Dr Joseph Lambert
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Astudiaethau Cyfieithu
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Yng Nghaerdydd, fi yw Cyfarwyddwr yr MA Astudiaethau Cyfieithu ac rwy'n addysgu ar draws ystod o fodiwlau cyfieithu, gan weithio gyda myfyrwyr ar lefel israddedig ac ôl-raddedig. Mae hyn yn cynnwys addysgu ar theori cyfieithu, technoleg cyfieithu, moeseg cyfieithu a sgiliau cyfieithu ymarferol (gan gynnwys seminarau sy'n canolbwyntio ar wahanol feysydd cyfieithu Ffrangeg-Saesneg)
Fel ymchwilydd, mae gennyf ddiddordeb pennaf mewn ystod o gwestiynau sy'n ymwneud â moeseg a chynaliadwyedd mewn cyfieithu ac archwilio cyflwr y diwydiant cyfieithu yn ehangach. Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu a chyflwyno ar bynciau gan gynnwys codau moeseg, cyfraddau cyflog, ansawdd swydd, a boddhad swydd.
Mae fy ymchwil yn ceisio uno cysyniadau damcaniaethol moeseg a chyfieithu gydag arfer "bywyd go iawn." Mae'r llinyn ymarferol hwn o fy ymchwil yn cael ei lywio gan fy mhrofiad fel cyfieithydd, ar ôl sefydlu fy nghwmni cyfieithu llawrydd fy hun yn 2012, gan arbenigo mewn cyfieithu chwaraeon a gweithio gyda nifer o gleientiaid proffil uchel.
- Lambert, J. 2024. Codes and coffee houses. ITI Bulletin, pp. 33-34.
- Walker, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Show me the money: Bringing pay, rate-setting, and financial sustainability into the translation classroom. In: Ward, M., Eugeni, C. and Walker, C. eds. Teaching Translation: Contexts, Modes and Technologies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 27-52.
- Walker, C., Ivins, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Freelance translator rates: The value of experience. Project Report. University of Leeds.
- Lambert, J. and Walker, C. 2024. Thriving or surviving: Motivation, satisfaction, and existential sustainability in the translation profession. Mikael: The Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research 17(1), pp. 89-104. (10.61200/mikael.136209)
- Walker, C., Ivins, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Freelance translator rates: The value of ITI membership. Project Report. University of Leeds.
- Lambert, J. 2023. The 'right' path: ethics, translation and our future. ITI Bulletin, pp. 23-24.
- Lambert, J. 2023. Translation Ethics. Routledge Introductions to Translation and Interpreting. Routledge.
- Lambert, J. and Walker, C. 2022. Because we’re worth it: disentangling freelance translation, status, and rate-setting in the United Kingdom. Translation Spaces 11(2), pp. 277-302. (10.1075/ts.21030.lam)
- Bennett, P. and Lambert, J. 2022. Up to code: Where next for professional translation ethics?. Linguist 61(2), pp. 26-27.
- Lambert, J. 2022. From stagnation to innovation: codes of ethics and the profession today. Presented at: CIUTI Conference 2021, Grenada, Spain, 16-17 September 2021 Presented at Bourne, J. et al. eds.Reflexiones sobre ética profesional de traductores e intérpretes y buenas prácticas. Comares
- Lambert, J. 2020. Professional translator ethics. In: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics. Routledge, (10.4324/9781003127970-14/professional-translator-ethics-joseph-lambert)
- Lambert, J. 2018. How ethical are codes of ethics? Using illusions of neutrality to sell translations. Journal of Specialised Translation 30, pp. 269-287.
- Lambert, J. 2024. Codes and coffee houses. ITI Bulletin, pp. 33-34.
- Lambert, J. and Walker, C. 2024. Thriving or surviving: Motivation, satisfaction, and existential sustainability in the translation profession. Mikael: The Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research 17(1), pp. 89-104. (10.61200/mikael.136209)
- Lambert, J. 2023. The 'right' path: ethics, translation and our future. ITI Bulletin, pp. 23-24.
- Lambert, J. and Walker, C. 2022. Because we’re worth it: disentangling freelance translation, status, and rate-setting in the United Kingdom. Translation Spaces 11(2), pp. 277-302. (10.1075/ts.21030.lam)
- Bennett, P. and Lambert, J. 2022. Up to code: Where next for professional translation ethics?. Linguist 61(2), pp. 26-27.
- Lambert, J. 2018. How ethical are codes of ethics? Using illusions of neutrality to sell translations. Journal of Specialised Translation 30, pp. 269-287.
Book sections
- Walker, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Show me the money: Bringing pay, rate-setting, and financial sustainability into the translation classroom. In: Ward, M., Eugeni, C. and Walker, C. eds. Teaching Translation: Contexts, Modes and Technologies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 27-52.
- Lambert, J. 2020. Professional translator ethics. In: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics. Routledge, (10.4324/9781003127970-14/professional-translator-ethics-joseph-lambert)
- Lambert, J. 2023. Translation Ethics. Routledge Introductions to Translation and Interpreting. Routledge.
- Lambert, J. 2022. From stagnation to innovation: codes of ethics and the profession today. Presented at: CIUTI Conference 2021, Grenada, Spain, 16-17 September 2021 Presented at Bourne, J. et al. eds.Reflexiones sobre ética profesional de traductores e intérpretes y buenas prácticas. Comares
- Walker, C., Ivins, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Freelance translator rates: The value of experience. Project Report. University of Leeds.
- Walker, C., Ivins, C. and Lambert, J. 2024. Freelance translator rates: The value of ITI membership. Project Report. University of Leeds.
As a researcher, I am primarily interested in a range of questions relating to ethics in translation, including:
- The status of codes of ethics for translation
- Translators' agency and ethical decision-making
- Rates of pay in the translation industry
- Issues of professionalisation and status
- Ethical considerations in relation to translation technology
Mae gennyf BA mewn Ffrangeg ac Eidaleg, MA mewn Astudiaethau Cyfieithu, a PhD mewn Astudiaethau Cyfieithu, i gyd o Brifysgol Hull.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
2024: Enillydd Gwobr John Sykes ITI am Ragoriaeth am gyflawniad rhagorol mewn cyfieithu neu ddehongli dros gyfnod hir: https://www.iti.org.uk/discover/iti-awards.html
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Ryngwladol ar gyfer Astudiaethau Cyfieithu a Rhyngddiwylliannol (IATIS) a Chadeirydd pwyllgor aelodaeth IATIS.
- Aelod academaidd o'r Sefydliad Cyfieithu a Dehongli (ITI).
- Is-lywydd Cymdeithas y Rhaglenni mewn Astudiaethau Cyfieithu a Dehongli (APTIS).
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2024 - presennol: Prifysgol Caerdydd: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Astudiaethau Cyfieithu
- 2020 - 2024: Prifysgol Caerdydd: Darlithydd mewn Astudiaethau Cyfieithu
- 2019 - 2020: Prifysgol Durham: Cymrawd Dysgu mewn Astudiaethau Ffrangeg a Chyfieithu
- 2018 - 2019: Prifysgol Birmingham: Cymrawd Dysgu mewn Ffrangeg a Chyfieithu
- 2014 - 2018: Prifysgol Hull: Darlithydd Cyswllt mewn Astudiaethau Ffrangeg a Chyfieithu
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
moeseg cyfieithu, y diwydiant cyfieithu, technoleg cyfieithu