- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2025. Surviving precarious work: differing forms, tactics and strategies. Employee Relations 47(1), pp. 34-47. (10.1108/ER-04-2024-0200)
- Ogbonna, E. 2024. An anti-racist plan for Wales: Prospects and limitations. In: Evans, N. and Williams, C. eds. Globalising Welsh Studies: Decolonising History, Heritage, Society and Culture (Race and Ethnicity: Wales and the World). University of Wales Press, pp. 318-336.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2024. The same only different: Precarious workers' perceptions of their treatment in Covid-19 times. Personnel Review 53(8), pp. 2165-2180. (10.1108/PR-10-2023-0922)
- Ogbonna, E. 2024. Reflections on achieving anti-racism in organisations: The role of human resource management scholars and practitioners. Human Resource Management Journal (10.1111/1748-8583.12572)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2023. Equal opportunities but unequal mentoring: The perceptions of mentoring by Black and minority ethnic academics in the UK university sector. Human Resource Management Journal 33(4), pp. 940-956. (10.1111/1748-8583.12492)
- Ogbonna, E. 2023. Making Wales an anti-racist nation: A public value mission in action. Business Focus Annual Research 2, pp. 78-83. (10.4324/9781003467410-12)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 2021. Controlling management to deliver diversity: prospects and limits. Human Resource Management Journal 31(3), pp. 619-638. (10.1111/1748-8583.12332)
- Ogbonna, E. 2021. Creating an anti-racist Wales. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at:
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2020. Middle managers' work in recession and austerity: a longitudinal study. British Journal of Management 31(2), pp. 289-304. (10.1111/1467-8551.12360)
- Ogbonna, E. 2019. Can organisational culture explain labour market disadvantage of ethnic minorities?. [Online]. LSE Business Review: London School of Economics. Available at:
- Ogbonna, E. 2019. The uneasy alliance of organisational culture and equal opportunities for ethnic minority groups: a British example. Human Resource Management Journal 29(3), pp. 309-327. (10.1111/1748-8583.12227)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2017. Service employees and customers: feigned customer emotional displays and value co-creation. Presented at: 24th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 26-29 June 2017. pp. -.
- Beech, N. et al. 2017. Delivering diversity: race and ethnicity in the management pipeline. Project Report. [Online]. Chartered Management Institute. Available at:
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2016. Ethnic gatekeeping on the shopfloor: a study of bases, motives and approaches. Work, Employment and Society 30(1), pp. 59-76. (10.1177/0950017015606338)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2015. Subcultural tensions in managing organizational culture. Presented at: 22nd Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Montreal, QC, Canada, 27-30 July 2015. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2015. Subcultural tensions in managing organisational culture: a study of an English Premier League football organisation. Human Resource Management Journal 25(2), pp. 217-232. (10.1111/1748-8583.12059)
- Ogbonna, E. 2015. Organizatioanl culture and equality/diversity: A minority ethnic (ME) perpective. Presented at: ESRC Seminar 2: Ebedding EDI in the Workplace: Role of Strategy, Policies, Climate and Culture, London, UK, 11 March 2015.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2014. Organizational cultural perpetuation: a case study of an English Premier League football club. British Journal of Management 25(4), pp. 667-686. (10.1111/1467-8551.12037)
- Harris., L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2013. Reflections on service work and service workers. Presented at: American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 15 - 17 February 2013.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2013. Forms of employee negative word-of-mouth: a study of front-line workers. Employee Relations 35(1), pp. 39-60. (10.1108/01425451311279401)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2013. Service work and service workers: A reflexive analysis. In: Fisk, R. P., Russell-Bennett, R. and Harris, L. C. eds. Serving Customers: Global Service Marketing Perspectives. Prahan VIC: Tilde, pp. 50-64.
- Mathew, J., Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2012. Culture, employee work outcomes and performance: an empirical analysis of Indian software firms. Journal of World Business 47(2), pp. 194-203. (10.1016/j.jwb.2011.04.006)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2012. Motives for service sabotage: an empirical study of front-line workers. Service Industries Journal 32(13), pp. 2027-2046. (10.1080/02642069.2011.582496)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2012. Customers behaving really badly. Presented at: 2012 AMS Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 15-20 May 2012.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2011. Antecedents and consequences of management-espoused organizational cultural control. Journal of Business Research 64(5), pp. 437-445. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.03.002)
- Ogbonna, E. O. 2010. Service work and service workers: exploring the dynamics of front-line service encounters. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 375-400.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2010. Hiding customer complaints: studying the motivations and forms of service employees' complaint concealment behaviours. British Journal of Management 21(2), pp. 262-279. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2008.00617.x)
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 2009. Le fausses promesses du changement de culture organisationnelle. In: Vignon, C., Bedier, J. and Baret, C. eds. Le Management de Resources Humains dans la Grande Distribution. Vuibert Press, pp. 49-75.
- Mathew, J. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2009. Organisational culture and commitment: a study of an Indian software organisation. International Journal of Human Resource Management 20(3), pp. 654-675. (10.1080/09585190802707433)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2009. Service sabotage: the dark side of service dynamics. Business Horizons 52(4), pp. 325-335. (10.1016/j.bushor.2009.02.003)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2009. Motives for service sabotage: An empirical study of front-line worker behaviour. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Recent Advances in retailing Science, Niagra Falls, Canada, July 2009.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. The dynamics underlying service firm-customer relationships: insights from a study of English Premier League soccer fans. Journal of Service Research 10(4), pp. 382-399. (10.1177/1094670508314711)
- Harris, L. C., Ogbonna, E. O. and Goode, M. M. H. 2008. Intra-functional conflict: an investigation of antecedent factors in marketing functions. European Journal of Marketing 42(3/4), pp. 453-476. (10.1108/03090560810853011)
- Morgan, P. I. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. Subcultural dynamics in transformation: a multi-perspective study of healthcare professionals. Human Relations 61(1), pp. 39-65. (10.1177/0018726707085945)
- Budhwar, P. S., Woldu, H. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. A comparative analysis of cultural value orientations of Indians and migrant Indians in the USA. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 8(1), pp. 79-105. (10.1177/1470595807088324)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2008. The adoption of information technology in a mature British family firm. In: Gupta, V. et al. eds. Culturally-sensitive models of family business in Anglo region : a compendium using the globe paradigm. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press, pp. 195-213.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2008. The adoption of information technology in a mature British familly firm. In: Gupta, V. et al. eds. Culturally Sensitive Models of Family Business in Anglo Region - A Compendium using the Globe Paradigm. Icfai Press, pp. 195-213.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2007. Ownership and Control in Closely-held Family-owned Firms: An Exploration of Strategic and Operational Control. British Journal of Management 18(1), pp. 5-26. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2005.00471.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2007. The impact of cultural and political dynamics on web site design, development, and implementation: An exploration of potential pitfalls. Personnel Review 36(6), pp. 918-938. (10.1108/00483480710822436)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2007. Developing internet operations and subcultural dynamics: An exploratory study. Journal of Organizational Change Management 20(3), pp. 388-408. (10.1108/09534810710740209)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2006. Service sabotage: A study of antecedents and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34(4), pp. 543-558. (10.1177/0092070306287324)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. Organisational culture in the age of the Internet: an exploratory study. New Technology, Work and Employment 21(2), pp. 162-175. (10.1111/j.1468-005X.2006.00170.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. The dynamics of employee relationships in an ethnically diverse workforce. Human Relations 59(3), pp. 379-407. (10.1177/0018726706064181)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. Initiating strategic planning. Strategic Direction 22(5), pp. 100-111.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2006. Approaches to career success: An exploration of surreptitious career-success strategies. Human Resource Management 45(1), pp. 43-66. (10.1002/hrm.20095)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2005. The adoption and use of information technology: a longitudinal study of a mature family firm. New Technology, Work and Employment 20(1), pp. 2-18. (10.1111/j.1468-005X.2005.00140.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2005. Sabotaging service: A study of front line, customer contact employees. Presented at: 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2005.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, C. L. 2005. The adoption and use of IT in family businesses: A longitudinal study of a mature family firm. Presented at: 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2005.
- Harris, L. and Ogbonna, E. 2005. The adoption and use of IT in family businesses: A longitudinal study of a mature family form. Presented at: 13th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, July 2005.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2004. Work intensification and emotional labour among UK university lecturers: an exploratory study. Organization studies 25(7), pp. 1185-1203. (10.1177/0170840604046315)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 2003. The false promise of organizational culture change: a case study of middle managers in grocery retailing. Journal of management studies 40(5), pp. 1151-1178. (10.1111/1467-6486.00375)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2003. The organization of marketing: a study of decentralised, devolved and dispersed marketing activity. Journal of management studies 40(2), pp. 483-512.
- Harris, L. and Ogbonna, E. 2003. The organization of marketing activities: A study of decentralised, devolved and dispersed activity. Journal of Management Studies 40, pp. 483-512. (10.1111/1467-6486.00348|)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2003. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of structural transformation to "groovy community centers". Journal of Organizational Change Management 16(5), pp. 512-533. (10.1108/09534810310494919)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, C. L. 2003. The organizational culture implications of establishing internet operations. Presented at: 10th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference (EIRASS), Portland, OR, USA, August, 2003.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2003. The organizational culture implications of establishing internet operations. Presented at: 11th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Portland, OR, USA, July 2003.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Institutionalization of Tipping as a Source of Managerial Control. British Journal of Industrial Relations 40(4), pp. 725-752. (10.1111/1467-8543.00254)
- Thomas, R., Davies, A., Edwards, T. J., Ezzamel, M., Ogbonna, E. O., Budhwar, P. and Crane, A. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: developments in organization theory and practice. Presented at: Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 12-13 September 2002.
- Budhwar, P. et al. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: Developments in organization theory and practice. Management Research News 25(8/9/10), pp. 1-193. (10.1108/01409170210783368)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Organizational culture: a ten year, two-phase study of change in the UK food retailing sector. Journal of management studies 39(5), pp. 673-706. (10.1111/1467-6486.00004)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2002. Exploring Service Sabotage: The Antecedents, Types and Consequences of Frontline, Deviant, Antiservice Behaviors. Journal of Service Research 4(3), pp. 163-183. (10.1177/1094670502004003001)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Managing organisational culture: insights from the hospitality industry. Human Resource Management Journal 12(1), pp. 33-53. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.2002.tb00056.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2002. The unintended consequences of culture interventions: A study of unexpected outcomes. British Journal of Management 13(1), pp. 31-49. (10.1111/1467-8551.00221)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. H. 2002. Organizational culture and internet operations: A case study of a large financial service organization. Presented at: 2002 EIRASS Annual Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2002. Organizational culture and internet operations: A case study of a large financial service organization. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Heidleberg, Germany, July 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2001. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of groovy community centres. Presented at: 9th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2001.
- Moutinho, L. A., Davies, F. M., Goode, M. M. H. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Critical factors in consumer supermarket shopping behaviour: a neural network approach. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1(1), pp. 35-49. (10.1002/cb.52)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Competitive advantage in the UK food retailing sector: past, present and future. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 8(3), pp. 157-173. (10.1016/S0969-6989(00)00009-6)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Strategic human resource management, market orientation, and organizational performance. Journal of Business Research 51(2), pp. 157-166. (10.1016/S0148-2963(99)00057-0)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Leadership style and market orientation: an empirical study. European Journal of Marketing 35(5/6), pp. 744-764. (10.1108/03090560110388196)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2001. Power in the Supply Chain: A Case of Differentiated Relationships in the UK Grocery Industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 3(4), pp. 291-302.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2001. The founder's legacy: Hangover or inheritance?. British Journal of Management 12(1), pp. 13-32. (10.1111/1467-8551.00183)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. C. 2001. The performance implications of the work-oriented cognitions of shopfloor workers: a study of British retailing. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 12(6), pp. 1005-1028. (10.1080/713769683)
- Ogbonna, E. O., Harris, L. C. and Pallister, J. G. 2001. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of groovy community centres. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Vancouver, Canada, 16-19 July 2001.
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. eds. 2001. Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2000. Leadership style, organizational culture and performance: empirical evidence from UK companies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 11(4), pp. 766-788. (10.1080/09585190050075114)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2000. The responses of front-line employees to market-oriented culture change. European journal of marketing 34(3/4), pp. 318-340. (10.1108/03090560010311885)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, C. 2000. The dynamic concept of organizational culture: Micro and macro applications. Global Focus 12, pp. 23-34.
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 2000. Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Macmillan.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 2000. The false promise of organizational culture change. Presented at: 8th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Sintra, Portugal, July 2000.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1999. Power in the supply chain: a case of differentiated relationships in the UK grocery industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 1(4), pp. 307-316.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Noon, M. 1999. A new deal or new disadvantage?: British ethnic minorities and Government training. International Journal of Manpower 20(3/4), pp. 165-179. (10.1108/01437729910279108)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1999. The strategic legacy of company founders. Long Range Planning 32(3), pp. 333-343. (10.1016/S0024-6301(99)00037-0)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Whipp, R. 1999. Strategy, culture and HRM: evidence from the UK food retailing sector. Human Resource Management Journal 9(4), pp. 75-90. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1999.tb00211.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1999. Developing a market oriented culture: a critical evaluation. Journal of Management Studies 36(2), pp. 177-196. (10.1111/1467-6486.00132)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1999. The reactions of shopfloor employees to market oriented culture change. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico, July 1999.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 1998. A three-perspective approach to understanding culture in retail organizations. Personnel Review 27(2), pp. 104-123. (10.1108/00483489810369269)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1998. Organizational culture: it's not what you think. Journal of General Management 23(3), pp. 35-48.
- Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. British ethnic minorities and employment training: redressing or extending disadvantage?. International Journal of Training and Development 2(1), pp. 41. (10.1111/1468-2419.00033)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. Unequal Provision? Ethnic minorities and employment training policy. Journal of Education and Work 11(1), pp. 23-39. (10.1080/1363908980110102)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. Employee responses to culture change efforts. Human Resource Management Journal 8(2), pp. 78-92. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1998.tb00168.x)
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- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 1998. Power relations in the UK grocery supply chain. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 5(2), pp. 77-86. (10.1016/S0969-6989(97)00004-0)
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- Ogbonna, E. 1996. Managing organizational culture: fantasy or reality?. In: Billsberry, J. ed. The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations. SAGE Publications, Ltd., pp. 113-118.
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- Ogbonna, E. 1992. Organizational culture and human resource management: dilemmas and contradictions. In: Blyton, P. and Turnbull, P. eds. Reassessing Human Resource Management: Conflicts and Contradictions. SAGE, pp. 74-96.
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- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2025. Surviving precarious work: differing forms, tactics and strategies. Employee Relations 47(1), pp. 34-47. (10.1108/ER-04-2024-0200)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2024. The same only different: Precarious workers' perceptions of their treatment in Covid-19 times. Personnel Review 53(8), pp. 2165-2180. (10.1108/PR-10-2023-0922)
- Ogbonna, E. 2024. Reflections on achieving anti-racism in organisations: The role of human resource management scholars and practitioners. Human Resource Management Journal (10.1111/1748-8583.12572)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2023. Equal opportunities but unequal mentoring: The perceptions of mentoring by Black and minority ethnic academics in the UK university sector. Human Resource Management Journal 33(4), pp. 940-956. (10.1111/1748-8583.12492)
- Ogbonna, E. 2023. Making Wales an anti-racist nation: A public value mission in action. Business Focus Annual Research 2, pp. 78-83. (10.4324/9781003467410-12)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 2021. Controlling management to deliver diversity: prospects and limits. Human Resource Management Journal 31(3), pp. 619-638. (10.1111/1748-8583.12332)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2020. Middle managers' work in recession and austerity: a longitudinal study. British Journal of Management 31(2), pp. 289-304. (10.1111/1467-8551.12360)
- Ogbonna, E. 2019. The uneasy alliance of organisational culture and equal opportunities for ethnic minority groups: a British example. Human Resource Management Journal 29(3), pp. 309-327. (10.1111/1748-8583.12227)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2016. Ethnic gatekeeping on the shopfloor: a study of bases, motives and approaches. Work, Employment and Society 30(1), pp. 59-76. (10.1177/0950017015606338)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2015. Subcultural tensions in managing organisational culture: a study of an English Premier League football organisation. Human Resource Management Journal 25(2), pp. 217-232. (10.1111/1748-8583.12059)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2014. Organizational cultural perpetuation: a case study of an English Premier League football club. British Journal of Management 25(4), pp. 667-686. (10.1111/1467-8551.12037)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2013. Forms of employee negative word-of-mouth: a study of front-line workers. Employee Relations 35(1), pp. 39-60. (10.1108/01425451311279401)
- Mathew, J., Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2012. Culture, employee work outcomes and performance: an empirical analysis of Indian software firms. Journal of World Business 47(2), pp. 194-203. (10.1016/j.jwb.2011.04.006)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2012. Motives for service sabotage: an empirical study of front-line workers. Service Industries Journal 32(13), pp. 2027-2046. (10.1080/02642069.2011.582496)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2011. Antecedents and consequences of management-espoused organizational cultural control. Journal of Business Research 64(5), pp. 437-445. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.03.002)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2010. Hiding customer complaints: studying the motivations and forms of service employees' complaint concealment behaviours. British Journal of Management 21(2), pp. 262-279. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2008.00617.x)
- Mathew, J. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2009. Organisational culture and commitment: a study of an Indian software organisation. International Journal of Human Resource Management 20(3), pp. 654-675. (10.1080/09585190802707433)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2009. Service sabotage: the dark side of service dynamics. Business Horizons 52(4), pp. 325-335. (10.1016/j.bushor.2009.02.003)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. The dynamics underlying service firm-customer relationships: insights from a study of English Premier League soccer fans. Journal of Service Research 10(4), pp. 382-399. (10.1177/1094670508314711)
- Harris, L. C., Ogbonna, E. O. and Goode, M. M. H. 2008. Intra-functional conflict: an investigation of antecedent factors in marketing functions. European Journal of Marketing 42(3/4), pp. 453-476. (10.1108/03090560810853011)
- Morgan, P. I. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. Subcultural dynamics in transformation: a multi-perspective study of healthcare professionals. Human Relations 61(1), pp. 39-65. (10.1177/0018726707085945)
- Budhwar, P. S., Woldu, H. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2008. A comparative analysis of cultural value orientations of Indians and migrant Indians in the USA. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 8(1), pp. 79-105. (10.1177/1470595807088324)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2007. Ownership and Control in Closely-held Family-owned Firms: An Exploration of Strategic and Operational Control. British Journal of Management 18(1), pp. 5-26. (10.1111/j.1467-8551.2005.00471.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2007. The impact of cultural and political dynamics on web site design, development, and implementation: An exploration of potential pitfalls. Personnel Review 36(6), pp. 918-938. (10.1108/00483480710822436)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2007. Developing internet operations and subcultural dynamics: An exploratory study. Journal of Organizational Change Management 20(3), pp. 388-408. (10.1108/09534810710740209)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2006. Service sabotage: A study of antecedents and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34(4), pp. 543-558. (10.1177/0092070306287324)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. Organisational culture in the age of the Internet: an exploratory study. New Technology, Work and Employment 21(2), pp. 162-175. (10.1111/j.1468-005X.2006.00170.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. The dynamics of employee relationships in an ethnically diverse workforce. Human Relations 59(3), pp. 379-407. (10.1177/0018726706064181)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2006. Initiating strategic planning. Strategic Direction 22(5), pp. 100-111.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2006. Approaches to career success: An exploration of surreptitious career-success strategies. Human Resource Management 45(1), pp. 43-66. (10.1002/hrm.20095)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2005. The adoption and use of information technology: a longitudinal study of a mature family firm. New Technology, Work and Employment 20(1), pp. 2-18. (10.1111/j.1468-005X.2005.00140.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2004. Work intensification and emotional labour among UK university lecturers: an exploratory study. Organization studies 25(7), pp. 1185-1203. (10.1177/0170840604046315)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 2003. The false promise of organizational culture change: a case study of middle managers in grocery retailing. Journal of management studies 40(5), pp. 1151-1178. (10.1111/1467-6486.00375)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2003. The organization of marketing: a study of decentralised, devolved and dispersed marketing activity. Journal of management studies 40(2), pp. 483-512.
- Harris, L. and Ogbonna, E. 2003. The organization of marketing activities: A study of decentralised, devolved and dispersed activity. Journal of Management Studies 40, pp. 483-512. (10.1111/1467-6486.00348|)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2003. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of structural transformation to "groovy community centers". Journal of Organizational Change Management 16(5), pp. 512-533. (10.1108/09534810310494919)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Institutionalization of Tipping as a Source of Managerial Control. British Journal of Industrial Relations 40(4), pp. 725-752. (10.1111/1467-8543.00254)
- Budhwar, P. et al. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: Developments in organization theory and practice. Management Research News 25(8/9/10), pp. 1-193. (10.1108/01409170210783368)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Organizational culture: a ten year, two-phase study of change in the UK food retailing sector. Journal of management studies 39(5), pp. 673-706. (10.1111/1467-6486.00004)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2002. Exploring Service Sabotage: The Antecedents, Types and Consequences of Frontline, Deviant, Antiservice Behaviors. Journal of Service Research 4(3), pp. 163-183. (10.1177/1094670502004003001)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2002. Managing organisational culture: insights from the hospitality industry. Human Resource Management Journal 12(1), pp. 33-53. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.2002.tb00056.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2002. The unintended consequences of culture interventions: A study of unexpected outcomes. British Journal of Management 13(1), pp. 31-49. (10.1111/1467-8551.00221)
- Moutinho, L. A., Davies, F. M., Goode, M. M. H. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Critical factors in consumer supermarket shopping behaviour: a neural network approach. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1(1), pp. 35-49. (10.1002/cb.52)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Competitive advantage in the UK food retailing sector: past, present and future. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 8(3), pp. 157-173. (10.1016/S0969-6989(00)00009-6)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Strategic human resource management, market orientation, and organizational performance. Journal of Business Research 51(2), pp. 157-166. (10.1016/S0148-2963(99)00057-0)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2001. Leadership style and market orientation: an empirical study. European Journal of Marketing 35(5/6), pp. 744-764. (10.1108/03090560110388196)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2001. Power in the Supply Chain: A Case of Differentiated Relationships in the UK Grocery Industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 3(4), pp. 291-302.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2001. The founder's legacy: Hangover or inheritance?. British Journal of Management 12(1), pp. 13-32. (10.1111/1467-8551.00183)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. C. 2001. The performance implications of the work-oriented cognitions of shopfloor workers: a study of British retailing. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 12(6), pp. 1005-1028. (10.1080/713769683)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2000. Leadership style, organizational culture and performance: empirical evidence from UK companies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 11(4), pp. 766-788. (10.1080/09585190050075114)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 2000. The responses of front-line employees to market-oriented culture change. European journal of marketing 34(3/4), pp. 318-340. (10.1108/03090560010311885)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, C. 2000. The dynamic concept of organizational culture: Micro and macro applications. Global Focus 12, pp. 23-34.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1999. Power in the supply chain: a case of differentiated relationships in the UK grocery industry. International Journal of Customer Relationship Management 1(4), pp. 307-316.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Noon, M. 1999. A new deal or new disadvantage?: British ethnic minorities and Government training. International Journal of Manpower 20(3/4), pp. 165-179. (10.1108/01437729910279108)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1999. The strategic legacy of company founders. Long Range Planning 32(3), pp. 333-343. (10.1016/S0024-6301(99)00037-0)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Whipp, R. 1999. Strategy, culture and HRM: evidence from the UK food retailing sector. Human Resource Management Journal 9(4), pp. 75-90. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1999.tb00211.x)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1999. Developing a market oriented culture: a critical evaluation. Journal of Management Studies 36(2), pp. 177-196. (10.1111/1467-6486.00132)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 1998. A three-perspective approach to understanding culture in retail organizations. Personnel Review 27(2), pp. 104-123. (10.1108/00483489810369269)
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1998. Organizational culture: it's not what you think. Journal of General Management 23(3), pp. 35-48.
- Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. British ethnic minorities and employment training: redressing or extending disadvantage?. International Journal of Training and Development 2(1), pp. 41. (10.1111/1468-2419.00033)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. Unequal Provision? Ethnic minorities and employment training policy. Journal of Education and Work 11(1), pp. 23-39. (10.1080/1363908980110102)
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. O. 1998. Employee responses to culture change efforts. Human Resource Management Journal 8(2), pp. 78-92. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1998.tb00168.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 1998. Managing organizational culture: compliance or genuine change?. British Journal of Management 9(4), pp. 273-288. (10.1111/1467-8551.00098)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 1998. Power relations in the UK grocery supply chain. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 5(2), pp. 77-86. (10.1016/S0969-6989(97)00004-0)
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 1998. Introduction: disadvantage and discrimination in employment - equalising opportunity for the 21st century. Management Research News 21(12), pp. 5.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Information technology and power in the UK grocery distribution chain. Journal of General Management 22(2), pp. 20-35. (10.1177/030630709602200202)
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Inter-organizational power relations in the UK grocery industry: contradictions and developments. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 6(4), pp. 395-414. (10.1080/09593969600000041)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Noon, M. 1995. Experiencing inequality: ethnic minorities and the employment training scheme. Work, Employment and Society 9(3), pp. 537-558. (10.1177/095001709593006)
- Ogbonna, E. O. 1992. Managing organisational culture: fantasy Or reality?. Human Resource Management Journal 3(2), pp. 42-54. (10.1111/j.1748-8583.1992.tb00309.x)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 1990. Corporate strategy and corporate culture: the view from the checkout. Personnel Review 19(4), pp. 9-15. (10.1108/00483489010141061)
- Ogbonna, E. O. 1989. Strategic changes in UK grocery retailing. Management Decision 27(6) (10.1108/00251748910132647)
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Wilkinson, B. 1988. Corporate strategy and corporate culture: the management of change in the Uk supermarket industry. Personnel Review 17(6), pp. 10-14. (10.1108/eb055602)
Book sections
- Ogbonna, E. 2024. An anti-racist plan for Wales: Prospects and limitations. In: Evans, N. and Williams, C. eds. Globalising Welsh Studies: Decolonising History, Heritage, Society and Culture (Race and Ethnicity: Wales and the World). University of Wales Press, pp. 318-336.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2013. Service work and service workers: A reflexive analysis. In: Fisk, R. P., Russell-Bennett, R. and Harris, L. C. eds. Serving Customers: Global Service Marketing Perspectives. Prahan VIC: Tilde, pp. 50-64.
- Ogbonna, E. O. 2010. Service work and service workers: exploring the dynamics of front-line service encounters. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 375-400.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 2009. Le fausses promesses du changement de culture organisationnelle. In: Vignon, C., Bedier, J. and Baret, C. eds. Le Management de Resources Humains dans la Grande Distribution. Vuibert Press, pp. 49-75.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2008. The adoption of information technology in a mature British family firm. In: Gupta, V. et al. eds. Culturally-sensitive models of family business in Anglo region : a compendium using the globe paradigm. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press, pp. 195-213.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2008. The adoption of information technology in a mature British familly firm. In: Gupta, V. et al. eds. Culturally Sensitive Models of Family Business in Anglo Region - A Compendium using the Globe Paradigm. Icfai Press, pp. 195-213.
- Mamman, A. and Ogbonna, E. 1997. Another look at personality and cognitive backgrounds: implications for total quality management. In: Armistead, C. and Kiely, J. eds. Effective Organizations: Looking to the Future. London: Cassell, pp. 157-160.
- Ogbonna, E. 1996. Managing organizational culture: fantasy or reality?. In: Billsberry, J. ed. The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations. SAGE Publications, Ltd., pp. 113-118.
- Ogbonna, E. 1992. Organizational culture and human resource management: dilemmas and contradictions. In: Blyton, P. and Turnbull, P. eds. Reassessing Human Resource Management: Conflicts and Contradictions. SAGE, pp. 74-96.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1988. Corporate strategy and corporate culture. In: Payne, A., Clark, C. M. and Peck, H. eds. Relationship Marketing for Competitive Advantage. Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 114-127.
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. eds. 2001. Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. 2000. Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Macmillan.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2017. Service employees and customers: feigned customer emotional displays and value co-creation. Presented at: 24th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 26-29 June 2017. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 2015. Subcultural tensions in managing organizational culture. Presented at: 22nd Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Montreal, QC, Canada, 27-30 July 2015. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. 2015. Organizatioanl culture and equality/diversity: A minority ethnic (ME) perpective. Presented at: ESRC Seminar 2: Ebedding EDI in the Workplace: Role of Strategy, Policies, Climate and Culture, London, UK, 11 March 2015.
- Harris., L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2013. Reflections on service work and service workers. Presented at: American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 15 - 17 February 2013.
- Harris, L. C. and Ogbonna, E. 2012. Customers behaving really badly. Presented at: 2012 AMS Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 15-20 May 2012.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2009. Motives for service sabotage: An empirical study of front-line worker behaviour. Presented at: 17th International Conference on Recent Advances in retailing Science, Niagra Falls, Canada, July 2009.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. 2005. Sabotaging service: A study of front line, customer contact employees. Presented at: 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2005.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, C. L. 2005. The adoption and use of IT in family businesses: A longitudinal study of a mature family firm. Presented at: 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2005.
- Harris, L. and Ogbonna, E. 2005. The adoption and use of IT in family businesses: A longitudinal study of a mature family form. Presented at: 13th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, July 2005.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, C. L. 2003. The organizational culture implications of establishing internet operations. Presented at: 10th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference (EIRASS), Portland, OR, USA, August, 2003.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2003. The organizational culture implications of establishing internet operations. Presented at: 11th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Portland, OR, USA, July 2003.
- Thomas, R., Davies, A., Edwards, T. J., Ezzamel, M., Ogbonna, E. O., Budhwar, P. and Crane, A. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: developments in organization theory and practice. Presented at: Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 12-13 September 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. O. and Harris, L. C. H. 2002. Organizational culture and internet operations: A case study of a large financial service organization. Presented at: 2002 EIRASS Annual Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2002. Organizational culture and internet operations: A case study of a large financial service organization. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Heidleberg, Germany, July 2002.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. 2001. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of groovy community centres. Presented at: 9th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2001.
- Ogbonna, E. O., Harris, L. C. and Pallister, J. G. 2001. Innovative organizational structures and performance: A case study of groovy community centres. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Vancouver, Canada, 16-19 July 2001.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 2000. The false promise of organizational culture change. Presented at: 8th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences Conference, Sintra, Portugal, July 2000.
- Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L. C. 1999. The reactions of shopfloor employees to market oriented culture change. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico, July 1999.
- Ogbonna, E. and Wilkinson, B. 1996. Developments in intra-organizational power: Evidence from UK grocery retailing. Presented at: Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Sciences, Telfs-Buchen, Austria, July 1996. pp. -.
- Ogbonna, E. and Whipp, R. 1995. Strategy, culture and HRM: Evidence from the UK food retail sector. Presented at: British Academy of Management Conference, Sheffield, 11-13 September 1995. pp. -.
- Beech, N. et al. 2017. Delivering diversity: race and ethnicity in the management pipeline. Project Report. [Online]. Chartered Management Institute. Available at:
- Ogbonna, E. 2021. Creating an anti-racist Wales. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at:
- Ogbonna, E. 2019. Can organisational culture explain labour market disadvantage of ethnic minorities?. [Online]. LSE Business Review: London School of Economics. Available at:
Research interests
- Culture in organizations
- Employee deviance and sabotage
- Ethnic Minorities and organizations
- Inter-organizational Relationships
- Marketing and Organizational Behaviour interface
PhD supervision research interests
- Culture in organizations
- Employee deviance and sabotage
- Ethnic minorities and organizations
- Inter-organizational relationships
- Marketing and organizational behaviour interface
Teaching commitments
- Managing People (MSc)
- Advanced Issues in Management Research (Doctoral students)
Emmanuel Ogbonna is Professor of Management and Organization at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. He gained his PhD from University of Wales Cardiff in 1990. His doctoral thesis explored the organizational cultural implications of the strategic directions of leading companies in the UK supermarket sector in the late 1980s. He joined Cardiff Business School as a lecturer in 1990 and progressed through the ranks and was appointed to his present professorial position in 2002. His research interests cut across the fields of organization studies, strategy, marketing and human resource management. His recent research interests have been in the areas of organizational culture, equality, diversity and inclusion, and his work has explored the position of Black and minority ethnic communities in the labour market. He was part of a team that completed a recent British Academy and Chartered Management Institute sponsored research project on diversity in the management pipelines of FTSE 100 organizations. He is currently extending his work in this area to include the impacts of a range of intra-organizational interventions (such as leadership, organizational culture and management control) on equality, diversity and inclusion. He has published over 100 scholarly papers, monographs and edited collections, many of which are leading-edge contributions in high-ranking international outlets. Emmanuel is currently a Trustee and vice-chair of Race Council Cymru. He lives in Cardiff and is married with two daughters and has recently become a grandfather.
Honours and awards
Emmanuel's work has received several national and international citations of excellence including Best paper in services research (USA), top 50 most read management articles, most downloaded articles and several articles that have been ranked as editors’ choices. Emmanuel is a current or past member of the Editorial Boards of many of the leading management journals and he has served in advisory and consulting capacities to a range of national and international organizations and agencies. He was recently invited to join the Advisory Board of the new Covid Recovery Commission under the leadership of John Allan (Chairman of Tesco Plc) and he is currently advising the five UK Sport Councils on their review of race equality in sports. He has also held a number of Ministerial appointments in Wales including: member of Deputy Minister of Wales and Chief Whip’s Women in STEM education subgroup, member of First Minister of Wales black, Asian and minority ethnic COVID-19 Advisory Group, chair of First Minister of Wales Black, Asian and minority ethnic COVID-19 Socio-economic subgroup, and chair of the Steering Group leading the development of the first All Wales Race Equality Action Plan.
Emmanuel is currently Co-chair (with the Permanent Secretary of the Welsh Government) of the External Accountability Group leading the implementation of the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan. He has been elected to the Fellowships of British Academy of Management, Academy of Social Sciences and Learned Society of Wales. He was named as Commander of British Empire (CBE) in the 2024 King's Birthday Honours List.
Professional memberships
Emmanuel is a Fellow of the Chartered Insitute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD)
Contact Details
+44 29208 75212
Aberconway Building, Room Room C56, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU