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Daniel Newman

Professor Daniel Newman


Professor in Law

Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Professor at Cardiff and have been at the School of Law and Politics since 2015. I have expertise on access to justice, legal aid and the legal profession, across criminal justice and social welfare law.

My books have included Legal Aid Lawyers and the Quest for Justice (Hart, 2013), Justice in a Time of Austerity (Bristol University Press, 2021) with Jon Robins, and Experiences of Criminal Justice (Bristol University Press, 2022) with Roxanna Dehaghani. I am currently writing Legal Aid and the Future of Access to Justice (Hart, 2023) with Jacqueline Kinghan, Jess Mant and Catrina Denvir.

I edited Leading Works in Law and Social Justice (Routledge, 2021) with Faith Gordon, Access to Justice in Rural Communities (Routledge, 2023) with Faith Gordon. I am currently editing Leading Works on the Legal Profession (Routledge, 2023), Law and Humanities (Anthem, 2023) with Russell Sandberg, and Global Reflections on Positionality in Rural Access to Justice Research (Hart, 2025) with Michele Statz.

I have published more than thirty peer reviewed academic journal articles. This includes leading generalist journals such as Legal Studies and Modern Law Review, and leading specialist journals such as International Journal of the Legal Profession.

I edit the book series, Perspectives on Law and Access to Justice, for Bristol University Press with Jess Mant. This is the first book series on access to justice and the first title was released in 2024.

I have conducted commissioned reports on legal aid and the advice sector. This includes the Legal Aid Census with Catrina Denvir, Jacqueline Kinghan, Jess Mant and Sasha Aristotle; the largest survey of legal aid lawyers ever conducted in England and Wales. It also includes research on blended advice in social welfare lawyer conducted with Jess Mant and Danielle O'Shea for the Ministry of Justice.

My work on access to justice has been cited in the UK and Welsh parliaments. I have appeared as an expert on access to justice on TV and radio and in newspapers.

I am editor of the Common Law World Review journal with Lucy Welsh. I an on the editorial baord of the Journal of Law and Society, and I am on the international board of International Journal of the Legal Profession. 

I am pathway lead for the ESRC Wales DTP Empirical Pathways in Law. I am the pathway lead for Law on the Social Science Research Methods Master's.

From 2023-2025, I am PI on a British Academy/Leverhulme-funded projected called, The Profession and the Pandemic: Legal Aid Lawyers in the Era of Austerity and COVID-19. I am working on this project with Jess Mant and Emma Cooke.

I am also a member of the Legal Services Consumer Panel from 2022 to 2025. Here I am working on furthering the interests of legal service users.

















Book sections





My research focuses on access to justice. My projects have included:

looking at the impact of austerity on the advice sector;

exploring how criminal legal aid cuts effect the lawyer-client relationship under criminal legal aid;

evaluating the impact of LASPO on social welfare law;

considering how rural areas are damaged by reduced spending on justice through the growth of advice deserts;

the experiences of legal aid lawyers in the Legal Aid Census, and;

understanding the use of blended delivery in the advice sector.

I have published books with Bristol University Press, Edward Elgar and Hart. I have published in a range of generalist and specialist journals such as Legal Studies, Modern Law Review and the International Journal of the Legal Profession. My research has been cited in the UK and Welsh parliaments.


I am currently co-leader of the undergraduate modules Global Problems and Legal Theory, and Crime, Law and Society, as well as the postgraduate module, Themes in Socio-Legal Studies. I also teach on Sociology of Law.

I have previously taught on Criminal Law and Jurisprudence.



January 2021-present – Reader, Cardiff Law School

January 2019-December 2020 – Senior Lecturer, Cardiff Law School.

August 2015-December 2018 – Lecturer, Cardiff Law School.

August 2013-July 2015 – Research Assistant, Cardiff University Sustainable Places Research Institute.

August 2011-July 2013 – Research Assistant, Cardiff Business School.

June 2011-August 2011 – Research Assistant, University of Bristol School of Law.


2007-2011 PhD Socio-Legal Studies, University of Bristol.

2006-2007 MSc Socio-Legal Studies, University of Bristol.

2005-2006 MSc Social Research Methods, University of Bristol.

2004-2005 MSc Social and Cultural Theory, University of Bristol.

2001-2004 BSc (Hons) Sociology, University of Bristol.


I currently supervise PhD students looking at access to justice and social care in Wales, child labour, disability and access to justice in Wales, legal advice deserts in north Wales, trans* experiences under colonialism, and vulnerability and the criminal process. I have previously supervised PhDs looking at technology and the legal profession, and sustainable transport in Ethiopia.

I am happy to supervise postgraduate students working on access to justice, criminal justice or other socio-legal projects. In my role as pathway lead for ESRC Wales DTP Empirical Studies in Law, I am always willing to speak with potential applicants about their projects.

Current supervision

Chloe MacDonald

Chloe MacDonald

Research student

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews

Research student

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74049
Campuses Law Building, Room 1.11, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX


  • Access to justice
  • Welfare and poverty
  • Legal practice, lawyering and the legal profession
  • Socio-Legal Studies