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Nicole Koenig-Lewis   PhD SFHEA

Professor Nicole Koenig-Lewis



Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Nicole Koenig-Lewis


Dr Nicole Koenig-Lewis is a Professor of Marketing at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University and an affiliate to CAST (Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations)

Her research evolves around the themes of customer experiences, sustainable consumption and access-based consumption with a special focus on consumer engagement, the role of emotions and consumer attitudes. Her current projects tackle the theoretical debate about drivers and barriers to sustainable consumer behaviours in contexts such as sustainable consumption, environmentally friendly packaging, access-based consumption, and festivals/sport events/conf as agents of sustainable behaviour change. She is interested in how consumer attitudes towards sustainable consumption are shaped and how we can influence behaviour aiming to inspire truly sustainable approaches to business. She has published in internationally recognised journals, such as Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Tourism Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management and Annals of Tourism Research.

Bridging the gap between academia and the business community, Nicole has undertaken several studies of major events (sport, cultural and conferences, such as the National Eisteddfod, The Open & European Association of Sport Management). She is currently collaborating with external partners (The R&A, NTT DATA, EASM, Dragons RFC & Pledgeball) to assess the potential for events to be 'agents' of important sustainable behaviour changes.
























Book sections




Research interests

  • Sustainable consumption
  • Access-based consumption (e.g., material consumption, rental)
  • Circular economy (i.e. role of consumers) 
  • Sport and cultural events/festivals as agents of sustainable behaviour change

Research and Impact-Related Projects

Sustainable Events and Festivals

2025-2026: Developing a Commercially Viable Toolkit for Evaluating Spectator Environmental Engagement at Sport Events. ESRC IAA £9,797 (PI: D. Dineva, Co-I: A Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis).

2024-2025: Refining a toolkit for measuring attendee engagement and sustainable behaviour changes at sport events - a focus on rugby union supporters. ESRC IAA £14,181 (Joint-PI: A. Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis, Co-I: D. Dineva).

2023-2025: Driving Forward Sustainable Behaviour Changes through Sport and Cultural Events. ESRC IAA £23,787 (Joint-PI: A. Collins & Prof. N Koenig-Lewis, Co-I: D. Dineva & K Steentjes).

2023: Events as agents of sustainable behaviour change: Evidencing impact and planning future impact activities with partners. ESRC IAA £3,000 (Joint Co-I: A. Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis & D. Dineva).

2022-2023: Reducing the travel footprint of major academic conferences: a focus on The European Association for Sport Management Conference. ESRC IAA £4,594 (Joint PI: A. Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis).

2022-2023: Co-creating strategies to reduce the environmental impact of spectator travel to major sport events – a focus on the 2023 Open Golf Championship. Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) £28,925 (Joint PI: A. Collins & N. Koenig-Lewis).

2022 CUROP (Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme): “Connecting Festivals in Wales – A View on Sustainability”.

2018 CUROP (Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme): “Influencing the Impact and Legacies of Festivals in Wales: A spotlight on 2018 National Eisteddfod Cardiff”

2017-2018: Impact and Legacies of Festivals in Wales: A spotlight on the National Eisteddfod. Funded by Cardiff University.

2016 ‘Plotting Value Lines at Music Festivals – exploring the impact of Sŵn festival on the audiences, the city and the music scene’. Cardiff University Festival Research Group. Funded by AHRC Research and Enterprise in Arts and Creative Technology Initiative.


Circular Consumption

Academy of Marketing Research Funding (AMRC) 2022-2023: “Do second-hand products make us (less) happy? The role of materialistic values and identity construction on consumers’ well-being judgements of circular products” (Co-I) 

2018-2020 British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, “Reducing resource use through shared access to consumer goods – identifying subconscious barriers to nudging behaviour change” (PI)

2018/2019 Abu Dhabi University ADU Research Grant & Seedcorn Funding, CARBS, “Exploring motivations of consumers in UEA to participate in the sharing economy”

2020 ESRC/UK Research and Innovation Funding, Cardiff Festival of Social, “Renting consumer goods: sustainable consumption in a post-covid world?”

2019 ESRC/UK Research and Innovation Funding, Cardiff Festival of Social Science 2019, “Renting pre-owned goods:  The future of consumption?”

2019 ESRC IAA Business Boost Funding 2019, “Consumers’ evaluation of tea packaging – communicating the right benefits to influence sustainable consumption”

2018/2019 Welsh Government (Food & Drink Wales Cluster Network), Innovation Partnership in Action Programme, “Creation of health promoting tea using Welsh honey and medicinal plants -Working with four collaborators from conception to route to market”

2017/2018 University’s Cardiff Incoming Visiting Fellowship Scheme & International Collaboration Seedcorn Fund, Cardiff University, “Public Value cooperation with Prof Timo Meynhardt”

2016/2017 Seedcorn Funding for Research, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, “Does sustainable packaging mean healthy? - Effects of packaging on perceived healthiness of food using implicit and explicit measures of attitudes”

2014 AMRC Research Funding, Academy of Marketing Research Grant “Adoption of ecologically friendly packaging material – an assessment using Implicit Association Test” (PI)



Teaching commitments

Please note - during the 2024/2025 academic year, I am on research leave. 


BSc Business Management (Year 1): BS1528 Marketing (Co-Module Leader, 340 students),

MSc Marketing: BST350 Marketing Fundamentals (Module Leader, 110 students)

MSc Strategic Marketing: BST146 Research in Strategic Marketing 

PhD Supervision

MSc Supervision




  • Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), 2015
  • PhD (University of Wales): "Examining seasonal tourism demand variations in Wales", Swansea University, 2004
  • Dipl-Kffr Business Management (Dresden University of Technology, Germany), 1998

Additional activities

  • ESRC Wales DTP Pathway Convenor (Lead for Management and Business Pathway), 2016-2023
  • Founding member of the Cardiff University Festival Research Group
  • Founding member of the Cardiff University SFHEA Network
  • Member of the Cardiff Business School Shadow Management Board, 2015-2018
  • External Examiner for Flexible and Executive MBA Programmes (Marketing-related modules), Henley Business School, Reading University, 2019-2023
  • External Examiner for MSc Marketing programme, University of Gloucestershire, 2011-2015
  • External Examiner for BSc Business Management (Marketing) programme, Brunel University, 2013-2017

Honours and awards

  • Celebrating Excellence Awards (10 Nov 2022) – Winner, Interdisciplinary Research Team from CARBS & GEOPL for ‘Excellence in Environmental Sustainability’ (Collins, A., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Koenig-Lewis, N., Flynn, A., Cooper, C., Jones, C.), Cardiff University
  • ESLA 2022 (Enriching Student Life Awards) – Nominated for ‘Most Uplifting Staff Member of the Year’
  • Best Academic Paper at the 4th IPM (Institute of Place Management) Conference, Manchester (Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. & Doering, H. (2017), ‘Questioning the rhetoric of inclusivity in the co-creation of city brands through Bourdieu’s field-capital lens.’
  • 2017. Outstanding Contribution Award 2017, Cardiff University, Oct 2017
  • 2015. Outstanding Contribution Award 2015, Cardiff University, Nov 2015
  • 2013. Academy of Marketing Conference Best Paper – Political Marketing Track Prize, Dermody, J, Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A.L. (2013), “Young British Partisan and Non-Voter Attitudes to Attack Election Advertising – Evidence from the 2010 Election Campaign”
  • 2011. Outstanding Reviewer at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2011, International Journal of Bank Marketing

Professional memberships

  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
  • Academy of Marketing (AM)
  • Affiliate to CAST (Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations)
  • Member of the International Society for the Circular Economy (IS4CE)
  • Founding Member of Cardiff University Festival Research Group, Cardiff University (since 2016)

Academic positions

  • 2023-present: Professor of Marketing, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK
  • 2018-2023: Reader (Associate Professor) in Marketing, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK
  • 2016-2018: Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Marketing, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK
  • 2015-2016: Lecturer in Marketing, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK
  • 2012-2014: Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Marketing, Swansea University, School of Management
  • 2005-2012: Lecturer in Marketing, Swansea University, School of Management
  • 2000-2004: Posgraduate Tutor, Swansea University, School of Management

Speaking engagements

Invited Speaker, Surrey Business School, UK, Topic: “Transitioning to a new era of consumerism – from owning to renting everyday consumer goods”, 20 March 2024

Invited Speaker at the 7th AESIS International Societal Impact of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Conference 2023, Cardiff, ‘Good Practices of Impact’ Presentation and Panel Discussion. 20 Oct 2023

Invited Speaker at the ISBE (Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) Conference 2021, Doctoral Day, “Working collaboratively with outside organisations”, Tramshed, Cardiff, 27 October 2021

Invited Speaker for Events and Sustainability: launch of special issue of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism dedicated to the relationship between events and sustainability, Online international webinar, 6 Oct 2021

Invited Speaker for BBC Radio 5, Series “What Planet Are We On?” Contribution to Podcast ‘Mindful Consumption’, 29 Oct 2020

Invited Expert Speaker and Panel Member to give evidence in the Panel “What we buy: Buying Second-hand, Renting, Sharing: The Future of Consumption?”, at the Climate Assembly UK, Birmingham, 8 February 2020 (commissioned by six select committees of the House of Commons, Final Report – Climate Assembly UK – The path to net zero

Invited Speaker at public event 'Sport and Cultural Events: Enhancing the quality of event impact evaluations', Cardiff University, School of Geography and Planning, 6 February 2019

Invited Speaker, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Germany, Topic: “Access-based consumption: exploring psychological barriers to renting consumer goods”, 8 Nov 2019

Invited Speaker at research seminar “Sustainable consumption in emerging markets”, 16th May 2017, School of Management, Swansea University

Invited Speaker, CRiAC Centre for Research in Advertising & Consumption at School of Management, University of Bath,  “The effects of anticipated positive and negative emotions on satisfaction”, 02.11.2011

Invited Speaker, Exeter University, Topic: “The effect of festival engagement on food consumption choices – a longitudinal study”, 21.02.2014


Blogs and Other Publications

People tend to be less green on holiday – here’s how to change that, 1 Aug 2024, The Conversation

National Eisteddfod Research Project on the visitor experience/engagement, values and legacy impacts of the festival, as well as sustainable travel modes, 2017 & 2018

Cardiff Business School Blog 9 Nov 2020 - Access-based consumption: the way forward towards a more sustainable and circular future?

Creative Cardiff Blog, 29 June 2020, The festival show must go on(line)

Creative Cardiff Blog, 3 April 2017, Swn Music Festival Project - A spotlight on Swn Music Festival - Report Launch


Committees and reviewing

  • Ad-hoc journal reviewer (including Journal of Business Ethics, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Event Management, European Sport Management Quarterly, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Tourism Management)
  • Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Event Management
  • Member of the Editorial Review Board for Journal of Consumer Behaviour


PhD supervision research interests

I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Sustainable consumption
  • Consumer attitudes towards circular economy
  • Sharing economy/Access-based consumption/Circular consumption
  • Events/festivals as agents of sustainable behaviour change

Current supervision

Past projects

Tiansheng Yang, Cardiff University, Title: “Understanding the transition towards sustainable product-service systems for personal mobility. A study of electric vehicle sharing schemes in China’s Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone” (completed 2023, 2nd supervisor)

Bader Alkaffary, Cardiff University, Title: ‘A study of psychological ownership in different stages of access-based fashion consumption’ (completed 2022, Lead supervisor)

Laura Reynolds, Cardiff University, Title: “A Critical Approach to Place Branding Governance: From ‘Holding Stakes’ to ‘Holding Flags’” (completed 2018, Lead supervisor) 

Kate Organ (née Stacey), Swansea University, Title: “Measuring the Experiential Values of Food Festivals in Wales” (completed 2013, 2nd supervisor)

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70967
Campuses Aberconway Building, Room E01b, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU

Research themes


  • Marketing
  • Circular Consumption
  • Sustainable Consumption
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Behaviour Change