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Sara Macbride-Stewart  BSc(Hons); DipCommPsych; PhD

Dr Sara Macbride-Stewart

BSc(Hons); DipCommPsych; PhD


Available for postgraduate supervision


Sara MacBride-Stewart, Professor in the School of Social Sciences.

I am the co-lead for the Cardiff University Planetary Health University Research Network.

My research is focused on Just Transitions and Environmental Justice. My focus is on the wellbeing that people derive from the natural environment, the impacts of humans on our natural landscapes and the uneven impacts of climate mitigation policies om communities.  I explore these issues as a matter of environmental and global (in)justice, as communities and landscapes are varied and wellbeing is unevenly derived. Inequalities in Net Zero, environmental futures and leisure/recreation activities and nature spaces (including kauri forests and National Parks) are key areas for my study. My research has explored solutions for Planetary Health that tackle social, economic and environmental demands. I critically examine how neoliberalism is creating particular tensions between the environment and human health, and use feminist geopolitics to link local everyday practices to global discourses and ideologies about wellbeing.

I have developed in-depth qualitative approaches for exploring the knowledges, experiences and practices for enabling an understanding of natural landscapes as embodied, sensory, and affective places for community wellbeing. My work has contributed to academic and policy understandings about the connections between people, places, and nature for human wellbeing in protected areas for marginalised groups in Wales/UK and globally (New Zealand, Malaysia). 

My research interests are interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. I have worked across the fields of feminist studies, social sciences, science and technology studies, and medical sociology for the past 15 years. My earliest publications on the narratives of sexuality, and gender and pain inform about the embodied experience of illness, so it is appropriate that I now turn to a critical consideration of wellbeing and its role in environmental (in)justice. I am an executive board member of the Sustainable Places Research Institute and an academic in the interdisciplinary School of Social Sciences. I have an Unku-Omar Fellowship with Dr Zeeda Fatima Mohammad (University of Malaya, Malaysia) on Place-Based Citizen Science. With a developing international research profile, I continue to work closely with local bodies in Wales. I have had active research partnerships with Brecon Beacons National Park, Run4Wales, Office of the Commissioner for Wellbeing for Future Generations (Wales) and Welsh Government. I have been active in supervising PhDs, masters and undergraduate research. I continue to contribute to academic teaching innovation and mentorship in the UK and internationally.

I have been active in supervising PhDs, masters and undergraduate research students. I continue to contribute to academic teaching innovation and mentorship in the UK and internationally.

I welcome students to contact me for postgraduate supervision in any of areas related to: the promotion of wellbeing in the natural environment, nature-based solutions or planetary health; environmental justice; gender, ecofeminism, feminist ecopolitics; environmental sociology; sustainable development, citizen science or social analyses of environmental problems or solutions; new materialisms. 

I welcome collaborations in the following research areas: interdisciplinary, Just Transitions and environmental justice, forest/tree-human health relations, water health-human relations, biosecurity and recreational disturbance (honeypots and protected areas); environmental and social justice; precarious life/futures (climate related) and precarious work (environmental sector); planetary health; critical understandings of wellbeing; social activism and local activism for climate change/land use change/biodiversity loss; place-based citizen science; recreational users and uses (esp gender/ed and marginalized use/rs) 

Key Publications:

New: Abd. Kadir, S.N.MacBride-Stewart, S. and Mohamad, Z.F. (2024), Unpacking place-based narratives: enhancing campus community participation in watershed conservation, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Official Website Place-based Citizen Science for Water Conservation | Sekitar Kita 

Parken, Alison, MacBride-Stewart, SaraAshworth, Rachel and Minto, Rachel  2023. An equal and just transition to Net Zero: Summary report of the Mainstreaming Equality and Just Transition Evidence Panel. [Project Report]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. 

Watch our video for Welsh Government Climate Week  2023 Day 5 On-Demand | Wales Climate Week (

MacBride-Stewart, S., McEntee, M., Macknight, V., Medvecky, F., and Martin, M. (2023). What We Do in Kauri Forests: Exploring the Affective Worlds of ‘High Risk’ Users of Vulnerable Forest Areas in Aotearoa|New Zealand. Knowledge Cultures, 11(1), 184–204. 

+Knowledge Cultures Special Edition - Mobilising for Action - Open Access

Official Website Co-producing Biosecurity with Park Rangers and Park Users Research | RA2-3 — Mobilising For Action

MacBride-Stewart, S., O’Brien, L., Grant, A., Ayala, M., Finlay-Smits, S., Allen, W., and Greenaway, A. (2023). Healing Fragmentation of Forest Biosecurity Networks: A Conceptual and Reflexive Mapping Analysis of Postcolonial Relations that Matter in Aotearoa|New Zealand and Cymru|Wales. Knowledge Cultures, 11(1), 205–233.

Official Website Decolonising Knowledges Toolkit: Research | RA2-4 — Mobilising For Action in welsh, english and te reo!! - Research | RA2-4 — Mobilising For Action

See also Post-colonial biosecurity possibilities - Forest Research

Greenaway, A., MacBride-Stewart, S., Grant, A., Finlay-Smits, S., Ayala, M., Allen, W., O’Brien, L., and Martin, M. (2023). Positioning Research to Improve Tree-Biosecurity Relations. Knowledge Cultures, 11(1), 234–259.

McEntee, M., Medvecky, F., MacBride-Stewart, Set al. Park Rangers and Science-Public Expertise: Science as Care in Biosecurity for Kauri Trees in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Minerva (2023).

Baker, S., Bruford, M. W., MacBride-Stewart, S., Essam, A., Nicol, P. and Sanderson Bellamy, A. 2022. COVID-19: Understanding novel pathogens in coupled social–ecological systems. Sustainability 14(18), article number: 11649. (10.3390/su141811649)

MacBride-Stewart, S (2022) Girls' 'safety' in unfamiliar landscapes: The necessity of non-hegemonic femininities  In Introducing Young People to Unfamiliar Landscapes, Eds Thomas Aneurin SmithHannah Pitt and Ria Dunkley. London: Palgrave McMillian

MacBride-Stewart, S (2022) Environment In Lee Monaghan, Jonathan Gabe (Eds). Key Concepts in Medical Sociology (3nd Edition). London: Sage.

MacBride-Stewart, S (2021) Towards a critical social science of climate change and health. In Antonia C. Lyons, Kerry Chamberlain (Eds). Routledge International Handbook of Critical Issues in Health and Illness (2nd Edition). London: Routledge

MacBride-Stewart, Parsons, C & Carati I (2021) Playfulness and game play: Using geocaching to engage young people’s wellbeing in a National Park. In Feifei Xu and Dimitrios Buhalis (Eds) Gamification in Tourism. Aspects of Tourism Series. Bristol. U.K: Channel View Publications. Multilingual: Title Detail Gamification for Tourism by Feifei Xu (

Thornhill, I., Cornelissen, J.H.C., McPherson, J.M., MacBride‐Stewart, S., Mohamad, Z., White, H.J. and Wiersma, Y.F. (2021), Towards ecological science for all by all. J Applied Ecology 58: 206-213.

Shaw, C., Russell, M., Keall, M., MacBride-Stewart, S., Wild, K., Reeves, D., Woodward, A (2020) Beyond the bicycle: seeing the context of the gender gap in cycling. Journal of Transport & Health,18

MacBride-Stewart, S (2019) Discourses of wellbeing and environmental impact of trail runners in protected areas in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Geoforum 107 , pp. 134-142.

MacBride-Stewart, S. 2019. Atmospheres, landscapes and nature: Off-road runners’ experiences of well-being. Health23(2), 139–157.

MacBride-Stewart, S. (2019). Studying Place. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J.W. Sakshaug, & R.A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations. London: Sage doi: 10.4135/9781526421036827514

MacBride-Stewart, S., Butler, C., & Fox, N. J. (2019). Editorial: Special Issue on Society, Environment and Health. Health23(2), 117–121.

Simon-Kumar, R., MacBride-Stewart., S., Baker, S and Saxena, L. P (2018).Towards north-south interconnectedness: a critique of gender dualities in sustainable development, the environment and women's health. Gender, Work and Organization 25(3), pp. 246-263.

MacBride-Stewart, S. and Simon-Kumar, R (2017) The Janus face of infertility in the global north and the south: Reviewing feminist contributions to the debate. In Davis, G and Loughran, T. (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History, London: Palgrave. pp 461-490. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-52080-7_20

Read, S. and MacBride-Stewart, S (2017). The ‘good death’ and reduced capacity: a literature review. Mortality: 1-15 DOI: 10.1080/13576275.2017.1339676

MacBride-Stewart, S., Gong, Y., & Antell, J (2016). Exploring the interconnections between gender, health and nature. Public Health

Public Engagement

Expert Speaker at the Citizens’ jury hosted by the Environmental Justice Commission speaking on "climate fairness in the South Wales Valleys" (Wed Nov 4th, Zoom-event). 


Future Inequalities - Wellbeing for Future Generations Commissioner (Wales)

MacBride-Stewart, S and Parken, A (2021) Future Trends and Inequalities in Wales ( Cardiff: Future Generations Commissioner for Wales (Full Report)

MacBride-Stewart, S and Parken, A (2021) Future Trends and Inequalities in Wales (Bite Sized Report) FGCW_Equalities-Report_E-UPDATED.pdf (

National Parks and Peripheral Communities

Headington,J.J and MacBride-Stewart, S (2021) The Potential Health and Well-being Benefits of the Brecon Beacons National Park for a Community on its Periphery. Sustainable Places Research Institute:Cardiff University  BBNP-and-PLACE-Report-FINAL-260321.pdf (

Greening Urban Areas

Villis, E and MacBride-Stewart, S (2020) Studentification and Greening Cathays: Can students and residents work together for a place to live. Sustainable Places Research Institute:Cardiff University

Greening Cathays find the work produced by my students in the Environment and Human Health module here

Running, women and equality

MacBride-Stewart, S and Charlotte Brookfield (2020) Women Run the Streets: A report on womens running and runnable streets for the Cardiff Half Marathon. Sustainable Places Research Institute:Cardiff University

A report for the WomenCan event for co-participants of the research on trail running and gender can be found at:


Future Inequalities Trends

COP26 Report on Inequality and Climate Crisis Link between equality and climate crisis overlooked, Welsh report finds | Wales | The Guardian

Well-being report timely for a post-Covid recovery. - News - Cardiff University

Running, the environment and inequality

SustainablePlaces Blogpost:

Cardiff University Research Explores Runnability Of Streets - Run 4 Wales (R4W)

Community Running Maps - Creating a conversation about 'runnability' of our streets (GrangeTown 10km)

Cardiff University Research Explores the 'Runnability' of Street & Women's Running

Women Run the Streets - Cardiff Half Marathon 2019 64K views

Women Can - Women Only Running *

My research with Run4Wales and the Cardiff Half Marathon research became the design for the FINALIST T-SHIRT for the 2019 CARDIFF HALF MARATHON



















Adrannau llyfrau






I am the co-applicant on a Newton-Ungku Omar Fund: Advanced Fellowship with Dr Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad at the University of Malaya for a research project called “The application of systems and place-based methods for enhancing citizen science as a participatory approach for watershed conservation” (2018-2020)

I am the co-PI with Fabien Medvecky, Micheal Martin and Marie McEntree on a New Zealand Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, Mobilising for Action - Nga Rakau Taketake 'Reframing biosecurity tension through a citizen social science approach' 

I am the co-PI on a New Zealand Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, Mobilising for Action - Nga Rakau TaketakeRoles for Post-colonial biosecurity possibilities project-mapping shared and relational values of Kauri and Myrtaceae'

I am a PI on an CU AHSS Facilitation Grant on Informal Work and Sustainability in Latin America

I am co-PI with Mariana Prioli Cordeiro Instituto de Psicologia - Universidade de São Paulo on a British Council-Researcher Links grant on Unemployment and precarious work in the context of neoliberalism and precarity of life

During my University Study Leave (2018-19) I completed research on the use of nature spaces for wellbeing and impacts of wellbeing. This involves research on trail running, recreational disturbances and protected areas. My publications are listed on the previous page.

All of my research produces the research in an academic and a user-friendly format (see Overview page)

Detail of Funding Awards (External)

  • British Academy Newton Newton-Ungku Omar Fund: Advanced Fellowship (Social Sciences & Humanities) 2017 (Malaysia) Project: ‘The application of systems and place-based methods for enhancing citizen science as a participatory approach for watershed conservation’ with Dr Zeeda Fatima Mohammed (University of Malay) and Dr Sara MacBride-Stewart’. (2018-2020) (Total: £74,000)
  • British Council-Researcher Links (2019) Unemployment and precarious work in the context of neoliberalism and precarity of life’ with Mariana Prioli Cordeiro Instituto de Psicologia - Universidade de São Paulo (£32,680)

  • New Zealand Biological Heritage National Science Challenge 'Reframing biosecurity tension through a citizen social science approach' with Fabien Medvecky, (University of Otago), Micheal Martin and Marie McEntree (University Auckland) (NZD 154,000)

  • New Zealand Biological Heritage National Science Challenge 'Roles for Post-colonial biosecurity possibilities project-mapping shared and relational values of Kauri and Myrtaceae' with Alison Greenaway, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research; Andrea Grant, SCION Research; Liz O'Brien, Foresty Research, UK

  • Higher Education Academy Affiliate (July 2015) (Contract with Dr Jenni Carr & HEA). Research Project on “Research Methods Teaching in Medical Education” Awarded [£ expenses covered] (July 2015)
  • 'Dying Well' GW4 accelerator bid with GW4 Dying Well Community (2015) Dr Sally Anstey et al (March 2015) on “Dying with Reduced Agency: People, Places, Principles and Policies”. (Total: £74,881)

Funding Awards (Internal)

  • AHSS Facilitation Grant (Nov 2019) Informal Work and Sustainability in Latin America
  • Cardiff Incoming Visiting Fellowship Scheme (July 2015) Research programme on “Sustainability, Gender and Health” with Dr Rachel Simon-Kumar, Auckland New Zealand Awarded (Total: £3003.50)
  • 2 Cardiff University Small Grant Internal Grant funding between 2017-2016 for projects on ‘Gender and Sustainable Environments’ (Total £9,820)
  • 8 Cardiff University Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP) between 2019-2014 for projects on ‘Geocaching as an ‘Ecosystem Service’; ‘Making an national park ‘accessible’; Gender, Health and Outdoor Space; Curriculum Innovation for Social Science in Medicine (Total £12,000+)


I am a module leader in the following modules that I have developed, teach on and assess:

SI0306 Gender Relations & Society (year 2) Not taught 2021

SI0293 Secondary Data Analysis

SI0620 Environment and Human Health (NEW)

SIT019 Critical Perspectives in Social Science (lecturer only)

SIR019 Community Sustainable Health Wellbeing (NEW)



PHD, Prof Doc and Maters Students (including International supervision), please go to Supervision (tab)

External Examiner

MRes in Sustainable Futures, ESRC South West Doctoral Training Partnership



2004         Postgraduate diploma in Community Psychology, Psychology, Waikato University, NZ

2001         Doctor of Philosophy, Psychology, Waikato University, NZ

1990         Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Psychology, Otago University, NZ

Academic Appointments

2020-         Reader in Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

2007- 2019 Senior Lecturer in Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

2017     Visiting Senior Academic, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2004-6    Senior Researcher, Cardiff Institute of Society Health and Ethics, Cardiff University

2002-4    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Canterbury (Christchurch, NZ)

2001-2    Lecturer, Gender Studies, University of Canterbury

Recent Publications (2013-2016; for latest publications see previous pages)

  • MacBride-Stewart, S., Gong, Y., & Antell, J (2016). Exploring the interconnections between gender, health and nature. Public Health, 141, 279-286
  • Harden, J., Kendall, K., & MacBride-Stewart, S. (2016) Editorial: Teaching Social and Behavioural Sciences in Medical Education MedEd Publish
  • Harden, J., Kendall, K., & MacBride-Stewart, S. (2016) Concluding Commentary: Teaching Social and Behavioural Sciences in Medical Education MedEd Publish
  • MacBride-Stewart, S, Johns, N & Green, A, 2016. Understanding same-sex marriage as equality, but with exceptions, Families, Relationships and Societies. 5(2), pp. 229-245.
  • MacBride-Stewart, S, 2014. Motivations for the ‘gift-of-care’ in the context of the modernisation of medicine. Social Theory Health 12(1) 84-104 doi:10.1057/sth.2013.22
  • Johns, N., MacBride-Stewart, S., Powell, M., and Green, A., 2014. "When is positive action not positive action?” Exploring the conceptual meaning and implications of the tie-break criterion in the UK Equality Act 2010, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 33 (1), 97 – 113
  • MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2014. Horowitz, R. In the public interest: medical licensing and the disciplinary process. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 2013. [Book Review]. Sociology of Health & Illness36(8), 1296-1297. 10.1111/1467-9566.12205
  • MacBride-Stewart, S. J. 2013. Stacey, C.L. The caring self: The work experiences of home care aides, New York: Cornell University Press. 2011. [Book Review]. Sociology of Health & Illness35(4), pp. 647-648. (10.1111/1467-9566.12060)
  • MacBride-Stewart, S. 2013. The effort to control time in the ‘new’ general practice. Sociology of Health and Illness, 35(4), 560–574

Memberships and Activities

  • 2017-current Co-coordinator BSA Medical Sociology Special Interest Group on Environment and Human Health
  • 2009-current Membership British Sociological Society
  • 2015 (July) Registered as HEA Affiliate (by invitation)
  • 2015 (July) Association of Medical Educators (AMEE) Affiliate (by invitation)
  • 2010-2017 BeSST Committee membership (National group of Sociologists and Psychologists teaching in Medicine)
  • 2010-2017 BeSST Social Sciences in Medicine Curriculum Design (see Regional Workshops)
  • 2009-2014 Wales British Sociological Society Medical Sociology Regional Representative

Honours and awards

British Academy Newton  (Malaysia) (2018) Project: ‘The application of systems and place-based methods for enhancing citizen science as a participatory approach for watershed conservation’ with Dr Zeeda Fatima Mohammed (University of Malay) and Dr Sara MacBride-Stewart’. Submitted 21 March 2017. Total: £74,000 NEWTON-UNGKU OMAR FUND: ADVANCED FELLOWSHIP (SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES)

Sustainable Places URI fund (February 2016) Award for Gender and Sustainable Places Research

Sciences Research Committee (February 2016) Award for Gender and Sustainable Places Research

Cardiff Incoming Visiting Fellowship Scheme (July 2015) Award (Dr Rachel Simon-Kumar, Auckland University, New Zealand)

Higher Education Academy Affiliate (July 2015) for Research Methods in Medical Education

Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme. (2016, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2008)

'Dying Well' GW4 accelerator bid with GW4 Dying Well Community (2015) Award to develop small research grant

Professional memberships

  • Co-coordinator BSA Medical Sociology Special Interest Group on Environment and Human Health
  • HEA Associate (by invitation);
  • Association of Medical Educators (AMEE) Affiliate (by invitation);
  • Behavioural and Social Sciences Teaching (BeSST) Committee membership;
  • Membership British Sociological Society

Academic positions

  • Senior Researcher, Cardiff Institute of Society Health and Ethics, Cardiff University (2004-6);
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Canterbury (Christchurch, NZ) (2002-4);
  • Lecturer, Gender Studies, University of Canterbury (2001-2)

Committees and reviewing

2024-                   Socsi Research Committee

2015-2020           PhD Co-ordinator (SocSi)

2015-                   Convenor Journal Club – Gender and Sustainable Place-making (Sustainable Places Institute)

2010-2015           Year Two Tutor

2010-2014           Convenor Gender and Sexualities Research group

2009-2010           SocSi Ethics Committee Member

2007-2009           Library Representative

External Committees:

2016         Guest Editor for AMEE MedEd Publish Special Issue: Social and Behavioural Sciences in Medical Education

2010-current      BESST (Behavioural and Social Science Teaching in Medicine) Committee Member

2009-2015           Social Science Vertical Theme Lead, Cardiff School of Medicine

2005-2015           British Sociological Association (BSA) Medical Society, Wales, Regional Co-Ordinator

2015-                    HEA Associate

Reviewer for numerous journals including Medical Education, Sociology Health and Illness, Qualitative Research

Reviewer for Funding bodies inc NCIHR


I an interested in supervising research in the following areas: environment, gender and health especially in relation to promoting sustainable health, social justice and equalities. That is, the ways in which natural environments (including national and urban parks) contribute to a health, well-being and social-justice agenda is of particular interest. In the context of global environmental pressures, I am interested in the interconnectedness in and between contexts, tensions between protecting nature and destroying nature, disenfranchised and connected communities, as well as alternative systems and institutional frameworks in which innovative approaches to gender, health and environmental changes/impacts are being advanced.

I will also consider supervision in the following topics and /or theoretical perspectives: environmental justice, nature-society-science discourses and policy, citizen science and participatory approaches, non-medical experiences, precarity and environmental labour, professional practice, public policy, feminist theories, queer, postmodern, and embodied approaches related to regulation, subjectivity, materiality, temporality, and affect.

Current Doctoral Students

  • Andrea Cooper (ESRC PhD) Investigating The Experience Of Informal Carers Within The Process Of Long Term Care Admission: Implications For Social Work Practice
  • Nia Came (Proff Doc) Speech & Language Therapy In Neurological Rehabilitation: Patient-Centres Care as a Dominant Discourse Underlying Daily Clinical Practice?
  • Amelia Curtis-Brown (1+3 ESRC) Personal sanitary products, sanitary poverty, and the future of the environment
  • Alice Essam (ESRC) Re-Enchantment In The Margins: Medicinal Children Socio-Ecologies In Brazil And The UK

International Supervision

Masters supervisor for Siti Norasiah Binti Abd. Kadir, Science and Teachnology Studies University Malaya 'Place-based Interpretation as a Sustainability Communication Strategy in Watershed Conservation'

Recently Completed Masters (completed Oct 2020) 

LIsten to a PODCAST about my students work, and how they managed their research during the pandemic Sustainable Places Podcast - Sustainable Places Research Institute - Cardiff University

  • Amelia Curtis-Rogers: Pandemics, Personal Care and Periods
  • Lucy Aprahamia: "Those Anaemic-Looking Millennials": An Analysis of the UK Press Coverage of Vegans As Environmental Activists
  • Cathrine Winding: Eco-Anxiety in The Welsh Capital: A Qualitative Study Of Climate Change Anxiety Amongst Young Adults In Cardiff  

Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76354
Campuses Glamorgan Building, Room Room 0.76 Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA