27 Hydref 2021
Siaradwr Gwahoddedig ar gyfer Digwyddiadau a Chynaliadwyedd: lansio rhifyn arbennig o'r Journal of Sustainable Tourism sy'n ymroddedig i'r berthynas rhwng digwyddiadau a chynaliadwyedd, gweminar rhyngwladol ar-lein, 6 Hydref 2021
Siaradwr gwadd ar gyfer BBC Radio 5, cyfres "What Planet Are We On?" Cyfraniad i bodlediad 'Defnydd Ymwybodol', 29 Hyd 2020
Siaradwr Arbenigol Gwahoddedig ac Aelod o'r Panel i roi tystiolaeth yn y Panel "Beth rydym yn ei brynu: Prynu Ail-law, Rhentu, Rhannu: Dyfodol Defnydd?", yn y Cynulliad Hinsawdd y DU, Birmingham, 8 Chwefror 2020 (comisiynwyd gan chwe phwyllgor dethol Tŷ'r Cyffredin, Adroddiad Terfynol – Climate Assembly UK – Y llwybr i sero net
Siaradwr gwadd mewn digwyddiad cyhoeddus 'Digwyddiadau Chwaraeon a Diwylliannol: Gwella ansawdd gwerthusiadau effaith digwyddiadau', Prifysgol Caerdydd, yr Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio, 6 Chwefror 2019
Siaradwr Gwahoddedig, HHL Leipzig Ysgol Graddedigion Rheoli, Leipzig, Yr Almaen, Pwnc: "Defnydd sy'n seiliedig ar fynediad: archwilio rhwystrau seicolegol i rentu nwyddau defnyddwyr", 8 Tach 2019
Siaradwr gwadd mewn seminar ymchwil "Defnydd cynaliadwy mewn marchnadoedd sy'n dod i'r amlwg", 16Mai 2017, Ysgol Reolaeth, Prifysgol Abertawe
Siaradwr Gwahoddedig, Canolfan Ymchwil CRiAC mewn Hysbysebu a Defnydd yn yr Ysgol Reolaeth, Prifysgol Caerfaddon, "Effeithiau emosiynau cadarnhaol a negyddol disgwyliedig ar foddhad", 02.11.2011
Siaradwr Gwahoddedig, Prifysgol Caerwysg, Pwnc: "Effaith ymgysylltiad yr ŵyl ar ddewisiadau bwyta bwyd – astudiaeth hydredol", 21.02.2014
Blogiau a chyhoeddiadau eraill
Mae pobl yn tueddu i fod yn llai gwyrdd ar wyliau - dyma sut i newid hynny, 1 Awst 2024, Y Sgwrs
Prosiect Ymchwil yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ar brofiad/ymgysylltu, gwerthoedd ac effeithiau etifeddiaeth ymwelwyr yr ŵyl, yn ogystal â dulliau teithio cynaliadwy, 2017 a 2018
Blog Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd 9 Tach 2020 - Defnydd sy'n seiliedig ar fynediad: y ffordd ymlaen tuag at ddyfodol mwy cynaliadwy a chylchol?
Blog Caerdydd Creadigol, 29 Mehefin 2020, Rhaid i sioe'r ŵyl fynd ymlaen(llinell)
Blog Caerdydd Creadigol, 3 Ebrill 2017, Prosiect Gŵyl Cerdd Swn - Sylw ar Ŵyl Gerdd Swn - Lansiad yr Adroddiad
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Adolygydd cyfnodolion ad-hoc (gan gynnwys Journal of Business Ethics, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Event Management, European Sport Management Quarterly, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Tourism Management)
- Aelod o'r Bwrdd Cynghori Golygyddol ar gyfer Rheoli Digwyddiadau
- Aelod o'r Bwrdd Adolygu Golygyddol ar gyfer Journal of Consumer Behaviour
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
PhD goruchwylio diddordebau ymchwil
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Defnydd cynaliadwy
- Agweddau defnyddwyr tuag at economi gylchol
- Economi rannu/Defnydd sy'n seiliedig ar fynediad/Defnydd cylchol
- Digwyddiadau/gwyliau fel asiantau newid ymddygiad cynaliadwy
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Tiansheng Yang, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Teitl: "Deall y trawsnewid tuag at systemau cynnyrch-gwasanaeth cynaliadwy ar gyfer symudedd personol. Astudiaeth o gynlluniau rhannu cerbydau trydan ym Mharth Economaidd Delta Afon Yangtze Tsieina" (cwblhawyd 2023, 2il oruchwylydd)
Bader Alkaffary, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Teitl: 'Astudiaeth o berchnogaeth seicolegol mewn gwahanol gamau o ddefnydd ffasiwn sy'n seiliedig ar fynediad' (cwblhawyd 2022, Goruchwyliwr arweiniol )
Laura Reynolds, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Teitl: "Dull Hanfodol o Lywodraethu Brandio Lleoedd: O 'Ddal Polion' i 'Ddal Baneri'" (cwblhawyd 2018, Goruchwyliwr Arweiniol)
Kate Organ (née Stacey), Prifysgol Abertawe, Teitl: "Mesur Gwerthoedd Profiadol Gwyliau Bwyd yng Nghymru" (cwblhawyd 2013,2il oruchwylydd)
Contact Details
+44 29208 70967
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell E01b, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Marchnata
- Defnydd Cylchol
- Defnydd Cynaliadwy
- Ymddygiad defnyddwyr
- Newid Ymddygiad