Research summary
The Psychology of the Absurd
What do David Lynch movies, Stroop effects and Cognitive Dissonance experiments have in common?
They represent absurdities: inconsistences between our understanding of reality and our experiences. My research examines the common ways that people respond to inconsistencies, either by Assimilating the inconsistency, Accommodating their understanding, Affirming their beliefs, Abstracting new knowledge or Assembling new creations (The 'Five As': Proulx & Inzlicht, 2012).
In collaboration with others, I have developed the Meaning Maintenance Model - a discipline-spanning framework that offers an integrated account of inconsistency compensation phenomena.
My recent work uses pupillometry to examine the physiological arousal ('the feeling of the absurd') that results from inconsistent experiences and that motivates compensation efforts.
- Heine, S. J., Folk, D. P., Guan, K. W., Benjamin, R., Bahng, J. M. and Proulx, T. 2024. An ecology of meaning: an integrative framework for understanding human motivations. In: Elliot, A. J. ed. Advances in Motivation Science., Vol. 11. Elsevier, pp. 75-121., (10.1016/bs.adms.2024.03.004)
- Ostafin, B. D. and Proulx, T. 2023. A brief life-purpose intervention reduces trauma-film anxiety and rumination. Humanistic Psychologist 51(4), pp. 397-406. (10.1037/hum0000298)
- Han, R., Proulx, T., van Harreveld, F. and Haddock, G. 2023. How people perceive dispositionally (non-) ambivalent others and why it matters. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 109, article number: 104518. (10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104518)
- Proulx, T., Costin, V., Magazin, E., Zarzeczna, N. and Haddock, G. 2023. The progressive values scale: assessing the ideological schism on the Left. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49(8), pp. 1248-1272. (10.1177/01461672221097529)
- Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2021. Pupillometry and hindsight bias: physiological arousal predicts compensatory behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science 12(7), pp. 1146-1154. (10.1177/1948550620966153)
- Proulx, T. and Morey, R. 2021. Beyond statistical ritual: theory in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science 16(4), pp. 671-681. (10.1177/17456916211017098)
- Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T. and Haddock, G. 2020. Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46(1), pp. 36-65. (10.1037/xhp0000699)
- Ostafin, B. D. and Proulx, T. 2020. Meaning in life and resilience to stressors. Anxiety, Stress and Coping 33(6), pp. 603-622.
- Reiss, S., Klackl, J., Proulx, T. and Jonas, E. 2019. Strength of socio-political attitudes moderates electrophysiological responses to perceptual anomalies. PLoS ONE 14(8), pp. -., article number: e0220732. (10.1371/journal.pone.0220732)
- Sleegers, W. W. A., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2019. Confirmation bias and misconceptions: Pupillometric evidence for a confirmation bias in misconceptions feedback. Biological Psychology 145, pp. 76-83. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2019.03.018)
- Morey, R., Homer, S. and Proulx, T. 2018. Beyond statistics: accepting the null hypothesis in mature sciences. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1(2), pp. 245-258. (10.1177/2515245918776023)
- Proulx, T., Sleegers, W. and Tritt, S. M. 2017. The expectancy bias: Expectancy-violating faces evoke earlier pupillary dilation than neutral or negative faces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 70, pp. 69-79. (10.1016/j.jesp.2016.12.003)
- Tan, X., Van Prooijen, J., Proulx, T., Wu, H., Van Beest, I. and Van Lange, P. 2017. Reacting to unexpected losses in an uncertain world: high approach individuals become even more risk-seeking. Personality and Individual Differences 109, pp. 117-123. (10.1016/j.paid.2016.12.051)
- Sleegers, W. W. A., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2017. The social pain of Cyberball: decreased pupillary reactivity to exclusion cues. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 69, pp. 187-200. (10.1016/j.jesp.2016.08.004)
- Suhay, E., Brandt, M. J. and Proulx, T. 2017. Lay belief in biopolitics and political prejudice. Social Psychological and Personality Science 8(2), pp. 173-182. (10.1177/1948550616667615)
- Heine, S., Dar-Nimrod, I., Cheung, B. and Proulx, T. 2017. Essentially biased: why people are fatalistic about genes. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 55, pp. 137-192. (10.1016/bs.aesp.2016.10.003)
- Proulx, T. and Mark, B. 2017. Beyond threat and uncertainty: the underpinnings of conservatism. Social Cognition 35(4), pp. 313-323. (10.1521/soco.2017.35.4.313)
- Brandt, M. J. and Proulx, T. 2016. Conceptual creep as a human (and scientific) goal [Commentaries]. Psychological Inquiry 27(1), pp. 18-23. (10.1080/1047840X.2016.1109577)
- Randles, D., Inzlicht, M., Proulx, T., Tullett, A. M. and Heine, S. J. 2015. Is dissonance reduction a special case of fluid compensation? Evidence that dissonant cognitions cause compensatory affirmation and abstraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108(5), pp. 697-710. (10.1037/a0038933)
- Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2015. Extremism reduces conflict arousal and increases values affirmation in response to meaning violations. Biological Psychology 108, pp. 126-131. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.03.012)
- Ostafin, B. D. and Proulx, T. 2023. A brief life-purpose intervention reduces trauma-film anxiety and rumination. Humanistic Psychologist 51(4), pp. 397-406. (10.1037/hum0000298)
- Han, R., Proulx, T., van Harreveld, F. and Haddock, G. 2023. How people perceive dispositionally (non-) ambivalent others and why it matters. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 109, article number: 104518. (10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104518)
- Proulx, T., Costin, V., Magazin, E., Zarzeczna, N. and Haddock, G. 2023. The progressive values scale: assessing the ideological schism on the Left. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49(8), pp. 1248-1272. (10.1177/01461672221097529)
- Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2021. Pupillometry and hindsight bias: physiological arousal predicts compensatory behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science 12(7), pp. 1146-1154. (10.1177/1948550620966153)
- Proulx, T. and Morey, R. 2021. Beyond statistical ritual: theory in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science 16(4), pp. 671-681. (10.1177/17456916211017098)
- Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T. and Haddock, G. 2020. Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46(1), pp. 36-65. (10.1037/xhp0000699)
- Ostafin, B. D. and Proulx, T. 2020. Meaning in life and resilience to stressors. Anxiety, Stress and Coping 33(6), pp. 603-622.
- Reiss, S., Klackl, J., Proulx, T. and Jonas, E. 2019. Strength of socio-political attitudes moderates electrophysiological responses to perceptual anomalies. PLoS ONE 14(8), pp. -., article number: e0220732. (10.1371/journal.pone.0220732)
- Sleegers, W. W. A., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2019. Confirmation bias and misconceptions: Pupillometric evidence for a confirmation bias in misconceptions feedback. Biological Psychology 145, pp. 76-83. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2019.03.018)
- Morey, R., Homer, S. and Proulx, T. 2018. Beyond statistics: accepting the null hypothesis in mature sciences. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1(2), pp. 245-258. (10.1177/2515245918776023)
- Proulx, T., Sleegers, W. and Tritt, S. M. 2017. The expectancy bias: Expectancy-violating faces evoke earlier pupillary dilation than neutral or negative faces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 70, pp. 69-79. (10.1016/j.jesp.2016.12.003)
- Tan, X., Van Prooijen, J., Proulx, T., Wu, H., Van Beest, I. and Van Lange, P. 2017. Reacting to unexpected losses in an uncertain world: high approach individuals become even more risk-seeking. Personality and Individual Differences 109, pp. 117-123. (10.1016/j.paid.2016.12.051)
- Sleegers, W. W. A., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2017. The social pain of Cyberball: decreased pupillary reactivity to exclusion cues. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 69, pp. 187-200. (10.1016/j.jesp.2016.08.004)
- Suhay, E., Brandt, M. J. and Proulx, T. 2017. Lay belief in biopolitics and political prejudice. Social Psychological and Personality Science 8(2), pp. 173-182. (10.1177/1948550616667615)
- Heine, S., Dar-Nimrod, I., Cheung, B. and Proulx, T. 2017. Essentially biased: why people are fatalistic about genes. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 55, pp. 137-192. (10.1016/bs.aesp.2016.10.003)
- Proulx, T. and Mark, B. 2017. Beyond threat and uncertainty: the underpinnings of conservatism. Social Cognition 35(4), pp. 313-323. (10.1521/soco.2017.35.4.313)
- Brandt, M. J. and Proulx, T. 2016. Conceptual creep as a human (and scientific) goal [Commentaries]. Psychological Inquiry 27(1), pp. 18-23. (10.1080/1047840X.2016.1109577)
- Randles, D., Inzlicht, M., Proulx, T., Tullett, A. M. and Heine, S. J. 2015. Is dissonance reduction a special case of fluid compensation? Evidence that dissonant cognitions cause compensatory affirmation and abstraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108(5), pp. 697-710. (10.1037/a0038933)
- Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T. and van Beest, I. 2015. Extremism reduces conflict arousal and increases values affirmation in response to meaning violations. Biological Psychology 108, pp. 126-131. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.03.012)
Book sections
- Heine, S. J., Folk, D. P., Guan, K. W., Benjamin, R., Bahng, J. M. and Proulx, T. 2024. An ecology of meaning: an integrative framework for understanding human motivations. In: Elliot, A. J. ed. Advances in Motivation Science., Vol. 11. Elsevier, pp. 75-121., (10.1016/bs.adms.2024.03.004)
Research topics and related papers
Expectancy Violation and Compensation
Proulx, T., Inzlicht, M., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2012). Understanding all inconsistency compensation as a palliative response to violated expectations. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16(5), 285-291.
Jonas, E., McGregor, I., Klackl, J., Agroskin, D., Fritsche, I., Holbrook., C, Nash., K., Proulx., T., & Quirin., M. (2014). Threat and Defense: From anxiety to approach. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 219-286.
Zarzeczna, N., von Hecker, U., Proulx, T., & Haddock, G. (2020). Powerful men on top: Stereotypes interact with metaphors in social categorizations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 46(1), 36.
Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T., & van Beest, I. (2019). Confirmation bias and misconceptions: Pupillometric evidence for a confirmation bias in misconceptions feedback. Biological Psychology, 145, 76-83.
Proulx, T., Sleegers, W., & Tritt, S. M. (2017). The expectancy bias: Expectancy-violating faces evoke earlier pupillary dilation than neutral or negative faces. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 69-79.
Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T., & van Beest, I. (2017). The social pain of Cyberball: Decreased pupillary reactivity to exclusion cues. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 187-200.
Sleegers, W. W., Proulx, T., & van Beest, I. (2015). Extremism reduces conflict arousal and increases values affirmation in response to meaning violations. Biological Psychology, 108, 126-131.
The Meaning Maintenance Model
Proulx, T., & Inzlicht, M. (2012). The five ‘A’s of meaning maintenance: Making sense of the theories of sense-making. [Target Article] Psychological Inquiry, 23, 317-335.
Proulx, T., & Heine, S. J. (2010). The frog in Kierkegaard's beer: Finding meaning in the violation-compensation literature. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4(10), 889-905.
Heine, S. J., Proulx, T., & Vohs, K. D. (2006). The meaning maintenance model: On the coherence of social motivations. Personality and Social Psychological Review, 10 (2), 88-111.
Randles, D., Proulx, T., & Heine, S. J. (2011). Turn-frogs and careful-sweaters: Non-conscious perception of incongruous word pairings provokes fluid compensation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(1), 246-249.
Proulx, T., Heine, S. J., & Vohs, K. D. (2010). When is the unfamiliar The Uncanny?: Meaning affirmation after exposure to absurdist literature, humor, and art. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 817-829.
Proulx, T., & Heine, S. J. (2009). Connections from Kafka: Exposure to meaning violations improves implicit learning of artificial grammar. Psychological Science, 20, 1125 – 1131.
Proulx, T., & Heine, S. J. (2008). The case of the transmogrifying experimenter: Affirmation of moral schema following implicit change detection. Psychological Science, 19 (12), 1294 – 1300.
Attitudes Towards Political Outgroups
Proulx, T., & Brandt, M. J. (2017). Beyond Threat and Uncertainty: The Underpinnings of Conservatism. Social Cognition, 35(4), 313-323.
Reiss, S., Klackl, J., Proulx, T., & Jonas, E. (2019). Strength of socio-political attitudes moderates electrophysiological responses to perceptual anomalies. PloS one, 14(8), e0220732.
Suhay, E., Brandt, M. J., & Proulx, T. (2016). Lay Belief in Biopolitics and Political Prejudice. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1948550616667615.
2019 – present: Coordinator and Instructor, Department of Psychology, Cardiff University. (Thinking About Human Behaviour)
2016 – 2019: Instructor, Department of Psychology, Cardiff University. (Social Psychology)
2011 – 2016: Coordinator and Instructor, Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University. (Social Cognition, Existential Psychology) Minor Coordinator, Department of Social Psychology Graduate Masters Program.
2007 – 2010: Coordinator and Instructor, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University. (Psychology of Meaning; Adolescent Development: Rationality, Morality, Identity; Cultural Psychology)
April 2016 - Present:
Cardiff University
Senior Lecturer – Social Psychology
January 2011 – April 2016:
Tilburg University
Assistant Professor – Social Psychology
January 2010 – 2011:
Simon Fraser University
Assistant Professor – Social Psychology
September 2008 – December 2009:
University of California, Santa Barbara
Postdoctoral Researcher - Self and Intergroup Relations Lab
Supervisor: Brenda Major
Postgraduate education
January 2006 - September 2008:
University of British Columbia
Major: Developmental Psychology
Degree: Ph.D.
Supervisor: Michael Chandler
Ph.D. Dissertation: Jekyll & Hyde & Me: Age-Graded and Cultural Variations in Perceptions of Self-Unity
January 2004 – December 2005:
University of British Columbia
Major: Developmental Psychology
Degree: M.A.
Supervisor: Michael Chandler
M.A. Thesis: Listener’s Gaze: Communicative Intent and Word Learning
September 2001 – December 2003:
University of British Columbia
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Degree: M.A.
Supervisor: Darrin Lehman
M.A. Thesis: Absurdity as the Source of Existential Anxiety: A Critique of Terror Management Theory
Undergraduate education
September 1997 – May 2001:
University of British Columbia
Major: Psychology
Degree awarded: B.A.
Honours and awards
Awards/external committees
Postgraduate research interests
If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details available on the 'Overview' page), or submit a formal application.
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
Worldviews and cognitive dissonance
Ideological contempt