Research summary
Dr. Proulx has worked in collaboration on the Meaning Maintenance Model - a discipline spanning framework that offers an integrated account of inconsistency compensation phenomena. His research focuses on the common ways that people respond to a wide array of meaning violations, ranging from absurdist humor to the absurdity of human mortality.
- Heine, S. J., Folk, D. P., Guan, K. W., Benjamin, R., Bahng, J. M. and Proulx, T. 2024. An ecology of meaning: an integrative framework for understanding human motivations. In: Elliot, A. J. ed. Advances in Motivation Science., Vol. 11. Elsevier, pp. 75-121., (10.1016/bs.adms.2024.03.004)
- Ostafin, B. D. and Proulx, T. 2023. A brief life-purpose intervention reduces trauma-film anxiety and rumination. Humanistic Psychologist 51(4), pp. 397-406. (10.1037/hum0000298)
- Han, R., Proulx, T., van Harreveld, F. and Haddock, G. 2023. How people perceive dispositionally (non-) ambivalent others and why it matters. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 109, article number: 104518. (10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104518)
- Proulx, T., Costin, V., Magazin, E., Zarzeczna, N. and Haddock, G. 2023. The progressive values scale: assessing the ideological schism on the Left. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49(8), pp. 1248-1272. (10.1177/01461672221097529)
- Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2021. Pupillometry and hindsight bias: physiological arousal predicts compensatory behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science 12(7), pp. 1146-1154. (10.1177/1948550620966153)
- Proulx, T. and Morey, R. 2021. Beyond statistical ritual: theory in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science 16(4), pp. 671-681. (10.1177/17456916211017098)
- Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T. and Haddock, G. 2020. Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46(1), pp. 36-65. (10.1037/xhp0000699)
- Ostafin, B. D. and Proulx, T. 2020. Meaning in life and resilience to stressors. Anxiety, Stress and Coping 33(6), pp. 603-622.
- Reiss, S., Klackl, J., Proulx, T. and Jonas, E. 2019. Strength of socio-political attitudes moderates electrophysiological responses to perceptual anomalies. PLoS ONE 14(8), pp. -., article number: e0220732. (10.1371/journal.pone.0220732)
- Sleegers, W. W. A., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2019. Confirmation bias and misconceptions: Pupillometric evidence for a confirmation bias in misconceptions feedback. Biological Psychology 145, pp. 76-83. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2019.03.018)
- Morey, R., Homer, S. and Proulx, T. 2018. Beyond statistics: accepting the null hypothesis in mature sciences. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1(2), pp. 245-258. (10.1177/2515245918776023)
- Proulx, T., Sleegers, W. and Tritt, S. M. 2017. The expectancy bias: Expectancy-violating faces evoke earlier pupillary dilation than neutral or negative faces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 70, pp. 69-79. (10.1016/j.jesp.2016.12.003)
- Tan, X., Van Prooijen, J., Proulx, T., Wu, H., Van Beest, I. and Van Lange, P. 2017. Reacting to unexpected losses in an uncertain world: high approach individuals become even more risk-seeking. Personality and Individual Differences 109, pp. 117-123. (10.1016/j.paid.2016.12.051)
- Sleegers, W. W. A., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2017. The social pain of Cyberball: decreased pupillary reactivity to exclusion cues. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 69, pp. 187-200. (10.1016/j.jesp.2016.08.004)
- Suhay, E., Brandt, M. J. and Proulx, T. 2017. Lay belief in biopolitics and political prejudice. Social Psychological and Personality Science 8(2), pp. 173-182. (10.1177/1948550616667615)
- Heine, S., Dar-Nimrod, I., Cheung, B. and Proulx, T. 2017. Essentially biased: why people are fatalistic about genes. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 55, pp. 137-192. (10.1016/bs.aesp.2016.10.003)
- Proulx, T. and Mark, B. 2017. Beyond threat and uncertainty: the underpinnings of conservatism. Social Cognition 35(4), pp. 313-323. (10.1521/soco.2017.35.4.313)
- Brandt, M. J. and Proulx, T. 2016. Conceptual creep as a human (and scientific) goal [Commentaries]. Psychological Inquiry 27(1), pp. 18-23. (10.1080/1047840X.2016.1109577)
- Randles, D., Inzlicht, M., Proulx, T., Tullett, A. M. and Heine, S. J. 2015. Is dissonance reduction a special case of fluid compensation? Evidence that dissonant cognitions cause compensatory affirmation and abstraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108(5), pp. 697-710. (10.1037/a0038933)
- Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2015. Extremism reduces conflict arousal and increases values affirmation in response to meaning violations. Biological Psychology 108, pp. 126-131. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.03.012)
- Ostafin, B. D. and Proulx, T. 2023. A brief life-purpose intervention reduces trauma-film anxiety and rumination. Humanistic Psychologist 51(4), pp. 397-406. (10.1037/hum0000298)
- Han, R., Proulx, T., van Harreveld, F. and Haddock, G. 2023. How people perceive dispositionally (non-) ambivalent others and why it matters. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 109, article number: 104518. (10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104518)
- Proulx, T., Costin, V., Magazin, E., Zarzeczna, N. and Haddock, G. 2023. The progressive values scale: assessing the ideological schism on the Left. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49(8), pp. 1248-1272. (10.1177/01461672221097529)
- Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2021. Pupillometry and hindsight bias: physiological arousal predicts compensatory behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science 12(7), pp. 1146-1154. (10.1177/1948550620966153)
- Proulx, T. and Morey, R. 2021. Beyond statistical ritual: theory in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science 16(4), pp. 671-681. (10.1177/17456916211017098)
- Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T. and Haddock, G. 2020. Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46(1), pp. 36-65. (10.1037/xhp0000699)
- Ostafin, B. D. and Proulx, T. 2020. Meaning in life and resilience to stressors. Anxiety, Stress and Coping 33(6), pp. 603-622.
- Reiss, S., Klackl, J., Proulx, T. and Jonas, E. 2019. Strength of socio-political attitudes moderates electrophysiological responses to perceptual anomalies. PLoS ONE 14(8), pp. -., article number: e0220732. (10.1371/journal.pone.0220732)
- Sleegers, W. W. A., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2019. Confirmation bias and misconceptions: Pupillometric evidence for a confirmation bias in misconceptions feedback. Biological Psychology 145, pp. 76-83. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2019.03.018)
- Morey, R., Homer, S. and Proulx, T. 2018. Beyond statistics: accepting the null hypothesis in mature sciences. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1(2), pp. 245-258. (10.1177/2515245918776023)
- Proulx, T., Sleegers, W. and Tritt, S. M. 2017. The expectancy bias: Expectancy-violating faces evoke earlier pupillary dilation than neutral or negative faces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 70, pp. 69-79. (10.1016/j.jesp.2016.12.003)
- Tan, X., Van Prooijen, J., Proulx, T., Wu, H., Van Beest, I. and Van Lange, P. 2017. Reacting to unexpected losses in an uncertain world: high approach individuals become even more risk-seeking. Personality and Individual Differences 109, pp. 117-123. (10.1016/j.paid.2016.12.051)
- Sleegers, W. W. A., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2017. The social pain of Cyberball: decreased pupillary reactivity to exclusion cues. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 69, pp. 187-200. (10.1016/j.jesp.2016.08.004)
- Suhay, E., Brandt, M. J. and Proulx, T. 2017. Lay belief in biopolitics and political prejudice. Social Psychological and Personality Science 8(2), pp. 173-182. (10.1177/1948550616667615)
- Heine, S., Dar-Nimrod, I., Cheung, B. and Proulx, T. 2017. Essentially biased: why people are fatalistic about genes. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 55, pp. 137-192. (10.1016/bs.aesp.2016.10.003)
- Proulx, T. and Mark, B. 2017. Beyond threat and uncertainty: the underpinnings of conservatism. Social Cognition 35(4), pp. 313-323. (10.1521/soco.2017.35.4.313)
- Brandt, M. J. and Proulx, T. 2016. Conceptual creep as a human (and scientific) goal [Commentaries]. Psychological Inquiry 27(1), pp. 18-23. (10.1080/1047840X.2016.1109577)
- Randles, D., Inzlicht, M., Proulx, T., Tullett, A. M. and Heine, S. J. 2015. Is dissonance reduction a special case of fluid compensation? Evidence that dissonant cognitions cause compensatory affirmation and abstraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108(5), pp. 697-710. (10.1037/a0038933)
- Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2015. Extremism reduces conflict arousal and increases values affirmation in response to meaning violations. Biological Psychology 108, pp. 126-131. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.03.012)
Book sections
- Heine, S. J., Folk, D. P., Guan, K. W., Benjamin, R., Bahng, J. M. and Proulx, T. 2024. An ecology of meaning: an integrative framework for understanding human motivations. In: Elliot, A. J. ed. Advances in Motivation Science., Vol. 11. Elsevier, pp. 75-121., (10.1016/bs.adms.2024.03.004)
Research topics and related papers
2019 – present: Coordinator and Instructor, Department of Psychology, Cardiff University. (Thinking About Human Behaviour)
2016 – 2019: Instructor, Department of Psychology, Cardiff University. (Social Psychology)
2011 – 2016: Coordinator and Instructor, Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University. (Social Cognition, Existential Psychology) Minor Coordinator, Department of Social Psychology Graduate Masters Program.
2007 – 2010: Coordinator and Instructor, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University. (Psychology of Meaning; Adolescent Development: Rationality, Morality, Identity; Cultural Psychology)
Undergraduate education
September 1997 – May 2001:
University of British Columbia
Major: Psychology
Degree awarded: B.A.
Postgraduate education
January 2006 - September 2008:
University of British Columbia
Major: Developmental Psychology
Degree: Ph.D.
Supervisor: Michael Chandler
Ph.D. Dissertation: Jekyll & Hyde & Me: Age-Graded and Cultural Variations in Perceptions of Self-Unity
January 2004 – December 2005:
University of British Columbia
Major: Developmental Psychology
Degree: M.A.
Supervisor: Michael Chandler
M.A. Thesis: Listener’s Gaze: Communicative Intent and Word Learning
September 2001 – December 2003:
University of British Columbia
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Degree: M.A.
Supervisor: Darrin Lehman
M.A. Thesis: Absurdity as the Source of Existential Anxiety: A Critique of Terror Management Theory
April 2016 - Present:
Cardiff University
Senior Lecturer – Social Psychology
January 2011 – April 2016:
Tilburg University
Assistant Professor – Social Psychology
January 2010 – 2011:
Simon Fraser University
Assistant Professor – Social Psychology
September 2008 – December 2009:
University of California, Santa Barbara
Postdoctoral Researcher - Self and Intergroup Relations Lab
Supervisor: Brenda Major
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Awards/external committees
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Postgraduate research interests
If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details available on the 'Overview' page), or submit a formal application.
Current students