Yr Athro Dean Stroud
PhD (Cardiff) FHEA MSc B.Sc. (Econ) Wales
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Dean Stroud
Athro Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol
Rwy'n Athro addysgu ac ymchwilio ym maes sgiliau a datblygu'r gweithlu. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig yn economi wleidyddol systemau sgiliau a sgiliau, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â'r gweithle a threfnu addysg a hyfforddiant galwedigaethol, a rôl undebau llafur ynddo. Mae diddordebau ymchwil eraill yn cynnwys gwyrddu sgiliau, swyddi ac economi a phrosesau newid technolegol a digideiddio. Mae diwydiant trwm, a diwydiant dur Ewrop yn enwedig, yn darparu'r cyd-destun ar gyfer llawer o'm hymchwil. Mae fy ymchwil diweddar yn cynnwys prosiect ESSA ar anghenion sgiliau'r diwydiant dur Ewropeaidd yn y dyfodol https://www.estep.eu/essa/ ac ar hyn o bryd rydw i'n ymwneud â phrosiect ALCHIMIA Prosiect Alchimia | (alchimia-project.eu) canolbwyntio ar optimeiddio effeithlonrwydd cynhyrchu dur mewn ffwrneisi Electric Arc.
Diwydiant 4.0 a'r Ffordd i Wneud Dur Cynaliadwy yn Ewrop: Ail-lunio'r Dyfodol | SpringerLink
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation in the steel industry: Reflecting on routine work and skills in Industry 4.0. Economic and Industrial Democracy 45(3), pp. 914-936. (10.1177/0143831X231201002)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. "Green skills" and the emergent property of "greening". Policy Studies (10.1080/01442872.2024.2332441)
- Akyazi, T. et al. 2024. Conclusion: Recasting the future of the European steel industry. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 219-227., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_14)
- Stroud, D. et al. eds. 2024. Industry 4.0 and the road to sustainable steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Springer Nature.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. The technological and social transformation of the European steel industry: Towards decarbonisation and digitalisation. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 17-34., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_2)
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Behrend, C., Colla, V., Goti, A. and Schroeder, A. 2024. Introduction: The historic importance and continued relevance of steel-making in Europe. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 1-14., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_1)
- Vannucci, M., Matino, R., Murri, M. M., Piancaldini, R., Schroeder, A. and Stroud, D. 2024. Robotic systems in the European steel industry: state-of-art and use cases. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 77-96., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_5)
- Antonzzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Preparing for a digital steel industry: What challenge for skills formation systems?. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 167-181., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_11)
- Stroud, D., Hale, R., Weinel, M., Di Iorio, V. and Antonazzo, L. 2024. Artificial Intelligence for steelmaking: optimizing processes, augmenting workers, blurring accountability. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference 24, Göttingen, Germany, 3-5 April 2024.
- Weinel, M. et al. 2023. ALCHIMIA D2.1 Requirements and human-centric recommendation. Project Report. ALCHIMIA.
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Akayzi, T. 2023. Sector Skills Matrix Report: Deliverable D4.3. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at: https://www.estep.eu/assets/Uploads/ESSA-D4.3-Sector-Skills-Matrix-final-version-2023-06.pdf
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2023. ESSA Identification of National (Sector) VET Qualification and Skills (Regulatory) Frameworks for Steel. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at: https://www.estep.eu/essa/download-area/deliverables/
- Mori, J. and Stroud, D. 2023. Education, vocational training and labour markets in Vietnam: mutual distrust and the supply-side approach. In: Lee, W. O. et al. eds. International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-25., (10.1007/978-981-16-2327-1_58-1)
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: IVET responsiveness to Industry 4.0 - meeting emerging skill needs in the European steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44(1), pp. 25-46. (10.1177/0143831X211059227)
- Hale, R., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Understanding the digitalization of work in the steel industry using the sociology of work, industrial sociology and STS. Presented at: Science Technology and Society Conference, Graz, Austria, 8 - 10 May 2023.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2023. Green skills and the emergent property of greening. Presented at: ILPC 2023: 41st International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 April 2023.
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2022. Analysis of cross-European VET frameworks and standards for sector skills recognition. Deliverable D4.2. Project Report. [Online]. ESTEP. Available at: https://www.estep.eu/essa/download-area/deliverables/
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2022. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation. Reflecting routine work and the importance of transversal skills in shifting to industry 4.0. Presented at: 40th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2022), Padua, Italy, 21-23 April 2022.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Weinel, M., Dearden, K. and Mowbray, A. 2021. Preparing for a just transition: meeting green skills needs for a sustainable steel industry. Community.
- Mori, J. and Stroud, D. 2021. Skills policy for growth and development: the merits of local approaches in Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Development 83, article number: 102386. (10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102386)
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2021. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: analysing VET responsiveness in the context of industry 4.0 skills needs and workforce development. Presented at: BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021, Virtual, 25-27 August 2021.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2020. Innovating for energy efficiency: digital gamification in the European steel industry. European Journal of Industrial Relations 26(4), pp. 419-437. (10.1177/0959680120951707)
- Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Technical-maintenance worker perspectives on digital drone technology 'effects' in the European steel industry. New Technology, Work and Employment 35(3), pp. 297-313. (10.1111/ntwe.12174)
- Stroud, D., Timperley, V. and Weinel, M. 2020. Digitised drones in the steel industry: the social shaping of technology. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 75(4), pp. 730-750.
- White Research, . et al. 2020. Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills: towards an EU strategy addressing the skills needs of the steel sector. European vision on steel-related skills and supporting actions to solve the skills gap today and tomorrow in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020. Available at: http://doi.org/10.2826/2092
- Stroud, D. 2020. Building the right skills for the European steel industry: two road maps. Presented at: Steel Careers Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 15 May 2020.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2019. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Worker perspectives on drone technologies in the steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2019), Vienna, Austria, 24-26 April 2019.
- Stroud, D. 2019. Our changing environment and the prospects for decent and sustainable work. Presented at: ILO Future of Work Centenary, Debating the Future of Work: Challenges and Prospects, Sheffield, England, 28-29 May 2019.
- Piancaldini, R. et al. 2019. Dromosplan - an innovative platform of autonomous UAVs for monitoring and inspecting infrastructures and industrial sites. Presented at: 14th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, 27-29 March 2019. onepetro.org
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P., Evans, C. and Blake, J. 2018. Governments matter for capitalist economies: Regeneration and transition to green and decent jobs. Economic and Industrial Democracy 39(1), pp. 87-108. (10.1177/0143831X15601731)
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2018. Dromosplan: Report on human factors. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Energy management structure and behaviour and motivation analysis within each sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Organisational factors by sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D. and OECD Green Growth Studies, . 2017. Greening the blue economy in Pomorskie, Poland. Paris: OECD Publishing. (10.1787/9789264281509-en)
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2017. Gamification as a strategy for greening the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield, UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Greening steel work: varieties of capitalism and the 'greening' of skills. Journal of Education and Work 29(3), pp. 263-283. (10.1080/13639080.2014.907487)
- Stroud, D. A. and Hopkins, A. 2016. Aspects of mutual engagement: school of engineering and industry collaborations. Higher Education Pedagogies 1(1), pp. 30-41. (10.1080/23752696.2015.1134203)
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2016. WaterWatt Work Package 3: Human and organisational challenges D3.3 Report on organisational indicators. Project Report. Horizon 2020.
- Doering, H., Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Sustainable varieties of capitalism: greening steelwork in Brazil and Germany. Presented at: 24th International Labour Process Conference, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 April 2016.
- Doering, H., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2015. Sustainable varieties of capitalism? The greening of steel work in Brazil and Germany. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 70(4), pp. 621-644. (10.7202/1034897ar)
- Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2014. Greening steel work: varieties of capitalism, the environmental agenda and innovating for the greening of the labour process. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 118-138.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P., Evans, C. and Blake, J. 2014. Skill development in the transition to a 'green economy': A 'varieties of capitalism' analysis. Economic and Labour Relations Review 25(1), pp. 10-27. (10.1177/1035304613517457)
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Fairbrother, P. 2014. Organized capitalism? Explaining variation in the skills regimes of liberal market economies. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Kings College, London, London, UK, 7-9 April 2014.
- Evans, C., Blake, J., Fairbrother, P. and Stroud, D. 2013. Jobs and skills: 'Green' jobs and decent Jobs. Presented at: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ 2013), Fremantle, Western Australia, 6-8 February, 2013 Presented at Rainnie, A. and Todd, P. eds.Work, employment and employment relations in an uneven patchwork world: Proceedings of the 27th AIRAANZ Conference. pp. 101-111.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2013. Jobs and skills transition for the Latrobe Valley: Phase 1: Benchmark occupations and skill sets. Project Report. RMIT University and Swinburne University of Technology.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2013. Skilling the Bay: Geelong regional labour market profile: final report. Project Report. Centre for Sustainable Work and Organisations, RMIT.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Fairbrother, P. 2013. An international study of comparator cases, skilling the bay Geelong - regional labour market profile - Attachment to final report. Working paper. Melbourne: Centre for Sustainable Organisations and Work, RMIT.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2012. The limits and prospects of union power: Addressing mass redundancy in the steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33(4), pp. 649-668. (10.1177/0143831X11425542)
- Stroud, D. A. 2012. Organizing training for union renewal: a case study analysis of the European Union steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33(2), pp. 225-244. (10.1177/0143831X11404577)
- Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2012. Greening steel work: Varieties of capitalism, the green skills agenda and the 'greening' of the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 March, 2012.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C., Blake, J. and Fairbrother, P. 2012. Developing green jobs and skills in the transition from high to low carbon economies: an international comparison. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 March, 2012.
- Gardner, D. and Stroud, D. 2012. Feedback: What do students want? A comparative study of students' expectations of assessment feedback. Presented at: The Seventh AECEF International Symposium, London, UK, 13-14 September 2012.
- Stroud, D. A. and Evans, C. 2011. Environmental legislation, policy and practice: the UK steel industry. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. 2011. Towards a European Steel Council on jobs and skills- Identifying the actors. Working paper.
- Stroud, D. A. 2010. A report for Corus, Port Talbot: an evaluation of the basics of gas combustion training. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. A., Turnbull, P. J. and Fairbrother, P. 2010. Workforce (gender) re-composition in ‘traditional’ industry: lessons from European port and steel sectors. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers, New York, USA, 2010.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2009. Labour union strategies in the European Union steel sector. In: Gall, G. ed. The Future of Union Organising: Building for Tomorrow. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 114-130.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2009. Changing experiences of (steel)work: capitalism, technology and the question of skill. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 6 - 8 April, 2009.
- Stroud, D. A. 2009. Dilemmas for contemporary trade unionism: lessons from the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp130.pdf
- Stroud, D. A., Turnbull, P. J., Fairbrother, P., Heery, E. J. and Martinez Lucio, M. 2009. Report for the ITF/ETF: women in ports. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Trade union strategies in the European Union steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, University College Dublin, Ireland, 18 - 20 March, 2008.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: questions for public policy1. Policy Studies 29(2), pp. 145-161. (10.1080/01442870802033423)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. The importance of workplace learning for trade unions: a study of the steel industry. Studies in Continuing Education 30(3), pp. 231-245. (10.1080/01580370802439920)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Workplace learning: a trade union failure to service needs. Journal of Workplace Learning 20(1), pp. 6-20. (10.1108/13665620810843610)
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2008. Equality and diversity learning in the European steel industry. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2007. Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: Questions for public policy. Presented at: CRIMT International Conference: What Public Policies for Work in a Global Era?, Montréal, QC, Canada, 24-26 May 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Beck, V. 2007. Employability of the mature aged unemployed: An unrealistic goal for the East Midlands. Presented at: European Sociological Association, Glasgow, UK, 3-6 September 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2007. Workforce transformation in the new European steel industry: A case study analysis of the consequences of structural change for workforce composition in a "traditional" industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 April 2007.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2006. Workplace Learning: Dilemmas for the European Steel Industry. Journal of Education and Work 19(5), pp. 455-480. (10.1080/13639080600988731)
- Stroud, D., Taylor, C. and Smetherham, C. 2005. Independent study into the devolution of the student support system and tuition fee regime: a review of research on student support systems and tuition fee regimes, with a special focus on Wales. Welsh Assembly Government.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2005. Addressing employability: Questions for trade unions. Presented at: Conference on Training, Employment and Employability, Monash University, Prato, Italy, 22-23 September 2005. pp. -.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. The question of pan-European qualifications. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. New steel industry challenges. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The internationalisation of the world steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The changing European steel workforce. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. Training and qualifications in the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The European Union steel industry: from a national to a regional industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Coffey, A., Fairbrother, P. and Stroud, D. 2004. Equality and diversity in the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in the United Kingdom. Working paper. Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Netherlands. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University, School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Italy. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Germany. Project Report. Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. Workforce transformation and equal opportunities in the new European steel industry: a case study analysis of the effects of recent structural changes. Presented at: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2004, Utrecht, Netherlands, 26-28 August 2004.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Poland. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Parken, A., Fairbrother, P., Davies, S., Hamner, M., Jephcote, M. and Stroud, D. A. 2004. Equal opportunities and diversity changing employment patterns in the European electricity industry: A Report for EPSU, EMCEF and EURELECTRIC. Project Report. [Online]. European Commission. Available at: http://www.epsu.org/IMG/pdf/ExecutiveSummary081204.pdf
- Stroud, D. 2002. The social construction of labour markets by students in higher education. PhD Thesis, University of Wales.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2002. Equality and diversity in the European steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 April, 2002.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2002. Learning Steel Work in a Globalising Industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 April, 2002.
- Rees, G. M. and Stroud, D. A. 2001. Creating a mass system of higher education: participation, the economy and citizenship. In: Phillips, R., Furlong, J. and , ,. eds. Education, Reform and the State: Twenty-Five Years of Politics, Policy and Practice. RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 72-86.
- Stroud, D. 2001. Student financial hardship in Further and Higher Education: With special reference to Wales: A research review. Working paper. Cardiff: National Assembly of Wales.
- Stroud, D. 2001. Further and Higher Education participation and student support arrangements: With special reference to Wales: A description and evaluation. Cardiff: National Assembly of Wales.
- Rees, G. and Stroud, D. 2001. Regenerating the coalfields: the South Wales Experience. Working paper. Bevan Foundation.
- Stroud, D. A. 2001. The independent investigation group on student hardship and funding in Wales. The Welsh Journal of Education, pp. 92-104.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation in the steel industry: Reflecting on routine work and skills in Industry 4.0. Economic and Industrial Democracy 45(3), pp. 914-936. (10.1177/0143831X231201002)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. "Green skills" and the emergent property of "greening". Policy Studies (10.1080/01442872.2024.2332441)
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: IVET responsiveness to Industry 4.0 - meeting emerging skill needs in the European steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44(1), pp. 25-46. (10.1177/0143831X211059227)
- Mori, J. and Stroud, D. 2021. Skills policy for growth and development: the merits of local approaches in Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Development 83, article number: 102386. (10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102386)
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2020. Innovating for energy efficiency: digital gamification in the European steel industry. European Journal of Industrial Relations 26(4), pp. 419-437. (10.1177/0959680120951707)
- Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Technical-maintenance worker perspectives on digital drone technology 'effects' in the European steel industry. New Technology, Work and Employment 35(3), pp. 297-313. (10.1111/ntwe.12174)
- Stroud, D., Timperley, V. and Weinel, M. 2020. Digitised drones in the steel industry: the social shaping of technology. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 75(4), pp. 730-750.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P., Evans, C. and Blake, J. 2018. Governments matter for capitalist economies: Regeneration and transition to green and decent jobs. Economic and Industrial Democracy 39(1), pp. 87-108. (10.1177/0143831X15601731)
- Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Greening steel work: varieties of capitalism and the 'greening' of skills. Journal of Education and Work 29(3), pp. 263-283. (10.1080/13639080.2014.907487)
- Stroud, D. A. and Hopkins, A. 2016. Aspects of mutual engagement: school of engineering and industry collaborations. Higher Education Pedagogies 1(1), pp. 30-41. (10.1080/23752696.2015.1134203)
- Doering, H., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2015. Sustainable varieties of capitalism? The greening of steel work in Brazil and Germany. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 70(4), pp. 621-644. (10.7202/1034897ar)
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P., Evans, C. and Blake, J. 2014. Skill development in the transition to a 'green economy': A 'varieties of capitalism' analysis. Economic and Labour Relations Review 25(1), pp. 10-27. (10.1177/1035304613517457)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2012. The limits and prospects of union power: Addressing mass redundancy in the steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33(4), pp. 649-668. (10.1177/0143831X11425542)
- Stroud, D. A. 2012. Organizing training for union renewal: a case study analysis of the European Union steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 33(2), pp. 225-244. (10.1177/0143831X11404577)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: questions for public policy1. Policy Studies 29(2), pp. 145-161. (10.1080/01442870802033423)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. The importance of workplace learning for trade unions: a study of the steel industry. Studies in Continuing Education 30(3), pp. 231-245. (10.1080/01580370802439920)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Workplace learning: a trade union failure to service needs. Journal of Workplace Learning 20(1), pp. 6-20. (10.1108/13665620810843610)
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2006. Workplace Learning: Dilemmas for the European Steel Industry. Journal of Education and Work 19(5), pp. 455-480. (10.1080/13639080600988731)
- Stroud, D. A. 2001. The independent investigation group on student hardship and funding in Wales. The Welsh Journal of Education, pp. 92-104.
Book sections
- Akyazi, T. et al. 2024. Conclusion: Recasting the future of the European steel industry. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 219-227., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_14)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. The technological and social transformation of the European steel industry: Towards decarbonisation and digitalisation. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 17-34., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_2)
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Behrend, C., Colla, V., Goti, A. and Schroeder, A. 2024. Introduction: The historic importance and continued relevance of steel-making in Europe. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 1-14., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_1)
- Vannucci, M., Matino, R., Murri, M. M., Piancaldini, R., Schroeder, A. and Stroud, D. 2024. Robotic systems in the European steel industry: state-of-art and use cases. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 77-96., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_5)
- Antonzzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Preparing for a digital steel industry: What challenge for skills formation systems?. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 167-181., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_11)
- Mori, J. and Stroud, D. 2023. Education, vocational training and labour markets in Vietnam: mutual distrust and the supply-side approach. In: Lee, W. O. et al. eds. International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-25., (10.1007/978-981-16-2327-1_58-1)
- Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2014. Greening steel work: varieties of capitalism, the environmental agenda and innovating for the greening of the labour process. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 118-138.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2009. Labour union strategies in the European Union steel sector. In: Gall, G. ed. The Future of Union Organising: Building for Tomorrow. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 114-130.
- Rees, G. M. and Stroud, D. A. 2001. Creating a mass system of higher education: participation, the economy and citizenship. In: Phillips, R., Furlong, J. and , ,. eds. Education, Reform and the State: Twenty-Five Years of Politics, Policy and Practice. RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 72-86.
- Stroud, D. et al. eds. 2024. Industry 4.0 and the road to sustainable steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Springer Nature.
- Stroud, D. and OECD Green Growth Studies, . 2017. Greening the blue economy in Pomorskie, Poland. Paris: OECD Publishing. (10.1787/9789264281509-en)
- Stroud, D., Hale, R., Weinel, M., Di Iorio, V. and Antonazzo, L. 2024. Artificial Intelligence for steelmaking: optimizing processes, augmenting workers, blurring accountability. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference 24, Göttingen, Germany, 3-5 April 2024.
- Hale, R., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Understanding the digitalization of work in the steel industry using the sociology of work, industrial sociology and STS. Presented at: Science Technology and Society Conference, Graz, Austria, 8 - 10 May 2023.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2023. Green skills and the emergent property of greening. Presented at: ILPC 2023: 41st International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 April 2023.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2022. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation. Reflecting routine work and the importance of transversal skills in shifting to industry 4.0. Presented at: 40th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2022), Padua, Italy, 21-23 April 2022.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2021. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: analysing VET responsiveness in the context of industry 4.0 skills needs and workforce development. Presented at: BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021, Virtual, 25-27 August 2021.
- Stroud, D. 2020. Building the right skills for the European steel industry: two road maps. Presented at: Steel Careers Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 15 May 2020.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2019. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Worker perspectives on drone technologies in the steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2019), Vienna, Austria, 24-26 April 2019.
- Stroud, D. 2019. Our changing environment and the prospects for decent and sustainable work. Presented at: ILO Future of Work Centenary, Debating the Future of Work: Challenges and Prospects, Sheffield, England, 28-29 May 2019.
- Piancaldini, R. et al. 2019. Dromosplan - an innovative platform of autonomous UAVs for monitoring and inspecting infrastructures and industrial sites. Presented at: 14th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, 27-29 March 2019. onepetro.org
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2017. Gamification as a strategy for greening the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield, UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Doering, H., Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Sustainable varieties of capitalism: greening steelwork in Brazil and Germany. Presented at: 24th International Labour Process Conference, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 April 2016.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Fairbrother, P. 2014. Organized capitalism? Explaining variation in the skills regimes of liberal market economies. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Kings College, London, London, UK, 7-9 April 2014.
- Evans, C., Blake, J., Fairbrother, P. and Stroud, D. 2013. Jobs and skills: 'Green' jobs and decent Jobs. Presented at: Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ 2013), Fremantle, Western Australia, 6-8 February, 2013 Presented at Rainnie, A. and Todd, P. eds.Work, employment and employment relations in an uneven patchwork world: Proceedings of the 27th AIRAANZ Conference. pp. 101-111.
- Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2012. Greening steel work: Varieties of capitalism, the green skills agenda and the 'greening' of the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 March, 2012.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C., Blake, J. and Fairbrother, P. 2012. Developing green jobs and skills in the transition from high to low carbon economies: an international comparison. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2012), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 March, 2012.
- Gardner, D. and Stroud, D. 2012. Feedback: What do students want? A comparative study of students' expectations of assessment feedback. Presented at: The Seventh AECEF International Symposium, London, UK, 13-14 September 2012.
- Stroud, D. A., Turnbull, P. J. and Fairbrother, P. 2010. Workforce (gender) re-composition in ‘traditional’ industry: lessons from European port and steel sectors. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers, New York, USA, 2010.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2009. Changing experiences of (steel)work: capitalism, technology and the question of skill. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 6 - 8 April, 2009.
- Stroud, D. A. and Fairbrother, P. 2008. Trade union strategies in the European Union steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, University College Dublin, Ireland, 18 - 20 March, 2008.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2007. Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: Questions for public policy. Presented at: CRIMT International Conference: What Public Policies for Work in a Global Era?, Montréal, QC, Canada, 24-26 May 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Beck, V. 2007. Employability of the mature aged unemployed: An unrealistic goal for the East Midlands. Presented at: European Sociological Association, Glasgow, UK, 3-6 September 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2007. Workforce transformation in the new European steel industry: A case study analysis of the consequences of structural change for workforce composition in a "traditional" industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 April 2007.
- Stroud, D. and Fairbrother, P. 2005. Addressing employability: Questions for trade unions. Presented at: Conference on Training, Employment and Employability, Monash University, Prato, Italy, 22-23 September 2005. pp. -.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. Workforce transformation and equal opportunities in the new European steel industry: a case study analysis of the effects of recent structural changes. Presented at: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2004, Utrecht, Netherlands, 26-28 August 2004.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2002. Equality and diversity in the European steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 April, 2002.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2002. Learning Steel Work in a Globalising Industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-4 April, 2002.
- Weinel, M. et al. 2023. ALCHIMIA D2.1 Requirements and human-centric recommendation. Project Report. ALCHIMIA.
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Akayzi, T. 2023. Sector Skills Matrix Report: Deliverable D4.3. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at: https://www.estep.eu/assets/Uploads/ESSA-D4.3-Sector-Skills-Matrix-final-version-2023-06.pdf
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2023. ESSA Identification of National (Sector) VET Qualification and Skills (Regulatory) Frameworks for Steel. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at: https://www.estep.eu/essa/download-area/deliverables/
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2022. Analysis of cross-European VET frameworks and standards for sector skills recognition. Deliverable D4.2. Project Report. [Online]. ESTEP. Available at: https://www.estep.eu/essa/download-area/deliverables/
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Weinel, M., Dearden, K. and Mowbray, A. 2021. Preparing for a just transition: meeting green skills needs for a sustainable steel industry. Community.
- White Research, . et al. 2020. Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills: towards an EU strategy addressing the skills needs of the steel sector. European vision on steel-related skills and supporting actions to solve the skills gap today and tomorrow in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020. Available at: http://doi.org/10.2826/2092
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2018. Dromosplan: Report on human factors. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Energy management structure and behaviour and motivation analysis within each sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Organisational factors by sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2016. WaterWatt Work Package 3: Human and organisational challenges D3.3 Report on organisational indicators. Project Report. Horizon 2020.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2013. Jobs and skills transition for the Latrobe Valley: Phase 1: Benchmark occupations and skill sets. Project Report. RMIT University and Swinburne University of Technology.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2013. Skilling the Bay: Geelong regional labour market profile: final report. Project Report. Centre for Sustainable Work and Organisations, RMIT.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Fairbrother, P. 2013. An international study of comparator cases, skilling the bay Geelong - regional labour market profile - Attachment to final report. Working paper. Melbourne: Centre for Sustainable Organisations and Work, RMIT.
- Stroud, D. A. and Evans, C. 2011. Environmental legislation, policy and practice: the UK steel industry. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. 2011. Towards a European Steel Council on jobs and skills- Identifying the actors. Working paper.
- Stroud, D. A. 2010. A report for Corus, Port Talbot: an evaluation of the basics of gas combustion training. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D. A. 2009. Dilemmas for contemporary trade unionism: lessons from the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp130.pdf
- Stroud, D. A., Turnbull, P. J., Fairbrother, P., Heery, E. J. and Martinez Lucio, M. 2009. Report for the ITF/ETF: women in ports. Cardiff: Centre for Global Labour Research, Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P. et al. 2008. Equality and diversity learning in the European steel industry. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D., Taylor, C. and Smetherham, C. 2005. Independent study into the devolution of the student support system and tuition fee regime: a review of research on student support systems and tuition fee regimes, with a special focus on Wales. Welsh Assembly Government.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. The question of pan-European qualifications. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. New steel industry challenges. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The internationalisation of the world steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The changing European steel workforce. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D., Fairbrother, P. and Coffey, A. 2004. Training and qualifications in the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fairbrother, P., Stroud, D. and Coffey, A. 2004. The European Union steel industry: from a national to a regional industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Coffey, A., Fairbrother, P. and Stroud, D. 2004. Equality and diversity in the European steel industry. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in the United Kingdom. Working paper. Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Netherlands. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University, School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Italy. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Germany. Project Report. Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Stroud, D., Coffey, A. and Fairbrother, P. 2004. The case studies: Steel industry skills and training in Poland. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Parken, A., Fairbrother, P., Davies, S., Hamner, M., Jephcote, M. and Stroud, D. A. 2004. Equal opportunities and diversity changing employment patterns in the European electricity industry: A Report for EPSU, EMCEF and EURELECTRIC. Project Report. [Online]. European Commission. Available at: http://www.epsu.org/IMG/pdf/ExecutiveSummary081204.pdf
- Stroud, D. 2001. Student financial hardship in Further and Higher Education: With special reference to Wales: A research review. Working paper. Cardiff: National Assembly of Wales.
- Stroud, D. 2001. Further and Higher Education participation and student support arrangements: With special reference to Wales: A description and evaluation. Cardiff: National Assembly of Wales.
- Rees, G. and Stroud, D. 2001. Regenerating the coalfields: the South Wales Experience. Working paper. Bevan Foundation.
- Stroud, D. 2002. The social construction of labour markets by students in higher education. PhD Thesis, University of Wales.
Mae Dean Stroud yn Athro mewn Sgiliau a Datblygu'r Gweithlu yn Ysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Caerdydd. Prif ffocws ei ymchwil yw anghenion sgiliau a hyfforddiant a dysgu yn y gweithle. Mae meysydd eraill o ddiddordeb yn cynnwys y broses lafur a chysylltiadau diwydiannol, ailgyflunio gweithlu a chydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth. Yn fwy diweddar mae ei ymchwil wedi canolbwyntio ar faterion 'gwyrdd' a chynaliadwyedd, yn enwedig o ran sgiliau a swyddi 'gwyrdd' a thrawsnewidiadau o economïau a phrosesau carbon isel uchel i isel o newid technolegol a digideiddio.
Ymchwil Cyfredol
€ 3.5M ALCHIMIA: Data a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial datganoledig ar gyfer diwydiant meteleg Ewropeaidd cystadleuol a gwyrdd Nod y prosiect yw adeiladu platfform yn seiliedig ar Ddysgu Ffederal a Dysgu Parhaus i helpu diwydiannau meteleg Ewropeaidd mawr ddatgloi potensial llawn AI i gefnogi trawsnewid i ddiwydiant o ansawdd uchel, cystadleuol, gwyrdd ac effeithlon. Horizon Europe - Galwad: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITIAL-EMERGING-01 Prosiect Alchimia | (alchimia-project.eu)
Hyd: 2022-2025
Sefydliad Hyfforddiant Ewropeaidd Archwilio'r Dull Ymchwil Cydbwysedd Sgiliau Sectoraidd: Mewnwelediadau o Wlad Pwyl a Chymru a'i Photensial Gweithredu'n Türkiye Nod y prosiect hwn yw tynnu gwersi methddololegol o ymchwil sectoraidd yng Ngwlad Pwyl a Chymru ar gyfer cymhwyso dadansoddiad sgiliau sector yn Türkiye
Hyd: 2023-2024
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
€ 3.9M Agenda Sgiliau Dur Ewropeaidd (ESSA) Nod y prosiect yw datblygu Glasbrint ar gyfer Agenda Sgiliau Dur Ewropeaidd gynaliadwy, wedi'i yrru a'i chydlynu gan ddiwydiant dur (ESSA). Bydd yr Agenda yn cyflwyno strategaeth ar gyfer bodloni gofynion sgiliau presennol ac yn y dyfodol, ac yn treialu datblygiad modiwlau ac offer ar gyfer adeiladu ymwybyddiaeth a gweithredu sgiliau newydd ar gyfer diwydiant sy'n gystadleuol yn fyd-eang. Y nod yw bod yn barod i ragweld gofynion sgiliau newydd a datblygu gweithgareddau ymarferol rhagweithiol i fodloni gofynion y diwydiant yn y dyfodol. https://www.estep.eu/essa/
Mae "Agenda Sgiliau Newydd Steel": Agenda a Strategaeth Sgiliau Dur Ewropeaidd cynaliadwy (ESSA) sy'n cael ei yrru gan y diwydiant yn Alwad Erasmus +: Cynghreiriau Sgiliau Sector (Lot 3) Gweithredu: Cynghreiriau Sgiliau Sector mewn addysg alwedigaethol a hyfforddiant Math o weithredu: Cynghreiriau Sgiliau Sector ar gyfer gweithredu dull strategol newydd (Glasbrint) i gydweithrediad sectoraidd ar sgiliau
Rhif y Prosiect: 600886-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-SSA-B
Rhif y Cytundeb: 2018-3059/001-001
Hyd: 2019-2023
Diwydiant 4.0 a'r Ffordd i Wneud Dur Cynaliadwy yn Ewrop: Ail-lunio'r Dyfodol | SpringerLink
£12,647k Paratoi ar gyfer Pontio Cyfiawn: diwallu Anghenion Sgiliau Gwyrdd ar gyfer Diwydiant Dur Cynaliadwy, Cyllidwr: Undeb Cymunedol Gorffennaf-Hydref 2021: Nod y prosiect hwn yw deall parodrwydd gweithwyr dur gwell ar gyfer datgarboneiddio a gwyrddio'r diwydiant dur.
Mynediad i'r adroddiad yma: Cwrdd â'r angen sgiliau gwyrdd - Undeb Llafur Cymunedol (community-tu.org)
€ 1.7M Dromosplan, Cyllidwr: Cronfa Ymchwil y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd ar gyfer Glo a Dur 2016-2020: Nod y prosiect hwn yw gwerthuso'r manteision sy'n deillio o gymhwyso Cerbydau Awyr Di-griw (UAVs) mewn gwaith dur
Rôl Arbenigol € 738K : "Glasbrint ar gyfer cydweithredu sectoraidd ar sgiliau: tuag at strategaeth UE sy'n mynd i'r afael ag anghenion sgiliau'r sector dur" Cyllidwr: Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd - Rhaglen Asiantaeth Weithredol Busnesau Bach a Chanolig (EASME): COSME - Rhaglen yr UE ar gyfer Cystadleurwydd Mentrau a Mentrau Bach a Chanolig, 2019-2020
€ 1.7M WaterWatt, cyllidwr: Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd Horizon 2020 (2016-18 arwain partner / cyd-ymgeisydd y DU gyda DECHEMA, o brosiect ymchwil 24 mis, gyda RA pt6 llawn, ynghyd â chostau ymchwil). Y Prosiect WaterWatt "Gwella effeithlonrwydd ynni mewn cylchedau dŵr diwydiannol gan ddefnyddio gamification ar gyfer hunanasesu ar-lein, meincnodi a chymorth penderfyniadau economaidd", a ddechreuodd ar 1 Ebrill 2016, sydd â'r prif amcan o gynyddu effeithlonrwydd ynni mewn cylchedau dŵr diwydiannol. http://www.waterwatt.eu/
WaterWatt | myScience / Newyddion
€ 2K Pwyllgor Deialog Cymdeithasol y Sector Dur – Gweithgor Hyfforddi: Datblygu'r Gweithlu, Recriwtio a Chadw: Mapio Demograffeg Cymdeithasol, Cyllidwr: Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd (2015-2016/7: Ymgysylltu fel arbenigwr rhyngwladol a phrif ymchwilydd)
€ 3K + treuliau Hybu Sgiliau Eco-systemau ar gyfer Swyddi Gwyrddach yn Rhanbarth Pomeranian yng Ngwlad Pwyl Cyllidwr: Rhaglen LEED OECD (2014: ymgysylltu fel arbenigwr rhyngwladol)
$ 20K (AUS) Sgiliau y Bae Geelong - Proffil Rhanbarthol y Farchnad Lafur, Cyllidwr: Llywodraeth Wladwriaeth Victoria a RMIT Melbourne (2012-13: ymgynghorydd ar brosiect ymchwil 12 mis, gyda rhan amser RA pt6)
€ 530K - Greening Technical VET - Modiwl Hyfforddiant Cynaliadwy ar gyfer y cyllidwr: Diwydiant Dur Ewropeaidd Leonardo da Vinci Prosiectau Amlochrog: Datblygu Arloesi (2011-2013: partner / cyd-ymgeisydd arweiniol y DU gyda SFS Dortmund, o brosiect ymchwil 24 mis, gyda RA llawn pt6, ynghyd â chostau ymchwil).
$8K (AUS) Latrobe Valley Sgiliau ac Astudiaeth Pontio Cyllidwr: Llywodraeth Wladwriaeth Victoria a RMIT Melbourne (2011-12: ymgynghorydd ar brosiect ymchwil 6 mis, gyda rhan amser RA pt6)
€ 25K tuag at gyngor Dur Ewropeaidd ar Swyddi a Sgiliau: Adnabod yr Actorion, Cyllidwr: Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd (2010-2011, partner arweiniol yn y DU fel arbenigwr gwahoddedig)
£2K Gwerthusiad o Gronfeydd Sylfaenol Hyfforddiant Hylosgi Nwy: Tata Steel (2009-10: ymgynghorydd ar brosiect ymchwil/gwerthuso 6 mis)
£5K Menywod ym Mhorthoedd, Cyllidwr: Ffederasiwn Gweithwyr Trafnidiaeth Rhyngwladol a Ffederasiwn Gweithwyr Trafnidiaeth Ewrop (2009: Ymchwilydd)
£14.5K Yr Arferion a'r Broses o Ddysgu yn y Gweithle yn Cyllidwr Diwydiant Dur Prydain: Canolfan Ymchwil SKOPE ESRC (2007-08: cyd-ymgeisydd gyda Peter Fairbrother)
£6K Addysg yn y Gweithle: Archwilio effeithiolrwydd strategaethau dysgu seiliedig ar waith Cyllidwr: Cynllun Gwobrau'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Nuffield (2007-08: Prif Ymchwilydd)
£10k Ymchwiliad i ailhyfforddi gweithwyr dur diangen mewn cymunedau dur yng Nghymru Cyllidwr: Prifysgol Caerdydd, Menter Ymchwilydd Ifanc Caerdydd (2007-08: Prif Ymchwilydd)
Astudiaeth Annibynnol ar Ddatganoli System Cefnogi Myfyrwyr a'r drefn ffioedd dysgu yng Nghymru, cyllidwr: Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru (2005: Ymchwilydd)
€ 572K Dysgu Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth yn Cyllidwr Diwydiant Dur Ewrop: Prosiect Peilot Leonardo Da Vinci (2004-2007: partner / cyd-ymgeisydd arweiniol y DU gyda Peter Fairbrother o brosiect ymchwil 36 mis)
€ 25K Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth yn Cyllidwr Diwydiant Trydan Ewrop: Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd (2004: Ymchwilydd)
€ 540K Heriau'r Diwydiant Dur Newydd Cyllidwr: Prosiect Peilot Leonardo da Vinci (2001-2004: Rheolwr Prosiect ac Ymchwilydd)
€ 31K Anghenion Sgiliau yn y Dyfodol yn y Sector Trydan Ewropeaidd, Cyllidwr: Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd (2003: Ymchwilydd)
Grŵp Ymchwilio Annibynnol ar galedi a chyllid myfyrwyr, Cyllidwr: Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru (2000: Ymchwilydd)
Ysgoloriaeth PhD ESRC Ymchwiliad i adeiladu marchnadoedd llafur yn gymdeithasol gan fyfyrwyr mewn addysg uwch' (1997-2000).
Rwy'n addysgu ar raglenni israddedig ac ôl-raddedig ym meysydd gwaith, cyflogaeth, marchnadoedd llafur a sgiliau, gan gynnwys ar raglenni MSc Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, MSc Addysg a MSc Cymdeithaseg.
Roeddwn yn Gyfarwyddwr Rhaglen MSc Sgiliau a Datblygu'r Gweithlu, a oedd yn gydweithrediad â'r Sefydliad Dysgu Oedolion, Prifysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithas Singapôr ac a gynhaliwyd rhwng 2014-2022 https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/112813-successful-start-to-the-first-year-of-the-msc-skills-and-workforce-development
Rwy'n goruchwylio ymchwil PhD ym meysydd addysg a hyfforddiant, datblygu sgiliau, gwaith, cyflogaeth a chysylltiadau diwydiannol. Rwy'n arweinydd llwybr addysg Ysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Caerdydd ar gyfer Ysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Graddedigion ESRC Cymru (WGSSS) http://walesdtp.ac.uk/pathway/education/
Ers 2015 rwyf wedi trefnu lleoliad Erasmus+ blynyddol gyda fy mhartneriaid ymchwil yn Sozialforschungsstelle, Prifysgol Dechnegol Dortmund https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/103869-four-undergraduates-win-overseas-placements-for-summer-2015 ar gyfer israddedigion ail flwyddyn.
Rwy'n Gymrawd o'r Academi Addysg Uwch.
- PhD mewn Cymdeithaseg Addysg a Chymdeithaseg Marchnadoedd Llafur (Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd) Teitl: 'Adeiladu Cymdeithasol Marchnadoedd Llafur gan Fyfyrwyr Addysg Uwch'.
- MSc Econ. Dulliau Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (Ysgol Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol a Gweinyddol, Prifysgol Caerdydd).
- BSc Econ. Cymdeithaseg (Ysgol Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol a Gweinyddol, Prifysgol Caerdydd)
Cwblheais fy PhD a noddir gan ESRC yn 2002. Rhwng 2001 a 2008 cefais fy nghyflogi ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ar nifer o brosiectau ymchwil, gyda'r mwyafrif ohonynt yn archwilio profiadau gweithwyr o addysg a hyfforddiant yn y gweithle. Yn 2008 cefais fy mhenodi'n Ddarlithydd (Addysg), Ysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Caerdydd, a chefais fy nyrchafu yn Uwch-ddarlithydd yn 2016, Darllenydd yn 2022 ac yn Athro yn 2024.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Gwyrddu Addysg a Hyfforddiant Galwedigaethol Technegol (GT-VET) - Rhaglen Addysg a Hyfforddiant Galwedigaethol Leonardo da Vinci y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd (Rhaglen Dysgu Gydol Oes) 2011 - Dyfarnwyd Prosiect Gorau y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA)
- Cynghorydd Arbenigol – Ffederasiwn Gweithwyr Metel Ewropeaidd Dewis Pwyllgor Deialog Cymdeithasol ar Ddatblygu'r Gweithlu, Recriwtio a Chadw (2009-2012)
- Aelod Cyswllt o SKOPE http://www.skope.ox.ac.uk/our-team/associates/
- Aelod o BUIRA
- Bathodyn Agored Sefydliad Hyfforddiant Ewropeaidd (ETF) – Rhwydwaith Labordai Sgiliau o Arbenigwyr
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
Ers 2003 rwyf wedi cael gwahoddiad i siarad mewn amryw o ddigwyddiadau a fforymau, gan gynnwys:
- Cyflwynwyd ar oblygiadau gweithlu rhyngwladoli'r diwydiant dur yn rhaglen broffesiynol Eurosteelmaster yn Terni, yr Eidal. (2003)
- Ers 2005 rwyf wedi mynychu ar wahoddiad Pwyllgor Deialog Cymdeithasol Sector y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd Steel i siarad ar sgiliau a hyfforddiant, Brwsel.
- Gwahodd trafodwr i Bord gron Rhaglen Gwastraff y Byd ESRC, Prifysgol Sheffield. (2007)
- Cyflwynodd dystiolaeth y DU ar yr achos dros Gyngor Dur Ewropeaidd ar swyddi a sgiliau, Brwsel. (2011)
- Cyflwyno canfyddiadau prosiect 'Skilling the Bay' (Ardal Geelong Ranbarthol) i lywodraeth Talaith Victoria (Adran Addysg), Geelong. (2013)
- Wedi'i wahodd gan Centre for Sustainable Organisations and Work, RMIT i siarad ar ranbarthau gwyrddio, Melbourne. (2013)
- Cyflwyniad i ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyd-fuddsoddi ar sgiliau oedolion (2014) https://www.iwa.wales/agenda/2014/08/a-skills-levy-for-more-and-better-training-at-work/
- Gwahoddwyd arbenigwr i weithdy a drefnwyd fel rhan o brosiect rhaglen Datblygu Economaidd a Chyflogaeth Leol (LEED) yr OECD ar wyrddni economi las rhanbarth Pomerskie, Gdansk. (2015)
- Gwahodd trafodydd i fwrdd crwn a drefnwyd gan ASE Jean Lambert ar ddatblygu economi werdd ar gyfer adroddiad i Bwyllgor Cyflogaeth a Materion Cymdeithasol y Senedd, Llundain. (2015)
- Gweithdy: Economi wleidyddol gyfnewidiol: Newid Hinsawdd a gwaith - Safbwyntiau rhyngwladol, Donald Lafleur, Is-lywydd Cyngres Lafur Canada, Bela Galgoczi o Sefydliad yr Undeb Llafur Ewropeaidd, Carla Lipsig Mummé, o Brifysgol Efrog, Toronto, John Calvert, Prifysgol Simon Fraser, British Columbia, Graham Petersen, UCU a Greener Jobs Alliance; Dean Stroud a Claire Evans o Brifysgol Caerdydd; Linda Clarke a Colin Gleeson, ProBE, Prifysgol Westminster; Martin Mayer, Sheffield TUC; Sheffield 4 Ebrill (2017)
- Panel y Gynhadledd: Yr Athro Carla Lipsig Mummé (Cadeirydd) (Prifysgol Efrog, Canada); Dean Stroud (Prifysgol Caerdydd); Donald Lafleur (VC gweithredol, Cyngres Lafur Canada); Lisa Schulte (Prifysgol Middlesex) Materion Gwyrdd: Newid hinsawdd a digideiddio, Cynhadledd Proses Llafur Ryngwladol, Sheffield, 5 Ebrill (2017)
- Siaradwr panel gwadd yng nghanmlwyddiant ILO Future of Work, Debating the Future of Work, Sheffield. (2019)
- Wedi'i wahodd yn arbenigwr i weithdy ESRC/EPSRC/Innovate UK ar Gronfa Her Strategaeth Ddiwydiannol UKRI arfaethedig meysydd newydd, 'Trawsnewid y Diwydiannau Sylfaen' (2019)
- Gwahodd trafodwr i Brifysgol Glasgow ac Alex Ferry Foundation RoundTable ar 'Y cyfleoedd ymchwil a pholisi a heriau sy'n ymwneud â materion 'gwaith da', TUC Congress House, Llundain. (2019)
- Cyflwyniad gwahoddedig ar fapiau ffyrdd y diwydiant i'r 'Adeiladu'r sgiliau cywir ar gyfer y diwydiant dur Ewropeaidd', Cynhadledd Gyrfaoedd y Sector Dur, Brwsel. (2020)
- Gwahodd trafodwr i Bord Gron Seneddol y Comisiwn Polisi ar Sgiliau ar gyfer Gweithgynhyrchu Cynaliadwy, 27 Ionawr, 2021
- Cyflwyniad gwahoddedig ar 'Arloesi ar gyfer effeithlonrwydd ynni: Gamification digidol yn niwydiant dur Ewrop', yng Nghynhadledd ETUI-ETUC: Tuag at gontract cymdeithasol-ecolegol newydd - Panel 1: Contract cymdeithasol newydd ar gyfer byd di-garbon, 4 Chwefror, 2021
- Cyflwyniad gwahoddedig ar 'Paratoi gweithwyr ar gyfer dyfodol gwyrdd a digidol: Persbectif VET Ewropeaidd' yn y Sefydliad Materion Cyhoeddus Ewropeaidd (EIPA) a Phrifysgol Gwyddorau Gweinyddol yr Almaen, Speyer: Sgiliau ar gyfer Amgylchedd Gwaith Modern a Digidol, 25 Chwefror, 2021
- Cyflwyniad gwahoddedig ar 'Effaith Pontio i Economi Werdd ar Ddatblygu Sgiliau' ar Weithwyr Ailsgilio ETUI ar Lefel Sectoraidd ar gyfer digwyddiad hyfforddi Economi Werdd, 25 Chwefror, 2021
- Gweithdy: Gwahoddiad i gymryd rhan yng Ngweithdy Trawsnewid y Diwydiannau Sylfaen Innovate UK ar Ddarpariaeth Sgiliau Technegol yn y DU (wedi'i drefnu gan Ymgynghorwyr SQW), 23ain Ebrill, 2021
- Cyflwyniad gwahoddedig ar 'Sicrhau sgiliau a thalent ar gyfer Diwydiant Dur y DU' yng nghanolfan ymchwil EPSRC 'Cynnal cynhadledd ddwy-flynyddol: Cynaliadwyedd mewn Dur'. 2nd Rhagfyr, 2021 Diwydiant dur yn ymgynnull i drafod cynaliadwyedd - Newyddion - Y Peiriannydd Cemegol
- Cyflwyniad gwahoddedig ar 'Technoleg a Lles Digidol: Persbectif Cymdeithasegol' yn Weminar Arloesi Grŵp Celsa 2022 - Gwella Lles trwy Ddeallusrwydd Artiffisial. 16 Chwefror, 2022
- Cyflwyniad gwahoddedig ar 'Agenda Sgiliau Dur Ewropeaidd' yng Nghynhadledd Canol Tymor SPIRE-SAIS, sesiwn ar 'Gweithredu a Chyflwyno', 3ydd / 4 Mawrth, 2022
- Tystiolaeth arbenigol a wahoddir - Llywodraeth Cymru: Prif ffrydio Cydraddoldeb a Phontio Cyfiawn i Sero-Net, 22 Mawrth 2022
- Cyflwyniad gwahoddedig ar 'Ddiffinio ac addasu sgiliau a swyddi ar gyfer diwydiant dur profedig yn y dyfodol' yn 5ed Cyfarfod Llwyfan Pontio yn unig: Ailsgilio a swyddi sy'n addas i'r dyfodol, 12 Mai 2022
- Cyfraniad arbenigol i strategaeth sgiliau gwyrdd ar gyfer y Swyddfa Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Seneddol y DU (POST) cyhoeddi'r adroddiad ar-lein 13 Hydref 2023
- Gwahoddiad i dystiolaeth i Bwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig 'Dyfodol Dur Cymru' Chwefror 29ain 2024
- Siaradwr gwadd a thrafodwr ar 'Anghenion Sgiliau Diwydiant Dur Ewrop: Gwersi o Brosiect ESSA' yng Nghynhadledd Cynaliadwyedd mewn Dur 8-10 Gorffennaf 2024, Prifysgol Abertawe SUSTAIN Steel - EPSRC Future Steel Manufacturing Hub — Cynhadledd SUSTAIN 2024
- Gwahoddiad i dystiolaeth i'r Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig i 'Effaith Amgylcheddol ac Etifeddiaeth Economaidd Cymru ' Gorffennol Diwydiannol', 20 Ionawr 2025.
- Panel yr Uned Ymchwil Cyflogaeth (ERU) (gyda Caroline Lloyd a Kendra Briken) ar Asiantau ac Asiantaeth ar gyfer Gweithredu Technoleg yn y Gwaith 'Deallusrwydd Artiffisial ar gyfer Gwneud Dur: optimeiddio prosesau, ychwanegu gweithwyr, atebolrwydd aneglur', Mawrth 5ed, 2025.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Cyngor Ymchwil Awstralia (ARC) Asesydd Cynnig
- Asesydd Cynnig ESRC
- Adolygydd cyfnodolion:
- Democratiaeth Economaidd a Diwydiannol
- International Journal of Education Development
- Cymdeithaseg
- Globaleiddio
- Cysylltiadau Industrielles
- British Educational Research Journal
- European Journal of Industrial Relations (rhifyn arbennig)
- Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economi a Chymdeithas
- Ynni a'r Amgylchedd
- Trosglwyddo
- Gwybodaeth a Threfniadaeth
- Economeg Gymhwysol
- PLOS One
- Adroddiadau Gwyddonol
- Cymdeithaseg Gyfredol
- Cysylltiadau Diwydiannol
- Rheoleiddio a Llywodraethu
- International Journal of Occupational Safety and Governance
- Un Ddaear
- Adolygydd cynnig llyfrau: Gwasg Polity; Springer.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD a'r Athro Doc ym meysydd:
- Economi wleidyddol gymharol
- Sgiliau a datblygu'r gweithlu
- Cysylltiadau diwydiannol
- Gwyrddio swyddi, sgiliau a'r economi
- Technoleg a digideiddio
Ar hyn o bryd yn goruchwylio:
- Tracy Eastment - The Myths, The Magic and the Melancholy: Proffesiynoli a chredydau hyfforddwyr syrffio
- Emma Chivers - Sut gall SAU gynyddu cadw a dilyniant myfyrwyr blwyddyn sylfaen mewn addysg uwch yng Nghymru?
- Gareth Downey - Diwygio cymwysterau galwedigaethol yng Nghymru - rôl a dylanwad darparwyr dysgu yn y broses ddiwygio
- Andrew Burnett - Effaith hyfforddiant athrawon proffesiynol ar hunaniaeth broffesiynol y proffesiynau meddygol
- Francisco Pando Junco - Ymchwiliad dulliau cymysg i agweddau gweithwyr at Ddiwydiant 4.0 yn y Diwydiant Bwyd a Diod: Cymhariaeth rhwng Sbaen a'r DU.
- Scovia Adrupio - Adeiladu systemau bwyd cyfiawn a chynaliadwy: achos o ffermio menywod ar raddfa fach yn Uganda
- Mater Hadadi - Defnyddio Roboteg ar gyfer Addysg STEM mewn Ysgolion Uwchradd - Canfyddiadau Athrawon a Myfyrwyr
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Emma Chivers

Gareth Downey
Francisco Pando Junco

Mater Hadadi
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Jean Pia - "nangangamuhan": Dadansoddiad o'r contract cyflogaeth safonol (POEA-SEC) ar gyfer morwyr Filipino (Dyfarnwyd 2018)
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Junichi Mori - Ffurfio Sgiliau Dynamig yn Fietnam: Tu hwnt i batrwm 'Skill Mismatch' (Dyfarnwyd 2019)
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Issa Al Shabibi - Cynllunio ar gyfer Entrepreneuriaeth mewn Economi Wladwriaeth Rentier State: Addysg Entrepreneuriaeth ar gyfer Arallgyfeirio Economaidd yn Oman (Dyfarnwyd 2020)
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Scott McKenzie - Cymhwyso polisïau ac arferion sy'n seiliedig ar ardal yn agenda mynediad prifysgolion yng Nghymru (Dyfarnwyd 2022)
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Khalifa Al Hatmi - Effaith Cymwysterau a Chyfalaf Cymdeithasol ar Ganlyniadau Cyflogaeth (Dyfarnwyd 2022)
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Faisal Al Balushi - Rôl Cynghorau Cynghori Myfyrwyr yn Datblygu Sgiliau Dinasyddiaeth a Chyfranogiad Dinesig ymhlith Myfyrwyr Addysg Uwch yn Oman (Dyfarnwyd 2023)
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Geena Whiteman - Entrepreneuriaeth Ddigidol a Chymdeithasol Ieuenctid yn y Cyd-destun Ôl-Sosialaidd: Astudiaeth Achos Gymharol o Kosovo a Slofenia (Dyfarnwyd 2024)
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Andrew Burnett - Sut mae hunaniaethau proffesiynol yn effeithio ar sut mae myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig addysg o fewn gofal iechyd yn 'gwneud synnwyr' o ddysgu i ddod yn athrawon? (Dyfarnwyd 2025)
Cyd-oruchwyliwr (50%) ar gyfer Gareth Downey - Cynnwys rhanddeiliaid a dylanwad wrth ddiwygio cymwysterau galwedigaethol yng Nghymru (Dyfarnwyd 2025)
Contact Details
+44 29208 74000 ext 77406
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell 2.39, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA
Themâu ymchwil
- Cysylltiadau diwydiannol a gweithwyr
- Gweithlu