- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2024. Surviving precarious work: differing forms, tactics and strategies. Employee Relations (10.1108/ER-04-2024-0200)
- Ogbonna, E. 2024. An anti-racist plan for Wales: Prospects and limitations. In: Evans, N. and Williams, C. eds. Globalising Welsh Studies: Decolonising History, Heritage, Society and Culture (Race and Ethnicity: Wales and the World). University of Wales Press, pp. 318-336.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2024. The same only different: Precarious workers' perceptions of their treatment in Covid-19 times. Personnel Review 53(8), pp. 2165-2180. (10.1108/PR-10-2023-0922)
- Ogbonna, E. 2024. Reflections on achieving anti-racism in organisations: The role of human resource management scholars and practitioners. Human Resource Management Journal (10.1111/1748-8583.12572)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2023. Equal opportunities but unequal mentoring: The perceptions of mentoring by Black and minority ethnic academics in the UK university sector. Human Resource Management Journal 33(4), pp. 940-956. (10.1111/1748-8583.12492)
- Ogbonna, E. 2023. Making Wales an anti-racist nation: A public value mission in action. Business Focus Annual Research 2, pp. 78-83. (10.4324/9781003467410-12)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 2021. Controlling management to deliver diversity: prospects and limits. Human Resource Management Journal 31(3), pp. 619-638. (10.1111/1748-8583.12332)
- Ogbonna, E. 2021. Creating an anti-racist Wales. [Online]. Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at:
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2020. Middle managers' work in recession and austerity: a longitudinal study. British Journal of Management 31(2), pp. 289-304. (10.1111/1467-8551.12360)
- Ogbonna, E. 2019. Can organisational culture explain labour market disadvantage of ethnic minorities?. [Online]. LSE Business Review: London School of Economics. Available at:
- Ogbonna, E. 2019. The uneasy alliance of organisational culture and equal opportunities for ethnic minority groups: a British example. Human Resource Management Journal 29(3), pp. 309-327. (10.1111/1748-8583.12227)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2017. Service employees and customers: feigned customer emotional displays and value co-creation. Presented at: 24th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 26-29 June 2017. pp. -.
- Beech, N. et al. 2017. Delivering diversity: race and ethnicity in the management pipeline. Project Report. [Online]. Chartered Management Institute. Available at:
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2016. Ethnic gatekeeping on the shopfloor: a study of bases, motives and approaches. Work, Employment and Society 30(1), pp. 59-76. (10.1177/0950017015606338)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2015. Subcultural tensions in managing organizational culture. Presented at: 22nd Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Montreal, QC, Canada, 27-30 July 2015. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2015. Subcultural tensions in managing organisational culture: a study of an English Premier League football organisation. Human Resource Management Journal 25(2), pp. 217-232. (10.1111/1748-8583.12059)
- Ogbonna, E. 2015. Organizatioanl culture and equality/diversity: A minority ethnic (ME) perpective. Presented at: ESRC Seminar 2: Ebedding EDI in the Workplace: Role of Strategy, Policies, Climate and Culture, London, UK, 11 March 2015.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2014. Organizational cultural perpetuation: a case study of an English Premier League football club. British Journal of Management 25(4), pp. 667-686. (10.1111/1467-8551.12037)
- Harris., L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2013. Reflections on service work and service workers. Presented at: American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 15 - 17 February 2013.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2013. Forms of employee negative word-of-mouth: a study of front-line workers. Employee Relations 35(1), pp. 39-60. (10.1108/01425451311279401)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2013. Service work and service workers: A reflexive analysis. In: Fisk, R. P., Russell-Bennett, R. and Harris, L. C. eds. Serving Customers: Global Service Marketing Perspectives. Prahan VIC: Tilde, pp. 50-64.
- Mathew, J., Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2012. Culture, employee work outcomes and performance: an empirical analysis of Indian software firms. Journal of World Business 47(2), pp. 194-203. (10.1016/j.jwb.2011.04.006)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2012. Motives for service sabotage: an empirical study of front-line workers. Service Industries Journal 32(13), pp. 2027-2046. (10.1080/02642069.2011.582496)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2012. Customers behaving really badly. Presented at: 2012 AMS Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 15-20 May 2012.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2011. Antecedents and consequences of management-espoused organizational cultural control. Journal of Business Research 64(5), pp. 437-445. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.03.002)
- Ogbonna, E. O. 2010. Service work and service workers: exploring the dynamics of front-line service encounters. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 375-400.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2010. Hiding customer complaints: studying the motivations and forms of service employees' complaint concealment behaviours. British Journal of Management 21(2), pp. 262-279. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2008.00617.x)
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 2009. Le fausses promesses du changement de culture organisationnelle. In: Vignon, C., Bedier, J. and Baret, C. eds. Le Management de Resources Humains dans la Grande Distribution. Vuibert Press, pp. 49-75.
- Mathew, J. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2009. Organisational culture and commitment: a study of an Indian software organisation. International Journal of Human Resource Management 20(3), pp. 654-675. (10.1080/09585190802707433)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2009. Service sabotage: the dark side of service dynamics. Business Horizons 52(4), pp. 325-335. (10.1016/j.bushor.2009.02.003)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2009. Motives for service sabotage: An empirical study of front-line worker behaviour. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Recent Advances in retailing Science, Niagra Falls, Canada, July 2009.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. The dynamics underlying service firm-customer relationships: insights from a study of English Premier League soccer fans. Journal of Service Research 10(4), pp. 382-399. (10.1177/1094670508314711)
- Harris, L. C., Ogbonna, E. O. and Goode, M. M. H. 2008. Intra-functional conflict: an investigation of antecedent factors in marketing functions. European Journal of Marketing 42(3/4), pp. 453-476. (10.1108/03090560810853011)
- Morgan, P. I. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. Subcultural dynamics in transformation: a multi-perspective study of healthcare professionals. Human Relations 61(1), pp. 39-65. (10.1177/0018726707085945)
- Budhwar, P. S., Woldu, H. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. A comparative analysis of cultural value orientations of Indians and migrant Indians in the USA. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 8(1), pp. 79-105. (10.1177/1470595807088324)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2008. The adoption of information technology in a mature British family firm. In: Gupta, V. et al. eds. Culturally-sensitive models of family business in Anglo region : a compendium using the globe paradigm. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press, pp. 195-213.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2008. The adoption of information technology in a mature British familly firm. In: Gupta, V. et al. eds. Culturally Sensitive Models of Family Business in Anglo Region - A Compendium using the Globe Paradigm. Icfai Press, pp. 195-213.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2007. Ownership and Control in Closely-held Family-owned Firms: An Exploration of Strategic and Operational Control. British Journal of Management 18(1), pp. 5-26. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2005.00471.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2007. The impact of cultural and political dynamics on web site design, development, and implementation: An exploration of potential pitfalls. Personnel Review 36(6), pp. 918-938. (10.1108/00483480710822436)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2007. Developing internet operations and subcultural dynamics: An exploratory study. Journal of Organizational Change Management 20(3), pp. 388-408. (10.1108/09534810710740209)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2006. Service sabotage: A study of antecedents and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34(4), pp. 543-558. (10.1177/0092070306287324)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. Organisational culture in the age of the Internet: an exploratory study. New Technology, Work and Employment 21(2), pp. 162-175. (10.1111/j.1468-005X.2006.00170.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. The dynamics of employee relationships in an ethnically diverse workforce. Human Relations 59(3), pp. 379-407. (10.1177/0018726706064181)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. Initiating strategic planning. Strategic Direction 22(5), pp. 100-111.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2006. Approaches to career success: An exploration of surreptitious career-success strategies. Human Resource Management 45(1), pp. 43-66. (10.1002/hrm.20095)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2005. The adoption and use of information technology: a longitudinal study of a mature family firm. New Technology, Work and Employment 20(1), pp. 2-18. (10.1111/j.1468-005X.2005.00140.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2005. Sabotaging service: A study of front line, customer contact employees. Presented at: 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2005.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, C. L. 2005. The adoption and use of IT in family businesses: A longitudinal study of a mature family firm. Presented at: 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2005.
- Harris, L. and Ogbonna, E. 2005. The adoption and use of IT in family businesses: A longitudinal study of a mature family form. Presented at: 13th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, July 2005.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2004. Work intensification and emotional labour among UK university lecturers: an exploratory study. Organization studies 25(7), pp. 1185-1203. (10.1177/0170840604046315)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 2003. The false promise of organizational culture change: a case study of middle managers in grocery retailing. Journal of management studies 40(5), pp. 1151-1178. (10.1111/1467-6486.00375)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2003. The organization of marketing: a study of decentralised, devolved and dispersed marketing activity. Journal of management studies 40(2), pp. 483-512.
- Harris, L. and Ogbonna, E. 2003. The organization of marketing activities: A study of decentralised, devolved and dispersed activity. Journal of Management Studies 40, pp. 483-512. (10.1111/1467-6486.00348|)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2003. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of structural transformation to "groovy community centers". Journal of Organizational Change Management 16(5), pp. 512-533. (10.1108/09534810310494919)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, C. L. 2003. The organizational culture implications of establishing internet operations. Presented at: 10th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference (EIRASS), Portland, OR, USA, August, 2003.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2003. The organizational culture implications of establishing internet operations. Presented at: 11th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Portland, OR, USA, July 2003.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Institutionalization of Tipping as a Source of Managerial Control. British Journal of Industrial Relations 40(4), pp. 725-752. (10.1111/1467-8543.00254)
- Thomas, R., Davies, A., Edwards, T. J., Ezzamel, M., Ogbonna, E. O., Budhwar, P. and Crane, A. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: developments in organization theory and practice. Presented at: Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 12-13 September 2002.
- Budhwar, P. et al. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: Developments in organization theory and practice. Management Research News 25(8/9/10), pp. 1-193. (10.1108/01409170210783368)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Organizational culture: a ten year, two-phase study of change in the UK food retailing sector. Journal of management studies 39(5), pp. 673-706. (10.1111/1467-6486.00004)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2002. Exploring Service Sabotage: The Antecedents, Types and Consequences of Frontline, Deviant, Antiservice Behaviors. Journal of Service Research 4(3), pp. 163-183. (10.1177/1094670502004003001)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Managing organisational culture: insights from the hospitality industry. Human Resource Management Journal 12(1), pp. 33-53. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.2002.tb00056.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2002. The unintended consequences of culture interventions: A study of unexpected outcomes. British Journal of Management 13(1), pp. 31-49. (10.1111/1467-8551.00221)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. H. 2002. Organizational culture and internet operations: A case study of a large financial service organization. Presented at: 2002 EIRASS Annual Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2002. Organizational culture and internet operations: A case study of a large financial service organization. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Heidleberg, Germany, July 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2001. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of groovy community centres. Presented at: 9th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2001.
- Moutinho, L. A., Davies, F. M., Goode, M. M. H. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Critical factors in consumer supermarket shopping behaviour: a neural network approach. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1(1), pp. 35-49. (10.1002/cb.52)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Competitive advantage in the UK food retailing sector: past, present and future. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 8(3), pp. 157-173. (10.1016/S0969-6989(00)00009-6)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Strategic human resource management, market orientation, and organizational performance. Journal of Business Research 51(2), pp. 157-166. (10.1016/S0148-2963(99)00057-0)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Leadership style and market orientation: an empirical study. European Journal of Marketing 35(5/6), pp. 744-764. (10.1108/03090560110388196)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2001. Power in the Supply Chain: A Case of Differentiated Relationships in the UK Grocery Industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 3(4), pp. 291-302.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2001. The founder's legacy: Hangover or inheritance?. British Journal of Management 12(1), pp. 13-32. (10.1111/1467-8551.00183)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. C. 2001. The performance implications of the work-oriented cognitions of shopfloor workers: a study of British retailing. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 12(6), pp. 1005-1028. (10.1080/713769683)
- Ogbonna, E. O., Harris, L. C. and Pallister, J. G. 2001. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of groovy community centres. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Vancouver, Canada, 16-19 July 2001.
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. eds. 2001. Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2000. Leadership style, organizational culture and performance: empirical evidence from UK companies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 11(4), pp. 766-788. (10.1080/09585190050075114)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2000. The responses of front-line employees to market-oriented culture change. European journal of marketing 34(3/4), pp. 318-340. (10.1108/03090560010311885)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, C. 2000. The dynamic concept of organizational culture: Micro and macro applications. Global Focus 12, pp. 23-34.
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 2000. Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Macmillan.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 2000. The false promise of organizational culture change. Presented at: 8th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Sintra, Portugal, July 2000.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1999. Power in the supply chain: a case of differentiated relationships in the UK grocery industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 1(4), pp. 307-316.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Noon, M. 1999. A new deal or new disadvantage?: British ethnic minorities and Government training. International Journal of Manpower 20(3/4), pp. 165-179. (10.1108/01437729910279108)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1999. The strategic legacy of company founders. Long Range Planning 32(3), pp. 333-343. (10.1016/S0024-6301(99)00037-0)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Whipp, R. 1999. Strategy, culture and HRM: evidence from the UK food retailing sector. Human Resource Management Journal 9(4), pp. 75-90. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1999.tb00211.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1999. Developing a market oriented culture: a critical evaluation. Journal of Management Studies 36(2), pp. 177-196. (10.1111/1467-6486.00132)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1999. The reactions of shopfloor employees to market oriented culture change. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico, July 1999.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 1998. A three-perspective approach to understanding culture in retail organizations. Personnel Review 27(2), pp. 104-123. (10.1108/00483489810369269)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1998. Organizational culture: it's not what you think. Journal of General Management 23(3), pp. 35-48.
- Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. British ethnic minorities and employment training: redressing or extending disadvantage?. International Journal of Training and Development 2(1), pp. 41. (10.1111/1468-2419.00033)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. Unequal Provision? Ethnic minorities and employment training policy. Journal of Education and Work 11(1), pp. 23-39. (10.1080/1363908980110102)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. Employee responses to culture change efforts. Human Resource Management Journal 8(2), pp. 78-92. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1998.tb00168.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 1998. Managing organizational culture: compliance or genuine change?. British Journal of Management 9(4), pp. 273-288. (10.1111/1467-8551.00098)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 1998. Power relations in the UK grocery supply chain. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 5(2), pp. 77-86. (10.1016/S0969-6989(97)00004-0)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 1998. Introduction: disadvantage and discrimination in employment - equalising opportunity for the 21st century. Management Research News 21(12), pp. 5.
- Mamman, A. and Ogbonna, E. 1997. Another look at personality and cognitive backgrounds: implications for total quality management. In: Armistead, C. and Kiely, J. eds. Effective Organizations: Looking to the Future. London: Cassell, pp. 157-160.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Information technology and power in the UK grocery distribution chain. Journal of General Management 22(2), pp. 20-35. (10.1177/030630709602200202)
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Inter-organizational power relations in the UK grocery industry: contradictions and developments. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 6(4), pp. 395-414. (10.1080/09593969600000041)
- Ogbonna, E. 1996. Managing organizational culture: fantasy or reality?. In: Billsberry, J. ed. The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations. SAGE Publications, Ltd., pp. 113-118.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Developments in intra-organizational power: Evidence from UK grocery retailing. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Telfs-Buchen, Austria, July 1996. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Noon, M. 1995. Experiencing inequality: ethnic minorities and the employment training scheme. Work, Employment and Society 9(3), pp. 537-558. (10.1177/095001709593006)
- Ogbonna, E. and Whipp, R. 1995. Strategy, culture and HRM: Evidence from the UK food retail sector. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference, Sheffield, 11-13 September 1995. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. 1992. Organizational culture and human resource management: dilemmas and contradictions. In: Blyton, P. and Turnbull, P. eds. Reassessing Human Resource Management: Conflicts and Contradictions. SAGE, pp. 74-96.
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- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1988. Corporate strategy and corporate culture. In: Payne, A., Clark, C. M. and Peck, H. eds. Relationship Marketing for Competitive Advantage. Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 114-127.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Ogbonna, E. 2024. An anti-racist plan for Wales: Prospects and limitations. In: Evans, N. and Williams, C. eds. Globalising Welsh Studies: Decolonising History, Heritage, Society and Culture (Race and Ethnicity: Wales and the World). University of Wales Press, pp. 318-336.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2013. Service work and service workers: A reflexive analysis. In: Fisk, R. P., Russell-Bennett, R. and Harris, L. C. eds. Serving Customers: Global Service Marketing Perspectives. Prahan VIC: Tilde, pp. 50-64.
- Ogbonna, E. O. 2010. Service work and service workers: exploring the dynamics of front-line service encounters. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 375-400.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 2009. Le fausses promesses du changement de culture organisationnelle. In: Vignon, C., Bedier, J. and Baret, C. eds. Le Management de Resources Humains dans la Grande Distribution. Vuibert Press, pp. 49-75.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2008. The adoption of information technology in a mature British family firm. In: Gupta, V. et al. eds. Culturally-sensitive models of family business in Anglo region : a compendium using the globe paradigm. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press, pp. 195-213.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2008. The adoption of information technology in a mature British familly firm. In: Gupta, V. et al. eds. Culturally Sensitive Models of Family Business in Anglo Region - A Compendium using the Globe Paradigm. Icfai Press, pp. 195-213.
- Mamman, A. and Ogbonna, E. 1997. Another look at personality and cognitive backgrounds: implications for total quality management. In: Armistead, C. and Kiely, J. eds. Effective Organizations: Looking to the Future. London: Cassell, pp. 157-160.
- Ogbonna, E. 1996. Managing organizational culture: fantasy or reality?. In: Billsberry, J. ed. The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations. SAGE Publications, Ltd., pp. 113-118.
- Ogbonna, E. 1992. Organizational culture and human resource management: dilemmas and contradictions. In: Blyton, P. and Turnbull, P. eds. Reassessing Human Resource Management: Conflicts and Contradictions. SAGE, pp. 74-96.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1988. Corporate strategy and corporate culture. In: Payne, A., Clark, C. M. and Peck, H. eds. Relationship Marketing for Competitive Advantage. Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 114-127.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2017. Service employees and customers: feigned customer emotional displays and value co-creation. Presented at: 24th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 26-29 June 2017. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2015. Subcultural tensions in managing organizational culture. Presented at: 22nd Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Montreal, QC, Canada, 27-30 July 2015. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. 2015. Organizatioanl culture and equality/diversity: A minority ethnic (ME) perpective. Presented at: ESRC Seminar 2: Ebedding EDI in the Workplace: Role of Strategy, Policies, Climate and Culture, London, UK, 11 March 2015.
- Harris., L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2013. Reflections on service work and service workers. Presented at: American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 15 - 17 February 2013.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2012. Customers behaving really badly. Presented at: 2012 AMS Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 15-20 May 2012.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2009. Motives for service sabotage: An empirical study of front-line worker behaviour. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Recent Advances in retailing Science, Niagra Falls, Canada, July 2009.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2005. Sabotaging service: A study of front line, customer contact employees. Presented at: 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2005.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, C. L. 2005. The adoption and use of IT in family businesses: A longitudinal study of a mature family firm. Presented at: 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2005.
- Harris, L. and Ogbonna, E. 2005. The adoption and use of IT in family businesses: A longitudinal study of a mature family form. Presented at: 13th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, July 2005.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, C. L. 2003. The organizational culture implications of establishing internet operations. Presented at: 10th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference (EIRASS), Portland, OR, USA, August, 2003.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2003. The organizational culture implications of establishing internet operations. Presented at: 11th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Portland, OR, USA, July 2003.
- Thomas, R., Davies, A., Edwards, T. J., Ezzamel, M., Ogbonna, E. O., Budhwar, P. and Crane, A. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: developments in organization theory and practice. Presented at: Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 12-13 September 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. H. 2002. Organizational culture and internet operations: A case study of a large financial service organization. Presented at: 2002 EIRASS Annual Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2002. Organizational culture and internet operations: A case study of a large financial service organization. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Heidleberg, Germany, July 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2001. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of groovy community centres. Presented at: 9th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2001.
- Ogbonna, E. O., Harris, L. C. and Pallister, J. G. 2001. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of groovy community centres. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Vancouver, Canada, 16-19 July 2001.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 2000. The false promise of organizational culture change. Presented at: 8th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Sintra, Portugal, July 2000.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1999. The reactions of shopfloor employees to market oriented culture change. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico, July 1999.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Developments in intra-organizational power: Evidence from UK grocery retailing. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Telfs-Buchen, Austria, July 1996. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. and Whipp, R. 1995. Strategy, culture and HRM: Evidence from the UK food retail sector. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference, Sheffield, 11-13 September 1995. pp. -.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2024. Surviving precarious work: differing forms, tactics and strategies. Employee Relations (10.1108/ER-04-2024-0200)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2024. The same only different: Precarious workers' perceptions of their treatment in Covid-19 times. Personnel Review 53(8), pp. 2165-2180. (10.1108/PR-10-2023-0922)
- Ogbonna, E. 2024. Reflections on achieving anti-racism in organisations: The role of human resource management scholars and practitioners. Human Resource Management Journal (10.1111/1748-8583.12572)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2023. Equal opportunities but unequal mentoring: The perceptions of mentoring by Black and minority ethnic academics in the UK university sector. Human Resource Management Journal 33(4), pp. 940-956. (10.1111/1748-8583.12492)
- Ogbonna, E. 2023. Making Wales an anti-racist nation: A public value mission in action. Business Focus Annual Research 2, pp. 78-83. (10.4324/9781003467410-12)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 2021. Controlling management to deliver diversity: prospects and limits. Human Resource Management Journal 31(3), pp. 619-638. (10.1111/1748-8583.12332)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2020. Middle managers' work in recession and austerity: a longitudinal study. British Journal of Management 31(2), pp. 289-304. (10.1111/1467-8551.12360)
- Ogbonna, E. 2019. The uneasy alliance of organisational culture and equal opportunities for ethnic minority groups: a British example. Human Resource Management Journal 29(3), pp. 309-327. (10.1111/1748-8583.12227)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2016. Ethnic gatekeeping on the shopfloor: a study of bases, motives and approaches. Work, Employment and Society 30(1), pp. 59-76. (10.1177/0950017015606338)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2015. Subcultural tensions in managing organisational culture: a study of an English Premier League football organisation. Human Resource Management Journal 25(2), pp. 217-232. (10.1111/1748-8583.12059)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2014. Organizational cultural perpetuation: a case study of an English Premier League football club. British Journal of Management 25(4), pp. 667-686. (10.1111/1467-8551.12037)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2013. Forms of employee negative word-of-mouth: a study of front-line workers. Employee Relations 35(1), pp. 39-60. (10.1108/01425451311279401)
- Mathew, J., Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2012. Culture, employee work outcomes and performance: an empirical analysis of Indian software firms. Journal of World Business 47(2), pp. 194-203. (10.1016/j.jwb.2011.04.006)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2012. Motives for service sabotage: an empirical study of front-line workers. Service Industries Journal 32(13), pp. 2027-2046. (10.1080/02642069.2011.582496)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2011. Antecedents and consequences of management-espoused organizational cultural control. Journal of Business Research 64(5), pp. 437-445. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.03.002)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2010. Hiding customer complaints: studying the motivations and forms of service employees' complaint concealment behaviours. British Journal of Management 21(2), pp. 262-279. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2008.00617.x)
- Mathew, J. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2009. Organisational culture and commitment: a study of an Indian software organisation. International Journal of Human Resource Management 20(3), pp. 654-675. (10.1080/09585190802707433)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2009. Service sabotage: the dark side of service dynamics. Business Horizons 52(4), pp. 325-335. (10.1016/j.bushor.2009.02.003)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. The dynamics underlying service firm-customer relationships: insights from a study of English Premier League soccer fans. Journal of Service Research 10(4), pp. 382-399. (10.1177/1094670508314711)
- Harris, L. C., Ogbonna, E. O. and Goode, M. M. H. 2008. Intra-functional conflict: an investigation of antecedent factors in marketing functions. European Journal of Marketing 42(3/4), pp. 453-476. (10.1108/03090560810853011)
- Morgan, P. I. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. Subcultural dynamics in transformation: a multi-perspective study of healthcare professionals. Human Relations 61(1), pp. 39-65. (10.1177/0018726707085945)
- Budhwar, P. S., Woldu, H. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. A comparative analysis of cultural value orientations of Indians and migrant Indians in the USA. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 8(1), pp. 79-105. (10.1177/1470595807088324)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2007. Ownership and Control in Closely-held Family-owned Firms: An Exploration of Strategic and Operational Control. British Journal of Management 18(1), pp. 5-26. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2005.00471.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2007. The impact of cultural and political dynamics on web site design, development, and implementation: An exploration of potential pitfalls. Personnel Review 36(6), pp. 918-938. (10.1108/00483480710822436)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2007. Developing internet operations and subcultural dynamics: An exploratory study. Journal of Organizational Change Management 20(3), pp. 388-408. (10.1108/09534810710740209)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2006. Service sabotage: A study of antecedents and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34(4), pp. 543-558. (10.1177/0092070306287324)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. Organisational culture in the age of the Internet: an exploratory study. New Technology, Work and Employment 21(2), pp. 162-175. (10.1111/j.1468-005X.2006.00170.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. The dynamics of employee relationships in an ethnically diverse workforce. Human Relations 59(3), pp. 379-407. (10.1177/0018726706064181)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. Initiating strategic planning. Strategic Direction 22(5), pp. 100-111.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2006. Approaches to career success: An exploration of surreptitious career-success strategies. Human Resource Management 45(1), pp. 43-66. (10.1002/hrm.20095)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2005. The adoption and use of information technology: a longitudinal study of a mature family firm. New Technology, Work and Employment 20(1), pp. 2-18. (10.1111/j.1468-005X.2005.00140.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2004. Work intensification and emotional labour among UK university lecturers: an exploratory study. Organization studies 25(7), pp. 1185-1203. (10.1177/0170840604046315)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 2003. The false promise of organizational culture change: a case study of middle managers in grocery retailing. Journal of management studies 40(5), pp. 1151-1178. (10.1111/1467-6486.00375)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2003. The organization of marketing: a study of decentralised, devolved and dispersed marketing activity. Journal of management studies 40(2), pp. 483-512.
- Harris, L. and Ogbonna, E. 2003. The organization of marketing activities: A study of decentralised, devolved and dispersed activity. Journal of Management Studies 40, pp. 483-512. (10.1111/1467-6486.00348|)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2003. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of structural transformation to "groovy community centers". Journal of Organizational Change Management 16(5), pp. 512-533. (10.1108/09534810310494919)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Institutionalization of Tipping as a Source of Managerial Control. British Journal of Industrial Relations 40(4), pp. 725-752. (10.1111/1467-8543.00254)
- Budhwar, P. et al. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: Developments in organization theory and practice. Management Research News 25(8/9/10), pp. 1-193. (10.1108/01409170210783368)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Organizational culture: a ten year, two-phase study of change in the UK food retailing sector. Journal of management studies 39(5), pp. 673-706. (10.1111/1467-6486.00004)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2002. Exploring Service Sabotage: The Antecedents, Types and Consequences of Frontline, Deviant, Antiservice Behaviors. Journal of Service Research 4(3), pp. 163-183. (10.1177/1094670502004003001)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Managing organisational culture: insights from the hospitality industry. Human Resource Management Journal 12(1), pp. 33-53. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.2002.tb00056.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2002. The unintended consequences of culture interventions: A study of unexpected outcomes. British Journal of Management 13(1), pp. 31-49. (10.1111/1467-8551.00221)
- Moutinho, L. A., Davies, F. M., Goode, M. M. H. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Critical factors in consumer supermarket shopping behaviour: a neural network approach. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1(1), pp. 35-49. (10.1002/cb.52)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Competitive advantage in the UK food retailing sector: past, present and future. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 8(3), pp. 157-173. (10.1016/S0969-6989(00)00009-6)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Strategic human resource management, market orientation, and organizational performance. Journal of Business Research 51(2), pp. 157-166. (10.1016/S0148-2963(99)00057-0)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Leadership style and market orientation: an empirical study. European Journal of Marketing 35(5/6), pp. 744-764. (10.1108/03090560110388196)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2001. Power in the Supply Chain: A Case of Differentiated Relationships in the UK Grocery Industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 3(4), pp. 291-302.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2001. The founder's legacy: Hangover or inheritance?. British Journal of Management 12(1), pp. 13-32. (10.1111/1467-8551.00183)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. C. 2001. The performance implications of the work-oriented cognitions of shopfloor workers: a study of British retailing. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 12(6), pp. 1005-1028. (10.1080/713769683)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2000. Leadership style, organizational culture and performance: empirical evidence from UK companies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 11(4), pp. 766-788. (10.1080/09585190050075114)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2000. The responses of front-line employees to market-oriented culture change. European journal of marketing 34(3/4), pp. 318-340. (10.1108/03090560010311885)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, C. 2000. The dynamic concept of organizational culture: Micro and macro applications. Global Focus 12, pp. 23-34.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1999. Power in the supply chain: a case of differentiated relationships in the UK grocery industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 1(4), pp. 307-316.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Noon, M. 1999. A new deal or new disadvantage?: British ethnic minorities and Government training. International Journal of Manpower 20(3/4), pp. 165-179. (10.1108/01437729910279108)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1999. The strategic legacy of company founders. Long Range Planning 32(3), pp. 333-343. (10.1016/S0024-6301(99)00037-0)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Whipp, R. 1999. Strategy, culture and HRM: evidence from the UK food retailing sector. Human Resource Management Journal 9(4), pp. 75-90. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1999.tb00211.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1999. Developing a market oriented culture: a critical evaluation. Journal of Management Studies 36(2), pp. 177-196. (10.1111/1467-6486.00132)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 1998. A three-perspective approach to understanding culture in retail organizations. Personnel Review 27(2), pp. 104-123. (10.1108/00483489810369269)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1998. Organizational culture: it's not what you think. Journal of General Management 23(3), pp. 35-48.
- Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. British ethnic minorities and employment training: redressing or extending disadvantage?. International Journal of Training and Development 2(1), pp. 41. (10.1111/1468-2419.00033)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. Unequal Provision? Ethnic minorities and employment training policy. Journal of Education and Work 11(1), pp. 23-39. (10.1080/1363908980110102)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. Employee responses to culture change efforts. Human Resource Management Journal 8(2), pp. 78-92. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1998.tb00168.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 1998. Managing organizational culture: compliance or genuine change?. British Journal of Management 9(4), pp. 273-288. (10.1111/1467-8551.00098)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 1998. Power relations in the UK grocery supply chain. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 5(2), pp. 77-86. (10.1016/S0969-6989(97)00004-0)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 1998. Introduction: disadvantage and discrimination in employment - equalising opportunity for the 21st century. Management Research News 21(12), pp. 5.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Information technology and power in the UK grocery distribution chain. Journal of General Management 22(2), pp. 20-35. (10.1177/030630709602200202)
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Inter-organizational power relations in the UK grocery industry: contradictions and developments. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 6(4), pp. 395-414. (10.1080/09593969600000041)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Noon, M. 1995. Experiencing inequality: ethnic minorities and the employment training scheme. Work, Employment and Society 9(3), pp. 537-558. (10.1177/095001709593006)
- Ogbonna, E. O. 1992. Managing organisational culture: fantasy Or reality?. Human Resource Management Journal 3(2), pp. 42-54. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1992.tb00309.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 1990. Corporate strategy and corporate culture: the view from the checkout. Personnel Review 19(4), pp. 9-15. (10.1108/00483489010141061)
- Ogbonna, E. O. 1989. Strategic changes in UK grocery retailing. Management Decision 27(6) (10.1108/00251748910132647)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 1988. Corporate strategy and corporate culture: the management of change in the Uk supermarket industry. Personnel Review 17(6), pp. 10-14. (10.1108/eb055602)
- Ogbonna, E. 2021. Creating an anti-racist Wales. [Online]. Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at:
- Ogbonna, E. 2019. Can organisational culture explain labour market disadvantage of ethnic minorities?. [Online]. LSE Business Review: London School of Economics. Available at:
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. eds. 2001. Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 2000. Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Macmillan.
- Beech, N. et al. 2017. Delivering diversity: race and ethnicity in the management pipeline. Project Report. [Online]. Chartered Management Institute. Available at:
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Diwylliant mewn sefydliadau
- Ymroddiad a sabotage gweithwyr
- Lleiafrifoedd ethnig a sefydliadau
- Cysylltiadau rhyng-sefydliadol
- Rhyngwyneb Marchnata ac Ymddygiad Sefydliadol
Diddordebau ymchwil goruchwylio PhD
- Diwylliant mewn sefydliadau
- Ymroddiad a sabotage gweithwyr
- Lleiafrifoedd ethnig a sefydliadau
- Cysylltiadau rhyng-sefydliadol
- Rhyngwyneb marchnata ac ymddygiad sefydliadol
Teaching commitments
- Organizational Behaviour (MBA)
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Mae gwaith Emmanuel wedi derbyn nifer o ddyfyniadau rhagoriaeth cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol gan gynnwys Papur Gorau mewn ymchwil gwasanaethau (UDA), y 50 erthygl rheoli a ddarllenir fwyaf, erthyglau a lawrlwythwyd fwyaf a sawl erthygl sydd wedi'u rhestru fel dewisiadau golygyddion. Mae Emmanuel yn aelod cyfredol neu gyn-aelod o Fyrddau Golygyddol llawer o'r prif gylchgronau rheoli ac mae wedi gwasanaethu mewn galluoedd cynghori ac ymgynghori i ystod o sefydliadau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol ac asiantaethau. Fe'i gwahoddwyd yn ddiweddar i ymuno â Bwrdd Ymgynghorol y Comisiwn Adfer Covid newydd dan arweiniad John Allan (Cadeirydd Tesco Plc) ac ar hyn o bryd mae'n cynghori pum Cyngor Chwaraeon y DU ar eu hadolygiad o gydraddoldeb hiliol mewn chwaraeon. Mae hefyd wedi cynnal nifer o benodiadau Gweinidogol yng Nghymru gan gynnwys: Aelod o Is-grŵp Addysg Menywod mewn STEM a Dirprwy Weinidog Cymru a'r Prif Chwip, aelod o Grŵp Cynghori COVID-19 Du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig Du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig, cadeirydd Is-grŵp economaidd-gymdeithasol COVID-19 Du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig, a chadeirydd y Grŵp Llywio sy'n arwain y gwaith o ddatblygu Cynllun Gweithredu Cydraddoldeb Hiliol cyntaf Cymru Gyfan.
Ar hyn o bryd Emmanuel yw Cyd-gadeirydd (gydag Ysgrifennydd Parhaol Llywodraeth Cymru) y Grŵp Atebolrwydd Allanol sy'n arwain y gwaith o weithredu Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Gwrth-hiliol. Mae wedi cael ei ethol i Gymrodoriaethau Academi Rheolaeth Prydain, Academi Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Chymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru. Cafodd ei enwi'n Gadlywydd yr Ymerodraeth Brydeinig (CBE) yn Rhestr Anrhydeddau Pen-blwydd y Brenin 2024.
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Mae Emmanuel yn Gymrawd o'r Sefydliad Siartredig Personél a Datblygu (FCIPD).
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