Rwy'n arbenigo mewn Rheoli Logisteg a Gweithrediadau, ac mae fy arbenigedd yn ymestyn i gadwyni cyflenwi trwchus technoleg mewn sectorau allweddol fel diwydiannau modurol, awyrofod a lled-ddargludyddion.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn gwytnwch y cadwyni cyflenwi hyn, gan ganolbwyntio ar agweddau fel seiberddiogelwch, deunyddiau a mewnbwn beirniadol , a'r geowleidyddiaeth gysylltiedig.
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil hefyd yn cwmpasu pontio cymdeithasol-dechnegol a fframweithiau damcaniaethol arloesi aflonyddgar, sy'n darparu dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o ddeinameg y diwydiant.
Yn ogystal, rwy'n ymchwilio i gymhwyso deallusrwydd artiffisial ar draws amrywiol sectorau economaidd, gan ddadansoddi'r heriau allanol ac integreiddio, yn ogystal ag ymatebion polisi ac effeithiau da y cyhoedd sy'n gysylltiedig ag AI.
Mae fy gweithgareddau academaidd yn cynnwys ymchwil gweithredu ansoddol ar gyfer rheoli arloesi, pwysleisio awtomeiddio, trydaneiddio technolegau trafnidiaeth, a dynameg llwyfannau digidol a modelau busnes arloesi agored .
Mae'r ystod amrywiol hon o ddiddordebau yn tanlinellu fy ymagwedd gynhwysfawr at ddeall ac addysgu cymhlethdodau logisteg a rheoli gweithrediadau modern.
- Yang, T., Peattie, K., Skeete, J. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2024. Navigating transitions: How electric vehicle sharing is shaping sustainable mobility in Chinese cities. Sustainability 16(19), article number: 8364. (10.3390/su16198364)
- Helal, O., Haider, J., Skeete, J. and Lim, S. 2024. A systematic literature review approaches towards sustainable ports in the Gulf: a focus on Saudi Arabia and UAE. Presented at: IAME 2024, Valencia, Spain, 26-28 June 2024Proceedings IAME 2024: Book of Abstracts. IAME
- Helal, O., Haider, J., Skeete, J. and Lim, S. 2024. A systematic literature review: Approaches towards sustainable ports in The Gulf: A focus on Saudi Arabia and UAE. Presented at: The 28th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, 7–10 July 2024.
- Wells, P. and Skeete, J. 2023. Circular business models as instruments of corporate power. Presented at: New Business Models Conference Proceedings 2023Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Business Models. Maastricht University Press, (10.26481/mup.2302.36)
- Wang, Y., Skeete, J., John, B. and Filimonov, M. 2022. Building resilience and innovation through intelligent diverse supplier engagement. Presented at: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Nantes, France, 22-24 June 2022, Vol. 55. Vol. 10. Elsevier pp. 2390-2395., (10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.066)
- Wells, P. and Skeete, J. 2022. Producing the electric car. In: Parkhurst, G. and Clayton, W. eds. Electrifying Mobility: Realising a Sustainable Future for the Car. Transport and Sustainability Bingley: Emerald, pp. 53-69., (10.1108/S2044-994120220000015006)
- Wang, Y., Skeete, J. and Owusu, G. 2022. Understanding the implications of artificial intelligence on field service operations: a case study of BT. Production Planning and Control 33(16), pp. 1591-1607. (10.1080/09537287.2021.1882694)
- Skeete, J., Wells, P., Dong, X., Heidrich, O. and Harper, G. 2020. Beyond the EVent horizon: battery waste, recycling, and sustainability in the United Kingdom electric vehicle transition. Energy Research and Social Science 69, article number: 101581. (10.1016/j.erss.2020.101581)
- Skeete, J. 2019. Concentration of power: a UK case study examining the dominance of incumbent automakers and suppliers in automotive sociotechnical transitions. Global Transitions 1, pp. 93-103. (10.1016/j.glt.2019.06.001)
- Skeete, J. 2019. The obscure link between motorsport and energy efficient, low-carbon innovation: Evidence from the UK and European Union. Journal of Cleaner Production 214, pp. 674-684. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.048)
- Skeete, J. 2018. Level 5 autonomy: the new face of disruption in road transport. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 134, pp. 22-34. (10.1016/j.techfore.2018.05.003)
- Skeete, J. 2017. Examining the role of policy design and policy interaction in EU automotive emissions performance gaps. Energy Policy 104, pp. 373-381. (10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.018)
- Yang, T., Peattie, K., Skeete, J. and Koenig-Lewis, N. 2024. Navigating transitions: How electric vehicle sharing is shaping sustainable mobility in Chinese cities. Sustainability 16(19), article number: 8364. (10.3390/su16198364)
- Wang, Y., Skeete, J. and Owusu, G. 2022. Understanding the implications of artificial intelligence on field service operations: a case study of BT. Production Planning and Control 33(16), pp. 1591-1607. (10.1080/09537287.2021.1882694)
- Skeete, J., Wells, P., Dong, X., Heidrich, O. and Harper, G. 2020. Beyond the EVent horizon: battery waste, recycling, and sustainability in the United Kingdom electric vehicle transition. Energy Research and Social Science 69, article number: 101581. (10.1016/j.erss.2020.101581)
- Skeete, J. 2019. Concentration of power: a UK case study examining the dominance of incumbent automakers and suppliers in automotive sociotechnical transitions. Global Transitions 1, pp. 93-103. (10.1016/j.glt.2019.06.001)
- Skeete, J. 2019. The obscure link between motorsport and energy efficient, low-carbon innovation: Evidence from the UK and European Union. Journal of Cleaner Production 214, pp. 674-684. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.048)
- Skeete, J. 2018. Level 5 autonomy: the new face of disruption in road transport. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 134, pp. 22-34. (10.1016/j.techfore.2018.05.003)
- Skeete, J. 2017. Examining the role of policy design and policy interaction in EU automotive emissions performance gaps. Energy Policy 104, pp. 373-381. (10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.018)
Book sections
- Wells, P. and Skeete, J. 2022. Producing the electric car. In: Parkhurst, G. and Clayton, W. eds. Electrifying Mobility: Realising a Sustainable Future for the Car. Transport and Sustainability Bingley: Emerald, pp. 53-69., (10.1108/S2044-994120220000015006)
- Helal, O., Haider, J., Skeete, J. and Lim, S. 2024. A systematic literature review approaches towards sustainable ports in the Gulf: a focus on Saudi Arabia and UAE. Presented at: IAME 2024, Valencia, Spain, 26-28 June 2024Proceedings IAME 2024: Book of Abstracts. IAME
- Helal, O., Haider, J., Skeete, J. and Lim, S. 2024. A systematic literature review: Approaches towards sustainable ports in The Gulf: A focus on Saudi Arabia and UAE. Presented at: The 28th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, 7–10 July 2024.
- Wells, P. and Skeete, J. 2023. Circular business models as instruments of corporate power. Presented at: New Business Models Conference Proceedings 2023Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Business Models. Maastricht University Press, (10.26481/mup.2302.36)
- Wang, Y., Skeete, J., John, B. and Filimonov, M. 2022. Building resilience and innovation through intelligent diverse supplier engagement. Presented at: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Nantes, France, 22-24 June 2022, Vol. 55. Vol. 10. Elsevier pp. 2390-2395., (10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.066)
- Wang, Y., Skeete, J., John, B. and Filimonov, M. 2022. Building resilience and innovation through intelligent diverse supplier engagement. Presented at: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Nantes, France, 22-24 June 2022, Vol. 55. Vol. 10. Elsevier pp. 2390-2395., (10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.066)
- Wells, P. and Skeete, J. 2022. Producing the electric car. In: Parkhurst, G. and Clayton, W. eds. Electrifying Mobility: Realising a Sustainable Future for the Car. Transport and Sustainability Bingley: Emerald, pp. 53-69., (10.1108/S2044-994120220000015006)
- Wang, Y., Skeete, J. and Owusu, G. 2022. Understanding the implications of artificial intelligence on field service operations: a case study of BT. Production Planning and Control 33(16), pp. 1591-1607. (10.1080/09537287.2021.1882694)
- Skeete, J., Wells, P., Dong, X., Heidrich, O. and Harper, G. 2020. Beyond the EVent horizon: battery waste, recycling, and sustainability in the United Kingdom electric vehicle transition. Energy Research and Social Science 69, article number: 101581. (10.1016/j.erss.2020.101581)
- Skeete, J. 2019. Concentration of power: a UK case study examining the dominance of incumbent automakers and suppliers in automotive sociotechnical transitions. Global Transitions 1, pp. 93-103. (10.1016/j.glt.2019.06.001)
- Skeete, J. 2019. The obscure link between motorsport and energy efficient, low-carbon innovation: Evidence from the UK and European Union. Journal of Cleaner Production 214, pp. 674-684. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.048)
- Skeete, J. 2018. Level 5 autonomy: the new face of disruption in road transport. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 134, pp. 22-34. (10.1016/j.techfore.2018.05.003)
- Skeete, J. 2017. Examining the role of policy design and policy interaction in EU automotive emissions performance gaps. Energy Policy 104, pp. 373-381. (10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.018)
2023-2024: Rwyf wedi neidio i fyd ymchwil cadwyn gyflenwi lled-ddargludyddion, gan gydweithio â'r llywodraeth a diwydiant ledled y byd, gan edrych ar sut mae'r dechnoleg hon yn cydblethu ag EVs, diogelwch cenedlaethol, seiberddiogelwch a'r "ras arfau" AI fyd-eang.
2022: Rwyf wedi bod yn archwilio modelau busnes platfform digidol, a sut pan gaiff ei gymhwyso i sectorau seiber-ffisegol fel modurol, yna mae economïau cylchol yn dechrau edrych fel monopolïau sydd wedi'u hintegreiddio'n fertigol. Hefyd yn ehangu fy ymchwil model technoleg a busnes i'r diwydiannau amddiffyn a gêm fideo.
2021: Bûm yn gweithio ar amrywiol gydweithrediadau prosiect cerbydau trydan a blockchain mewn diwydiannau amrywiol.
2018-2021: postdoc tair blynedd yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, lle cafodd fy mhecyn gwaith y dasg benodol o asesu effaith economaidd-gymdeithasol cerbydau trydan diwedd oes yn y DU.
Dylunio Ymchwil: Mae fy agwedd ddamcaniaethol wedi'i hysbrydoli gan sawl amrywiad "Schumpeterian" o ddinistr creadigol fel Cronniad Creadigol, Arloesi Aflonyddgar a'r Persbectif Aml-Lefel wrth asesu trawsnewidiadau cymdeithasol-dechnegol. Mae fy dulliau ansoddol o ddadansoddi fel arfer yn troi o amgylch Codio Thematig a rhywfaint o Olrhain Prosesau.
Y prif fodiwl rwy'n ei addysgu yw Cadwyni Cyflenwi Digidol sy'n ymdrin â llawer o agweddau modern ar ddadansoddi a rheoli'r gadwyn gyflenwi.
2022-2024: Dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, rwyf wedi neidio i mewn i gydweithrediadau ymchwil gyda llwyfannau digidol sy'n defnyddio AI a Blockchain, y diwydiant Amddiffyn yn ogystal â'r diwydiant Lled-ddargludyddion.
2021: Ar y 1af o Ionawr 2021 roeddwn yn penodi un o Ddarlithwyr llawn amser mwyaf newydd Caerdydd yn adran Rheoli Logisteg a Gweithrediadau yr Ysgol Busnes. Am anrhydedd!
Ynghynt: Glaniais fy postdoc cyntaf ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd (Ysgol Busnes) ardderchog o dan yr Athro Peter Wells. Roedd yn brosiect 3 blynedd sylweddol a oedd yn rhyngddisgyblaethol ac yn amlddisgyblaethol, yn cynnwys sawl prifysgol. Edrychom ar bob agwedd ar Ailddefnyddio ac Ailgylchu Batris Ion Lithiwm (ReLiB). Am fwy o wybodaeth:
Phd: Cymerais blymio dwfn cyffrous iawn i ddiwydiant modurol yr UE gan archwilio pynciau o gerbydau ymreolaethol, i'r sgandal disel a hyd yn oed sut mae chwaraeon modur Fformiwla Un yn galluogi awto-wneuthurwyr i adeiladu ceir glanach. Rwy'n falch iawn o'r gwaith a wnes i ym Mhrifysgol Efrog, ac mae'n bennaf oherwydd fy ngoruchwylwyr yr Athro Neil Carter, a Dr. Samarthia Thankappan, sydd yn wir y gorau. Cyhoeddais bob un o'm pedair prif bennod draethawd ymchwil mewn amryw o gyfnodolion uchel eu parch.
M.Sc.: Dyma lle dechreuodd fy nghariad at ymchwil a chynaliadwyedd, wrth ymgymryd â gradd Meistr mewn Polisi Masnach Ryngwladol ym Mhrifysgol India'r Gorllewin yn Barbados. Gweithio ar ochr amgylcheddol (yna) NAFTA oedd y gwreichionen sydd wedi fy ngyrru i'r lle rydw i heddiw.
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2021: Prifysgol Caerdydd - Darlithydd mewn Logisteg a Rheoli Gweithrediadau
- 2018 - 2020: Prifysgol Caerdydd - Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-Ddoethurol (Cymrawd Ymchwil Sefydliad Faraday)
- 2014 - 2018: Prifysgol Efrog: PhD yn yr Amgylchedd a Gwleidyddiaeth
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Adolygydd Cyfnodolion, Rhagolwg Technolegol a Newid Cymdeithasol
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Yn bennaf delio â thechnolegau uwch mewn systemau sociotechnical neu gadwyni cyflenwi. Rwy'n hyblyg ac yn agored fy meddwl. Cysylltwch â mi :D
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29225 10879
Adeilad Aberconwy, Llawr 5ed, Ystafell Ystafell F22A, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Cadwyni cyflenwi modurol
- Cadwyni cyflenwi lled-ddargludyddion
- Ceisiadau masnachol AI
- Cadwyni Cyflenwi Corfforaeth Ryngwladol
- Systemau Sociotechnical