Yr Athro Daniel Newman
Athro yn y Gyfraith
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Athro yng Nghaerdydd ac wedi bod yn Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth ers 2015. Mae gen i arbenigedd ar fynediad at gyfiawnder, cymorth cyfreithiol a'r proffesiwn cyfreithiol, ar draws cyfiawnder troseddol a chyfraith lles cymdeithasol.
Mae fy llyfrau wedi cynnwys Legal Aid Lawyers and the Quest for Justice (Hart, 2013), Justice in a Time of Austerity (Bristol University Press, 2021) gyda Jon Robins, a Experiences of Criminal Justice (Bristol University Press, 2022) gyda Roxanna Dehaghani. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n ysgrifennu Cymorth Cyfreithiol a Dyfodol Mynediad at Gyfiawnder (Hart, 2023) gyda Jacqueline Kinghan, Jess Mant a Catrina Denvir.
Golygais Leading Works in Law and Social Justice (Routledge, 2021) gyda Faith Gordon, Access to Justice in Rural Communities (Routledge, 2023) gyda Faith Gordon. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n golygu Leading Works on the Legal Profession (Routledge, 2023), Law and Humanities (Anthem, 2023) gyda Russell Sandberg, a Global Reflections on Positionality in Rural Access to Justice Research (Hart, 2025) gyda Michele Statz.
Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi mwy na 30 o erthyglau cyfnodolion academaidd a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyfnodolion cyffredinol blaenllaw megis Astudiaethau Cyfreithiol a Modern Law Review, a chyfnodolion arbenigol blaenllaw fel International Journal of the Legal Profession.
Golygais y gyfres lyfrau, Perspectives on Law and Access to Justice, ar gyfer Bristol University Press gyda Jess Mant. Dyma'r gyfres lyfrau gyntaf ar fynediad at gyfiawnder a rhyddhawyd y teitl cyntaf yn 2024.
Rwyf wedi cynnal adroddiadau comisiwn ar gymorth cyfreithiol a'r sector cynghori. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y Cyfrifiad Cymorth Cyfreithiol gyda Catrina Denvir, Jacqueline Kinghan, Jess Mant a Sasha Aristotle; yr arolwg mwyaf o gyfreithwyr cymorth cyfreithiol a gynhaliwyd erioed yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys ymchwil ar gyngor cyfunol mewn cyfreithiwr lles cymdeithasol a gynhaliwyd gyda Jess Mant a Danielle O'Shea ar gyfer y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder.
Mae fy ngwaith ar fynediad at gyfiawnder wedi cael ei nodi yn seneddau'r DU a Chymru. Rwyf wedi ymddangos fel arbenigwr ar fynediad at gyfiawnder ar y teledu a'r radio ac mewn papurau newydd.
Rwy'n olygydd cylchgrawn Common Law World Review gyda Lucy Welsh. Rwyf ar baord golygyddol Journal of Law and Society, ac rwyf ar fwrdd rhyngwladol International Journal of the Legal Profession.
Rwy'n arweinydd llwybr ar gyfer Llwybrau Empirig DTP ESRC Cymru yn y Gyfraith. Fi yw'r arweinydd llwybr ar gyfer y Gyfraith ar Radd Meistr Dulliau Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol.
O 2023-2025, rwy'n PI ar ragamcaniad a ariennir gan yr Academi Brydeinig / Leverhulme o'r enw, The Profession and the Pandemic: Legal Aid Lawyers in the Era of Austerity a COVID-19. Rwy'n gweithio ar y prosiect hwn gyda Jess Mant ac Emma Cooke.
Rwyf hefyd yn aelod o'r Panel Defnyddwyr Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol rhwng 2022 a 2025. Yma rwy'n gweithio ar hyrwyddo buddiannau defnyddwyr gwasanaethau cyfreithiol.
- Newman, D. 2025. Access to justice policy: Legal Aid in post-war UK General Election manifestos. International Journal of the Legal Profession (10.1080/09695958.2024.2446418)
- Mant, J., Newman, D. and Cooke, E. 2024. Lived realities of legal aid: austerity, the pandemic and beyond. International Journal of the Legal Profession (10.1080/09695958.2024.2444442)
- Newman, D. and Robins, J. 2024. Access to justice and the role of parliamentarians: What happens to those who fall through the justice gap?. Legal Studies 44(2), pp. 221-241. (10.1017/lst.2023.19)
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Law and history. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem, pp. 87-100.
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Law and religion. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem, pp. 159-174.
- Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. 2024. Introducing law and humanities. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem, pp. 1-20.
- Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. 2024. Law and humanities. Anthem Law and Society Series. Anthem.
- Mant, J., Newman, D. and O'Shea, D. 2024. Advising in a pandemic: The new era of ‘blended advice’ in social welfare law. Public Law 2024(1), pp. 86-108.
- Welsh, L. and Newman, D. 2024. Camaraderie and conflict: Developing an occupational culture typology of publicly funded criminal defence lawyers in England and Wales. International Journal of the Legal Profession 31(1), pp. 21-52. (10.1080/09695958.2023.2260747)
- Newman, D. and Dehaghani, R. 2023. Court closures: Experiences from Wales. Amicus Curiae 5(1), pp. 1-24.
- Newman, D. ed. 2023. Leading works on the legal profession. Abingdon: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003253778)
- Newman, D. 2023. Introduction: The legal profession. In: Newman, D. ed. Leading Works on the Legal Profession. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-8.
- Newman, D. 2023. Criminal defence lawyers in England and Wales: Critiquing criminal practice. In: Newman, D. ed. Leading Works on the Legal Profession. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 168-179.
- Denvir, C., Kinghan, J., Mant, J. and Newman, D. 2023. Legal aid and the future of access to justice. Oxford: Hart.
- Newman, D. 2023. Commenting on legal practice: research relationships and the impact of criticism. In: Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. Leaving the Field: Methodological Insights from Ethnographic Exits. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 231-242.
- Dehaghani, R., Helm, R. K. and Newman, D. 2023. The vulnerable accused and the limits of Legal Aid. In: Dehaghani, R., Fairclough, S. and Mergaerts, L. eds. Vulnerability, the Accused, and the Criminal Justice System: Multi-jurisdictional Perspectives. Routledge Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice and Procedure Routledge, pp. 192-205.
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2023. The dichotomy of “first timer” and “regular” and its implications for legal advice and assistance. International Journal of the Legal Profession 3(1), pp. 59-80. (10.1080/09695958.2022.2129661)
- Adisa, O., James, S. and Newman, D. 2023. Rural access to justice and beyond: Dimensions of access as a criterion for understanding lay users' satisfaction with remote justice. In: Newman, D. and Gordon, F. eds. Access to Justice in Rural Communities: Global Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury/Hart Publishing, pp. 207-222.
- Newman, D. and Gordon, F. eds. 2023. Access to justice in rural communities: Global perspectives. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
- Dehaghani, R., Smith, T. and Newman, D. 2023. Suspects still left in limbo? The continuing challenge of pre-charge bail. Criminal Law Review 8, pp. 492-511.
- Newman, D. 2022. Access to justice for vulnerable and energy-poor consumers: Just energy? Naomi Creutzfeldt, Chris Gill, Marine Cornelis and Rachel McPherson (Oxford: Hart, 2021) [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 49(3), pp. 629-632. (10.1111/jols.12374)
- Newman, D. and Robins, J. 2022. ‘The demise of Legal Aid’? Access to justice and social welfare law after austerity. Amicus Curiae 3(3), pp. 448-441. (10.14296/ac.v3i3.5436)
- Newman, D. 2022. Felice Batlan and Marianne Vasara-Aaltonen (eds) Histories of legal aid: A comparative and international perspective. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. [Book Revoew]. Amicus Curiae 4(1) (10.14296/ac.v4i1.5499)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2022. Criminal legal aid and access to justice: an empirical account of a reduction in resilience. International Journal of the Legal Profession 29(1), pp. 33-52. (10.1080/09695958.2020.1868474)
- Helm, R., Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2022. Guilty plea decisions: moving beyond the autonomy myth. Modern Law Review 85(1), pp. 133-163. (10.1111/1468-2230.12676)
- Newman, D. and Dehaghani, R. 2022. Experiences of criminal justice: perspectives from Wales on a system in crisis. Bristol University Press.
- Newman, D., Mant, J. and Gordon, F. 2021. Vulnerability, legal need and technology in England and Wales. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 21(3), pp. 230-253. (10.1177/13582291211031375)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2021. The crisis in legally aided criminal defence in Wales: bringing Wales into discussions of England and Wales. Legal Studies 41(2), pp. 234-251. (10.1017/lst.2020.42)
- Robins, J. and Newman, D. 2021. Justice in a time of austerity: Stories from a system in crisis. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Gordon, F. and Newman, D. eds. 2021. Leading works in law and social justice. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Nieuwenhuis, P., Newman, D. and Touboulic, A. 2021. Sustainable Consumption, Production and Supply Chain Management: Advancing Sustainable Economic Systems. Edward Elgar.
- Harris, N., Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2021. Vulnerability, the future of the criminal defence profession, and the implications for teaching and learning. Law Teacher 55(1), pp. 57-67. (10.1080/03069400.2021.1872872)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2020. Legal aid and criminal defence in Wales and England: evidence submitted to UK parliament: future of legal aid. Technical Report.
- Newman, D. 2020. Murder ballads and death in song. Australian Feminist Law Journal 46(1), pp. 17-38. (10.1080/13200968.2019.1810894)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2019. Can – and should – lawyers be considered ‘appropriate’ appropriate adults?. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 58(1), pp. 3-24. (10.1111/hojo.12288)
- Newman, D. and Welsh, L. 2019. The practices of modern criminal defence lawyers: alienation and its implications for access to justice. Common Law World Review 48(1-2), pp. 64-89. (10.1177/1473779519848348)
- Newman, D. and Dehaghani, R. 2019. Experiences of criminal justice in south Wales: evidence submitted to the Justice in Wales Commission. Technical Report.
- Newman, D. 2018. Submission to the Justice Commission from Dr Daniel Newman. Commission on Justice in Wales. Available at: https://gov.wales/submission-justice-commission-dr-daniel-newman
- Thompson, S., Hayes, L., Newman, D. and Carole, P. 2018. The sexual contract 30 years on: a conversation with Carole Pateman. Feminist Legal Studies 26(1), pp. 93-104. (10.1007/s10691-018-9368-1)
- Newman, D. 2018. Law and justice in popular music: murder ballads. European Journal of Current Legal Issues 24(1)
- Newman, D. 2017. Murder ballads: Nick Cave and his approach to killing in song. Musicology Australia 39(2), pp. 96-115. (10.1080/08145857.2017.1393149)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2017. “We’re vulnerable too”: an (alternative) analysis of vulnerability within English criminal legal aid and police custody. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 7(6), pp. 1199-1228.
- Newman, D. 2017. Are lawyers neurotic?. International Journal of the Legal Profession 25(1), pp. 3-29. (10.1080/09695958.2017.1359612)
- Newman, D. 2017. Divided families and the immigration rules: A partial victory for British citizens with foreign spouses. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 39(3), pp. 357-360. (10.1080/09649069.2017.1344392)
- Newman, D. 2017. Automobiles and socio-economic sustainability – do we need a Mobility Bill of Rights?. Transfers, pp. 100-106. (10.3167/TRANS.2017.070207)
- Newman, D. 2016. Attitudes to justice in a rural community. Legal Studies 36(4), pp. 591-612. (10.1111/lest.12127)
- Newman, D. C. 2016. Alienation and mobility. New Proposals : Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry 9(1), pp. 28-37.
- Newman, D. 2016. Are lawyers alienated workers?. European Journal of Current Legal Issues 22(3)
- Newman, D. 2016. The car and the commons. Review of Radical Political Economics 48(1), pp. 53-65. (10.1177/0486613415586983)
- Davies, H. C., Cipcigan, L. M., Ceri, D., Newman, D. and Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. 2015. The impact of electric automobility. In: Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. and Wells, P. E. eds. The Global Automotive Industry. John Wiley, pp. 185-198., (10.1002/9781118802366.ch16)
- Davies, H. C., Wells, P. E., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F., Newman, D., Chase, A. and Alberts, G. 2014. Aligning industrial, transport and environmental policies for EVs in the low carbon vehicle ecosystem: The example of the UK. Presented at: European Electric Vehicle Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 2 - 5 December 2014.
- Newman, D. 2014. South Park and social research: What cartoons can tell us about sustainable mobility. Journal of Popular Television 2(2), pp. 173-188. (10.1386/jptv.2.2.173_1)
- Newman, D., Wells, P. E., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F., Donovan, C. and Davies, H. C. 2014. Learning from electric cars as socio-technical mobility experiments: where next?. Transfers 4(2), pp. 23-41. (10.3167/TRANS.2014.040203)
- Newman, D., Wells, P. E. and Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. 2014. Electric cars in the rural context: developments in Wales. The Journal of Sustainable Mobility 1(1), pp. 65-82. (10.9774/GLEAF.2350.2014.00007)
- Newman, D., Wells, P. E., Donovan, C., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. and Davies, H. C. 2014. Urban, sub-urban or rural: where is the best place for electric vehicles?. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 14(3/4), pp. 306-323. (10.1504/IJATM.2014.065295)
- Newman, D. 2013. Cars and consumption. Capital and Class 37(3), pp. 454-473. (10.1177/0309816813505164)
- Newman, D. and Ugwudike, P. 2013. Defence lawyers and probation officers: offenders' allies or adversaries?. International Journal of the Legal Profession 20(2), pp. 183-207. (10.1080/09695958.2013.833094)
- Newman, D. 2013. Legal aid lawyers and the quest for justice. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
- Newman, D., Wells, P. . E., Donovan, C., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. and Davies, H. C. 2013. Urban, sub-urban or rural: where is the best place for electric vehicles?. Presented at: 21st International Colloquium of Gerpisa, Paris, France, 12-14 June 2013.
- Newman, D. 2013. More than money. In: Robins, J. ed. No Defence: Lawyers and Miscarriages of Justice., Vol. 6. The Justice Gap London: Wilmington, pp. 40-43.
- Davies, H. C., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F., Wells, P. E., Newman, D. and Donovan, C. 2012. ENEVATE Project - electric vehicle market drivers and e-mobility voncepts. Presented at: EEVC, Brussels, Belgium, 19 - 22 November 2012.
- Newman, D. 2012. Still standing accused: addressing the gap between work and talk in firms of criminal defence lawyers. International Journal of the Legal Profession 19(1), pp. 3-27. (10.1080/09695958.2012.758039)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Law and history. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem, pp. 87-100.
- Sandberg, R. 2024. Law and religion. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem, pp. 159-174.
- Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. 2024. Introducing law and humanities. In: Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Humanities. Anthem, pp. 1-20.
- Newman, D. 2023. Introduction: The legal profession. In: Newman, D. ed. Leading Works on the Legal Profession. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-8.
- Newman, D. 2023. Criminal defence lawyers in England and Wales: Critiquing criminal practice. In: Newman, D. ed. Leading Works on the Legal Profession. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 168-179.
- Newman, D. 2023. Commenting on legal practice: research relationships and the impact of criticism. In: Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. Leaving the Field: Methodological Insights from Ethnographic Exits. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 231-242.
- Dehaghani, R., Helm, R. K. and Newman, D. 2023. The vulnerable accused and the limits of Legal Aid. In: Dehaghani, R., Fairclough, S. and Mergaerts, L. eds. Vulnerability, the Accused, and the Criminal Justice System: Multi-jurisdictional Perspectives. Routledge Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice and Procedure Routledge, pp. 192-205.
- Adisa, O., James, S. and Newman, D. 2023. Rural access to justice and beyond: Dimensions of access as a criterion for understanding lay users' satisfaction with remote justice. In: Newman, D. and Gordon, F. eds. Access to Justice in Rural Communities: Global Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury/Hart Publishing, pp. 207-222.
- Davies, H. C., Cipcigan, L. M., Ceri, D., Newman, D. and Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. 2015. The impact of electric automobility. In: Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. and Wells, P. E. eds. The Global Automotive Industry. John Wiley, pp. 185-198., (10.1002/9781118802366.ch16)
- Newman, D. 2013. More than money. In: Robins, J. ed. No Defence: Lawyers and Miscarriages of Justice., Vol. 6. The Justice Gap London: Wilmington, pp. 40-43.
- Davies, H. C., Wells, P. E., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F., Newman, D., Chase, A. and Alberts, G. 2014. Aligning industrial, transport and environmental policies for EVs in the low carbon vehicle ecosystem: The example of the UK. Presented at: European Electric Vehicle Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 2 - 5 December 2014.
- Newman, D., Wells, P. . E., Donovan, C., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. and Davies, H. C. 2013. Urban, sub-urban or rural: where is the best place for electric vehicles?. Presented at: 21st International Colloquium of Gerpisa, Paris, France, 12-14 June 2013.
- Davies, H. C., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F., Wells, P. E., Newman, D. and Donovan, C. 2012. ENEVATE Project - electric vehicle market drivers and e-mobility voncepts. Presented at: EEVC, Brussels, Belgium, 19 - 22 November 2012.
- Newman, D. 2025. Access to justice policy: Legal Aid in post-war UK General Election manifestos. International Journal of the Legal Profession (10.1080/09695958.2024.2446418)
- Mant, J., Newman, D. and Cooke, E. 2024. Lived realities of legal aid: austerity, the pandemic and beyond. International Journal of the Legal Profession (10.1080/09695958.2024.2444442)
- Newman, D. and Robins, J. 2024. Access to justice and the role of parliamentarians: What happens to those who fall through the justice gap?. Legal Studies 44(2), pp. 221-241. (10.1017/lst.2023.19)
- Mant, J., Newman, D. and O'Shea, D. 2024. Advising in a pandemic: The new era of ‘blended advice’ in social welfare law. Public Law 2024(1), pp. 86-108.
- Welsh, L. and Newman, D. 2024. Camaraderie and conflict: Developing an occupational culture typology of publicly funded criminal defence lawyers in England and Wales. International Journal of the Legal Profession 31(1), pp. 21-52. (10.1080/09695958.2023.2260747)
- Newman, D. and Dehaghani, R. 2023. Court closures: Experiences from Wales. Amicus Curiae 5(1), pp. 1-24.
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2023. The dichotomy of “first timer” and “regular” and its implications for legal advice and assistance. International Journal of the Legal Profession 3(1), pp. 59-80. (10.1080/09695958.2022.2129661)
- Dehaghani, R., Smith, T. and Newman, D. 2023. Suspects still left in limbo? The continuing challenge of pre-charge bail. Criminal Law Review 8, pp. 492-511.
- Newman, D. 2022. Access to justice for vulnerable and energy-poor consumers: Just energy? Naomi Creutzfeldt, Chris Gill, Marine Cornelis and Rachel McPherson (Oxford: Hart, 2021) [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 49(3), pp. 629-632. (10.1111/jols.12374)
- Newman, D. and Robins, J. 2022. ‘The demise of Legal Aid’? Access to justice and social welfare law after austerity. Amicus Curiae 3(3), pp. 448-441. (10.14296/ac.v3i3.5436)
- Newman, D. 2022. Felice Batlan and Marianne Vasara-Aaltonen (eds) Histories of legal aid: A comparative and international perspective. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. [Book Revoew]. Amicus Curiae 4(1) (10.14296/ac.v4i1.5499)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2022. Criminal legal aid and access to justice: an empirical account of a reduction in resilience. International Journal of the Legal Profession 29(1), pp. 33-52. (10.1080/09695958.2020.1868474)
- Helm, R., Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2022. Guilty plea decisions: moving beyond the autonomy myth. Modern Law Review 85(1), pp. 133-163. (10.1111/1468-2230.12676)
- Newman, D., Mant, J. and Gordon, F. 2021. Vulnerability, legal need and technology in England and Wales. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 21(3), pp. 230-253. (10.1177/13582291211031375)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2021. The crisis in legally aided criminal defence in Wales: bringing Wales into discussions of England and Wales. Legal Studies 41(2), pp. 234-251. (10.1017/lst.2020.42)
- Harris, N., Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2021. Vulnerability, the future of the criminal defence profession, and the implications for teaching and learning. Law Teacher 55(1), pp. 57-67. (10.1080/03069400.2021.1872872)
- Newman, D. 2020. Murder ballads and death in song. Australian Feminist Law Journal 46(1), pp. 17-38. (10.1080/13200968.2019.1810894)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2019. Can – and should – lawyers be considered ‘appropriate’ appropriate adults?. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 58(1), pp. 3-24. (10.1111/hojo.12288)
- Newman, D. and Welsh, L. 2019. The practices of modern criminal defence lawyers: alienation and its implications for access to justice. Common Law World Review 48(1-2), pp. 64-89. (10.1177/1473779519848348)
- Thompson, S., Hayes, L., Newman, D. and Carole, P. 2018. The sexual contract 30 years on: a conversation with Carole Pateman. Feminist Legal Studies 26(1), pp. 93-104. (10.1007/s10691-018-9368-1)
- Newman, D. 2018. Law and justice in popular music: murder ballads. European Journal of Current Legal Issues 24(1)
- Newman, D. 2017. Murder ballads: Nick Cave and his approach to killing in song. Musicology Australia 39(2), pp. 96-115. (10.1080/08145857.2017.1393149)
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2017. “We’re vulnerable too”: an (alternative) analysis of vulnerability within English criminal legal aid and police custody. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 7(6), pp. 1199-1228.
- Newman, D. 2017. Are lawyers neurotic?. International Journal of the Legal Profession 25(1), pp. 3-29. (10.1080/09695958.2017.1359612)
- Newman, D. 2017. Divided families and the immigration rules: A partial victory for British citizens with foreign spouses. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 39(3), pp. 357-360. (10.1080/09649069.2017.1344392)
- Newman, D. 2017. Automobiles and socio-economic sustainability – do we need a Mobility Bill of Rights?. Transfers, pp. 100-106. (10.3167/TRANS.2017.070207)
- Newman, D. 2016. Attitudes to justice in a rural community. Legal Studies 36(4), pp. 591-612. (10.1111/lest.12127)
- Newman, D. C. 2016. Alienation and mobility. New Proposals : Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry 9(1), pp. 28-37.
- Newman, D. 2016. Are lawyers alienated workers?. European Journal of Current Legal Issues 22(3)
- Newman, D. 2016. The car and the commons. Review of Radical Political Economics 48(1), pp. 53-65. (10.1177/0486613415586983)
- Newman, D. 2014. South Park and social research: What cartoons can tell us about sustainable mobility. Journal of Popular Television 2(2), pp. 173-188. (10.1386/jptv.2.2.173_1)
- Newman, D., Wells, P. E., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F., Donovan, C. and Davies, H. C. 2014. Learning from electric cars as socio-technical mobility experiments: where next?. Transfers 4(2), pp. 23-41. (10.3167/TRANS.2014.040203)
- Newman, D., Wells, P. E. and Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. 2014. Electric cars in the rural context: developments in Wales. The Journal of Sustainable Mobility 1(1), pp. 65-82. (10.9774/GLEAF.2350.2014.00007)
- Newman, D., Wells, P. E., Donovan, C., Nieuwenhuis, P. A. H. F. and Davies, H. C. 2014. Urban, sub-urban or rural: where is the best place for electric vehicles?. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 14(3/4), pp. 306-323. (10.1504/IJATM.2014.065295)
- Newman, D. 2013. Cars and consumption. Capital and Class 37(3), pp. 454-473. (10.1177/0309816813505164)
- Newman, D. and Ugwudike, P. 2013. Defence lawyers and probation officers: offenders' allies or adversaries?. International Journal of the Legal Profession 20(2), pp. 183-207. (10.1080/09695958.2013.833094)
- Newman, D. 2012. Still standing accused: addressing the gap between work and talk in firms of criminal defence lawyers. International Journal of the Legal Profession 19(1), pp. 3-27. (10.1080/09695958.2012.758039)
- Newman, D. and Sandberg, R. eds. 2024. Law and humanities. Anthem Law and Society Series. Anthem.
- Newman, D. ed. 2023. Leading works on the legal profession. Abingdon: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003253778)
- Denvir, C., Kinghan, J., Mant, J. and Newman, D. 2023. Legal aid and the future of access to justice. Oxford: Hart.
- Newman, D. and Gordon, F. eds. 2023. Access to justice in rural communities: Global perspectives. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
- Newman, D. and Dehaghani, R. 2022. Experiences of criminal justice: perspectives from Wales on a system in crisis. Bristol University Press.
- Robins, J. and Newman, D. 2021. Justice in a time of austerity: Stories from a system in crisis. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Gordon, F. and Newman, D. eds. 2021. Leading works in law and social justice. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Nieuwenhuis, P., Newman, D. and Touboulic, A. 2021. Sustainable Consumption, Production and Supply Chain Management: Advancing Sustainable Economic Systems. Edward Elgar.
- Newman, D. 2013. Legal aid lawyers and the quest for justice. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
- Dehaghani, R. and Newman, D. 2020. Legal aid and criminal defence in Wales and England: evidence submitted to UK parliament: future of legal aid. Technical Report.
- Newman, D. and Dehaghani, R. 2019. Experiences of criminal justice in south Wales: evidence submitted to the Justice in Wales Commission. Technical Report.
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Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar fynediad at gyfiawnder. Mae fy mhrosiectau yn cynnwys:
edrych ar effaith llymder ar y sector cynghori;
archwilio sut mae toriadau cymorth cyfreithiol troseddol yn effeithio ar y berthynas rhwng y cyfreithiwr-cleient o dan gymorth cyfreithiol troseddol;
gwerthuso effaith LASPO ar gyfraith lles cymdeithasol;
ystyried sut mae ardaloedd gwledig yn cael eu difrodi gan lai o wariant ar gyfiawnder drwy dwf anialwch cyngor;
profiadau cyfreithwyr cymorth cyfreithiol yn y Cyfrifiad Cymorth Cyfreithiol, a;
Deall y defnydd o ddarpariaeth gyfun yn y sector cynghori.
Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi llyfrau gyda Bristol University Press, Edward Elgar a Hart. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi mewn amrywiaeth o gyfnodolion cyffredinol ac arbenigol megis Astudiaethau Cyfreithiol, Modern Law Review a'r International Journal of the Legal Profession. Mae fy ymchwil wedi cael ei nodi yn seneddau'r DU a Chymru.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gyd-arweinydd y modiwlau israddedig Global Problems and Legal Theory, a Crime, Law and Society, yn ogystal â'r modiwl ôl-raddedig, Themâu mewn Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol. Rwyf hefyd yn dysgu ym maes Cymdeithaseg y Gyfraith.
Rydw i wedi dysgu yn flaenorol ar Gyfraith Droseddol a Barnwriaeth.
Ionawr 2021-presennol – Darllenydd, Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd
Ionawr 2019-Rhagfyr 2020 – Uwch Ddarlithydd, Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd.
Awst 2015-Rhagfyr 2018 – Darlithydd, Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd.
Awst 2013-Gorffennaf 2015 – Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, Sefydliad Ymchwil Lleoedd Cynaliadwy Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Awst 2011-Gorffennaf 2013 – Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd.
Mehefin 2011-Awst 2011 – Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, Ysgol y Gyfraith Prifysgol Bryste.
2007-2011 PhD Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol, Prifysgol Bryste.
2006-2007 MSc Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol, Prifysgol Bryste.
2005-2006 MSc Dulliau Ymchwil Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Bryste.
2004-2005 MSc Theori Cymdeithasol a Diwylliannol, Prifysgol Bryste.
2001-2004 BSc (Anrh) Cymdeithaseg, Prifysgol Bryste.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD sy'n edrych ar fynediad at gyfiawnder a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, llafur plant, anabledd a mynediad at gyfiawnder yng Nghymru, anialwch cyngor cyfreithiol yng ngogledd Cymru, profiadau traws* o dan wladychiaeth, a bregusrwydd a'r broses droseddol. Rwyf eisoes wedi goruchwylio PhD sy'n edrych ar dechnoleg a'r proffesiwn cyfreithiol, a thrafnidiaeth gynaliadwy yn Ethiopia.
Rwy'n hapus i oruchwylio myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig sy'n gweithio ar fynediad at gyfiawnder, cyfiawnder troseddol neu brosiectau cymdeithasol-gyfreithiol eraill. Yn fy rôl fel arweinydd llwybr ar gyfer Astudiaethau Empirig DTP ESRC Cymru yn y Gyfraith, rwyf bob amser yn barod i siarad ag ymgeiswyr posibl am eu prosiectau.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 74049
Adeilad y Gyfraith, Ystafell 1.11, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX
Themâu ymchwil
- Mynediad i gyfiawnder
- Lles a thlodi
- Arfer cyfreithiol, cyfreithiwr a'r proffesiwn cyfreithiol
- Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol