Dr Francesca Sobande
Darllenydd mewn Astudiaethau Cyfryngau Digidol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Dr Francesca Sobande yn awdur a darllenydd, sy'n ymchwilio i rym a gwleidyddiaeth y cyfryngau a'r farchnad. Mae ei gwaith yn canolbwyntio ar ddiwylliant a cherddoriaeth ailgymysgu digidol, diaspora(au) Du ac archifau, ffeministiaeth ddu a diwylliant pop, hiraeth ac isddiwylliannau, gwaith creadigol ac addysg, brandiau ac argyfyngau, a'r rhyngrwyd a'r cof diwylliannol.
Francesca yw awdur Big Brands Are Watching You: Marketing Social Justice and Digital Culture (Gwasg Prifysgol Califfornia, 2024), Suming Crisis: Commodifying Care and COVID-19 (SAGE, 2022), a The Digital Lives of Black Women in Britain (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). Mae hi'n gyd-awdur gyda Layla-Roxanne Hill of Black Oot Here: Black Lives in Scotland (Bloomsbury, 2022), a'r nofel graffig sydd ar gael am ddim Black Oot Here: Dreams O Us (a ariannwyd gan ESRC/AHRC 2023, darluniwyd gan Chris Manson, cyfieithwyd yn yr Albanwyr gan Lesley Benzie, ac a gyfieithwyd yng Gaeleg yr Alban gan Naomi Gessesse). Mae animeiddiad Dreams O Ni sy'n cyd-fynd â nhw, a gyd-grëwyd gyda Leeds Animation Workshop, yn cynnwys cerddoriaeth gan Nathan Somevi. Mae gwaith arfaethedig layla-roxanne a Francesca yn cynnwys y llyfr Look, Don't Touch: Reflections On The Freedom to Feel (404 Ink, 2025) sy'n myfyrio ar feithrin a rhwystro cymdeithas o fynegiant emosiynol, cyffyrddiad corfforol, a chysylltedd rhwng gwahanol rywogaethau a gofodau.
Mae Francesca hefyd yn gyd-olygydd gydag Akwugo Emejulu o To Exist yw Gwrthsefyll: Ffeministiaeth Ddu yn Ewrop (Gwasg Pluto, 2019), ac yn gyd-awdur gydag Anamik Saha a Gavan Titley o The Anti-Racist Media Manifesto (Polity, 2024). Mae ei hymchwil wedi'i chyhoeddi mewn ystod eang o gyfnodolion rhyngwladol, megis European Journal of Cultural Studies, The Sociological Review, Celebrity Studies, Television & New Media, Cultural Studies, IPPR Progressive Review, European Journal of Women's Studies, Meridians, Communication, Culture & Critique, a'r Cyfryngau, Diwylliant a Chymdeithas.
Yn 2020, datblygodd Francesca fodiwl israddedig newydd, "(Me)fi, Fi fy hun, a fi: The Power and Politics of Digital Remix Culture and Online Inequalities". Rhwng 2019–2023, roedd hi'n Gyd-gadeirydd Cyfathrebu (gyda Naya Jones) o'r International Race in the Marketplace Research Network.
Mae Francesca wedi gwneud sylwadau ar ei phynciau ymchwil ar gyfer Al Jazeera, BBC News, ABC News, CNN, i-D, New Scientist, New Statesman, ITV, The Guardian, Quartz, The Washington Post, a Times Radio, yn ogystal ag mewn digwyddiadau ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd yng Nghasgliad Wellcome, Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), a'r Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT).
Mae croeso i gynigion PhD yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Diwylliant ac archifau digidol du
- Ffeminyddiaeth ddu a diwylliant poblogaidd
- Datganoli a'r cyfryngau digidol
- Ffilm, hunaniaeth, a hiraeth
- Diwylliant meim, isddiwylliannau a gwleidyddiaeth
- Cerddoriaeth a'r rhyngrwyd
- Sobande, F. 2025. Blackness and metal: From Nu-Metal to Baddiecore. [Online]. Museum of Youth Culture. Available at: https://www.museumofyouthculture.com/blackness-nu-metal-baddiecore/
- hill, l. and Sobande, F. 2025. Look, don't touch: reflections on the freedom to feel. Inklings. 404 Ink.
- Sobande, F. and Amponsah, E. 2025. Demands, displays, and dreams of "Black joy" during times of crisis. Ethnic and Racial Studies 48(2), pp. 400-421. (10.1080/01419870.2024.2362461)
- Saha, A., Sobande, F. and Titley, G. 2024. The anti-racist media manifesto. The Manifesto Series. Polity.
- Sobande, F. 2024. Challengers: A cultural studies commentary on the fire and ice of filmic desires. European Journal of Cultural Studies (10.1177/13675494241264208)
- Smart, A., Williams, R., Weiner, K., Cheng, L. and Sobande, F. 2024. Ethico-racial positioning in campaigns for COVID-19 research and vaccination featuring public figures. Sociology of Health & Illness 46(5), pp. 984-1003. (10.1111/1467-9566.13748)
- Sobande, F. 2024. White and gendered aesthetics and attitudes of #pandemicbaking and #quarantinebaking. European Journal of Cultural Studies 27(3), pp. 389-407. (10.1177/13675494231222855)
- Sobande, F. 2024. "He Is a total sweetheart": UK Reality TV and technologies of populist publicity. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 63(2), pp. 156-161. (10.1353/cj.2024.a919197)
- lasade-anderson, t. and Sobande, F. 2024. Ideology as/of platform affordance and Black feminist conceptualisations of "cancelling": Reading Twitter. Television and New Media 26(1), pp. 119-131. (10.1177/15274764241277467)
- Sobande, F. 2024. Big brands are watching you: Marketing social justice and digital culture. University of California Press.
- Sobande, F., Hesmondhalgh, D. and Saha, A. 2023. Black, Brown and Asian cultural workers, creativity and activism: The ambivalence of digital self-branding practices. Sociological Review 71(6), pp. 1448-1466. (10.1177/00380261231163952)
- Sobande, F. 2023. The digital nesting of Black feminism. European Journal of Women's Studies 30(4), pp. 399-404. (10.1177/13505068231206213)
- Sobande, F. 2023. I wear my sunglasses to dream: Nope, Black dreaming, and grains of grief. The Arrow 10(2)
- Sobande, F. 2023. Black media nostalgia in Britain. Cultural Studies 38(3), pp. 434-453. (10.1080/09502386.2023.2261959)
- Sobande, F. and Klein, B. 2023. 'Come and get a taste of normal': Advertising, consumerism and the Coronavirus pandemic. European Journal of Cultural Studies 26(4), pp. 493-509. (10.1177/13675494221108219)
- Sobande, F. and Basu, M. 2023. "Beyond BAME, WOC, and 'political blackness'": diasporic digital communing practices. Communication, Culture & Critique 16(2), pp. 91-98. (10.1093/ccc/tcad012)
- Emejulu, A. and Sobande, F. 2023. Intersectional vulnerabilities and the banality of harm: the dangerous desires of women of color activists. Meridians 22(1), pp. 76-93. (10.1215/15366936-10220491)
- Sobande, F. and Wells, J. R. 2023. The poetic identity work and sisterhood of Black women becoming academics. Gender, Work and Organization 30(2), pp. 469-484. (10.1111/gwao.12747)
- Sobande, F., Saha, A. and Hesmondhalgh, D. 2023. How cultural workers address racism in the digital age. Project Report. Self-published.
- Sobande, F. 2022. Consuming crisis: commodifying care and covid-19.. Social Science for Social Justice. SAGE.
- Sobande, F., Kanai, A. and Zeng, N. 2022. The hypervisibility and discourses of 'wokeness' in digital culture. Media, Culture and Society 44(8), pp. 1576-1587. (10.1177/01634437221117490)
- Sobande, F. and hill, l. 2022. Black oot here: black lives in Scotland. Blackness in Britain. Bloomsbury.
- Rosa-Salas, M. and Sobande, F. 2022. Hierarchies of knowledge about intersectionality in marketing theory and practice. Marketing Theory 22(2), pp. 175-189. (10.1177/14705931221075372)
- Mimoun, L., Trujillo-Torres, L. and Sobande, F. 2022. Social emotions and the legitimation of the fertility technology market. Journal of Consumer Research 48(6), pp. 1073-1095., article number: ucab043. (10.1093/jcr/ucab043)
- Sobande, F. 2022. Locating social media in Black digital studies. In: Devan, R. ed. The Social Media Debate: Unpacking the Social, Psychological, and Cultural Effects of Social Media. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 137-151.
- Sobande, F. 2022. The celebrity whitewashing of Black Lives Matter and social injustices. Celebrity Studies 13(1), pp. 130-135. (10.1080/19392397.2022.2026147)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Cariad [Love]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46(4), pp. 822-824. (10.1111/tran.12491)
- Sobande, F. 2021. By us, for us? The narratives of Black women in past and present British feminist publishing. Women: A Cultural Review 3-4, pp. 395-409. (10.1080/09574042.2021.1973763)
- bruce, k., Walcott, R., Kihoro Mackay, K., Osei, K., lasade-anderson, t. and Sobande, F. 2021. Black feminist and digital media studies in Britain. Feminist Media Studies 21(8), pp. 1302-1321. (10.1080/14680777.2021.2006737)
- Sobande, F. and Emejulu, A. 2021. The black feminism remix lab: on black feminist joy, ambivalence, and futures. Culture, Theory and Critique 63(2-3), pp. 236-243. (10.1080/14735784.2021.1984971)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Screening Black Lives Matter: on-screen discourses, distortions, and depictions of Black Lives Matter. Feminist Media Studies 21(5), pp. 853-856. (10.1080/14680777.2021.1944893)
- Poole, S. et al. 2021. Operationalizing critical race theory in the marketplace. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 40(2), pp. 126-142. (10.1177/0743915620964114)
- Sobande, F., Schoonejans, A., Johnson, G. D., Thomas, K. D. and Harrison, A. K. 2021. Enacting anti-racist visualities through photo-dialogues on race in Paris. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 40(2), pp. 165-179. (10.1108/EDI-01-2020-0019)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Spectacularized and branded digital (re)presentations of Black people and Blackness. Television and New Media 22(2), pp. 131-146. (10.1177/1527476420983745)
- Linabary, J. R. et al. 2021. Envisioning more equitable and just futures: feminist organizational communication in theory and praxis. Management Communication Quarterly 35(1), pp. 142-168. (10.1177/0893318920973598)
- Sobande, F. 2021. The internet's 'transnational' boyfriend: digital (re)presentations of celebrity men. Feminist Media Studies 21(4), pp. 539-555. (10.1080/14680777.2021.1900312)
- Thomas, K. D., Davis, J. F., Wilson, J. A. and Sobande, F. 2020. Repetition or reckoning: confronting racism and racial dynamics in 2020. Journal of Marketing Management 36(13-14), pp. 1153-1168. (10.1080/0267257X.2020.1850077)
- Sobande, F. 2020. 'We're all in this together': Commodified notions of connection, care and community in brand responses to COVID-19. European Journal of Cultural Studies 23(6), pp. 1033-1037. (10.1177/1367549420932294)
- Memon, A., Sobande, F. and Olugboyega, J. 2020. Podcast as powerful pedagogy. In: Thomas, D. and Jivraj, S. eds. Towards Decolonising the University: A Kaleidoscope for Empowered Action. CounterPress, pp. 89-100.
- Sobande, F. and Osei, K. 2020. An African city: Black women’s creativity, pleasure, diasporic (dis)connections and resistance through aesthetic and media practices and scholarship. Communication, Culture and Critique 13(2), pp. 204-221. (10.1093/ccc/tcaa016)
- Sobande, F., Mimoun, L. and Torres, L. T. 2020. Soldiers and superheroes needed! Masculine archetypes and constrained bodily commodification in the sperm donation market. Marketing Theory 20(1), pp. 65-84. (10.1177/1470593119847250)
- Sobande, F. 2020. The digital lives of black women in Britain. Palgrave Studies in (Re) Presenting Gender. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Sobande, F., Fearfull, A. and Brownlie, D. 2020. Resisting media marginalisation: black women's digital content and collectivity. Consumption, Markets and Culture 23(5), pp. 413-428. (10.1080/10253866.2019.1571491)
- Sobande, F. 2019. Awkward Black girls and post-feminist possibilities: Representing millennial Black women on television in Chewing Gum and Insecure. Critical Studies in Television 14(4), pp. 435-450. (10.1177/1749602019870298)
- Sobande, F. 2019. Memes, digital remix culture and (re)mediating British politics and public life. IPPR Progressive Review 26(2), pp. 151-160. (10.1111/newe.12155)
- Sobande, F. 2019. How to get away with authenticity: Viola Davis and the intersections of Blackness, naturalness, femininity and relatability. Celebrity Studies 10(3), pp. 396-410. (10.1080/19392397.2019.1630154)
- Emejulu, A. and Sobande, F. eds. 2019. To exist is to resist: Black Feminism in Europe. Pluto Press.
- Sobande, F. 2019. Dissecting depictions of black masculinity in Get Out. In: Holland, S., Shail, R. and Gerrard, S. eds. Gender and Contemporary Horror in Film. Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 237-250., (10.1108/978-1-78769-897-020191016)
- Sobande, F. 2019. Re-meme-bering, Romanticizing and reframing the Obamas online. In: Lind, R. A. ed. Race/Gender/Class/Media - Considering Diversity Across Audiences, Content, and Producers. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 47-50.
- Sobande, F. 2019. Woke-washing: 'intersectional' femvertising and branding 'woke' bravery. European Journal of Marketing 54(11), pp. 2723-2745. (10.1108/EJM-02-2019-0134)
- Sobande, F. 2019. Constructing and critiquing interracial couples on YouTube. In: Johnson, G. D. et al. eds. Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107-120.
- Sobande, F. 2018. Accidental academic activism – Intersectional and (un)intentional feminist resistance. Journal of Applied Social Theory 1(2), pp. 83-101.
- Sobande, F. 2018. Black Feminist contributions to decolonizing the curriculum. In: Cupples, J. and Grosfoguel, R. eds. Unsettling Eurocentrism in the Westernized University. Routledge Research in New Postcolonialisms London and New York: Routledge, pp. 87-99.
- Sobande, F. 2018. Managing media as parental race-work: (Re)mediating children's black identities. In: Cross, S. N. N. et al. eds. Consumer Culture Theory: Research In Consumer Behavior., Vol. 19. Research in Consumer Behavior Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 37-53., (10.1108/S0885-211120180000019003)
- Sobande, F. 2017. Watching me watching you: black women in Britain on YouTube. European Journal of Cultural Studies 20(6), pp. 655-671. (10.1177/1367549417733001)
- Sobande, F. and Amponsah, E. 2025. Demands, displays, and dreams of "Black joy" during times of crisis. Ethnic and Racial Studies 48(2), pp. 400-421. (10.1080/01419870.2024.2362461)
- Sobande, F. 2024. Challengers: A cultural studies commentary on the fire and ice of filmic desires. European Journal of Cultural Studies (10.1177/13675494241264208)
- Smart, A., Williams, R., Weiner, K., Cheng, L. and Sobande, F. 2024. Ethico-racial positioning in campaigns for COVID-19 research and vaccination featuring public figures. Sociology of Health & Illness 46(5), pp. 984-1003. (10.1111/1467-9566.13748)
- Sobande, F. 2024. White and gendered aesthetics and attitudes of #pandemicbaking and #quarantinebaking. European Journal of Cultural Studies 27(3), pp. 389-407. (10.1177/13675494231222855)
- Sobande, F. 2024. "He Is a total sweetheart": UK Reality TV and technologies of populist publicity. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 63(2), pp. 156-161. (10.1353/cj.2024.a919197)
- lasade-anderson, t. and Sobande, F. 2024. Ideology as/of platform affordance and Black feminist conceptualisations of "cancelling": Reading Twitter. Television and New Media 26(1), pp. 119-131. (10.1177/15274764241277467)
- Sobande, F., Hesmondhalgh, D. and Saha, A. 2023. Black, Brown and Asian cultural workers, creativity and activism: The ambivalence of digital self-branding practices. Sociological Review 71(6), pp. 1448-1466. (10.1177/00380261231163952)
- Sobande, F. 2023. The digital nesting of Black feminism. European Journal of Women's Studies 30(4), pp. 399-404. (10.1177/13505068231206213)
- Sobande, F. 2023. I wear my sunglasses to dream: Nope, Black dreaming, and grains of grief. The Arrow 10(2)
- Sobande, F. 2023. Black media nostalgia in Britain. Cultural Studies 38(3), pp. 434-453. (10.1080/09502386.2023.2261959)
- Sobande, F. and Klein, B. 2023. 'Come and get a taste of normal': Advertising, consumerism and the Coronavirus pandemic. European Journal of Cultural Studies 26(4), pp. 493-509. (10.1177/13675494221108219)
- Sobande, F. and Basu, M. 2023. "Beyond BAME, WOC, and 'political blackness'": diasporic digital communing practices. Communication, Culture & Critique 16(2), pp. 91-98. (10.1093/ccc/tcad012)
- Emejulu, A. and Sobande, F. 2023. Intersectional vulnerabilities and the banality of harm: the dangerous desires of women of color activists. Meridians 22(1), pp. 76-93. (10.1215/15366936-10220491)
- Sobande, F. and Wells, J. R. 2023. The poetic identity work and sisterhood of Black women becoming academics. Gender, Work and Organization 30(2), pp. 469-484. (10.1111/gwao.12747)
- Sobande, F., Kanai, A. and Zeng, N. 2022. The hypervisibility and discourses of 'wokeness' in digital culture. Media, Culture and Society 44(8), pp. 1576-1587. (10.1177/01634437221117490)
- Rosa-Salas, M. and Sobande, F. 2022. Hierarchies of knowledge about intersectionality in marketing theory and practice. Marketing Theory 22(2), pp. 175-189. (10.1177/14705931221075372)
- Mimoun, L., Trujillo-Torres, L. and Sobande, F. 2022. Social emotions and the legitimation of the fertility technology market. Journal of Consumer Research 48(6), pp. 1073-1095., article number: ucab043. (10.1093/jcr/ucab043)
- Sobande, F. 2022. The celebrity whitewashing of Black Lives Matter and social injustices. Celebrity Studies 13(1), pp. 130-135. (10.1080/19392397.2022.2026147)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Cariad [Love]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46(4), pp. 822-824. (10.1111/tran.12491)
- Sobande, F. 2021. By us, for us? The narratives of Black women in past and present British feminist publishing. Women: A Cultural Review 3-4, pp. 395-409. (10.1080/09574042.2021.1973763)
- bruce, k., Walcott, R., Kihoro Mackay, K., Osei, K., lasade-anderson, t. and Sobande, F. 2021. Black feminist and digital media studies in Britain. Feminist Media Studies 21(8), pp. 1302-1321. (10.1080/14680777.2021.2006737)
- Sobande, F. and Emejulu, A. 2021. The black feminism remix lab: on black feminist joy, ambivalence, and futures. Culture, Theory and Critique 63(2-3), pp. 236-243. (10.1080/14735784.2021.1984971)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Screening Black Lives Matter: on-screen discourses, distortions, and depictions of Black Lives Matter. Feminist Media Studies 21(5), pp. 853-856. (10.1080/14680777.2021.1944893)
- Poole, S. et al. 2021. Operationalizing critical race theory in the marketplace. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 40(2), pp. 126-142. (10.1177/0743915620964114)
- Sobande, F., Schoonejans, A., Johnson, G. D., Thomas, K. D. and Harrison, A. K. 2021. Enacting anti-racist visualities through photo-dialogues on race in Paris. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 40(2), pp. 165-179. (10.1108/EDI-01-2020-0019)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Spectacularized and branded digital (re)presentations of Black people and Blackness. Television and New Media 22(2), pp. 131-146. (10.1177/1527476420983745)
- Linabary, J. R. et al. 2021. Envisioning more equitable and just futures: feminist organizational communication in theory and praxis. Management Communication Quarterly 35(1), pp. 142-168. (10.1177/0893318920973598)
- Sobande, F. 2021. The internet's 'transnational' boyfriend: digital (re)presentations of celebrity men. Feminist Media Studies 21(4), pp. 539-555. (10.1080/14680777.2021.1900312)
- Thomas, K. D., Davis, J. F., Wilson, J. A. and Sobande, F. 2020. Repetition or reckoning: confronting racism and racial dynamics in 2020. Journal of Marketing Management 36(13-14), pp. 1153-1168. (10.1080/0267257X.2020.1850077)
- Sobande, F. 2020. 'We're all in this together': Commodified notions of connection, care and community in brand responses to COVID-19. European Journal of Cultural Studies 23(6), pp. 1033-1037. (10.1177/1367549420932294)
- Sobande, F. and Osei, K. 2020. An African city: Black women’s creativity, pleasure, diasporic (dis)connections and resistance through aesthetic and media practices and scholarship. Communication, Culture and Critique 13(2), pp. 204-221. (10.1093/ccc/tcaa016)
- Sobande, F., Mimoun, L. and Torres, L. T. 2020. Soldiers and superheroes needed! Masculine archetypes and constrained bodily commodification in the sperm donation market. Marketing Theory 20(1), pp. 65-84. (10.1177/1470593119847250)
- Sobande, F., Fearfull, A. and Brownlie, D. 2020. Resisting media marginalisation: black women's digital content and collectivity. Consumption, Markets and Culture 23(5), pp. 413-428. (10.1080/10253866.2019.1571491)
- Sobande, F. 2019. Awkward Black girls and post-feminist possibilities: Representing millennial Black women on television in Chewing Gum and Insecure. Critical Studies in Television 14(4), pp. 435-450. (10.1177/1749602019870298)
- Sobande, F. 2019. Memes, digital remix culture and (re)mediating British politics and public life. IPPR Progressive Review 26(2), pp. 151-160. (10.1111/newe.12155)
- Sobande, F. 2019. How to get away with authenticity: Viola Davis and the intersections of Blackness, naturalness, femininity and relatability. Celebrity Studies 10(3), pp. 396-410. (10.1080/19392397.2019.1630154)
- Sobande, F. 2019. Woke-washing: 'intersectional' femvertising and branding 'woke' bravery. European Journal of Marketing 54(11), pp. 2723-2745. (10.1108/EJM-02-2019-0134)
- Sobande, F. 2018. Accidental academic activism – Intersectional and (un)intentional feminist resistance. Journal of Applied Social Theory 1(2), pp. 83-101.
- Sobande, F. 2017. Watching me watching you: black women in Britain on YouTube. European Journal of Cultural Studies 20(6), pp. 655-671. (10.1177/1367549417733001)
Book sections
- Sobande, F. 2022. Locating social media in Black digital studies. In: Devan, R. ed. The Social Media Debate: Unpacking the Social, Psychological, and Cultural Effects of Social Media. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 137-151.
- Memon, A., Sobande, F. and Olugboyega, J. 2020. Podcast as powerful pedagogy. In: Thomas, D. and Jivraj, S. eds. Towards Decolonising the University: A Kaleidoscope for Empowered Action. CounterPress, pp. 89-100.
- Sobande, F. 2019. Dissecting depictions of black masculinity in Get Out. In: Holland, S., Shail, R. and Gerrard, S. eds. Gender and Contemporary Horror in Film. Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 237-250., (10.1108/978-1-78769-897-020191016)
- Sobande, F. 2019. Re-meme-bering, Romanticizing and reframing the Obamas online. In: Lind, R. A. ed. Race/Gender/Class/Media - Considering Diversity Across Audiences, Content, and Producers. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 47-50.
- Sobande, F. 2019. Constructing and critiquing interracial couples on YouTube. In: Johnson, G. D. et al. eds. Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107-120.
- Sobande, F. 2018. Black Feminist contributions to decolonizing the curriculum. In: Cupples, J. and Grosfoguel, R. eds. Unsettling Eurocentrism in the Westernized University. Routledge Research in New Postcolonialisms London and New York: Routledge, pp. 87-99.
- Sobande, F. 2018. Managing media as parental race-work: (Re)mediating children's black identities. In: Cross, S. N. N. et al. eds. Consumer Culture Theory: Research In Consumer Behavior., Vol. 19. Research in Consumer Behavior Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 37-53., (10.1108/S0885-211120180000019003)
- hill, l. and Sobande, F. 2025. Look, don't touch: reflections on the freedom to feel. Inklings. 404 Ink.
- Saha, A., Sobande, F. and Titley, G. 2024. The anti-racist media manifesto. The Manifesto Series. Polity.
- Sobande, F. 2024. Big brands are watching you: Marketing social justice and digital culture. University of California Press.
- Sobande, F. 2022. Consuming crisis: commodifying care and covid-19.. Social Science for Social Justice. SAGE.
- Sobande, F. and hill, l. 2022. Black oot here: black lives in Scotland. Blackness in Britain. Bloomsbury.
- Sobande, F. 2020. The digital lives of black women in Britain. Palgrave Studies in (Re) Presenting Gender. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Emejulu, A. and Sobande, F. eds. 2019. To exist is to resist: Black Feminism in Europe. Pluto Press.
- Sobande, F., Saha, A. and Hesmondhalgh, D. 2023. How cultural workers address racism in the digital age. Project Report. Self-published.
- Sobande, F. 2025. Blackness and metal: From Nu-Metal to Baddiecore. [Online]. Museum of Youth Culture. Available at: https://www.museumofyouthculture.com/blackness-nu-metal-baddiecore/
- Black Oot Here: Black Lives in Scotland: Beth mae'n ei olygu i fod yn ddu yn yr Alban heddiw? Sut brofiad yw breuddwydio am hanes yr Alban Du? Yn seiliedig ar gyfweliadau pontio'r cenedlaethau, ymatebion i'r arolwg, ffotograffiaeth a deunydd wedi'i archifo, mae Black Oot Here: Black Lives in Scotland (Bloomsbury, 2022), a gyd-awdurwyd â layla-roxanne hill, yn cynnig ciplun unigryw o hanes Du yr Alban a'r fan a'r lle. Mae cyd-greadigaethau Black Oot Here hefyd yn cynnwys y nofel graffig sydd ar gael yn rhad ac am ddim, Black Oot Here: Dreams O Ni (a ariennir gan ESRC/AHRC, 2023), darluniwyd gan Chris Manson a'i chyfieithu yn yr Albanwyr (gan Lesley Benzie) a Gaeleg yr Alban (gan Naomi Gessesse). Crëwyd animeiddiad cysylltiedig gydag Oran Rose O'Sullivan / Leeds Animation Workshop ac mae'n cynnwys cerddoriaeth gan Nathan Somevi. Gwefan y prosiect yw: blackinscotland.com.
- Argyfwng Bwyta: Addasu Gofal a COVID-19: Argyfwng Bwyta (SAGE, 2022) sy'n cyfrif am sut y gwnaeth diwylliant defnyddwyr fanteisio ar y Coronafeirws, a sut mae brandiau'n honni eu bod yn gofalu wrth ddweud wrthym am "gadw'n dawel a bwyta". Mae'r dadansoddiad hwn o bŵer a gwleidyddiaeth marchnata yn archwilio cymysgedd eclectig o ymgyrchoedd, cynnwys a phrofiadau. Mae'n amlinellu arwyddocâd cymdeithasol hysbysebion ffasiwn cyflym, 'moment' pandemig bara banana, strategaethau cyfryngau cymdeithasol prifysgolion, a sut mae technoleg ddigidol yn cyfryngu atgofion a gwaith. Yn seiliedig ar y gred na all brandiau fod yn actifyddion, mae'r llyfr hwn yn ystyried sut maen nhw'n adeiladu gofal, cyfeillgarwch, diwylliant, a bywyd 'normal' fel y'i gelwir.
- "Woke-washing" a "Gweithredaeth Brand": Mae Francesca yn dadansoddi'n feirniadol y berthynas rhwng brandio, marchnata, cyfiawnder cymdeithasol, a diwylliant digidol. Codwyd ei gwaith ar "woke-washing" (European Journal of Marketing, 2019) gan Yahoo! News, The Independent, Quartz, ac MSN. Mae Big Brands Are Watching You yn ehangu ar waith o'r fath i archwilio diwylliant corfforaethol a moesoldeb yn y farchnad, o frandio cwmnïau a chenhedloedd i bortreadau teledu o fusnes mawr a'r gweithle (Diwydiant, Trac Partner, Diswyddo, Olyniaeth, The Bold Type, You).
- Ystyron a Negeseuon Vlogs am Fywyd y Brifysgol: Roedd cynllun Lleoliadau Cyfleoedd Ymchwil (CUROP) Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cynnwys Jeevan Kaur a Francesca Sobande yn ymchwilio i sut a pham mae prifysgolion a'u myfyrwyr yn defnyddio blogio. Roedd hwn yn ddadansoddiad disgwrs digidol beirniadol o flogiau YouTube "bywyd prifysgol," gan gynnwys vlogs a grëwyd gan ddylanwadwyr yn annibynnol ar brifysgolion, a vlogs a grëwyd ar gyfer / mewn partneriaeth â phrifysgolion. Mae'r dadansoddiad yn cynorthwyo dealltwriaeth o ystyriaethau, cyfleoedd a heriau sy'n gysylltiedig â defnydd myfyrwyr a phrifysgolion o flogiau.
- Sut mae gweithwyr diwylliannol yn mynd i'r afael â hiliaeth yn yr oes ddigidol: Roedd Francesca yn brif ymchwilydd ar y prosiect hwn gyda Dr Anamik Saha (Goldsmiths, Prifysgol Llundain), yr Athro David Hesmondhalgh (Prifysgol Leeds), a'r cynorthwyydd ymchwil Jason Roberts (Prifysgol Caerdydd), gyda chefnogaeth y Gronfa Arloesi Digid (a ariennir gan ESRC). Roedd y gwaith yn seiliedig ar 30 o gyfweliadau gyda gweithwyr yn y diwydiannau creadigol a diwylliannol. Roedd yr ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar sut mae pobl yn mynd i'r afael â hiliaeth ac yn mynd ar drywydd gwaith cyflogedig mewn sectorau sy'n siapio diwylliant cyhoeddus. Mae'r canfyddiadau'n ymddangos yn yr erthygl "Gweithwyr diwylliannol Du, Brown ac Asiaidd, creadigrwydd a gweithrediaeth: Amwysedd arferion hunan-frandio digidol" yn The Sociological Review.
- Prosiect Ffotolais Trawsddisgyblaethol ar Hil a Marchnadoedd: Mewn cydweithrediad â Dr Guillaume Johnson (Prifysgol Dauphine Paris) ac fel rhan o'i rhan yn y Race in the Marketplace Research Network, roedd Francesca yn gyd-brif ymchwilydd ar brosiect a ariannwyd gan Sefydliad Ymchwil Cymdeithasol Annibynnol (ISRF). Fe'i seiliwyd ar "weithdy ffotovoice" deuddydd cyn Fforwm RIM (2019), a oedd yn canolbwyntio ar ddogfennaeth ffotograffig a chreadigol hiliaeth a hanes hiliol Paris. Mae'r allbynnau'n cynnwys Rhifyn Bwletin ISRF XXIII: Hil a Marchnadoedd a'r erthygl "Deddfu delweddau gwrth-hiliol trwy ddeialogau lluniau ar hil ym Mharis".
- Profiadau Digidol a Chyfryngau Menywod Du ym Mhrydain: Ers dros wyth mlynedd, mae Francesca wedi bod yn ymchwilio i brofiadau digidol a chyfryngau menywod Du ym Mhrydain, gan barhau o'i thraethawd PhD Diaspora Digidol a (Re)mediating Black Women in Britain (2018), a phenllanw yn ei llyfr – The Digital Lives of Black Women in Britain (2020, Palgrave Macmillan), a nifer o erthyglau cyfnodolion cysylltiedig. Mae Pennod 2: Black Women and the Media in Britain yn fynediad agored ac roedd ymhlith uchafbwyntiau Springer Nature 2020 gan ei fod yn un o'r penodau llyfrau mwyaf poblogaidd a gyhoeddwyd ganddynt y flwyddyn honno.
Mae Francesca yn Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA).
Mae'n arwain y modiwlau canlynol (2024/25):
- Israddedig - (fi)fi, fi fy hun, a fi: Grym a Gwleidyddiaeth Diwylliant Ailgymysgu Digidol ac Anghydraddoldebau Ar-lein
- Israddedigion - Sylwadau
Wedi'i arwain yn flaenorol (2019/20):
- Ôl-raddedig - Materion Beirniadol mewn Llafur Creadigol
Cyd-arweiniwyd yn flaenorol gyda Dr Arne Hintz (2019/20):
- Ôl-raddedig - Deall Cyfryngau Digidol
Yn cyfrannu at ystod o fodiwlau eraill fel darlithydd gwadd, gan gynnwys y canlynol yn 2020/21:
- Israddedig - Brandio a Hunaniaeth
- Israddedig - Cyflogadwyedd: Gwybodaeth, Sgiliau a Phrofiad
- Israddedig - Cyfryngau a Rhyw
- Ôl-raddedig - Cymdeithas Datafied
- Ôl-raddedig - Rhoi Ymchwil ar Waith 2
Cyn ymuno â Phrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2019, bu Francesca yn addysgu modiwlau marchnata a hysbysebu beirniadol fel Marchnata: Cyflwyniad Beirniadol (MA), E-Fasnach a M-Fasnach (UG), a Rheoli Marchnata Byd-eang (UG) ym Mhrifysgol Edge Hill. Wrth gwblhau ei PhD ym Mhrifysgol Dundee (2015-2018), roedd Francesca yn diwtor ar fodiwlau megis Cysyniadau Rheoli mewn Cyd-destun (UG), Amgylcheddau Busnes Rhyngwladol (UG), a Busnes Hawliau Dynol (UG).
Yn ystod ei hymchwil doethurol ar "Diaspora Digidol a (Re)mediating Black Women in Britain", derbyniodd Francesca ddwy wobr papur cynhadledd ac ysgoloriaeth i gymryd rhan yn y Fforwm Hil yn y Farchnad (Prifysgol Americanaidd). Fel derbynnydd grant Foundation Scotland Fran Trust yn 2017, cyflwynodd Francesca ymchwil ryngwladol ar "Black Diasporic Identity (Re)Mediation".
Cyn gweithio fel darlithydd prifysgol, bu Francesca yn gweithio mewn amrywiaeth o rolau cyfathrebu ym maes addysg uwch, y celfyddydau a'r sector dielw. Mae profiad Francesca o addysgeg ddigidol yn cynnwys cyd-arwain cwrs gyda Daniel Lynds (Coleg Davidson) ar "Deialogau Gweledol Beirniadol" yn y Lab Pedagogy Digidol yn 2020, dysgu am wahanol ddulliau addysgeg digidol wrth fynychu'r Lab Addysgeg Digidol fel Cymrawd yn 2019, a datblygu modiwl israddedig Prifysgol Caerdydd "(Me)fi, Fi fy hun, a minnau: Grym a Gwleidyddiaeth Diwylliant Remix Digidol ac Anghydraddoldebau Ar-lein".
Erthyglau newyddion:
- Quire on "The murky noughties phenomenon of auto-tuning the news": https://www.esquire.com/uk/culture/a42457082/auto-tuning-the-news/
- Mewnbwn ar "Mae artist gwyliadwriaeth yn dangos sut mae hud Instagram yn cael ei wneud". https://www.inverse.com/input/culture/dries-depoorters-ai-surveillance-art-the-follower-instagram-influencers-photos
- Vodafone ar "A yw actifiaeth ddigidol ein plant yn gweithio mewn gwirionedd?": https://newscentre.vodafone.co.uk/smart-living/digital-parenting/does-our-kids-digital-activism-actually-work/
- The Washington Post ar "Byd proffidiol, cymhleth cyplau interracial TikTok": https://news.yahoo.com/lucrative-complicated-world-tiktoks-interracial-151045972.html
- Gwyddonydd Newydd ar "Artiffisial deallus robot yn parhau rhagfarn hiliol a rhywiaethol": https://www.newscientist.com/article/2326129-artificially-intelligent-robot-perpetuates-racist-and-sexist-prejudice/
- Prysurdeb ar "Cwrdd â'r darlithydd sy'n cofnodi bywydau digidol pobl ddu": https://www.bustle.com/life/dr-francesca-sobande-discusses-black-digital-spaces
- Quartz on "Os yw pawb yn casáu wokewashing, pam mae cwmnïau'n dal i'w wneud?": https://qz.com/work/1920202/what-is-wokewashing-and-how-can-brands-avoid-it/
- CNN ar "Ar ôl pum tymor, mae 'ansicr' yn gadael etifeddiaeth hirhoedlog": https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/26/entertainment/insecure-finale-legacy-cec/index.html
- The Guardian on "Bossing it: why the women of big tech are taking over the small screen": https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/feb/18/bossing-it-why-the-women-of-big-tech-are-taking-over-the-small-screen
- ABC News on "Bill yn galw am astudio effaith cyfraith newydd ar ddiogelwch gweithwyr rhyw": https://abc13.com/bill-calls-for-study-of-new-laws-impact-on-safety-of-sex-workers/5771311/
- Holi ar "A yw'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn hiliol trwy ddylunio?": https://www.esquire.com/uk/culture/a34532613/social-media-racism/
- Canvas8 ar "Dr. Francesca Sobande ar anghydraddoldebau mewn mannau digidol": https://www.canvas8.com/content/2021/05/28/dr-francesca-sobande-thought-leader.html
- Yr Wyneb ar "Yr achos dros ddienw ar-lein": https://theface.com/society/online-anonymity-social-media-internet-trolls-pc-stuart-ward-marcus-rashford
- Mae'r Independent on "Mae galwadau i ddod â anhysbysrwydd cyfryngau cymdeithasol i ben yn rhoi mwy o bŵer i lwyfannau heb ddatrys y broblem mewn gwirionedd, yn ôl arbenigwyr": https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/euro-2020-racism-social-media-england-b1883969.html
- New Statesman ar "Pwy sydd y tu ôl i gam-drin ar-lein chwaraewyr du Lloegr a sut allwn ni ei atal?": https://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/social-media/2021/07/who-behind-online-abuse-black-england-players-and-how-can-we-stop
- Hot Press on "IDing the problem of racist abuse on social media": https://www.hotpress.com/culture/iding-the-problem-of-racial-abuse-on-social-media-22862418
- Spark CBC Radio ar "Mae platfformau cyfryngau cymdeithasol 'yn elwa o groestoriadau hiliaeth a chyfalafiaeth'": https://www.cbc.ca/radio/spark/social-media-platforms-benefit-from-the-intersections-of-racism-and-capitalism-1.6189164
- The Guardian on "A fydd yn ein dinistrio? Pam mae arswyd bob amser yn ymlusgo i ddrama ddu" [erthygl]: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/jul/14/i-may-destroy-you-michaela-coel-why-horror-always-creeps-in-to-black-drama
- The Guardian ar "Pam mae arswyd bob amser yn ymlusgo i ddrama ddu?" [Fideo]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cxxdbDrW0c
- Rhaid i'r National on "Liberation of all remain the end game for independent Scotland" [erthygl]: https://www.thenational.scot/news/18923885.liberation-must-remain-end-game-independent-scotland/
- Al Jazeera Saesneg ar "Mammy, Jezebel a saffir: Stereoteipio menywod Du yn y cyfryngau - The Listening Post (nodwedd)" [fideo]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2teqoyPe3TU
- BBC Radio Wales ar "Good Tech, Bad Tech": https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000td7l
- Mae cymdeithas sydd wedi goroesi yn cynnig dewis arall i Women's Hour (E125) ar "fywydau digidol menywod du ym Mhrydain": https://soundcloud.com/user-622675754/e125-francesca-sobande-the-digital-lives-of-black-women-in-britain
- Busy Being Black ar "The Digital Lives of Black Women in Britain": https://open.spotify.com/show/1sMQ0TkalZ7SVfm6jpyg4u
- Ar gyfer Llif, "'Emo' go iawn": Mythologizing a marchnata cerddoriaeth emo": https://www.flowjournal.org/2023/12/real-emo/
- Ar gyfer Ffatri Finyl, "Pam mae emo yn dioddef: hiraeth cysurus emo ar finyl": https://thevinylfactory.com/features/emo-on-vinyl/
- Ar gyfer Paste Magazine, "Welcome to When We Were Young's Big Tech parade": https://www.pastemagazine.com/tech/when-we-were-young/when-we-were-young-festival-big-tech-netflix-googl/
- Ar gyfer Ymylon, "On Nope, the mundanity of grief, and solace in spectacle": https://marginstwenty.home.blog/2022/08/20/on-nope-the-mundanity-of-grief-and-solace-in-spectacle/
- Ar gyfer Busnes a Chymdeithas Caerfaddon, "'Ymarfer dychmygus', effaith, a rhyngblethiad": https://blogs.bath.ac.uk/business-and-society/2022/07/12/imaginative-practice-impact-and-intersectionality/
- Ar gyfer Digid, "Teimlo'n gartrefol yn y gwaith? Anghydraddoldebau, cynhwysiant, ac amgylcheddau gwaith sy'n newid": https://digit-research.org/blog_article/feeling-at-home-at-work-inequalities-inclusiveness-changing-work/
- Ar gyfer Ymylon, "Mewn gormod? Ar ffotograffiaeth, atgofion a chreu ystyron": https://marginstwenty.home.blog/2022/04/26/in-excess-on-photography-memories-and-meaning-making/
- Ar gyfer Verizon, "marchnata dylanwadwyr: mae 5G yn helpu crewyr nesaf gen lefelu i fyny": https://www.verizon.com/about/news/5g-levels-up-influencer-marketing
- Ar gyfer y Sgwrs, "Dylanwadwyr CGI: pan nad yw'r 'bobl' rydym yn eu dilyn ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol yn ddynol": https://theconversation.com/cgi-influencers-when-the-people-we-follow-on-social-media-aren't-human-165767
- Ar gyfer yr Adolygiad Cymdeithasegol, "Gwleidyddiaeth heddwch, chwarae a phreifatrwydd digidol yn ystod pandemig COVID-19: Rhwng ymgysylltiad digidol, datgan a hawl": https://www.thesociologicalreview.com/the-politics-of-digital-peace-play-and-privacy-during-the-covid-19-pandemic-between-digital-engagement-enclaves-and-entitlement/
- Ar gyfer Datblygu Economeg, "'Ydyn ni i gyd yn hyn gyda'n gilydd?': Myfyrio ar flwyddyn o negeseuon marchnata COVID-19": https://developingeconomics.org/2021/04/27/are-we-all-in-this-together-reflecting-on-a-year-of-covid-19-marketing-messages/
- Ar gyfer Disegno, "Ni fydd y chwyldro yn cael ei frandio": https://disegnojournal.com/newsfeed/the-revolution-will-not-be-branded
- Ar gyfer Caerdydd Greadigol, "Gwaith creadigol, cymuned a chefnogaeth mewn cyfnod o argyfwng": https://creativecardiff.org.uk/creative-work-community-and-support-time-crisis
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Cyd-oruchwyliodd Francesca Sobande brosiect doethurol Emma-Lee Amponsah (Prifysgol Ghent), "BLACK CONNECTIVITY: A
Archwiliad ansoddol o arferion cyfryngau diwylliannol du a hunaniaethau ar y cyd yng Ngwlad Belg". Mae hi wedi bod yn rhan o'r tîm goruchwylio ar gyfer ystod o brosiectau doethuriaeth yn y gorffennol, gan gynnwys gwaith Ina Sander (Prifysgol Caerdydd) ar "Lythrennedd Data Mawr Critigol".
Cyn hynny, roedd Francesca yn gyd-oruchwyliwr prosiect Mphil in Architecture and Urban Design Khensani de Klerk (Prifysgol Caergrawnt), "public aGender: Investigating the relationship between public infrastructure and urban violence experienced by women of colour in Cape Town, South Africa".
Ar hyn o bryd, mae Francesca yn gyd-oruchwyliwr prosiect doethurol Folashadé Ajayi (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) ar actifiaeth Ddu yn Ewrop. Mae Francesca hefyd yn rhan o bwyllgor traethawd ymchwil prosiect doethurol Collincia Rouse (Prifysgol British Columbia).