Dr Sara Macbride-Stewart
BSc(Hons); DipCommPsych; PhD
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Sara MacBride-Stewart, Athro yn Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol.
Fi yw cyd-arweinydd Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Prifysgol Iechyd Planedol Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar Just Transitions a Chyfiawnder Amgylcheddol. Mae fy ffocws ar les pobl yn deillio o'r amgylchedd naturiol, effeithiau bodau dynol ar ein tirweddau naturiol ac effeithiau anwastad polisïau lliniaru hinsawdd ar gymunedau. Rwy'n archwilio'r materion hyn fel mater o gyfiawnder amgylcheddol a byd-eang (mewn), gan fod cymunedau a thirweddau yn amrywiol a bod lles yn deillio'n anwastad. Mae anghydraddoldebau mewn Sero Net, dyfodol amgylcheddol a gweithgareddau hamdden/hamdden a mannau natur (gan gynnwys coedwigoedd kauri a Pharciau Cenedlaethol) yn feysydd allweddol ar gyfer fy astudiaeth i. Mae fy ymchwil wedi archwilio atebion ar gyfer Iechyd y Planedau sy'n mynd i'r afael â gofynion cymdeithasol, economaidd ac amgylcheddol. Rwy'n archwilio'n feirniadol sut mae neoryddfrydiaeth yn creu tensiynau penodol rhwng yr amgylchedd ac iechyd dynol, ac yn defnyddio geowleidyddiaeth ffeministaidd i gysylltu arferion bob dydd lleol â sgyrsiau ac ideolegau byd-eang am les.
Rwyf wedi datblygu dulliau ansoddol manwl ar gyfer archwilio'r wybodaeth, profiadau ac arferion ar gyfer galluogi dealltwriaeth o dirweddau naturiol fel lleoedd corfforedig, synhwyraidd ac affeithiol ar gyfer lles cymunedol. Mae fy ngwaith wedi cyfrannu at ddealltwriaeth academaidd a pholisi am y cysylltiadau rhwng pobl, lleoedd a natur ar gyfer lles dynol mewn ardaloedd gwarchodedig ar gyfer grwpiau ymylol yng Nghymru/y DU ac yn fyd-eang (Seland Newydd, Malaysia).
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn rhyngddisgyblaethol ac yn amlddisgyblaethol. Rwyf wedi gweithio ar draws meysydd astudiaethau ffeministaidd, gwyddorau cymdeithasol, astudiaethau gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg, a chymdeithaseg feddygol am y 15 mlynedd diwethaf. Mae fy nghyhoeddiadau cynharaf ar naratifau rhywioldeb, a rhyw a phoen yn llywio profiad corfforedig salwch, felly mae'n briodol fy mod yn awr yn troi at ystyriaeth feirniadol o les a'i rôl mewn cyfiawnder amgylcheddol (mewn). Rwy'n aelod o fwrdd gweithredol y Sefydliad Ymchwil Mannau Cynaliadwy ac yn academydd yn Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol rhyngddisgyblaethol. Mae gen i Gymrodoriaeth Unku-Omar gyda Dr Zeeda Fatima Mohammad (Prifysgol Malaya, Malaysia) ar Wyddoniaeth Dinasyddion Seiliedig ar Leoedd. Gyda phroffil ymchwil rhyngwladol sy'n datblygu, rwy'n parhau i weithio'n agos gyda chyrff lleol yng Nghymru. Rwyf wedi cael partneriaethau ymchwil gweithredol gyda Pharc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheiniog, Run4Wales, Swyddfa'r Comisiynydd Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) a Llywodraeth Cymru. Rwyf wedi bod yn weithgar wrth oruchwylio PhD, meistri ac ymchwil israddedig. Rwy'n parhau i gyfrannu at arloesi addysgu academaidd a mentoriaeth yn y DU ac yn rhyngwladol.
Rwyf wedi bod yn weithgar wrth oruchwylio PhD, meistri a myfyrwyr ymchwil israddedig. Rwy'n parhau i gyfrannu at arloesi addysgu academaidd a mentoriaeth yn y DU ac yn rhyngwladol.
Rwy'n croesawu myfyrwyr i gysylltu â mi i gael goruchwyliaeth ôl-raddedig mewn unrhyw un o'r meysydd sy'n gysylltiedig â: hyrwyddo lles yn yr amgylchedd naturiol, datrysiadau sy'n seiliedig ar natur neu iechyd planedol; cyfiawnder amgylcheddol; rhyw, ecoffederaliaeth, ecowleidyddiaeth ffeministaidd; cymdeithaseg amgylcheddol; datblygu cynaliadwy, gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion neu ddadansoddiadau cymdeithasol o broblemau neu atebion amgylcheddol; materoliaethau newydd.
Rwy'n croesawu cydweithrediadau yn y meysydd ymchwil canlynol: rhyngddisgyblaethol, Just Transitions a chyfiawnder amgylcheddol, cysylltiadau iechyd coedwigoedd / coed-ddynol, cysylltiadau iechyd dŵr, bioddiogelwch ac aflonyddwch hamdden (honeypots ac ardaloedd gwarchodedig); cyfiawnder amgylcheddol a chymdeithasol; bywyd/dyfodol ansicr (sy'n gysylltiedig â'r hinsawdd) a gwaith ansicr (sector amgylcheddol); iechyd planedol; dealltwriaeth feirniadol o les; actifiaeth gymdeithasol ac actifiaeth leol ar gyfer newid yn yr hinsawdd/newid defnydd tir/colli bioamrywiaeth; gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion sy'n seiliedig ar le; Defnyddwyr Hamdden a Defnyddiau (ESP Rhyw / Ed a Defnydd / Rs ar y cyrion)
Cyhoeddiadau Allweddol:
Newydd: Abd. Kadir, S.N., MacBride-Stewart, S. a Mohamad, Z.F. (2024), Dadansoddi naratifau sy'n seiliedig ar leoedd: gwella cyfranogiad cymunedol y campws mewn conservatio watershedn, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. flaen print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSHE-05-2023-0209
Gwefan swyddogol Gwyddoniaeth Dinasyddion ar gyfer Cadwraeth Dŵr Gwefan swyddogol | Sekitar Kita
Parken, Alison, MacBride-Stewart, Sara, Ashworth, Rachel a Minto, Rachel 2023. Trosglwyddiad cyfartal a chyfiawn i Sero Net: Adroddiad cryno o'r Panel Tystiolaeth Cydraddoldeb a Therfyn Pontio yn Unig. [Adroddiad Prosiect]. Caerdydd: Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Gwyliwch ein fideo ar gyfer Wythnos Hinsawdd Llywodraeth Cymru 2023 Diwrnod 5 Ar alw | Wythnos Hinsawdd Cymru (llyw.cymru)
MacBride-Stewart, S., McEntee, M., Macknight, V., Medvecky, F., a Martin, M. (2023). Yr hyn a wnawn yng Nghoedwigoedd Kauri: Archwilio bydoedd affeithiol defnyddwyr 'risg uchel' ardaloedd coedwigoedd bregus yn Aotearoa|Seland Newydd. Diwylliannau Gwybodaeth, 11(1), 184–204. https://doi.org/10.22381/kc111202310
+ Rhifyn Arbennig Diwylliannau Gwybodaeth - Mobileiddio ar gyfer Gweithredu - Mynediad Agored https://www.addletonacademicpublishers.com/contents-kc#catid2646
Gwefan swyddogol Cyd-gynhyrchu Bioddiogelwch gydag Ymchwil Park Rangers a Defnyddwyr Parc | RA2-3 — Mobilising For Action
MacBride-Stewart, S., O'Brien, L., Grant, A., Ayala, M., Finlay-Smits, S., Allen, W., and Greenaway, A. (2023). Healing Fragmentation of Forest Biosecurity Networks: Dadansoddiad Mapio Cysyniadol ac Adweithiol o Cysylltiadau Ôl-drefedigaethol sy'n Bwysig yn Aotearoa|Seland Newydd a Chymru|Cymru. Diwylliannau Gwybodaeth, 11(1), 205–233. https://doi.org/10.22381/kc111202311
Gwefan swyddogol Dad-drefedigaethu Pecyn Cymorth Gwybodaeth: Ymchwil | RA2-4 — Mobilising For Action in Welsh, English and te Reo! - Research | RA2-4 — Mobilising For Action
Gweler hefyd Posibiliadau bioddiogelwch ôl-drefedigaethol - Forest Research
Greenaway, A., MacBride-Stewart, S., Grant, A., Finlay-Smits, S., Ayala, M., Allen, W., O'Brien, L., a Martin, M. (2023). Lleoli ymchwil i wella cysylltiadau bioddiogelwch coed. Diwylliannau Gwybodaeth, 11(1), 234–259. https://doi.org/10.22381/kc111202312
McEntee, M., Medvecky, F., MacBride-Stewart, S. et al. Ceidwaid y Parc ac arbenigedd gwyddoniaeth-gyhoeddus: Gwyddoniaeth fel Gofal mewn Bioddiogelwch ar gyfer Coed Kauri yn Aotearoa / Seland Newydd. Minerva (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11024-022-09482-9
Baker, S., Bruford, M. W., MacBride-Stewart, S., Essam, A., Nicol, P. a Sanderson Bellamy, A. 2022. COVID-19: Deall pathogenau newydd mewn systemau cymdeithasol-ecolegol cypledig. Cynaliadwyedd 14(18), rhif erthygl: 11649. (10.3390/su141811649)
MacBride-Stewart, S (2022) 'diogelwch' merched mewn tirweddau anghyfarwydd: Yr angen am ffeministiaethau anhegemonig Wrth gyflwyno pobl ifanc i dirweddau anghyfarwydd, Eds Thomas Aneurin Smith, Hannah Pitt a Ria Dunkley. Llundain: Palgrave McMillian
MacBride-Stewart, S (2022) Amgylchedd Yn Lee Monaghan, Jonathan Gabe (Eds). Cysyniadau Allweddol mewn Cymdeithaseg Feddygol (Trydydd Argraffiad). Llundain: Sage
MacBride-Stewart, S (2021) Tuag at wyddoniaeth gymdeithasol feirniadol o newid yn yr hinsawdd ac iechyd. Antonia C. Lyons, Kerry Chamberlain (Eds). Llawlyfr Rhyngwladol Routledge o Faterion Critigol mewn Iechyd a Salwch (2il Argraffiad). Llundain: Routledge
MacBride-Stewart, Parsons, C & Carati I (2021) Chwarae a chwarae gemau: Defnyddio geogelcio i ennyn diddordeb lles pobl ifanc mewn Parc Cenedlaethol . Yn Feifei Xu a Dimitrios Buhalis (Eds) Gamification mewn twristiaeth. Agweddau ar y gyfres dwristiaeth. Bryste. DU: Cyhoeddiadau Channel View. Amlieithog: Teitl Manwl Hapchwarae ar gyfer Twristiaeth gan Feifei Xu (channelviewpublications.com)
Thornhill, I., Cornelissen, J.H.C., McPherson, JM, MacBride‐Stewart, S., Mohamad, Z., White, H.J. a Wiersma, Y.F. (2021), Tuag at wyddoniaeth ecolegol i bawb gan bawb. J Ecoleg Gymhwysol 58: 206-213. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13841
Shaw, C., Russell, M., Keall, M., MacBride-Stewart, S., Wild, K., Reeves, D., Woodward, A (2020) Y tu hwnt i'r beic: gweld cyd-destun y bwlch rhwng y rhywiau mewn beicio. Journal of Transport & Health,18 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2020.100871
MacBride-Stewart, S (2019) Sgyrsiau am les ac effaith amgylcheddol rhedwyr llwybrau mewn ardaloedd gwarchodedig yn Seland Newydd a'r Deyrnas Unedig. Geoforum 107 , tt. 134-142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.09.015
MacBride-Stewart, S. 2019. Atmosfferau, tirweddau a natur: Profiadau rhedwyr oddi ar y ffordd o lesiant. Iechyd, 23(2), 139–157. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363459318785675
MacBride-Stewart, S. (2019) Astudio lle. Yn P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J.W. Sakshaug, ac R.A. Williams (Eds.), Sefydliadau Dulliau Ymchwil SAGE. Llundain: Sage doi: 10.4135/9781526421036827514 https://methods.sagepub.com/foundations/studying-place?fromsearch=true
MacBride-Stewart, S., Butler, C., & Fox, N. J. (2019). Golygyddol: Rhifyn Arbennig ar Gymdeithas, Amgylchedd ac Iechyd. Iechyd, 23(2), 117–121. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363459318816138
Simon-Kumar, R., MacBride-Stewart., S., Baker, S and Saxena, L. P (2018). Tuag at gydgysylltiad rhwng y gogledd a'r de: beirniadaeth o ddeuoliaethau rhywedd mewn datblygu cynaliadwy, yr amgylchedd ac iechyd menywod. Rhyw, Gwaith a Sefydliad 25(3), tt. 246-263. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/gwao.12193
MacBride-Stewart, S. a Simon-Kumar, R (2017) Mae Janus yn wynebu anffrwythlondeb yn y gogledd byd-eang a'r de: Adolygu cyfraniadau ffeministaidd i'r ddadl. Yn Davis, G and Loughran, T. (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History, Llundain: Palgrave. tt 461-490. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-52080-7_20
Darllen, S. and MacBride-Stewart, S (2017). Y 'farwolaeth dda' a llai o gapasiti: adolygiad llenyddiaeth. Marwolaeth: 1-15 DOI: 10.1080/13576275.2017.1339676
MacBride-Stewart, S., Gong, Y., & Antell, J (2016) . Archwilio'r cysylltiadau rhwng rhyw, iechyd a natur. Iechyd Cyhoeddus http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2016.09.020
Ymgysylltu â'r Cyhoedd
Siaradwr Arbenigol yn y rheithgor Dinasyddion a gynhaliwyd gan Gomisiwn Cyfiawnder yr Amgylchedd yn siarad ar "degwch hinsawdd yng Nghymoedd De Cymru" (Mer Tachwedd 4ydd, Zoom-event).
Anghydraddoldebau'r Dyfodol - Comisiynydd Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru)
MacBride-Stewart, S and Parken , A (2021) Tueddiadau ac Anghydraddoldebau'r Dyfodol yng Nghymru (cenedlaethau'r dyfodol.cymru). Caerdydd: Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru (Adroddiad Llawn)
MacBride-Stewart, S and Parken , A (2021) Tueddiadau ac Anghydraddoldebau'r Dyfodol yng Nghymru (Adroddiad Bite Size) FGCW_Equalities-Report_E-UPDATED.pdf (cenedlaethau'r dyfodol.cymru)
Parciau Cenedlaethol a Chymunedau Ymylol
Headington,J.J and MacBride-Stewart, S (2021) Buddion Iechyd a Lles Posibl Parc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheiniog ar gyfer cymuned ar ei ymylon. Sefydliad Ymchwil Mannau Cynaliadwy: Prifysgol Caerdydd BBNP-and-PLACE-Report-FINAL-260321.pdf (cardiff.ac.uk)
Ardaloedd Trefol Gwyrddio
Villis, E and MacBride-Stewart, S (2020) Studentification and Greening Cathays: A all myfyrwyr a thrigolion weithio gyda'i gilydd i gael lle i fyw. Sefydliad Ymchwil Mannau Cynaliadwy: Prifysgol Caerdydd
Greening Cathays yn canfod y gwaith a gynhyrchwyd gan fy myfyrwyr yn y modiwl Amgylchedd ac Iechyd Dynol yma https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/pharmabees/engagement/community/
Rhedeg, menywod a chydraddoldeb
MacBride-Stewart, S and Charlotte Brookfield (2020) Women Run the Streets: Adroddiad ar redeg menywod a strydoedd y gellir eu rhedeg ar gyfer Hanner Marathon Caerdydd. Sefydliad Ymchwil Mannau Cynaliadwy: Prifysgol Caerdydd www.cardiffhalfmarathon.co.uk/app/uploads/2021/03/Women-Run-The-Streets-Research-Report.pdf
Gellir dod o hyd i adroddiad ar gyfer digwyddiad WomenCan ar gyfer cyd-gyfranogwyr yr ymchwil ar redeg llwybrau a rhyw yn: https://www.womencan.co.uk/news.
Tueddiadau Anghydraddoldebau'r Dyfodol
Adroddiad COP26 ar Anghydraddoldeb ac Argyfwng Hinsawdd Cyswllt rhwng cydraddoldeb ac argyfwng hinsawdd yn cael ei anwybyddu, yn ôl adroddiad Cymru | Cymru | Y Guardian
Mae llesiant yn adrodd yn amserol am adferiad ar ôl Covid. - Newyddion - Prifysgol Caerdydd
Rhedeg, yr amgylchedd ac anghydraddoldeb
Blogbost Lleoedd Cynaliadwy: http://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/sustainableplaces/2019/07/09/running-and-neoliberalism/
Mae Ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd yn archwilio gallu strydoedd - Run 4 Wales (R4W)
Mapiau Rhedeg Cymunedol - Creu sgwrs am 'runnability' ein strydoedd (Grangetown 10km) www.cardiffhalfmarathon.co.uk/cardiff-university-research-explores-the-runnability-of-streets-womens-running
Mae Ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd yn archwilio 'Runnability' Street & Women's Running www.cardiffhalfmarathon.co.uk/cardiff-university-research-explores-the-runnability-of-streets-womens-running
Merched yn Rhedeg y Strydoedd - Hanner Marathon Caerdydd 2019 Golygfeydd 64K https://www.facebook.com/Cardiffhalf/videos/2512925962273748/
Gall menywod - menywod sy'n rhedeg * https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/1117327-women-only-marathon-a-perfect-fit yn unig; https://www.womencan.co.uk/news
Daeth fy ymchwil gyda Run4Wales ac ymchwil Hanner Marathon Caerdydd yn ddyluniad ar gyfer y crys-T OLAF ar gyfer Hanner Marathon Caerdydd 2019 https://www.cardiffhalfmarathon.co.uk/whywerun-media-day-kicks-off-race-week
- Siti Norasiah, A. K., MacBride-Stewart, S. and Mohamad, Z. F. 2024. Unpacking place-based narratives: enhancing campus community participation in watershed conservation. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 25(8), pp. 1787-1802. (10.1108/IJSHE-05-2023-0209)
- Parken, A., MacBride-Stewart, S., Ashworth, R. and Minto, R. 2023. An equal and just transition - mainstreaming equality evidence panel - summary report (Update December 2023).
- MacBride-Stewart, S., McEntee, M., Macknight, V., Medvecky, F. and Martin, M. 2023. What we do in Kauri forests: Exploring the affective worlds of 'high risk' users of vulnerable forest areas in Aotearoa|New Zealand. Knowledge Cultures 11(1), pp. 184-204. (10.22381/kc111202310)
- Greenaway, A. et al. 2023. Positioning research to improve tree-biosecurity relations. Knowledge Cultures 11(1), pp. 234-259. (10.22381/kc111202312)
- MacBride-Stewart, S., O’Brien, L., Grant, A., Ayala, M., Finlay-Smits, S., Allen, W. and Greenaway, A. 2023. Healing fragmentation of forest biosecurity networks: A conceptual and reflexive mapping analysis of postcolonial relations that matter in Aotearoa|New Zealand and Cymru|Wales. Knowledge Cultures 11(1), pp. 205-233. (10.22381/kc111202311)
- Parken, A., MacBride-stewart, S., Ashworth, R. and Minto, R. 2023. An equal and just transition to Net Zero: Summary report of the Mainstreaming Equality and Just Transition Evidence Panel. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- McEntee, M., Medvecky, F., MacBride-Stewart, S., Macknight, V. and Martin, M. 2023. Park rangers and science-public expertise: science as care in biosecurity for Kauri trees in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Minerva 61(1), pp. 117-140. (10.1007/s11024-022-09482-9)
- Baker, S., Bruford, M. W., MacBride-Stewart, S., Essam, A., Nicol, P. and Sanderson Bellamy, A. 2022. COVID-19: Understanding novel pathogens in coupled social–ecological systems. Sustainability 14(18), article number: 11649. (10.3390/su141811649)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2022. Girls' 'safety' in unfamiliar landscapes: the necessity of non-hegemonic femininities. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 309-335., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_13)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2022. Environment. In: Monaghan, L. F. and Gabe, J. eds. Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. 3rd Edition. SAGE, pp. 52-58.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2022. Environment. In: Monaghan, L. F. and Gabe, J. eds. Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. 3rd Edition. SAGE Key Concepts series London: SAGE Publications, pp. 52-58.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. and Parken, A. 2021. Inequality in a Future Wales: Areas for action in work, climate, and demographic change. Project Report. [Online]. Future Generations Commissioner for Wales. Available at: https://www.futuregenerations.wales/resources_posts/inequality-in-a-future-wales/
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2021. Towards a critical social science of climate change and health. In: Chamberlain, K. and Lyons, A. eds. Routledge International Handbook of Critical Issues in Health and Illness. Routledge, pp. 328-345.
- MacBride-Stewart, S., Parsons, C. and Carati, I. 2021. Playfulness and game play: using geocaching to engage young people's well-being in a national park. In: Xu, F. and Buhalis, D. eds. Gamification for Tourism - 2-21 Edition. Channel View Publications
- Thornhill, I., Cornelissen, J. H. C., McPherson, J. M., MacBride-Stewart, S., Mohamad, Z., White, H. J. and Wiersma, Y. F. 2021. Towards ecological science for all by all. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(2), pp. 206-213. (10.1111/1365-2664.13841)
- Shaw, C. et al. 2020. Beyond the bicycle: seeing the context of the gender gap in cycling. Journal of Transport and Health 18, article number: 100871. (10.1016/j.jth.2020.100871)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2020. Studying place. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods. Mobilities, Space and Place SAGE, (10.4135/9781526421036827514)
- Macbride-Stewart, S. 2019. Discourses of wellbeing and environmental impact of trail runners in protected areas in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Geoforum 107, pp. 134-142. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.09.015)
- MacBride-stewart, S., Butler, C. and Fox, N. J. 2019. Editorial: special issue on society, environment and health. Health 23(2), pp. 117-121. (10.1177/1363459318816138)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2019. Atmospheres, landscapes and nature:off-road runners' experiences of wellbeing. Health 23(2), pp. 139-157. (10.1177/1363459318785675)
- Read, S. and MacBride-Stewart, S. 2018. The 'good death' and reduced capacity: A literature review. Mortality 23(4), pp. 381-395. (10.1080/13576275.2017.1339676)
- Simon-Kumar, R., MacBride-Stewart, S., Baker, S. and Patnaik Saxena, L. 2018. Towards north-south interconnectedness: a critique of gender dualities in sustainable development, the environment and women's health. Gender, Work and Organization 25(3), pp. 246-263. (10.1111/gwao.12193)
- MacBride-stewart, S. and Simon-Kumar, R. 2017. The Janus face of infertility in the global north and the south: reviewing feminist contributions to the debate. In: Davis, G. and Loughran, T. eds. , The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History: Approaches, Contexts and Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 461-490.
- MacBride-stewart, S., Gong, Y. and Antell, J. 2016. Exploring the interconnections between gender, health and nature. Public Health 141, pp. 279-286. (10.1016/j.puhe.2016.09.020)
- Harden, J., Kendall, K. and MacBride-Stewart, S. 2016. Editorial: teaching social and behavioural sciences in medical education. MedEdPublish 5(3) (10.15694/mep.2016.000087)
- MacBride-Stewart, S., Johns, N. and Green, A. 2016. Understanding same-sex marriage as equality, but with exceptions. Families, Relationships and Societies 5(2), pp. 229-245. (10.1332/204674315X14303090852878)
- MacBride-Stewart, S., Parsons, C. and Carati, I. 2015. Playfulness and game play: using geocaching to engage young people’s wellbeing in a national park. In: Xu, F. and Buhalis, D. eds. Gamification in Tourism. Channel View Publications
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2014. Horowitz, R. In the public interest: medical licensing and the disciplinary process. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 2013. [Book Review]. Sociology of Health & Illness 36(8), pp. 1296-1297. (10.1111/1467-9566.12205)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2014. Motivations for the 'gift-of-care' in the context of the modernisation of medicine. Social Theory and Health 12, pp. 84-104. (10.1057/sth.2013.22)
- Johns, N., MacBride-Stewart, S., Powell, M. and Green, A. 2014. When is positive action not positive action? Exploring the conceptual meaning and implications of the tie-break criterion in the UK Equality Act 2010. Equality Diversity and Inclusion 33(1), pp. 97-113. (10.1108/EDI-12-2012-0120)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2013. The effort to control time in the 'new' general practice. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(4), pp. 560-574. (10.1111/j.1467-9566.2012.01503.x)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2013. Stacey, C.L. The caring self: The work experiences of home care aides, New York: Cornell University Press. 2011. [Book Review]. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(4), pp. 647-648. (10.1111/1467-9566.12060)
- Addis, S., Davies, M., Greene, G., MacBride-Stewart, S. J. and Shepherd, M. A. 2009. The health, social care and housing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people: a review of the literature. Health and Social Care in the Community 17(6), pp. 647-658. (10.1111/j.1365-2524.2009.00866.x)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2009. The relationship between affect, subjectivity and care in the context of medicine. Presented at: BSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 16 -18 April 2009.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2008. Cochlear implants: Intersubjective and uncanny medical technologies. Presented at: BSA Medical Society Annual Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 4-6 September 2008.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. and Grace, V. M. 2008. More than one of us: sex pain as an embodied affective relation. Presented at: Subjectivity. International Conference in Critical Psychology, Cardiff, UK, 27-29 June 2008.
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2008. 'How to say it?': Women's descriptions of pelvic pain. Women & Health 46(4), pp. 81-98. (10.1300/J013v46n04_05)
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2008. Metaphors of injury: women make sense of pelvic pain. In: Twohig, P. and Kalitzkus, V. eds. Social Studies of Health, Illness and Disease: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities. At the Interface/ Probing the Boundaries Vol. 49. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 175-192.
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2007. "Women get this": Gendered Meanings of Chronic Pelvic Pain. Health 11(1), pp. 47-67. (10.1177/1363459307070803)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2007. Que(e)rying the Meaning of Lesbian Health: Individual(izing) and Community Discourses. In: Clarke, V. and Peel, E. eds. Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 427-443., (10.1002/9780470713099.ch20)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2007. Peripheral Perspectives: Locating Lesbian Studies in Australasia. Journal of Lesbian Studies 11(3-4), pp. 303-311. (10.1300/J155v11n03_12)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2004. VI. Kitzinger's Pivotal Text on The Social Construction of Lesbianism. Feminism & Psychology 14(4), pp. 522-526. (10.1177/0959353504046869)
Adrannau llyfrau
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2022. Girls' 'safety' in unfamiliar landscapes: the necessity of non-hegemonic femininities. In: Smith, T. A., Pitt, H. and Dunkley, R. A. eds. Unfamiliar Landscapes: Young People and Diverse Outdoor Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 309-335., (10.1007/978-3-030-94460-5_13)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2022. Environment. In: Monaghan, L. F. and Gabe, J. eds. Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. 3rd Edition. SAGE, pp. 52-58.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2022. Environment. In: Monaghan, L. F. and Gabe, J. eds. Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. 3rd Edition. SAGE Key Concepts series London: SAGE Publications, pp. 52-58.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2021. Towards a critical social science of climate change and health. In: Chamberlain, K. and Lyons, A. eds. Routledge International Handbook of Critical Issues in Health and Illness. Routledge, pp. 328-345.
- MacBride-Stewart, S., Parsons, C. and Carati, I. 2021. Playfulness and game play: using geocaching to engage young people's well-being in a national park. In: Xu, F. and Buhalis, D. eds. Gamification for Tourism - 2-21 Edition. Channel View Publications
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2020. Studying place. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods. Mobilities, Space and Place SAGE, (10.4135/9781526421036827514)
- MacBride-stewart, S. and Simon-Kumar, R. 2017. The Janus face of infertility in the global north and the south: reviewing feminist contributions to the debate. In: Davis, G. and Loughran, T. eds. , The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History: Approaches, Contexts and Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 461-490.
- MacBride-Stewart, S., Parsons, C. and Carati, I. 2015. Playfulness and game play: using geocaching to engage young people’s wellbeing in a national park. In: Xu, F. and Buhalis, D. eds. Gamification in Tourism. Channel View Publications
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2008. Metaphors of injury: women make sense of pelvic pain. In: Twohig, P. and Kalitzkus, V. eds. Social Studies of Health, Illness and Disease: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities. At the Interface/ Probing the Boundaries Vol. 49. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 175-192.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2007. Que(e)rying the Meaning of Lesbian Health: Individual(izing) and Community Discourses. In: Clarke, V. and Peel, E. eds. Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 427-443., (10.1002/9780470713099.ch20)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2009. The relationship between affect, subjectivity and care in the context of medicine. Presented at: BSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 16 -18 April 2009.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2008. Cochlear implants: Intersubjective and uncanny medical technologies. Presented at: BSA Medical Society Annual Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 4-6 September 2008.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. and Grace, V. M. 2008. More than one of us: sex pain as an embodied affective relation. Presented at: Subjectivity. International Conference in Critical Psychology, Cardiff, UK, 27-29 June 2008.
- Siti Norasiah, A. K., MacBride-Stewart, S. and Mohamad, Z. F. 2024. Unpacking place-based narratives: enhancing campus community participation in watershed conservation. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 25(8), pp. 1787-1802. (10.1108/IJSHE-05-2023-0209)
- MacBride-Stewart, S., McEntee, M., Macknight, V., Medvecky, F. and Martin, M. 2023. What we do in Kauri forests: Exploring the affective worlds of 'high risk' users of vulnerable forest areas in Aotearoa|New Zealand. Knowledge Cultures 11(1), pp. 184-204. (10.22381/kc111202310)
- Greenaway, A. et al. 2023. Positioning research to improve tree-biosecurity relations. Knowledge Cultures 11(1), pp. 234-259. (10.22381/kc111202312)
- MacBride-Stewart, S., O’Brien, L., Grant, A., Ayala, M., Finlay-Smits, S., Allen, W. and Greenaway, A. 2023. Healing fragmentation of forest biosecurity networks: A conceptual and reflexive mapping analysis of postcolonial relations that matter in Aotearoa|New Zealand and Cymru|Wales. Knowledge Cultures 11(1), pp. 205-233. (10.22381/kc111202311)
- McEntee, M., Medvecky, F., MacBride-Stewart, S., Macknight, V. and Martin, M. 2023. Park rangers and science-public expertise: science as care in biosecurity for Kauri trees in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Minerva 61(1), pp. 117-140. (10.1007/s11024-022-09482-9)
- Baker, S., Bruford, M. W., MacBride-Stewart, S., Essam, A., Nicol, P. and Sanderson Bellamy, A. 2022. COVID-19: Understanding novel pathogens in coupled social–ecological systems. Sustainability 14(18), article number: 11649. (10.3390/su141811649)
- Thornhill, I., Cornelissen, J. H. C., McPherson, J. M., MacBride-Stewart, S., Mohamad, Z., White, H. J. and Wiersma, Y. F. 2021. Towards ecological science for all by all. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(2), pp. 206-213. (10.1111/1365-2664.13841)
- Shaw, C. et al. 2020. Beyond the bicycle: seeing the context of the gender gap in cycling. Journal of Transport and Health 18, article number: 100871. (10.1016/j.jth.2020.100871)
- Macbride-Stewart, S. 2019. Discourses of wellbeing and environmental impact of trail runners in protected areas in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Geoforum 107, pp. 134-142. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.09.015)
- MacBride-stewart, S., Butler, C. and Fox, N. J. 2019. Editorial: special issue on society, environment and health. Health 23(2), pp. 117-121. (10.1177/1363459318816138)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2019. Atmospheres, landscapes and nature:off-road runners' experiences of wellbeing. Health 23(2), pp. 139-157. (10.1177/1363459318785675)
- Read, S. and MacBride-Stewart, S. 2018. The 'good death' and reduced capacity: A literature review. Mortality 23(4), pp. 381-395. (10.1080/13576275.2017.1339676)
- Simon-Kumar, R., MacBride-Stewart, S., Baker, S. and Patnaik Saxena, L. 2018. Towards north-south interconnectedness: a critique of gender dualities in sustainable development, the environment and women's health. Gender, Work and Organization 25(3), pp. 246-263. (10.1111/gwao.12193)
- MacBride-stewart, S., Gong, Y. and Antell, J. 2016. Exploring the interconnections between gender, health and nature. Public Health 141, pp. 279-286. (10.1016/j.puhe.2016.09.020)
- Harden, J., Kendall, K. and MacBride-Stewart, S. 2016. Editorial: teaching social and behavioural sciences in medical education. MedEdPublish 5(3) (10.15694/mep.2016.000087)
- MacBride-Stewart, S., Johns, N. and Green, A. 2016. Understanding same-sex marriage as equality, but with exceptions. Families, Relationships and Societies 5(2), pp. 229-245. (10.1332/204674315X14303090852878)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2014. Horowitz, R. In the public interest: medical licensing and the disciplinary process. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 2013. [Book Review]. Sociology of Health & Illness 36(8), pp. 1296-1297. (10.1111/1467-9566.12205)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2014. Motivations for the 'gift-of-care' in the context of the modernisation of medicine. Social Theory and Health 12, pp. 84-104. (10.1057/sth.2013.22)
- Johns, N., MacBride-Stewart, S., Powell, M. and Green, A. 2014. When is positive action not positive action? Exploring the conceptual meaning and implications of the tie-break criterion in the UK Equality Act 2010. Equality Diversity and Inclusion 33(1), pp. 97-113. (10.1108/EDI-12-2012-0120)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2013. The effort to control time in the 'new' general practice. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(4), pp. 560-574. (10.1111/j.1467-9566.2012.01503.x)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2013. Stacey, C.L. The caring self: The work experiences of home care aides, New York: Cornell University Press. 2011. [Book Review]. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(4), pp. 647-648. (10.1111/1467-9566.12060)
- Addis, S., Davies, M., Greene, G., MacBride-Stewart, S. J. and Shepherd, M. A. 2009. The health, social care and housing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people: a review of the literature. Health and Social Care in the Community 17(6), pp. 647-658. (10.1111/j.1365-2524.2009.00866.x)
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2008. 'How to say it?': Women's descriptions of pelvic pain. Women & Health 46(4), pp. 81-98. (10.1300/J013v46n04_05)
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2007. "Women get this": Gendered Meanings of Chronic Pelvic Pain. Health 11(1), pp. 47-67. (10.1177/1363459307070803)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2007. Peripheral Perspectives: Locating Lesbian Studies in Australasia. Journal of Lesbian Studies 11(3-4), pp. 303-311. (10.1300/J155v11n03_12)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2004. VI. Kitzinger's Pivotal Text on The Social Construction of Lesbianism. Feminism & Psychology 14(4), pp. 522-526. (10.1177/0959353504046869)
- Parken, A., MacBride-Stewart, S., Ashworth, R. and Minto, R. 2023. An equal and just transition - mainstreaming equality evidence panel - summary report (Update December 2023).
- Parken, A., MacBride-stewart, S., Ashworth, R. and Minto, R. 2023. An equal and just transition to Net Zero: Summary report of the Mainstreaming Equality and Just Transition Evidence Panel. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- MacBride-Stewart, S. and Parken, A. 2021. Inequality in a Future Wales: Areas for action in work, climate, and demographic change. Project Report. [Online]. Future Generations Commissioner for Wales. Available at: https://www.futuregenerations.wales/resources_posts/inequality-in-a-future-wales/
- Read, S. and MacBride-Stewart, S. 2018. The 'good death' and reduced capacity: A literature review. Mortality 23(4), pp. 381-395. (10.1080/13576275.2017.1339676)
- MacBride-stewart, S., Gong, Y. and Antell, J. 2016. Exploring the interconnections between gender, health and nature. Public Health 141, pp. 279-286. (10.1016/j.puhe.2016.09.020)
- MacBride-Stewart, S., Johns, N. and Green, A. 2016. Understanding same-sex marriage as equality, but with exceptions. Families, Relationships and Societies 5(2), pp. 229-245. (10.1332/204674315X14303090852878)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2014. Motivations for the 'gift-of-care' in the context of the modernisation of medicine. Social Theory and Health 12, pp. 84-104. (10.1057/sth.2013.22)
- Johns, N., MacBride-Stewart, S., Powell, M. and Green, A. 2014. When is positive action not positive action? Exploring the conceptual meaning and implications of the tie-break criterion in the UK Equality Act 2010. Equality Diversity and Inclusion 33(1), pp. 97-113. (10.1108/EDI-12-2012-0120)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2013. The effort to control time in the 'new' general practice. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(4), pp. 560-574. (10.1111/j.1467-9566.2012.01503.x)
- Addis, S., Davies, M., Greene, G., MacBride-Stewart, S. J. and Shepherd, M. A. 2009. The health, social care and housing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people: a review of the literature. Health and Social Care in the Community 17(6), pp. 647-658. (10.1111/j.1365-2524.2009.00866.x)
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2008. 'How to say it?': Women's descriptions of pelvic pain. Women & Health 46(4), pp. 81-98. (10.1300/J013v46n04_05)
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2008. Metaphors of injury: women make sense of pelvic pain. In: Twohig, P. and Kalitzkus, V. eds. Social Studies of Health, Illness and Disease: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities. At the Interface/ Probing the Boundaries Vol. 49. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 175-192.
- Grace, V. M. and MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2007. "Women get this": Gendered Meanings of Chronic Pelvic Pain. Health 11(1), pp. 47-67. (10.1177/1363459307070803)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2007. Que(e)rying the Meaning of Lesbian Health: Individual(izing) and Community Discourses. In: Clarke, V. and Peel, E. eds. Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 427-443., (10.1002/9780470713099.ch20)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2007. Peripheral Perspectives: Locating Lesbian Studies in Australasia. Journal of Lesbian Studies 11(3-4), pp. 303-311. (10.1300/J155v11n03_12)
- MacBride-Stewart, S. 2004. VI. Kitzinger's Pivotal Text on The Social Construction of Lesbianism. Feminism & Psychology 14(4), pp. 522-526. (10.1177/0959353504046869)
I am currently working on funded projects on gender and sustainable development, representations of dying well, and social science in medicine.
I am a module leader in my specialist areas of Gender Relations & Society (year 2) and Sociology of Health Illness & Medicine (year 3). I teach at undergraduate and graduate levels, across programmes and across schools.
I an interested in supervising research in the following areas: environment, gender and health especially in relation to promoting sustainable health, social justice and equalities. That is, the ways in which natural environments (including national and urban parks) contribute to a health, well-being and social-justice agenda is of particular interest. In the context of global environmental pressures, I am interested in the interconnectedness in and between contexts, tensions between protecting nature and destroying nature, disenfranchised and connected communities, as well as alternative systems and institutional frameworks in which innovative approaches to gender, health and environmental changes/impacts are being advanced.
I will also consider supervision in the following topics and /or theoretical perspectives: patient experiences, professional practice, public policy, feminist theories, queer, postmodern, and embodied approaches related to regulation, subjectivity, materiality, temporality, and affect.
Sara MacBride-Stewart is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology. She completed her doctorate at Waikato University (New Zealand) in 2001. She previously taught in Gender Studies at Canterbury University, New Zealand. Sara has a professional practice postgraduate qualification in Community Psychology (DipCommPsych, Waikato University, New Zealand).
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Sustainable Places URI fund (February 2016) Award for Gender and Sustainable Places Research
Sciences Research Committee (February 2016) Award for Gender and Sustainable Places Research
Cardiff Incoming Visiting Fellowship Scheme (July 2015) Award (Dr Rachel Simon-Kumar, Auckland University, New Zealand)
Higher Education Academy Affiliate (July 2015) for Research Methods in Medical Education
Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme. (2016, 2015, 2014, 2008)
'Dying Well' GW4 accelerator bid with GW4 Dying Well Community (2015) Award to develop small research grant
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Senior Researcher, Cardiff Institute of Society Health and Ethics, Cardiff University (2004-6);
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Canterbury (Christchurch, NZ) (2002-4);
- Lecturer, Gender Studies, University of Canterbury (2001-2)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
2024 - Pwyllgor Ymchwil Socsi
2015-2020 Cydlynydd PhD (SocSi)
2015- Convenor Journal Club – Gender and Sustainable Place-making (Sefydliad Lleoedd Cynaliadwy)
2010-2015 Tiwtor Blwyddyn Dau
2010-2014 Convenor Gender and Sexualities Research group
2009-2010 SocSi Pwyllgor Moeseg Aelod
Cynrychiolydd Llyfrgell 2007-2009
Pwyllgorau allanol:
2016 Golygydd Gwadd AMEE MedEd Cyhoeddi Rhifyn Arbennig: Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol ac Ymddygiadol mewn Addysg Feddygol
2010-presennol BESST (Addysgu Ymddygiadol a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol mewn Meddygaeth) Aelod o'r Pwyllgor
2009-2015 Arweinydd Thema Fertigol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Ysgol Meddygaeth Caerdydd
2005-2015 Cymdeithas Feddygol Cymdeithas Gymdeithasegol Prydain (BSA), Cymru, Cydlynydd Rhanbarthol
2015 - Cydlynydd HEA
Adolygydd ar gyfer nifer o gyfnodolion gan gynnwys Addysg Feddygol, Iechyd a Salwch Cymdeithaseg, Ymchwil Ansoddol
Adolygydd cyrff ariannu gan gynnwys NCIHR
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I an interested in supervising research in the following areas: environment, gender and health especially in relation to promoting sustainable health, social justice and equalities. That is, the ways in which natural environments (including national and urban parks) contribute to a health, well-being and social-justice agenda is of particular interest. In the context of global environmental pressures, I am interested in the interconnectedness in and between contexts, tensions between protecting nature and destroying nature, disenfranchised and connected communities, as well as alternative systems and institutional frameworks in which innovative approaches to gender, health and environmental changes/impacts are being advanced.
I will also consider supervision in the following topics and /or theoretical perspectives: environmental justice, nature-society-science discourses and policy, citizen science and participatory approaches, non-medical experiences, precarity and environmental labour, professional practice, public policy, feminist theories, queer, postmodern, and embodied approaches related to regulation, subjectivity, materiality, temporality, and affect.
Current Doctoral Students
- Andrea Cooper (ESRC PhD) Investigating The Experience Of Informal Carers Within The Process Of Long Term Care Admission: Implications For Social Work Practice
- Nia Came (Proff Doc) Speech & Language Therapy In Neurological Rehabilitation: Patient-Centres Care as a Dominant Discourse Underlying Daily Clinical Practice?
- Amelia Curtis-Brown (1+3 ESRC) Personal sanitary products, sanitary poverty, and the future of the environment
- Alice Essam (ESRC) Re-Enchantment In The Margins: Medicinal Plant Socio-Ecologies In Brazil And The Uk
International Supervision
Masters supervisor for Siti Norasiah Binti Abd. Kadir, Science and Teachnology Studies University Malaya 'Place-based Interpretation as a Sustainability Communication Strategy in Watershed Conservation'
Recently Completed Masters (completed Oct 2020)
LIsten to a PODCAST about my students work, and how they managed their research during the pandemic Sustainable Places Podcast - Sustainable Places Research Institute - Cardiff University
- Amelia Curtis-Rogers: Pandemics, Personal Care and Periods
- Lucy Aprahamia: “Those Anaemic-Looking Millennials”: An Analysis of the UK Press Coverage of Vegans As Environmental Activists
- Cathrine Winding: Eco-Anxiety in The Welsh Capital: A Qualitative Study Of Climate Change Anxiety Amongst Young Adults In Cardiff
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 76354
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell Ystafell 0.76 Adeilad Morgannwg, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA